- for (UInt range = 0; range < _rangesCount; range++) {
- ioPLBlock iopl;
- mach_vm_address_t startPage;
- mach_vm_size_t numBytes;
- ppnum_t highPage = 0;
- // Get the startPage address and length of vec[range]
- getAddrLenForInd(startPage, numBytes, type, vec, range);
- iopl.fPageOffset = startPage & PAGE_MASK;
- numBytes += iopl.fPageOffset;
- startPage = trunc_page_64(startPage);
- if (mapper)
- iopl.fMappedPage = mapBase + pageIndex;
- else
- iopl.fMappedPage = 0;
- // Iterate over the current range, creating UPLs
- while (numBytes) {
- vm_address_t kernelStart = (vm_address_t) startPage;
- vm_map_t theMap;
- if (curMap) theMap = curMap;
- else if (_memRef)
- {
- theMap = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(_task == kernel_task);
- theMap = IOPageableMapForAddress(kernelStart);
- }
- // ioplFlags is an in/out parameter
- upl_control_flags_t ioplFlags = uplFlags;
- dataP = getDataP(_memoryEntries);
- pageInfo = getPageList(dataP);
- upl_page_list_ptr_t baseInfo = &pageInfo[pageIndex];
- mach_vm_size_t _ioplSize = round_page(numBytes);
- upl_size_t ioplSize = (_ioplSize <= MAX_UPL_SIZE_BYTES) ? _ioplSize : MAX_UPL_SIZE_BYTES;
- unsigned int numPageInfo = atop_32(ioplSize);
- if ((theMap == kernel_map)
- && (kernelStart >= io_kernel_static_start)
- && (kernelStart < io_kernel_static_end)) {
- error = io_get_kernel_static_upl(theMap,
- kernelStart,
- &ioplSize,
- &iopl.fIOPL,
- baseInfo,
- &numPageInfo,
- &highPage);
- }
- else if (_memRef) {
- memory_object_offset_t entryOffset;
- entryOffset = mdOffset;
- entryOffset = (entryOffset - iopl.fPageOffset - memRefEntry->offset);
- if (entryOffset >= memRefEntry->size) {
- memRefEntry++;
- if (memRefEntry >= &_memRef->entries[_memRef->count]) panic("memRefEntry");
- entryOffset = 0;
- }
- if (ioplSize > (memRefEntry->size - entryOffset)) ioplSize = (memRefEntry->size - entryOffset);
- error = memory_object_iopl_request(memRefEntry->entry,
- entryOffset,
- &ioplSize,
- &iopl.fIOPL,
- baseInfo,
- &numPageInfo,
- &ioplFlags);
- }
- else {
- assert(theMap);
- error = vm_map_create_upl(theMap,
- startPage,
- (upl_size_t*)&ioplSize,
- &iopl.fIOPL,
- baseInfo,
- &numPageInfo,
- &ioplFlags);
- }
- if (error != KERN_SUCCESS)
- goto abortExit;
- assert(ioplSize);
+ if (kIODirectionPrepareToPhys32 & forDirection)
+ {
+ if (!mapper) uplFlags |= UPL_NEED_32BIT_ADDR;
+ if (dataP->fDMAMapNumAddressBits > 32) dataP->fDMAMapNumAddressBits = 32;
+ }
+ if (kIODirectionPrepareNoFault & forDirection) uplFlags |= UPL_REQUEST_NO_FAULT;
+ if (kIODirectionPrepareNoZeroFill & forDirection) uplFlags |= UPL_NOZEROFILLIO;
+ if (kIODirectionPrepareNonCoherent & forDirection) uplFlags |= UPL_REQUEST_FORCE_COHERENCY;
+ mapBase = 0;
+ // Note that appendBytes(NULL) zeros the data up to the desired length
+ // and the length parameter is an unsigned int
+ size_t uplPageSize = dataP->fPageCnt * sizeof(upl_page_info_t);
+ if (uplPageSize > ((unsigned int)uplPageSize)) return (kIOReturnNoMemory);
+ if (!_memoryEntries->appendBytes(0, uplPageSize)) return (kIOReturnNoMemory);
+ dataP = 0;
+ // Find the appropriate vm_map for the given task
+ vm_map_t curMap;
+ if (_task == kernel_task && (kIOMemoryBufferPageable & _flags)) curMap = 0;
+ else curMap = get_task_map(_task);
+ // Iterate over the vector of virtual ranges
+ Ranges vec = _ranges;
+ unsigned int pageIndex = 0;
+ IOByteCount mdOffset = 0;
+ ppnum_t highestPage = 0;
+ IOMemoryEntry * memRefEntry = 0;
+ if (_memRef) memRefEntry = &_memRef->entries[0];
+ for (UInt range = 0; range < _rangesCount; range++) {
+ ioPLBlock iopl;
+ mach_vm_address_t startPage;
+ mach_vm_size_t numBytes;
+ ppnum_t highPage = 0;
+ // Get the startPage address and length of vec[range]
+ getAddrLenForInd(startPage, numBytes, type, vec, range);
+ iopl.fPageOffset = startPage & PAGE_MASK;
+ numBytes += iopl.fPageOffset;
+ startPage = trunc_page_64(startPage);
+ if (mapper)
+ iopl.fMappedPage = mapBase + pageIndex;
+ else
+ iopl.fMappedPage = 0;
+ // Iterate over the current range, creating UPLs
+ while (numBytes) {
+ vm_address_t kernelStart = (vm_address_t) startPage;
+ vm_map_t theMap;
+ if (curMap) theMap = curMap;
+ else if (_memRef)
+ {
+ theMap = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(_task == kernel_task);
+ theMap = IOPageableMapForAddress(kernelStart);
+ }