-<h2>clock_reply_server</h2>\r<hr>\r<p>\r<strong>Function</strong> - Handle kernel-generated alarm.\r<h3>SYNOPSIS</h3>\r<pre>\r<strong>boolean_t clock_reply_server</strong>\r <strong>(mach_msg_header_t</strong> <var>request_msg</var>,\r <strong>mach_msg_header_t</strong> <var>reply_ms</var><strong>);</strong>\r</pre>\r<h3>PARAMETERS</h3>\r<dl>\r<p>\r<dt> <var>in_msg</var> \r<dd>\r[pointer to in structure]\rThe alarm message received from the kernel.\r<p>\r<dt> <var>out_msg</var> \r<dd>\r[out structure]\rNot used.\r</dl>\r<h3>DESCRIPTION</h3>\r<p>\rThe <strong>clock_reply_server</strong> function is the MIG generated server handling\rfunction to handle messages from the kernel corresponding to\rclock alarms. Such \rmessages are delivered to the alarm reply port named in a <strong>clock_alarm</strong>\rcall. The <strong>clock_reply_server</strong> function performs all necessary\rargument handling for \rthis kernel message and calls the appropriate handling function. These functions \rmust be supplied by the caller.\r<h3>RETURN VALUES</h3>\r<dl>\r<p>\r<dt> <strong>TRUE</strong>\r<dd>\rThe message was handled and the appropriate function was called.\r<p>\r<dt> <strong>FALSE</strong>\r<dd>\rThe message did not apply to the alarm mechanism and no other action \rwas taken.\r</dl>\r<h3>RELATED INFORMATION</h3>\r<p>\rFunctions:\r<a href="clock_alarm_reply.html"><strong>clock_alarm_reply<strong></a>.\r
\ No newline at end of file
+<strong>Function</strong> - Handle kernel-generated alarm.
+<strong>boolean_t clock_reply_server</strong>
+ <strong>(mach_msg_header_t</strong> <var>request_msg</var>,
+ <strong>mach_msg_header_t</strong> <var>reply_ms</var><strong>);</strong>
+<dt> <var>in_msg</var>
+[pointer to in structure]
+The alarm message received from the kernel.
+<dt> <var>out_msg</var>
+[out structure]
+Not used.
+The <strong>clock_reply_server</strong> function is the MIG generated server handling
+function to handle messages from the kernel corresponding to
+clock alarms. Such
+messages are delivered to the alarm reply port named in a <strong>clock_alarm</strong>
+call. The <strong>clock_reply_server</strong> function performs all necessary
+argument handling for
+this kernel message and calls the appropriate handling function. These functions
+must be supplied by the caller.
+<dt> <strong>TRUE</strong>
+The message was handled and the appropriate function was called.
+<dt> <strong>FALSE</strong>
+The message did not apply to the alarm mechanism and no other action
+was taken.
+<a href="clock_alarm_reply.html"><strong>clock_alarm_reply<strong></a>.