- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
+ * file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
#include <kern/misc_protos.h>
#include <ppc/misc_protos.h>
-#include <ppc/fpu_protos.h>
#include <ppc/exception.h>
#include <ppc/proc_reg.h>
#include <kern/spl.h>
void (*start_pos)(thread_t))
vm_offset_t stack;
- unsigned int *kss;
+ unsigned int *kss, *stck;
struct savearea *sv;
stack = thread->kernel_stack;
- if (watchacts & WA_PCB)
- printf("machine_kernel_stack_init(thr=%x,stk=%x,start_pos=%x)\n", thread,stack,start_pos);
-#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
kss = (unsigned int *)STACK_IKS(stack);
- sv=(savearea *)(thread->top_act->mact.pcb); /* This for the sake of C */
- sv->save_lr = (unsigned int) start_pos; /* Set up the execution address */
- sv->save_srr0 = (unsigned int) start_pos; /* Here too */
- sv->save_srr1 = MSR_SUPERVISOR_INT_OFF; /* Set the normal running MSR */
- sv->save_r1 = (vm_offset_t) ((int)kss - KF_SIZE); /* Point to the top frame on the stack */
- sv->save_xfpscrpad = 0; /* Start with a clear fpscr */
- sv->save_xfpscr = 0; /* Start with a clear fpscr */
- *((int *)sv->save_r1) = 0; /* Zero the frame backpointer */
+ sv = thread->top_act->mact.pcb; /* This for the sake of C */
+ sv->save_lr = (uint64_t) start_pos; /* Set up the execution address */
+ sv->save_srr0 = (uint64_t) start_pos; /* Here too */
+ sv->save_srr1 = MSR_SUPERVISOR_INT_OFF; /* Set the normal running MSR */
+ stck = (unsigned int *)((unsigned int)kss - KF_SIZE); /* Point to the top frame */
+ sv->save_r1 = (uint64_t)stck; /* Point to the top frame on the stack */
+ sv->save_fpscr = 0; /* Clear all floating point exceptions */
+ sv->save_vrsave = 0; /* Set the vector save state */
+ sv->save_vscr[3] = 0x00010000; /* Supress java mode */
+ *stck = 0; /* Zero the frame backpointer */
thread->top_act->mact.ksp = 0; /* Show that the kernel stack is in use already */
register thread_act_t old_act = old->top_act, new_act = new->top_act;
register struct thread_shuttle* retval;
pmap_t new_pmap;
+ facility_context *fowner;
+ struct per_proc_info *ppinfo;
- per_proc_info[cpu_number()].old_thread = old;
- per_proc_info[cpu_number()].cpu_flags &= ~traceBE; /* disable branch tracing if on */
- assert(old_act->kernel_loaded ||
- active_stacks[cpu_number()] == old_act->thread->kernel_stack);
+ ppinfo = getPerProc(); /* Get our processor block */
+ ppinfo->old_thread = (unsigned int)old;
+ ppinfo->cpu_flags &= ~traceBE; /* disable branch tracing if on */
* not keep hot state in our FPU, it must go back to the pcb
* so that it can be found by the other if needed
- if(real_ncpus > 1) { /* This is potentially slow, so only do when actually SMP */
- fpu_save(old_act); /* Save floating point if used */
- vec_save(old_act); /* Save vector if used */
+ if(real_ncpus > 1) { /* This is potentially slow, so only do when actually SMP */
+ fowner = ppinfo->FPU_owner; /* Cache this because it may change */
+ if(fowner) { /* Is there any live context? */
+ if(fowner->facAct == old->top_act) { /* Is it for us? */
+ fpu_save(fowner); /* Yes, save it */
+ }
+ }
+ fowner = ppinfo->VMX_owner; /* Cache this because it may change */
+ if(fowner) { /* Is there any live context? */
+ if(fowner->facAct == old->top_act) { /* Is it for us? */
+ vec_save(fowner); /* Yes, save it */
+ }
+ }
-#if DEBUG
- if (watchacts & WA_PCB) {
- printf("switch_context(0x%08x, 0x%x, 0x%08x)\n",
- old,continuation,new);
+ /*
+ * If old thread is running VM, save per proc userProtKey and FamVMmode spcFlags bits in the thread spcFlags
+ * This bits can be modified in the per proc without updating the thread spcFlags
+ */
+ if(old_act->mact.specFlags & runningVM) {
+ old_act->mact.specFlags &= ~(userProtKey|FamVMmode);
+ old_act->mact.specFlags |= (ppinfo->spcFlags) & (userProtKey|FamVMmode);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
* We do not have to worry about the PMAP module, so switch.
if(new_act->mact.specFlags & runningVM) { /* Is the new guy running a VM? */
pmap_switch(new_act->mact.vmmCEntry->vmmPmap); /* Switch to the VM's pmap */
+ ppinfo->VMMareaPhys = new_act->mact.vmmCEntry->vmmContextPhys;
+ ppinfo->VMMXAFlgs = new_act->mact.vmmCEntry->vmmXAFlgs;
+ ppinfo->FAMintercept = new_act->mact.vmmCEntry->vmmFAMintercept;
else { /* otherwise, we use the task's pmap */
new_pmap = new_act->task->map->pmap;
- /* Sanity check - is the stack pointer inside the stack that
- * we're about to switch to? Is the execution address within
- * the kernel's VM space??
- */
-#if 0
- printf("************* stack=%08X; R1=%08X; LR=%08X; old=%08X; cont=%08X; new=%08X\n",
- new->kernel_stack, new_act->mact.pcb->ss.r1,
- new_act->mact.pcb->ss.lr, old, continuation, new); /* (TEST/DEBUG) */
- assert((new->kernel_stack < new_act->mact.pcb->ss.r1) &&
- ((unsigned int)STACK_IKS(new->kernel_stack) >
- new_act->mact.pcb->ss.r1));
- assert(new_act->mact.pcb->ss.lr < VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS);
+ if(old_act->mact.cioSpace != invalSpace) { /* Does our old guy have an active copyin/out? */
+ old_act->mact.cioSpace |= cioSwitchAway; /* Show we switched away from this guy */
+ hw_blow_seg(copyIOaddr); /* Blow off the first segment */
+ hw_blow_seg(copyIOaddr + 0x10000000ULL); /* Blow off the second segment */
+ }
(int)old, (int)new, old->sched_pri, new->sched_pri, 0);
+/* *********** SWITCH HERE **************/
retval = Switch_context(old, continuation, new);
assert(retval != (struct thread_shuttle*)NULL);
+/* *********** SWITCH HERE **************/
- if (branch_tracing_enabled())
- per_proc_info[cpu_number()].cpu_flags |= traceBE; /* restore branch tracing */
+ if (branch_tracing_enabled()) {
+ ppinfo = getPerProc(); /* Get our processor block */
+ ppinfo->cpu_flags |= traceBE; /* restore branch tracing */
+ }
/* We've returned from having switched context, so we should be
* back in the original context.
struct thread_shuttle *thread,
kern_return_t retval)
- struct ppc_saved_state *ssp = &thread->top_act->mact.pcb->ss;
- if (watchacts & WA_PCB)
- printf("thread_set_syscall_return(thr=%x,retval=%d)\n", thread,retval);
-#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
- ssp->r3 = retval;
+ thread->top_act->mact.pcb->save_r3 = retval;
unsigned int *CIsTooLimited, i;
- if (watchacts & WA_PCB)
- printf("thread_machine_create(thr=%x,thr_act=%x,st=%x)\n", thread, thr_act, start_pos);
-#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
- hw_atomic_add(&saveanchor.saveneed, 4); /* Account for the number of saveareas we think we "need"
+ hw_atomic_add(&saveanchor.savetarget, 4); /* Account for the number of saveareas we think we "need"
for this activation */
- assert(thr_act->mact.pcb == (pcb_t)0); /* Make sure there was no previous savearea */
+ assert(thr_act->mact.pcb == (savearea *)0); /* Make sure there was no previous savearea */
sv = save_alloc(); /* Go get us a savearea */
- bzero((char *) sv, sizeof(struct pcb)); /* Clear out the whole shebang */
- sv->save_act = thr_act; /* Set who owns it */
- sv->save_vrsave = 0;
- thr_act->mact.pcb = (pcb_t)sv; /* Point to the save area */
- if (watchacts & WA_PCB)
- printf("pcb_init(%x) pcb=%x\n", thr_act, sv);
-#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
+ bzero((char *)((unsigned int)sv + sizeof(savearea_comm)), (sizeof(savearea) - sizeof(savearea_comm))); /* Clear it */
+ sv->save_hdr.save_prev = 0; /* Clear the back pointer */
+ sv->save_hdr.save_flags = (sv->save_hdr.save_flags & ~SAVtype) | (SAVgeneral << SAVtypeshft); /* Mark as in use */
+ sv->save_hdr.save_act = thr_act; /* Set who owns it */
+ thr_act->mact.pcb = sv; /* Point to the save area */
+ thr_act->mact.curctx = &thr_act->mact.facctx; /* Initialize facility context */
+ thr_act->mact.facctx.facAct = thr_act; /* Initialize facility context pointer to activation */
+ thr_act->mact.cioSpace = invalSpace; /* Initialize copyin/out space to invalid */
+ thr_act->mact.preemption_count = 0; /* Initialize preemption counter */
* User threads will pull their context from the pcb when first
* returning to user mode, so fill in all the necessary values.
* at the base of the kernel stack (see stack_attach()).
- sv->save_srr1 = MSR_EXPORT_MASK_SET; /* Set the default user MSR */
+ sv->save_srr1 = (uint64_t)MSR_EXPORT_MASK_SET; /* Set the default user MSR */
+ sv->save_fpscr = 0; /* Clear all floating point exceptions */
+ sv->save_vrsave = 0; /* Set the vector save state */
+ sv->save_vscr[0] = 0x00000000;
+ sv->save_vscr[1] = 0x00000000;
+ sv->save_vscr[2] = 0x00000000;
+ sv->save_vscr[3] = 0x00010000; /* Disable java mode and clear saturated */
- CIsTooLimited = (unsigned int *)(&sv->save_sr0); /* Make a pointer 'cause C can't cast on the left */
- for(i=0; i<16; i++) { /* Initialize all SRs */
- CIsTooLimited[i] = SEG_REG_PROT | (i << 20) | thr_act->task->map->pmap->space; /* Set the SR value */
- }
- sv->save_sr_copyin = SEG_REG_PROT | (SR_COPYIN_NUM<<20) | thr_act->task->map->pmap->space; /* Default the copyin */
int cpu)
pmap_t new_pmap;
+ facility_context *fowner;
+ struct per_proc_info *ppinfo;
+ ppinfo = getPerProc(); /* Get our processor block */
/* Our context might wake up on another processor, so we must
* not keep hot state in our FPU, it must go back to the pcb
* so that it can be found by the other if needed
- if(real_ncpus > 1) { /* This is potentially slow, so only do when actually SMP */
- fpu_save(old); /* Save floating point if used */
- vec_save(old); /* Save vector if used */
+ if(real_ncpus > 1) { /* This is potentially slow, so only do when actually SMP */
+ fowner = ppinfo->FPU_owner; /* Cache this because it may change */
+ if(fowner) { /* Is there any live context? */
+ if(fowner->facAct == old) { /* Is it for us? */
+ fpu_save(fowner); /* Yes, save it */
+ }
+ }
+ fowner = ppinfo->VMX_owner; /* Cache this because it may change */
+ if(fowner) { /* Is there any live context? */
+ if(fowner->facAct == old) { /* Is it for us? */
+ vec_save(fowner); /* Yes, save it */
+ }
+ }
+ old->mact.cioSpace |= cioSwitchAway; /* Show we switched away from this guy */
active_stacks[cpu] = thread->kernel_stack;
ast_context(new, cpu);
* Change space if needed
- if(new->mact.specFlags & runningVM) { /* Is the new guy running a VM? */
- pmap_switch(new->mact.vmmCEntry->vmmPmap); /* Switch to the VM's pmap */
+ if(new->mact.specFlags & runningVM) { /* Is the new guy running a VM? */
+ pmap_switch(new->mact.vmmCEntry->vmmPmap); /* Switch to the VM's pmap */
else { /* otherwise, we use the task's pmap */
new_pmap = new->task->map->pmap;
pcb_user_to_kernel(thread_act_t act)
- return; /* Not needed, I hope... */
+ return; /* Not needed, I hope... */
act_machine_sv_free(thread_act_t act)
- register pcb_t pcb,userpcb,npcb;
+ register savearea *pcb, *userpcb;
+ register savearea_vec *vsv, *vpst, *vsvt;
+ register savearea_fpu *fsv, *fpst, *fsvt;
register savearea *svp;
register int i;
- * This next bit insures that any live facility context for this thread is discarded on every processor
- * that may have it. We go through all per-processor blocks and zero the facility owner if
- * it is the thread being destroyed. This needs to be done via a compare-and-swap because
- * some other processor could change the owner while we are clearing it. It turns out that
- * this is the only place where we need the interlock, normal use of the owner field is cpu-local
- * and doesn't need the interlock. Because we are called during termintation, and a thread
- * terminates itself, the context on other processors has been saved (because we save it as
- * part of the context switch), even if it is still considered live. Since the dead thread is
- * not running elsewhere, and the context is saved, any other processor looking at the owner
- * field will not attempt to save context again, meaning that it doesn't matter if the owner
- * changes out from under it.
+ * This function will release all non-user state context.
- /*
- * free VMX and FPU saveareas. do not free user save areas.
- * user VMX and FPU saveareas, if any, i'm told are last in
- * the chain so we just stop if we find them
- * we identify user VMX and FPU saveareas when we find a pcb
- * with a save level of 0. we identify user regular save
- * areas when we find one with MSR_PR set
- */
- pcb = act->mact.VMX_pcb; /* Get the top vector savearea */
- while(pcb) { /* Any VMX saved state? */
- svp = (savearea *)pcb; /* save lots of casting later */
- if (svp->save_level_vec == 0) break; /* done when hit user if any */
- pcb = (pcb_t)svp->save_prev_vector; /* Get one underneath our's */
- svp->save_flags &= ~SAVvmxvalid; /* Clear the VMX flag */
- if(!(svp->save_flags & SAVinuse)) { /* Anyone left with this one? */
+ *
+ * Walk through and release all floating point and vector contexts that are not
+ * user state. We will also blow away live context if it belongs to non-user state.
+ * Note that the level can not change while we are in this code. Nor can another
+ * context be pushed on the stack.
+ *
+ * We do nothing here if the current level is user. Otherwise,
+ * the live context is cleared. Then we find the user saved context.
+ * Next, we take the sync lock (to keep us from munging things in *_switch).
+ * The level is set to 0 and all stacked context other than user is dequeued.
+ * Then we unlock. Next, all of the old kernel contexts are released.
+ *
+ */
+ if(act->mact.curctx->VMXlevel) { /* Is the current level user state? */
+ toss_live_vec(act->mact.curctx); /* Dump live vectors if is not user */
- save_ret(svp); /* release it */
+ vsv = act->mact.curctx->VMXsave; /* Get the top vector savearea */
+ while(vsv && vsv->save_hdr.save_level) vsv = (savearea_vec *)vsv->save_hdr.save_prev; /* Find user context if any */
+ if(!hw_lock_to((hw_lock_t)&act->mact.curctx->VMXsync, LockTimeOut)) { /* Get the sync lock */
+ panic("act_machine_sv_free - timeout getting VMX sync lock\n"); /* Tell all and die */
+ vsvt = act->mact.curctx->VMXsave; /* Get the top of the chain */
+ act->mact.curctx->VMXsave = vsv; /* Point to the user context */
+ act->mact.curctx->VMXlevel = 0; /* Set the level to user */
+ hw_lock_unlock((hw_lock_t)&act->mact.curctx->VMXsync); /* Unlock */
+ while(vsvt) { /* Clear any VMX saved state */
+ if (vsvt == vsv) break; /* Done when hit user if any */
+ vpst = vsvt; /* Remember so we can toss this */
+ vsvt = (savearea_vec *)vsvt->save_hdr.save_prev; /* Get one underneath our's */
+ save_ret((savearea *)vpst); /* Release it */
+ }
- act->mact.VMX_pcb = pcb;
- if (act->mact.VMX_lvl != 0) {
- for(i=0; i < real_ncpus; i++) { /* Cycle through processors */
- (void)hw_compare_and_store((unsigned int)act, 0, &per_proc_info[i].VMX_thread); /* Clear if ours */
- }
- }
+ if(act->mact.curctx->FPUlevel) { /* Is the current level user state? */
+ toss_live_fpu(act->mact.curctx); /* Dump live floats if is not user */
- pcb = act->mact.FPU_pcb; /* Get the top floating point savearea */
- while(pcb) { /* Any floating point saved state? */
- svp = (savearea *)pcb;
- if (svp->save_level_fp == 0) break; /* done when hit user if any */
- pcb = (pcb_t)svp->save_prev_float; /* Get one underneath our's */
- svp->save_flags &= ~SAVfpuvalid; /* Clear the floating point flag */
- if(!(svp->save_flags & SAVinuse)) { /* Anyone left with this one? */
- save_ret(svp); /* Nope, release it */
+ fsv = act->mact.curctx->FPUsave; /* Get the top floats savearea */
+ while(fsv && fsv->save_hdr.save_level) fsv = (savearea_fpu *)fsv->save_hdr.save_prev; /* Find user context if any */
+ if(!hw_lock_to((hw_lock_t)&act->mact.curctx->FPUsync, LockTimeOut)) { /* Get the sync lock */
+ panic("act_machine_sv_free - timeout getting FPU sync lock\n"); /* Tell all and die */
- }
- act->mact.FPU_pcb = pcb;
- if (act->mact.FPU_lvl != 0) {
- for(i=0; i < real_ncpus; i++) { /* Cycle through processors */
- (void)hw_compare_and_store((unsigned int)act, 0, &per_proc_info[i].FPU_thread); /* Clear if ours */
- }
+ fsvt = act->mact.curctx->FPUsave; /* Get the top of the chain */
+ act->mact.curctx->FPUsave = fsv; /* Point to the user context */
+ act->mact.curctx->FPUlevel = 0; /* Set the level to user */
+ hw_lock_unlock((hw_lock_t)&act->mact.curctx->FPUsync); /* Unlock */
+ while(fsvt) { /* Clear any VMX saved state */
+ if (fsvt == fsv) break; /* Done when hit user if any */
+ fpst = fsvt; /* Remember so we can toss this */
+ fsvt = (savearea_fpu *)fsvt->save_hdr.save_prev; /* Get one underneath our's */
+ save_ret((savearea *)fpst); /* Release it */
+ }
- /*
- * free all regular saveareas except a user savearea, if any
- */
+ * free all regular saveareas except a user savearea, if any
+ */
- pcb = act->mact.pcb;
- userpcb = (pcb_t)0;
- while(pcb) {
- svp = (savearea *)pcb;
- if ((svp->save_srr1 & MASK(MSR_PR))) {
- assert(userpcb == (pcb_t)0);
- userpcb = pcb;
- svp = (savearea *)userpcb;
- npcb = (pcb_t)svp->save_prev;
- svp->save_prev = (struct savearea *)0;
- } else {
- svp->save_flags &= ~SAVattach; /* Clear the attached flag */
- npcb = (pcb_t)svp->save_prev;
- if(!(svp->save_flags & SAVinuse)) /* Anyone left with this one? */
- save_ret(svp);
- }
- pcb = npcb;
+ pcb = act->mact.pcb; /* Get the general savearea */
+ userpcb = 0; /* Assume no user context for now */
+ while(pcb) { /* Any float saved state? */
+ if (pcb->save_srr1 & MASK(MSR_PR)) { /* Is this a user savearea? */
+ userpcb = pcb; /* Remember so we can toss this */
+ break;
+ }
+ svp = pcb; /* Remember this */
+ pcb = pcb->save_hdr.save_prev; /* Get one underneath our's */
+ save_ret(svp); /* Release it */
- act->mact.pcb = userpcb;
+ act->mact.pcb = userpcb; /* Chain in the user if there is one, or 0 if not */
act_machine_destroy(thread_act_t act)
- register pcb_t pcb, opcb;
- int i;
- if (watchacts & WA_PCB)
- printf("act_machine_destroy(0x%x)\n", act);
-#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
+ register savearea *pcb, *ppsv;
+ register savearea_vec *vsv, *vpsv;
+ register savearea_fpu *fsv, *fpsv;
+ register savearea *svp;
+ register int i;
- act_virtual_machine_destroy(act);
+ * This function will release all context.
+ */
+ act_virtual_machine_destroy(act); /* Make sure all virtual machines are dead first */
- * This next bit insures that any live facility context for this thread is discarded on every processor
- * that may have it. We go through all per-processor blocks and zero the facility owner if
- * it is the thread being destroyed. This needs to be done via a compare-and-swap because
- * some other processor could change the owner while we are clearing it. It turns out that
- * this is the only place where we need the interlock, normal use of the owner field is cpu-local
- * and doesn't need the interlock. Because we are called during termintation, and a thread
- * terminates itself, the context on other processors has been saved (because we save it as
- * part of the context switch), even if it is still considered live. Since the dead thread is
- * not running elsewhere, and the context is saved, any other processor looking at the owner
- * field will not attempt to save context again, meaning that it doesn't matter if the owner
- * changes out from under it.
+ *
+ * Walk through and release all floating point and vector contexts. Also kill live context.
+ *
- for(i=0; i < real_ncpus; i++) { /* Cycle through processors */
- (void)hw_compare_and_store((unsigned int)act, 0, &per_proc_info[i].FPU_thread); /* Clear if ours */
- (void)hw_compare_and_store((unsigned int)act, 0, &per_proc_info[i].VMX_thread); /* Clear if ours */
- }
+ toss_live_vec(act->mact.curctx); /* Dump live vectors */
+ vsv = act->mact.curctx->VMXsave; /* Get the top vector savearea */
- pcb = act->mact.VMX_pcb; /* Get the top vector savearea */
- while(pcb) { /* Any VMX saved state? */
- opcb = pcb; /* Save current savearea address */
- pcb = (pcb_t)(((savearea *)pcb)->save_prev_vector); /* Get one underneath our's */
- ((savearea *)opcb)->save_flags &= ~SAVvmxvalid; /* Clear the VMX flag */
- if(!(((savearea *)opcb)->save_flags & SAVinuse)) { /* Anyone left with this one? */
- save_release((savearea *)opcb); /* Nope, release it */
- }
+ while(vsv) { /* Any VMX saved state? */
+ vpsv = vsv; /* Remember so we can toss this */
+ vsv = (savearea_vec *)vsv->save_hdr.save_prev; /* Get one underneath our's */
+ save_release((savearea *)vpsv); /* Release it */
- act->mact.VMX_pcb = (pcb_t)0; /* Clear pointer */
+ act->mact.curctx->VMXsave = 0; /* Kill chain */
+ toss_live_fpu(act->mact.curctx); /* Dump live float */
- pcb = act->mact.FPU_pcb; /* Get the top floating point savearea */
- while(pcb) { /* Any floating point saved state? */
- opcb = pcb; /* Save current savearea address */
- pcb = (pcb_t)(((savearea *)pcb)->save_prev_float); /* Get one underneath our's */
- ((savearea *)opcb)->save_flags &= ~SAVfpuvalid; /* Clear the floating point flag */
- if(!(((savearea *)opcb)->save_flags & SAVinuse)) { /* Anyone left with this one? */
- save_release((savearea *)opcb); /* Nope, release it */
- }
+ fsv = act->mact.curctx->FPUsave; /* Get the top float savearea */
+ while(fsv) { /* Any float saved state? */
+ fpsv = fsv; /* Remember so we can toss this */
+ fsv = (savearea_fpu *)fsv->save_hdr.save_prev; /* Get one underneath our's */
+ save_release((savearea *)fpsv); /* Release it */
- act->mact.FPU_pcb = (pcb_t)0; /* Clear pointer */
+ act->mact.curctx->FPUsave = 0; /* Kill chain */
+ * free all regular saveareas.
+ */
- pcb = act->mact.pcb; /* Get the top normal savearea */
- act->mact.pcb = (pcb_t)0; /* Clear pointer */
+ pcb = act->mact.pcb; /* Get the general savearea */
- while(pcb) { /* Any normal saved state left? */
- opcb = pcb; /* Keep track of what we're working on */
- pcb = (pcb_t)(((savearea *)pcb)->save_prev); /* Get one underneath our's */
- ((savearea *)opcb)->save_flags = 0; /* Clear all flags since we release this in any case */
- save_release((savearea *)opcb); /* Release this one */
+ while(pcb) { /* Any float saved state? */
+ ppsv = pcb; /* Remember so we can toss this */
+ pcb = pcb->save_hdr.save_prev; /* Get one underneath our's */
+ save_release(ppsv); /* Release it */
+ hw_atomic_sub(&saveanchor.savetarget, 4); /* Unaccount for the number of saveareas we think we "need" */
- hw_atomic_sub(&saveanchor.saveneed, 4); /* Unaccount for the number of saveareas we think we "need"
- for this activation */
act_machine_create(task_t task, thread_act_t thr_act)
* We don't use this anymore.
- register pcb_t pcb;
- register int i;
- unsigned int *CIsTooLimited;
- pmap_t pmap;
void act_machine_init()
- if (watchacts & WA_PCB)
- printf("act_machine_init()\n");
-#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
/* Good to verify these once */
- assert( THREAD_STATE_MAX >= sizeof(struct ppc_saved_state)/sizeof(int));
* If we start using kernel activations,
thread_act_t thr_act = current_act();
- if (watchacts & WA_EXIT)
- printf("act_machine_return(0x%x) cur_act=%x(%d) thr=%x(%d)\n",
- code, thr_act, thr_act->ref_count,
- thr_act->thread, thr_act->thread->ref_count);
-#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
* This code is called with nothing locked.
* It also returns with nothing locked, if it returns.
assert( code == KERN_TERMINATED );
assert( thr_act );
- act_lock_thread(thr_act);
- /*
- * JMM - This needs to get cleaned up to work under the much simpler
- * return (instead of callout model).
- */
- if (thr_act->thread->top_act != thr_act) {
- /*
- * this is not the top activation;
- * if possible, we should clone the shuttle so that
- * both the root RPC-chain and the soon-to-be-orphaned
- * RPC-chain have shuttles
- *
- * JMM - Cloning is a horrible idea! Instead we should alert
- * the pieces upstream to return the shuttle. We will use
- * alerts for this.
- */
- act_unlock_thread(thr_act);
- panic("act_machine_return: ORPHAN CASE NOT YET IMPLEMENTED");
- }
- if (thr_act->lower != THR_ACT_NULL) {
- thread_t cur_thread = current_thread();
- thread_act_t cur_act;
- struct ipc_port *iplock;
- /* terminate the entire thread (shuttle plus activation) */
- /* terminate only this activation, send an appropriate */
- /* return code back to the activation that invoked us. */
- iplock = thr_act->pool_port; /* remember for unlock call */
- thr_act->lower->alerts |= SERVER_TERMINATED;
- install_special_handler(thr_act->lower);
- /* Return to previous act with error code */
- act_locked_act_reference(thr_act); /* keep it around */
- act_switch_swapcheck(cur_thread, (ipc_port_t)0);
- (void) switch_act(THR_ACT_NULL);
- /* assert(thr_act->ref_count == 0); */ /* XXX */
- cur_act = cur_thread->top_act;
- machine_kernel_stack_init(cur_thread, mach_rpc_return_error);
- /*
- * The following unlocks must be done separately since fields
- * used by `act_unlock_thread()' have been cleared, meaning
- * that it would not release all of the appropriate locks.
- */
- rpc_unlock(cur_thread);
- if (iplock) ip_unlock(iplock); /* must be done separately */
- act_unlock(thr_act);
- act_deallocate(thr_act); /* free it */
- Load_context(cur_thread);
- panic("act_machine_return: TALKING ZOMBIE! (2)");
- }
-#endif /* CALLOUT_RPC_MODEL */
+ assert(thr_act->thread->top_act == thr_act);
/* This is the only activation attached to the shuttle... */
- assert(thr_act->thread->top_act == thr_act);
- act_unlock_thread(thr_act);
register int my_cpu = cpu_number();
- cpu_data[my_cpu].active_thread = thread;
+ set_machine_current_thread(thread);
+ set_machine_current_act(thread->top_act);
active_kloaded[my_cpu] = thread->top_act->kernel_loaded ? thread->top_act : THR_ACT_NULL;
-dump_pcb(pcb_t pcb)
- printf("pcb @ %8.8x:\n", pcb);
-#if DEBUG
- regDump(&pcb->ss);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
dump_thread(thread_t th)
thread_act_t thr_act = current_act();
- return(thr_act->mact.pcb->ss.srr0);
+ return(thr_act->mact.pcb->save_srr0);
vm_offset_t stack;
- thread, thread->priority,
- thread->sched_pri, 0,
- 0);
+ thread, thread->priority,
+ thread->sched_pri, 0, 0);
+ if (thread->top_act)
+ act_machine_sv_free(thread->top_act);
stack = thread->kernel_stack;
thread->kernel_stack = 0;
activation. in that case do not do anything */
if ((thr_act = thread->top_act) != 0) {
sv = save_get(); /* cannot block */
- // bzero((char *) sv, sizeof(struct pcb));
- sv->save_act = thr_act;
- sv->save_prev = (struct savearea *)thr_act->mact.pcb;
- thr_act->mact.pcb = (pcb_t)sv;
+ sv->save_hdr.save_flags = (sv->save_hdr.save_flags & ~SAVtype) | (SAVgeneral << SAVtypeshft); /* Mark as in use */
+ sv->save_hdr.save_act = thr_act;
+ sv->save_hdr.save_prev = thr_act->mact.pcb;
+ thr_act->mact.pcb = sv;
sv->save_srr0 = (unsigned int) start_pos;
/* sv->save_r3 = ARG ? */
sv->save_r1 = (vm_offset_t)((int)kss - KF_SIZE);
sv->save_srr1 = MSR_SUPERVISOR_INT_OFF;
- sv->save_xfpscrpad = 0; /* Start with a clear fpscr */
- sv->save_xfpscr = 0; /* Start with a clear fpscr */
+ sv->save_fpscr = 0; /* Clear all floating point exceptions */
+ sv->save_vrsave = 0; /* Set the vector save state */
+ sv->save_vscr[3] = 0x00010000; /* Supress java mode */
*((int *)sv->save_r1) = 0;
thr_act->mact.ksp = 0;
thread_t new)
- vm_offset_t stack;
- pmap_t new_pmap;
- assert(new->top_act);
- assert(old->top_act);
+ vm_offset_t stack;
+ pmap_t new_pmap;
+ facility_context *fowner;
+ int my_cpu;
+ mapping *mp;
+ struct per_proc_info *ppinfo;
+ assert(new->top_act);
+ assert(old->top_act);
+ my_cpu = cpu_number();
+ stack = stack_detach(old);
+ new->kernel_stack = stack;
+ if (stack == old->stack_privilege) {
+ assert(new->stack_privilege);
+ old->stack_privilege = new->stack_privilege;
+ new->stack_privilege = stack;
+ }
- stack = stack_detach(old);
- new->kernel_stack = stack;
+ ppinfo = getPerProc(); /* Get our processor block */
- per_proc_info[cpu_number()].cpu_flags &= ~traceBE;
+ ppinfo->cpu_flags &= ~traceBE; /* Turn off special branch trace */
-#if NCPUS > 1
- if (real_ncpus > 1) {
- fpu_save(old->top_act);
- vec_save(old->top_act);
- }
+ if(real_ncpus > 1) { /* This is potentially slow, so only do when actually SMP */
+ fowner = ppinfo->FPU_owner; /* Cache this because it may change */
+ if(fowner) { /* Is there any live context? */
+ if(fowner->facAct == old->top_act) { /* Is it for us? */
+ fpu_save(fowner); /* Yes, save it */
+ }
+ }
+ fowner = ppinfo->VMX_owner; /* Cache this because it may change */
+ if(fowner) { /* Is there any live context? */
+ if(fowner->facAct == old->top_act) { /* Is it for us? */
+ vec_save(fowner); /* Yes, save it */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If old thread is running VM, save per proc userProtKey and FamVMmode spcFlags bits in the thread spcFlags
+ * This bits can be modified in the per proc without updating the thread spcFlags
+ */
+ if(old->top_act->mact.specFlags & runningVM) { /* Is the current thread running a VM? */
+ old->top_act->mact.specFlags &= ~(userProtKey|FamVMmode);
+ old->top_act->mact.specFlags |= (ppinfo->spcFlags) & (userProtKey|FamVMmode);
+ }
(int)old, (int)new, old->sched_pri, new->sched_pri, 0);
if(new->top_act->mact.specFlags & runningVM) { /* Is the new guy running a VM? */
pmap_switch(new->top_act->mact.vmmCEntry->vmmPmap); /* Switch to the VM's pmap */
+ ppinfo->VMMareaPhys = new->top_act->mact.vmmCEntry->vmmContextPhys;
+ ppinfo->VMMXAFlgs = new->top_act->mact.vmmCEntry->vmmXAFlgs;
+ ppinfo->FAMintercept = new->top_act->mact.vmmCEntry->vmmFAMintercept;
else { /* otherwise, we use the task's pmap */
new_pmap = new->top_act->task->map->pmap;
- thread_machine_set_current(new);
- active_stacks[cpu_number()] = new->kernel_stack;
- per_proc_info[cpu_number()].Uassist = new->top_act->mact.cthread_self;
-#if 1
- per_proc_info[cpu_number()].ppbbTaskEnv = new->top_act->mact.bbTaskEnv;
- per_proc_info[cpu_number()].spcFlags = new->top_act->mact.specFlags;
- if (branch_tracing_enabled())
- per_proc_info[cpu_number()].cpu_flags |= traceBE;
+ thread_machine_set_current(new);
+ active_stacks[my_cpu] = new->kernel_stack;
+ ppinfo->Uassist = new->top_act->mact.cthread_self;
+ ppinfo->ppbbTaskEnv = new->top_act->mact.bbTaskEnv;
+ ppinfo->spcFlags = new->top_act->mact.specFlags;
+ old->top_act->mact.cioSpace |= cioSwitchAway; /* Show we switched away from this guy */
+ mp = (mapping *)&ppinfo->ppCIOmp;
+ mp->mpSpace = invalSpace; /* Since we can't handoff in the middle of copy in/out, just invalidate */
+ if (branch_tracing_enabled())
+ ppinfo->cpu_flags |= traceBE;
- if(trcWork.traceMask) dbgTrace(0x12345678, (unsigned int)old->top_act, (unsigned int)new->top_act); /* Cut trace entry if tracing */
+ if(trcWork.traceMask) dbgTrace(0x12345678, (unsigned int)old->top_act, (unsigned int)new->top_act, 0); /* Cut trace entry if tracing */
sv = save_alloc();
- // bzero((char *) sv, sizeof(struct pcb));
- sv->save_act = thread->top_act;
- thread->top_act->mact.pcb = (pcb_t)sv;
+ sv->save_hdr.save_prev = 0; /* Initialize back chain */
+ sv->save_hdr.save_flags = (sv->save_hdr.save_flags & ~SAVtype) | (SAVgeneral << SAVtypeshft); /* Mark as in use */
+ sv->save_hdr.save_act = thread->top_act; /* Initialize owner */
+ thread->top_act->mact.pcb = sv;