- * Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
/* Copyright (c) 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
* External virtual filesystem routines
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/proc_internal.h>
#include <sys/kdebug.h>
#include <sys/kauth.h>
#include <sys/user.h>
+#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/kern_memorystatus.h>
+#include <sys/lockf.h>
#include <miscfs/fifofs/fifo.h>
#include <string.h>
-#include <machine/spl.h>
+#include <machine/machine_routines.h>
#include <kern/assert.h>
+#include <mach/kern_return.h>
+#include <kern/thread.h>
+#include <kern/sched_prim.h>
#include <miscfs/specfs/specdev.h>
#include <mach/memory_object_types.h>
#include <mach/memory_object_control.h>
-#include <kern/kalloc.h> /* kalloc()/kfree() */
-#include <kern/clock.h> /* delay_for_interval() */
-#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h> /* OSAddAtomic() */
+#include <kern/kalloc.h> /* kalloc()/kfree() */
+#include <kern/clock.h> /* delay_for_interval() */
+#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h> /* OSAddAtomic() */
+#include <console/video_console.h>
#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
#include <libkern/OSDebug.h>
-#include <vm/vm_protos.h> /* vnode_pager_vrele() */
+#include <vm/vm_protos.h> /* vnode_pager_vrele() */
#include <security/mac_framework.h>
+#include <vfs/vfs_disk_conditioner.h>
+#include <libkern/section_keywords.h>
extern lck_grp_t *vnode_lck_grp;
extern lck_attr_t *vnode_lck_attr;
-int vttoif_tab[9] = {
+int vttoif_tab[9] = {
memory_object_control_t control,
boolean_t rage);
+extern void memory_object_mark_io_tracking(
+ memory_object_control_t control);
/* XXX next protptype should be from <nfs/nfs.h> */
extern int nfs_vinvalbuf(vnode_t, int, vfs_context_t, int);
+extern int paniclog_append_noflush(const char *format, ...);
/* XXX next prototytype should be from libsa/stdlib.h> but conflicts libkern */
__private_extern__ void qsort(
- void * array,
- size_t nmembers,
- size_t member_size,
- int (*)(const void *, const void *));
+ void * array,
+ size_t nmembers,
+ size_t member_size,
+ int (*)(const void *, const void *));
-extern kern_return_t adjust_vm_object_cache(vm_size_t oval, vm_size_t nval);
__private_extern__ void vntblinit(void);
-__private_extern__ kern_return_t reset_vmobjectcache(unsigned int val1,
- unsigned int val2);
-__private_extern__ int unlink1(vfs_context_t, struct nameidata *, int);
+__private_extern__ int unlink1(vfs_context_t, vnode_t, user_addr_t,
+ enum uio_seg, int);
extern int system_inshutdown;
static void vnode_list_add(vnode_t);
+static void vnode_async_list_add(vnode_t);
static void vnode_list_remove(vnode_t);
static void vnode_list_remove_locked(vnode_t);
+static void vnode_abort_advlocks(vnode_t);
static errno_t vnode_drain(vnode_t);
static void vgone(vnode_t, int flags);
static void vclean(vnode_t vp, int flag);
static void vnode_reclaim_internal(vnode_t, int, int, int);
-static void vnode_dropiocount (vnode_t);
+static void vnode_dropiocount(vnode_t);
static vnode_t checkalias(vnode_t vp, dev_t nvp_rdev);
static int vnode_reload(vnode_t);
static int vnode_isinuse_locked(vnode_t, int, int);
+static int unmount_callback(mount_t, __unused void *);
static void insmntque(vnode_t vp, mount_t mp);
static int mount_getvfscnt(void);
static int mount_fillfsids(fsid_t *, int );
static void vnode_iterate_clear(mount_t);
static mount_t vfs_getvfs_locked(fsid_t *);
static int vn_create_reg(vnode_t dvp, vnode_t *vpp, struct nameidata *ndp,
- struct vnode_attr *vap, uint32_t flags, int fmode, uint32_t *statusp, vfs_context_t ctx);
+ struct vnode_attr *vap, uint32_t flags, int fmode, uint32_t *statusp, vfs_context_t ctx);
static int vnode_authattr_new_internal(vnode_t dvp, struct vnode_attr *vap, int noauth, uint32_t *defaulted_fieldsp, vfs_context_t ctx);
-errno_t rmdir_remove_orphaned_appleDouble(vnode_t, vfs_context_t, int *);
+errno_t rmdir_remove_orphaned_appleDouble(vnode_t, vfs_context_t, int *);
#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
static void record_vp(vnode_t vp, int count);
+extern int bootarg_no_vnode_jetsam; /* from bsd_init.c default value is 0 */
+extern int bootarg_no_vnode_drain; /* from bsd_init.c default value is 0 */
+boolean_t root_is_CF_drive = FALSE;
static int vnode_resolver_create(mount_t, vnode_t, struct vnode_trigger_param *, boolean_t external);
static void vnode_resolver_detach(vnode_t);
-TAILQ_HEAD(freelst, vnode) vnode_free_list; /* vnode free list */
-TAILQ_HEAD(deadlst, vnode) vnode_dead_list; /* vnode dead list */
+TAILQ_HEAD(freelst, vnode) vnode_free_list; /* vnode free list */
+TAILQ_HEAD(deadlst, vnode) vnode_dead_list; /* vnode dead list */
+TAILQ_HEAD(async_work_lst, vnode) vnode_async_work_list;
-TAILQ_HEAD(ragelst, vnode) vnode_rage_list; /* vnode rapid age list */
+TAILQ_HEAD(ragelst, vnode) vnode_rage_list; /* vnode rapid age list */
struct timeval rage_tv;
-int rage_limit = 0;
-int ragevnodes = 0;
+int rage_limit = 0;
+int ragevnodes = 0;
+static int vfs_unmountall_started = 0;
+#define RAGE_LIMIT_MIN 100
+#define RAGE_TIME_LIMIT 5
+ * ROSV definitions
+ * NOTE: These are shadowed from PlatformSupport definitions, but XNU
+ * builds standalone.
+ */
+#define PLATFORM_DATA_VOLUME_MOUNT_POINT "/System/Volumes/Data"
+#define PLATFORM_VM_VOLUME_MOUNT_POINT "/private/var/vm"
-#define RAGE_LIMIT_MIN 100
-#define RAGE_TIME_LIMIT 5
-struct mntlist mountlist; /* mounted filesystem list */
+struct mntlist mountlist; /* mounted filesystem list */
static int nummounts = 0;
+static int print_busy_vnodes = 0; /* print out busy vnodes */
-#define VLISTCHECK(fun, vp, list) \
+#define VLISTCHECK(fun, vp, list) \
if ((vp)->v_freelist.tqe_prev == (struct vnode **)0xdeadb) \
- panic("%s: %s vnode not on %slist", (fun), (list), (list));
+ panic("%s: %s vnode not on %slist", (fun), (list), (list));
#define VLISTCHECK(fun, vp, list)
#endif /* DIAGNOSTIC */
-#define VLISTNONE(vp) \
- do { \
- (vp)->v_freelist.tqe_next = (struct vnode *)0; \
- (vp)->v_freelist.tqe_prev = (struct vnode **)0xdeadb; \
+#define VLISTNONE(vp) \
+ do { \
+ (vp)->v_freelist.tqe_next = (struct vnode *)0; \
+ (vp)->v_freelist.tqe_prev = (struct vnode **)0xdeadb; \
} while(0)
-#define VONLIST(vp) \
+#define VONLIST(vp) \
((vp)->v_freelist.tqe_prev != (struct vnode **)0xdeadb)
/* remove a vnode from free vnode list */
-#define VREMFREE(fun, vp) \
- do { \
- VLISTCHECK((fun), (vp), "free"); \
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&vnode_free_list, (vp), v_freelist); \
- VLISTNONE((vp)); \
- freevnodes--; \
+#define VREMFREE(fun, vp) \
+ do { \
+ VLISTCHECK((fun), (vp), "free"); \
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&vnode_free_list, (vp), v_freelist); \
+ VLISTNONE((vp)); \
+ freevnodes--; \
} while(0)
/* remove a vnode from dead vnode list */
-#define VREMDEAD(fun, vp) \
- do { \
- VLISTCHECK((fun), (vp), "dead"); \
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&vnode_dead_list, (vp), v_freelist); \
- VLISTNONE((vp)); \
- vp->v_listflag &= ~VLIST_DEAD; \
- deadvnodes--; \
+#define VREMDEAD(fun, vp) \
+ do { \
+ VLISTCHECK((fun), (vp), "dead"); \
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&vnode_dead_list, (vp), v_freelist); \
+ VLISTNONE((vp)); \
+ vp->v_listflag &= ~VLIST_DEAD; \
+ deadvnodes--; \
} while(0)
-/* remove a vnode from rage vnode list */
-#define VREMRAGE(fun, vp) \
- do { \
- if ( !(vp->v_listflag & VLIST_RAGE)) \
- panic("VREMRAGE: vp not on rage list"); \
- VLISTCHECK((fun), (vp), "rage"); \
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&vnode_rage_list, (vp), v_freelist); \
- VLISTNONE((vp)); \
- vp->v_listflag &= ~VLIST_RAGE; \
- ragevnodes--; \
+/* remove a vnode from async work vnode list */
+#define VREMASYNC_WORK(fun, vp) \
+ do { \
+ VLISTCHECK((fun), (vp), "async_work"); \
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&vnode_async_work_list, (vp), v_freelist); \
+ VLISTNONE((vp)); \
+ vp->v_listflag &= ~VLIST_ASYNC_WORK; \
+ async_work_vnodes--; \
} while(0)
- * vnodetarget hasn't been used in a long time, but
- * it was exported for some reason... I'm leaving in
- * place for now... it should be deprecated out of the
- * exports and removed eventually.
- */
-u_int32_t vnodetarget; /* target for vnreclaim() */
-#define VNODE_FREE_TARGET 20 /* Default value for vnodetarget */
+/* remove a vnode from rage vnode list */
+#define VREMRAGE(fun, vp) \
+ do { \
+ if ( !(vp->v_listflag & VLIST_RAGE)) \
+ panic("VREMRAGE: vp not on rage list"); \
+ VLISTCHECK((fun), (vp), "rage"); \
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&vnode_rage_list, (vp), v_freelist); \
+ VLISTNONE((vp)); \
+ vp->v_listflag &= ~VLIST_RAGE; \
+ ragevnodes--; \
+ } while(0)
- * We need quite a few vnodes on the free list to sustain the
- * rapid stat() the compilation process does, and still benefit from the name
- * cache. Having too few vnodes on the free list causes serious disk
- * thrashing as we cycle through them.
- */
-#define VNODE_FREE_MIN CONFIG_VNODE_FREE_MIN /* freelist should have at least this many */
+static void async_work_continue(void);
* Initialize the vnode management data structures.
__private_extern__ void
+ thread_t thread = THREAD_NULL;
+ TAILQ_INIT(&vnode_async_work_list);
- if (!vnodetarget)
- vnodetarget = VNODE_FREE_TARGET;
rage_limit = desiredvnodes / 100;
- if (rage_limit < RAGE_LIMIT_MIN)
- rage_limit = RAGE_LIMIT_MIN;
- /*
- * Scale the vm_object_cache to accomodate the vnodes
- * we want to cache
- */
- (void) adjust_vm_object_cache(0, desiredvnodes - VNODE_FREE_MIN);
-/* Reset the VM Object Cache with the values passed in */
-__private_extern__ kern_return_t
-reset_vmobjectcache(unsigned int val1, unsigned int val2)
- vm_size_t oval = val1 - VNODE_FREE_MIN;
- vm_size_t nval;
- if (val1 == val2) {
- return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ if (rage_limit < RAGE_LIMIT_MIN) {
+ rage_limit = RAGE_LIMIT_MIN;
- if(val2 < VNODE_FREE_MIN)
- nval = 0;
- else
- nval = val2 - VNODE_FREE_MIN;
- return(adjust_vm_object_cache(oval, nval));
+ /*
+ * create worker threads
+ */
+ kernel_thread_start((thread_continue_t)async_work_continue, NULL, &thread);
+ thread_deallocate(thread);
/* the timeout is in 10 msecs */
-vnode_waitforwrites(vnode_t vp, int output_target, int slpflag, int slptimeout, const char *msg) {
- int error = 0;
+vnode_waitforwrites(vnode_t vp, int output_target, int slpflag, int slptimeout, const char *msg)
+ int error = 0;
struct timespec ts;
KERNEL_DEBUG(0x3010280 | DBG_FUNC_START, (int)vp, output_target, vp->v_numoutput, 0, 0);
if (vp->v_numoutput > output_target) {
+ slpflag |= PDROP;
- slpflag |= PDROP;
- vnode_lock_spin(vp);
+ vnode_lock_spin(vp);
while ((vp->v_numoutput > output_target) && error == 0) {
- if (output_target)
- vp->v_flag |= VTHROTTLED;
- else
- vp->v_flag |= VBWAIT;
+ if (output_target) {
+ vp->v_flag |= VTHROTTLED;
+ } else {
+ vp->v_flag |= VBWAIT;
+ }
- ts.tv_sec = (slptimeout/100);
- ts.tv_nsec = (slptimeout % 1000) * 10 * NSEC_PER_USEC * 1000 ;
+ ts.tv_sec = (slptimeout / 100);
+ ts.tv_nsec = (slptimeout % 1000) * 10 * NSEC_PER_USEC * 1000;
error = msleep((caddr_t)&vp->v_numoutput, &vp->v_lock, (slpflag | (PRIBIO + 1)), msg, &ts);
-vnode_startwrite(vnode_t vp) {
- OSAddAtomic(1, &vp->v_numoutput);
+vnode_startwrite(vnode_t vp)
+ OSAddAtomic(1, &vp->v_numoutput);
if (vp) {
int need_wakeup = 0;
- OSAddAtomic(-1, &vp->v_numoutput);
+ OSAddAtomic(-1, &vp->v_numoutput);
- if (vp->v_numoutput < 0)
+ if (vp->v_numoutput < 0) {
panic("vnode_writedone: numoutput < 0");
+ }
if ((vp->v_flag & VTHROTTLED)) {
vp->v_flag &= ~VTHROTTLED;
need_wakeup = 1;
- if (need_wakeup)
+ if (need_wakeup) {
+ }
vnode_hasdirtyblks(vnode_t vp)
- struct cl_writebehind *wbp;
+ struct cl_writebehind *wbp;
* Not taking the buf_mtxp as there is little
* point doing it. Even if the lock is taken the
- * state can change right after that. If their
+ * state can change right after that. If their
* needs to be a synchronization, it must be driven
* by the caller
- */
- if (vp->v_dirtyblkhd.lh_first)
- return (1);
- return (0);
+ */
+ if (vp->v_dirtyblkhd.lh_first) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (!UBCINFOEXISTS(vp)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
wbp = vp->v_ubcinfo->cl_wbehind;
- if (wbp && (wbp->cl_number || wbp->cl_scmap))
- return (1);
+ if (wbp && (wbp->cl_number || wbp->cl_scmap)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
- return (0);
+ return 0;
* Not taking the buf_mtxp as there is little
* point doing it. Even if the lock is taken the
- * state can change right after that. If their
+ * state can change right after that. If their
* needs to be a synchronization, it must be driven
* by the caller
- */
- if (vp->v_cleanblkhd.lh_first)
- return (1);
- return (0);
+ */
+ if (vp->v_cleanblkhd.lh_first) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
vnode_iterate_setup(mount_t mp)
- while (mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LITER) {
- mp->mnt_lflag |= MNT_LITERWAIT;
- msleep((caddr_t)mp, &mp->mnt_mlock, PVFS, "vnode_iterate_setup", NULL);
- }
mp->mnt_lflag |= MNT_LITER;
vnode_umount_preflight(mount_t mp, vnode_t skipvp, int flags)
vnode_t vp;
+ int ret = 0;
TAILQ_FOREACH(vp, &mp->mnt_vnodelist, v_mntvnodes) {
- /* disable preflight only for udf, a hack to be removed after 4073176 is fixed */
- if (vp->v_tag == VT_UDF)
- return 0;
- if (vp->v_type == VDIR)
+ if (vp->v_type == VDIR) {
- if (vp == skipvp)
+ }
+ if (vp == skipvp) {
- if ((flags & SKIPSYSTEM) && ((vp->v_flag & VSYSTEM) ||
- (vp->v_flag & VNOFLUSH)))
+ }
+ if ((flags & SKIPSYSTEM) && ((vp->v_flag & VSYSTEM) || (vp->v_flag & VNOFLUSH))) {
- if ((flags & SKIPSWAP) && (vp->v_flag & VSWAP))
+ }
+ if ((flags & SKIPSWAP) && (vp->v_flag & VSWAP)) {
- if ((flags & WRITECLOSE) &&
- (vp->v_writecount == 0 || vp->v_type != VREG))
+ }
+ if ((flags & WRITECLOSE) && (vp->v_writecount == 0 || vp->v_type != VREG)) {
+ }
/* Look for busy vnode */
- if (((vp->v_usecount != 0) &&
- ((vp->v_usecount - vp->v_kusecount) != 0)))
- return(1);
+ if ((vp->v_usecount != 0) && ((vp->v_usecount - vp->v_kusecount) != 0)) {
+ ret = 1;
+ if (print_busy_vnodes && ((flags & FORCECLOSE) == 0)) {
+ vprint("vnode_umount_preflight - busy vnode", vp);
+ } else {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ } else if (vp->v_iocount > 0) {
+ /* Busy if iocount is > 0 for more than 3 seconds */
+ tsleep(&vp->v_iocount, PVFS, "vnode_drain_network", 3 * hz);
+ if (vp->v_iocount > 0) {
+ ret = 1;
+ if (print_busy_vnodes && ((flags & FORCECLOSE) == 0)) {
+ vprint("vnode_umount_preflight - busy vnode", vp);
+ } else {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
- return(0);
+ }
+ return ret;
* This routine prepares iteration by moving all the vnodes to worker queue
* called with mount lock held
if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&mp->mnt_vnodelist)) {
/* nothing to do */
- return (0);
- }
+ return 0;
+ }
vp = TAILQ_FIRST(&mp->mnt_vnodelist);
vp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_prev = &(mp->mnt_workerqueue.tqh_first);
mp->mnt_workerqueue.tqh_last = mp->mnt_vnodelist.tqh_last;
- if (mp->mnt_newvnodes.tqh_first != NULL)
+ if (mp->mnt_newvnodes.tqh_first != NULL) {
panic("vnode_iterate_prepare: newvnode when entering vnode");
+ }
- return (1);
+ return 1;
/* called with mount lock held */
vnode_iterate_reloadq(mount_t mp)
int moved = 0;
if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&mp->mnt_workerqueue)) {
struct vnode * mvp;
mvp = TAILQ_LAST(&mp->mnt_vnodelist, vnodelst);
/* Joining the workerque entities to mount vnode list */
- if (mvp)
+ if (mvp) {
mvp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_next = mp->mnt_workerqueue.tqh_first;
- else
+ } else {
mp->mnt_vnodelist.tqh_first = mp->mnt_workerqueue.tqh_first;
+ }
mp->mnt_workerqueue.tqh_first->v_mntvnodes.tqe_prev = mp->mnt_vnodelist.tqh_last;
mp->mnt_vnodelist.tqh_last = mp->mnt_workerqueue.tqh_last;
if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&mp->mnt_newvnodes)) {
struct vnode * nlvp;
nlvp = TAILQ_LAST(&mp->mnt_newvnodes, vnodelst);
mp->mnt_newvnodes.tqh_first->v_mntvnodes.tqe_prev = &mp->mnt_vnodelist.tqh_first;
nlvp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_next = mp->mnt_vnodelist.tqh_first;
- if(mp->mnt_vnodelist.tqh_first)
+ if (mp->mnt_vnodelist.tqh_first) {
mp->mnt_vnodelist.tqh_first->v_mntvnodes.tqe_prev = &nlvp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_next;
- else
+ } else {
mp->mnt_vnodelist.tqh_last = mp->mnt_newvnodes.tqh_last;
+ }
mp->mnt_vnodelist.tqh_first = mp->mnt_newvnodes.tqh_first;
moved = 1;
- return(moved);
+ return moved;
vnode_iterate_clear(mount_t mp)
mp->mnt_lflag &= ~MNT_LITER;
- if (mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LITERWAIT) {
- mp->mnt_lflag &= ~MNT_LITERWAIT;
- wakeup(mp);
- }
+#include <i386/panic_hooks.h>
+struct vnode_iterate_panic_hook {
+ panic_hook_t hook;
+ mount_t mp;
+ struct vnode *vp;
+static void
+vnode_iterate_panic_hook(panic_hook_t *hook_)
+ struct vnode_iterate_panic_hook *hook = (struct vnode_iterate_panic_hook *)hook_;
+ panic_phys_range_t range;
+ uint64_t phys;
+ if (panic_phys_range_before(hook->mp, &phys, &range)) {
+ paniclog_append_noflush("mp = %p, phys = %p, prev (%p: %p-%p)\n",
+ hook->mp, phys, range.type, range.phys_start,
+ range.phys_start + range.len);
+ } else {
+ paniclog_append_noflush("mp = %p, phys = %p, prev (!)\n", hook->mp, phys);
+ }
+ if (panic_phys_range_before(hook->vp, &phys, &range)) {
+ paniclog_append_noflush("vp = %p, phys = %p, prev (%p: %p-%p)\n",
+ hook->vp, phys, range.type, range.phys_start,
+ range.phys_start + range.len);
+ } else {
+ paniclog_append_noflush("vp = %p, phys = %p, prev (!)\n", hook->vp, phys);
+ }
+ panic_dump_mem((void *)(((vm_offset_t)hook->mp - 4096) & ~4095), 12288);
vnode_iterate(mount_t mp, int flags, int (*callout)(struct vnode *, void *),
- void *arg)
+ void *arg)
struct vnode *vp;
int vid, retval;
int ret = 0;
+ /*
+ * The mount iterate mutex is held for the duration of the iteration.
+ * This can be done by a state flag on the mount structure but we can
+ * run into priority inversion issues sometimes.
+ * Using a mutex allows us to benefit from the priority donation
+ * mechanisms in the kernel for locks. This mutex should never be
+ * acquired in spin mode and it should be acquired before attempting to
+ * acquire the mount lock.
+ */
+ mount_iterate_lock(mp);
- /* it is returns 0 then there is nothing to do */
+ /* If it returns 0 then there is nothing to do */
retval = vnode_iterate_prepare(mp);
- if (retval == 0) {
+ if (retval == 0) {
- return(ret);
+ mount_iterate_unlock(mp);
+ return ret;
+ struct vnode_iterate_panic_hook hook;
+ hook.mp = mp;
+ hook.vp = NULL;
+ panic_hook(&hook.hook, vnode_iterate_panic_hook);
/* iterate over all the vnodes */
while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&mp->mnt_workerqueue)) {
vp = TAILQ_FIRST(&mp->mnt_workerqueue);
+ hook.vp = vp;
TAILQ_REMOVE(&mp->mnt_workerqueue, vp, v_mntvnodes);
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&mp->mnt_vnodelist, vp, v_mntvnodes);
vid = vp->v_id;
- if ( vget_internal(vp, vid, (flags | VNODE_NODEAD| VNODE_WITHID | VNODE_NOSUSPEND))) {
+ if (vget_internal(vp, vid, (flags | VNODE_NODEAD | VNODE_WITHID | VNODE_NOSUSPEND))) {
- continue;
+ continue;
if (flags & VNODE_RELOAD) {
- /*
+ /*
* we're reloading the filesystem
* cast out any inactive vnodes...
- if (vnode_reload(vp)) {
- /* vnode will be recycled on the refcount drop */
- vnode_put(vp);
+ if (vnode_reload(vp)) {
+ /* vnode will be recycled on the refcount drop */
+ vnode_put(vp);
- continue;
+ continue;
retval = callout(vp, arg);
switch (retval) {
- vnode_put(vp);
- if (retval == VNODE_RETURNED_DONE) {
+ vnode_put(vp);
+ if (retval == VNODE_RETURNED_DONE) {
ret = 0;
goto out;
- }
- break;
+ }
+ break;
- mount_lock(mp);
- ret = 0;
- goto out;
- default:
- break;
+ mount_lock(mp);
+ ret = 0;
+ goto out;
+ default:
+ break;
+ panic_unhook(&hook.hook);
- return (ret);
+ mount_iterate_unlock(mp);
+ return ret;
+mount_iterate_lock(mount_t mp)
+ lck_mtx_lock(&mp->mnt_iter_lock);
+mount_iterate_unlock(mount_t mp)
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&mp->mnt_iter_lock);
mount_lock(mount_t mp)
mount_ref(mount_t mp, int locked)
- if ( !locked)
- mount_lock_spin(mp);
+ if (!locked) {
+ mount_lock_spin(mp);
+ }
- if ( !locked)
- mount_unlock(mp);
+ if (!locked) {
+ mount_unlock(mp);
+ }
mount_drop(mount_t mp, int locked)
- if ( !locked)
- mount_lock_spin(mp);
+ if (!locked) {
+ mount_lock_spin(mp);
+ }
- if (mp->mnt_count == 0 && (mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LDRAIN))
- wakeup(&mp->mnt_lflag);
+ if (mp->mnt_count == 0 && (mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LDRAIN)) {
+ wakeup(&mp->mnt_lflag);
+ }
- if ( !locked)
- mount_unlock(mp);
+ if (!locked) {
+ mount_unlock(mp);
+ }
int retval = 0;
- if (!locked)
+ if (!locked) {
+ }
if (mp->mnt_iterref < 0) {
retval = 1;
} else {
- if (!locked)
+ if (!locked) {
- return(retval);
+ }
+ return retval;
int retval;
- if (!locked)
+ if (!locked) {
- if (mp->mnt_iterref < 0)
+ }
+ if (mp->mnt_iterref < 0) {
retval = 1;
- else
- retval = 0;
- if (!locked)
+ } else {
+ retval = 0;
+ }
+ if (!locked) {
- return(retval);
+ }
+ return retval;
mount_iterdrain(mount_t mp)
- while (mp->mnt_iterref)
+ while (mp->mnt_iterref) {
msleep((caddr_t)&mp->mnt_iterref, mnt_list_mtx_lock, PVFS, "mount_iterdrain", NULL);
+ }
/* mount iterations drained */
mp->mnt_iterref = -1;
mount_iterreset(mount_t mp)
- if (mp->mnt_iterref == -1)
+ if (mp->mnt_iterref == -1) {
mp->mnt_iterref = 0;
+ }
/* always called with mount lock held */
mount_refdrain(mount_t mp)
- if (mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LDRAIN)
+ if (mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LDRAIN) {
panic("already in drain");
+ }
mp->mnt_lflag |= MNT_LDRAIN;
- while (mp->mnt_count)
+ while (mp->mnt_count) {
msleep((caddr_t)&mp->mnt_lflag, &mp->mnt_mlock, PVFS, "mount_drain", NULL);
+ }
- if (mp->mnt_vnodelist.tqh_first != NULL)
- panic("mount_refdrain: dangling vnode");
+ if (mp->mnt_vnodelist.tqh_first != NULL) {
+ panic("mount_refdrain: dangling vnode");
+ }
mp->mnt_lflag &= ~MNT_LDRAIN;
- return(0);
+ return 0;
/* Tags the mount point as not supportine extended readdir for NFS exports */
-mount_set_noreaddirext(mount_t mp) {
- mount_lock (mp);
+mount_set_noreaddirext(mount_t mp)
+ mount_lock(mp);
mp->mnt_kern_flag |= MNTK_DENY_READDIREXT;
- mount_unlock (mp);
+ mount_unlock(mp);
vfs_busy(mount_t mp, int flags)
- if (mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LDEAD)
- return(ENOENT);
- if (mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LUNMOUNT) {
- if (flags & LK_NOWAIT)
- return (ENOENT);
+ if (mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LDEAD) {
+ return ENOENT;
+ }
- mount_lock(mp);
+ mount_lock(mp);
- if (mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LDEAD) {
- mount_unlock(mp);
- return(ENOENT);
- }
- if (mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LUNMOUNT) {
- mp->mnt_lflag |= MNT_LWAIT;
- /*
- * Since all busy locks are shared except the exclusive
- * lock granted when unmounting, the only place that a
- * wakeup needs to be done is at the release of the
- * exclusive lock at the end of dounmount.
- */
- msleep((caddr_t)mp, &mp->mnt_mlock, (PVFS | PDROP), "vfsbusy", NULL);
- return (ENOENT);
+ if (mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LUNMOUNT) {
+ if (flags & LK_NOWAIT || mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LDEAD) {
+ mount_unlock(mp);
+ return ENOENT;
- mount_unlock(mp);
+ /*
+ * Since all busy locks are shared except the exclusive
+ * lock granted when unmounting, the only place that a
+ * wakeup needs to be done is at the release of the
+ * exclusive lock at the end of dounmount.
+ */
+ mp->mnt_lflag |= MNT_LWAIT;
+ msleep((caddr_t)mp, &mp->mnt_mlock, (PVFS | PDROP), "vfsbusy", NULL);
+ return ENOENT;
+ mount_unlock(mp);
- /*
- * until we are granted the rwlock, it's possible for the mount point to
- * change state, so reevaluate before granting the vfs_busy
+ /*
+ * Until we are granted the rwlock, it's possible for the mount point to
+ * change state, so re-evaluate before granting the vfs_busy.
if (mp->mnt_lflag & (MNT_LDEAD | MNT_LUNMOUNT)) {
goto restart;
- return (0);
+ return 0;
* Free a busy filesystem.
vfs_unbusy(mount_t mp)
static void
-vfs_rootmountfailed(mount_t mp) {
+vfs_rootmountfailed(mount_t mp)
static mount_t
vfs_rootmountalloc_internal(struct vfstable *vfsp, const char *devname)
- mount_t mp;
+ mount_t mp;
mp = _MALLOC_ZONE(sizeof(struct mount), M_MOUNT, M_WAITOK);
bzero((char *)mp, sizeof(struct mount));
- strncpy(mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_fstypename, vfsp->vfc_name, MFSTYPENAMELEN);
+ strlcpy(mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_fstypename, vfsp->vfc_name, MFSTYPENAMELEN);
mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_mntonname[0] = '/';
/* XXX const poisoning layering violation */
(void) copystr((const void *)devname, mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_mntfromname, MAXPATHLEN - 1, NULL);
mac_mount_label_associate(vfs_context_kernel(), mp);
- return (mp);
+ return mp;
vfs_rootmountalloc(const char *fstypename, const char *devname, mount_t *mpp)
- struct vfstable *vfsp;
+ struct vfstable *vfsp;
- for (vfsp = vfsconf; vfsp; vfsp = vfsp->vfc_next)
- if (!strncmp(vfsp->vfc_name, fstypename,
- sizeof(vfsp->vfc_name)))
- break;
- if (vfsp == NULL)
- return (ENODEV);
+ for (vfsp = vfsconf; vfsp; vfsp = vfsp->vfc_next) {
+ if (!strncmp(vfsp->vfc_name, fstypename,
+ sizeof(vfsp->vfc_name))) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vfsp == NULL) {
+ return ENODEV;
+ }
*mpp = vfs_rootmountalloc_internal(vfsp, devname);
- if (*mpp)
- return (0);
+ if (*mpp) {
+ return 0;
+ }
- return (ENOMEM);
+ return ENOMEM;
* Find an appropriate filesystem to use for the root. If a filesystem
struct vfstable *vfsp;
vfs_context_t ctx = vfs_context_kernel();
- struct vfs_attr vfsattr;
- int error;
+ struct vfs_attr vfsattr;
+ int error;
mount_t mp;
- vnode_t bdevvp_rootvp;
+ vnode_t bdevvp_rootvp;
if (mountroot != NULL) {
* used for netboot which follows a different set of rules
error = (*mountroot)();
- return (error);
+ return error;
if ((error = bdevvp(rootdev, &rootvp))) {
printf("vfs_mountroot: can't setup bdevvp\n");
- return (error);
+ return error;
- * 4951998 - code we call in vfc_mountroot may replace rootvp
+ * 4951998 - code we call in vfc_mountroot may replace rootvp
* so keep a local copy for some house keeping.
bdevvp_rootvp = rootvp;
for (vfsp = vfsconf; vfsp; vfsp = vfsp->vfc_next) {
- if (vfsp->vfc_mountroot == NULL)
+ if (vfsp->vfc_mountroot == NULL
+ && !ISSET(vfsp->vfc_vfsflags, VFC_VFSCANMOUNTROOT)) {
+ }
mp = vfs_rootmountalloc_internal(vfsp, "root_device");
mp->mnt_devvp = rootvp;
- if ((error = (*vfsp->vfc_mountroot)(mp, rootvp, ctx)) == 0) {
- if ( bdevvp_rootvp != rootvp ) {
+ if (vfsp->vfc_mountroot) {
+ error = (*vfsp->vfc_mountroot)(mp, rootvp, ctx);
+ } else {
+ error = VFS_MOUNT(mp, rootvp, 0, ctx);
+ }
+ if (!error) {
+ if (bdevvp_rootvp != rootvp) {
* rootvp changed...
* bump the iocount and fix up mnt_devvp for the
mp->mnt_devvp = rootvp;
- vnode_rele(bdevvp_rootvp);
- vnode_put(bdevvp_rootvp);
+ vnode_rele(bdevvp_rootvp);
+ vnode_put(bdevvp_rootvp);
mp->mnt_devvp->v_specflags |= SI_MOUNTEDON;
vfs_init_io_attributes(rootvp, mp);
+ if (mp->mnt_ioflags & MNT_IOFLAGS_FUSION_DRIVE) {
+ root_is_CF_drive = TRUE;
+ }
mp->mnt_kern_flag |= MNTK_UNMOUNT_PREFLIGHT;
+ uint32_t speed;
+ if (MNTK_VIRTUALDEV & mp->mnt_kern_flag) {
+ speed = 128;
+ } else if (disk_conditioner_mount_is_ssd(mp)) {
+ speed = 7 * 256;
+ } else {
+ speed = 256;
+ }
+ vc_progress_setdiskspeed(speed);
* Probe root file system for additional features.
VFSATTR_WANTED(&vfsattr, f_capabilities);
- if (vfs_getattr(mp, &vfsattr, ctx) == 0 &&
+ if (vfs_getattr(mp, &vfsattr, ctx) == 0 &&
VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&vfsattr, f_capabilities)) {
if ((vfsattr.f_capabilities.capabilities[VOL_CAPABILITIES_INTERFACES] & VOL_CAP_INT_EXTENDED_ATTR) &&
(vfsattr.f_capabilities.valid[VOL_CAPABILITIES_FORMAT] & VOL_CAP_FMT_PATH_FROM_ID)) {
mp->mnt_kern_flag |= MNTK_PATH_FROM_ID;
+ if ((vfsattr.f_capabilities.capabilities[VOL_CAPABILITIES_FORMAT] & VOL_CAP_FMT_DIR_HARDLINKS) &&
+ (vfsattr.f_capabilities.valid[VOL_CAPABILITIES_FORMAT] & VOL_CAP_FMT_DIR_HARDLINKS)) {
+ mp->mnt_kern_flag |= MNTK_DIR_HARDLINKS;
+ }
- if ((vfs_flags(mp) & MNT_MULTILABEL) == 0)
- return (0);
+ if ((vfs_flags(mp) & MNT_MULTILABEL) == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
error = VFS_ROOT(mp, &vp, ctx);
if (error) {
goto fail;
- return (0);
+ return 0;
- if (error != EINVAL)
+ if (error != EINVAL) {
printf("%s_mountroot failed: %d\n", vfsp->vfc_name, error);
+ }
- return (ENODEV);
+ return ENODEV;
- * Lookup a mount point by filesystem identifier.
+ * Mount the data volume of an ROSV volume group
-struct mount *
-vfs_getvfs(fsid_t *fsid)
- return (mount_list_lookupby_fsid(fsid, 0, 0));
-static struct mount *
-vfs_getvfs_locked(fsid_t *fsid)
- return(mount_list_lookupby_fsid(fsid, 1, 0));
+ int error = 0;
+ int do_rosv_mounts = 0;
-struct mount *
-vfs_getvfs_by_mntonname(char *path)
- mount_t retmp = (mount_t)0;
- mount_t mp;
+ error = vnode_get(rootvnode);
+ if (error) {
+ /* root must be mounted first */
+ printf("vnode_get(rootvnode) failed with error %d\n", error);
+ return error;
+ }
- mount_list_lock();
- TAILQ_FOREACH(mp, &mountlist, mnt_list) {
- if (!strncmp(mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_mntonname, path,
- sizeof(mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_mntonname))) {
- retmp = mp;
- if (mount_iterref(retmp, 1))
- retmp = NULL;
- goto out;
+ printf("NOTE: Attempting ROSV mount\n");
+ struct vfs_attr vfsattr;
+ VFSATTR_INIT(&vfsattr);
+ VFSATTR_WANTED(&vfsattr, f_capabilities);
+ if (vfs_getattr(rootvnode->v_mount, &vfsattr, vfs_context_kernel()) == 0 &&
+ VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&vfsattr, f_capabilities)) {
+ if ((vfsattr.f_capabilities.capabilities[VOL_CAPABILITIES_FORMAT] & VOL_CAP_FMT_VOL_GROUPS) &&
+ (vfsattr.f_capabilities.valid[VOL_CAPABILITIES_FORMAT] & VOL_CAP_FMT_VOL_GROUPS)) {
+ do_rosv_mounts = 1;
- mount_list_unlock();
- return (retmp);
-/* generation number for creation of new fsids */
-u_short mntid_gen = 0;
- * Get a new unique fsid
+ if (!do_rosv_mounts) {
+ vnode_put(rootvnode);
+ //bail out if config not supported
+ return 0;
+ }
+ char datapath[] = PLATFORM_DATA_VOLUME_MOUNT_POINT; /* !const because of internal casting */
+ /* Mount the data volume */
+ printf("attempting kernel mount for data volume... \n");
+ error = kernel_mount(rootvnode->v_mount->mnt_vfsstat.f_fstypename, NULLVP, NULLVP,
+ datapath, (rootvnode->v_mount), 0, 0, (KERNEL_MOUNT_DATAVOL), vfs_context_kernel());
+ if (error) {
+ printf("Failed to mount data volume (%d)\n", error);
+ }
+ vnode_put(rootvnode);
+ return error;
+ return 0;
+ * Mount the VM volume of a container
+ */
+ int error = 0;
+ error = vnode_get(rootvnode);
+ if (error) {
+ /* root must be mounted first */
+ printf("vnode_get(rootvnode) failed with error %d\n", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ char vmpath[] = PLATFORM_VM_VOLUME_MOUNT_POINT; /* !const because of internal casting */
+ /* Mount the VM volume */
+ printf("attempting kernel mount for vm volume... \n");
+ error = kernel_mount(rootvnode->v_mount->mnt_vfsstat.f_fstypename, NULLVP, NULLVP,
+ vmpath, (rootvnode->v_mount), 0, 0, (KERNEL_MOUNT_VMVOL), vfs_context_kernel());
+ if (error) {
+ printf("Failed to mount vm volume (%d)\n", error);
+ } else {
+ printf("mounted VM volume\n");
+ }
+ vnode_put(rootvnode);
+ return error;
+ return 0;
+ * Lookup a mount point by filesystem identifier.
+ */
+struct mount *
+vfs_getvfs(fsid_t *fsid)
+ return mount_list_lookupby_fsid(fsid, 0, 0);
+static struct mount *
+vfs_getvfs_locked(fsid_t *fsid)
+ return mount_list_lookupby_fsid(fsid, 1, 0);
+struct mount *
+vfs_getvfs_by_mntonname(char *path)
+ mount_t retmp = (mount_t)0;
+ mount_t mp;
+ mount_list_lock();
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(mp, &mountlist, mnt_list) {
+ if (!strncmp(mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_mntonname, path,
+ sizeof(mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_mntonname))) {
+ retmp = mp;
+ if (mount_iterref(retmp, 1)) {
+ retmp = NULL;
+ }
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ mount_list_unlock();
+ return retmp;
+/* generation number for creation of new fsids */
+u_short mntid_gen = 0;
+ * Get a new unique fsid
vfs_getnewfsid(struct mount *mp)
fsid_t tfsid;
int mtype;
- mount_t nmp;
/* generate a new fsid */
mtype = mp->mnt_vtable->vfc_typenum;
- if (++mntid_gen == 0)
+ if (++mntid_gen == 0) {
+ }
tfsid.val[0] = makedev(nblkdev + mtype, mntid_gen);
tfsid.val[1] = mtype;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(nmp, &mountlist, mnt_list) {
- while (vfs_getvfs_locked(&tfsid)) {
- if (++mntid_gen == 0)
- mntid_gen++;
- tfsid.val[0] = makedev(nblkdev + mtype, mntid_gen);
+ while (vfs_getvfs_locked(&tfsid)) {
+ if (++mntid_gen == 0) {
+ mntid_gen++;
+ tfsid.val[0] = makedev(nblkdev + mtype, mntid_gen);
mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_fsid.val[0] = tfsid.val[0];
mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_fsid.val[1] = tfsid.val[1];
* Routines having to do with the management of the vnode table.
-extern int (**dead_vnodeop_p)(void *);
-long numvnodes, freevnodes, deadvnodes;
+extern int(**dead_vnodeop_p)(void *);
+long numvnodes, freevnodes, deadvnodes, async_work_vnodes;
+int async_work_timed_out = 0;
+int async_work_handled = 0;
+int dead_vnode_wanted = 0;
+int dead_vnode_waited = 0;
* Move a vnode from one mount queue to another.
* Delete from old mount point vnode list, if on one.
- if ( (lmp = vp->v_mount) != NULL && lmp != dead_mountp) {
- if ((vp->v_lflag & VNAMED_MOUNT) == 0)
+ if ((lmp = vp->v_mount) != NULL && lmp != dead_mountp) {
+ if ((vp->v_lflag & VNAMED_MOUNT) == 0) {
panic("insmntque: vp not in mount vnode list");
+ }
vp->v_lflag &= ~VNAMED_MOUNT;
mount_drop(lmp, 1);
if (vp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_next == NULL) {
- if (TAILQ_LAST(&lmp->mnt_vnodelist, vnodelst) == vp)
+ if (TAILQ_LAST(&lmp->mnt_vnodelist, vnodelst) == vp) {
TAILQ_REMOVE(&lmp->mnt_vnodelist, vp, v_mntvnodes);
- else if (TAILQ_LAST(&lmp->mnt_newvnodes, vnodelst) == vp)
+ } else if (TAILQ_LAST(&lmp->mnt_newvnodes, vnodelst) == vp) {
TAILQ_REMOVE(&lmp->mnt_newvnodes, vp, v_mntvnodes);
- else if (TAILQ_LAST(&lmp->mnt_workerqueue, vnodelst) == vp)
+ } else if (TAILQ_LAST(&lmp->mnt_workerqueue, vnodelst) == vp) {
TAILQ_REMOVE(&lmp->mnt_workerqueue, vp, v_mntvnodes);
- } else {
+ }
+ } else {
vp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_next->v_mntvnodes.tqe_prev = vp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_prev;
*vp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_prev = vp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_next;
- }
+ }
vp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_next = NULL;
vp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_prev = NULL;
if ((vp->v_mount = mp) != NULL) {
- if ((vp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_next != 0) && (vp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_prev != 0))
+ if ((vp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_next != 0) && (vp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_prev != 0)) {
panic("vp already in mount list");
- if (mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LITER)
+ }
+ if (mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LITER) {
TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&mp->mnt_newvnodes, vp, v_mntvnodes);
- else
+ } else {
TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&mp->mnt_vnodelist, vp, v_mntvnodes);
- if (vp->v_lflag & VNAMED_MOUNT)
+ }
+ if (vp->v_lflag & VNAMED_MOUNT) {
panic("insmntque: vp already in mount vnode list");
+ }
vp->v_lflag |= VNAMED_MOUNT;
mount_ref(mp, 1);
bdevvp(dev_t dev, vnode_t *vpp)
- vnode_t nvp;
- int error;
+ vnode_t nvp;
+ int error;
struct vnode_fsparam vfsp;
struct vfs_context context;
if (dev == NODEV) {
*vpp = NULLVP;
- return (ENODEV);
+ return ENODEV;
context.vc_thread = current_thread();
vfsp.vnfs_marksystem = 0;
vfsp.vnfs_markroot = 0;
- if ( (error = vnode_create(VNCREATE_FLAVOR, VCREATESIZE, &vfsp, &nvp)) ) {
+ if ((error = vnode_create(VNCREATE_FLAVOR, VCREATESIZE, &vfsp, &nvp))) {
*vpp = NULLVP;
- return (error);
+ return error;
nvp->v_flag |= VBDEVVP;
- nvp->v_tag = VT_NON; /* set this to VT_NON so during aliasing it can be replaced */
+ nvp->v_tag = VT_NON; /* set this to VT_NON so during aliasing it can be replaced */
- if ( (error = vnode_ref(nvp)) ) {
+ if ((error = vnode_ref(nvp))) {
panic("bdevvp failed: vnode_ref");
- return (error);
+ return error;
- if ( (error = VNOP_FSYNC(nvp, MNT_WAIT, &context)) ) {
+ if ((error = VNOP_FSYNC(nvp, MNT_WAIT, &context))) {
panic("bdevvp failed: fsync");
- return (error);
+ return error;
- if ( (error = buf_invalidateblks(nvp, BUF_WRITE_DATA, 0, 0)) ) {
+ if ((error = buf_invalidateblks(nvp, BUF_WRITE_DATA, 0, 0))) {
panic("bdevvp failed: invalidateblks");
- return (error);
+ return error;
- /*
+ /*
* XXXMAC: We can't put a MAC check here, the system will
* panic without this vnode.
-#endif /* MAC */
+#endif /* MAC */
- if ( (error = VNOP_OPEN(nvp, FREAD, &context)) ) {
+ if ((error = VNOP_OPEN(nvp, FREAD, &context))) {
panic("bdevvp failed: open");
- return (error);
+ return error;
*vpp = nvp;
- return (0);
+ return 0;
for (vp = *vpp; vp; vp = vp->v_specnext) {
if (nvp_rdev == vp->v_rdev && nvp->v_type == vp->v_type) {
- vid = vp->v_id;
+ vid = vp->v_id;
if (vp) {
- if (vnode_getwithvid(vp,vid)) {
- goto loop;
+ if (vnode_getwithvid(vp, vid)) {
+ goto loop;
* Termination state is checked in vnode_getwithvid
* Alias, but not in use, so flush it out.
if ((vp->v_iocount == 1) && (vp->v_usecount == 0)) {
- vnode_reclaim_internal(vp, 1, 1, 0);
+ vnode_reclaim_internal(vp, 1, 1, 0);
goto loop;
if (vp == NULL || vp->v_tag != VT_NON) {
if (sin == NULL) {
MALLOC_ZONE(sin, struct specinfo *, sizeof(struct specinfo),
nvp->v_specinfo = sin;
nvp->v_specinfo->si_throttleable = 0;
/* We dropped the lock, someone could have added */
if (vp == NULLVP) {
for (vp = *vpp; vp; vp = vp->v_specnext) {
goto found_alias;
- }
+ }
nvp->v_hashchain = vpp;
nvp->v_specnext = *vpp;
- return (NULLVP);
+ return NULLVP;
if (sin) {
FREE_ZONE(sin, sizeof(struct specinfo), M_SPECINFO);
- if ((vp->v_flag & (VBDEVVP | VDEVFLUSH)) != 0)
- return(vp);
+ if ((vp->v_flag & (VBDEVVP | VDEVFLUSH)) != 0) {
+ return vp;
+ }
panic("checkalias with VT_NON vp that shouldn't: %p", vp);
- return (vp);
+ return vp;
- if ((vflags & VNODE_WRITEABLE) && (vp->v_writecount == 0))
- /*
- * vnode to be returned only if it has writers opened
+ if ((vflags & VNODE_WRITEABLE) && (vp->v_writecount == 0)) {
+ /*
+ * vnode to be returned only if it has writers opened
- error = EINVAL;
- else
- error = vnode_getiocount(vp, vid, vflags);
+ error = EINVAL;
+ } else {
+ error = vnode_getiocount(vp, vid, vflags);
+ }
- return (error);
+ return error;
vnode_ref(vnode_t vp)
- return (vnode_ref_ext(vp, 0, 0));
+ return vnode_ref_ext(vp, 0, 0);
vnode_ref_ext(vnode_t vp, int fmode, int flags)
- int error = 0;
+ int error = 0;
* taken an iocount, we can toughen this assert up and insist that the
* iocount is non-zero... a non-zero usecount doesn't insure correctness
- if (vp->v_iocount <= 0 && vp->v_usecount <= 0)
+ if (vp->v_iocount <= 0 && vp->v_usecount <= 0) {
panic("vnode_ref_ext: vp %p has no valid reference %d, %d", vp, vp->v_iocount, vp->v_usecount);
+ }
* if you are the owner of drain/termination, can acquire usecount
if (fmode & FWRITE) {
- if (++vp->v_writecount <= 0)
- panic("vnode_ref_ext: v_writecount");
+ if (++vp->v_writecount <= 0) {
+ panic("vnode_ref_ext: v_writecount");
+ }
if (fmode & O_EVTONLY) {
- if (++vp->v_kusecount <= 0)
- panic("vnode_ref_ext: v_kusecount");
+ if (++vp->v_kusecount <= 0) {
+ panic("vnode_ref_ext: v_kusecount");
+ }
if (vp->v_flag & VRAGE) {
- struct uthread *ut;
+ struct uthread *ut;
- ut = get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
- if ( !(current_proc()->p_lflag & P_LRAGE_VNODES) &&
- !(ut->uu_flag & UT_RAGE_VNODES)) {
- /*
+ ut = get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
+ if (!(current_proc()->p_lflag & P_LRAGE_VNODES) &&
+ !(ut->uu_flag & UT_RAGE_VNODES)) {
+ /*
* a 'normal' process accessed this vnode
* so make sure its no longer marked
* for rapid aging... also, make sure
if (vp->v_usecount == 1 && vp->v_type == VREG && !(vp->v_flag & VSYSTEM)) {
if (vp->v_ubcinfo) {
- return (error);
+ return error;
+vnode_on_reliable_media(vnode_t vp)
+ if (!(vp->v_mount->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_VIRTUALDEV) && (vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_LOCAL)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+vnode_async_list_add(vnode_t vp)
+ vnode_list_lock();
+ if (VONLIST(vp) || (vp->v_lflag & (VL_TERMINATE | VL_DEAD))) {
+ panic("vnode_async_list_add: %p is in wrong state", vp);
+ }
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&vnode_async_work_list, vp, v_freelist);
+ vp->v_listflag |= VLIST_ASYNC_WORK;
+ async_work_vnodes++;
+ vnode_list_unlock();
+ wakeup(&vnode_async_work_list);
static void
vnode_list_add(vnode_t vp)
+ boolean_t need_dead_wakeup = FALSE;
lck_mtx_assert(&vp->v_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
- * if it is already on a list or non zero references return
+ * if it is already on a list or non zero references return
- if (VONLIST(vp) || (vp->v_usecount != 0) || (vp->v_iocount != 0) || (vp->v_lflag & VL_TERMINATE))
+ if (VONLIST(vp) || (vp->v_usecount != 0) || (vp->v_iocount != 0) || (vp->v_lflag & VL_TERMINATE)) {
+ }
+ /*
+ * In vclean, we might have deferred ditching locked buffers
+ * because something was still referencing them (indicated by
+ * usecount). We can ditch them now.
+ */
+ if (ISSET(vp->v_lflag, VL_DEAD)
+ && (!LIST_EMPTY(&vp->v_cleanblkhd) || !LIST_EMPTY(&vp->v_dirtyblkhd))) {
+ ++vp->v_iocount; // Probably not necessary, but harmless
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ record_vp(vp, 1);
+ vnode_unlock(vp);
+ buf_invalidateblks(vp, BUF_INVALIDATE_LOCKED, 0, 0);
+ vnode_lock(vp);
+ vnode_dropiocount(vp);
+ goto again;
+ }
* add the new guy to the appropriate end of the RAGE list
- if ((vp->v_flag & VAGE))
- TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&vnode_rage_list, vp, v_freelist);
- else
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&vnode_rage_list, vp, v_freelist);
+ if ((vp->v_flag & VAGE)) {
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&vnode_rage_list, vp, v_freelist);
+ } else {
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&vnode_rage_list, vp, v_freelist);
+ }
vp->v_listflag |= VLIST_RAGE;
} else {
- /*
+ /*
* if VL_DEAD, insert it at head of the dead list
* else insert at tail of LRU list or at head if VAGE is set
- if ( (vp->v_lflag & VL_DEAD)) {
- TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&vnode_dead_list, vp, v_freelist);
+ if ((vp->v_lflag & VL_DEAD)) {
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&vnode_dead_list, vp, v_freelist);
vp->v_listflag |= VLIST_DEAD;
+ if (dead_vnode_wanted) {
+ dead_vnode_wanted--;
+ need_dead_wakeup = TRUE;
+ }
} else if ((vp->v_flag & VAGE)) {
- TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&vnode_free_list, vp, v_freelist);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&vnode_free_list, vp, v_freelist);
vp->v_flag &= ~VAGE;
} else {
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&vnode_free_list, vp, v_freelist);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&vnode_free_list, vp, v_freelist);
+ if (need_dead_wakeup == TRUE) {
+ wakeup_one((caddr_t)&dead_vnode_wanted);
+ }
* the v_listflag field is
* protected by the vnode_list_lock
- if (vp->v_listflag & VLIST_RAGE)
- VREMRAGE("vnode_list_remove", vp);
- else if (vp->v_listflag & VLIST_DEAD)
- VREMDEAD("vnode_list_remove", vp);
- else
- VREMFREE("vnode_list_remove", vp);
+ if (vp->v_listflag & VLIST_RAGE) {
+ VREMRAGE("vnode_list_remove", vp);
+ } else if (vp->v_listflag & VLIST_DEAD) {
+ VREMDEAD("vnode_list_remove", vp);
+ } else if (vp->v_listflag & VLIST_ASYNC_WORK) {
+ VREMASYNC_WORK("vnode_list_remove", vp);
+ } else {
+ VREMFREE("vnode_list_remove", vp);
+ }
lck_mtx_assert(&vp->v_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
- /*
+ /*
* we want to avoid taking the list lock
* in the case where we're not on the free
* list... this will be true for most
* directories and any currently in use files
* we're guaranteed that we can't go from
- * the not-on-list state to the on-list
+ * the not-on-list state to the on-list
* state since we hold the vnode lock...
* all calls to vnode_list_add are done
* under the vnode lock... so we can
* without taking the list lock
if (VONLIST(vp)) {
- vnode_list_lock();
+ vnode_list_lock();
* however, we're not guaranteed that
* we won't go from the on-list state
* to the not-on-list state until we
- * hold the vnode_list_lock... this
+ * hold the vnode_list_lock... this
* is due to "new_vnode" removing vnodes
* from the free list uder the list_lock
* w/o the vnode lock... so we need to
vnode_rele(vnode_t vp)
- vnode_rele_internal(vp, 0, 0, 0);
+ vnode_rele_internal(vp, 0, 0, 0);
vnode_rele_ext(vnode_t vp, int fmode, int dont_reenter)
- vnode_rele_internal(vp, fmode, dont_reenter, 0);
+ vnode_rele_internal(vp, fmode, dont_reenter, 0);
vnode_rele_internal(vnode_t vp, int fmode, int dont_reenter, int locked)
- if ( !locked)
- vnode_lock_spin(vp);
+ if (!locked) {
+ vnode_lock_spin(vp);
+ }
- else
+ else {
lck_mtx_assert(&vp->v_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
+ }
- if (--vp->v_usecount < 0)
- panic("vnode_rele_ext: vp %p usecount -ve : %d. v_tag = %d, v_type = %d, v_flag = %x.", vp, vp->v_usecount, vp->v_tag, vp->v_type, vp->v_flag);
+ if (--vp->v_usecount < 0) {
+ panic("vnode_rele_ext: vp %p usecount -ve : %d. v_tag = %d, v_type = %d, v_flag = %x.", vp, vp->v_usecount, vp->v_tag, vp->v_type, vp->v_flag);
+ }
if (fmode & FWRITE) {
- if (--vp->v_writecount < 0)
- panic("vnode_rele_ext: vp %p writecount -ve : %d. v_tag = %d, v_type = %d, v_flag = %x.", vp, vp->v_writecount, vp->v_tag, vp->v_type, vp->v_flag);
+ if (--vp->v_writecount < 0) {
+ panic("vnode_rele_ext: vp %p writecount -ve : %d. v_tag = %d, v_type = %d, v_flag = %x.", vp, vp->v_writecount, vp->v_tag, vp->v_type, vp->v_flag);
+ }
if (fmode & O_EVTONLY) {
- if (--vp->v_kusecount < 0)
- panic("vnode_rele_ext: vp %p kusecount -ve : %d. v_tag = %d, v_type = %d, v_flag = %x.", vp, vp->v_kusecount, vp->v_tag, vp->v_type, vp->v_flag);
+ if (--vp->v_kusecount < 0) {
+ panic("vnode_rele_ext: vp %p kusecount -ve : %d. v_tag = %d, v_type = %d, v_flag = %x.", vp, vp->v_kusecount, vp->v_tag, vp->v_type, vp->v_flag);
+ }
+ }
+ if (vp->v_kusecount > vp->v_usecount) {
+ panic("vnode_rele_ext: vp %p kusecount(%d) out of balance with usecount(%d). v_tag = %d, v_type = %d, v_flag = %x.", vp, vp->v_kusecount, vp->v_usecount, vp->v_tag, vp->v_type, vp->v_flag);
- if (vp->v_kusecount > vp->v_usecount)
- panic("vnode_rele_ext: vp %p kusecount(%d) out of balance with usecount(%d). v_tag = %d, v_type = %d, v_flag = %x.",vp, vp->v_kusecount, vp->v_usecount, vp->v_tag, vp->v_type, vp->v_flag);
if ((vp->v_iocount > 0) || (vp->v_usecount > 0)) {
- /*
+ /*
* vnode is still busy... if we're the last
* usecount, mark for a future call to VNOP_INACTIVE
* when the iocount finally drops to 0
- if (vp->v_usecount == 0) {
- vp->v_lflag |= VL_NEEDINACTIVE;
+ if (vp->v_usecount == 0) {
+ vp->v_lflag |= VL_NEEDINACTIVE;
goto done;
- if ( (vp->v_lflag & (VL_TERMINATE | VL_DEAD)) || dont_reenter) {
- /*
+ if (ISSET(vp->v_lflag, VL_TERMINATE | VL_DEAD) || dont_reenter) {
+ /*
* vnode is being cleaned, or
* we've requested that we don't reenter
- * the filesystem on this release... in
- * this case, we'll mark the vnode aged
- * if it's been marked for termination
+ * the filesystem on this release...in
+ * the latter case, we'll mark the vnode aged
- if (dont_reenter) {
- if ( !(vp->v_lflag & (VL_TERMINATE | VL_DEAD | VL_MARKTERM)) )
- vp->v_lflag |= VL_NEEDINACTIVE;
- vp->v_flag |= VAGE;
+ if (dont_reenter) {
+ if (!(vp->v_lflag & (VL_TERMINATE | VL_DEAD | VL_MARKTERM))) {
+ vp->v_lflag |= VL_NEEDINACTIVE;
+ if (vnode_on_reliable_media(vp) == FALSE || vp->v_flag & VISDIRTY) {
+ vnode_async_list_add(vp);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ vp->v_flag |= VAGE;
- vnode_list_add(vp);
+ vnode_list_add(vp);
goto done;
#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
record_vp(vp, 1);
- vp->v_lflag &= ~VL_NEEDINACTIVE;
+ vp->v_lflag &= ~VL_NEEDINACTIVE;
VNOP_INACTIVE(vp, vfs_context_current());
* this point... if the reference counts are up, we'll pick
* up the MARKTERM state when they get subsequently dropped
- if ( (vp->v_iocount == 1) && (vp->v_usecount == 0) &&
- ((vp->v_lflag & (VL_MARKTERM | VL_TERMINATE | VL_DEAD)) == VL_MARKTERM)) {
- struct uthread *ut;
+ if ((vp->v_iocount == 1) && (vp->v_usecount == 0) &&
+ ((vp->v_lflag & (VL_MARKTERM | VL_TERMINATE | VL_DEAD)) == VL_MARKTERM)) {
+ struct uthread *ut;
+ ut = get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
- ut = get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
if (ut->uu_defer_reclaims) {
- vp->v_defer_reclaimlist = ut->uu_vreclaims;
+ vp->v_defer_reclaimlist = ut->uu_vreclaims;
ut->uu_vreclaims = vp;
goto done;
- vnode_reclaim_internal(vp, 1, 1, 0);
+ vnode_reclaim_internal(vp, 1, 1, 0);
if (vp->v_usecount == 0 && vp->v_type == VREG && !(vp->v_flag & VSYSTEM)) {
if (vp->v_ubcinfo) {
memory_object_mark_unused(vp->v_ubcinfo->ui_control, (vp->v_flag & VRAGE) == VRAGE);
- if ( !locked)
- vnode_unlock(vp);
+ if (!locked) {
+ vnode_unlock(vp);
+ }
* system error). If MNT_FORCE is specified, detach any active vnodes
* that are found.
-int busyprt = 0; /* print out busy vnodes */
-#if 0
-struct ctldebug debug1 = { "busyprt", &busyprt };
-#endif /* 0 */
vflush(struct mount *mp, struct vnode *skipvp, int flags)
int reclaimed = 0;
int retval;
unsigned int vid;
+ bool first_try = true;
+ /*
+ * See comments in vnode_iterate() for the rationale for this lock
+ */
+ mount_iterate_lock(mp);
* tries unmounting every so often to see whether
* it is still busy or not.
- if (((flags & FORCECLOSE)==0) && ((mp->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_UNMOUNT_PREFLIGHT) != 0)) {
+ if (((flags & FORCECLOSE) == 0) && ((mp->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_UNMOUNT_PREFLIGHT) != 0)) {
if (vnode_umount_preflight(mp, skipvp, flags)) {
- return(EBUSY);
+ mount_iterate_unlock(mp);
+ return EBUSY;
- /* it is returns 0 then there is nothing to do */
+ /* If it returns 0 then there is nothing to do */
retval = vnode_iterate_prepare(mp);
- if (retval == 0) {
+ if (retval == 0) {
- return(retval);
+ mount_iterate_unlock(mp);
+ return retval;
/* iterate over all the vnodes */
while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&mp->mnt_workerqueue)) {
vp = TAILQ_FIRST(&mp->mnt_workerqueue);
TAILQ_REMOVE(&mp->mnt_workerqueue, vp, v_mntvnodes);
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&mp->mnt_vnodelist, vp, v_mntvnodes);
- if ( (vp->v_mount != mp) || (vp == skipvp)) {
+ if ((vp->v_mount != mp) || (vp == skipvp)) {
vid = vp->v_id;
- if ((vp->v_id != vid) || ((vp->v_lflag & (VL_DEAD | VL_TERMINATE)))) {
- vnode_unlock(vp);
- mount_lock(mp);
- continue;
+ // If vnode is already terminating, wait for it...
+ while (vp->v_id == vid && ISSET(vp->v_lflag, VL_TERMINATE)) {
+ vp->v_lflag |= VL_TERMWANT;
+ msleep(&vp->v_lflag, &vp->v_lock, PVFS, "vflush", NULL);
+ }
+ if ((vp->v_id != vid) || ISSET(vp->v_lflag, VL_DEAD)) {
+ vnode_unlock(vp);
+ mount_lock(mp);
+ continue;
* If requested, skip over vnodes marked VSYSTEM.
* Skip over all vnodes marked VNOFLUSH.
- */
+ */
if ((flags & SKIPSYSTEM) && ((vp->v_flag & VSYSTEM) ||
(vp->v_flag & VNOFLUSH))) {
if (((vp->v_usecount == 0) ||
((vp->v_usecount - vp->v_kusecount) == 0))) {
- vp->v_iocount++; /* so that drain waits for * other iocounts */
+ vp->v_iocount++; /* so that drain waits for * other iocounts */
#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
record_vp(vp, 1);
if (vp->v_type != VBLK && vp->v_type != VCHR) {
- vp->v_iocount++; /* so that drain waits * for other iocounts */
+ vp->v_iocount++; /* so that drain waits * for other iocounts */
#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
record_vp(vp, 1);
+ vnode_abort_advlocks(vp);
vnode_reclaim_internal(vp, 1, 1, 0);
- if (busyprt)
- vprint("vflush: busy vnode", vp);
+ /* log vnodes blocking unforced unmounts */
+ if (print_busy_vnodes && first_try && ((flags & FORCECLOSE) == 0)) {
+ vprint("vflush - busy vnode", vp);
+ }
/* At this point the worker queue is completed */
- if (busy && ((flags & FORCECLOSE)==0) && reclaimed) {
+ if (busy && ((flags & FORCECLOSE) == 0) && reclaimed) {
busy = 0;
reclaimed = 0;
+ first_try = false;
/* returned with mount lock held */
goto loop;
/* if new vnodes were created in between retry the reclaim */
- if ( vnode_iterate_reloadq(mp) != 0) {
- if (!(busy && ((flags & FORCECLOSE)==0)))
+ if (vnode_iterate_reloadq(mp) != 0) {
+ if (!(busy && ((flags & FORCECLOSE) == 0))) {
+ first_try = false;
goto loop;
+ }
+ mount_iterate_unlock(mp);
- if (busy && ((flags & FORCECLOSE)==0))
- return (EBUSY);
- return (0);
+ if (busy && ((flags & FORCECLOSE) == 0)) {
+ return EBUSY;
+ }
+ return 0;
long num_recycledvnodes = 0;
vp->v_lflag |= VL_TERMINATE;
- /*
- * remove the vnode from any mount list
- * it might be on...
- */
- insmntque(vp, (struct mount *)0);
is_namedstream = vnode_isnamedstream(vp);
OSAddAtomicLong(1, &num_recycledvnodes);
- if (flags & DOCLOSE)
+ if (flags & DOCLOSE) {
clflags |= IO_NDELAY;
- if (flags & REVOKEALL)
+ }
+ if (flags & REVOKEALL) {
clflags |= IO_REVOKE;
- if (active && (flags & DOCLOSE))
+ }
+ if (active && (flags & DOCLOSE)) {
VNOP_CLOSE(vp, clflags, ctx);
+ }
* Clean out any buffers associated with the vnode.
if (flags & DOCLOSE) {
- if (vp->v_tag == VT_NFS)
+ if (vp->v_tag == VT_NFS) {
nfs_vinvalbuf(vp, V_SAVE, ctx, 0);
- else
+ } else
- VNOP_FSYNC(vp, MNT_WAIT, ctx);
- buf_invalidateblks(vp, BUF_WRITE_DATA | BUF_INVALIDATE_LOCKED, 0, 0);
+ VNOP_FSYNC(vp, MNT_WAIT, ctx);
+ /*
+ * If the vnode is still in use (by the journal for
+ * example) we don't want to invalidate locked buffers
+ * here. In that case, either the journal will tidy them
+ * up, or we will deal with it when the usecount is
+ * finally released in vnode_rele_internal.
+ */
+ buf_invalidateblks(vp, BUF_WRITE_DATA | (active ? 0 : BUF_INVALIDATE_LOCKED), 0, 0);
- /*
+ if (UBCINFOEXISTS(vp)) {
+ /*
* Clean the pages in VM.
- (void)ubc_msync(vp, (off_t)0, ubc_getsize(vp), NULL, UBC_PUSHALL | UBC_INVALIDATE | UBC_SYNC);
+ (void)ubc_msync(vp, (off_t)0, ubc_getsize(vp), NULL, UBC_PUSHALL | UBC_INVALIDATE | UBC_SYNC);
+ }
- if (active || need_inactive)
+ if (active || need_inactive) {
+ }
if ((is_namedstream != 0) && (vp->v_parent != NULLVP)) {
vnode_t pvp = vp->v_parent;
/* Delete the shadow stream file before we reclaim its vnode */
if (vnode_isshadow(vp)) {
- vnode_relenamedstream(pvp, vp, ctx);
+ vnode_relenamedstream(pvp, vp);
- /*
+ /*
* No more streams associated with the parent. We
* have a ref on it, so its identity is stable.
* If the parent is on an opaque volume, then we need to know
* Destroy ubc named reference
* cluster_release is done on this path
* along with dropping the reference on the ucred
+ * (and in the case of forced unmount of an mmap-ed file,
+ * the ubc reference on the vnode is dropped here too).
* cleanup trigger info from vnode (if any)
- if (vp->v_resolve)
+ if (vp->v_resolve) {
+ }
* Reclaim the vnode.
- if (VNOP_RECLAIM(vp, ctx))
+ if (VNOP_RECLAIM(vp, ctx)) {
panic("vclean: cannot reclaim");
+ }
// make sure the name & parent ptrs get cleaned out!
+ /*
+ * Remove the vnode from any mount list it might be on. It is not
+ * safe to do this any earlier because unmount needs to wait for
+ * any vnodes to terminate and it cannot do that if it cannot find
+ * them.
+ */
+ insmntque(vp, (struct mount *)0);
vp->v_mount = dead_mountp;
vp->v_op = dead_vnodeop_p;
vp->v_tag = VT_NON;
vp->v_data = NULL;
vp->v_lflag |= VL_DEAD;
+ vp->v_flag &= ~VISDIRTY;
if (already_terminating == 0) {
- vp->v_lflag &= ~VL_TERMINATE;
+ vp->v_lflag &= ~VL_TERMINATE;
* Done with purge, notify sleepers of the grim news.
if (vp->v_lflag & VL_TERMWANT) {
- vp->v_lflag &= ~VL_TERMWANT;
+ vp->v_lflag &= ~VL_TERMWANT;
int vid;
- if ((flags & REVOKEALL) == 0)
+ if ((flags & REVOKEALL) == 0) {
+ }
if (vnode_isaliased(vp)) {
* If a vgone (or vclean) is already in progress,
* return an immediate error
- if (vp->v_lflag & VL_TERMINATE)
- return(ENOENT);
+ if (vp->v_lflag & VL_TERMINATE) {
+ return ENOENT;
+ }
* Ensure that vp will not be vgone'd while we
while ((vp->v_specflags & SI_ALIASED)) {
for (vq = *vp->v_hashchain; vq; vq = vq->v_specnext) {
if (vq->v_rdev != vp->v_rdev ||
- vq->v_type != vp->v_type || vp == vq)
+ vq->v_type != vp->v_type || vp == vq) {
+ }
vid = vq->v_id;
- if (vnode_getwithvid(vq,vid)){
+ if (vnode_getwithvid(vq, vid)) {
- vnode_reclaim_internal(vq, 0, 1, 0);
- vnode_put(vq);
+ vnode_lock(vq);
+ if (!(vq->v_lflag & VL_TERMINATE)) {
+ vnode_reclaim_internal(vq, 1, 1, 0);
+ }
+ vnode_put_locked(vq);
+ vnode_unlock(vq);
- vnode_reclaim_internal(vp, 0, 0, REVOKEALL);
+ vnode_lock(vp);
+ if (vp->v_lflag & VL_TERMINATE) {
+ vnode_unlock(vp);
+ return ENOENT;
+ }
+ vnode_reclaim_internal(vp, 1, 0, REVOKEALL);
+ vnode_unlock(vp);
- return (0);
+ return 0;
if (vp->v_iocount || vp->v_usecount) {
vp->v_lflag |= VL_MARKTERM;
- return(0);
- }
+ return 0;
+ }
vnode_reclaim_internal(vp, 1, 0, 0);
- return (1);
+ return 1;
static int
if ((vp->v_iocount > 1) || vp->v_usecount) {
- return(0);
- }
- if (vp->v_iocount <= 0)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (vp->v_iocount <= 0) {
panic("vnode_reload with no iocount %d", vp->v_iocount);
+ }
/* mark for release when iocount is dopped */
vp->v_lflag |= VL_MARKTERM;
- return (1);
+ return 1;
* if it is on one.
if ((vp->v_type == VBLK || vp->v_type == VCHR) && vp->v_specinfo != 0) {
- if (*vp->v_hashchain == vp) {
- *vp->v_hashchain = vp->v_specnext;
- } else {
- for (vq = *vp->v_hashchain; vq; vq = vq->v_specnext) {
- if (vq->v_specnext != vp)
- continue;
- vq->v_specnext = vp->v_specnext;
- break;
+ if (*vp->v_hashchain == vp) {
+ *vp->v_hashchain = vp->v_specnext;
+ } else {
+ for (vq = *vp->v_hashchain; vq; vq = vq->v_specnext) {
+ if (vq->v_specnext != vp) {
+ continue;
- if (vq == NULL)
- panic("missing bdev");
+ vq->v_specnext = vp->v_specnext;
+ break;
- if (vp->v_specflags & SI_ALIASED) {
- vx = NULL;
- for (vq = *vp->v_hashchain; vq; vq = vq->v_specnext) {
- if (vq->v_rdev != vp->v_rdev ||
- vq->v_type != vp->v_type)
- continue;
- if (vx)
- break;
- vx = vq;
- }
- if (vx == NULL)
- panic("missing alias");
- if (vq == NULL)
- vx->v_specflags &= ~SI_ALIASED;
- vp->v_specflags &= ~SI_ALIASED;
+ if (vq == NULL) {
+ panic("missing bdev");
- {
+ }
+ if (vp->v_specflags & SI_ALIASED) {
+ vx = NULL;
+ for (vq = *vp->v_hashchain; vq; vq = vq->v_specnext) {
+ if (vq->v_rdev != vp->v_rdev ||
+ vq->v_type != vp->v_type) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (vx) {
+ break;
+ }
+ vx = vq;
+ }
+ if (vx == NULL) {
+ panic("missing alias");
+ }
+ if (vq == NULL) {
+ vx->v_specflags &= ~SI_ALIASED;
+ }
+ vp->v_specflags &= ~SI_ALIASED;
+ }
+ {
struct specinfo *tmp = vp->v_specinfo;
vp->v_specinfo = NULL;
- FREE_ZONE((void *)tmp, sizeof(struct specinfo), M_SPECINFO);
- }
+ FREE_ZONE(tmp, sizeof(struct specinfo), M_SPECINFO);
+ }
check_mountedon(dev_t dev, enum vtype type, int *errorp)
- vnode_t vp;
+ vnode_t vp;
int rc = 0;
int vid;
for (vp = speclisth[SPECHASH(dev)]; vp; vp = vp->v_specnext) {
- if (dev != vp->v_rdev || type != vp->v_type)
+ if (dev != vp->v_rdev || type != vp->v_type) {
+ }
vid = vp->v_id;
- if (vnode_getwithvid(vp,vid))
+ if (vnode_getwithvid(vp, vid)) {
goto loop;
+ }
if ((vp->v_usecount > 0) || (vp->v_iocount > 1)) {
- if ((*errorp = vfs_mountedon(vp)) != 0)
+ if ((*errorp = vfs_mountedon(vp)) != 0) {
rc = 1;
- } else
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
- return(rc);
+ return rc;
- return (0);
+ return 0;
int count;
int vid;
+ if (!vnode_isspec(vp)) {
+ return vp->v_usecount - vp->v_kusecount;
+ }
- if (!vnode_isaliased(vp))
- return (vp->v_specinfo->si_opencount);
+ if (!vnode_isaliased(vp)) {
+ return vp->v_specinfo->si_opencount;
+ }
count = 0;
if (vq->v_rdev == vp->v_rdev && vq->v_type == vp->v_type) {
- if ((vq->v_usecount == 0) && (vq->v_iocount == 1) && vq != vp) {
+ if ((vq->v_usecount == 0) && (vq->v_iocount == 1) && vq != vp) {
* Alias, but not in use, so flush it out.
vq = vnext;
- return (count);
+ return count;
-int prtactive = 0; /* 1 => print out reclaim of active vnodes */
+int prtactive = 0; /* 1 => print out reclaim of active vnodes */
* Print out a description of a vnode.
static const char *typename[] =
- { "VNON", "VREG", "VDIR", "VBLK", "VCHR", "VLNK", "VSOCK", "VFIFO", "VBAD" };
+{ "VNON", "VREG", "VDIR", "VBLK", "VCHR", "VLNK", "VSOCK", "VFIFO", "VBAD" };
vprint(const char *label, struct vnode *vp)
char sbuf[64];
- if (label != NULL)
+ if (label != NULL) {
printf("%s: ", label);
- printf("type %s, usecount %d, writecount %d",
- typename[vp->v_type], vp->v_usecount, vp->v_writecount);
+ }
+ printf("name %s type %s, usecount %d, writecount %d\n",
+ vp->v_name, typename[vp->v_type],
+ vp->v_usecount, vp->v_writecount);
sbuf[0] = '\0';
- if (vp->v_flag & VROOT)
+ if (vp->v_flag & VROOT) {
strlcat(sbuf, "|VROOT", sizeof(sbuf));
- if (vp->v_flag & VTEXT)
+ }
+ if (vp->v_flag & VTEXT) {
strlcat(sbuf, "|VTEXT", sizeof(sbuf));
- if (vp->v_flag & VSYSTEM)
+ }
+ if (vp->v_flag & VSYSTEM) {
strlcat(sbuf, "|VSYSTEM", sizeof(sbuf));
- if (vp->v_flag & VNOFLUSH)
+ }
+ if (vp->v_flag & VNOFLUSH) {
strlcat(sbuf, "|VNOFLUSH", sizeof(sbuf));
- if (vp->v_flag & VBWAIT)
+ }
+ if (vp->v_flag & VBWAIT) {
strlcat(sbuf, "|VBWAIT", sizeof(sbuf));
- if (vnode_isaliased(vp))
+ }
+ if (vnode_isaliased(vp)) {
strlcat(sbuf, "|VALIASED", sizeof(sbuf));
- if (sbuf[0] != '\0')
- printf(" flags (%s)", &sbuf[1]);
+ }
+ if (sbuf[0] != '\0') {
+ printf("vnode flags (%s\n", &sbuf[1]);
+ }
return build_path(vp, pathbuf, *len, len, 0, vfs_context_current());
+ * vn_getpath_fsenter_with_parent will reenter the file system to fine the path of the
+ * vnode. It requires that there are IO counts on both the vnode and the directory vnode.
+ *
+ * vn_getpath_fsenter is called by MAC hooks to authorize operations for every thing, but
+ * unlink, rmdir and rename. For these operation the MAC hook calls vn_getpath. This presents
+ * problems where if the path can not be found from the name cache, those operations can
+ * erroneously fail with EPERM even though the call should succeed. When removing or moving
+ * file system objects with operations such as unlink or rename, those operations need to
+ * take IO counts on the target and containing directory. Calling vn_getpath_fsenter from a
+ * MAC hook from these operations during forced unmount operations can lead to dead
+ * lock. This happens when the operation starts, IO counts are taken on the containing
+ * directories and targets. Before the MAC hook is called a forced unmount from another
+ * thread takes place and blocks on the on going operation's directory vnode in vdrain.
+ * After which, the MAC hook gets called and calls vn_getpath_fsenter. vn_getpath_fsenter
+ * is called with the understanding that there is an IO count on the target. If in
+ * build_path the directory vnode is no longer in the cache, then the parent object id via
+ * vnode_getattr from the target is obtain and used to call VFS_VGET to get the parent
+ * vnode. The file system's VFS_VGET then looks up by inode in its hash and tries to get
+ * an IO count. But VFS_VGET "sees" the directory vnode is in vdrain and can block
+ * depending on which version and how it calls the vnode_get family of interfaces.
+ *
+ * N.B. A reasonable interface to use is vnode_getwithvid. This interface was modified to
+ * call vnode_getiocount with VNODE_DRAINO, so it will happily get an IO count and not
+ * cause issues, but there is no guarantee that all or any file systems are doing that.
+ *
+ * vn_getpath_fsenter_with_parent can enter the file system safely since there is a known
+ * IO count on the directory vnode by calling build_path_with_parent.
+ */
+vn_getpath_fsenter_with_parent(struct vnode *dvp, struct vnode *vp, char *pathbuf, int *len)
+ return build_path_with_parent(vp, dvp, pathbuf, *len, len, 0, vfs_context_current());
+vn_getpath_ext(struct vnode *vp, struct vnode *dvp, char *pathbuf, int *len, int flags)
+ int bpflags = (flags & VN_GETPATH_FSENTER) ? 0 : BUILDPATH_NO_FS_ENTER;
+ if (flags && (flags != VN_GETPATH_FSENTER)) {
+ if (flags & VN_GETPATH_NO_FIRMLINK) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return build_path_with_parent(vp, dvp, pathbuf, *len, len, bpflags, vfs_context_current());
+vn_getpath_no_firmlink(struct vnode *vp, char *pathbuf, int *len)
+ return vn_getpath_ext(vp, NULLVP, pathbuf, len, VN_GETPATH_NO_FIRMLINK);
vn_getcdhash(struct vnode *vp, off_t offset, unsigned char *cdhash)
-static char *extension_table=NULL;
+static char *extension_table = NULL;
static int nexts;
static int max_ext_width;
static int
extension_cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
- return (strlen((const char *)a) - strlen((const char *)b));
+ return strlen((const char *)a) - strlen((const char *)b);
__private_extern__ int
set_package_extensions_table(user_addr_t data, int nentries, int maxwidth)
- char *new_exts, *old_exts;
- int error;
- if (nentries <= 0 || nentries > 1024 || maxwidth <= 0 || maxwidth > 255) {
- return EINVAL;
- }
- // allocate one byte extra so we can guarantee null termination
- MALLOC(new_exts, char *, (nentries * maxwidth) + 1, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
- if (new_exts == NULL) {
- return ENOMEM;
- }
- error = copyin(data, new_exts, nentries * maxwidth);
- if (error) {
- FREE(new_exts, M_TEMP);
- return error;
- }
+ char *new_exts, *old_exts;
+ int error;
+ if (nentries <= 0 || nentries > 1024 || maxwidth <= 0 || maxwidth > 255) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ // allocate one byte extra so we can guarantee null termination
+ MALLOC(new_exts, char *, (nentries * maxwidth) + 1, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
+ if (new_exts == NULL) {
+ return ENOMEM;
+ }
- new_exts[(nentries * maxwidth)] = '\0'; // guarantee null termination of the block
+ error = copyin(data, new_exts, nentries * maxwidth);
+ if (error) {
+ FREE(new_exts, M_TEMP);
+ return error;
+ }
- qsort(new_exts, nentries, maxwidth, extension_cmp);
+ new_exts[(nentries * maxwidth)] = '\0'; // guarantee null termination of the block
- lck_mtx_lock(pkg_extensions_lck);
+ qsort(new_exts, nentries, maxwidth, extension_cmp);
- old_exts = extension_table;
- extension_table = new_exts;
- nexts = nentries;
- max_ext_width = maxwidth;
+ lck_mtx_lock(pkg_extensions_lck);
- lck_mtx_unlock(pkg_extensions_lck);
+ old_exts = extension_table;
+ extension_table = new_exts;
+ nexts = nentries;
+ max_ext_width = maxwidth;
- if (old_exts) {
- FREE(old_exts, M_TEMP);
- }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(pkg_extensions_lck);
- return 0;
+ if (old_exts) {
+ FREE(old_exts, M_TEMP);
+ }
+ return 0;
-__private_extern__ int
is_package_name(const char *name, int len)
- int i, extlen;
- const char *ptr, *name_ext;
- if (len <= 3) {
- return 0;
- }
+ int i, extlen;
+ const char *ptr, *name_ext;
- name_ext = NULL;
- for(ptr=name; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) {
- if (*ptr == '.') {
- name_ext = ptr;
+ if (len <= 3) {
+ return 0;
- }
- // if there is no "." extension, it can't match
- if (name_ext == NULL) {
- return 0;
- }
+ name_ext = NULL;
+ for (ptr = name; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) {
+ if (*ptr == '.') {
+ name_ext = ptr;
+ }
+ }
+ // if there is no "." extension, it can't match
+ if (name_ext == NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
- // advance over the "."
- name_ext++;
+ // advance over the "."
+ name_ext++;
- lck_mtx_lock(pkg_extensions_lck);
+ lck_mtx_lock(pkg_extensions_lck);
- // now iterate over all the extensions to see if any match
- ptr = &extension_table[0];
- for(i=0; i < nexts; i++, ptr+=max_ext_width) {
- extlen = strlen(ptr);
- if (strncasecmp(name_ext, ptr, extlen) == 0 && name_ext[extlen] == '\0') {
- // aha, a match!
- lck_mtx_unlock(pkg_extensions_lck);
- return 1;
+ // now iterate over all the extensions to see if any match
+ ptr = &extension_table[0];
+ for (i = 0; i < nexts; i++, ptr += max_ext_width) {
+ extlen = strlen(ptr);
+ if (strncasecmp(name_ext, ptr, extlen) == 0 && name_ext[extlen] == '\0') {
+ // aha, a match!
+ lck_mtx_unlock(pkg_extensions_lck);
+ return 1;
+ }
- }
- lck_mtx_unlock(pkg_extensions_lck);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(pkg_extensions_lck);
- // if we get here, no extension matched
- return 0;
+ // if we get here, no extension matched
+ return 0;
vn_path_package_check(__unused vnode_t vp, char *path, int pathlen, int *component)
- char *ptr, *end;
- int comp=0;
- *component = -1;
- if (*path != '/') {
- return EINVAL;
- }
+ char *ptr, *end;
+ int comp = 0;
- end = path + 1;
- while(end < path + pathlen && *end != '\0') {
- while(end < path + pathlen && *end == '/' && *end != '\0') {
- end++;
+ *component = -1;
+ if (*path != '/') {
+ return EINVAL;
- ptr = end;
+ end = path + 1;
+ while (end < path + pathlen && *end != '\0') {
+ while (end < path + pathlen && *end == '/' && *end != '\0') {
+ end++;
+ }
- while(end < path + pathlen && *end != '/' && *end != '\0') {
- end++;
- }
+ ptr = end;
- if (end > path + pathlen) {
- // hmm, string wasn't null terminated
- return EINVAL;
- }
+ while (end < path + pathlen && *end != '/' && *end != '\0') {
+ end++;
+ }
- *end = '\0';
- if (is_package_name(ptr, end - ptr)) {
- *component = comp;
- break;
- }
+ if (end > path + pathlen) {
+ // hmm, string wasn't null terminated
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ *end = '\0';
+ if (is_package_name(ptr, end - ptr)) {
+ *component = comp;
+ break;
+ }
- end++;
- comp++;
- }
+ end++;
+ comp++;
+ }
- return 0;
+ return 0;
* Determine if a name is inappropriate for a searchfs query.
* This list consists of /System currently.
-int vn_searchfs_inappropriate_name(const char *name, int len) {
+vn_searchfs_inappropriate_name(const char *name, int len)
const char *bad_names[] = { "System" };
int bad_len[] = { 6 };
int i;
- for(i=0; i < (int) (sizeof(bad_names) / sizeof(bad_names[0])); i++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) (sizeof(bad_names) / sizeof(bad_names[0])); i++) {
if (len == bad_len[i] && strncmp(name, bad_names[i], strlen(bad_names[i]) + 1) == 0) {
return 1;
extern unsigned int vfs_nummntops;
+ * The VFS_NUMMNTOPS shouldn't be at name[1] since
+ * is a VFS generic variable. Since we no longer support
+ * VT_UFS, we reserve its value to support this sysctl node.
+ *
+ * It should have been:
+ * name[0]: VFS_GENERIC
+ * name[1]: VFS_NUMMNTOPS
+ */
+SYSCTL_INT(_vfs, VFS_NUMMNTOPS, nummntops,
+ &vfs_nummntops, 0, "");
+vfs_sysctl(int *name __unused, u_int namelen __unused,
+ user_addr_t oldp __unused, size_t *oldlenp __unused,
+ user_addr_t newp __unused, size_t newlen __unused, proc_t p __unused);
-vfs_sysctl(int *name, u_int namelen, user_addr_t oldp, size_t *oldlenp,
- user_addr_t newp, size_t newlen, proc_t p)
+vfs_sysctl(int *name __unused, u_int namelen __unused,
+ user_addr_t oldp __unused, size_t *oldlenp __unused,
+ user_addr_t newp __unused, size_t newlen __unused, proc_t p __unused)
- struct vfstable *vfsp;
- int *username;
- u_int usernamelen;
- int error;
- struct vfsconf vfsc;
+ return EINVAL;
- /* All non VFS_GENERIC and in VFS_GENERIC,
- * needs to have root priv to have modifiers.
- * For rest the userland_sysctl(CTLFLAG_ANYBODY) would cover.
- */
- if ((newp != USER_ADDR_NULL) && ((name[0] != VFS_GENERIC) ||
- ((name[1] == VFS_MAXTYPENUM) ||
- (name[1] == VFS_CONF) ||
- (name[1] == VFS_SET_PACKAGE_EXTS)))
- && (error = suser(kauth_cred_get(), &p->p_acflag))) {
- return(error);
- }
- /*
- * The VFS_NUMMNTOPS shouldn't be at name[0] since
- * is a VFS generic variable. So now we must check
- * namelen so we don't end up covering any UFS
- * variables (sinc UFS vfc_typenum is 1).
- *
- * It should have been:
- * name[0]: VFS_GENERIC
- * name[1]: VFS_NUMMNTOPS
- */
- if (namelen == 1 && name[0] == VFS_NUMMNTOPS) {
- return (sysctl_rdint(oldp, oldlenp, newp, vfs_nummntops));
- }
- /* all sysctl names at this level are at least name and field */
- if (namelen < 2)
- return (EISDIR); /* overloaded */
- if (name[0] != VFS_GENERIC) {
+// The following code disallows specific sysctl's that came through
+// the direct sysctl interface (vfs_sysctl_node) instead of the newer
+// sysctl_vfs_ctlbyfsid() interface. We can not allow these selectors
+// through vfs_sysctl_node() because it passes the user's oldp pointer
+// directly to the file system which (for these selectors) casts it
+// back to a struct sysctl_req and then proceed to use SYSCTL_IN()
+// which jumps through an arbitrary function pointer. When called
+// through the sysctl_vfs_ctlbyfsid() interface this does not happen
+// and so it's safe.
+// Unfortunately we have to pull in definitions from AFP and SMB and
+// perform explicit name checks on the file system to determine if
+// these selectors are being used.
- mount_list_lock();
- for (vfsp = vfsconf; vfsp; vfsp = vfsp->vfc_next)
- if (vfsp->vfc_typenum == name[0]) {
- vfsp->vfc_refcount++;
- break;
- }
- mount_list_unlock();
+#define AFPFS_VFS_CTL_GETID 0x00020001
+#define AFPFS_VFS_CTL_NETCHANGE 0x00020002
+#define AFPFS_VFS_CTL_VOLCHANGE 0x00020003
- if (vfsp == NULL)
- return (ENOTSUP);
- /* XXX current context proxy for proc p? */
- error = ((*vfsp->vfc_vfsops->vfs_sysctl)(&name[1], namelen - 1,
- oldp, oldlenp, newp, newlen,
- vfs_context_current()));
- mount_list_lock();
- vfsp->vfc_refcount--;
- mount_list_unlock();
- return error;
+static int
+is_bad_sysctl_name(struct vfstable *vfsp, int selector_name)
+ switch (selector_name) {
+ case VFS_CTL_DISC:
+ return 1;
+ default:
+ break;
- switch (name[1]) {
- return (sysctl_rdint(oldp, oldlenp, newp, maxvfsconf));
- case VFS_CONF:
- if (namelen < 3)
- return (ENOTDIR); /* overloaded */
- mount_list_lock();
- for (vfsp = vfsconf; vfsp; vfsp = vfsp->vfc_next)
- if (vfsp->vfc_typenum == name[2])
- break;
+ // the more complicated check for some of SMB's special values
+ if (strcmp(vfsp->vfc_name, "smbfs") == 0) {
+ switch (selector_name) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(vfsp->vfc_name, "afpfs") == 0) {
+ switch (selector_name) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // If we get here we passed all the checks so the selector is ok
+ //
+ return 0;
+int vfs_sysctl_node SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
+ int *name, namelen;
+ struct vfstable *vfsp;
+ int error;
+ int fstypenum;
+ fstypenum = oidp->oid_number;
+ name = arg1;
+ namelen = arg2;
- if (vfsp == NULL) {
- mount_list_unlock();
- return (ENOTSUP);
+ /* all sysctl names at this level should have at least one name slot for the FS */
+ if (namelen < 1) {
+ return EISDIR; /* overloaded */
+ }
+ mount_list_lock();
+ for (vfsp = vfsconf; vfsp; vfsp = vfsp->vfc_next) {
+ if (vfsp->vfc_typenum == fstypenum) {
+ vfsp->vfc_refcount++;
+ break;
+ }
+ mount_list_unlock();
- vfsc.vfc_reserved1 = 0;
- bcopy(vfsp->vfc_name, vfsc.vfc_name, sizeof(vfsc.vfc_name));
- vfsc.vfc_typenum = vfsp->vfc_typenum;
- vfsc.vfc_refcount = vfsp->vfc_refcount;
- vfsc.vfc_flags = vfsp->vfc_flags;
- vfsc.vfc_reserved2 = 0;
- vfsc.vfc_reserved3 = 0;
+ if (vfsp == NULL) {
+ return ENOTSUP;
+ }
- mount_list_unlock();
- return (sysctl_rdstruct(oldp, oldlenp, newp, &vfsc,
- sizeof(struct vfsconf)));
- return set_package_extensions_table((user_addr_t)((unsigned)name[1]), name[2], name[3]);
+ if (is_bad_sysctl_name(vfsp, name[0])) {
+ printf("vfs: bad selector 0x%.8x for old-style sysctl(). use the sysctl-by-fsid interface instead\n", name[0]);
+ return EPERM;
- /*
- * We need to get back into the general MIB, so we need to re-prepend
- * CTL_VFS to our name and try userland_sysctl().
- */
- usernamelen = namelen + 1;
- MALLOC(username, int *, usernamelen * sizeof(*username),
- bcopy(name, username + 1, namelen * sizeof(*name));
- username[0] = CTL_VFS;
- error = userland_sysctl(p, username, usernamelen, oldp,
- oldlenp, newp, newlen, oldlenp);
- FREE(username, M_TEMP);
- return (error);
- * Dump vnode list (via sysctl) - defunct
- * use "pstat" instead
- */
-(__unused struct sysctl_oid *oidp, __unused void *arg1, __unused int arg2, __unused struct sysctl_req *req)
- return(EINVAL);
+ error = (vfsp->vfc_vfsops->vfs_sysctl)(name, namelen, req->oldptr, &req->oldlen, req->newptr, req->newlen, vfs_context_current());
-SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, KERN_VNODE, vnode,
- 0, 0, sysctl_vnode, "S,", "");
+ mount_list_lock();
+ vfsp->vfc_refcount--;
+ mount_list_unlock();
+ return error;
* Check to see if a filesystem is mounted on a block device.
if (vp->v_specflags & SI_ALIASED) {
for (vq = *vp->v_hashchain; vq; vq = vq->v_specnext) {
if (vq->v_rdev != vp->v_rdev ||
- vq->v_type != vp->v_type)
+ vq->v_type != vp->v_type) {
+ }
if (vq->v_specflags & SI_MOUNTEDON) {
error = EBUSY;
- return (error);
+ return error;
+struct unmount_info {
+ int u_errs; // Total failed unmounts
+ int u_busy; // EBUSY failed unmounts
+static int
+unmount_callback(mount_t mp, void *arg)
+ int error;
+ char *mntname;
+ struct unmount_info *uip = arg;
+ mount_ref(mp, 0);
+ mount_iterdrop(mp); // avoid vfs_iterate deadlock in dounmount()
+ if (mntname) {
+ strlcpy(mntname, mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_mntonname, MAXPATHLEN);
+ }
+ error = dounmount(mp, MNT_FORCE, 1, vfs_context_current());
+ if (error) {
+ uip->u_errs++;
+ printf("Unmount of %s failed (%d)\n", mntname ? mntname:"?", error);
+ if (error == EBUSY) {
+ uip->u_busy++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mntname) {
+ }
+ return VFS_RETURNED;
* Unmount all filesystems. The list is traversed in reverse order
* of mounting to avoid dependencies.
+ * Busy mounts are retried.
__private_extern__ void
- struct mount *mp;
- int error;
+ int mounts, sec = 1;
+ struct unmount_info ui;
- /*
- * Since this only runs when rebooting, it is not interlocked.
- */
- mount_list_lock();
- while(!TAILQ_EMPTY(&mountlist)) {
- mp = TAILQ_LAST(&mountlist, mntlist);
- mount_list_unlock();
- error = dounmount(mp, MNT_FORCE, 0, vfs_context_current());
- if ((error != 0) && (error != EBUSY)) {
- printf("unmount of %s failed (", mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_mntonname);
- printf("%d)\n", error);
- mount_list_lock();
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&mountlist, mp, mnt_list);
- continue;
- } else if (error == EBUSY) {
- /* If EBUSY is returned, the unmount was already in progress */
- printf("unmount of %p failed (", mp);
- printf("BUSY)\n");
- }
- mount_list_lock();
+ vfs_unmountall_started = 1;
+ ui.u_errs = ui.u_busy = 0;
+ vfs_iterate(VFS_ITERATE_CB_DROPREF | VFS_ITERATE_TAIL_FIRST, unmount_callback, &ui);
+ mounts = mount_getvfscnt();
+ if (mounts == 0) {
+ return;
- mount_list_unlock();
+ if (ui.u_busy > 0) { // Busy mounts - wait & retry
+ tsleep(&nummounts, PVFS, "busy mount", sec * hz);
+ sec *= 2;
+ if (sec <= 32) {
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ printf("Unmounting timed out\n");
+ } else if (ui.u_errs < mounts) {
+ // If the vfs_iterate missed mounts in progress - wait a bit
+ tsleep(&nummounts, PVFS, "missed mount", 2 * hz);
+ }
* This routine is called from vnode_pager_deallocate out of the VM
* The path to vnode_pager_deallocate can only be initiated by ubc_destroy_named
* on a vnode that has a UBCINFO
__private_extern__ void
vnode_pager_vrele(vnode_t vp)
- struct ubc_info *uip;
+ struct ubc_info *uip;
vp->v_lflag &= ~VNAMED_UBC;
+ if (vp->v_usecount != 0) {
+ /*
+ * At the eleventh hour, just before the ubcinfo is
+ * destroyed, ensure the ubc-specific v_usecount
+ * reference has gone. We use v_usecount != 0 as a hint;
+ * ubc_unmap() does nothing if there's no mapping.
+ *
+ * This case is caused by coming here via forced unmount,
+ * versus the usual vm_object_deallocate() path.
+ * In the forced unmount case, ubc_destroy_named()
+ * releases the pager before memory_object_last_unmap()
+ * can be called.
+ */
+ vnode_unlock(vp);
+ ubc_unmap(vp);
+ vnode_lock_spin(vp);
+ }
uip = vp->v_ubcinfo;
vp->v_ubcinfo = UBC_INFO_NULL;
u_int32_t rootunit = (u_int32_t)-1;
+extern int lowpri_throttle_enabled;
+extern int iosched_enabled;
vfs_init_io_attributes(vnode_t devvp, mount_t mp)
- int error;
- off_t readblockcnt = 0;
- off_t writeblockcnt = 0;
- off_t readmaxcnt = 0;
- off_t writemaxcnt = 0;
- off_t readsegcnt = 0;
- off_t writesegcnt = 0;
- off_t readsegsize = 0;
- off_t writesegsize = 0;
- off_t alignment = 0;
- off_t ioqueue_depth = 0;
+ int error;
+ off_t readblockcnt = 0;
+ off_t writeblockcnt = 0;
+ off_t readmaxcnt = 0;
+ off_t writemaxcnt = 0;
+ off_t readsegcnt = 0;
+ off_t writesegcnt = 0;
+ off_t readsegsize = 0;
+ off_t writesegsize = 0;
+ off_t alignment = 0;
+ u_int32_t minsaturationbytecount = 0;
+ u_int32_t ioqueue_depth = 0;
u_int32_t blksize;
u_int64_t temp;
u_int32_t features;
+ u_int64_t location = 0;
vfs_context_t ctx = vfs_context_current();
+ dk_corestorage_info_t cs_info;
+ boolean_t cs_present = FALSE;;
int isssd = 0;
int isvirtual = 0;
mp->mnt_devbsdunit = num_trailing_0(mp->mnt_throttle_mask);
- if (devvp == rootvp)
+ if (devvp == rootvp) {
rootunit = mp->mnt_devbsdunit;
+ }
if (mp->mnt_devbsdunit == rootunit) {
- (caddr_t)&blksize, 0, ctx)))
- return (error);
+ (caddr_t)&blksize, 0, ctx))) {
+ return error;
+ }
mp->mnt_devblocksize = blksize;
* and if those advertised constraints result in a smaller
* limit for a given I/O
- mp->mnt_maxreadcnt = MAX_UPL_SIZE * PAGE_SIZE;
- mp->mnt_maxwritecnt = MAX_UPL_SIZE * PAGE_SIZE;
+ mp->mnt_maxreadcnt = MAX_UPL_SIZE_BYTES;
+ mp->mnt_maxwritecnt = MAX_UPL_SIZE_BYTES;
if (VNOP_IOCTL(devvp, DKIOCISVIRTUAL, (caddr_t)&isvirtual, 0, ctx) == 0) {
- if (isvirtual)
- mp->mnt_kern_flag |= MNTK_VIRTUALDEV;
+ if (isvirtual) {
+ mp->mnt_kern_flag |= MNTK_VIRTUALDEV;
+ mp->mnt_flag |= MNT_REMOVABLE;
+ }
if (VNOP_IOCTL(devvp, DKIOCISSOLIDSTATE, (caddr_t)&isssd, 0, ctx) == 0) {
- if (isssd)
- mp->mnt_kern_flag |= MNTK_SSD;
+ if (isssd) {
+ mp->mnt_kern_flag |= MNTK_SSD;
+ }
- (caddr_t)&features, 0, ctx)))
- return (error);
+ (caddr_t)&features, 0, ctx))) {
+ return error;
+ }
- (caddr_t)&readblockcnt, 0, ctx)))
- return (error);
+ (caddr_t)&readblockcnt, 0, ctx))) {
+ return error;
+ }
- (caddr_t)&writeblockcnt, 0, ctx)))
- return (error);
+ (caddr_t)&writeblockcnt, 0, ctx))) {
+ return error;
+ }
- (caddr_t)&readmaxcnt, 0, ctx)))
- return (error);
+ (caddr_t)&readmaxcnt, 0, ctx))) {
+ return error;
+ }
- (caddr_t)&writemaxcnt, 0, ctx)))
- return (error);
+ (caddr_t)&writemaxcnt, 0, ctx))) {
+ return error;
+ }
- (caddr_t)&readsegcnt, 0, ctx)))
- return (error);
+ (caddr_t)&readsegcnt, 0, ctx))) {
+ return error;
+ }
- (caddr_t)&writesegcnt, 0, ctx)))
- return (error);
+ (caddr_t)&writesegcnt, 0, ctx))) {
+ return error;
+ }
- (caddr_t)&readsegsize, 0, ctx)))
- return (error);
+ (caddr_t)&readsegsize, 0, ctx))) {
+ return error;
+ }
- (caddr_t)&writesegsize, 0, ctx)))
- return (error);
+ (caddr_t)&writesegsize, 0, ctx))) {
+ return error;
+ }
- (caddr_t)&alignment, 0, ctx)))
- return (error);
+ (caddr_t)&alignment, 0, ctx))) {
+ return error;
+ }
- (caddr_t)&ioqueue_depth, 0, ctx)))
- return (error);
+ (caddr_t)&ioqueue_depth, 0, ctx))) {
+ return error;
+ }
- if (readmaxcnt)
+ if (readmaxcnt) {
mp->mnt_maxreadcnt = (readmaxcnt > UINT32_MAX) ? UINT32_MAX : readmaxcnt;
+ }
if (readblockcnt) {
temp = readblockcnt * blksize;
temp = (temp > UINT32_MAX) ? UINT32_MAX : temp;
- if (temp < mp->mnt_maxreadcnt)
+ if (temp < mp->mnt_maxreadcnt) {
mp->mnt_maxreadcnt = (u_int32_t)temp;
+ }
- if (writemaxcnt)
+ if (writemaxcnt) {
mp->mnt_maxwritecnt = (writemaxcnt > UINT32_MAX) ? UINT32_MAX : writemaxcnt;
+ }
if (writeblockcnt) {
temp = writeblockcnt * blksize;
temp = (temp > UINT32_MAX) ? UINT32_MAX : temp;
- if (temp < mp->mnt_maxwritecnt)
+ if (temp < mp->mnt_maxwritecnt) {
mp->mnt_maxwritecnt = (u_int32_t)temp;
+ }
if (readsegcnt) {
- temp = (readsegcnt > UINT16_MAX) ? UINT16_MAX : readsegcnt;
+ temp = (readsegcnt > UINT16_MAX) ? UINT16_MAX : readsegcnt;
} else {
temp = mp->mnt_maxreadcnt / PAGE_SIZE;
- if (temp > UINT16_MAX)
+ if (temp > UINT16_MAX) {
temp = UINT16_MAX;
+ }
mp->mnt_segreadcnt = (u_int16_t)temp;
if (writesegcnt) {
- temp = (writesegcnt > UINT16_MAX) ? UINT16_MAX : writesegcnt;
+ temp = (writesegcnt > UINT16_MAX) ? UINT16_MAX : writesegcnt;
} else {
temp = mp->mnt_maxwritecnt / PAGE_SIZE;
- if (temp > UINT16_MAX)
+ if (temp > UINT16_MAX) {
temp = UINT16_MAX;
+ }
mp->mnt_segwritecnt = (u_int16_t)temp;
- if (readsegsize)
- temp = (readsegsize > UINT32_MAX) ? UINT32_MAX : readsegsize;
- else
- temp = mp->mnt_maxreadcnt;
+ if (readsegsize) {
+ temp = (readsegsize > UINT32_MAX) ? UINT32_MAX : readsegsize;
+ } else {
+ temp = mp->mnt_maxreadcnt;
+ }
mp->mnt_maxsegreadsize = (u_int32_t)temp;
- if (writesegsize)
- temp = (writesegsize > UINT32_MAX) ? UINT32_MAX : writesegsize;
- else
- temp = mp->mnt_maxwritecnt;
+ if (writesegsize) {
+ temp = (writesegsize > UINT32_MAX) ? UINT32_MAX : writesegsize;
+ } else {
+ temp = mp->mnt_maxwritecnt;
+ }
mp->mnt_maxsegwritesize = (u_int32_t)temp;
- if (alignment)
- temp = (alignment > PAGE_SIZE) ? PAGE_MASK : alignment - 1;
- else
- temp = 0;
+ if (alignment) {
+ temp = (alignment > PAGE_SIZE) ? PAGE_MASK : alignment - 1;
+ } else {
+ temp = 0;
+ }
mp->mnt_alignmentmask = temp;
- if (ioqueue_depth > MNT_DEFAULT_IOQUEUE_DEPTH)
+ if (ioqueue_depth > MNT_DEFAULT_IOQUEUE_DEPTH) {
temp = ioqueue_depth;
- else
+ } else {
+ }
mp->mnt_ioqueue_depth = temp;
- mp->mnt_ioscale = (mp->mnt_ioqueue_depth + (MNT_DEFAULT_IOQUEUE_DEPTH - 1)) / MNT_DEFAULT_IOQUEUE_DEPTH;
+ mp->mnt_ioscale = MNT_IOSCALE(mp->mnt_ioqueue_depth);
+ if (mp->mnt_ioscale > 1) {
+ printf("ioqueue_depth = %d, ioscale = %d\n", (int)mp->mnt_ioqueue_depth, (int)mp->mnt_ioscale);
+ }
+ if (features & DK_FEATURE_FORCE_UNIT_ACCESS) {
+ mp->mnt_ioflags |= MNT_IOFLAGS_FUA_SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ if (VNOP_IOCTL(devvp, DKIOCGETIOMINSATURATIONBYTECOUNT, (caddr_t)&minsaturationbytecount, 0, ctx) == 0) {
+ mp->mnt_minsaturationbytecount = minsaturationbytecount;
+ } else {
+ mp->mnt_minsaturationbytecount = 0;
+ }
+ if (VNOP_IOCTL(devvp, DKIOCCORESTORAGE, (caddr_t)&cs_info, 0, ctx) == 0) {
+ cs_present = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (features & DK_FEATURE_UNMAP) {
+ mp->mnt_ioflags |= MNT_IOFLAGS_UNMAP_SUPPORTED;
+ if (cs_present == TRUE) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (cs_present == TRUE) {
+ /*
+ * for now we'll use the following test as a proxy for
+ * the underlying drive being FUSION in nature
+ */
+ if ((cs_info.flags & DK_CORESTORAGE_PIN_YOUR_METADATA)) {
+ mp->mnt_ioflags |= MNT_IOFLAGS_FUSION_DRIVE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Check for APFS Fusion */
+ dk_apfs_flavour_t flavour;
+ if ((VNOP_IOCTL(devvp, DKIOCGETAPFSFLAVOUR, (caddr_t)&flavour, 0, ctx) == 0) &&
+ (flavour == DK_APFS_FUSION)) {
+ mp->mnt_ioflags |= MNT_IOFLAGS_FUSION_DRIVE;
+ }
+ }
- if (mp->mnt_ioscale > 1)
- printf("ioqueue_depth = %d, ioscale = %d\n", (int)mp->mnt_ioqueue_depth, (int)mp->mnt_ioscale);
+ if (VNOP_IOCTL(devvp, DKIOCGETLOCATION, (caddr_t)&location, 0, ctx) == 0) {
+ if (location & DK_LOCATION_EXTERNAL) {
+ mp->mnt_ioflags |= MNT_IOFLAGS_PERIPHERAL_DRIVE;
+ mp->mnt_flag |= MNT_REMOVABLE;
+ }
+ }
- mp->mnt_ioflags |= MNT_IOFLAGS_FUA_SUPPORTED;
- if (features & DK_FEATURE_UNMAP)
- mp->mnt_ioflags |= MNT_IOFLAGS_UNMAP_SUPPORTED;
- return (error);
+ if (iosched_enabled && (features & DK_FEATURE_PRIORITY)) {
+ throttle_info_disable_throttle(mp->mnt_devbsdunit, (mp->mnt_ioflags & MNT_IOFLAGS_FUSION_DRIVE) != 0);
+ }
+#endif /* CONFIG_IOSCHED */
+ return error;
static struct klist fs_klist;
fs_klist_lck_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("fs_klist", NULL);
fs_klist_lock = lck_mtx_alloc_init(fs_klist_lck_grp, NULL);
-vfs_event_signal(__unused fsid_t *fsid, u_int32_t event, __unused intptr_t data)
+vfs_event_signal(fsid_t *fsid, u_int32_t event, intptr_t data)
+ if (event == VQ_DEAD || event == VQ_NOTRESP) {
+ struct mount *mp = vfs_getvfs(fsid);
+ if (mp) {
+ mount_lock_spin(mp);
+ if (data) {
+ mp->mnt_kern_flag &= ~MNT_LNOTRESP; // Now responding
+ } else {
+ mp->mnt_kern_flag |= MNT_LNOTRESP; // Not responding
+ }
+ mount_unlock(mp);
+ }
+ }
KNOTE(&fs_klist, event);
static int
- return(mount_getvfscnt());
+ return mount_getvfscnt();
ret = nummounts;
- return (ret);
+ return ret;
mount_fillfsids(fsid_t *fsidlst, int count)
struct mount *mp;
- int actual=0;
+ int actual = 0;
actual = 0;
- return (actual);
+ return actual;
TAILQ_FOREACH(mp, &mountlist, mnt_list) {
- if (*actual <= count)
+ if (*actual <= count) {
fsidlst[(*actual) - 1] = mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_fsid;
+ }
- return (*actual <= count ? 0 : ENOMEM);
+ return *actual <= count ? 0 : ENOMEM;
static int
sysctl_vfs_vfslist(__unused struct sysctl_oid *oidp, __unused void *arg1,
- __unused int arg2, struct sysctl_req *req)
+ __unused int arg2, struct sysctl_req *req)
int actual, error;
size_t space;
fsid_t *fsidlst;
/* This is a readonly node. */
- if (req->newptr != USER_ADDR_NULL)
- return (EPERM);
+ if (req->newptr != USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ return EPERM;
+ }
/* they are querying us so just return the space required. */
if (req->oldptr == USER_ADDR_NULL) {
req->oldlen = sysctl_vfs_getvfscnt() * sizeof(fsid_t);
/* they didn't give us enough space. */
- if (space < req->oldlen)
- return (ENOMEM);
+ if (space < req->oldlen) {
+ return ENOMEM;
+ }
- MALLOC(fsidlst, fsid_t *, req->oldlen, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
+ MALLOC(fsidlst, fsid_t *, req->oldlen, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
if (fsidlst == NULL) {
- return (ENOMEM);
+ return ENOMEM;
error = sysctl_vfs_getvfslist(fsidlst, req->oldlen / sizeof(fsid_t),
error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, fsidlst, actual * sizeof(fsid_t));
FREE(fsidlst, M_TEMP);
- return (error);
+ return error;
static int
sysctl_vfs_ctlbyfsid(__unused struct sysctl_oid *oidp, void *arg1, int arg2,
- struct sysctl_req *req)
+ struct sysctl_req *req)
union union_vfsidctl vc;
struct mount *mp;
struct vfsstatfs *sp;
int *name, flags, namelen;
- int error=0, gotref=0;
+ int error = 0, gotref = 0;
vfs_context_t ctx = vfs_context_current();
- proc_t p = req->p; /* XXX req->p != current_proc()? */
+ proc_t p = req->p; /* XXX req->p != current_proc()? */
boolean_t is_64_bit;
name = arg1;
is_64_bit = proc_is64bit(p);
error = SYSCTL_IN(req, &vc, is_64_bit? sizeof(vc.vc64):sizeof(vc.vc32));
- if (error)
+ if (error) {
goto out;
+ }
if (vc.vc32.vc_vers != VFS_CTL_VERS1) { /* works for 32 and 64 */
error = EINVAL;
goto out;
if (vfs_64bitready(mp)) {
error = mp->mnt_op->vfs_sysctl(name, namelen,
- }
- else {
+ } else {
error = ENOTSUP;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
error = mp->mnt_op->vfs_sysctl(name, namelen,
if (error != ENOTSUP) {
if (is_64_bit) {
req->newptr = vc.vc64.vc_ptr;
req->newlen = (size_t)vc.vc64.vc_len;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
req->newptr = CAST_USER_ADDR_T(vc.vc32.vc_ptr);
req->newlen = vc.vc32.vc_len;
error = SYSCTL_IN(req, &flags, sizeof(flags));
- if (error)
+ if (error) {
+ }
mount_ref(mp, 0);
if (is_64_bit) {
req->newptr = vc.vc64.vc_ptr;
req->newlen = (size_t)vc.vc64.vc_len;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
req->newptr = CAST_USER_ADDR_T(vc.vc32.vc_ptr);
req->newlen = vc.vc32.vc_len;
error = SYSCTL_IN(req, &flags, sizeof(flags));
- if (error)
+ if (error) {
+ }
sp = &mp->mnt_vfsstat;
if (((flags & MNT_NOWAIT) == 0 || (flags & (MNT_WAIT | MNT_DWAIT))) &&
- (error = vfs_update_vfsstat(mp, ctx, VFS_USER_EVENT)))
+ (error = vfs_update_vfsstat(mp, ctx, VFS_USER_EVENT))) {
goto out;
+ }
if (is_64_bit) {
struct user64_statfs sfs;
bzero(&sfs, sizeof(sfs));
sfs.f_ffree = (user64_long_t)sp->f_ffree;
sfs.f_fsid = sp->f_fsid;
sfs.f_owner = sp->f_owner;
if (mp->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_TYPENAME_OVERRIDE) {
- strlcpy(&sfs.f_fstypename[0], &mp->fstypename_override[0], MFSTYPENAMELEN);
- } else {
+ strlcpy(&sfs.f_fstypename[0], &mp->fstypename_override[0], MFSNAMELEN);
+ } else
+ {
strlcpy(sfs.f_fstypename, sp->f_fstypename, MFSNAMELEN);
strlcpy(sfs.f_mntonname, sp->f_mntonname, MNAMELEN);
strlcpy(sfs.f_mntfromname, sp->f_mntfromname, MNAMELEN);
error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &sfs, sizeof(sfs));
- }
- else {
+ } else {
struct user32_statfs sfs;
bzero(&sfs, sizeof(sfs));
sfs.f_flags = mp->mnt_flag & MNT_VISFLAGMASK;
* to reflect the filesystem size as best we can.
if (sp->f_blocks > INT_MAX) {
- int shift;
+ int shift;
* Work out how far we have to shift the block count down to make it fit.
* being smaller than f_bsize.
for (shift = 0; shift < 32; shift++) {
- if ((sp->f_blocks >> shift) <= INT_MAX)
+ if ((sp->f_blocks >> shift) <= INT_MAX) {
- if ((((long long)sp->f_bsize) << (shift + 1)) > INT_MAX)
+ }
+ if ((((long long)sp->f_bsize) << (shift + 1)) > INT_MAX) {
+ }
-#define __SHIFT_OR_CLIP(x, s) ((((x) >> (s)) > INT_MAX) ? INT_MAX : ((x) >> (s)))
+#define __SHIFT_OR_CLIP(x, s) ((((x) >> (s)) > INT_MAX) ? INT_MAX : ((x) >> (s)))
sfs.f_blocks = (user32_long_t)__SHIFT_OR_CLIP(sp->f_blocks, shift);
sfs.f_bfree = (user32_long_t)__SHIFT_OR_CLIP(sp->f_bfree, shift);
sfs.f_bavail = (user32_long_t)__SHIFT_OR_CLIP(sp->f_bavail, shift);
sfs.f_ffree = (user32_long_t)sp->f_ffree;
sfs.f_fsid = sp->f_fsid;
sfs.f_owner = sp->f_owner;
if (mp->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_TYPENAME_OVERRIDE) {
- strlcpy(&sfs.f_fstypename[0], &mp->fstypename_override[0], MFSTYPENAMELEN);
- } else {
+ strlcpy(&sfs.f_fstypename[0], &mp->fstypename_override[0], MFSNAMELEN);
+ } else
+ {
strlcpy(sfs.f_fstypename, sp->f_fstypename, MFSNAMELEN);
strlcpy(sfs.f_mntonname, sp->f_mntonname, MNAMELEN);
strlcpy(sfs.f_mntfromname, sp->f_mntfromname, MNAMELEN);
error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &sfs, sizeof(sfs));
goto out;
- if(gotref != 0)
+ if (gotref != 0) {
- return (error);
+ }
+ return error;
-static int filt_fsattach(struct knote *kn);
-static void filt_fsdetach(struct knote *kn);
-static int filt_fsevent(struct knote *kn, long hint);
-struct filterops fs_filtops = {
- .f_attach = filt_fsattach,
- .f_detach = filt_fsdetach,
- .f_event = filt_fsevent,
+static int filt_fsattach(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
+static void filt_fsdetach(struct knote *kn);
+static int filt_fsevent(struct knote *kn, long hint);
+static int filt_fstouch(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
+static int filt_fsprocess(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
+SECURITY_READ_ONLY_EARLY(struct filterops) fs_filtops = {
+ .f_attach = filt_fsattach,
+ .f_detach = filt_fsdetach,
+ .f_event = filt_fsevent,
+ .f_touch = filt_fstouch,
+ .f_process = filt_fsprocess,
static int
-filt_fsattach(struct knote *kn)
+filt_fsattach(struct knote *kn, __unused struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ kn->kn_flags |= EV_CLEAR; /* automatic */
+ kn->kn_sdata = 0; /* incoming data is ignored */
- kn->kn_flags |= EV_CLEAR;
KNOTE_ATTACH(&fs_klist, kn);
- return (0);
+ /*
+ * filter only sees future events,
+ * so it can't be fired already.
+ */
+ return 0;
static void
kn->kn_fflags |= hint;
- return (kn->kn_fflags != 0);
+ return kn->kn_fflags != 0;
+static int
+filt_fstouch(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ int res;
+ lck_mtx_lock(fs_klist_lock);
+ kn->kn_sfflags = kev->fflags;
+ /*
+ * the above filter function sets bits even if nobody is looking for them.
+ * Just preserve those bits even in the new mask is more selective
+ * than before.
+ *
+ * For compatibility with previous implementations, we leave kn_fflags
+ * as they were before.
+ */
+ //if (kn->kn_sfflags)
+ // kn->kn_fflags &= kn->kn_sfflags;
+ res = (kn->kn_fflags != 0);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(fs_klist_lock);
+ return res;
+static int
+filt_fsprocess(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ int res = 0;
+ lck_mtx_lock(fs_klist_lock);
+ if (kn->kn_fflags) {
+ knote_fill_kevent(kn, kev, 0);
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(fs_klist_lock);
+ return res;
static int
sysctl_vfs_noremotehang(__unused struct sysctl_oid *oidp,
- __unused void *arg1, __unused int arg2, struct sysctl_req *req)
+ __unused void *arg1, __unused int arg2, struct sysctl_req *req)
int out, error;
pid_t pid;
proc_t p;
/* We need a pid. */
- if (req->newptr == USER_ADDR_NULL)
- return (EINVAL);
+ if (req->newptr == USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
error = SYSCTL_IN(req, &pid, sizeof(pid));
- if (error)
- return (error);
+ if (error) {
+ return error;
+ }
p = proc_find(pid < 0 ? -pid : pid);
- if (p == NULL)
- return (ESRCH);
+ if (p == NULL) {
+ return ESRCH;
+ }
* Fetching the value is ok, but we only fetch if the old
out = !((p->p_flag & P_NOREMOTEHANG) == 0);
error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &out, sizeof(out));
- return (error);
+ return error;
/* cansignal offers us enough security. */
if (p != req->p && proc_suser(req->p) != 0) {
- return (EPERM);
+ return EPERM;
- if (pid < 0)
+ if (pid < 0) {
OSBitAndAtomic(~((uint32_t)P_NOREMOTEHANG), &p->p_flag);
- else
+ } else {
OSBitOrAtomic(P_NOREMOTEHANG, &p->p_flag);
+ }
- return (0);
+ return 0;
+static int
+sysctl_vfs_generic_conf SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
+ int *name, namelen;
+ struct vfstable *vfsp;
+ struct vfsconf vfsc = {};
+ (void)oidp;
+ name = arg1;
+ namelen = arg2;
+ if (namelen < 1) {
+ return EISDIR;
+ } else if (namelen > 1) {
+ return ENOTDIR;
+ }
+ mount_list_lock();
+ for (vfsp = vfsconf; vfsp; vfsp = vfsp->vfc_next) {
+ if (vfsp->vfc_typenum == name[0]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vfsp == NULL) {
+ mount_list_unlock();
+ return ENOTSUP;
+ }
+ vfsc.vfc_reserved1 = 0;
+ bcopy(vfsp->vfc_name, vfsc.vfc_name, sizeof(vfsc.vfc_name));
+ vfsc.vfc_typenum = vfsp->vfc_typenum;
+ vfsc.vfc_refcount = vfsp->vfc_refcount;
+ vfsc.vfc_flags = vfsp->vfc_flags;
+ vfsc.vfc_reserved2 = 0;
+ vfsc.vfc_reserved3 = 0;
+ mount_list_unlock();
+ return SYSCTL_OUT(req, &vfsc, sizeof(struct vfsconf));
/* the vfs.generic. branch. */
SYSCTL_NODE(_vfs, VFS_GENERIC, generic, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, NULL, "vfs generic hinge");
/* retreive a list of mounted filesystem fsid_t */
+SYSCTL_PROC(_vfs_generic, OID_AUTO, vfsidlist,
NULL, 0, sysctl_vfs_vfslist, "S,fsid", "List of mounted filesystem ids");
/* perform operations on filesystem via fsid_t */
sysctl_vfs_ctlbyfsid, "ctlbyfsid");
NULL, 0, sysctl_vfs_noremotehang, "I", "noremotehang");
+SYSCTL_INT(_vfs_generic, VFS_MAXTYPENUM, maxtypenum,
+ &maxvfstypenum, 0, "");
+SYSCTL_INT(_vfs_generic, OID_AUTO, sync_timeout, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &sync_timeout_seconds, 0, "");
+SYSCTL_NODE(_vfs_generic, VFS_CONF, conf,
+ sysctl_vfs_generic_conf, "");
+SYSCTL_INT(_vfs_generic, OID_AUTO, print_busy_vnodes,
+ &print_busy_vnodes, 0,
+ "VFS log busy vnodes blocking unmount");
+/* Indicate that the root file system unmounted cleanly */
+static int vfs_root_unmounted_cleanly = 0;
+SYSCTL_INT(_vfs_generic, OID_AUTO, root_unmounted_cleanly, CTLFLAG_RD, &vfs_root_unmounted_cleanly, 0, "Root filesystem was unmounted cleanly");
+ vfs_root_unmounted_cleanly = 1;
+ * Print vnode state.
+ */
+vn_print_state(struct vnode *vp, const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ char perm_str[] = "(VM_KERNEL_ADDRPERM pointer)";
+ char fs_name[MFSNAMELEN];
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ vprintf(fmt, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ printf("vp 0x%0llx %s: ", (uint64_t)VM_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(vp), perm_str);
+ printf("tag %d, type %d\n", vp->v_tag, vp->v_type);
+ /* Counts .. */
+ printf(" iocount %d, usecount %d, kusecount %d references %d\n",
+ vp->v_iocount, vp->v_usecount, vp->v_kusecount, vp->v_references);
+ printf(" writecount %d, numoutput %d\n", vp->v_writecount,
+ vp->v_numoutput);
+ /* Flags */
+ printf(" flag 0x%x, lflag 0x%x, listflag 0x%x\n", vp->v_flag,
+ vp->v_lflag, vp->v_listflag);
+ if (vp->v_mount == NULL || vp->v_mount == dead_mountp) {
+ strlcpy(fs_name, "deadfs", MFSNAMELEN);
+ } else {
+ vfs_name(vp->v_mount, fs_name);
+ }
+ printf(" v_data 0x%0llx %s\n",
+ (vp->v_data ? (uint64_t)VM_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(vp->v_data) : 0),
+ perm_str);
+ printf(" v_mount 0x%0llx %s vfs_name %s\n",
+ (vp->v_mount ? (uint64_t)VM_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(vp->v_mount) : 0),
+ perm_str, fs_name);
long num_reusedvnodes = 0;
+static vnode_t
+process_vp(vnode_t vp, int want_vp, int *deferred)
+ unsigned int vpid;
+ *deferred = 0;
+ vpid = vp->v_id;
+ vnode_list_remove_locked(vp);
+ vnode_list_unlock();
+ vnode_lock_spin(vp);
+ /*
+ * We could wait for the vnode_lock after removing the vp from the freelist
+ * and the vid is bumped only at the very end of reclaim. So it is possible
+ * that we are looking at a vnode that is being terminated. If so skip it.
+ */
+ if ((vpid != vp->v_id) || (vp->v_usecount != 0) || (vp->v_iocount != 0) ||
+ VONLIST(vp) || (vp->v_lflag & VL_TERMINATE)) {
+ /*
+ * we lost the race between dropping the list lock
+ * and picking up the vnode_lock... someone else
+ * used this vnode and it is now in a new state
+ */
+ vnode_unlock(vp);
+ return NULLVP;
+ }
+ /*
+ * we did a vnode_rele_ext that asked for
+ * us not to reenter the filesystem during
+ * the release even though VL_NEEDINACTIVE was
+ * set... we'll do it here by doing a
+ * vnode_get/vnode_put
+ *
+ * pick up an iocount so that we can call
+ * vnode_put and drive the VNOP_INACTIVE...
+ * vnode_put will either leave us off
+ * the freelist if a new ref comes in,
+ * or put us back on the end of the freelist
+ * or recycle us if we were marked for termination...
+ * so we'll just go grab a new candidate
+ */
+ vp->v_iocount++;
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ record_vp(vp, 1);
+ vnode_put_locked(vp);
+ vnode_unlock(vp);
+ return NULLVP;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Checks for anyone racing us for recycle
+ */
+ if (vp->v_type != VBAD) {
+ if (want_vp && (vnode_on_reliable_media(vp) == FALSE || (vp->v_flag & VISDIRTY))) {
+ vnode_async_list_add(vp);
+ vnode_unlock(vp);
+ *deferred = 1;
+ return NULLVP;
+ }
+ if (vp->v_lflag & VL_DEAD) {
+ panic("new_vnode(%p): the vnode is VL_DEAD but not VBAD", vp);
+ }
+ vnode_lock_convert(vp);
+ (void)vnode_reclaim_internal(vp, 1, want_vp, 0);
+ if (want_vp) {
+ if ((VONLIST(vp))) {
+ panic("new_vnode(%p): vp on list", vp);
+ }
+ if (vp->v_usecount || vp->v_iocount || vp->v_kusecount ||
+ (vp->v_lflag & (VNAMED_UBC | VNAMED_MOUNT | VNAMED_FSHASH))) {
+ panic("new_vnode(%p): free vnode still referenced", vp);
+ }
+ if ((vp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_prev != 0) && (vp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_next != 0)) {
+ panic("new_vnode(%p): vnode seems to be on mount list", vp);
+ }
+ if (!LIST_EMPTY(&vp->v_nclinks) || !TAILQ_EMPTY(&vp->v_ncchildren)) {
+ panic("new_vnode(%p): vnode still hooked into the name cache", vp);
+ }
+ } else {
+ vnode_unlock(vp);
+ vp = NULLVP;
+ }
+ }
+ return vp;
+static void
+ struct async_work_lst *q;
+ int deferred;
+ vnode_t vp;
+ q = &vnode_async_work_list;
+ for (;;) {
+ vnode_list_lock();
+ if (TAILQ_EMPTY(q)) {
+ assert_wait(q, (THREAD_UNINT));
+ vnode_list_unlock();
+ thread_block((thread_continue_t)async_work_continue);
+ continue;
+ }
+ async_work_handled++;
+ vp = TAILQ_FIRST(q);
+ vp = process_vp(vp, 0, &deferred);
+ if (vp != NULLVP) {
+ panic("found VBAD vp (%p) on async queue", vp);
+ }
+ }
static int
new_vnode(vnode_t *vpp)
- vnode_t vp;
- int retries = 0; /* retry incase of tablefull */
+ vnode_t vp;
+ uint32_t retries = 0, max_retries = 100; /* retry incase of tablefull */
int force_alloc = 0, walk_count = 0;
- unsigned int vpid;
- struct timespec ts;
- struct timeval current_tv;
-#ifndef __LP64__
- struct unsafe_fsnode *l_unsafefs = 0;
-#endif /* __LP64__ */
+ boolean_t need_reliable_vp = FALSE;
+ int deferred;
+ struct timeval initial_tv;
+ struct timeval current_tv;
proc_t curproc = current_proc();
+ initial_tv.tv_sec = 0;
- microuptime(¤t_tv);
vp = NULLVP;
+ if (need_reliable_vp == TRUE) {
+ async_work_timed_out++;
+ }
if ((numvnodes - deadvnodes) < desiredvnodes || force_alloc) {
- if ( !TAILQ_EMPTY(&vnode_dead_list)) {
+ struct timespec ts;
+ if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&vnode_dead_list)) {
* Can always reuse a dead one
MALLOC_ZONE(vp, struct vnode *, sizeof(*vp), M_VNODE, M_WAITOK);
bzero((char *)vp, sizeof(*vp));
- VLISTNONE(vp); /* avoid double queue removal */
+ VLISTNONE(vp); /* avoid double queue removal */
lck_mtx_init(&vp->v_lock, vnode_lck_grp, vnode_lck_attr);
+ TAILQ_INIT(&vp->v_ncchildren);
vp->v_id = ts.tv_nsec;
vp->v_flag = VSTANDARD;
- if (mac_vnode_label_init_needed(vp))
+ if (mac_vnode_label_init_needed(vp)) {
+ }
#endif /* MAC */
vp->v_iocount = 1;
goto done;
+ microuptime(¤t_tv);
#define MAX_WALK_COUNT 1000
- if ( !TAILQ_EMPTY(&vnode_rage_list) &&
- (ragevnodes >= rage_limit ||
- (current_tv.tv_sec - rage_tv.tv_sec) >= RAGE_TIME_LIMIT)) {
+ if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&vnode_rage_list) &&
+ (ragevnodes >= rage_limit ||
+ (current_tv.tv_sec - rage_tv.tv_sec) >= RAGE_TIME_LIMIT)) {
TAILQ_FOREACH(vp, &vnode_rage_list, v_freelist) {
- if ( !(vp->v_listflag & VLIST_RAGE))
- panic("new_vnode: vp (%p) on RAGE list not marked VLIST_RAGE", vp);
+ if (!(vp->v_listflag & VLIST_RAGE)) {
+ panic("new_vnode: vp (%p) on RAGE list not marked VLIST_RAGE", vp);
+ }
- // if we're a dependency-capable process, skip vnodes that can
+ // if we're a dependency-capable process, skip vnodes that can
// cause recycling deadlocks. (i.e. this process is diskimages
// helper and the vnode is in a disk image). Querying the
// mnt_kern_flag for the mount's virtual device status
// is safer than checking the mnt_dependent_process, which
- // may not be updated if there are multiple devnode layers
+ // may not be updated if there are multiple devnode layers
// in between the disk image and the final consumer.
- if ((curproc->p_flag & P_DEPENDENCY_CAPABLE) == 0 || vp->v_mount == NULL ||
- (vp->v_mount->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_VIRTUALDEV) == 0) {
- break;
- }
+ if ((curproc->p_flag & P_DEPENDENCY_CAPABLE) == 0 || vp->v_mount == NULL ||
+ (vp->v_mount->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_VIRTUALDEV) == 0) {
+ /*
+ * if need_reliable_vp == TRUE, then we've already sent one or more
+ * non-reliable vnodes to the async thread for processing and timed
+ * out waiting for a dead vnode to show up. Use the MAX_WALK_COUNT
+ * mechanism to first scan for a reliable vnode before forcing
+ * a new vnode to be created
+ */
+ if (need_reliable_vp == FALSE || vnode_on_reliable_media(vp) == TRUE) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- // don't iterate more than MAX_WALK_COUNT vnodes to
- // avoid keeping the vnode list lock held for too long.
- if (walk_count++ > MAX_WALK_COUNT) {
+ // don't iterate more than MAX_WALK_COUNT vnodes to
+ // avoid keeping the vnode list lock held for too long.
+ if (walk_count++ > MAX_WALK_COUNT) {
vp = NULL;
- break;
- }
+ break;
+ }
if (vp == NULL && !TAILQ_EMPTY(&vnode_free_list)) {
- /*
+ /*
* Pick the first vp for possible reuse
walk_count = 0;
TAILQ_FOREACH(vp, &vnode_free_list, v_freelist) {
// if we're a dependency-capable process, skip vnodes that can
// cause recycling deadlocks. (i.e. this process is diskimages
// helper and the vnode is in a disk image). Querying the
// mnt_kern_flag for the mount's virtual device status
// is safer than checking the mnt_dependent_process, which
- // may not be updated if there are multiple devnode layers
+ // may not be updated if there are multiple devnode layers
// in between the disk image and the final consumer.
- if ((curproc->p_flag & P_DEPENDENCY_CAPABLE) == 0 || vp->v_mount == NULL ||
- (vp->v_mount->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_VIRTUALDEV) == 0) {
- break;
- }
+ if ((curproc->p_flag & P_DEPENDENCY_CAPABLE) == 0 || vp->v_mount == NULL ||
+ (vp->v_mount->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_VIRTUALDEV) == 0) {
+ /*
+ * if need_reliable_vp == TRUE, then we've already sent one or more
+ * non-reliable vnodes to the async thread for processing and timed
+ * out waiting for a dead vnode to show up. Use the MAX_WALK_COUNT
+ * mechanism to first scan for a reliable vnode before forcing
+ * a new vnode to be created
+ */
+ if (need_reliable_vp == FALSE || vnode_on_reliable_media(vp) == TRUE) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // don't iterate more than MAX_WALK_COUNT vnodes to
+ // avoid keeping the vnode list lock held for too long.
- // don't iterate more than MAX_WALK_COUNT vnodes to
- // avoid keeping the vnode list lock held for too long.
- if (walk_count++ > MAX_WALK_COUNT) {
- vp = NULL;
- break;
- }
+ if (walk_count++ > MAX_WALK_COUNT) {
+ vp = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
// the allocation.
if (vp == NULL && walk_count >= MAX_WALK_COUNT) {
- force_alloc = 1;
- vnode_list_unlock();
- goto retry;
+ force_alloc = 1;
+ vnode_list_unlock();
+ goto retry;
if (vp == NULL) {
* we've reached the system imposed maximum number of vnodes
* but there isn't a single one available
* wait a bit and then retry... if we can't get a vnode
- * after 100 retries, than log a complaint
+ * after our target number of retries, than log a complaint
- if (++retries <= 100) {
+ if (++retries <= max_retries) {
delay_for_interval(1, 1000 * 1000);
goto retry;
log(LOG_EMERG, "%d desired, %d numvnodes, "
- "%d free, %d dead, %d rage\n",
- desiredvnodes, numvnodes, freevnodes, deadvnodes, ragevnodes);
+ "%d free, %d dead, %d async, %d rage\n",
+ desiredvnodes, numvnodes, freevnodes, deadvnodes, async_work_vnodes, ragevnodes);
+ if (bootarg_no_vnode_jetsam) {
+ panic("vnode table is full\n");
+ }
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
* Running out of vnodes tends to make a system unusable. Start killing
* processes that jetsam knows are killable.
- if (jetsam_kill_top_proc(TRUE, kJetsamFlagsKilledVnodes) < 0) {
+ if (memorystatus_kill_on_vnode_limit() == FALSE) {
* If jetsam can't find any more processes to kill and there
* still aren't any free vnodes, panic. Hopefully we'll get a
panic("vnode table is full\n");
- delay_for_interval(1, 1000 * 1000);
+ /*
+ * Now that we've killed someone, wait a bit and continue looking
+ * (with fewer retries before trying another kill).
+ */
+ delay_for_interval(3, 1000 * 1000);
+ retries = 0;
+ max_retries = 10;
goto retry;
*vpp = NULL;
- return (ENFILE);
+ return ENFILE;
- vpid = vp->v_id;
+ if ((vp = process_vp(vp, 1, &deferred)) == NULLVP) {
+ if (deferred) {
+ int elapsed_msecs;
+ struct timeval elapsed_tv;
- vnode_list_remove_locked(vp);
+ if (initial_tv.tv_sec == 0) {
+ microuptime(&initial_tv);
+ }
- vnode_list_unlock();
+ vnode_list_lock();
- vnode_lock_spin(vp);
+ dead_vnode_waited++;
+ dead_vnode_wanted++;
- /*
- * We could wait for the vnode_lock after removing the vp from the freelist
- * and the vid is bumped only at the very end of reclaim. So it is possible
- * that we are looking at a vnode that is being terminated. If so skip it.
- */
- if ((vpid != vp->v_id) || (vp->v_usecount != 0) || (vp->v_iocount != 0) ||
- VONLIST(vp) || (vp->v_lflag & VL_TERMINATE)) {
- /*
- * we lost the race between dropping the list lock
- * and picking up the vnode_lock... someone else
- * used this vnode and it is now in a new state
- * so we need to go back and try again
- */
- vnode_unlock(vp);
- goto retry;
- }
- if ( (vp->v_lflag & (VL_NEEDINACTIVE | VL_MARKTERM)) == VL_NEEDINACTIVE ) {
- /*
- * we did a vnode_rele_ext that asked for
- * us not to reenter the filesystem during
- * the release even though VL_NEEDINACTIVE was
- * set... we'll do it here by doing a
- * vnode_get/vnode_put
- *
- * pick up an iocount so that we can call
- * vnode_put and drive the VNOP_INACTIVE...
- * vnode_put will either leave us off
- * the freelist if a new ref comes in,
- * or put us back on the end of the freelist
- * or recycle us if we were marked for termination...
- * so we'll just go grab a new candidate
- */
- vp->v_iocount++;
-#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
- record_vp(vp, 1);
- vnode_put_locked(vp);
- vnode_unlock(vp);
- goto retry;
- }
- OSAddAtomicLong(1, &num_reusedvnodes);
+ /*
+ * note that we're only going to explicitly wait 10ms
+ * for a dead vnode to become available, since even if one
+ * isn't available, a reliable vnode might now be available
+ * at the head of the VRAGE or free lists... if so, we
+ * can satisfy the new_vnode request with less latency then waiting
+ * for the full 100ms duration we're ultimately willing to tolerate
+ */
+ assert_wait_timeout((caddr_t)&dead_vnode_wanted, (THREAD_INTERRUPTIBLE), 10000, NSEC_PER_USEC);
- /* Checks for anyone racing us for recycle */
- if (vp->v_type != VBAD) {
- if (vp->v_lflag & VL_DEAD)
- panic("new_vnode(%p): the vnode is VL_DEAD but not VBAD", vp);
- vnode_lock_convert(vp);
- (void)vnode_reclaim_internal(vp, 1, 1, 0);
+ vnode_list_unlock();
- if ((VONLIST(vp)))
- panic("new_vnode(%p): vp on list", vp);
- if (vp->v_usecount || vp->v_iocount || vp->v_kusecount ||
- panic("new_vnode(%p): free vnode still referenced", vp);
- if ((vp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_prev != 0) && (vp->v_mntvnodes.tqe_next != 0))
- panic("new_vnode(%p): vnode seems to be on mount list", vp);
- if ( !LIST_EMPTY(&vp->v_nclinks) || !LIST_EMPTY(&vp->v_ncchildren))
- panic("new_vnode(%p): vnode still hooked into the name cache", vp);
- }
+ thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
-#ifndef __LP64__
- if (vp->v_unsafefs) {
- l_unsafefs = vp->v_unsafefs;
- vp->v_unsafefs = (struct unsafe_fsnode *)NULL;
+ microuptime(&elapsed_tv);
+ timevalsub(&elapsed_tv, &initial_tv);
+ elapsed_msecs = elapsed_tv.tv_sec * 1000 + elapsed_tv.tv_usec / 1000;
+ if (elapsed_msecs >= 100) {
+ /*
+ * we've waited long enough... 100ms is
+ * somewhat arbitrary for this case, but the
+ * normal worst case latency used for UI
+ * interaction is 100ms, so I've chosen to
+ * go with that.
+ *
+ * setting need_reliable_vp to TRUE
+ * forces us to find a reliable vnode
+ * that we can process synchronously, or
+ * to create a new one if the scan for
+ * a reliable one hits the scan limit
+ */
+ need_reliable_vp = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ goto retry;
-#endif /* __LP64__ */
+ OSAddAtomicLong(1, &num_reusedvnodes);
* We should never see VL_LABELWAIT or VL_LABEL here.
* as those operations hold a reference.
- assert ((vp->v_lflag & VL_LABELWAIT) != VL_LABELWAIT);
- assert ((vp->v_lflag & VL_LABEL) != VL_LABEL);
- if (vp->v_lflag & VL_LABELED) {
- vnode_lock_convert(vp);
+ assert((vp->v_lflag & VL_LABELWAIT) != VL_LABELWAIT);
+ assert((vp->v_lflag & VL_LABEL) != VL_LABEL);
+ if (vp->v_lflag & VL_LABELED || vp->v_label != NULL) {
+ vnode_lock_convert(vp);
} else if (mac_vnode_label_init_needed(vp)) {
- vnode_lock_convert(vp);
+ vnode_lock_convert(vp);
vp->v_iocount = 1;
vp->v_lflag = 0;
vp->v_writecount = 0;
- vp->v_references = 0;
+ vp->v_references = 0;
vp->v_iterblkflags = 0;
vp->v_flag = VSTANDARD;
/* vbad vnodes can point to dead_mountp */
-#ifndef __LP64__
- if (l_unsafefs) {
- lck_mtx_destroy(&l_unsafefs->fsnodelock, vnode_lck_grp);
- FREE_ZONE((void *)l_unsafefs, sizeof(struct unsafe_fsnode), M_UNSAFEFS);
- }
-#endif /* __LP64__ */
*vpp = vp;
- return (0);
+ return 0;
vnode_get(struct vnode *vp)
- int retval;
+ int retval;
- vnode_lock_spin(vp);
+ vnode_lock_spin(vp);
retval = vnode_get_locked(vp);
- return(retval);
+ return retval;
lck_mtx_assert(&vp->v_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
if ((vp->v_iocount == 0) && (vp->v_lflag & (VL_TERMINATE | VL_DEAD))) {
- return(ENOENT);
+ return ENOENT;
- vp->v_iocount++;
+ if (os_add_overflow(vp->v_iocount, 1, &vp->v_iocount)) {
+ panic("v_iocount overflow");
+ }
#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
record_vp(vp, 1);
- return (0);
+ return 0;
vnode_getwithvid(vnode_t vp, uint32_t vid)
- return(vget_internal(vp, vid, ( VNODE_NODEAD | VNODE_WITHID | VNODE_DRAINO )));
+ return vget_internal(vp, vid, (VNODE_NODEAD | VNODE_WITHID | VNODE_DRAINO));
vnode_getwithvid_drainok(vnode_t vp, uint32_t vid)
- return(vget_internal(vp, vid, ( VNODE_NODEAD | VNODE_WITHID )));
+ return vget_internal(vp, vid, (VNODE_NODEAD | VNODE_WITHID));
vnode_getwithref(vnode_t vp)
- return(vget_internal(vp, 0, 0));
+ return vget_internal(vp, 0, 0);
__private_extern__ int
vnode_getalways(vnode_t vp)
- return(vget_internal(vp, 0, VNODE_ALWAYS));
+ return vget_internal(vp, 0, VNODE_ALWAYS);
vnode_put(vnode_t vp)
- int retval;
+ int retval;
retval = vnode_put_locked(vp);
- return(retval);
+ return retval;
+static inline void
+vn_set_dead(vnode_t vp)
+ vp->v_mount = NULL;
+ vp->v_op = dead_vnodeop_p;
+ vp->v_tag = VT_NON;
+ vp->v_data = NULL;
+ vp->v_type = VBAD;
+ vp->v_lflag |= VL_DEAD;
vnode_put_locked(vnode_t vp)
- vfs_context_t ctx = vfs_context_current(); /* hoist outside loop */
+ vfs_context_t ctx = vfs_context_current(); /* hoist outside loop */
lck_mtx_assert(&vp->v_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
- if (vp->v_iocount < 1)
+ if (vp->v_iocount < 1) {
panic("vnode_put(%p): iocount < 1", vp);
+ }
- if ((vp->v_usecount > 0) || (vp->v_iocount > 1)) {
+ if ((vp->v_usecount > 0) || (vp->v_iocount > 1)) {
- return(0);
+ return 0;
if ((vp->v_lflag & (VL_DEAD | VL_NEEDINACTIVE)) == VL_NEEDINACTIVE) {
- vp->v_lflag &= ~VL_NEEDINACTIVE;
- vnode_unlock(vp);
+ vp->v_lflag &= ~VL_NEEDINACTIVE;
+ vnode_unlock(vp);
goto retry;
- vp->v_lflag &= ~VL_NEEDINACTIVE;
+ vp->v_lflag &= ~VL_NEEDINACTIVE;
if ((vp->v_lflag & (VL_MARKTERM | VL_TERMINATE | VL_DEAD)) == VL_MARKTERM) {
- vnode_lock_convert(vp);
- vnode_reclaim_internal(vp, 1, 1, 0);
+ vnode_lock_convert(vp);
+ vnode_reclaim_internal(vp, 1, 1, 0);
- return(0);
+ return 0;
/* is vnode_t in use by others? */
vnode_isinuse(vnode_t vp, int refcnt)
- return(vnode_isinuse_locked(vp, refcnt, 0));
+ return vnode_isinuse_locked(vp, refcnt, 0);
+vnode_usecount(vnode_t vp)
+ return vp->v_usecount;
+vnode_iocount(vnode_t vp)
+ return vp->v_iocount;
-static int
+static int
vnode_isinuse_locked(vnode_t vp, int refcnt, int locked)
int retval = 0;
- if (!locked)
+ if (!locked) {
- if ((vp->v_type != VREG) && ((vp->v_usecount - vp->v_kusecount) > refcnt)) {
+ }
+ if ((vp->v_type != VREG) && ((vp->v_usecount - vp->v_kusecount) > refcnt)) {
retval = 1;
goto out;
- if (vp->v_type == VREG) {
+ if (vp->v_type == VREG) {
retval = ubc_isinuse_locked(vp, refcnt, 1);
- if (!locked)
+ if (!locked) {
- return(retval);
+ }
+ return retval;
/* resume vnode_t */
vnode_resume(vnode_t vp)
if ((vp->v_lflag & VL_SUSPENDED) && vp->v_owner == current_thread()) {
- vp->v_lflag &= ~VL_SUSPENDED;
+ vp->v_lflag &= ~VL_SUSPENDED;
vp->v_owner = NULL;
- return(0);
+ return 0;
/* suspend vnode_t
vnode_suspend(vnode_t vp)
if (vp->v_lflag & VL_SUSPENDED) {
- return(EBUSY);
+ return EBUSY;
- /*
- * xxx is this sufficient to check if a vnode_drain is
+ /*
+ * xxx is this sufficient to check if a vnode_drain is
* progress?
- return(0);
+ return 0;
+ * Release any blocked locking requests on the vnode.
+ * Used for forced-unmounts.
+ *
+ * XXX What about network filesystems?
+ */
+static void
+vnode_abort_advlocks(vnode_t vp)
+ if (vp->v_flag & VLOCKLOCAL) {
+ lf_abort_advlocks(vp);
+ }
-static errno_t
+static errno_t
vnode_drain(vnode_t vp)
if (vp->v_lflag & VL_DRAIN) {
panic("vnode_drain: recursive drain");
- return(ENOENT);
+ return ENOENT;
vp->v_lflag |= VL_DRAIN;
vp->v_owner = current_thread();
- while (vp->v_iocount > 1)
- msleep(&vp->v_iocount, &vp->v_lock, PVFS, "vnode_drain", NULL);
+ while (vp->v_iocount > 1) {
+ if (bootarg_no_vnode_drain) {
+ struct timespec ts = {.tv_sec = 10, .tv_nsec = 0};
+ int error;
+ if (vfs_unmountall_started) {
+ ts.tv_sec = 1;
+ }
+ error = msleep(&vp->v_iocount, &vp->v_lock, PVFS, "vnode_drain_with_timeout", &ts);
+ /* Try to deal with leaked iocounts under bootarg and shutting down */
+ if (vp->v_iocount > 1 && error == EWOULDBLOCK &&
+ ts.tv_sec == 1 && vp->v_numoutput == 0) {
+ vp->v_iocount = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ msleep(&vp->v_iocount, &vp->v_lock, PVFS, "vnode_drain", NULL);
+ }
+ }
vp->v_lflag &= ~VL_DRAIN;
- return(0);
+ return 0;
* this allows us to keep actively referenced vnodes in the list without having
* to constantly remove and add to the list each time a vnode w/o a usecount is
* referenced which costs us taking and dropping a global lock twice.
+ * However, if the vnode is marked DIRTY, we want to pull it out much earlier
vnode_getiocount(vnode_t vp, unsigned int vid, int vflags)
int nosusp = vflags & VNODE_NOSUSPEND;
int always = vflags & VNODE_ALWAYS;
int beatdrain = vflags & VNODE_DRAINO;
+ int withvid = vflags & VNODE_WITHID;
for (;;) {
+ int sleepflg = 0;
* if it is a dead vnode with deadfs
- if (nodead && (vp->v_lflag & VL_DEAD) && ((vp->v_type == VBAD) || (vp->v_data == 0))) {
- return(ENOENT);
+ if (nodead && (vp->v_lflag & VL_DEAD) && ((vp->v_type == VBAD) || (vp->v_data == 0))) {
+ return ENOENT;
* will return VL_DEAD ones
- if ((vp->v_lflag & (VL_SUSPENDED | VL_DRAIN | VL_TERMINATE)) == 0 ) {
+ if ((vp->v_lflag & (VL_SUSPENDED | VL_DRAIN | VL_TERMINATE)) == 0) {
* if suspended vnodes are to be failed
if (nosusp && (vp->v_lflag & VL_SUSPENDED)) {
- return(ENOENT);
+ return ENOENT;
* if you are the owner of drain/suspend/termination , can acquire iocount
if ((vp->v_lflag & (VL_DRAIN | VL_SUSPENDED | VL_TERMINATE)) &&
(vp->v_owner == current_thread())) {
- break;
+ break;
- if (always != 0)
+ if (always != 0) {
+ }
- * In some situations, we want to get an iocount
- * even if the vnode is draining to prevent deadlock,
- * e.g. if we're in the filesystem, potentially holding
- * resources that could prevent other iocounts from
- * being released.
+ * If this vnode is getting drained, there are some cases where
+ * we can't block or, in case of tty vnodes, want to be
+ * interruptible.
- if (beatdrain && (vp->v_lflag & VL_DRAIN)) {
- break;
+ if (vp->v_lflag & VL_DRAIN) {
+ /*
+ * In some situations, we want to get an iocount
+ * even if the vnode is draining to prevent deadlock,
+ * e.g. if we're in the filesystem, potentially holding
+ * resources that could prevent other iocounts from
+ * being released.
+ */
+ if (beatdrain) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Don't block if the vnode's mount point is unmounting as
+ * we may be the thread the unmount is itself waiting on
+ * Only callers who pass in vids (at this point, we've already
+ * handled nosusp and nodead) are expecting error returns
+ * from this function, so only we can only return errors for
+ * those. ENODEV is intended to inform callers that the call
+ * failed because an unmount is in progress.
+ */
+ if (withvid && (vp->v_mount) && vfs_isunmount(vp->v_mount)) {
+ return ENODEV;
+ }
+ if (vnode_istty(vp)) {
+ sleepflg = PCATCH;
+ }
if (vp->v_lflag & VL_TERMINATE) {
+ int error;
vp->v_lflag |= VL_TERMWANT;
- msleep(&vp->v_lflag, &vp->v_lock, PVFS, "vnode getiocount", NULL);
- } else
+ error = msleep(&vp->v_lflag, &vp->v_lock,
+ (PVFS | sleepflg), "vnode getiocount", NULL);
+ if (error) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ } else {
msleep(&vp->v_iocount, &vp->v_lock, PVFS, "vnode_getiocount", NULL);
+ }
- if (((vflags & VNODE_WITHID) != 0) && vid != vp->v_id) {
- return(ENOENT);
+ if (withvid && vid != vp->v_id) {
+ return ENOENT;
- if (++vp->v_references >= UNAGE_THRESHHOLD) {
- vp->v_references = 0;
+ if (++vp->v_references >= UNAGE_THRESHHOLD ||
+ (vp->v_flag & VISDIRTY && vp->v_references >= UNAGE_DIRTYTHRESHHOLD)) {
+ vp->v_references = 0;
#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
record_vp(vp, 1);
- return(0);
+ return 0;
static void
-vnode_dropiocount (vnode_t vp)
+vnode_dropiocount(vnode_t vp)
- if (vp->v_iocount < 1)
+ if (vp->v_iocount < 1) {
panic("vnode_dropiocount(%p): v_iocount < 1", vp);
+ }
#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
record_vp(vp, -1);
- if ((vp->v_lflag & (VL_DRAIN | VL_SUSPENDED)) && (vp->v_iocount <= 1))
+ if ((vp->v_lflag & (VL_DRAIN | VL_SUSPENDED)) && (vp->v_iocount <= 1)) {
+ }
int isfifo = 0;
- if (!locked)
+ if (!locked) {
+ }
if (vp->v_lflag & VL_TERMINATE) {
panic("vnode reclaim in progress");
vn_clearunionwait(vp, 1);
+ if (vnode_istty(vp) && (flags & REVOKEALL) && vp->v_usecount &&
+ (vp->v_iocount > 1)) {
+ vnode_unlock(vp);
+ VNOP_IOCTL(vp, TIOCREVOKE, (caddr_t)NULL, 0, vfs_context_kernel());
+ vnode_lock(vp);
+ }
isfifo = (vp->v_type == VFIFO);
- if (vp->v_type != VBAD)
- vgone(vp, flags); /* clean and reclaim the vnode */
+ if (vp->v_type != VBAD) {
+ vgone(vp, flags); /* clean and reclaim the vnode */
+ }
* give the vnode a new identity so that vnode_getwithvid will fail
* on any stale cache accesses...
vp->v_type = VBAD;
- if (vp->v_data)
+ if (vp->v_data) {
panic("vnode_reclaim_internal: cleaned vnode isn't");
- if (vp->v_numoutput)
+ }
+ if (vp->v_numoutput) {
panic("vnode_reclaim_internal: clean vnode has pending I/O's");
+ }
+ if (UBCINFOEXISTS(vp)) {
panic("vnode_reclaim_internal: ubcinfo not cleaned");
- if (vp->v_parent)
- panic("vnode_reclaim_internal: vparent not removed");
- if (vp->v_name)
- panic("vnode_reclaim_internal: vname not removed");
+ }
+ if (vp->v_parent) {
+ panic("vnode_reclaim_internal: vparent not removed");
+ }
+ if (vp->v_name) {
+ panic("vnode_reclaim_internal: vname not removed");
+ }
vp->v_socket = NULL;
if (!reuse) {
- /*
+ /*
* make sure we get on the
* dead list if appropriate
- vnode_list_add(vp);
+ vnode_list_add(vp);
+ }
+ if (!locked) {
+ vnode_unlock(vp);
- if (!locked)
- vnode_unlock(vp);
-/* USAGE:
- * The following api creates a vnode and associates all the parameter specified in vnode_fsparam
- * structure and returns a vnode handle with a reference. device aliasing is handled here so checkalias
- * is obsoleted by this.
- */
-vnode_create(uint32_t flavor, uint32_t size, void *data, vnode_t *vpp)
+static int
+vnode_create_internal(uint32_t flavor, uint32_t size, void *data, vnode_t *vpp,
+ int init_vnode)
int error;
int insert = 1;
+ int existing_vnode;
vnode_t vp;
vnode_t nvp;
vnode_t dvp;
- struct uthread *ut;
+ struct uthread *ut;
struct componentname *cnp;
struct vnode_fsparam *param = (struct vnode_fsparam *)data;
struct vnode_trigger_param *tinfo = NULL;
- if (param == NULL)
- return (EINVAL);
+ if (*vpp) {
+ vp = *vpp;
+ *vpp = NULLVP;
+ existing_vnode = 1;
+ } else {
+ existing_vnode = 0;
+ }
- if ((flavor == VNCREATE_TRIGGER) && (size == VNCREATE_TRIGGER_SIZE)) {
- tinfo = (struct vnode_trigger_param *)data;
+ if (init_vnode) {
+ /* Do quick sanity check on the parameters. */
+ if ((param == NULL) || (param->vnfs_vtype == VBAD)) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto error_out;
+ }
- /* Validate trigger vnode input */
- if ((param->vnfs_vtype != VDIR) ||
- (tinfo->vnt_resolve_func == NULL) ||
- (tinfo->vnt_flags & ~VNT_VALID_MASK)) {
- return (EINVAL);
+ if ((flavor == VNCREATE_TRIGGER) && (size == VNCREATE_TRIGGER_SIZE)) {
+ tinfo = (struct vnode_trigger_param *)data;
+ /* Validate trigger vnode input */
+ if ((param->vnfs_vtype != VDIR) ||
+ (tinfo->vnt_resolve_func == NULL) ||
+ (tinfo->vnt_flags & ~VNT_VALID_MASK)) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto error_out;
+ }
+ /* Fall through a normal create (params will be the same) */
- /* Fall through a normal create (params will be the same) */
- }
- if ((flavor != VNCREATE_FLAVOR) || (size != VCREATESIZE))
- return (EINVAL);
+ if ((flavor != VNCREATE_FLAVOR) || (size != VCREATESIZE)) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto error_out;
+ }
+ }
- if ( (error = new_vnode(&vp)) )
- return(error);
+ if (!existing_vnode) {
+ if ((error = new_vnode(&vp))) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (!init_vnode) {
+ /* Make it so that it can be released by a vnode_put) */
+ vn_set_dead(vp);
+ *vpp = vp;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * A vnode obtained by vnode_create_empty has been passed to
+ * vnode_initialize - Unset VL_DEAD set by vn_set_dead. After
+ * this point, it is set back on any error.
+ *
+ * N.B. vnode locking - We make the same assumptions as the
+ * "unsplit" vnode_create did - i.e. it is safe to update the
+ * vnode's fields without the vnode lock. This vnode has been
+ * out and about with the filesystem and hopefully nothing
+ * was done to the vnode between the vnode_create_empty and
+ * now when it has come in through vnode_initialize.
+ */
+ vp->v_lflag &= ~VL_DEAD;
+ }
dvp = param->vnfs_dvp;
cnp = param->vnfs_cnp;
vp->v_type = param->vnfs_vtype;
vp->v_data = param->vnfs_fsnode;
- if (param->vnfs_markroot)
+ if (param->vnfs_markroot) {
vp->v_flag |= VROOT;
- if (param->vnfs_marksystem)
+ }
+ if (param->vnfs_marksystem) {
vp->v_flag |= VSYSTEM;
+ }
if (vp->v_type == VREG) {
error = ubc_info_init_withsize(vp, param->vnfs_filesize);
if (error) {
#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
record_vp(vp, 1);
- vp->v_mount = NULL;
- vp->v_op = dead_vnodeop_p;
- vp->v_tag = VT_NON;
- vp->v_data = NULL;
- vp->v_type = VBAD;
- vp->v_lflag |= VL_DEAD;
+ vn_set_dead(vp);
- return(error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (param->vnfs_mp->mnt_ioflags & MNT_IOFLAGS_IOSCHED_SUPPORTED) {
+ memory_object_mark_io_tracking(vp->v_ubcinfo->ui_control);
#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
record_vp(vp, 1);
+ vp->v_fmlink = NULLVP;
+ vp->v_flag &= ~VFMLINKTARGET;
* For trigger vnodes, attach trigger info to vnode
if ((vp->v_type == VDIR) && (tinfo != NULL)) {
- /*
+ /*
* Note: has a side effect of incrementing trigger count on the
- * mount if successful, which we would need to undo on a
+ * mount if successful, which we would need to undo on a
* subsequent failure.
#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
error = vnode_resolver_create(param->vnfs_mp, vp, tinfo, FALSE);
if (error) {
printf("vnode_create: vnode_resolver_create() err %d\n", error);
- vp->v_mount = NULL;
- vp->v_op = dead_vnodeop_p;
- vp->v_tag = VT_NON;
- vp->v_data = NULL;
- vp->v_type = VBAD;
- vp->v_lflag |= VL_DEAD;
+ vn_set_dead(vp);
#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
record_vp(vp, 1);
- return (error);
+ return error;
if (vp->v_type == VCHR || vp->v_type == VBLK) {
+ vp->v_tag = VT_DEVFS; /* callers will reset if needed (bdevvp) */
- vp->v_tag = VT_DEVFS; /* callers will reset if needed (bdevvp) */
- if ( (nvp = checkalias(vp, param->vnfs_rdev)) ) {
+ if ((nvp = checkalias(vp, param->vnfs_rdev))) {
* if checkalias returns a vnode, it will be locked
vp->v_op = spec_vnodeop_p;
vp->v_type = VBAD;
vp->v_lflag = VL_DEAD;
- vp->v_data = NULL;
+ vp->v_data = NULL;
vp->v_tag = VT_NON;
insert = 0;
+ if (VCHR == vp->v_type) {
+ u_int maj = major(vp->v_rdev);
+ if (maj < (u_int)nchrdev && cdevsw[maj].d_type == D_TTY) {
+ vp->v_flag |= VISTTY;
+ }
+ }
if (vp->v_type == VFIFO) {
struct fifoinfo *fip;
MALLOC(fip, struct fifoinfo *,
- sizeof(*fip), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
- bzero(fip, sizeof(struct fifoinfo ));
+ sizeof(*fip), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
+ bzero(fip, sizeof(struct fifoinfo));
vp->v_fifoinfo = fip;
/* The file systems must pass the address of the location where
vp->v_lflag |= VNAMED_FSHASH;
if (param->vnfs_mp) {
- if (param->vnfs_mp->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_LOCK_LOCAL)
- vp->v_flag |= VLOCKLOCAL;
+ if (param->vnfs_mp->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_LOCK_LOCAL) {
+ vp->v_flag |= VLOCKLOCAL;
+ }
if (insert) {
- if ((vp->v_freelist.tqe_prev != (struct vnode **)0xdeadb))
+ if ((vp->v_freelist.tqe_prev != (struct vnode **)0xdeadb)) {
panic("insmntque: vp on the free list\n");
+ }
* enter in mount vnode list
insmntque(vp, param->vnfs_mp);
-#ifndef __LP64__
- if ((param->vnfs_mp->mnt_vtable->vfc_vfsflags & VFC_VFSTHREADSAFE) == 0) {
- MALLOC_ZONE(vp->v_unsafefs, struct unsafe_fsnode *,
- sizeof(struct unsafe_fsnode), M_UNSAFEFS, M_WAITOK);
- vp->v_unsafefs->fsnode_count = 0;
- vp->v_unsafefs->fsnodeowner = (void *)NULL;
- lck_mtx_init(&vp->v_unsafefs->fsnodelock, vnode_lck_grp, vnode_lck_attr);
- }
-#endif /* __LP64__ */
if (dvp && vnode_ref(dvp) == 0) {
vp->v_parent = dvp;
* the name entered into the string cache
vp->v_name = cache_enter_create(dvp, vp, cnp);
- } else
+ } else {
vp->v_name = vfs_addname(cnp->cn_nameptr, cnp->cn_namelen, cnp->cn_hash, 0);
+ }
- if ((cnp->cn_flags & UNIONCREATED) == UNIONCREATED)
+ if ((cnp->cn_flags & UNIONCREATED) == UNIONCREATED) {
vp->v_flag |= VISUNION;
+ }
if ((param->vnfs_flags & VNFS_CANTCACHE) == 0) {
vp->v_flag |= VNCACHEABLE;
- ut = get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
+ ut = get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
+ if ((current_proc()->p_lflag & P_LRAGE_VNODES) ||
+ (ut->uu_flag & (UT_RAGE_VNODES | UT_KERN_RAGE_VNODES))) {
+ /*
+ * process has indicated that it wants any
+ * vnodes created on its behalf to be rapidly
+ * aged to reduce the impact on the cached set
+ * of vnodes
+ *
+ * if UT_KERN_RAGE_VNODES is set, then the
+ * kernel internally wants vnodes to be rapidly
+ * aged, even if the process hasn't requested
+ * this
+ */
+ vp->v_flag |= VRAGE;
+ }
+ switch (secluded_for_filecache) {
+ case 0:
+ /*
+ * secluded_for_filecache == 0:
+ * + no file contents in secluded pool
+ */
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ /*
+ * secluded_for_filecache == 1:
+ * + no files from /
+ * + files from /Applications/ are OK
+ * + files from /Applications/Camera are not OK
+ * + no files that are open for write
+ */
+ if (vnode_vtype(vp) == VREG &&
+ vnode_mount(vp) != NULL &&
+ (!(vfs_flags(vnode_mount(vp)) & MNT_ROOTFS))) {
+ /* not from root filesystem: eligible for secluded pages */
+ memory_object_mark_eligible_for_secluded(
+ ubc_getobject(vp, UBC_FLAGS_NONE),
+ TRUE);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ /*
+ * secluded_for_filecache == 2:
+ * + all read-only files OK, except:
+ * + dyld_shared_cache_arm64*
+ * + Camera
+ * + mediaserverd
+ */
+ if (vnode_vtype(vp) == VREG) {
+ memory_object_mark_eligible_for_secluded(
+ ubc_getobject(vp, UBC_FLAGS_NONE),
+ TRUE);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ if (existing_vnode) {
+ vnode_put(vp);
+ }
+ return error;
- if ((current_proc()->p_lflag & P_LRAGE_VNODES) ||
- (ut->uu_flag & UT_RAGE_VNODES)) {
- /*
- * process has indicated that it wants any
- * vnodes created on its behalf to be rapidly
- * aged to reduce the impact on the cached set
- * of vnodes
- */
- vp->v_flag |= VRAGE;
+/* USAGE:
+ * The following api creates a vnode and associates all the parameter specified in vnode_fsparam
+ * structure and returns a vnode handle with a reference. device aliasing is handled here so checkalias
+ * is obsoleted by this.
+ */
+vnode_create(uint32_t flavor, uint32_t size, void *data, vnode_t *vpp)
+ *vpp = NULLVP;
+ return vnode_create_internal(flavor, size, data, vpp, 1);
+vnode_create_empty(vnode_t *vpp)
+ *vpp = NULLVP;
+ return vnode_create_internal(VNCREATE_FLAVOR, VCREATESIZE, NULL,
+ vpp, 0);
+vnode_initialize(uint32_t flavor, uint32_t size, void *data, vnode_t *vpp)
+ if (*vpp == NULLVP) {
+ panic("NULL vnode passed to vnode_initialize");
- return (0);
+ /*
+ * We lock to check that vnode is fit for unlocked use in
+ * vnode_create_internal.
+ */
+ vnode_lock_spin(*vpp);
+ VNASSERT(((*vpp)->v_iocount == 1), *vpp,
+ ("vnode_initialize : iocount not 1, is %d", (*vpp)->v_iocount));
+ VNASSERT(((*vpp)->v_usecount == 0), *vpp,
+ ("vnode_initialize : usecount not 0, is %d", (*vpp)->v_usecount));
+ VNASSERT(((*vpp)->v_lflag & VL_DEAD), *vpp,
+ ("vnode_initialize : v_lflag does not have VL_DEAD, is 0x%x",
+ (*vpp)->v_lflag));
+ VNASSERT(((*vpp)->v_data == NULL), *vpp,
+ ("vnode_initialize : v_data not NULL"));
+ vnode_unlock(*vpp);
+ return vnode_create_internal(flavor, size, data, vpp, 1);
vnode_addfsref(vnode_t vp)
- if (vp->v_lflag & VNAMED_FSHASH)
+ if (vp->v_lflag & VNAMED_FSHASH) {
panic("add_fsref: vp already has named reference");
- if ((vp->v_freelist.tqe_prev != (struct vnode **)0xdeadb))
- panic("addfsref: vp on the free list\n");
+ }
+ if ((vp->v_freelist.tqe_prev != (struct vnode **)0xdeadb)) {
+ panic("addfsref: vp on the free list\n");
+ }
vp->v_lflag |= VNAMED_FSHASH;
- return(0);
+ return 0;
vnode_removefsref(vnode_t vp)
- if ((vp->v_lflag & VNAMED_FSHASH) == 0)
+ if ((vp->v_lflag & VNAMED_FSHASH) == 0) {
panic("remove_fsref: no named reference");
+ }
vp->v_lflag &= ~VNAMED_FSHASH;
- return(0);
+ return 0;
vfs_iterate(int flags, int (*callout)(mount_t, void *), void *arg)
- mount_t mp;
+ mount_t mp;
int ret = 0;
fsid_t * fsid_list;
- int count, actualcount, i;
+ int count, actualcount, i;
void * allocmem;
int indx_start, indx_stop, indx_incr;
+ int cb_dropref = (flags & VFS_ITERATE_CB_DROPREF);
+ int noskip_unmount = (flags & VFS_ITERATE_NOSKIP_UNMOUNT);
count = mount_getvfscnt();
count += 10;
indx_start = actualcount - 1;
indx_stop = -1;
indx_incr = -1;
- } else /* Head first by default */ {
+ } else { /* Head first by default */
indx_start = 0;
indx_stop = actualcount;
indx_incr = 1;
- for (i=indx_start; i != indx_stop; i += indx_incr) {
+ for (i = indx_start; i != indx_stop; i += indx_incr) {
/* obtain the mount point with iteration reference */
mp = mount_list_lookupby_fsid(&fsid_list[i], 0, 1);
- if(mp == (struct mount *)0)
+ if (mp == (struct mount *)0) {
+ }
- if (mp->mnt_lflag & (MNT_LDEAD | MNT_LUNMOUNT)) {
+ if ((mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LDEAD) ||
+ (!noskip_unmount && (mp->mnt_lflag & MNT_LUNMOUNT))) {
/* iterate over all the vnodes */
ret = callout(mp, arg);
- mount_iterdrop(mp);
+ /*
+ * Drop the iterref here if the callback didn't do it.
+ * Note: If cb_dropref is set the mp may no longer exist.
+ */
+ if (!cb_dropref) {
+ mount_iterdrop(mp);
+ }
switch (ret) {
kfree(allocmem, (count * sizeof(fsid_t)));
- return (ret);
+ return ret;
vfs_update_vfsstat(mount_t mp, vfs_context_t ctx, __unused int eventtype)
- struct vfs_attr va;
- int error;
+ struct vfs_attr va;
+ int error;
* Request the attributes we want to propagate into
VFSATTR_WANTED(&va, f_ffree);
VFSATTR_WANTED(&va, f_bsize);
VFSATTR_WANTED(&va, f_fssubtype);
+ if ((error = vfs_getattr(mp, &va, ctx)) != 0) {
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("STAT - filesystem returned error %d", error);
+ return error;
+ }
if (eventtype == VFS_USER_EVENT) {
error = mac_mount_check_getattr(ctx, mp, &va);
- if (error != 0)
- return (error);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ return error;
+ }
- if ((error = vfs_getattr(mp, &va, ctx)) != 0) {
- KAUTH_DEBUG("STAT - filesystem returned error %d", error);
- return(error);
- }
* Unpack into the per-mount structure.
/* 4822056 - protect against malformed server mount */
mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_bsize = (va.f_bsize > 0 ? va.f_bsize : 512);
} else {
- mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_bsize = mp->mnt_devblocksize; /* default from the device block size */
+ mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_bsize = mp->mnt_devblocksize; /* default from the device block size */
if (VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, f_iosize)) {
mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_iosize = va.f_iosize;
} else {
- mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_iosize = 1024 * 1024; /* 1MB sensible I/O size */
+ mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_iosize = 1024 * 1024; /* 1MB sensible I/O size */
- if (VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, f_blocks))
+ if (VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, f_blocks)) {
mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_blocks = va.f_blocks;
- if (VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, f_bfree))
+ }
+ if (VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, f_bfree)) {
mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_bfree = va.f_bfree;
- if (VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, f_bavail))
+ }
+ if (VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, f_bavail)) {
mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_bavail = va.f_bavail;
- if (VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, f_bused))
+ }
+ if (VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, f_bused)) {
mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_bused = va.f_bused;
- if (VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, f_files))
+ }
+ if (VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, f_files)) {
mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_files = va.f_files;
- if (VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, f_ffree))
+ }
+ if (VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, f_ffree)) {
mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_ffree = va.f_ffree;
+ }
/* this is unlikely to change, but has to be queried for */
- if (VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, f_fssubtype))
+ if (VFSATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, f_fssubtype)) {
mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_fssubtype = va.f_fssubtype;
+ }
- return(0);
+ return 0;
if (system_inshutdown != 0) {
res = -1;
} else {
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&mountlist, mp, mnt_list);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&mountlist, mp, mnt_list);
res = 0;
(mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_fsid.val[0] == volfs_id)) {
cur_mount = mp;
if (withref) {
- if (mount_iterref(cur_mount, 1)) {
+ if (mount_iterref(cur_mount, 1)) {
cur_mount = (mount_t)0;
goto out;
- return(cur_mount);
+ return cur_mount;
mount_list_lookupby_fsid(fsid_t *fsid, int locked, int withref)
mount_t retmp = (mount_t)0;
mount_t mp;
- if (!locked)
+ if (!locked) {
- TAILQ_FOREACH(mp, &mountlist, mnt_list)
- if (mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_fsid.val[0] == fsid->val[0] &&
- mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_fsid.val[1] == fsid->val[1]) {
- retmp = mp;
- if (withref) {
- if (mount_iterref(retmp, 1))
- retmp = (mount_t)0;
+ }
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(mp, &mountlist, mnt_list)
+ if (mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_fsid.val[0] == fsid->val[0] &&
+ mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_fsid.val[1] == fsid->val[1]) {
+ retmp = mp;
+ if (withref) {
+ if (mount_iterref(retmp, 1)) {
+ retmp = (mount_t)0;
- goto out;
+ goto out;
+ }
- if (!locked)
+ if (!locked) {
- return (retmp);
+ }
+ return retmp;
-vnode_lookup(const char *path, int flags, vnode_t *vpp, vfs_context_t ctx)
+vnode_lookupat(const char *path, int flags, vnode_t *vpp, vfs_context_t ctx,
+ vnode_t start_dvp)
struct nameidata nd;
int error;
u_int32_t ndflags = 0;
- if (ctx == NULL) { /* XXX technically an error */
- ctx = vfs_context_current();
+ if (ctx == NULL) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ if (flags & VNODE_LOOKUP_NOFOLLOW) {
ndflags = NOFOLLOW;
- else
+ } else {
ndflags = FOLLOW;
+ }
ndflags |= NOCROSSMOUNT;
- ndflags |= DOWHITEOUT;
+ }
+ ndflags |= CN_NBMOUNTLOOK;
+ }
/* XXX AUDITVNPATH1 needed ? */
- CAST_USER_ADDR_T(path), ctx);
+ CAST_USER_ADDR_T(path), ctx);
+ if (start_dvp && (path[0] != '/')) {
+ nd.ni_dvp = start_dvp;
+ nd.ni_cnd.cn_flags |= USEDVP;
+ }
+ if ((error = namei(&nd))) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ nd.ni_cnd.cn_flags &= ~USEDVP;
- if ((error = namei(&nd)))
- return (error);
*vpp = nd.ni_vp;
- return (0);
+ return 0;
+vnode_lookup(const char *path, int flags, vnode_t *vpp, vfs_context_t ctx)
+ return vnode_lookupat(path, flags, vpp, ctx, NULLVP);
u_int32_t ndflags = 0;
int lflags = flags;
- if (ctx == NULL) { /* XXX technically an error */
+ if (ctx == NULL) { /* XXX technically an error */
ctx = vfs_context_current();
- if (fmode & O_NOFOLLOW)
+ if (fmode & O_NOFOLLOW) {
+ }
+ if (lflags & VNODE_LOOKUP_NOFOLLOW) {
ndflags = NOFOLLOW;
- else
+ } else {
ndflags = FOLLOW;
+ }
ndflags |= NOCROSSMOUNT;
- ndflags |= DOWHITEOUT;
+ }
+ ndflags |= CN_NBMOUNTLOOK;
+ }
/* XXX AUDITVNPATH1 needed ? */
- CAST_USER_ADDR_T(path), ctx);
+ CAST_USER_ADDR_T(path), ctx);
- if ((error = vn_open(&nd, fmode, cmode)))
+ if ((error = vn_open(&nd, fmode, cmode))) {
*vpp = NULL;
- else
+ } else {
*vpp = nd.ni_vp;
- return (error);
+ }
+ return error;
if (ctx == NULL) {
ctx = vfs_context_current();
error = vn_close(vp, flags, ctx);
- return (error);
+ return error;
+vnode_mtime(vnode_t vp, struct timespec *mtime, vfs_context_t ctx)
+ struct vnode_attr va;
+ int error;
+ VATTR_INIT(&va);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_modify_time);
+ error = vnode_getattr(vp, &va, ctx);
+ if (!error) {
+ *mtime = va.va_modify_time;
+ }
+ return error;
+vnode_flags(vnode_t vp, uint32_t *flags, vfs_context_t ctx)
+ struct vnode_attr va;
+ int error;
+ VATTR_INIT(&va);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_flags);
+ error = vnode_getattr(vp, &va, ctx);
+ if (!error) {
+ *flags = va.va_flags;
+ }
+ return error;
vnode_size(vnode_t vp, off_t *sizep, vfs_context_t ctx)
- struct vnode_attr va;
- int error;
+ struct vnode_attr va;
+ int error;
VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_data_size);
error = vnode_getattr(vp, &va, ctx);
- if (!error)
+ if (!error) {
*sizep = va.va_data_size;
- return(error);
+ }
+ return error;
vnode_setsize(vnode_t vp, off_t size, int ioflag, vfs_context_t ctx)
- struct vnode_attr va;
+ struct vnode_attr va;
VATTR_SET(&va, va_data_size, size);
va.va_vaflags = ioflag & 0xffff;
- return(vnode_setattr(vp, &va, ctx));
+ return vnode_setattr(vp, &va, ctx);
+vnode_setdirty(vnode_t vp)
+ vnode_lock_spin(vp);
+ vp->v_flag |= VISDIRTY;
+ vnode_unlock(vp);
+ return 0;
+vnode_cleardirty(vnode_t vp)
+ vnode_lock_spin(vp);
+ vp->v_flag &= ~VISDIRTY;
+ vnode_unlock(vp);
+ return 0;
+vnode_isdirty(vnode_t vp)
+ int dirty;
+ vnode_lock_spin(vp);
+ dirty = (vp->v_flag & VISDIRTY) ? 1 : 0;
+ vnode_unlock(vp);
+ return dirty;
static int
/* Only use compound VNOP for compound operation */
if (vnode_compound_open_available(dvp) && ((flags & VN_CREATE_DOOPEN) != 0)) {
*vpp = NULLVP;
- return VNOP_COMPOUND_OPEN(dvp, vpp, ndp, VNOP_COMPOUND_OPEN_DO_CREATE, fmode, statusp, vap, ctx);
+ return VNOP_COMPOUND_OPEN(dvp, vpp, ndp, O_CREAT, fmode, statusp, vap, ctx);
} else {
return VNOP_CREATE(dvp, vpp, &ndp->ni_cnd, vap, ctx);
* flags VN_* flags controlling ACL inheritance
* and whether or not authorization is to
* be required for the operation.
- *
+ *
* Returns: 0 Success
* !0 errno value
* *cnp May be modified by the underlying VFS.
* *vap May be modified by the underlying VFS.
* modified by either ACL inheritance or
- *
- *
+ *
+ *
* be modified, even if the operation is
- *
+ *
* Notes: The kauth_filesec_t in 'vap', if any, is in host byte order.
vn_create(vnode_t dvp, vnode_t *vpp, struct nameidata *ndp, struct vnode_attr *vap, uint32_t flags, int fmode, uint32_t *statusp, vfs_context_t ctx)
- errno_t error, old_error;
+ errno_t error, old_error;
vnode_t vp = (vnode_t)0;
boolean_t batched;
struct componentname *cnp;
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p CREATE - '%s'", dvp, cnp->cn_nameptr);
- if (flags & VN_CREATE_NOINHERIT)
+ if (flags & VN_CREATE_NOINHERIT) {
vap->va_vaflags |= VA_NOINHERIT;
- if (flags & VN_CREATE_NOAUTH)
+ }
+ if (flags & VN_CREATE_NOAUTH) {
vap->va_vaflags |= VA_NOAUTH;
+ }
* Handle ACL inheritance, initialize vap.
panic("Mode for open, but not trying to open...");
* Create the requested node.
- switch(vap->va_type) {
+ switch (vap->va_type) {
case VREG:
error = vn_create_reg(dvp, vpp, ndp, vap, flags, fmode, statusp, ctx);
if (!(flags & VN_CREATE_NOLABEL)) {
error = vnode_label(vnode_mount(vp), dvp, vp, cnp, VNODE_LABEL_CREATE, ctx);
- if (error)
+ if (error) {
goto error;
+ }
if ((error != 0) && (vp != (vnode_t)0)) {
/* If we've done a compound open, close */
if (batched && (old_error == 0) && (vap->va_type == VREG)) {
VNOP_CLOSE(vp, fmode, ctx);
if (!batched) {
*vpp = (vnode_t) 0;
+ vp = NULLVP;
+ /*
+ * For creation VNOPs, this is the equivalent of
+ * lookup_handle_found_vnode.
+ */
+ if (kdebug_enable && *vpp) {
+ kdebug_lookup(*vpp, cnp);
+ }
vn_attribute_cleanup(vap, defaulted);
- return(error);
+ return error;
-static kauth_scope_t vnode_scope;
-static int vnode_authorize_callback(kauth_cred_t credential, void *idata, kauth_action_t action,
- uintptr_t arg0, uintptr_t arg1, uintptr_t arg2, uintptr_t arg3);
-static int vnode_authorize_callback_int(__unused kauth_cred_t credential, __unused void *idata, kauth_action_t action,
+static kauth_scope_t vnode_scope;
+static int vnode_authorize_callback(kauth_cred_t credential, void *idata, kauth_action_t action,
uintptr_t arg0, uintptr_t arg1, uintptr_t arg2, uintptr_t arg3);
+static int vnode_authorize_callback_int(kauth_action_t action, vfs_context_t ctx,
+ vnode_t vp, vnode_t dvp, int *errorp);
typedef struct _vnode_authorize_context {
- vnode_t vp;
+ vnode_t vp;
struct vnode_attr *vap;
- vnode_t dvp;
+ vnode_t dvp;
struct vnode_attr *dvap;
- vfs_context_t ctx;
- int flags;
- int flags_valid;
-#define _VAC_IS_OWNER (1<<0)
-#define _VAC_IN_GROUP (1<<1)
-#define _VAC_IS_DIR_OWNER (1<<2)
-#define _VAC_IN_DIR_GROUP (1<<3)
+ vfs_context_t ctx;
+ int flags;
+ int flags_valid;
+#define _VAC_IS_OWNER (1<<0)
+#define _VAC_IN_GROUP (1<<1)
+#define _VAC_IS_DIR_OWNER (1<<2)
+#define _VAC_IN_DIR_GROUP (1<<3)
+#define _VAC_NO_VNODE_POINTERS (1<<4)
} *vauth_ctx;
vnode_scope = kauth_register_scope(KAUTH_SCOPE_VNODE, vnode_authorize_callback, NULL);
vn_attribute_prepare(vnode_t dvp, struct vnode_attr *vap, uint32_t *defaulted_fieldsp, vfs_context_t ctx)
vap->va_acl = NULL;
if ((error = kauth_acl_inherit(dvp,
- oacl,
- &nacl,
- vap->va_type == VDIR,
- ctx)) != 0) {
+ oacl,
+ &nacl,
+ vap->va_type == VDIR,
+ ctx)) != 0) {
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p CREATE - error %d processing inheritance", dvp, error);
- return(error);
+ return error;
VATTR_SET(vap, va_acl, nacl);
error = vnode_authattr_new_internal(dvp, vap, (vap->va_vaflags & VA_NOAUTH), defaulted_fieldsp, ctx);
if (error) {
vn_attribute_cleanup(vap, *defaulted_fieldsp);
- }
+ }
return error;
nacl = vap->va_acl;
oacl = vap->va_base_acl;
- if (oacl) {
+ if (oacl) {
VATTR_SET(vap, va_acl, oacl);
vap->va_base_acl = NULL;
} else {
vn_authorize_unlink(vnode_t dvp, vnode_t vp, struct componentname *cnp, vfs_context_t ctx, __unused void *reserved)
+#pragma unused(cnp)
int error = 0;
- * Normally, unlinking of directories is not supported.
+ * Normally, unlinking of directories is not supported.
* However, some file systems may have limited support.
if ((vp->v_type == VDIR) &&
- !(vp->v_mount->mnt_vtable->vfc_vfsflags & VFC_VFSDIRLINKS)) {
- return (EPERM); /* POSIX */
+ !(vp->v_mount->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_DIR_HARDLINKS)) {
+ return EPERM; /* POSIX */
/* authorize the delete operation */
- if (!error)
+ if (!error) {
error = mac_vnode_check_unlink(ctx, dvp, vp, cnp);
+ }
#endif /* MAC */
- if (!error)
+ if (!error) {
error = vnode_authorize(vp, dvp, KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE, ctx);
+ }
return error;
/* Open of existing case */
kauth_action_t action;
int error = 0;
if (cnp->cn_ndp == NULL) {
panic("NULL ndp");
/* XXX may do duplicate work here, but ignore that for now (idempotent) */
if (vfs_flags(vnode_mount(vp)) & MNT_MULTILABEL) {
error = vnode_label(vnode_mount(vp), NULL, vp, NULL, 0, ctx);
- if (error)
- return (error);
+ if (error) {
+ return error;
+ }
- if ( (fmode & O_DIRECTORY) && vp->v_type != VDIR ) {
- return (ENOTDIR);
+ if ((fmode & O_DIRECTORY) && vp->v_type != VDIR) {
+ return ENOTDIR;
if (vp->v_type == VSOCK && vp->v_tag != VT_FDESC) {
- return (EOPNOTSUPP); /* Operation not supported on socket */
+ return EOPNOTSUPP; /* Operation not supported on socket */
if (vp->v_type == VLNK && (fmode & O_NOFOLLOW) != 0) {
- return (ELOOP); /* O_NOFOLLOW was specified and the target is a symbolic link */
+ return ELOOP; /* O_NOFOLLOW was specified and the target is a symbolic link */
/* disallow write operations on directories */
if (vnode_isdir(vp) && (fmode & (FWRITE | O_TRUNC))) {
- return (EISDIR);
+ return EISDIR;
if ((cnp->cn_ndp->ni_flag & NAMEI_TRAILINGSLASH)) {
if (vp->v_type != VDIR) {
- return (ENOTDIR);
+ return ENOTDIR;
- /* If a file being opened is a shadow file containing
- * namedstream data, ignore the macf checks because it
- * is a kernel internal file and access should always
+ /* If a file being opened is a shadow file containing
+ * namedstream data, ignore the macf checks because it
+ * is a kernel internal file and access should always
* be allowed.
if (!(vnode_isshadow(vp) && vnode_isnamedstream(vp))) {
error = mac_vnode_check_open(ctx, vp, fmode);
if (error) {
- return (error);
+ return error;
- return (vnode_authorize(vp, NULL, action, ctx));
+ error = vnode_authorize(vp, NULL, action, ctx);
+ if (error == EACCES) {
+ /*
+ * Shadow files may exist on-disk with a different UID/GID
+ * than that of the current context. Verify that this file
+ * is really a shadow file. If it was created successfully
+ * then it should be authorized.
+ */
+ if (vnode_isshadow(vp) && vnode_isnamedstream(vp)) {
+ error = vnode_verifynamedstream(vp);
+ }
+ }
+ return error;
vn_authorize_create(vnode_t dvp, struct componentname *cnp, struct vnode_attr *vap, vfs_context_t ctx, void *reserved)
+#pragma unused(vap)
/* Creation case */
int error;
/* Only validate path for creation if we didn't do a complete lookup */
if (cnp->cn_ndp->ni_flag & NAMEI_UNFINISHED) {
error = lookup_validate_creation_path(cnp->cn_ndp);
- if (error)
- return (error);
+ if (error) {
+ return error;
+ }
error = mac_vnode_check_create(ctx, dvp, cnp, vap);
- if (error)
- return (error);
+ if (error) {
+ return error;
+ }
#endif /* CONFIG_MACF */
- return (vnode_authorize(dvp, NULL, KAUTH_VNODE_ADD_FILE, ctx));
+ return vnode_authorize(dvp, NULL, KAUTH_VNODE_ADD_FILE, ctx);
-vn_authorize_rename(struct vnode *fdvp, struct vnode *fvp, struct componentname *fcnp,
- struct vnode *tdvp, struct vnode *tvp, struct componentname *tcnp,
- vfs_context_t ctx, void *reserved)
+vn_authorize_rename(struct vnode *fdvp, struct vnode *fvp, struct componentname *fcnp,
+ struct vnode *tdvp, struct vnode *tvp, struct componentname *tcnp,
+ vfs_context_t ctx, void *reserved)
+ return vn_authorize_renamex(fdvp, fvp, fcnp, tdvp, tvp, tcnp, ctx, 0, reserved);
+vn_authorize_renamex(struct vnode *fdvp, struct vnode *fvp, struct componentname *fcnp,
+ struct vnode *tdvp, struct vnode *tvp, struct componentname *tcnp,
+ vfs_context_t ctx, vfs_rename_flags_t flags, void *reserved)
+ return vn_authorize_renamex_with_paths(fdvp, fvp, fcnp, NULL, tdvp, tvp, tcnp, NULL, ctx, flags, reserved);
+vn_authorize_renamex_with_paths(struct vnode *fdvp, struct vnode *fvp, struct componentname *fcnp, const char *from_path,
+ struct vnode *tdvp, struct vnode *tvp, struct componentname *tcnp, const char *to_path,
+ vfs_context_t ctx, vfs_rename_flags_t flags, void *reserved)
int error = 0;
int moving = 0;
+ bool swap = flags & VFS_RENAME_SWAP;
if (reserved != NULL) {
panic("Passed something other than NULL as reserved field!");
if (fvp->v_type == VDIR &&
((fdvp == fvp) ||
- (fcnp->cn_namelen == 1 && fcnp->cn_nameptr[0] == '.') ||
- ((fcnp->cn_flags | tcnp->cn_flags) & ISDOTDOT)) ) {
+ (fcnp->cn_namelen == 1 && fcnp->cn_nameptr[0] == '.') ||
+ ((fcnp->cn_flags | tcnp->cn_flags) & ISDOTDOT))) {
error = EINVAL;
goto out;
if (tvp == NULLVP && vnode_compound_rename_available(tdvp)) {
error = lookup_validate_creation_path(tcnp->cn_ndp);
- if (error)
+ if (error) {
goto out;
+ }
/***** <MACF> *****/
- error = mac_vnode_check_rename_from(ctx, fdvp, fvp, fcnp);
- if (error)
- goto out;
- error = mac_vnode_check_rename_to(ctx,
- tdvp, tvp, fdvp == tdvp, tcnp);
- if (error)
+ error = mac_vnode_check_rename(ctx, fdvp, fvp, fcnp, tdvp, tvp, tcnp);
+ if (error) {
goto out;
+ }
+ if (swap) {
+ error = mac_vnode_check_rename(ctx, tdvp, tvp, tcnp, fdvp, fvp, fcnp);
+ if (error) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
/***** </MACF> *****/
/***** <MiscChecks> *****/
if (tvp != NULL) {
- if (fvp->v_type == VDIR && tvp->v_type != VDIR) {
- error = ENOTDIR;
- goto out;
- } else if (fvp->v_type != VDIR && tvp->v_type == VDIR) {
- error = EISDIR;
- goto out;
+ if (!swap) {
+ if (fvp->v_type == VDIR && tvp->v_type != VDIR) {
+ error = ENOTDIR;
+ goto out;
+ } else if (fvp->v_type != VDIR && tvp->v_type == VDIR) {
+ error = EISDIR;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ } else if (swap) {
+ /*
+ * Caller should have already checked this and returned
+ * ENOENT. If we send back ENOENT here, caller will retry
+ * which isn't what we want so we send back EINVAL here
+ * instead.
+ */
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
if (fvp == tdvp) {
error = EINVAL;
goto out;
- /***** </MiscChecks> *****/
- /***** <Kauth> *****/
- error = 0;
- if ((tvp != NULL) && vnode_isdir(tvp)) {
- if (tvp != fdvp)
- moving = 1;
- } else if (tdvp != fdvp) {
- moving = 1;
+ if (swap && fdvp->v_parent == tvp) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ /***** </MiscChecks> *****/
+ /***** <Kauth> *****/
- * must have delete rights to remove the old name even in
- * the simple case of fdvp == tdvp.
+ * As part of the Kauth step, we call out to allow 3rd-party
+ * fileop notification of "about to rename". This is needed
+ * in the event that 3rd-parties need to know that the DELETE
+ * authorization is actually part of a rename. It's important
+ * that we guarantee that the DELETE call-out will always be
+ * made if the WILL_RENAME call-out is made. Another fileop
+ * call-out will be performed once the operation is completed.
+ * We can ignore the result of kauth_authorize_fileop().
- * If fvp is a directory, and we are changing it's parent,
- * then we also need rights to rewrite its ".." entry as well.
+ * N.B. We are passing the vnode and *both* paths to each
+ * call; kauth_authorize_fileop() extracts the "from" path
+ * when posting a KAUTH_FILEOP_WILL_RENAME notification.
+ * As such, we only post these notifications if all of the
+ * information we need is provided.
- if (vnode_isdir(fvp)) {
- if ((error = vnode_authorize(fvp, fdvp, KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE | KAUTH_VNODE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY, ctx)) != 0)
+ if (swap) {
+ kauth_action_t f = 0, t = 0;
+ /*
+ * Directories changing parents need ...ADD_SUBDIR... to
+ * permit changing ".."
+ */
+ if (fdvp != tdvp) {
+ if (vnode_isdir(fvp)) {
+ }
+ if (vnode_isdir(tvp)) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (to_path != NULL) {
+ kauth_authorize_fileop(vfs_context_ucred(ctx),
+ (uintptr_t)fvp,
+ (uintptr_t)to_path);
+ }
+ error = vnode_authorize(fvp, fdvp, KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE | f, ctx);
+ if (error) {
goto out;
- } else {
- if ((error = vnode_authorize(fvp, fdvp, KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE, ctx)) != 0)
+ }
+ if (from_path != NULL) {
+ kauth_authorize_fileop(vfs_context_ucred(ctx),
+ (uintptr_t)tvp,
+ (uintptr_t)from_path);
+ }
+ error = vnode_authorize(tvp, tdvp, KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE | t, ctx);
+ if (error) {
goto out;
- }
- if (moving) {
- /* moving into tdvp or tvp, must have rights to add */
- if ((error = vnode_authorize(((tvp != NULL) && vnode_isdir(tvp)) ? tvp : tdvp,
- ctx)) != 0) {
+ }
+ if (fdvp == tdvp) {
+ error = vnode_authorize(fdvp, NULL, f | t, ctx);
+ } else {
+ error = vnode_authorize(fdvp, NULL, t, ctx);
+ if (error) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = vnode_authorize(tdvp, NULL, f, ctx);
+ }
+ if (error) {
goto out;
- } else {
- /* node staying in same directory, must be allowed to add new name */
- if ((error = vnode_authorize(fdvp, NULL,
- vnode_isdir(fvp) ? KAUTH_VNODE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY : KAUTH_VNODE_ADD_FILE, ctx)) != 0)
+ } else {
+ error = 0;
+ if ((tvp != NULL) && vnode_isdir(tvp)) {
+ if (tvp != fdvp) {
+ moving = 1;
+ }
+ } else if (tdvp != fdvp) {
+ moving = 1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * must have delete rights to remove the old name even in
+ * the simple case of fdvp == tdvp.
+ *
+ * If fvp is a directory, and we are changing it's parent,
+ * then we also need rights to rewrite its ".." entry as well.
+ */
+ if (to_path != NULL) {
+ kauth_authorize_fileop(vfs_context_ucred(ctx),
+ (uintptr_t)fvp,
+ (uintptr_t)to_path);
+ }
+ if (vnode_isdir(fvp)) {
+ if ((error = vnode_authorize(fvp, fdvp, KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE | KAUTH_VNODE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY, ctx)) != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((error = vnode_authorize(fvp, fdvp, KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE, ctx)) != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ if (moving) {
+ /* moving into tdvp or tvp, must have rights to add */
+ if ((error = vnode_authorize(((tvp != NULL) && vnode_isdir(tvp)) ? tvp : tdvp,
+ ctx)) != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* node staying in same directory, must be allowed to add new name */
+ if ((error = vnode_authorize(fdvp, NULL,
+ vnode_isdir(fvp) ? KAUTH_VNODE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY : KAUTH_VNODE_ADD_FILE, ctx)) != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ /* overwriting tvp */
+ if ((tvp != NULL) && !vnode_isdir(tvp) &&
+ ((error = vnode_authorize(tvp, tdvp, KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE, ctx)) != 0)) {
goto out;
- }
- /* overwriting tvp */
- if ((tvp != NULL) && !vnode_isdir(tvp) &&
- ((error = vnode_authorize(tvp, tdvp, KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE, ctx)) != 0)) {
- goto out;
+ }
/***** </Kauth> *****/
vn_authorize_mkdir(vnode_t dvp, struct componentname *cnp, struct vnode_attr *vap, vfs_context_t ctx, void *reserved)
+#pragma unused(vap)
int error;
if (reserved != NULL) {
- panic("reserved not NULL in vn_authorize_mkdir()");
+ panic("reserved not NULL in vn_authorize_mkdir()");
/* XXX A hack for now, to make shadow files work */
if (vnode_compound_mkdir_available(dvp)) {
error = lookup_validate_creation_path(cnp->cn_ndp);
- if (error)
+ if (error) {
goto out;
+ }
error = mac_vnode_check_create(ctx,
dvp, cnp, vap);
- if (error)
+ if (error) {
goto out;
+ }
- /* authorize addition of a directory to the parent */
- if ((error = vnode_authorize(dvp, NULL, KAUTH_VNODE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY, ctx)) != 0)
- goto out;
+ /* authorize addition of a directory to the parent */
+ if ((error = vnode_authorize(dvp, NULL, KAUTH_VNODE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY, ctx)) != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
return error;
vn_authorize_rmdir(vnode_t dvp, vnode_t vp, struct componentname *cnp, vfs_context_t ctx, void *reserved)
int error;
+#pragma unused(cnp)
if (reserved != NULL) {
panic("Non-NULL reserved argument to vn_authorize_rmdir()");
* rmdir only deals with directories
return ENOTDIR;
- }
+ }
if (dvp == vp) {
* No rmdir "." please.
return EINVAL;
- }
+ }
error = mac_vnode_check_unlink(ctx, dvp,
- vp, cnp);
- if (error)
+ vp, cnp);
+ if (error) {
return error;
+ }
return vnode_authorize(vp, dvp, KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE, ctx);
+ * Authorizer for directory cloning. This does not use vnodes but instead
+ * uses prefilled vnode attributes from the filesystem.
+ *
+ * The same function is called to set up the attributes required, perform the
+ * authorization and cleanup (if required)
+ */
+vnode_attr_authorize_dir_clone(struct vnode_attr *vap, kauth_action_t action,
+ struct vnode_attr *dvap, __unused vnode_t sdvp, mount_t mp,
+ dir_clone_authorizer_op_t vattr_op, uint32_t flags, vfs_context_t ctx,
+ __unused void *reserved)
+ int error;
+ int is_suser = vfs_context_issuser(ctx);
+ if (vattr_op == OP_VATTR_SETUP) {
+ VATTR_INIT(vap);
+ /*
+ * When ACL inheritence is implemented, both vap->va_acl and
+ * dvap->va_acl will be required (even as superuser).
+ */
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_type);
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_mode);
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_flags);
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_uid);
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_gid);
+ if (dvap) {
+ VATTR_INIT(dvap);
+ VATTR_WANTED(dvap, va_flags);
+ }
+ if (!is_suser) {
+ /*
+ * If not superuser, we have to evaluate ACLs and
+ * need the target directory gid to set the initial
+ * gid of the new object.
+ */
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_acl);
+ if (dvap) {
+ VATTR_WANTED(dvap, va_gid);
+ }
+ } else if (dvap && (flags & VNODE_CLONEFILE_NOOWNERCOPY)) {
+ VATTR_WANTED(dvap, va_gid);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ } else if (vattr_op == OP_VATTR_CLEANUP) {
+ return 0; /* Nothing to do for now */
+ }
+ /* dvap isn't used for authorization */
+ error = vnode_attr_authorize(vap, NULL, mp, action, ctx);
+ if (error) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ /*
+ * vn_attribute_prepare should be able to accept attributes as well as
+ * vnodes but for now we do this inline.
+ */
+ if (!is_suser || (flags & VNODE_CLONEFILE_NOOWNERCOPY)) {
+ /*
+ * If the filesystem is mounted IGNORE_OWNERSHIP and an explicit
+ * owner is set, that owner takes ownership of all new files.
+ */
+ if ((mp->mnt_flag & MNT_IGNORE_OWNERSHIP) &&
+ (mp->mnt_fsowner != KAUTH_UID_NONE)) {
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_uid, mp->mnt_fsowner);
+ } else {
+ /* default owner is current user */
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_uid,
+ kauth_cred_getuid(vfs_context_ucred(ctx)));
+ }
+ if ((mp->mnt_flag & MNT_IGNORE_OWNERSHIP) &&
+ (mp->mnt_fsgroup != KAUTH_GID_NONE)) {
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_gid, mp->mnt_fsgroup);
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * default group comes from parent object,
+ * fallback to current user
+ */
+ if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(dvap, va_gid)) {
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_gid, dvap->va_gid);
+ } else {
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_gid,
+ kauth_cred_getgid(vfs_context_ucred(ctx)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Inherit SF_RESTRICTED bit from destination directory only */
+ if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_flags)) {
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_flags,
+ ((vap->va_flags & ~(UF_DATAVAULT | SF_RESTRICTED)))); /* Turn off from source */
+ if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(dvap, va_flags)) {
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_flags,
+ vap->va_flags | (dvap->va_flags & (UF_DATAVAULT | SF_RESTRICTED)));
+ }
+ } else if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(dvap, va_flags)) {
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_flags, (dvap->va_flags & (UF_DATAVAULT | SF_RESTRICTED)));
+ }
+ return 0;
* Authorize an operation on a vnode.
vnode_authorize(vnode_t vp, vnode_t dvp, kauth_action_t action, vfs_context_t ctx)
- int error, result;
+ int error, result;
* We can't authorize against a dead vnode; allow all operations through so that
* the correct error can be returned.
- if (vp->v_type == VBAD)
- return(0);
+ if (vp->v_type == VBAD) {
+ return 0;
+ }
error = 0;
result = kauth_authorize_action(vnode_scope, vfs_context_ucred(ctx), action,
- (uintptr_t)ctx, (uintptr_t)vp, (uintptr_t)dvp, (uintptr_t)&error);
- if (result == EPERM) /* traditional behaviour */
+ (uintptr_t)ctx, (uintptr_t)vp, (uintptr_t)dvp, (uintptr_t)&error);
+ if (result == EPERM) { /* traditional behaviour */
result = EACCES;
+ }
/* did the lower layers give a better error return? */
- if ((result != 0) && (error != 0))
- return(error);
- return(result);
+ if ((result != 0) && (error != 0)) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ return result;
static int
vnode_immutable(struct vnode_attr *vap, int append, int ignore)
- int mask;
+ int mask;
/* start with all bits precluding the operation */
/* if appending only, remove the append-only bits */
- if (append)
+ if (append) {
mask &= ~APPEND;
+ }
/* ignore only set when authorizing flags changes */
if (ignore) {
KAUTH_DEBUG("IMMUTABLE - file flags 0x%x mask 0x%x append = %d ignore = %d", vap->va_flags, mask, append, ignore);
- if ((vap->va_flags & mask) != 0)
- return(EPERM);
- return(0);
+ if ((vap->va_flags & mask) != 0) {
+ return EPERM;
+ }
+ return 0;
static int
result = (vap->va_uid == kauth_cred_getuid(cred)) ? 1 : 0;
/* we could test the owner UUID here if we had a policy for it */
- return(result);
+ return result;
static int
vauth_node_group(struct vnode_attr *vap, kauth_cred_t cred, int *ismember, int idontknow)
- int error;
- int result;
+ int error;
+ int result;
error = 0;
result = 0;
* XXX all currently known cases, however, this wil result
* XXX in correct behaviour.
- if (error == ENOENT)
+ if (error == ENOENT) {
error = idontknow;
+ }
* XXX We could test the group UUID here if we had a policy for it,
* XXX caching DNS server).
- if (!error)
+ if (!error) {
*ismember = result;
- return(error);
+ }
+ return error;
static int
vcp->flags &= ~_VAC_IS_OWNER;
- return(result);
+ return result;
static int
vauth_file_ingroup(vauth_ctx vcp, int *ismember, int idontknow)
- int error;
+ int error;
/* Check for a cached answer first, to avoid the check if possible */
if (vcp->flags_valid & _VAC_IN_GROUP) {
vcp->flags &= ~_VAC_IN_GROUP;
- return(error);
+ return error;
static int
vcp->flags &= ~_VAC_IS_DIR_OWNER;
- return(result);
+ return result;
static int
vauth_dir_ingroup(vauth_ctx vcp, int *ismember, int idontknow)
- int error;
+ int error;
/* Check for a cached answer first, to avoid the check if possible */
if (vcp->flags_valid & _VAC_IN_DIR_GROUP) {
- return(error);
+ return error;
int needed, error, owner_ok, group_ok, world_ok, ismember;
const char *where = "uninitialized";
-# define _SETWHERE(c) where = c;
+# define _SETWHERE(c) where = c;
# define _SETWHERE(c)
} else {
vap = vcp->vap;
error = 0;
* We want to do as little work here as possible. So first we check
* which sets of permissions grant us the access we need, and avoid checking
/* owner permissions */
needed = 0;
- if (action & VREAD)
+ if (action & VREAD) {
needed |= S_IRUSR;
- if (action & VWRITE)
+ }
+ if (action & VWRITE) {
needed |= S_IWUSR;
- if (action & VEXEC)
+ }
+ if (action & VEXEC) {
needed |= S_IXUSR;
+ }
owner_ok = (needed & vap->va_mode) == needed;
/* group permissions */
needed = 0;
- if (action & VREAD)
+ if (action & VREAD) {
needed |= S_IRGRP;
- if (action & VWRITE)
+ }
+ if (action & VWRITE) {
needed |= S_IWGRP;
- if (action & VEXEC)
+ }
+ if (action & VEXEC) {
needed |= S_IXGRP;
+ }
group_ok = (needed & vap->va_mode) == needed;
/* world permissions */
needed = 0;
- if (action & VREAD)
+ if (action & VREAD) {
needed |= S_IROTH;
- if (action & VWRITE)
+ }
+ if (action & VWRITE) {
needed |= S_IWOTH;
- if (action & VEXEC)
+ }
+ if (action & VEXEC) {
needed |= S_IXOTH;
+ }
world_ok = (needed & vap->va_mode) == needed;
/* If granted/denied by all three, we're done */
if ((on_dir && vauth_dir_owner(vcp)) ||
(!on_dir && vauth_file_owner(vcp))) {
- if (!owner_ok)
+ if (!owner_ok) {
error = EACCES;
+ }
goto out;
/* Check group membership (most expensive) */
- ismember = 0; /* Default to allow, if the target has no group owner */
+ ismember = 0; /* Default to allow, if the target has no group owner */
* In the case we can't get an answer about the user from the call to
error = vauth_file_ingroup(vcp, &ismember, (!group_ok ? EACCES : 0));
if (error) {
- if (!group_ok)
+ if (!group_ok) {
ismember = 1;
+ }
error = 0;
if (ismember) {
- if (!group_ok)
+ if (!group_ok) {
error = EACCES;
+ }
goto out;
/* Not owner, not in group, use world result */
- if (!world_ok)
+ if (!world_ok) {
error = EACCES;
+ }
on_dir ? vcp->dvap->va_uid : vcp->vap->va_uid,
on_dir ? vcp->dvap->va_gid : vcp->vap->va_gid);
- return(error);
+ return error;
* - Neither the node nor the directory are immutable.
* - The user is not the superuser.
- * Deletion is not permitted if the directory is sticky and the caller is
- * not owner of the node or directory.
+ * The precedence of factors for authorizing or denying delete for a credential
+ *
+ * 1) Explicit ACE on the node. (allow or deny DELETE)
+ * 2) Explicit ACE on the directory (allow or deny DELETE_CHILD).
+ *
+ * If there are conflicting ACEs on the node and the directory, the node
+ * ACE wins.
- * If either the node grants DELETE, or the directory grants DELETE_CHILD,
- * the node may be deleted. If neither denies the permission, and the
- * caller has Posix write access to the directory, then the node may be
- * deleted.
+ * 3) Sticky bit on the directory.
+ * Deletion is not permitted if the directory is sticky and the caller is
+ * not owner of the node or directory. The sticky bit rules are like a deny
+ * delete ACE except lower in priority than ACL's either allowing or denying
+ * delete.
+ *
+ * 4) POSIX permisions on the directory.
* As an optimization, we cache whether or not delete child is permitted
- * on directories without the sticky bit set.
+ * on directories. This enables us to skip directory ACL and POSIX checks
+ * as we already have the result from those checks. However, we always check the
+ * node ACL and, if the directory has the sticky bit set, we always check its
+ * ACL (even for a directory with an authorized delete child). Furthermore,
+ * caching the delete child authorization is independent of the sticky bit
+ * being set as it is only applicable in determining whether the node can be
+ * deleted or not.
-vnode_authorize_delete(vauth_ctx vcp, boolean_t cached_delete_child);
-/*static*/ int
+static int
vnode_authorize_delete(vauth_ctx vcp, boolean_t cached_delete_child)
- struct vnode_attr *vap = vcp->vap;
- struct vnode_attr *dvap = vcp->dvap;
- kauth_cred_t cred = vcp->ctx->vc_ucred;
- struct kauth_acl_eval eval;
- int error, delete_denied, delete_child_denied, ismember;
+ struct vnode_attr *vap = vcp->vap;
+ struct vnode_attr *dvap = vcp->dvap;
+ kauth_cred_t cred = vcp->ctx->vc_ucred;
+ struct kauth_acl_eval eval;
+ int error, ismember;
- /* check the ACL on the directory */
- delete_child_denied = 0;
- if (!cached_delete_child && VATTR_IS_NOT(dvap, va_acl, NULL)) {
- eval.ae_requested = KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE_CHILD;
- eval.ae_acl = &dvap->va_acl->acl_ace[0];
- eval.ae_count = dvap->va_acl->acl_entrycount;
+ /* Check the ACL on the node first */
+ if (VATTR_IS_NOT(vap, va_acl, NULL)) {
+ eval.ae_requested = KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE;
+ eval.ae_acl = &vap->va_acl->acl_ace[0];
+ eval.ae_count = vap->va_acl->acl_entrycount;
eval.ae_options = 0;
- if (vauth_dir_owner(vcp))
+ if (vauth_file_owner(vcp)) {
eval.ae_options |= KAUTH_AEVAL_IS_OWNER;
+ }
* We use ENOENT as a marker to indicate we could not get
* information in order to delay evaluation until after we
* have the ACL evaluation answer. Previously, we would
* always deny the operation at this point.
- if ((error = vauth_dir_ingroup(vcp, &ismember, ENOENT)) != 0 && error != ENOENT)
- return(error);
- if (error == ENOENT)
+ if ((error = vauth_file_ingroup(vcp, &ismember, ENOENT)) != 0 && error != ENOENT) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (error == ENOENT) {
eval.ae_options |= KAUTH_AEVAL_IN_GROUP_UNKNOWN;
- else if (ismember)
+ } else if (ismember) {
eval.ae_options |= KAUTH_AEVAL_IN_GROUP;
+ }
eval.ae_exp_gall = KAUTH_VNODE_GENERIC_ALL_BITS;
eval.ae_exp_gread = KAUTH_VNODE_GENERIC_READ_BITS;
eval.ae_exp_gwrite = KAUTH_VNODE_GENERIC_WRITE_BITS;
- /*
- * If there is no entry, we are going to defer to other
- * authorization mechanisms.
- */
- error = kauth_acl_evaluate(cred, &eval);
- if (error != 0) {
+ if ((error = kauth_acl_evaluate(cred, &eval)) != 0) {
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ERROR during ACL processing - %d", vcp->vp, error);
- return(error);
+ return error;
- switch(eval.ae_result) {
+ switch (eval.ae_result) {
- delete_child_denied = 1;
- break;
- KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ALLOWED - granted by directory ACL", vcp->vp);
- return(0);
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - denied by ACL", vcp->vp);
+ return EACCES;
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ALLOWED - granted by ACL", vcp->vp);
+ return 0;
- /* Effectively the same as !delete_child_denied */
- KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DEFERRED - directory ACL", vcp->vp);
+ /* Defer to directory */
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DEFERRED - by file ACL", vcp->vp);
- /* check the ACL on the node */
- delete_denied = 0;
- if (VATTR_IS_NOT(vap, va_acl, NULL)) {
- eval.ae_requested = KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE;
- eval.ae_acl = &vap->va_acl->acl_ace[0];
- eval.ae_count = vap->va_acl->acl_entrycount;
+ /*
+ * Without a sticky bit, a previously authorized delete child is
+ * sufficient to authorize this delete.
+ *
+ * If the sticky bit is set, a directory ACL which allows delete child
+ * overrides a (potential) sticky bit deny. The authorized delete child
+ * cannot tell us if it was authorized because of an explicit delete
+ * child allow ACE or because of POSIX permisions so we have to check
+ * the directory ACL everytime if the directory has a sticky bit.
+ */
+ if (!(dvap->va_mode & S_ISTXT) && cached_delete_child) {
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ALLOWED - granted by directory ACL or POSIX permissions and no sticky bit on directory", vcp->vp);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* check the ACL on the directory */
+ if (VATTR_IS_NOT(dvap, va_acl, NULL)) {
+ eval.ae_requested = KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE_CHILD;
+ eval.ae_acl = &dvap->va_acl->acl_ace[0];
+ eval.ae_count = dvap->va_acl->acl_entrycount;
eval.ae_options = 0;
- if (vauth_file_owner(vcp))
+ if (vauth_dir_owner(vcp)) {
eval.ae_options |= KAUTH_AEVAL_IS_OWNER;
+ }
* We use ENOENT as a marker to indicate we could not get
* information in order to delay evaluation until after we
* have the ACL evaluation answer. Previously, we would
* always deny the operation at this point.
- if ((error = vauth_file_ingroup(vcp, &ismember, ENOENT)) != 0 && error != ENOENT)
- return(error);
- if (error == ENOENT)
+ if ((error = vauth_dir_ingroup(vcp, &ismember, ENOENT)) != 0 && error != ENOENT) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (error == ENOENT) {
eval.ae_options |= KAUTH_AEVAL_IN_GROUP_UNKNOWN;
- else if (ismember)
+ } else if (ismember) {
eval.ae_options |= KAUTH_AEVAL_IN_GROUP;
+ }
eval.ae_exp_gall = KAUTH_VNODE_GENERIC_ALL_BITS;
eval.ae_exp_gread = KAUTH_VNODE_GENERIC_READ_BITS;
eval.ae_exp_gwrite = KAUTH_VNODE_GENERIC_WRITE_BITS;
- if ((error = kauth_acl_evaluate(cred, &eval)) != 0) {
+ /*
+ * If there is no entry, we are going to defer to other
+ * authorization mechanisms.
+ */
+ error = kauth_acl_evaluate(cred, &eval);
+ if (error != 0) {
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ERROR during ACL processing - %d", vcp->vp, error);
- return(error);
+ return error;
- switch(eval.ae_result) {
+ switch (eval.ae_result) {
- delete_denied = 1;
- break;
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - denied by directory ACL", vcp->vp);
+ return EACCES;
- KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ALLOWED - granted by file ACL", vcp->vp);
- return(0);
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ALLOWED - granted by directory ACL", vcp->vp);
+ if (!cached_delete_child && vcp->dvp) {
+ vnode_cache_authorized_action(vcp->dvp,
+ }
+ return 0;
- /* Effectively the same as !delete_child_denied */
- KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DEFERRED%s - by file ACL", vcp->vp, delete_denied ? "(DENY)" : "");
+ /* Deferred by directory ACL */
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DEFERRED - directory ACL", vcp->vp);
- /* if denied by ACL on directory or node, return denial */
- if (delete_denied || delete_child_denied) {
- KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - denied by ACL", vcp->vp);
- return(EACCES);
+ /*
+ * From this point, we can't explicitly allow and if we reach the end
+ * of the function without a denial, then the delete is authorized.
+ */
+ if (!cached_delete_child) {
+ if (vnode_authorize_posix(vcp, VWRITE, 1 /* on_dir */) != 0) {
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - denied by posix permisssions", vcp->vp);
+ return EACCES;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Cache the authorized action on the vnode if allowed by the
+ * directory ACL or POSIX permissions. It is correct to cache
+ * this action even if sticky bit would deny deleting the node.
+ */
+ if (vcp->dvp) {
+ vnode_cache_authorized_action(vcp->dvp, vcp->ctx,
+ }
/* enforce sticky bit behaviour */
if ((dvap->va_mode & S_ISTXT) && !vauth_file_owner(vcp) && !vauth_dir_owner(vcp)) {
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - sticky bit rules (user %d file %d dir %d)",
vcp->vp, cred->cr_posix.cr_uid, vap->va_uid, dvap->va_uid);
- return(EACCES);
- }
- /* check the directory */
- if (!cached_delete_child && (error = vnode_authorize_posix(vcp, VWRITE, 1 /* on_dir */)) != 0) {
- KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - denied by posix permisssions", vcp->vp);
- return(error);
+ return EACCES;
/* not denied, must be OK */
- return(0);
+ return 0;
* Authorize an operation based on the node's attributes.
static int
vnode_authorize_simple(vauth_ctx vcp, kauth_ace_rights_t acl_rights, kauth_ace_rights_t preauth_rights, boolean_t *found_deny)
- struct vnode_attr *vap = vcp->vap;
- kauth_cred_t cred = vcp->ctx->vc_ucred;
- struct kauth_acl_eval eval;
- int error, ismember;
- mode_t posix_action;
+ struct vnode_attr *vap = vcp->vap;
+ kauth_cred_t cred = vcp->ctx->vc_ucred;
+ struct kauth_acl_eval eval;
+ int error, ismember;
+ mode_t posix_action;
* If we are the file owner, we automatically have some rights.
* Do we need to expand this to support group ownership?
- if (vauth_file_owner(vcp))
+ if (vauth_file_owner(vcp)) {
+ }
* If we are checking both TAKE_OWNERSHIP and WRITE_SECURITY, we can
* the owner.
if ((acl_rights & KAUTH_VNODE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP) &&
+ (acl_rights & KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_SECURITY)) {
+ }
if (acl_rights == 0) {
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ALLOWED - implicit or no rights required", vcp->vp);
- return(0);
+ return 0;
/* if we have an ACL, evaluate it */
eval.ae_acl = &vap->va_acl->acl_ace[0];
eval.ae_count = vap->va_acl->acl_entrycount;
eval.ae_options = 0;
- if (vauth_file_owner(vcp))
+ if (vauth_file_owner(vcp)) {
eval.ae_options |= KAUTH_AEVAL_IS_OWNER;
+ }
* We use ENOENT as a marker to indicate we could not get
* information in order to delay evaluation until after we
* have the ACL evaluation answer. Previously, we would
* always deny the operation at this point.
- if ((error = vauth_file_ingroup(vcp, &ismember, ENOENT)) != 0 && error != ENOENT)
- return(error);
- if (error == ENOENT)
+ if ((error = vauth_file_ingroup(vcp, &ismember, ENOENT)) != 0 && error != ENOENT) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (error == ENOENT) {
eval.ae_options |= KAUTH_AEVAL_IN_GROUP_UNKNOWN;
- else if (ismember)
+ } else if (ismember) {
eval.ae_options |= KAUTH_AEVAL_IN_GROUP;
+ }
eval.ae_exp_gall = KAUTH_VNODE_GENERIC_ALL_BITS;
eval.ae_exp_gread = KAUTH_VNODE_GENERIC_READ_BITS;
eval.ae_exp_gwrite = KAUTH_VNODE_GENERIC_WRITE_BITS;
if ((error = kauth_acl_evaluate(cred, &eval)) != 0) {
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ERROR during ACL processing - %d", vcp->vp, error);
- return(error);
+ return error;
- switch(eval.ae_result) {
+ switch (eval.ae_result) {
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - by ACL", vcp->vp);
- return(EACCES); /* deny, deny, counter-allege */
+ return EACCES; /* deny, deny, counter-allege */
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ALLOWED - all rights granted by ACL", vcp->vp);
- return(0);
+ return 0;
/* Effectively the same as !delete_child_denied */
* We grant WRITE_ATTRIBUTES to the owner if it hasn't been denied.
- if (vauth_file_owner(vcp))
+ if (vauth_file_owner(vcp)) {
eval.ae_residual &= ~KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES;
+ }
if (eval.ae_residual == 0) {
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ALLOWED - rights already authorized", vcp->vp);
- return(0);
- }
+ return 0;
+ }
* Bail if we have residual rights that can't be granted by posix permissions,
* or aren't presumed granted at this point.
if (eval.ae_residual & KAUTH_VNODE_CHANGE_OWNER) {
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - CHANGE_OWNER not permitted", vcp->vp);
- return(EACCES);
+ return EACCES;
if (eval.ae_residual & KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_SECURITY) {
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - WRITE_SECURITY not permitted", vcp->vp);
- return(EACCES);
+ return EACCES;
- if (eval.ae_residual & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE)
+ if (eval.ae_residual & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE) {
panic("vnode_authorize: can't be checking delete permission here");
+ }
posix_action = 0;
if (eval.ae_residual & (KAUTH_VNODE_READ_DATA |
posix_action |= VREAD;
+ }
if (eval.ae_residual & (KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_DATA |
posix_action |= VWRITE;
+ }
if (eval.ae_residual & (KAUTH_VNODE_EXECUTE |
posix_action |= VEXEC;
+ }
if (posix_action != 0) {
- return(vnode_authorize_posix(vcp, posix_action, 0 /* !on_dir */));
+ return vnode_authorize_posix(vcp, posix_action, 0 /* !on_dir */);
} else {
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ALLOWED - residual rights %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s granted due to no posix mapping",
* Lack of required Posix permissions implies no reason to deny access.
- return(0);
+ return 0;
* Check for file immutability.
static int
-vnode_authorize_checkimmutable(vnode_t vp, struct vnode_attr *vap, int rights, int ignore)
+vnode_authorize_checkimmutable(mount_t mp, struct vnode_attr *vap, int rights, int ignore)
- mount_t mp;
int error;
int append;
* Sockets, fifos and devices require special handling.
- switch(vp->v_type) {
+ switch (vap->va_type) {
case VSOCK:
case VFIFO:
case VBLK:
error = 0;
/* check per-filesystem options if possible */
- mp = vp->v_mount;
if (mp != NULL) {
/* check for no-EA filesystems */
(vfs_flags(mp) & MNT_NOUSERXATTR)) {
- KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - filesystem disallowed extended attributes", vp);
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - filesystem disallowed extended attributes", vap);
error = EACCES; /* User attributes disabled */
goto out;
- /*
- * check for file immutability. first, check if the requested rights are
+ /*
+ * check for file immutability. first, check if the requested rights are
* allowable for a UF_APPEND file.
append = 0;
- if (vp->v_type == VDIR) {
+ if (vap->va_type == VDIR) {
append = 1;
+ }
} else {
append = 1;
+ }
if ((error = vnode_immutable(vap, append, ignore)) != 0) {
- KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - file is immutable", vp);
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - file is immutable", vap);
goto out;
- return(error);
+ return error;
static int
vnode_authorize_opaque(vnode_t vp, int *resultp, kauth_action_t action, vfs_context_t ctx)
- int error;
+ int error;
* If the vp is a device node, socket or FIFO it actually represents a local
* endpoint, so we need to handle it locally.
- switch(vp->v_type) {
+ switch (vp->v_type) {
case VBLK:
case VCHR:
case VSOCK:
case VFIFO:
- return(0);
+ return 0;
* In the advisory request case, if the filesystem doesn't think it's reliable
* we will attempt to formulate a result ourselves based on VNOP_GETATTR data.
- if ((action & KAUTH_VNODE_ACCESS) && !vfs_authopaqueaccess(vp->v_mount))
- return(0);
+ if ((action & KAUTH_VNODE_ACCESS) && !vfs_authopaqueaccess(vp->v_mount)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
* Let the filesystem have a say in the matter. It's OK for it to not implemnent
if ((error = VNOP_ACCESS(vp, action, ctx)) != ENOTSUP) {
*resultp = error;
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - opaque filesystem VNOP_ACCESS denied access", vp);
- return(1);
+ return 1;
* Typically opaque filesystems do authorisation in-line, but exec is a special case. In
* order to be reasonably sure that exec will be permitted, we try a bit harder here.
if ((error = VNOP_OPEN(vp, FREAD, ctx)) != 0) {
*resultp = error;
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - EXECUTE denied because file could not be opened readonly", vp);
- return(1);
+ return 1;
*resultp = 0;
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ALLOWED - bypassing access check for non-local filesystem", vp);
- return(1);
+ return 1;
static int
-vnode_authorize_callback(kauth_cred_t cred, void *idata, kauth_action_t action,
- uintptr_t arg0, uintptr_t arg1, uintptr_t arg2, uintptr_t arg3)
+vnode_authorize_callback(__unused kauth_cred_t cred, __unused void *idata,
+ kauth_action_t action, uintptr_t arg0, uintptr_t arg1, uintptr_t arg2,
+ uintptr_t arg3)
- vfs_context_t ctx;
- vnode_t cvp = NULLVP;
- vnode_t vp, dvp;
- int result = KAUTH_RESULT_DENY;
- int parent_iocount = 0;
- int parent_action; /* In case we need to use namedstream's data fork for cached rights*/
+ vfs_context_t ctx;
+ vnode_t cvp = NULLVP;
+ vnode_t vp, dvp;
+ int result = KAUTH_RESULT_DENY;
+ int parent_iocount = 0;
+ int parent_action; /* In case we need to use namedstream's data fork for cached rights*/
ctx = (vfs_context_t)arg0;
vp = (vnode_t)arg1;
* if there are 2 vnodes passed in, we don't know at
- * this point which rights to look at based on the
+ * this point which rights to look at based on the
* combined action being passed in... defer until later...
* otherwise check the kauth 'rights' cache hung
* off of the vnode we're interested in... if we've already
* succeeds, we'll add the right(s) to the cache.
* VNOP_SETATTR and VNOP_SETXATTR will invalidate this cache
- if (dvp && vp)
- goto defer;
+ if (dvp && vp) {
+ goto defer;
+ }
if (dvp) {
- cvp = dvp;
+ cvp = dvp;
} else {
- /*
+ /*
* For named streams on local-authorization volumes, rights are cached on the parent;
* authorization is determined by looking at the parent's properties anyway, so storing
- * on the parent means that we don't recompute for the named stream and that if
+ * on the parent means that we don't recompute for the named stream and that if
* we need to flush rights (e.g. on VNOP_SETATTR()) we don't need to track down the
* stream to flush its cache separately. If we miss in the cache, then we authorize
- * as if there were no cached rights (passing the named stream vnode and desired rights to
+ * as if there were no cached rights (passing the named stream vnode and desired rights to
* vnode_authorize_callback_int()).
- * On an opaquely authorized volume, we don't know the relationship between the
+ * On an opaquely authorized volume, we don't know the relationship between the
* data fork's properties and the rights granted on a stream. Thus, named stream vnodes
* on such a volume are authorized directly (rather than using the parent) and have their
* own caches. When a named stream vnode is created, we mark the parent as having a named
- * stream. On a VNOP_SETATTR() for the parent that may invalidate cached authorization, we
+ * stream. On a VNOP_SETATTR() for the parent that may invalidate cached authorization, we
* find the stream and flush its cache.
if (vnode_isnamedstream(vp) && (!vfs_authopaque(vp->v_mount))) {
parent_action &= ~KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_DATA;
+ } else {
+ cvp = vp;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vnode_cache_is_authorized(cvp, ctx, parent_iocount ? parent_action : action) == TRUE) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ result = vnode_authorize_callback_int(action, ctx, vp, dvp, (int *)arg3);
+ if (result == KAUTH_RESULT_ALLOW && cvp != NULLVP) {
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("%p - caching action = %x", cvp, action);
+ vnode_cache_authorized_action(cvp, ctx, action);
+ }
+ if (parent_iocount) {
+ vnode_put(cvp);
+ }
+ return result;
+static int
+vnode_attr_authorize_internal(vauth_ctx vcp, mount_t mp,
+ kauth_ace_rights_t rights, int is_suser, boolean_t *found_deny,
+ int noimmutable, int parent_authorized_for_delete_child)
+ int result;
+ /*
+ * Check for immutability.
+ *
+ * In the deletion case, parent directory immutability vetoes specific
+ * file rights.
+ */
+ if ((result = vnode_authorize_checkimmutable(mp, vcp->vap, rights,
+ noimmutable)) != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
- } else {
- cvp = vp;
+ if ((rights & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE) &&
+ !parent_authorized_for_delete_child) {
+ result = vnode_authorize_checkimmutable(mp, vcp->dvap,
+ if (result) {
+ goto out;
- if (vnode_cache_is_authorized(cvp, ctx, parent_iocount ? parent_action : action) == TRUE) {
+ /*
+ * Clear rights that have been authorized by reaching this point, bail if nothing left to
+ * check.
+ */
+ if (rights == 0) {
goto out;
- result = vnode_authorize_callback_int(cred, idata, action, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
- if (result == KAUTH_RESULT_ALLOW && cvp != NULLVP) {
- KAUTH_DEBUG("%p - caching action = %x", cvp, action);
- vnode_cache_authorized_action(cvp, ctx, action);
- }
+ /*
+ * If we're not the superuser, authorize based on file properties;
+ * note that even if parent_authorized_for_delete_child is TRUE, we
+ * need to check on the node itself.
+ */
+ if (!is_suser) {
+ /* process delete rights */
+ if ((rights & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE) &&
+ ((result = vnode_authorize_delete(vcp, parent_authorized_for_delete_child)) != 0)) {
+ goto out;
+ }
- if (parent_iocount) {
- vnode_put(cvp);
- }
+ /* process remaining rights */
+ if ((rights & ~KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE) &&
+ (result = vnode_authorize_simple(vcp, rights, rights & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE, found_deny)) != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Execute is only granted to root if one of the x bits is set. This check only
+ * makes sense if the posix mode bits are actually supported.
+ */
+ if ((rights & KAUTH_VNODE_EXECUTE) &&
+ (vcp->vap->va_type == VREG) &&
+ VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(vcp->vap, va_mode) &&
+ !(vcp->vap->va_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH))) {
+ result = EPERM;
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - root execute requires at least one x bit in 0x%x", vcp, vcp->vap->va_mode);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /* Assume that there were DENYs so we don't wrongly cache KAUTH_VNODE_SEARCHBYANYONE */
+ *found_deny = TRUE;
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ALLOWED - caller is superuser", vcp);
+ }
return result;
static int
-vnode_authorize_callback_int(__unused kauth_cred_t unused_cred, __unused void *idata, kauth_action_t action,
- uintptr_t arg0, uintptr_t arg1, uintptr_t arg2, uintptr_t arg3)
+vnode_authorize_callback_int(kauth_action_t action, vfs_context_t ctx,
+ vnode_t vp, vnode_t dvp, int *errorp)
struct _vnode_authorize_context auth_context;
- vauth_ctx vcp;
- vfs_context_t ctx;
- vnode_t vp, dvp;
- kauth_cred_t cred;
- kauth_ace_rights_t rights;
- struct vnode_attr va, dva;
- int result;
- int *errorp;
- int noimmutable;
- boolean_t parent_authorized_for_delete_child = FALSE;
- boolean_t found_deny = FALSE;
- boolean_t parent_ref= FALSE;
+ vauth_ctx vcp;
+ kauth_cred_t cred;
+ kauth_ace_rights_t rights;
+ struct vnode_attr va, dva;
+ int result;
+ int noimmutable;
+ boolean_t parent_authorized_for_delete_child = FALSE;
+ boolean_t found_deny = FALSE;
+ boolean_t parent_ref = FALSE;
+ boolean_t is_suser = FALSE;
vcp = &auth_context;
- ctx = vcp->ctx = (vfs_context_t)arg0;
- vp = vcp->vp = (vnode_t)arg1;
- dvp = vcp->dvp = (vnode_t)arg2;
- errorp = (int *)arg3;
+ vcp->ctx = ctx;
+ vcp->vp = vp;
+ vcp->dvp = dvp;
* Note that we authorize against the context, not the passed cred
* (the same thing anyway)
vcp->flags = vcp->flags_valid = 0;
- if ((ctx == NULL) || (vp == NULL) || (cred == NULL))
+ if ((ctx == NULL) || (vp == NULL) || (cred == NULL)) {
panic("vnode_authorize: bad arguments (context %p vp %p cred %p)", ctx, vp, cred);
+ }
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p AUTH - %s %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s on %s '%s' (0x%x:%p/%p)",
vp, vfs_context_proc(ctx)->p_comm,
- (action & KAUTH_VNODE_ACCESS) ? "access" : "auth",
- (action & KAUTH_VNODE_READ_DATA) ? vnode_isdir(vp) ? " LIST_DIRECTORY" : " READ_DATA" : "",
- (action & KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_DATA) ? vnode_isdir(vp) ? " ADD_FILE" : " WRITE_DATA" : "",
- (action & KAUTH_VNODE_EXECUTE) ? vnode_isdir(vp) ? " SEARCH" : " EXECUTE" : "",
- (action & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE) ? " DELETE" : "",
- (action & KAUTH_VNODE_APPEND_DATA) ? vnode_isdir(vp) ? " ADD_SUBDIRECTORY" : " APPEND_DATA" : "",
- (action & KAUTH_VNODE_NOIMMUTABLE) ? " (noimmutable)" : "",
+ (action & KAUTH_VNODE_ACCESS) ? "access" : "auth",
+ (action & KAUTH_VNODE_READ_DATA) ? vnode_isdir(vp) ? " LIST_DIRECTORY" : " READ_DATA" : "",
+ (action & KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_DATA) ? vnode_isdir(vp) ? " ADD_FILE" : " WRITE_DATA" : "",
+ (action & KAUTH_VNODE_EXECUTE) ? vnode_isdir(vp) ? " SEARCH" : " EXECUTE" : "",
+ (action & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE) ? " DELETE" : "",
+ (action & KAUTH_VNODE_APPEND_DATA) ? vnode_isdir(vp) ? " ADD_SUBDIRECTORY" : " APPEND_DATA" : "",
+ (action & KAUTH_VNODE_NOIMMUTABLE) ? " (noimmutable)" : "",
vnode_isdir(vp) ? "directory" : "file",
vp->v_name ? vp->v_name : "<NULL>", action, vp, dvp);
noimmutable = (action & KAUTH_VNODE_NOIMMUTABLE) ? 1 : 0;
if (rights & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE) {
- if (dvp == NULL)
+ if (dvp == NULL) {
panic("vnode_authorize: KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE test requires a directory");
+ }
* check to see if we've already authorized the parent
* can skip a whole bunch of work... we will still have to
* authorize that this specific child can be removed
- if (vnode_cache_is_authorized(dvp, ctx, KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE_CHILD) == TRUE)
- parent_authorized_for_delete_child = TRUE;
+ if (vnode_cache_is_authorized(dvp, ctx, KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE_CHILD) == TRUE) {
+ parent_authorized_for_delete_child = TRUE;
+ }
} else {
- dvp = NULL;
+ vcp->dvp = NULLVP;
+ vcp->dvap = NULL;
* Check for read-only filesystems.
if ((rights & KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_RIGHTS) &&
(vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY) &&
- ((vp->v_type == VREG) || (vp->v_type == VDIR) ||
- (vp->v_type == VLNK) || (vp->v_type == VCPLX) ||
- (rights & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE) || (rights & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE_CHILD))) {
+ ((vp->v_type == VREG) || (vp->v_type == VDIR) ||
+ (vp->v_type == VLNK) || (vp->v_type == VCPLX) ||
+ (rights & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE) || (rights & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE_CHILD))) {
result = EROFS;
goto out;
* check based on VNOP_GETATTR data. Otherwise it returns 1 and sets
* an appropriate result, at which point we can return immediately.
- if ((vp->v_mount->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_AUTH_OPAQUE) && vnode_authorize_opaque(vp, &result, action, ctx))
- goto out;
- /*
- * Get vnode attributes and extended security information for the vnode
- * and directory if required.
- */
- VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_mode);
- VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_uid);
- VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_gid);
- VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_flags);
- VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_acl);
- if ((result = vnode_getattr(vp, &va, ctx)) != 0) {
- KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ERROR - failed to get vnode attributes - %d", vp, result);
+ if ((vp->v_mount->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_AUTH_OPAQUE) && vnode_authorize_opaque(vp, &result, action, ctx)) {
goto out;
- if (dvp) {
- VATTR_WANTED(&dva, va_mode);
- VATTR_WANTED(&dva, va_uid);
- VATTR_WANTED(&dva, va_gid);
- VATTR_WANTED(&dva, va_flags);
- VATTR_WANTED(&dva, va_acl);
- if ((result = vnode_getattr(dvp, &dva, ctx)) != 0) {
- KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ERROR - failed to get directory vnode attributes - %d", vp, result);
- goto out;
- }
- }
- * If the vnode is an extended attribute data vnode (eg. a resource fork), *_DATA becomes
+ * If the vnode is a namedstream (extended attribute) data vnode (eg.
+ * a resource fork), *_DATA becomes *_EXTATTRIBUTES.
if (vnode_isnamedstream(vp)) {
if (rights & KAUTH_VNODE_READ_DATA) {
+ /*
+ * Point 'vp' to the namedstream's parent for ACL checking
+ */
+ if ((vp->v_parent != NULL) &&
+ (vget_internal(vp->v_parent, 0, VNODE_NODEAD | VNODE_DRAINO) == 0)) {
+ parent_ref = TRUE;
+ vcp->vp = vp = vp->v_parent;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vfs_context_issuser(ctx)) {
+ /*
+ * if we're not asking for execute permissions or modifications,
+ * then we're done, this action is authorized.
+ */
+ goto success;
+ }
+ is_suser = TRUE;
- * Point 'vp' to the resource fork's parent for ACL checking
+ * Get vnode attributes and extended security information for the vnode
+ * and directory if required.
+ *
+ * If we're root we only want mode bits and flags for checking
+ * execute and immutability.
- if (vnode_isnamedstream(vp) &&
- (vp->v_parent != NULL) &&
- (vget_internal(vp->v_parent, 0, VNODE_NODEAD | VNODE_DRAINO) == 0)) {
- parent_ref = TRUE;
- vcp->vp = vp = vp->v_parent;
- if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, va_acl) && (va.va_acl != NULL))
- kauth_acl_free(va.va_acl);
- VATTR_INIT(&va);
- VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_mode);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_mode);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_flags);
+ if (!is_suser) {
VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_uid);
VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_gid);
- VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_flags);
VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_acl);
- if ((result = vnode_getattr(vp, &va, ctx)) != 0)
- goto out;
- /*
- * Check for immutability.
- *
- * In the deletion case, parent directory immutability vetoes specific
- * file rights.
- */
- if ((result = vnode_authorize_checkimmutable(vp, &va, rights, noimmutable)) != 0)
- goto out;
- if ((rights & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE) &&
- parent_authorized_for_delete_child == FALSE &&
- ((result = vnode_authorize_checkimmutable(dvp, &dva, KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE_CHILD, 0)) != 0))
- goto out;
- /*
- * Clear rights that have been authorized by reaching this point, bail if nothing left to
- * check.
- */
- if (rights == 0)
+ if ((result = vnode_getattr(vp, &va, ctx)) != 0) {
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ERROR - failed to get vnode attributes - %d", vp, result);
goto out;
+ }
+ VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_type);
+ VATTR_RETURN(&va, va_type, vnode_vtype(vp));
- /*
- * If we're not the superuser, authorize based on file properties;
- * note that even if parent_authorized_for_delete_child is TRUE, we
- * need to check on the node itself.
- */
- if (!vfs_context_issuser(ctx)) {
- /* process delete rights */
- if ((rights & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE) &&
- ((result = vnode_authorize_delete(vcp, parent_authorized_for_delete_child)) != 0))
- goto out;
- /* process remaining rights */
- if ((rights & ~KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE) &&
- (result = vnode_authorize_simple(vcp, rights, rights & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE, &found_deny)) != 0)
- goto out;
- } else {
- /*
- * Execute is only granted to root if one of the x bits is set. This check only
- * makes sense if the posix mode bits are actually supported.
- */
- if ((rights & KAUTH_VNODE_EXECUTE) &&
- (vp->v_type == VREG) &&
- VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, va_mode) &&
- !(va.va_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH))) {
- result = EPERM;
- KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - root execute requires at least one x bit in 0x%x", vp, va.va_mode);
+ if (vcp->dvp) {
+ VATTR_WANTED(&dva, va_mode);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&dva, va_flags);
+ if (!is_suser) {
+ VATTR_WANTED(&dva, va_uid);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&dva, va_gid);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&dva, va_acl);
+ }
+ if ((result = vnode_getattr(vcp->dvp, &dva, ctx)) != 0) {
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ERROR - failed to get directory vnode attributes - %d", vp, result);
goto out;
- KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ALLOWED - caller is superuser", vp);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&dva, va_type);
+ VATTR_RETURN(&dva, va_type, vnode_vtype(vcp->dvp));
+ result = vnode_attr_authorize_internal(vcp, vp->v_mount, rights, is_suser,
+ &found_deny, noimmutable, parent_authorized_for_delete_child);
- if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, va_acl) && (va.va_acl != NULL))
+ if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, va_acl) && (va.va_acl != NULL)) {
- if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&dva, va_acl) && (dva.va_acl != NULL))
+ }
+ if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&dva, va_acl) && (dva.va_acl != NULL)) {
+ }
if (result) {
- if (parent_ref)
+ if (parent_ref) {
+ }
*errorp = result;
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p DENIED - auth denied", vp);
if ((rights & KAUTH_VNODE_SEARCH) && found_deny == FALSE && vp->v_type == VDIR) {
- /*
+ /*
* if we were successfully granted the right to search this directory
* and there were NO ACL DENYs for search and the posix permissions also don't
- * deny execute, we can synthesize a global right that allows anyone to
+ * deny execute, we can synthesize a global right that allows anyone to
* traverse this directory during a pathname lookup without having to
* match the credential associated with this cache of rights.
+ *
+ * Note that we can correctly cache KAUTH_VNODE_SEARCHBYANYONE
+ * only if we actually check ACLs which we don't for root. As
+ * a workaround, the lookup fast path checks for root.
- if (!VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, va_mode) ||
+ if (!VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, va_mode) ||
((va.va_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH)) ==
- vnode_cache_authorized_action(vp, ctx, KAUTH_VNODE_SEARCHBYANYONE);
- }
- }
- if ((rights & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE) && parent_authorized_for_delete_child == FALSE) {
- /*
- * parent was successfully and newly authorized for content deletions
- * add it to the cache, but only if it doesn't have the sticky
- * bit set on it. This same check is done earlier guarding
- * fetching of dva, and if we jumped to out without having done
- * this, we will have returned already because of a non-zero
- * 'result' value.
- */
- if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&dva, va_mode) &&
- !(dva.va_mode & (S_ISVTX))) {
- /* OK to cache delete rights */
- KAUTH_DEBUG("%p - caching DELETE_CHILD rights", dvp);
- vnode_cache_authorized_action(dvp, ctx, KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE_CHILD);
+ vnode_cache_authorized_action(vp, ctx, KAUTH_VNODE_SEARCHBYANYONE);
- if (parent_ref)
+ if (parent_ref) {
+ }
* Note that this implies that we will allow requests for no rights, as well as
* for rights that we do not recognise. There should be none of these.
KAUTH_DEBUG("%p ALLOWED - auth granted", vp);
+vnode_attr_authorize_init(struct vnode_attr *vap, struct vnode_attr *dvap,
+ kauth_action_t action, vfs_context_t ctx)
+ VATTR_INIT(vap);
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_type);
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_mode);
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_flags);
+ if (dvap) {
+ VATTR_INIT(dvap);
+ if (action & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE) {
+ VATTR_WANTED(dvap, va_type);
+ VATTR_WANTED(dvap, va_mode);
+ VATTR_WANTED(dvap, va_flags);
+ }
+ } else if (action & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (!vfs_context_issuser(ctx)) {
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_uid);
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_gid);
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_acl);
+ if (dvap && (action & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE)) {
+ VATTR_WANTED(dvap, va_uid);
+ VATTR_WANTED(dvap, va_gid);
+ VATTR_WANTED(dvap, va_acl);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+vnode_attr_authorize(struct vnode_attr *vap, struct vnode_attr *dvap, mount_t mp,
+ kauth_action_t action, vfs_context_t ctx)
+ struct _vnode_authorize_context auth_context;
+ vauth_ctx vcp;
+ kauth_ace_rights_t rights;
+ int noimmutable;
+ boolean_t found_deny;
+ boolean_t is_suser = FALSE;
+ int result = 0;
+ vcp = &auth_context;
+ vcp->ctx = ctx;
+ vcp->vp = NULLVP;
+ vcp->vap = vap;
+ vcp->dvp = NULLVP;
+ vcp->dvap = dvap;
+ vcp->flags = vcp->flags_valid = 0;
+ noimmutable = (action & KAUTH_VNODE_NOIMMUTABLE) ? 1 : 0;
+ /*
+ * Check for read-only filesystems.
+ */
+ if ((rights & KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_RIGHTS) &&
+ mp && (mp->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY) &&
+ ((vap->va_type == VREG) || (vap->va_type == VDIR) ||
+ (vap->va_type == VLNK) || (rights & KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE) ||
+ result = EROFS;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check for noexec filesystems.
+ */
+ if ((rights & KAUTH_VNODE_EXECUTE) &&
+ (vap->va_type == VREG) && mp && (mp->mnt_flag & MNT_NOEXEC)) {
+ result = EACCES;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (vfs_context_issuser(ctx)) {
+ /*
+ * if we're not asking for execute permissions or modifications,
+ * then we're done, this action is authorized.
+ */
+ goto out;
+ }
+ is_suser = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ if (!VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(vap, va_uid) ||
+ !VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(vap, va_gid) ||
+ (mp && vfs_extendedsecurity(mp) && !VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(vap, va_acl))) {
+ panic("vnode attrs not complete for vnode_attr_authorize\n");
+ }
+ }
+ result = vnode_attr_authorize_internal(vcp, mp, rights, is_suser,
+ &found_deny, noimmutable, FALSE);
+ if (result == EPERM) {
+ result = EACCES;
+ }
+ return result;
vnode_authattr_new(vnode_t dvp, struct vnode_attr *vap, int noauth, vfs_context_t ctx)
return vnode_authattr_new_internal(dvp, vap, noauth, NULL, ctx);
static int
vnode_authattr_new_internal(vnode_t dvp, struct vnode_attr *vap, int noauth, uint32_t *defaulted_fieldsp, vfs_context_t ctx)
- int error;
- int has_priv_suser, ismember, defaulted_owner, defaulted_group, defaulted_mode;
- kauth_cred_t cred;
- guid_t changer;
- mount_t dmp;
+ int error;
+ int has_priv_suser, ismember, defaulted_owner, defaulted_group, defaulted_mode;
+ uint32_t inherit_flags;
+ kauth_cred_t cred;
+ guid_t changer;
+ mount_t dmp;
+ struct vnode_attr dva;
error = 0;
defaulted_owner = defaulted_group = defaulted_mode = 0;
+ inherit_flags = 0;
* Require that the filesystem support extended security to apply any.
error = EINVAL;
goto out;
* Default some fields.
+ /*
+ * We need the dvp's va_flags and *may* need the gid of the directory,
+ * we ask for both here.
+ */
+ VATTR_INIT(&dva);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&dva, va_gid);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&dva, va_flags);
+ if ((error = vnode_getattr(dvp, &dva, ctx)) != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
* If the filesystem is mounted IGNORE_OWNERSHIP and an explicit grouo is set, that
* group takes ownership of all new files.
} else {
if (!VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_gid)) {
/* default group comes from parent object, fallback to current user */
- struct vnode_attr dva;
- VATTR_INIT(&dva);
- VATTR_WANTED(&dva, va_gid);
- if ((error = vnode_getattr(dvp, &dva, ctx)) != 0)
- goto out;
if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&dva, va_gid)) {
VATTR_SET(vap, va_gid, dva.va_gid);
} else {
- if (!VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_flags))
+ if (!VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_flags)) {
VATTR_SET(vap, va_flags, 0);
+ }
+ /* Determine if SF_RESTRICTED should be inherited from the parent
+ * directory. */
+ if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&dva, va_flags)) {
+ inherit_flags = dva.va_flags & (UF_DATAVAULT | SF_RESTRICTED);
+ }
/* default mode is everything, masked with current umask */
if (!VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_mode)) {
VATTR_SET(vap, va_mode, ACCESSPERMS & ~vfs_context_proc(ctx)->p_fd->fd_cmask);
VATTR_SET_ACTIVE(vap, va_create_time);
* Check for attempts to set nonsensical fields.
* Quickly check for the applicability of any enforcement here.
* Tests below maintain the integrity of the local security model.
- if (vfs_authopaque(dvp->v_mount))
- goto out;
+ if (vfs_authopaque(dvp->v_mount)) {
+ goto out;
+ }
* We need to know if the caller is the superuser, or if the work is
if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_flags)) {
+ vap->va_flags &= ~SF_SYNTHETIC;
if (has_priv_suser) {
if ((vap->va_flags & (UF_SETTABLE | SF_SETTABLE)) != vap->va_flags) {
error = EPERM;
+ if (inherit_flags) {
+ /* Apply SF_RESTRICTED to the file if its parent directory was
+ * restricted. This is done at the end so that root is not
+ * required if this flag is only set due to inheritance. */
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_flags, (vap->va_flags | inherit_flags));
+ }
if (defaulted_fieldsp) {
if (defaulted_mode) {
*defaulted_fieldsp |= VATTR_PREPARE_DEFAULTED_MODE;
*defaulted_fieldsp |= VATTR_PREPARE_DEFAULTED_UID;
- return(error);
+ return error;
vnode_authattr(vnode_t vp, struct vnode_attr *vap, kauth_action_t *actionp, vfs_context_t ctx)
struct vnode_attr ova;
- kauth_action_t required_action;
- int error, has_priv_suser, ismember, chowner, chgroup, clear_suid, clear_sgid;
- guid_t changer;
- gid_t group;
- uid_t owner;
- mode_t newmode;
- kauth_cred_t cred;
- uint32_t fdelta;
+ kauth_action_t required_action;
+ int error, has_priv_suser, ismember, chowner, chgroup, clear_suid, clear_sgid;
+ guid_t changer;
+ gid_t group;
+ uid_t owner;
+ mode_t newmode;
+ kauth_cred_t cred;
+ uint32_t fdelta;
required_action = 0;
* Quickly check for enforcement applicability.
- if (vfs_authopaque(vp->v_mount))
+ if (vfs_authopaque(vp->v_mount)) {
goto out;
+ }
* Check for attempts to set nonsensical fields.
cred = vfs_context_ucred(ctx);
has_priv_suser = kauth_cred_issuser(cred);
* If any of the following are changing, we need information from the old file:
* va_uid
VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_change_time) ||
VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_modify_time) ||
VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_access_time) ||
- VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_backup_time)) {
+ VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_backup_time) ||
+ VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_addedtime)) {
VATTR_WANTED(&ova, va_uid);
-#if 0 /* enable this when we support UUIDs as official owners */
+#if 0 /* enable this when we support UUIDs as official owners */
VATTR_WANTED(&ova, va_uuuid);
KAUTH_DEBUG("ATTR - timestamps changing, fetching uid and GUID");
* If flags are being changed, we need the old flags.
* If the size is being set, make sure it's not a directory.
if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_data_size)) {
- /* size is meaningless on a directory, don't permit this */
- if (vnode_isdir(vp)) {
- KAUTH_DEBUG("ATTR - ERROR: size change requested on a directory");
- error = EISDIR;
+ /* size is only meaningful on regular files, don't permit otherwise */
+ if (!vnode_isreg(vp)) {
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("ATTR - ERROR: size change requested on non-file");
+ error = vnode_isdir(vp) ? EISDIR : EINVAL;
goto out;
if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_data_size)) {
/* if we can't get the size, or it's different, we need write access */
- KAUTH_DEBUG("ATTR - size change, requiring WRITE_DATA");
- required_action |= KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_DATA;
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("ATTR - size change, requiring WRITE_DATA");
+ required_action |= KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_DATA;
VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_change_time) ||
VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_modify_time) ||
VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_access_time) ||
- VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_backup_time)) {
+ VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_backup_time) ||
+ VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_addedtime)) {
* The owner and root may set any timestamps they like,
* provided that the file is not immutable. The owner still needs
* existing group information in the case we're not setting it right now.
if (vap->va_mode & S_ISGID) {
- required_action |= KAUTH_VNODE_CHECKIMMUTABLE; /* always required */
+ required_action |= KAUTH_VNODE_CHECKIMMUTABLE; /* always required */
if (!has_priv_suser) {
if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_gid)) {
group = vap->va_gid;
* Can't set the setuid bit unless you're root or the file's owner.
if (vap->va_mode & S_ISUID) {
- required_action |= KAUTH_VNODE_CHECKIMMUTABLE; /* always required */
+ required_action |= KAUTH_VNODE_CHECKIMMUTABLE; /* always required */
if (!has_priv_suser) {
if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_uid)) {
owner = vap->va_uid;
* Validate/mask flags changes. This checks that only the flags in
* the UF_SETTABLE mask are being set, and preserves the flags in
* Since flags changes may be made in conjunction with other changes,
* we will ask the auth code to ignore immutability in the case that
* the SF_* flags are not set and we are only manipulating the file flags.
- *
+ *
if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_flags)) {
/* compute changing flags bits */
+ vap->va_flags &= ~SF_SYNTHETIC;
+ ova.va_flags &= ~SF_SYNTHETIC;
if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&ova, va_flags)) {
fdelta = vap->va_flags ^ ova.va_flags;
} else {
if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_uid)) {
if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&ova, va_uid) && (vap->va_uid != ova.va_uid)) {
- if (!has_priv_suser && (kauth_cred_getuid(cred) != vap->va_uid)) {
- KAUTH_DEBUG(" DENIED - non-superuser cannot change ownershipt to a third party");
- error = EPERM;
- goto out;
+ if (!has_priv_suser && (kauth_cred_getuid(cred) != vap->va_uid)) {
+ KAUTH_DEBUG(" DENIED - non-superuser cannot change ownershipt to a third party");
+ error = EPERM;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ chowner = 1;
- chowner = 1;
- }
clear_suid = 1;
* gid changing
* Note that if the filesystem didn't give us a GID, we expect that it doesn't
if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_gid)) {
if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&ova, va_gid) && (vap->va_gid != ova.va_gid)) {
- if (!has_priv_suser) {
- if ((error = kauth_cred_ismember_gid(cred, vap->va_gid, &ismember)) != 0) {
- KAUTH_DEBUG(" ERROR - got %d checking for membership in %d", error, vap->va_gid);
- goto out;
- }
- if (!ismember) {
- KAUTH_DEBUG(" DENIED - group change from %d to %d but not a member of target group",
- ova.va_gid, vap->va_gid);
- error = EPERM;
- goto out;
+ if (!has_priv_suser) {
+ if ((error = kauth_cred_ismember_gid(cred, vap->va_gid, &ismember)) != 0) {
+ KAUTH_DEBUG(" ERROR - got %d checking for membership in %d", error, vap->va_gid);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (!ismember) {
+ KAUTH_DEBUG(" DENIED - group change from %d to %d but not a member of target group",
+ ova.va_gid, vap->va_gid);
+ error = EPERM;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ chgroup = 1;
- chgroup = 1;
- }
clear_sgid = 1;
if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_uuuid)) {
/* if the owner UUID is not actually changing ... */
if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&ova, va_uuuid)) {
- if (kauth_guid_equal(&vap->va_uuuid, &ova.va_uuuid))
+ if (kauth_guid_equal(&vap->va_uuuid, &ova.va_uuuid)) {
goto no_uuuid_change;
+ }
* If the current owner UUID is a null GUID, check
* it against the UUID corresponding to the owner UID.
guid_t uid_guid;
if (kauth_cred_uid2guid(ova.va_uid, &uid_guid) == 0 &&
- kauth_guid_equal(&vap->va_uuuid, &uid_guid))
- goto no_uuuid_change;
+ kauth_guid_equal(&vap->va_uuuid, &uid_guid)) {
+ goto no_uuuid_change;
+ }
* The owner UUID cannot be set by a non-superuser to anything other than
* their own or a null GUID (to "unset" the owner UUID).
if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_guuid)) {
/* if the group UUID is not actually changing ... */
if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&ova, va_guuid)) {
- if (kauth_guid_equal(&vap->va_guuid, &ova.va_guuid))
+ if (kauth_guid_equal(&vap->va_guuid, &ova.va_guuid)) {
goto no_guuid_change;
+ }
* If the current group UUID is a null UUID, check
guid_t gid_guid;
if (kauth_cred_gid2guid(ova.va_gid, &gid_guid) == 0 &&
- kauth_guid_equal(&vap->va_guuid, &gid_guid))
- goto no_guuid_change;
+ kauth_guid_equal(&vap->va_guuid, &gid_guid)) {
+ goto no_guuid_change;
+ }
* system.
if (!has_priv_suser) {
- if (kauth_guid_equal(&vap->va_guuid, &kauth_null_guid))
+ if (kauth_guid_equal(&vap->va_guuid, &kauth_null_guid)) {
ismember = 1;
- else if ((error = kauth_cred_ismember_guid(cred, &vap->va_guuid, &ismember)) != 0) {
+ } else if ((error = kauth_cred_ismember_guid(cred, &vap->va_guuid, &ismember)) != 0) {
KAUTH_DEBUG(" ERROR - got %d trying to check group membership", error);
goto out;
if (chgroup && !chowner) {
KAUTH_DEBUG("ATTR - group change, requiring WRITE_SECURITY");
- required_action |= KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_SECURITY;
- }
- /* clear set-uid and set-gid bits as required by Posix */
- if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_mode)) {
- newmode = vap->va_mode;
- } else if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&ova, va_mode)) {
- newmode = ova.va_mode;
- } else {
- KAUTH_DEBUG("CHOWN - trying to change owner but cannot get mode from filesystem to mask setugid bits");
- newmode = 0;
+ required_action |= KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_SECURITY;
- if (newmode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID)) {
- VATTR_SET(vap, va_mode, newmode & ~(S_ISUID | S_ISGID));
- KAUTH_DEBUG("CHOWN - masking setugid bits from mode %o to %o", newmode, vap->va_mode);
+ }
+ /*
+ * clear set-uid and set-gid bits. POSIX only requires this for
+ * non-privileged processes but we do it even for root.
+ */
+ if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_mode)) {
+ newmode = vap->va_mode;
+ } else if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&ova, va_mode)) {
+ newmode = ova.va_mode;
+ } else {
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("CHOWN - trying to change owner but cannot get mode from filesystem to mask setugid bits");
+ newmode = 0;
+ }
+ /* chown always clears setuid/gid bits. An exception is made for
+ * setattrlist which can set both at the same time: <uid, gid, mode> on a file:
+ * setattrlist is allowed to set the new mode on the file and change (chown)
+ * uid/gid.
+ */
+ if (newmode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID)) {
+ if (!VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_mode)) {
+ KAUTH_DEBUG("CHOWN - masking setugid bits from mode %o to %o",
+ newmode, newmode & ~(S_ISUID | S_ISGID));
+ newmode &= ~(S_ISUID | S_ISGID);
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_mode, newmode);
* Authorise changes in the ACL.
if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_acl)) {
/* no existing ACL */
if (!VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(&ova, va_acl) || (ova.va_acl == NULL)) {
/* adding an ACL */
if (vap->va_acl != NULL) {
required_action |= KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_SECURITY;
} else if (vap->va_acl->acl_entrycount > 0) {
/* both ACLs have the same ACE count, said count is 1 or more, bitwise compare ACLs */
if (memcmp(&vap->va_acl->acl_ace[0], &ova.va_acl->acl_ace[0],
- sizeof(struct kauth_ace) * vap->va_acl->acl_entrycount)) {
+ sizeof(struct kauth_ace) * vap->va_acl->acl_entrycount)) {
required_action |= KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_SECURITY;
KAUTH_DEBUG("CHMOD - changing ACL entries");
* Other attributes that require authorisation.
- if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_encoding))
+ if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_encoding)) {
+ }
- if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&ova, va_acl) && (ova.va_acl != NULL))
+ if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&ova, va_acl) && (ova.va_acl != NULL)) {
- if (error == 0)
+ }
+ if (error == 0) {
*actionp = required_action;
- return(error);
+ }
+ return error;
static int
vp->v_flag |= VLOCKLOCAL;
- return (VNODE_RETURNED);
-vfs_setunmountpreflight(mount_t mp)
+vfs_setcompoundopen(mount_t mp)
- mp->mnt_kern_flag |= MNTK_UNMOUNT_PREFLIGHT;
+ mp->mnt_compound_ops |= COMPOUND_VNOP_OPEN;
-vfs_setcompoundopen(mount_t mp)
+vnode_setswapmount(vnode_t vp)
- mount_lock_spin(mp);
- mp->mnt_compound_ops |= COMPOUND_VNOP_OPEN;
- mount_unlock(mp);
+ mount_lock(vp->v_mount);
+ vp->v_mount->mnt_kern_flag |= MNTK_SWAP_MOUNT;
+ mount_unlock(vp->v_mount);
+vnode_getswappin_avail(vnode_t vp)
+ int64_t max_swappin_avail = 0;
+ mount_lock(vp->v_mount);
+ if (vp->v_mount->mnt_ioflags & MNT_IOFLAGS_SWAPPIN_SUPPORTED) {
+ max_swappin_avail = vp->v_mount->mnt_max_swappin_available;
+ }
+ mount_unlock(vp->v_mount);
+ return max_swappin_avail;
vn_setunionwait(vnode_t vp)
vn_checkunionwait(vnode_t vp)
- while ((vp->v_flag & VISUNION) == VISUNION)
+ while ((vp->v_flag & VISUNION) == VISUNION) {
msleep((caddr_t)&vp->v_flag, &vp->v_lock, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
vn_clearunionwait(vnode_t vp, int locked)
- if (!locked)
+ if (!locked) {
- if((vp->v_flag & VISUNION) == VISUNION) {
+ }
+ if ((vp->v_flag & VISUNION) == VISUNION) {
vp->v_flag &= ~VISUNION;
- if (!locked)
+ if (!locked) {
+ }
- * XXX - get "don't trigger mounts" flag for thread; used by autofs.
- */
-extern int thread_notrigger(void);
+vnode_materialize_dataless_file(vnode_t vp, uint64_t op_type)
- struct uthread *uth = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
- return (uth->uu_notrigger);
+ int error;
+ /* Swap files are special; ignore them */
+ if (vnode_isswap(vp)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ error = resolve_nspace_item(vp,
+ /*
+ * The file resolver owns the logic about what error to return
+ * to the caller. We only need to handle a couple of special
+ * cases here:
+ */
+ if (error == EJUSTRETURN) {
+ /*
+ * The requesting process is allowed to interact with
+ * dataless objects. Make a couple of sanity-checks
+ * here to ensure the action makes sense.
+ */
+ switch (op_type) {
+ /*
+ * This handles the case of the resolver itself
+ * writing data to the file (or throwing it
+ * away).
+ */
+ error = 0;
+ break;
+ /*
+ * This handles the case of the resolver needing
+ * to look up inside of a dataless directory while
+ * it's in the process of materializing it (for
+ * example, creating files or directories).
+ */
+ error = (vnode_vtype(vp) == VDIR) ? 0 : EBADF;
+ break;
+ default:
+ error = EBADF;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return error;
* Removes orphaned apple double files during a rmdir
* Works by:
* 1. vnode_suspend().
- * 2. Call VNOP_READDIR() till the end of directory is reached.
- * 3. Check if the directory entries returned are regular files with name starting with "._". If not, return ENOTEMPTY.
+ * 2. Call VNOP_READDIR() till the end of directory is reached.
+ * 3. Check if the directory entries returned are regular files with name starting with "._". If not, return ENOTEMPTY.
* 4. Continue (2) and (3) till end of directory is reached.
* 5. If all the entries in the directory were files with "._" name, delete all the files.
* 6. vnode_resume()
* 7. If deletion of all files succeeded, call VNOP_RMDIR() again.
-errno_t rmdir_remove_orphaned_appleDouble(vnode_t vp , vfs_context_t ctx, int * restart_flag)
+rmdir_remove_orphaned_appleDouble(vnode_t vp, vfs_context_t ctx, int * restart_flag)
#define UIO_BUFF_SIZE 2048
uio_t auio = NULL;
int eofflag, siz = UIO_BUFF_SIZE, nentries = 0;
int open_flag = 0, full_erase_flag = 0;
- char uio_buf[ UIO_SIZEOF(1) ];
- char *rbuf = NULL, *cpos, *cend;
- struct nameidata nd_temp;
+ char uio_buf[UIO_SIZEOF(1)];
+ char *rbuf = NULL;
+ void *dir_pos;
+ void *dir_end;
struct dirent *dp;
errno_t error;
* restart_flag is set so that the calling rmdir sleeps and resets
- if (error == EBUSY)
+ if (error == EBUSY) {
*restart_flag = 1;
- if (error != 0)
- goto outsc;
+ }
+ if (error != 0) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevent dataless fault materialization while we have
+ * a suspended vnode.
+ */
+ uthread_t ut = get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
+ bool saved_nodatalessfaults =
+ (ut->uu_flag & UT_NSPACE_NODATALESSFAULTS) ? true : false;
* set up UIO
MALLOC(rbuf, caddr_t, siz, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
- if (rbuf)
+ if (rbuf) {
auio = uio_createwithbuffer(1, 0, UIO_SYSSPACE, UIO_READ,
- &uio_buf[0], sizeof(uio_buf));
+ &uio_buf[0], sizeof(uio_buf));
+ }
if (!rbuf || !auio) {
error = ENOMEM;
goto outsc;
- uio_setoffset(auio,0);
+ uio_setoffset(auio, 0);
eofflag = 0;
- if ((error = VNOP_OPEN(vp, FREAD, ctx)))
- goto outsc;
- else
+ if ((error = VNOP_OPEN(vp, FREAD, ctx))) {
+ goto outsc;
+ } else {
open_flag = 1;
+ }
* First pass checks if all files are appleDouble files.
uio_reset(auio, uio_offset(auio), UIO_SYSSPACE, UIO_READ);
uio_addiov(auio, CAST_USER_ADDR_T(rbuf), UIO_BUFF_SIZE);
- if((error = VNOP_READDIR(vp, auio, 0, &eofflag, &nentries, ctx)))
+ if ((error = VNOP_READDIR(vp, auio, 0, &eofflag, &nentries, ctx))) {
goto outsc;
+ }
- if (uio_resid(auio) != 0)
+ if (uio_resid(auio) != 0) {
siz -= uio_resid(auio);
+ }
* Iterate through directory
- cpos = rbuf;
- cend = rbuf + siz;
- dp = (struct dirent*) cpos;
+ dir_pos = (void*) rbuf;
+ dir_end = (void*) (rbuf + siz);
+ dp = (struct dirent*) (dir_pos);
- if (cpos == cend)
+ if (dir_pos == dir_end) {
eofflag = 1;
+ }
- while ((cpos < cend)) {
+ while (dir_pos < dir_end) {
* Check for . and .. as well as directories
- if (dp->d_ino != 0 &&
- !((dp->d_namlen == 1 && dp->d_name[0] == '.') ||
- (dp->d_namlen == 2 && dp->d_name[0] == '.' && dp->d_name[1] == '.'))) {
+ if (dp->d_ino != 0 &&
+ !((dp->d_namlen == 1 && dp->d_name[0] == '.') ||
+ (dp->d_namlen == 2 && dp->d_name[0] == '.' && dp->d_name[1] == '.'))) {
* Check for irregular files and ._ files
* If there is a ._._ file abort the op
- if ( dp->d_namlen < 2 ||
- strncmp(dp->d_name,"._",2) ||
- (dp->d_namlen >= 4 && !strncmp(&(dp->d_name[2]), "._",2))) {
+ if (dp->d_namlen < 2 ||
+ strncmp(dp->d_name, "._", 2) ||
+ (dp->d_namlen >= 4 && !strncmp(&(dp->d_name[2]), "._", 2))) {
error = ENOTEMPTY;
goto outsc;
- cpos += dp->d_reclen;
- dp = (struct dirent*)cpos;
+ dir_pos = (void*) ((uint8_t*)dir_pos + dp->d_reclen);
+ dp = (struct dirent*)dir_pos;
- * workaround for HFS/NFS setting eofflag before end of file
+ * workaround for HFS/NFS setting eofflag before end of file
- if (vp->v_tag == VT_HFS && nentries > 2)
- eofflag=0;
+ if (vp->v_tag == VT_HFS && nentries > 2) {
+ eofflag = 0;
+ }
if (vp->v_tag == VT_NFS) {
if (eofflag && !full_erase_flag) {
full_erase_flag = 1;
eofflag = 0;
uio_reset(auio, 0, UIO_SYSSPACE, UIO_READ);
- }
- else if (!eofflag && full_erase_flag)
+ } else if (!eofflag && full_erase_flag) {
full_erase_flag = 0;
+ }
} while (!eofflag);
* If we've made it here all the files in the dir are ._ files.
error = VNOP_READDIR(vp, auio, 0, &eofflag, &nentries, ctx);
- if (error != 0)
+ if (error != 0) {
goto outsc;
+ }
- if (uio_resid(auio) != 0)
+ if (uio_resid(auio) != 0) {
siz -= uio_resid(auio);
+ }
* Iterate through directory
- cpos = rbuf;
- cend = rbuf + siz;
- dp = (struct dirent*) cpos;
- if (cpos == cend)
+ dir_pos = (void*) rbuf;
+ dir_end = (void*) (rbuf + siz);
+ dp = (struct dirent*) dir_pos;
+ if (dir_pos == dir_end) {
eofflag = 1;
- while ((cpos < cend)) {
+ }
+ while (dir_pos < dir_end) {
* Check for . and .. as well as directories
- if (dp->d_ino != 0 &&
- !((dp->d_namlen == 1 && dp->d_name[0] == '.') ||
- (dp->d_namlen == 2 && dp->d_name[0] == '.' && dp->d_name[1] == '.'))
- ) {
- ctx);
- nd_temp.ni_dvp = vp;
- error = unlink1(ctx, &nd_temp, 0);
- if (error && error != ENOENT) {
+ if (dp->d_ino != 0 &&
+ !((dp->d_namlen == 1 && dp->d_name[0] == '.') ||
+ (dp->d_namlen == 2 && dp->d_name[0] == '.' && dp->d_name[1] == '.'))
+ ) {
+ error = unlink1(ctx, vp,
+ if (error && error != ENOENT) {
goto outsc;
- cpos += dp->d_reclen;
- dp = (struct dirent*)cpos;
+ dir_pos = (void*) ((uint8_t*)dir_pos + dp->d_reclen);
+ dp = (struct dirent*)dir_pos;
- * workaround for HFS/NFS setting eofflag before end of file
+ * workaround for HFS/NFS setting eofflag before end of file
- if (vp->v_tag == VT_HFS && nentries > 2)
- eofflag=0;
+ if (vp->v_tag == VT_HFS && nentries > 2) {
+ eofflag = 0;
+ }
if (vp->v_tag == VT_NFS) {
if (eofflag && !full_erase_flag) {
full_erase_flag = 1;
eofflag = 0;
uio_reset(auio, 0, UIO_SYSSPACE, UIO_READ);
- }
- else if (!eofflag && full_erase_flag)
+ } else if (!eofflag && full_erase_flag) {
full_erase_flag = 0;
+ }
} while (!eofflag);
error = 0;
- if (open_flag)
+ if (open_flag) {
+ }
- uio_free(auio);
+ if (auio) {
+ uio_free(auio);
+ }
FREE(rbuf, M_TEMP);
- vnode_resume(vp);
+ if (saved_nodatalessfaults == false) {
+ }
- return(error);
+ vnode_resume(vp);
+ return error;
-lock_vnode_and_post(vnode_t vp, int kevent_num)
+lock_vnode_and_post(vnode_t vp, int kevent_num)
/* Only take the lock if there's something there! */
if (vp->v_knotes.slh_first != NULL) {
+void panic_print_vnodes(void);
+/* define PANIC_PRINTS_VNODES only if investigation is required. */
+static const char *
+__vtype(uint16_t vtype)
+ switch (vtype) {
+ case VREG:
+ return "R";
+ case VDIR:
+ return "D";
+ case VBLK:
+ return "B";
+ case VCHR:
+ return "C";
+ case VLNK:
+ return "L";
+ case VSOCK:
+ return "S";
+ case VFIFO:
+ return "F";
+ case VBAD:
+ return "x";
+ case VSTR:
+ return "T";
+ case VCPLX:
+ return "X";
+ default:
+ return "?";
+ }
+ * build a path from the bottom up
+ * NOTE: called from the panic path - no alloc'ing of memory and no locks!
+ */
+static char *
+__vpath(vnode_t vp, char *str, int len, int depth)
+ int vnm_len;
+ const char *src;
+ char *dst;
+ if (len <= 0) {
+ return str;
+ }
+ /* str + len is the start of the string we created */
+ if (!vp->v_name) {
+ return str + len;
+ }
+ /* follow mount vnodes to get the full path */
+ if ((vp->v_flag & VROOT)) {
+ if (vp->v_mount != NULL && vp->v_mount->mnt_vnodecovered) {
+ return __vpath(vp->v_mount->mnt_vnodecovered,
+ str, len, depth + 1);
+ }
+ return str + len;
+ }
+ src = vp->v_name;
+ vnm_len = strlen(src);
+ if (vnm_len > len) {
+ /* truncate the name to fit in the string */
+ src += (vnm_len - len);
+ vnm_len = len;
+ }
+ /* start from the back and copy just characters (no NULLs) */
+ /* this will chop off leaf path (file) names */
+ if (depth > 0) {
+ dst = str + len - vnm_len;
+ memcpy(dst, src, vnm_len);
+ len -= vnm_len;
+ } else {
+ dst = str + len;
+ }
+ if (vp->v_parent && len > 1) {
+ /* follow parents up the chain */
+ len--;
+ *(dst - 1) = '/';
+ return __vpath(vp->v_parent, str, len, depth + 1);
+ }
+ return dst;
+ mount_t mnt;
+ vnode_t vp;
+ int nvnodes = 0;
+ const char *type;
+ char *nm;
+ char vname[257];
+ paniclog_append_noflush("\n***** VNODES *****\n"
+ /* NULL-terminate the path name */
+ vname[sizeof(vname) - 1] = '\0';
+ /*
+ * iterate all vnodelist items in all mounts (mntlist) -> mnt_vnodelist
+ */
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(mnt, &mountlist, mnt_list) {
+ if (!ml_validate_nofault((vm_offset_t)mnt, sizeof(mount_t))) {
+ paniclog_append_noflush("Unable to iterate the mount list %p - encountered an invalid mount pointer %p \n",
+ &mountlist, mnt);
+ break;
+ }
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(vp, &mnt->mnt_vnodelist, v_mntvnodes) {
+ if (!ml_validate_nofault((vm_offset_t)vp, sizeof(vnode_t))) {
+ paniclog_append_noflush("Unable to iterate the vnode list %p - encountered an invalid vnode pointer %p \n",
+ &mnt->mnt_vnodelist, vp);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (++nvnodes > SANE_VNODE_PRINT_LIMIT) {
+ return;
+ }
+ type = __vtype(vp->v_type);
+ nm = __vpath(vp, vname, sizeof(vname) - 1, 0);
+ paniclog_append_noflush("%s %0d %0d %s\n",
+ type, vp->v_usecount, vp->v_iocount, nm);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
-static void record_vp(vnode_t vp, int count) {
- struct uthread *ut;
+static void
+record_vp(vnode_t vp, int count)
+ struct uthread *ut;
- if (vp->v_resolve)
+ if (vp->v_resolve) {
+ }
- if ((vp->v_flag & VSYSTEM))
- return;
+ if ((vp->v_flag & VSYSTEM)) {
+ return;
+ }
ut = get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
- ut->uu_iocount += count;
+ ut->uu_iocount += count;
if (count == 1) {
if (ut->uu_vpindex < 32) {
* |<--- 32 --->|<--- 28 --->|<- 4 ->|
* sequence auxiliary status
- return (((uint64_t)seq) << 32) |
- (((uint64_t)(aux & 0x0fffffff)) << 4) |
- (uint64_t)(stat & 0x0000000F);
+ return (((uint64_t)seq) << 32) |
+ (((uint64_t)(aux & 0x0fffffff)) << 4) |
+ (uint64_t)(stat & 0x0000000F);
enum resolver_status
vfs_resolver_status(resolver_result_t result)
/* lower 4 bits is status */
- return (result & 0x0000000F);
+ return result & 0x0000000F;
enum resolver_status stat;
if (vp->v_resolve == NULL) {
- return (EINVAL);
+ return EINVAL;
stat = vfs_resolver_status(result);
seq = vfs_resolver_sequence(result);
- return (EINVAL);
+ return EINVAL;
rp = vp->v_resolve;
if (seq > rp->vr_lastseq) {
- if (stat == RESOLVER_RESOLVED)
+ if (stat == RESOLVER_RESOLVED) {
rp->vr_flags |= VNT_RESOLVED;
- else
+ } else {
rp->vr_flags &= ~VNT_RESOLVED;
+ }
rp->vr_lastseq = seq;
- return (0);
+ return 0;
static int
vp->v_resolve = rp;
if (ref) {
error = vnode_ref_ext(vp, O_EVTONLY, VNODE_REF_FORCE);
if (error != 0) {
#if 1
/* minimum pointer test (debugging) */
- if (tinfo->vnt_data)
+ if (tinfo->vnt_data) {
byte = *((char *)tinfo->vnt_data);
+ }
MALLOC(rp, vnode_resolve_t, sizeof(*rp), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
- if (rp == NULL)
- return (ENOMEM);
+ if (rp == NULL) {
+ return ENOMEM;
+ }
lck_mtx_init(&rp->vr_lock, trigger_vnode_lck_grp, trigger_vnode_lck_attr);
OSAddAtomic(1, &mp->mnt_numtriggers);
- return (result);
+ return result;
lck_mtx_destroy(&rp->vr_lock, trigger_vnode_lck_grp);
/* Called after the vnode has been drained */
vnode_resolver_detach(vnode_t vp)
vnode_resolve_t rp;
- mount_t mp;
+ mount_t mp;
mp = vnode_mount(vp);
if ((rp->vr_flags & VNT_EXTERNAL) != 0) {
vnode_rele_ext(vp, O_EVTONLY, 1);
- }
+ }
- /* Keep count of active trigger vnodes per mount */
- OSAddAtomic(-1, &mp->mnt_numtriggers);
- * Pathname operations that don't trigger a mount for trigger vnodes
- */
-static const u_int64_t ignorable_pathops_mask =
- 1LL << OP_MOUNT |
- 1LL << OP_STATFS |
- 1LL << OP_ACCESS |
-vfs_istraditionaltrigger(enum path_operation op, const struct componentname *cnp)
- if (cnp->cn_flags & ISLASTCN)
- return ((1LL << op) & ignorable_pathops_mask) == 0;
- else
- return (1);
+ /* Keep count of active trigger vnodes per mount */
+ OSAddAtomic(-1, &mp->mnt_numtriggers);
if (seq > rp->vr_lastseq) {
- if (status == RESOLVER_UNRESOLVED)
+ if (status == RESOLVER_UNRESOLVED) {
rp->vr_flags &= ~VNT_RESOLVED;
+ }
rp->vr_lastseq = seq;
if ((vp->v_resolve == NULL) ||
(vp->v_resolve->vr_resolve_func == NULL) ||
(vp->v_mountedhere != NULL)) {
- return (0);
+ return 0;
rp = vp->v_resolve;
/* Check if this vnode is already resolved */
if (rp->vr_flags & VNT_RESOLVED) {
- return (0);
+ return 0;
+ if ((rp->vr_flags & VNT_KERN_RESOLVE) == 0) {
+ /*
+ * VNT_KERN_RESOLVE indicates this trigger has no parameters
+ * at the discression of the accessing process other than
+ * the act of access. All other triggers must be checked
+ */
+ int rv = mac_vnode_check_trigger_resolve(ctx, vp, &ndp->ni_cnd);
+ if (rv != 0) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ }
* assumes that resolver will not access this trigger vnode (otherwise the kernel will deadlock)
* there can also be other legitimate lookups in parallel
* XXX - should we call this on a separate thread with a timeout?
- *
+ *
* XXX - should we use ISLASTCN to pick the op value??? Perhaps only leafs should
* get the richer set and non-leafs should get generic OP_LOOKUP? TBD
if (seq > rp->vr_lastseq) {
- if (status == RESOLVER_RESOLVED)
+ if (status == RESOLVER_RESOLVED) {
rp->vr_flags |= VNT_RESOLVED;
+ }
rp->vr_lastseq = seq;
/* On resolver errors, propagate the error back up */
- return (status == RESOLVER_ERROR ? vfs_resolver_auxiliary(result) : 0);
+ return status == RESOLVER_ERROR ? vfs_resolver_auxiliary(result) : 0;
static int
uint32_t seq;
if ((vp->v_resolve == NULL) || (vp->v_resolve->vr_unresolve_func == NULL)) {
- return (0);
+ return 0;
rp = vp->v_resolve;
if ((rp->vr_flags & VNT_RESOLVED) == 0) {
printf("vnode_trigger_unresolve: not currently resolved\n");
- return (0);
+ return 0;
rp->vr_flags |= VNT_VFS_UNMOUNTED;
if (seq > rp->vr_lastseq) {
- if (status == RESOLVER_UNRESOLVED)
+ if (status == RESOLVER_UNRESOLVED) {
rp->vr_flags &= ~VNT_RESOLVED;
+ }
rp->vr_lastseq = seq;
rp->vr_flags &= ~VNT_VFS_UNMOUNTED;
/* On resolver errors, propagate the error back up */
- return (status == RESOLVER_ERROR ? vfs_resolver_auxiliary(result) : 0);
+ return status == RESOLVER_ERROR ? vfs_resolver_auxiliary(result) : 0;
static int
vnode_t vp;
/* did we encounter "/" ? */
- if (mp->mnt_flag & MNT_ROOTFS)
+ if (mp->mnt_flag & MNT_ROOTFS) {
+ }
vp = mp->mnt_vnodecovered;
- if (vp == NULLVP)
+ if (vp == NULLVP) {
+ }
mp = vp->v_mount;
if (mp == rmp) {
- return (match);
+ return match;
struct trigger_unmount_info {
- vfs_context_t ctx;
- mount_t top_mp;
- vnode_t trigger_vp;
- mount_t trigger_mp;
- uint32_t trigger_vid;
- int flags;
+ vfs_context_t ctx;
+ mount_t top_mp;
+ vnode_t trigger_vp;
+ mount_t trigger_mp;
+ uint32_t trigger_vid;
+ int flags;
static int
* When we encounter the top level mount we're done
- if (mp == infop->top_mp)
+ if (mp == infop->top_mp) {
+ }
if ((mp->mnt_vnodecovered == NULL) ||
(vnode_getwithref(mp->mnt_vnodecovered) != 0)) {
- return (VFS_RETURNED);
+ return VFS_RETURNED;
if ((mp->mnt_vnodecovered->v_mountedhere == mp) &&
* When we encounter a mounted trigger, check if its under the top level mount
- if ( !mountedtrigger || !triggerisdescendant(mp, infop->top_mp) )
- return (VFS_RETURNED);
+ if (!mountedtrigger || !triggerisdescendant(mp, infop->top_mp)) {
+ return VFS_RETURNED;
+ }
* Process any pending nested mount (now that its not referenced)
int error;
infop->trigger_vp = NULLVP;
if (mp == vp->v_mountedhere) {
printf("trigger_unmount_callback: unexpected match '%s'\n",
- mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_mntonname);
- return (VFS_RETURNED);
+ mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_mntonname);
+ return VFS_RETURNED;
if (infop->trigger_mp != vp->v_mountedhere) {
printf("trigger_unmount_callback: trigger mnt changed! (%p != %p)\n",
- infop->trigger_mp, vp->v_mountedhere);
+ infop->trigger_mp, vp->v_mountedhere);
goto savenext;
if (error) {
printf("unresolving: '%s', err %d\n",
- vp->v_mountedhere ? vp->v_mountedhere->mnt_vfsstat.f_mntonname :
- "???", error);
- return (VFS_RETURNED_DONE); /* stop iteration on errors */
+ vp->v_mountedhere ? vp->v_mountedhere->mnt_vfsstat.f_mntonname :
+ "???", error);
+ return VFS_RETURNED_DONE; /* stop iteration on errors */
- return (VFS_RETURNED);
+ return VFS_RETURNED;
recursive = TRUE;
- if (recursive)
+ if (recursive) {
+ }
int res;
vnode_t rvp, vp;
struct vnode_trigger_param vtp;
- /*
- * Must be called for trigger callback, wherein rwlock is held
+ /*
+ * Must be called for trigger callback, wherein rwlock is held
lck_rw_assert(&mp->mnt_rwlock, LCK_RW_ASSERT_HELD);
TRIG_LOG("Adding trigger at %s\n", relpath);
TRIG_LOG("Trying VFS_ROOT\n");
- /*
+ /*
* We do a lookup starting at the root of the mountpoint, unwilling
* to cross into other mountpoints.
TRIG_LOG("Trying namei\n");
- CAST_USER_ADDR_T(relpath), ctx);
+ CAST_USER_ADDR_T(relpath), ctx);
nd.ni_dvp = rvp;
res = namei(&nd);
if (res != 0) {
goto out;
vp = nd.ni_vp;
TRIG_LOG("Trying vnode_resolver_create()\n");
- /*
+ /*
* Set up blob. vnode_create() takes a larger structure
* with creation info, and we needed something different
* for this case. One needs to win, or we need to munge both;
#endif /* CONFIG_TRIGGERS */
+kdebug_vnode(vnode_t vp)
+ return VM_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(vp);
+static int flush_cache_on_write = 0;
+SYSCTL_INT(_kern, OID_AUTO, flush_cache_on_write,
+ CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &flush_cache_on_write, 0,
+ "always flush the drive cache on writes to uncached files");
+vnode_should_flush_after_write(vnode_t vp, int ioflag)
+ return flush_cache_on_write
+ && (ISSET(ioflag, IO_NOCACHE) || vnode_isnocache(vp));
+ * sysctl for use by disk I/O tracing tools to get the list of existing
+ * vnodes' paths
+ */
+struct vnode_trace_paths_context {
+ uint64_t count;
+ long path[MAXPATHLEN / sizeof(long) + 1]; /* + 1 in case sizeof (long) does not divide MAXPATHLEN */
+static int
+vnode_trace_path_callback(struct vnode *vp, void *arg)
+ int len, rv;
+ struct vnode_trace_paths_context *ctx;
+ ctx = arg;
+ len = sizeof(ctx->path);
+ rv = vn_getpath(vp, (char *)ctx->path, &len);
+ /* vn_getpath() NUL-terminates, and len includes the NUL */
+ if (!rv) {
+ kdebug_vfs_lookup(ctx->path, len, vp,
+ if (++(ctx->count) == 1000) {
+ thread_yield_to_preemption();
+ ctx->count = 0;
+ }
+ }
+static int
+vfs_trace_paths_callback(mount_t mp, void *arg)
+ if (mp->mnt_flag & MNT_LOCAL) {
+ vnode_iterate(mp, VNODE_ITERATE_ALL, vnode_trace_path_callback, arg);
+ }
+ return VFS_RETURNED;
+static int sysctl_vfs_trace_paths SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS {
+ struct vnode_trace_paths_context ctx;
+ (void)oidp;
+ (void)arg1;
+ (void)arg2;
+ (void)req;
+ if (!kauth_cred_issuser(kauth_cred_get())) {
+ return EPERM;
+ }
+ if (!kdebug_enable || !kdebug_debugid_enabled(VFS_LOOKUP)) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ bzero(&ctx, sizeof(struct vnode_trace_paths_context));
+ vfs_iterate(0, vfs_trace_paths_callback, &ctx);
+ return 0;
+SYSCTL_PROC(_vfs_generic, OID_AUTO, trace_paths, CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_LOCKED | CTLFLAG_MASKED, NULL, 0, &sysctl_vfs_trace_paths, "-", "trace_paths");