-<h2>processor_set_policy_disable</h2>\r<hr>\r<p>\r<strong>Function</strong> - Disables a scheduling policy for a processor set.\r<h3>SYNOPSIS</h3>\r<pre>\r<strong>#include< mach/mach_host.h></strong>\r\r<strong>kern_return_t processor_set_policy_disable</strong>\r <strong>(processor_set_t</strong> <var>processor_set</var>,\r <strong>int</strong> <var>policy</var>,\r <strong>boolean_t</strong> <var>change_threads</var><strong>);</strong>\r</pre>\r<h3>PARAMETERS</h3>\r<dl>\r<dt> <var>processor_set</var>\r<dd>\r[in processor-set-control port] The control port for the processor set for which a scheduling policy is to be disabled.\r<dt> <var>policy</var>\r<dd>\r[in scalar] Policy to be disabled. The values currently defined are POLICY_TIMESHARE and POLICY_FIXEDPRI.\r<dt> <var>change_threads</var>\r<dd>\r[in scalar] If true, causes the scheduling policy for all threads currently running with policy to POLICY_TIMESHARE.\r</dl>\r<h3>DESCRIPTION</h3>\r<p>\rThe <strong>processor_set_policy_disable</strong>\rfunction restricts the set of scheduling policies allowed for\r<var>processor_set</var>. The set of scheduling policies allowed for a\rprocessor set is the set of policies allowed to be set for threads\rassigned to that processor set. The current set of permitted policies\rcan be obtained from <strong>processor_set_info</strong>. Timesharing may\rnot be forbidden for any processor set. This is a compromise to reduce\rthe complexity of the assign operation; any thread whose\r<var>policy</var> is forbidden by its target processor set has its\r<var>policy</var> reset to timesharing. Disabling a scheduling\r<var>policy</var> for a processor set has no effect on threads\rcurrently assigned to that processor set unless\r<var>change_threads</var> is TRUE, in which case their policies will\rbe reset to timesharing.\r<h3>RETURN VALUES</h3>\r<p>\rOnly generic errors apply.\r<h3>RELATED INFORMATION</h3>\r<p>\rFunctions:\r<a href="P_set_policy_enable.html">processor_set_policy_enable</a>,\r<a href="processor_set_info.html">processor_set_info</a>,\r<a href="thread_policy.html">thread_policy</a>.\r
\ No newline at end of file
+<strong>Function</strong> - Disables a scheduling policy for a processor set.
+<strong>#include< mach/mach_host.h></strong>
+<strong>kern_return_t processor_set_policy_disable</strong>
+ <strong>(processor_set_t</strong> <var>processor_set</var>,
+ <strong>int</strong> <var>policy</var>,
+ <strong>boolean_t</strong> <var>change_threads</var><strong>);</strong>
+<dt> <var>processor_set</var>
+[in processor-set-control port] The control port for the processor set for which a scheduling policy is to be disabled.
+<dt> <var>policy</var>
+[in scalar] Policy to be disabled. The values currently defined are POLICY_TIMESHARE and POLICY_FIXEDPRI.
+<dt> <var>change_threads</var>
+[in scalar] If true, causes the scheduling policy for all threads currently running with policy to POLICY_TIMESHARE.
+The <strong>processor_set_policy_disable</strong>
+function restricts the set of scheduling policies allowed for
+<var>processor_set</var>. The set of scheduling policies allowed for a
+processor set is the set of policies allowed to be set for threads
+assigned to that processor set. The current set of permitted policies
+can be obtained from <strong>processor_set_info</strong>. Timesharing may
+not be forbidden for any processor set. This is a compromise to reduce
+the complexity of the assign operation; any thread whose
+<var>policy</var> is forbidden by its target processor set has its
+<var>policy</var> reset to timesharing. Disabling a scheduling
+<var>policy</var> for a processor set has no effect on threads
+currently assigned to that processor set unless
+<var>change_threads</var> is TRUE, in which case their policies will
+be reset to timesharing.
+Only generic errors apply.
+<a href="P_set_policy_enable.html">processor_set_policy_enable</a>,
+<a href="processor_set_info.html">processor_set_info</a>,
+<a href="thread_policy.html">thread_policy</a>.