- * Copyright (c) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
-#include <kern/kalloc.h>
+#include <kern/zalloc.h>
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
#include <i386/cpu_data.h>
#include <i386/cpuid.h>
#include <i386/cpu_topology.h>
#include <i386/cpu_threads.h>
+#include <i386/lapic.h>
#include <i386/machine_cpu.h>
#include <i386/machine_check.h>
#include <i386/proc_reg.h>
-#define IF(bool,str) ((bool) ? (str) : "")
-static boolean_t mca_initialized = FALSE;
-static boolean_t mca_MCE_present = FALSE;
-static boolean_t mca_MCA_present = FALSE;
-static uint32_t mca_family = 0;
-static unsigned int mca_error_bank_count = 0;
-static boolean_t mca_control_MSR_present = FALSE;
-static boolean_t mca_threshold_status_present = FALSE;
-static boolean_t mca_sw_error_recovery_present = FALSE;
-static boolean_t mca_extended_MSRs_present = FALSE;
-static unsigned int mca_extended_MSRs_count = 0;
-static boolean_t mca_cmci_present = FALSE;
-static ia32_mcg_cap_t ia32_mcg_cap;
+ * At the time of the machine-check exception, all hardware-threads panic.
+ * Each thread saves the state of its MCA registers to its per-cpu data area.
+ *
+ * State reporting is serialized so one thread dumps all valid state for all
+ * threads to the panic log. This may entail spinning waiting for other
+ * threads to complete saving state to memory. A timeout applies to this wait
+ * -- in particular, a 3-strikes timeout may prevent a thread from taking
+ * part is the affair.
+ */
+#define IF(bool, str) ((bool) ? (str) : "")
+static boolean_t mca_initialized = FALSE;
+static boolean_t mca_MCE_present = FALSE;
+static boolean_t mca_MCA_present = FALSE;
+static uint32_t mca_family = 0;
+static unsigned int mca_error_bank_count = 0;
+static boolean_t mca_control_MSR_present = FALSE;
+static boolean_t mca_cmci_present = FALSE;
+static ia32_mcg_cap_t ia32_mcg_cap;
decl_simple_lock_data(static, mca_lock);
typedef struct {
- ia32_mci_ctl_t mca_mci_ctl;
- ia32_mci_status_t mca_mci_status;
- ia32_mci_misc_t mca_mci_misc;
- ia32_mci_addr_t mca_mci_addr;
+ ia32_mci_ctl_t mca_mci_ctl;
+ ia32_mci_status_t mca_mci_status;
+ ia32_mci_misc_t mca_mci_misc;
+ ia32_mci_addr_t mca_mci_addr;
} mca_mci_bank_t;
typedef struct mca_state {
- ia32_mcg_ctl_t mca_mcg_ctl;
- ia32_mcg_status_t mca_mcg_status;
- mca_mci_bank_t mca_error_bank[0];
+ boolean_t mca_is_saved;
+ boolean_t mca_is_valid; /* some state is valid */
+ ia32_mcg_ctl_t mca_mcg_ctl;
+ ia32_mcg_status_t mca_mcg_status;
+ mca_mci_bank_t mca_error_bank[0];
} mca_state_t;
typedef enum {
static void
- uint64_t features = cpuid_info()->cpuid_features;
- uint32_t family = cpuid_info()->cpuid_family;
+ uint64_t features = cpuid_info()->cpuid_features;
+ uint32_t family = cpuid_info()->cpuid_family;
+ uint32_t model = cpuid_info()->cpuid_model;
+ uint32_t stepping = cpuid_info()->cpuid_stepping;
+ if ((model == CPUID_MODEL_HASWELL && stepping < 3) ||
+ (model == CPUID_MODEL_HASWELL_ULT && stepping < 1) ||
+ (model == CPUID_MODEL_CRYSTALWELL && stepping < 1)) {
+ panic("Haswell pre-C0 steppings are not supported");
+ }
mca_MCE_present = (features & CPUID_FEATURE_MCE) != 0;
mca_MCA_present = (features & CPUID_FEATURE_MCA) != 0;
mca_family = family;
* If MCA, the number of banks etc is reported by the IA32_MCG_CAP MSR.
ia32_mcg_cap.u64 = rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_CAP);
mca_error_bank_count = ia32_mcg_cap.bits.count;
mca_control_MSR_present = ia32_mcg_cap.bits.mcg_ctl_p;
- mca_threshold_status_present = ia32_mcg_cap.bits.mcg_tes_p;
- mca_sw_error_recovery_present = ia32_mcg_cap.bits.mcg_ser_p;
mca_cmci_present = ia32_mcg_cap.bits.mcg_ext_corr_err_p;
- if (family == 0x0F) {
- mca_extended_MSRs_present = ia32_mcg_cap.bits.mcg_ext_p;
- mca_extended_MSRs_count = ia32_mcg_cap.bits.mcg_ext_cnt;
- }
- unsigned int i;
+ unsigned int i;
* The first (boot) processor is responsible for discovering the
if (mca_MCA_present) {
/* Enable all MCA features */
- if (mca_control_MSR_present)
+ if (mca_control_MSR_present) {
+ }
switch (mca_family) {
case 0x06:
/* Enable all but mc0 */
- for (i = 1; i < mca_error_bank_count; i++)
+ for (i = 1; i < mca_error_bank_count; i++) {
+ }
/* Clear all errors */
- for (i = 0; i < mca_error_bank_count; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < mca_error_bank_count; i++) {
wrmsr64(IA32_MCi_STATUS(i), 0ULL);
+ }
case 0x0F:
/* Enable all banks */
- for (i = 0; i < mca_error_bank_count; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < mca_error_bank_count; i++) {
+ }
/* Clear all errors */
- for (i = 0; i < mca_error_bank_count; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < mca_error_bank_count; i++) {
wrmsr64(IA32_MCi_STATUS(i), 0ULL);
+ }
/* Enable machine check exception handling if available */
if (mca_MCE_present) {
- set_cr4(get_cr4()|CR4_MCE);
+ set_cr4(get_cr4() | CR4_MCE);
- if (!mca_initialized)
+ if (!mca_initialized) {
+ }
return mca_cmci_present;
-mca_cpu_alloc(cpu_data_t *cdp)
+mca_cpu_alloc(cpu_data_t *cdp)
- vm_size_t mca_state_size;
+ vm_size_t mca_state_size;
* Allocate space for an array of error banks.
mca_state_size = sizeof(mca_state_t) +
- sizeof(mca_mci_bank_t) * mca_error_bank_count;
- cdp->cpu_mca_state = kalloc(mca_state_size);
+ sizeof(mca_mci_bank_t) * mca_error_bank_count;
+ cdp->cpu_mca_state = zalloc_permanent(mca_state_size, ZALIGN_PTR);
if (cdp->cpu_mca_state == NULL) {
printf("mca_cpu_alloc() failed for cpu %d\n", cdp->cpu_number);
- bzero((void *) cdp->cpu_mca_state, mca_state_size);
* If the boot processor is yet have its allocation made,
* do this now.
- if (cpu_datap(master_cpu)->cpu_mca_state == NULL)
+ if (cpu_datap(master_cpu)->cpu_mca_state == NULL) {
+ }
static void
mca_save_state(mca_state_t *mca_state)
mca_mci_bank_t *bank;
- unsigned int i;
+ unsigned int i;
assert(!ml_get_interrupts_enabled() || get_preemption_level() > 0);
- if (mca_state == NULL)
+ if (mca_state == NULL) {
+ }
mca_state->mca_mcg_ctl = mca_control_MSR_present ?
- rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_CTL) : 0ULL;
+ rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_CTL) : 0ULL;
mca_state->mca_mcg_status.u64 = rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_STATUS);
- bank = (mca_mci_bank_t *) &mca_state->mca_error_bank[0];
+ bank = (mca_mci_bank_t *) &mca_state->mca_error_bank[0];
for (i = 0; i < mca_error_bank_count; i++, bank++) {
- bank->mca_mci_ctl = rdmsr64(IA32_MCi_CTL(i));
- bank->mca_mci_status.u64 = rdmsr64(IA32_MCi_STATUS(i));
- if (!bank->mca_mci_status.bits.val)
+ bank->mca_mci_ctl = rdmsr64(IA32_MCi_CTL(i));
+ bank->mca_mci_status.u64 = rdmsr64(IA32_MCi_STATUS(i));
+ if (!bank->mca_mci_status.bits.val) {
+ }
bank->mca_mci_misc = (bank->mca_mci_status.bits.miscv)?
- rdmsr64(IA32_MCi_MISC(i)) : 0ULL;
+ rdmsr64(IA32_MCi_MISC(i)) : 0ULL;
bank->mca_mci_addr = (bank->mca_mci_status.bits.addrv)?
- rdmsr64(IA32_MCi_ADDR(i)) : 0ULL;
- }
+ rdmsr64(IA32_MCi_ADDR(i)) : 0ULL;
+ mca_state->mca_is_valid = TRUE;
+ }
* If we're the first thread with MCA state, point our package to it
* and don't care about races
- if (x86_package()->mca_state == NULL)
+ if (x86_package()->mca_state == NULL) {
x86_package()->mca_state = mca_state;
+ }
+ mca_state->mca_is_saved = TRUE;
- if (mca_dump_state > CLEAR)
+ if (mca_dump_state > CLEAR) {
-static void mca_dump_64bit_state(void)
- kdb_printf("Extended Machine Check State:\n");
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_RAX: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_RAX));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_RBX: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_RBX));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_RCX: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_RCX));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_RDX: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_RDX));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_RSI: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_RSI));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_RDI: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_RDI));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_RBP: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_RBP));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_RSP: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_RSP));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_RFLAGS: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_RFLAGS));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_RIP: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_RIP));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_MISC: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_MISC));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_R8: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_R8));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_R9: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_R9));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_R10: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_R10));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_R11: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_R11));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_R12: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_R12));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_R13: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_R13));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_R14: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_R14));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_R15: 0x%016qx\n", rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_R15));
-static uint32_t rdmsr32(uint32_t msr)
- return (uint32_t) rdmsr64(msr);
-static void mca_dump_32bit_state(void)
- kdb_printf("Extended Machine Check State:\n");
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_EAX: 0x%08x\n", rdmsr32(IA32_MCG_EAX));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_EBX: 0x%08x\n", rdmsr32(IA32_MCG_EBX));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_ECX: 0x%08x\n", rdmsr32(IA32_MCG_ECX));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_EDX: 0x%08x\n", rdmsr32(IA32_MCG_EDX));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_ESI: 0x%08x\n", rdmsr32(IA32_MCG_ESI));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_EDI: 0x%08x\n", rdmsr32(IA32_MCG_EDI));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_EBP: 0x%08x\n", rdmsr32(IA32_MCG_EBP));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_ESP: 0x%08x\n", rdmsr32(IA32_MCG_ESP));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_EFLAGS: 0x%08x\n", rdmsr32(IA32_MCG_EFLAGS));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_EIP: 0x%08x\n", rdmsr32(IA32_MCG_EIP));
- kdb_printf(" IA32_MCG_MISC: 0x%08x\n", rdmsr32(IA32_MCG_MISC));
+ }
static void
i386_cpu_info_t *infop = cpuid_info();
- kdb_printf(" family: %d model: %d stepping: %d microcode: %d\n",
- infop->cpuid_family,
- infop->cpuid_model,
- infop->cpuid_stepping,
- infop->cpuid_microcode_version);
- kdb_printf(" %s\n", infop->cpuid_brand_string);
+ paniclog_append_noflush(" family: %d model: %d stepping: %d microcode: %d\n",
+ infop->cpuid_family,
+ infop->cpuid_model,
+ infop->cpuid_stepping,
+ infop->cpuid_microcode_version);
+ paniclog_append_noflush(" signature: 0x%x\n",
+ infop->cpuid_signature);
+ paniclog_append_noflush(" %s\n",
+ infop->cpuid_brand_string);
-static const char *mc8_memory_operation[] = {
- [MC8_MMM_GENERIC] = "generic",
- [MC8_MMM_READ] = "read",
- [MC8_MMM_WRITE] = "write",
- [MC8_MMM_ADDRESS_COMMAND] = "address/command",
- [MC8_MMM_RESERVED] = "reserved"
static void
-mca_dump_bank_mc8(mca_state_t *state, int i)
+mca_dump_bank(mca_state_t *state, int i)
- mca_mci_bank_t *bank;
- ia32_mci_status_t status;
- struct ia32_mc8_specific mc8;
- int mmm;
+ mca_mci_bank_t *bank;
+ ia32_mci_status_t status;
bank = &state->mca_error_bank[i];
status = bank->mca_mci_status;
- mc8 = status.bits_mc8;
- mmm = MIN(mc8.memory_operation, MC8_MMM_RESERVED);
- kdb_printf(
- " IA32_MC%d_STATUS(0x%x): 0x%016qx %svalid\n",
- i, IA32_MCi_STATUS(i), status.u64, IF(!status.bits.val, "in"));
- if (!status.bits.val)
+ if (!status.bits.val) {
+ }
+ paniclog_append_noflush(" IA32_MC%d_STATUS(0x%x): 0x%016qx\n",
+ i, IA32_MCi_STATUS(i), status.u64);
+ if (status.bits.addrv) {
+ paniclog_append_noflush(" IA32_MC%d_ADDR(0x%x): 0x%016qx\n",
+ i, IA32_MCi_ADDR(i), bank->mca_mci_addr);
+ }
- kdb_printf(
- " Channel number: %d%s\n"
- " Memory Operation: %s\n"
- " Machine-specific error: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n"
- " COR_ERR_CNT: %d\n",
- mc8.channel_number,
- IF(mc8.channel_number == 15, " (unknown)"),
- mc8_memory_operation[mmm],
- IF(mc8.read_ecc, "Read ECC "),
- IF(mc8.ecc_on_a_scrub, "ECC on scrub "),
- IF(mc8.write_parity, "Write parity "),
- IF(mc8.redundant_memory, "Redundant memory "),
- IF(mc8.sparing, "Sparing/Resilvering "),
- IF(mc8.access_out_of_range, "Access out of Range "),
- IF(mc8.rtid_out_of_range, "RTID out of Range "),
- IF(mc8.address_parity, "Address Parity "),
- IF(mc8.byte_enable_parity, "Byte Enable Parity "),
- mc8.cor_err_cnt);
- kdb_printf(
- " Status bits:\n%s%s%s%s%s%s",
- IF(status.bits.pcc, " Processor context corrupt\n"),
- IF(status.bits.addrv, " ADDR register valid\n"),
- IF(status.bits.miscv, " MISC register valid\n"),
- IF(status.bits.en, " Error enabled\n"),
- IF(status.bits.uc, " Uncorrected error\n"),
- IF(status.bits.over, " Error overflow\n"));
- if (status.bits.addrv)
- kdb_printf(
- " IA32_MC%d_ADDR(0x%x): 0x%016qx\n",
- i, IA32_MCi_ADDR(i), bank->mca_mci_addr);
if (status.bits.miscv) {
- ia32_mc8_misc_t mc8_misc;
- mc8_misc.u64 = bank->mca_mci_misc;
- kdb_printf(
- " IA32_MC%d_MISC(0x%x): 0x%016qx\n"
- " RTID: %d\n"
- " DIMM: %d\n"
- " Channel: %d\n"
- " Syndrome: 0x%x\n",
- i, IA32_MCi_MISC(i), mc8_misc.u64,
- mc8_misc.bits.rtid,
- mc8_misc.bits.dimm,
- mc8_misc.bits.channel,
- (int) mc8_misc.bits.syndrome);
+ paniclog_append_noflush(" IA32_MC%d_MISC(0x%x): 0x%016qx\n",
+ i, IA32_MCi_MISC(i), bank->mca_mci_misc);
-static const char *mca_threshold_status[] = {
static void
-mca_dump_bank(mca_state_t *state, int i)
+mca_cpu_dump_error_banks(mca_state_t *state)
- mca_mci_bank_t *bank;
- ia32_mci_status_t status;
+ unsigned int i;
- bank = &state->mca_error_bank[i];
- status = bank->mca_mci_status;
- kdb_printf(
- " IA32_MC%d_STATUS(0x%x): 0x%016qx %svalid\n",
- i, IA32_MCi_STATUS(i), status.u64, IF(!status.bits.val, "in"));
- if (!status.bits.val)
+ if (!state->mca_is_valid) {
- kdb_printf(
- " MCA error code: 0x%04x\n",
- status.bits.mca_error);
- kdb_printf(
- " Model specific error code: 0x%04x\n",
- status.bits.model_specific_error);
- if (!mca_threshold_status_present) {
- kdb_printf(
- " Other information: 0x%08x\n",
- status.bits.other_information);
- } else {
- int threshold = status.bits_tes_p.threshold;
- kdb_printf(
- " Other information: 0x%08x\n"
- " Threshold-based status: %s\n",
- status.bits_tes_p.other_information,
- (status.bits_tes_p.uc == 0) ?
- mca_threshold_status[threshold] :
- "Undefined");
- }
- if (mca_threshold_status_present &&
- mca_sw_error_recovery_present) {
- kdb_printf(
- " Software Error Recovery:\n%s%s",
- IF(status.bits_tes_p.ar, " Recovery action reqd\n"),
- IF(status.bits_tes_p.s, " Signaling UCR error\n"));
- kdb_printf(
- " Status bits:\n%s%s%s%s%s%s",
- IF(status.bits.pcc, " Processor context corrupt\n"),
- IF(status.bits.addrv, " ADDR register valid\n"),
- IF(status.bits.miscv, " MISC register valid\n"),
- IF(status.bits.en, " Error enabled\n"),
- IF(status.bits.uc, " Uncorrected error\n"),
- IF(status.bits.over, " Error overflow\n"));
- if (status.bits.addrv)
- kdb_printf(
- " IA32_MC%d_ADDR(0x%x): 0x%016qx\n",
- i, IA32_MCi_ADDR(i), bank->mca_mci_addr);
- if (status.bits.miscv)
- kdb_printf(
- " IA32_MC%d_MISC(0x%x): 0x%016qx\n",
- i, IA32_MCi_MISC(i), bank->mca_mci_misc);
-static void
-mca_dump_error_banks(mca_state_t *state)
- unsigned int i;
- kdb_printf("MCA error-reporting registers:\n");
- for (i = 0; i < mca_error_bank_count; i++ ) {
- if (i == 8) {
- /*
- * Fatal Memory Error
- */
- /* Dump MC8 for local package */
- kdb_printf(" Package %d logged:\n",
- x86_package()->ppkg_num);
- mca_dump_bank_mc8(state, 8);
- /* If there's other packages, report their MC8s */
- x86_pkg_t *pkg;
- uint64_t deadline;
- for (pkg = x86_pkgs; pkg != NULL; pkg = pkg->next) {
- if (pkg == x86_package())
- continue;
- deadline = mach_absolute_time() + LockTimeOut;
- while (pkg->mca_state == NULL &&
- mach_absolute_time() < deadline)
- cpu_pause();
- if (pkg->mca_state) {
- kdb_printf(" Package %d logged:\n",
- pkg->ppkg_num);
- mca_dump_bank_mc8(pkg->mca_state, 8);
- } else {
- kdb_printf(" Package %d timed out!\n",
- pkg->ppkg_num);
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
+ for (i = 0; i < mca_error_bank_count; i++) {
mca_dump_bank(state, i);
- ia32_mcg_status_t status;
- mca_state_t *mca_state = current_cpu_datap()->cpu_mca_state;
+ mca_state_t *mca_state = current_cpu_datap()->cpu_mca_state;
+ uint64_t deadline;
+ unsigned int i = 0;
* Capture local MCA registers to per-cpu data.
- * Serialize in case of multiple simultaneous machine-checks.
- * Only the first caller is allowed to dump MCA registers,
+ * Serialize: the first caller controls dumping MCA registers,
* other threads spin meantime.
- simple_lock(&mca_lock);
+ simple_lock(&mca_lock, LCK_GRP_NULL);
if (mca_dump_state > CLEAR) {
- while (mca_dump_state == DUMPING)
+ while (mca_dump_state == DUMPING) {
+ }
mca_dump_state = DUMPING;
- * Report machine-check capabilities:
+ * Wait for all other hardware threads to save their state.
+ * Or timeout.
- kdb_printf(
- "Machine-check capabilities (cpu %d) 0x%016qx:\n",
- cpu_number(), ia32_mcg_cap.u64);
- mca_report_cpu_info();
+ deadline = mach_absolute_time() + LockTimeOut;
+ while (mach_absolute_time() < deadline && i < real_ncpus) {
+ if (!cpu_datap(i)->cpu_mca_state->mca_is_saved) {
+ cpu_pause();
+ continue;
+ }
+ i += 1;
+ }
- kdb_printf(
- " %d error-reporting banks\n%s%s%s", mca_error_bank_count,
- IF(mca_control_MSR_present,
- " control MSR present\n"),
- IF(mca_threshold_status_present,
- " threshold-based error status present\n"),
- IF(mca_cmci_present,
- " extended corrected memory error handling present\n"));
- if (mca_extended_MSRs_present)
- kdb_printf(
- " %d extended MSRs present\n", mca_extended_MSRs_count);
- * Report machine-check status:
+ * Report machine-check capabilities:
- status.u64 = rdmsr64(IA32_MCG_STATUS);
- kdb_printf(
- "Machine-check status 0x%016qx:\n%s%s%s", status.u64,
- IF(status.bits.ripv, " restart IP valid\n"),
- IF(status.bits.eipv, " error IP valid\n"),
- IF(status.bits.mcip, " machine-check in progress\n"));
+ paniclog_append_noflush("Machine-check capabilities: 0x%016qx\n", ia32_mcg_cap.u64);
- /*
- * Dump error-reporting registers:
- */
- mca_dump_error_banks(mca_state);
+ mca_report_cpu_info();
+ paniclog_append_noflush(" %d error-reporting banks\n", mca_error_bank_count);
- * Dump any extended machine state:
+ * Dump all processor state:
- if (mca_extended_MSRs_present) {
- if (cpu_mode_is64bit())
- mca_dump_64bit_state();
- else
- mca_dump_32bit_state();
+ for (i = 0; i < real_ncpus; i++) {
+ mca_state_t *mcsp = cpu_datap(i)->cpu_mca_state;
+ ia32_mcg_status_t status;
+ if (mcsp == NULL ||
+ mcsp->mca_is_saved == FALSE ||
+ mcsp->mca_mcg_status.u64 == 0 ||
+ !mcsp->mca_is_valid) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ status = mcsp->mca_mcg_status;
+ paniclog_append_noflush("Processor %d: IA32_MCG_STATUS: 0x%016qx\n",
+ i, status.u64);
+ mca_cpu_dump_error_banks(mcsp);
/* Update state to release any other threads. */
mca_dump_state = DUMPED;
+extern void mca_exception_panic(void);
+extern void lapic_trigger_MC(void);
+ lapic_trigger_MC();