- * Copyright (c) 2000-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
#define APPLE_IF_FAM_GIF 10
-#define APPLE_IF_FAM_FAITH 11
+#define APPLE_IF_FAM_FAITH 11 /* deprecated */
#define APPLE_IF_FAM_STF 12
#define APPLE_IF_FAM_BOND 14
#if defined(__LP64__)
-#define __need_struct_timeval32
-#include <sys/_structs.h>
+#include <sys/_types/_timeval32.h>
#define IF_DATA_TIMEVAL timeval32
#define IF_DATA_TIMEVAL timeval
#ifdef PRIVATE
struct if_traffic_class {
+ u_int64_t ifi_ibepackets; /* TC_BE packets received on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_ibebytes; /* TC_BE bytes received on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_obepackets; /* TC_BE packet sent on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_obebytes; /* TC_BE bytes sent on interface */
u_int64_t ifi_ibkpackets; /* TC_BK packets received on interface */
u_int64_t ifi_ibkbytes; /* TC_BK bytes received on interface */
u_int64_t ifi_obkpackets; /* TC_BK packet sent on interface */
u_int64_t ifi_ivobytes; /* TC_VO bytes received on interface */
u_int64_t ifi_ovopackets; /* TC_VO packets sent on interface */
u_int64_t ifi_ovobytes; /* TC_VO bytes sent on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_ipvpackets; /* TC priv packets received on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_ipvbytes; /* TC priv bytes received on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_opvpackets; /* TC priv packets sent on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_opvbytes; /* TC priv bytes sent on interface */
+struct if_data_extended {
+ u_int64_t ifi_alignerrs; /* unaligned (32-bit) input pkts */
+ u_int64_t ifi_dt_bytes; /* Data threshold counter */
+ u_int64_t ifi_fpackets; /* forwarded packets on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_fbytes; /* forwarded bytes on interface */
+ u_int64_t reserved[12]; /* for future */
+struct if_packet_stats {
+ /* TCP */
+ u_int64_t ifi_tcp_badformat;
+ u_int64_t ifi_tcp_unspecv6;
+ u_int64_t ifi_tcp_synfin;
+ u_int64_t ifi_tcp_badformatipsec;
+ u_int64_t ifi_tcp_noconnnolist;
+ u_int64_t ifi_tcp_noconnlist;
+ u_int64_t ifi_tcp_listbadsyn;
+ u_int64_t ifi_tcp_icmp6unreach;
+ u_int64_t ifi_tcp_deprecate6;
+ u_int64_t ifi_tcp_rstinsynrcv;
+ u_int64_t ifi_tcp_ooopacket;
+ u_int64_t ifi_tcp_dospacket;
+ u_int64_t ifi_tcp_cleanup;
+ u_int64_t ifi_tcp_synwindow;
+ u_int64_t reserved[6];
+ /* UDP */
+ u_int64_t ifi_udp_port_unreach;
+ u_int64_t ifi_udp_faithprefix;
+ u_int64_t ifi_udp_port0;
+ u_int64_t ifi_udp_badlength;
+ u_int64_t ifi_udp_badchksum;
+ u_int64_t ifi_udp_badmcast;
+ u_int64_t ifi_udp_cleanup;
+ u_int64_t ifi_udp_badipsec;
+ u_int64_t _reserved[4];
+struct if_description {
+ u_int32_t ifd_maxlen; /* must be IF_DESCSIZE */
+ u_int32_t ifd_len; /* actual ifd_desc length */
+ u_int8_t *ifd_desc; /* ptr to desc buffer */
+struct if_bandwidths {
+ u_int64_t eff_bw; /* effective bandwidth */
+ u_int64_t max_bw; /* maximum theoretical bandwidth */
+struct if_latencies {
+ u_int64_t eff_lt; /* effective latency */
+ u_int64_t max_lt; /* maximum theoretical latency */
+struct if_rxpoll_stats {
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_off_req; /* total # of POLL_OFF reqs */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_off_err; /* total # of POLL_OFF errors */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_on_req; /* total # of POLL_ON reqs */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_on_err; /* total # of POLL_ON errors */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_wakeups_avg; /* avg # of wakeup reqs */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_wakeups_lowat; /* wakeups low watermark */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_wakeups_hiwat; /* wakeups high watermark */
+ u_int64_t ifi_poll_packets; /* total # of polled packets */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_packets_avg; /* average polled packets */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_packets_min; /* smallest polled packets */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_packets_max; /* largest polled packets */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_packets_lowat; /* packets low watermark */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_packets_hiwat; /* packets high watermark */
+ u_int64_t ifi_poll_bytes; /* total # of polled bytes */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_bytes_avg; /* average polled bytes */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_bytes_min; /* smallest polled bytes */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_bytes_max; /* largest polled bytes */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_bytes_lowat; /* bytes low watermark */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_bytes_hiwat; /* bytes high watermark */
+ u_int32_t ifi_poll_packets_limit; /* max packets per poll call */
+ u_int64_t ifi_poll_interval_time; /* poll interval (nsec) */
#endif /* PRIVATE */
int ifq_drops;
* Internal storage of if_data. This is bound to change. Various places in the
* stack will translate this data structure in to the externally visible
u_int64_t ifi_noproto; /* destined for unsupported protocol */
u_int32_t ifi_recvtiming; /* usec spent receiving when timing */
u_int32_t ifi_xmittiming; /* usec spent xmitting when timing */
-#define IF_LASTCHANGEUPTIME 1 /* lastchange: 1-uptime 0-calendar time */
+ u_int64_t ifi_alignerrs; /* unaligned (32-bit) input pkts */
+ u_int64_t ifi_dt_bytes; /* Data threshold counter */
+ u_int64_t ifi_fpackets; /* forwarded packets on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_fbytes; /* forwarded bytes on interface */
struct timeval ifi_lastchange; /* time of last administrative change */
u_int32_t ifi_hwassist; /* HW offload capabilities */
u_int32_t ifi_tso_v4_mtu; /* TCP Segment Offload IPv4 maximum segment size */
u_int32_t ifi_tso_v6_mtu; /* TCP Segment Offload IPv6 maximum segment size */
-#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+ * Fields per interface to measure perceived bandwidth.
+ */
+struct if_measured_bw {
+ u_int64_t bw; /* measured bandwidth in bytes per ms */
+ u_int64_t bytes; /* XXX not needed */
+ u_int64_t ts; /* XXX not needed */
+ u_int64_t cur_seq __attribute((aligned(8))); /* current sequence for marking a packet */
+ u_int64_t start_ts; /* time at which a measurement started */
+ u_int64_t start_seq; /* sequence at which a measurement should start */
+ u_int64_t last_seq; /* last recorded seq */
+ u_int64_t last_ts; /* last recorded ts */
+ u_int32_t flags __attribute__((aligned(4))); /* flags */
+#endif /* MEASURE_BW */
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#ifdef PRIVATE
#define if_mtu if_data.ifi_mtu
#define if_recvquota if_data.ifi_recvquota
#define if_xmitquota if_data.ifi_xmitquota
#endif /* PRIVATE */
#define if_tso_v4_mtu if_data.ifi_tso_v4_mtu
#define if_tso_v6_mtu if_data.ifi_tso_v6_mtu
-#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#define if_alignerrs if_data.ifi_alignerrs
+#define if_dt_bytes if_data.ifi_dt_bytes
+#define if_fpackets if_data.ifi_fpackets
+#define if_fbytes if_data.ifi_fbytes
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
* Forward structure declarations for function prototypes [sic].
struct tqdummy;
struct proto_hash_entry;
struct dlil_threading_info;
+struct tcpstat_local;
+struct udpstat_local;
#if PF
struct pfi_kif;
#endif /* PF */
TAILQ_HEAD(tailq_head, tqdummy);
TAILQ_HEAD(ifnet_filter_head, ifnet_filter);
TAILQ_HEAD(ddesc_head_name, dlil_demux_desc);
-#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#ifdef PRIVATE
#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_TCPIPV6 0x0020 /* will csum TCPv6, IFNET_CSUM_TCPIPV6 */
#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_UDPIPV6 0x0040 /* will csum UDPv6, IFNET_CSUM_UDP */
#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_FRAGMENT_IPV6 0x0080 /* will do IPv6 fragmentation, IFNET_IPV6_FRAGMENT */
-#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_TCP_SUM16 0x1000 /* simple TCP Sum16 computation, IFNET_CSUM_SUM16 */
+#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_PARTIAL 0x1000 /* simple Sum16 computation, IFNET_CSUM_PARTIAL */
#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_MASK 0xffff
#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_FLAGS(hwassist) ((hwassist) & IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_MASK)
#define IF_HWASSIST_TSO_V6 0x00400000 /* will do TCP Segment offload for IPv6, IFNET_TSO_IPV6 */
#endif /* PRIVATE */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+#define IFXNAMSIZ (IFNAMSIZ + 8) /* external name (name + unit) */
+ * ifnet is private to BSD portion of kernel
+ */
+#include <sys/mcache.h>
#include <sys/tree.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <net/if_dl.h>
+#include <net/classq/if_classq.h>
+#include <net/if_types.h>
RB_HEAD(ll_reach_tree, if_llreach); /* define struct ll_reach_tree */
+#define if_name(ifp) ifp->if_xname
* Structure defining a network interface.
decl_lck_rw_data(, if_lock);
void *if_softc; /* pointer to driver state */
const char *if_name; /* name, e.g. ``en'' or ``lo'' */
+ const char *if_xname; /* external name (name + unit) */
+ struct if_description if_desc; /* extended description */
TAILQ_ENTRY(ifnet) if_link; /* all struct ifnets are chained */
TAILQ_ENTRY(ifnet) if_detaching_link; /* list of detaching ifnets */
decl_lck_mtx_data(, if_ref_lock)
- u_int32_t if_refflags;
+ u_int32_t if_refflags; /* see IFRF flags below */
u_int32_t if_refio; /* number of io ops to the underlying driver */
#define if_list if_link
struct if_data_internal if_data __attribute__((aligned(8)));
ifnet_family_t if_family; /* value assigned by Apple */
+ ifnet_subfamily_t if_subfamily; /* value assigned by Apple */
uintptr_t if_family_cookie;
ifnet_output_func if_output;
+ ifnet_pre_enqueue_func if_pre_enqueue;
+ ifnet_start_func if_start;
+ ifnet_ctl_func if_output_ctl;
+ ifnet_input_poll_func if_input_poll;
+ ifnet_ctl_func if_input_ctl;
ifnet_ioctl_func if_ioctl;
ifnet_set_bpf_tap if_set_bpf_tap;
ifnet_detached_func if_free;
ifnet_demux_func if_demux;
ifnet_event_func if_event;
- ifnet_framer_func if_framer;
+ ifnet_framer_func if_framer_legacy;
+ ifnet_framer_extended_func if_framer;
ifnet_add_proto_func if_add_proto;
ifnet_del_proto_func if_del_proto;
ifnet_check_multi if_check_multi;
struct proto_hash_entry *if_proto_hash;
void *if_kpi_storage;
+ u_int32_t if_flowhash; /* interface flow control ID */
+ decl_lck_mtx_data(, if_start_lock);
+ u_int32_t if_start_flags; /* see IFSF flags below */
+ u_int32_t if_start_req;
+ u_int32_t if_start_active; /* output is active */
+ struct timespec if_start_cycle; /* restart interval */
+ struct thread *if_start_thread;
+ struct ifclassq if_snd; /* transmit queue */
+ u_int32_t if_output_sched_model; /* tx sched model */
+ struct if_bandwidths if_output_bw;
+ struct if_bandwidths if_input_bw;
+ struct if_latencies if_output_lt;
+ struct if_latencies if_input_lt;
decl_lck_mtx_data(, if_flt_lock)
u_int32_t if_flt_busy;
u_int32_t if_flt_waiters;
decl_lck_mtx_data(, if_addrconfig_lock); /* for serializing addr config */
struct in_multi *if_allhostsinm; /* store all-hosts inm for this ifp */
- struct dlil_threading_info *if_input_thread;
+ decl_lck_mtx_data(, if_poll_lock);
+ u_int16_t if_poll_req;
+ u_int16_t if_poll_update; /* link update */
+ u_int32_t if_poll_active; /* polling is active */
+ struct timespec if_poll_cycle; /* poll interval */
+ struct thread *if_poll_thread;
- struct ifqueue if_snd;
+ struct dlil_threading_info *if_inp;
struct ifprefixhead if_prefixhead; /* list of prefixes per if */
struct {
u_int32_t if_wake_properties;
#if PF
- struct thread *if_pf_curthread;
struct pfi_kif *if_pf_kif;
#endif /* PF */
#if INET6
struct mld_ifinfo *if_mli; /* for MLDv2 */
#endif /* INET6 */
+ int if_lqm; /* link quality metric */
+ struct if_measured_bw if_bw;
+#endif /* MEASURE_BW */
+ struct tcpstat_local *if_tcp_stat; /* TCP specific stats */
+ struct udpstat_local *if_udp_stat; /* UDP specific stats */
+ struct {
+ int32_t level; /* cached logging level */
+ u_int32_t flags; /* cached logging flags */
+ int32_t category; /* cached category */
+ int32_t subcategory; /* cached subcategory */
+ } if_log;
+ struct {
+ struct ifnet *ifp; /* delegated ifp */
+ u_int32_t type; /* delegated i/f type */
+ u_int32_t family; /* delegated i/f family */
+ u_int32_t subfamily; /* delegated i/f sub-family */
+ uint32_t expensive:1; /* delegated i/f expensive? */
+ } if_delegated;
+ u_int64_t if_data_threshold;
+ u_int32_t if_fg_sendts; /* last send on a fg socket in seconds */
+#if INET6
+ decl_lck_rw_data(, if_inet6data_lock);
+ void *if_inet6data;
+#define IF_TCP_STATINC(_ifp, _s) do { \
+ if ((_ifp)->if_tcp_stat != NULL) \
+ atomic_add_64(&(_ifp)->if_tcp_stat->_s, 1); \
+} while (0);
+#define IF_UDP_STATINC(_ifp, _s) do { \
+ if ((_ifp)->if_udp_stat != NULL) \
+ atomic_add_64(&(_ifp)->if_udp_stat->_s, 1); \
+} while (0);
- * Valid values for if_useflags
+ * Valid values for if_refflags
#define IFRF_ATTACHED 0x1 /* ifnet attach is completely done */
#define IFRF_DETACHING 0x2 /* detach has been requested */
+ * Valid values for if_start_flags
+ */
+#define IFSF_FLOW_CONTROLLED 0x1 /* flow controlled */
* Structure describing a `cloning' interface.
#define IF_QFULL(ifq) ((ifq)->ifq_len >= (ifq)->ifq_maxlen)
#define IF_DROP(ifq) ((ifq)->ifq_drops++)
-#define IF_ENQUEUE(ifq, m) { \
+#define IF_ENQUEUE(ifq, m) do { \
(m)->m_nextpkt = NULL; \
if ((ifq)->ifq_tail == NULL) \
(ifq)->ifq_head = m; \
((struct mbuf*)(ifq)->ifq_tail)->m_nextpkt = m; \
(ifq)->ifq_tail = m; \
(ifq)->ifq_len++; \
-#define IF_PREPEND(ifq, m) { \
+} while (0)
+#define IF_PREPEND(ifq, m) do { \
(m)->m_nextpkt = (ifq)->ifq_head; \
if ((ifq)->ifq_tail == NULL) \
(ifq)->ifq_tail = (m); \
(ifq)->ifq_head = (m); \
(ifq)->ifq_len++; \
-#define IF_DEQUEUE(ifq, m) { \
+} while (0)
+#define IF_DEQUEUE(ifq, m) do { \
(m) = (ifq)->ifq_head; \
if (m != NULL) { \
if (((ifq)->ifq_head = (m)->m_nextpkt) == NULL) \
(m)->m_nextpkt = NULL; \
(ifq)->ifq_len--; \
} \
-#define IF_REMQUEUE(ifq, m) { \
+} while (0)
+#define IF_REMQUEUE(ifq, m) do { \
struct mbuf *_p = (ifq)->ifq_head; \
struct mbuf *_n = (m)->m_nextpkt; \
if ((m) == _p) \
if (_p != NULL) \
_p->m_nextpkt = _n; \
(m)->m_nextpkt = NULL; \
+} while (0)
#define IF_DRAIN(ifq) do { \
- struct mbuf *m; \
+ struct mbuf *_m; \
for (;;) { \
- IF_DEQUEUE(ifq, m); \
- if (m == NULL) \
+ IF_DEQUEUE(ifq, _m); \
+ if (_m == NULL) \
break; \
- m_freem(m); \
+ m_freem(_m); \
} \
} while (0)
#define IFMA_REMREF(_ifma) \
-__private_extern__ struct ifnethead ifnet_head;
-__private_extern__ struct ifnet **ifindex2ifnet;
-__private_extern__ int ifqmaxlen;
-__private_extern__ int if_index;
-__private_extern__ struct ifaddr **ifnet_addrs;
-__private_extern__ lck_attr_t *ifa_mtx_attr;
-__private_extern__ lck_grp_t *ifa_mtx_grp;
-__private_extern__ lck_grp_t *ifnet_lock_group;
-__private_extern__ lck_attr_t *ifnet_lock_attr;
+ * Indicate whether or not the immediate interface, or the interface delegated
+ * by it, is a cellular interface (IFT_CELLULAR). Delegated interface type is
+ * set/cleared along with the delegated ifp; we cache the type for performance
+ * to avoid dereferencing delegated ifp each time.
+ *
+ * Note that this is meant to be used only for accounting and policy purposes;
+ * certain places need to explicitly know the immediate interface type, and
+ * this macro should not be used there.
+ *
+ * The test is done against IFT_CELLULAR instead of IFNET_FAMILY_CELLULAR to
+ * handle certain cases where the family isn't set to the latter.
+ */
+#define IFNET_IS_CELLULAR(_ifp) \
+ ((_ifp)->if_type == IFT_CELLULAR || \
+ (_ifp)->if_delegated.type == IFT_CELLULAR)
+ * Indicate whether or not the immediate interface, or the interface delegated
+ * by it, is a Wi-Fi interface (IFNET_SUBFAMILY_WIFI). Delegated interface
+ * subfamily is set/cleared along with the delegated ifp; we cache the subfamily
+ * for performance to avoid dereferencing delegated ifp each time.
+ *
+ * Note that this is meant to be used only for accounting and policy purposes;
+ * certain places need to explicitly know the immediate interface type, and
+ * this macro should not be used there.
+ *
+ * The test is done against IFNET_SUBFAMILY_WIFI as the family may be set to
+ * IFNET_FAMILY_ETHERNET (as well as type to IFT_ETHER) which is too generic.
+ */
+#define IFNET_IS_WIFI(_ifp) \
+ ((_ifp)->if_subfamily == IFNET_SUBFAMILY_WIFI || \
+ (_ifp)->if_delegated.subfamily == IFNET_SUBFAMILY_WIFI)
+ * Indicate whether or not the immediate interface, or the interface delegated
+ * by it, is a Wired interface (several families). Delegated interface
+ * family is set/cleared along with the delegated ifp; we cache the family
+ * for performance to avoid dereferencing delegated ifp each time.
+ *
+ * Note that this is meant to be used only for accounting and policy purposes;
+ * certain places need to explicitly know the immediate interface type, and
+ * this macro should not be used there.
+ */
+#define IFNET_IS_WIRED(_ifp) \
+ ((_ifp)->if_family == IFNET_FAMILY_ETHERNET || \
+ (_ifp)->if_delegated.family == IFNET_FAMILY_ETHERNET || \
+ (_ifp)->if_family == IFNET_FAMILY_FIREWIRE || \
+ (_ifp)->if_delegated.family == IFNET_FAMILY_FIREWIRE)
+ * Indicate whether or not the immediate interface, or the interface delegated
+ * by it, is marked as expensive. The delegated interface is set/cleared
+ * along with the delegated ifp; we cache the flag for performance to avoid
+ * dereferencing delegated ifp each time.
+ *
+ * Note that this is meant to be used only for policy purposes.
+ */
+#define IFNET_IS_EXPENSIVE(_ifp) \
+ ((_ifp)->if_eflags & IFEF_EXPENSIVE || \
+ (_ifp)->if_delegated.expensive)
+ * We don't support AWDL interface delegation.
+ */
+ (((_ifp)->if_eflags & (IFEF_AWDL|IFEF_AWDL_RESTRICTED)) == \
+extern struct ifnethead ifnet_head;
+extern struct ifnet **ifindex2ifnet;
+extern u_int32_t if_sndq_maxlen;
+extern u_int32_t if_rcvq_maxlen;
+extern int if_index;
+extern struct ifaddr **ifnet_addrs;
+extern lck_attr_t *ifa_mtx_attr;
+extern lck_grp_t *ifa_mtx_grp;
+extern lck_grp_t *ifnet_lock_group;
+extern lck_attr_t *ifnet_lock_attr;
extern ifnet_t lo_ifp;
+extern uint32_t if_bw_measure_size;
+extern u_int32_t if_bw_smoothing_val;
extern int if_addmulti(struct ifnet *, const struct sockaddr *,
struct ifmultiaddr **);
extern int ifioctllocked(struct socket *, u_long, caddr_t, struct proc *);
extern struct ifnet *ifunit(const char *);
extern struct ifnet *if_withname(struct sockaddr *);
+extern void if_qflush(struct ifnet *, int);
+extern void if_qflush_sc(struct ifnet *, mbuf_svc_class_t, u_int32_t,
+ u_int32_t *, u_int32_t *, int);
extern struct if_clone *if_clone_lookup(const char *, u_int32_t *);
extern int if_clone_attach(struct if_clone *);
} ifnet_lock_assert_t;
+#define IF_LLADDR(_ifp) \
+ (LLADDR(SDL(((_ifp)->if_lladdr)->ifa_addr)))
__private_extern__ void ifnet_lock_assert(struct ifnet *, ifnet_lock_assert_t);
__private_extern__ void ifnet_lock_shared(struct ifnet *ifp);
__private_extern__ void ifnet_lock_exclusive(struct ifnet *ifp);
__private_extern__ void ifnet_lock_done(struct ifnet *ifp);
+#if INET6
+__private_extern__ void if_inet6data_lock_shared(struct ifnet *ifp);
+__private_extern__ void if_inet6data_lock_exclusive(struct ifnet *ifp);
+__private_extern__ void if_inet6data_lock_done(struct ifnet *ifp);
__private_extern__ void ifnet_head_lock_shared(void);
__private_extern__ void ifnet_head_lock_exclusive(void);
__private_extern__ void ifnet_head_done(void);
__private_extern__ int ifnet_is_attached(struct ifnet *, int refio);
__private_extern__ void ifnet_decr_iorefcnt(struct ifnet *);
+__private_extern__ void ifnet_set_start_cycle(struct ifnet *,
+ struct timespec *);
+__private_extern__ void ifnet_set_poll_cycle(struct ifnet *,
+ struct timespec *);
__private_extern__ void if_attach_ifa(struct ifnet *, struct ifaddr *);
__private_extern__ void if_attach_link_ifa(struct ifnet *, struct ifaddr *);
__private_extern__ void if_detach_ifa(struct ifnet *, struct ifaddr *);
__private_extern__ void if_detach_link_ifa(struct ifnet *, struct ifaddr *);
+__private_extern__ void dlil_if_lock(void);
+__private_extern__ void dlil_if_unlock(void);
+__private_extern__ void dlil_if_lock_assert(void);
extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithaddr(const struct sockaddr *);
-extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithaddr_scoped(const struct sockaddr *, unsigned int);
+extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithaddr_scoped(const struct sockaddr *,
+ unsigned int);
extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithdstaddr(const struct sockaddr *);
extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithnet(const struct sockaddr *);
-extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithnet_scoped(const struct sockaddr *, unsigned int);
+extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithnet_scoped(const struct sockaddr *,
+ unsigned int);
extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithroute(int, const struct sockaddr *,
const struct sockaddr *);
-extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithroute_locked(int, const struct sockaddr *, const struct sockaddr *);
-extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithroute_scoped_locked(int, const struct sockaddr *,
- const struct sockaddr *, unsigned int);
+extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithroute_locked(int, const struct sockaddr *,
+ const struct sockaddr *);
+extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithroute_scoped_locked(int,
+ const struct sockaddr *, const struct sockaddr *, unsigned int);
extern struct ifaddr *ifaof_ifpforaddr(const struct sockaddr *, struct ifnet *);
__private_extern__ struct ifaddr *ifa_ifpgetprimary(struct ifnet *, int);
extern void ifa_addref(struct ifaddr *, int);
__private_extern__ struct in_ifaddr *ifa_foraddr_scoped(unsigned int,
unsigned int);
+struct ifreq;
+extern errno_t ifnet_getset_opportunistic(struct ifnet *, u_long,
+ struct ifreq *, struct proc *);
+extern int ifnet_get_throttle(struct ifnet *, u_int32_t *);
+extern int ifnet_set_throttle(struct ifnet *, u_int32_t);
+extern errno_t ifnet_getset_log(struct ifnet *, u_long,
+ struct ifreq *, struct proc *);
+extern int ifnet_set_log(struct ifnet *, int32_t, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
+extern int ifnet_get_log(struct ifnet *, int32_t *, uint32_t *, int32_t *,
+ int32_t *);
+extern int ifnet_notify_address(struct ifnet *, int);
#if INET6
struct in6_addr;
__private_extern__ struct in6_ifaddr *ifa_foraddr6(struct in6_addr *);
const struct if_data_internal *if_data_int, struct if_data64 *if_data64);
__private_extern__ void if_copy_traffic_class(struct ifnet *ifp,
struct if_traffic_class *if_tc);
+__private_extern__ void if_copy_data_extended(struct ifnet *ifp,
+ struct if_data_extended *if_de);
+__private_extern__ void if_copy_packet_stats(struct ifnet *ifp,
+ struct if_packet_stats *if_ps);
+__private_extern__ void if_copy_rxpoll_stats(struct ifnet *ifp,
+ struct if_rxpoll_stats *if_rs);
__private_extern__ struct rtentry *ifnet_cached_rtlookup_inet(struct ifnet *,
struct in_addr);
struct in6_addr *);
#endif /* INET6 */
+__private_extern__ void if_lqm_update(struct ifnet *, int32_t);
+__private_extern__ void ifnet_update_sndq(struct ifclassq *, cqev_t);
+__private_extern__ void ifnet_update_rcv(struct ifnet *, cqev_t);
+__private_extern__ void ifnet_flowadv(uint32_t);
+__private_extern__ errno_t ifnet_set_input_bandwidths(struct ifnet *,
+ struct if_bandwidths *);
+__private_extern__ errno_t ifnet_set_output_bandwidths(struct ifnet *,
+ struct if_bandwidths *, boolean_t);
+__private_extern__ u_int64_t ifnet_output_linkrate(struct ifnet *);
+__private_extern__ u_int64_t ifnet_input_linkrate(struct ifnet *);
+__private_extern__ errno_t ifnet_set_input_latencies(struct ifnet *,
+ struct if_latencies *);
+__private_extern__ errno_t ifnet_set_output_latencies(struct ifnet *,
+ struct if_latencies *, boolean_t);
+__private_extern__ errno_t ifnet_framer_stub(struct ifnet *, struct mbuf **,
+ const struct sockaddr *, const char *, const char *, u_int32_t *,
+ u_int32_t *);
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+/* for uuid.c */
+__private_extern__ int uuid_get_ethernet(u_int8_t *);
#endif /* !_NET_IF_VAR_H_ */