- iprintf("%slocal, %sinactive, %sactive, %sthrottled, %sgobbled, %slaundry, %sfree, %sref, %sencrypted\n",
- (p->local ? "" : "!"),
- (p->inactive ? "" : "!"),
- (p->active ? "" : "!"),
- (p->throttled ? "" : "!"),
- (p->gobbled ? "" : "!"),
- (p->laundry ? "" : "!"),
- (p->free ? "" : "!"),
- (p->reference ? "" : "!"),
- (p->encrypted ? "" : "!"));
- iprintf("%sbusy, %swanted, %stabled, %sfictitious, %sprivate, %sprecious\n",
- (p->busy ? "" : "!"),
- (p->wanted ? "" : "!"),
- (p->tabled ? "" : "!"),
- (p->fictitious ? "" : "!"),
- (p->private ? "" : "!"),
- (p->precious ? "" : "!"));
- iprintf("%sabsent, %serror, %sdirty, %scleaning, %spageout, %sclustered\n",
- (p->absent ? "" : "!"),
- (p->error ? "" : "!"),
- (p->dirty ? "" : "!"),
- (p->cleaning ? "" : "!"),
- (p->pageout ? "" : "!"),
- (p->clustered ? "" : "!"));
- iprintf("%soverwriting, %srestart, %sunusual\n",
- (p->overwriting ? "" : "!"),
- (p->restart ? "" : "!"),
- (p->unusual ? "" : "!"));
- iprintf("phys_page=0x%x", p->phys_page);
- db_indent -= 2;
+ uintptr_t* frameptr;
+ uintptr_t* frameptr_next;
+ uintptr_t retaddr;
+ uintptr_t kstackb, kstackt;
+ const vm_allocation_site_t * site;
+ thread_t cthread;
+ cthread = current_thread();
+ if (__improbable(cthread == NULL)) return VM_KERN_MEMORY_OSFMK;
+ kstackb = cthread->kernel_stack;
+ kstackt = kstackb + kernel_stack_size;
+ /* Load stack frame pointer (EBP on x86) into frameptr */
+ frameptr = __builtin_frame_address(0);
+ site = NULL;
+ while (frameptr != NULL)
+ {
+ /* Verify thread stack bounds */
+ if (((uintptr_t)(frameptr + 2) > kstackt) || ((uintptr_t)frameptr < kstackb)) break;
+ /* Next frame pointer is pointed to by the previous one */
+ frameptr_next = (uintptr_t*) *frameptr;
+ /* Pull return address from one spot above the frame pointer */
+ retaddr = *(frameptr + 1);
+ if ((retaddr < vm_kernel_stext) || (retaddr > vm_kernel_top))
+ {
+ site = OSKextGetAllocationSiteForCaller(retaddr);
+ break;
+ }
+ frameptr = frameptr_next;
+ }
+ return (site ? site->tag : VM_KERN_MEMORY_NONE);
+static uint64_t free_tag_bits[256/64];
+vm_tag_alloc_locked(vm_allocation_site_t * site)
+ vm_tag_t tag;
+ uint64_t avail;
+ uint64_t idx;
+ if (site->tag) return;
+ idx = 0;
+ while (TRUE)
+ {
+ avail = free_tag_bits[idx];
+ if (avail)
+ {
+ tag = __builtin_clzll(avail);
+ avail &= ~(1ULL << (63 - tag));
+ free_tag_bits[idx] = avail;
+ tag += (idx << 6);
+ break;
+ }
+ idx++;
+ if (idx >= (sizeof(free_tag_bits) / sizeof(free_tag_bits[0])))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ site->tag = tag;
+ if (VM_KERN_MEMORY_ANY != tag)
+ {
+ assert(!vm_allocation_sites[tag]);
+ vm_allocation_sites[tag] = site;
+ }
+static void
+vm_tag_free_locked(vm_tag_t tag)
+ uint64_t avail;
+ uint32_t idx;
+ uint64_t bit;
+ if (VM_KERN_MEMORY_ANY == tag) return;
+ idx = (tag >> 6);
+ avail = free_tag_bits[idx];
+ tag &= 63;
+ bit = (1ULL << (63 - tag));
+ assert(!(avail & bit));
+ free_tag_bits[idx] = (avail | bit);
+static void
+ vm_tag_t tag;
+ {
+ vm_tag_free_locked(tag);
+ }
+vm_tag_alloc(vm_allocation_site_t * site)
+ vm_tag_t tag;
+ if (VM_TAG_BT & site->flags)
+ {
+ tag = vm_tag_bt();
+ if (VM_KERN_MEMORY_NONE != tag) return (tag);
+ }
+ if (!site->tag)
+ {
+ lck_spin_lock(&vm_allocation_sites_lock);
+ vm_tag_alloc_locked(site);
+ lck_spin_unlock(&vm_allocation_sites_lock);
+ }
+ return (site->tag);
+static void
+vm_page_count_object(mach_memory_info_t * sites, unsigned int __unused num_sites, vm_object_t object)
+ if (!object->wired_page_count) return;
+ if (object != kernel_object)
+ {
+ assert(object->wire_tag < num_sites);
+ sites[object->wire_tag].size += ptoa_64(object->wired_page_count);
+ }
+typedef void (*vm_page_iterate_proc)(mach_memory_info_t * sites,
+ unsigned int num_sites, vm_object_t object);
+static void
+vm_page_iterate_purgeable_objects(mach_memory_info_t * sites, unsigned int num_sites,
+ vm_page_iterate_proc proc, purgeable_q_t queue,
+ int group)
+ vm_object_t object;
+ for (object = (vm_object_t) queue_first(&queue->objq[group]);
+ !queue_end(&queue->objq[group], (queue_entry_t) object);
+ object = (vm_object_t) queue_next(&object->objq))
+ {
+ proc(sites, num_sites, object);
+ }
+static void
+vm_page_iterate_objects(mach_memory_info_t * sites, unsigned int num_sites,
+ vm_page_iterate_proc proc)
+ purgeable_q_t volatile_q;
+ queue_head_t * nonvolatile_q;
+ vm_object_t object;
+ int group;
+ lck_spin_lock(&vm_objects_wired_lock);
+ queue_iterate(&vm_objects_wired,
+ object,
+ vm_object_t,
+ objq)
+ {
+ proc(sites, num_sites, object);
+ }
+ lck_spin_unlock(&vm_objects_wired_lock);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&vm_purgeable_queue_lock);
+ nonvolatile_q = &purgeable_nonvolatile_queue;
+ for (object = (vm_object_t) queue_first(nonvolatile_q);
+ !queue_end(nonvolatile_q, (queue_entry_t) object);
+ object = (vm_object_t) queue_next(&object->objq))
+ {
+ proc(sites, num_sites, object);
+ }
+ volatile_q = &purgeable_queues[PURGEABLE_Q_TYPE_OBSOLETE];
+ vm_page_iterate_purgeable_objects(sites, num_sites, proc, volatile_q, 0);
+ volatile_q = &purgeable_queues[PURGEABLE_Q_TYPE_FIFO];
+ for (group = 0; group < NUM_VOLATILE_GROUPS; group++)
+ {
+ vm_page_iterate_purgeable_objects(sites, num_sites, proc, volatile_q, group);
+ }
+ volatile_q = &purgeable_queues[PURGEABLE_Q_TYPE_LIFO];
+ for (group = 0; group < NUM_VOLATILE_GROUPS; group++)
+ {
+ vm_page_iterate_purgeable_objects(sites, num_sites, proc, volatile_q, group);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&vm_purgeable_queue_lock);
+static uint64_t
+process_account(mach_memory_info_t * sites, unsigned int __unused num_sites)
+ uint64_t found;
+ unsigned int idx;
+ vm_allocation_site_t * site;
+ assert(num_sites >= VM_KERN_MEMORY_COUNT);
+ found = 0;
+ for (idx = 0; idx < VM_KERN_MEMORY_COUNT; idx++)
+ {
+ found += sites[idx].size;
+ {
+ sites[idx].site = idx;
+ sites[idx].flags |= VM_KERN_SITE_TAG;
+ if (VM_KERN_MEMORY_ZONE == idx) sites[idx].flags |= VM_KERN_SITE_HIDE;
+ else sites[idx].flags |= VM_KERN_SITE_WIRED;
+ continue;
+ }
+ lck_spin_lock(&vm_allocation_sites_lock);
+ if ((site = vm_allocation_sites[idx]))
+ {
+ if (sites[idx].size)
+ {
+ sites[idx].flags |= VM_KERN_SITE_WIRED;
+ if (VM_TAG_KMOD == (VM_KERN_SITE_TYPE & site->flags))
+ {
+ sites[idx].site = OSKextGetKmodIDForSite(site);
+ sites[idx].flags |= VM_KERN_SITE_KMOD;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sites[idx].site = VM_KERNEL_UNSLIDE(site);
+ sites[idx].flags |= VM_KERN_SITE_KERNEL;
+ }
+ site = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vm_tag_free_locked(site->tag);
+ site->tag = VM_KERN_MEMORY_NONE;
+ vm_allocation_sites[idx] = NULL;
+ if (!(VM_TAG_UNLOAD & site->flags)) site = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ lck_spin_unlock(&vm_allocation_sites_lock);
+ if (site) OSKextFreeSite(site);
+ }
+ return (found);
+vm_page_diagnose(mach_memory_info_t * sites, unsigned int num_sites)
+ enum { kMaxKernelDepth = 1 };
+ vm_map_t maps [kMaxKernelDepth];
+ vm_map_entry_t entries[kMaxKernelDepth];
+ vm_map_t map;
+ vm_map_entry_t entry;
+ vm_object_offset_t offset;
+ vm_page_t page;
+ int stackIdx, count;
+ uint64_t wired_size;
+ uint64_t wired_managed_size;
+ uint64_t wired_reserved_size;
+ mach_memory_info_t * counts;
+ bzero(sites, num_sites * sizeof(mach_memory_info_t));
+ vm_page_iterate_objects(sites, num_sites, &vm_page_count_object);
+ wired_size = ptoa_64(vm_page_wire_count + vm_lopage_free_count + vm_page_throttled_count);
+ wired_reserved_size = ptoa_64(vm_page_wire_count_initial - vm_page_stolen_count + vm_page_throttled_count);
+ wired_managed_size = ptoa_64(vm_page_wire_count - vm_page_wire_count_initial);
+ assert(num_sites >= (VM_KERN_MEMORY_COUNT + VM_KERN_COUNTER_COUNT));
+ counts = &sites[VM_KERN_MEMORY_COUNT];
+#define SET_COUNT(xcount, xsize, xflags) \
+ counts[xcount].site = (xcount); \
+ counts[xcount].size = (xsize); \
+ counts[xcount].flags = VM_KERN_SITE_COUNTER | xflags;
+ SET_COUNT(VM_KERN_COUNT_MANAGED, ptoa_64(vm_page_pages), 0);
+ SET_COUNT(VM_KERN_COUNT_WIRED, wired_size, 0);
+ SET_COUNT(VM_KERN_COUNT_WIRED_MANAGED, wired_managed_size, 0);
+ SET_COUNT(VM_KERN_COUNT_STOLEN, ptoa_64(vm_page_stolen_count), VM_KERN_SITE_WIRED);
+ SET_COUNT(VM_KERN_COUNT_LOPAGE, ptoa_64(vm_lopage_free_count), VM_KERN_SITE_WIRED);
+#define SET_MAP(xcount, xsize, xfree, xlargest) \
+ counts[xcount].site = (xcount); \
+ counts[xcount].size = (xsize); \
+ counts[xcount].free = (xfree); \
+ counts[xcount].largest = (xlargest); \
+ counts[xcount].flags = VM_KERN_SITE_COUNTER;
+ vm_map_size_t map_size, map_free, map_largest;
+ vm_map_sizes(kernel_map, &map_size, &map_free, &map_largest);
+ SET_MAP(VM_KERN_COUNT_MAP_KERNEL, map_size, map_free, map_largest);
+ vm_map_sizes(zone_map, &map_size, &map_free, &map_largest);
+ SET_MAP(VM_KERN_COUNT_MAP_ZONE, map_size, map_free, map_largest);
+ vm_map_sizes(kalloc_map, &map_size, &map_free, &map_largest);
+ SET_MAP(VM_KERN_COUNT_MAP_KALLOC, map_size, map_free, map_largest);
+ map = kernel_map;
+ stackIdx = 0;
+ while (map)
+ {
+ vm_map_lock(map);
+ for (entry = map->hdr.links.next; map; entry = entry->links.next)
+ {
+ if (entry->is_sub_map)
+ {
+ assert(stackIdx < kMaxKernelDepth);
+ maps[stackIdx] = map;
+ entries[stackIdx] = entry;
+ stackIdx++;
+ map = VME_SUBMAP(entry);
+ entry = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (VME_OBJECT(entry) == kernel_object)
+ {
+ count = 0;
+ vm_object_lock(VME_OBJECT(entry));
+ for (offset = entry->links.start; offset < entry->links.end; offset += page_size)
+ {
+ page = vm_page_lookup(VME_OBJECT(entry), offset);
+ if (page && VM_PAGE_WIRED(page)) count++;
+ }
+ vm_object_unlock(VME_OBJECT(entry));
+ if (count)
+ {
+ assert(VME_ALIAS(entry) < num_sites);
+ sites[VME_ALIAS(entry)].size += ptoa_64(count);
+ }
+ }
+ if (entry == vm_map_last_entry(map))
+ {
+ vm_map_unlock(map);
+ if (!stackIdx) map = NULL;
+ else
+ {
+ --stackIdx;
+ map = maps[stackIdx];
+ entry = entries[stackIdx];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ process_account(sites, num_sites);
+ return (KERN_SUCCESS);