- * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
#include <IOKit/IOService.h>
#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPM.h>
+/*! @class IOPowerConnection
+ * Do not use IOPowerConnection. This class is an implementation detail defined
+ * for IOPM's management of the IORegistry IOPower plane.
+ *
+ * Only Kernel IOKit power management should reference the IOPowerConnection class.
+ */
class IOPowerConnection : public IOService
- OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOPowerConnection)
+ OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOPowerConnection);
- /*! @field parentKnowsState true: parent knows state of its domain
- used by child */
- bool stateKnown;
+/*! @field parentKnowsState true: parent knows state of its domain
+ * used by child */
+ bool stateKnown;
- /*! @field currentPowerFlags power flags which describe the current state of the power domain
- used by child */
- IOPMPowerFlags currentPowerFlags;
+/*! @field currentPowerFlags power flags which describe the current state of the power domain
+ * used by child */
+ IOPMPowerFlags currentPowerFlags;
- /*! @field desiredDomainState state number which corresponds to the child's desire
- used by parent */
- unsigned long desiredDomainState;
+/*! @field desiredDomainState state number which corresponds to the child's desire
+ * used by parent */
+ unsigned long desiredDomainState;
- /*! @field requestFlag set to true when desiredDomainState is set */
- bool requestFlag;
+/*! @field requestFlag set to true when desiredDomainState is set */
+ bool requestFlag;
- /*! @field preventIdleSleepFlag true if child has this bit set in its desired state
- used by parent */
- unsigned long preventIdleSleepFlag;
+/*! @field preventIdleSleepFlag true if child has this bit set in its desired state
+ * used by parent */
+ unsigned long preventIdleSleepFlag;
- /*! @field preventSystemSleepFlag true if child has this bit set in its desired state
- used by parent */
- unsigned long preventSystemSleepFlag;
+/*! @field preventSystemSleepFlag true if child has this bit set in its desired state
+ * used by parent */
+ unsigned long preventSystemSleepFlag;
- /*! @field awaitingAck true if child has not yet acked our notification
- used by parent */
- bool awaitingAck;
+/*! @field awaitingAck true if child has not yet acked our notification
+ * used by parent */
+ bool awaitingAck;
- /*! @field readyFlag true if the child has been added as a power child
- used by parent */
+/*! @field readyFlag true if the child has been added as a power child
+ * used by parent */
bool readyFlag;
- bool delayChildNotification;
+ bool delayChildNotification;
- /*! @function setParentKnowsState
- @abstract Sets the stateKnown variable.
- @discussion Called by the parent when the object is created and called by the child when it discovers that the parent now knows its state. */
- void setParentKnowsState (bool );
- /*! @function setParentCurrentPowerFlags
- @abstract Sets the currentPowerFlags variable.
- @discussion Called by the parent when the object is created and called by the child when it discovers that the parent state is changing. */
- void setParentCurrentPowerFlags (IOPMPowerFlags );
- /*! @function parentKnowsState
- @abstract Returns the stateKnown variable. */
- bool parentKnowsState (void );
- /*! @function parentCurrentPowerFlags
- @abstract Returns the currentPowerFlags variable. */
- IOPMPowerFlags parentCurrentPowerFlags (void );
- /*! @function setDesiredDomainState
- @abstract Sets the desiredDomainState variable.
- @discussion Called by the parent. */
- void setDesiredDomainState (unsigned long );
- /*! @function getDesiredDomainState
- @abstract Returns the desiredDomainState variable.
- @discussion Called by the parent. */
- unsigned long getDesiredDomainState ( void );
- /*! @function setChildHasRequestedPower
- @abstract Set the flag that says that the child has called requestPowerDomainState.
- @discussion Called by the parent. */
- void setChildHasRequestedPower ( void );
- /*! @function childHasRequestedPower
- @abstract Return the flag that says whether the child has called requestPowerDomainState.
- @discussion Called by the PCI Aux Power Supply Driver to see if a device driver
- is power managed. */
- bool childHasRequestedPower ( void );
- /*! @function setPreventIdleSleepFlag
- @abstract Sets the preventIdleSleepFlag variable.
- @discussion Called by the parent. */
- void setPreventIdleSleepFlag (unsigned long );
- /*! @function getPreventIdleSleepFlag
- @abstract Returns the preventIdleSleepFlag variable.
- @discussion Called by the parent. */
- bool getPreventIdleSleepFlag ( void );
- /*! @function setPreventSystemSleepFlag
- @abstract Sets the preventSystemSleepFlag variable.
- @discussion Called by the parent. */
- void setPreventSystemSleepFlag (unsigned long );
- /*! @function getPreventSystemSleepFlag
- @abstract Returns the preventSystemSleepFlag variable.
- @discussion Called by the parent. */
- bool getPreventSystemSleepFlag ( void );
- /*! @function setAwaitingAck
- @abstract Sets the awaitingAck variable.
- @discussion Called by the parent. */
- void setAwaitingAck ( bool );
- /*! @function getAwaitingAck
- @abstract Returns the awaitingAck variable.
- @discussion Called by the parent. */
- bool getAwaitingAck ( void );
- /*! @function setReadyFlag
- @abstract Sets the readyFlag variable.
- @discussion Called by the parent. */
+/*! @function setParentKnowsState
+ * @abstract Sets the stateKnown variable.
+ * @discussion Called by the parent when the object is created and called by the child when it discovers that the parent now knows its state. */
+ void setParentKnowsState(bool );
+/*! @function setParentCurrentPowerFlags
+ * @abstract Sets the currentPowerFlags variable.
+ * @discussion Called by the parent when the object is created and called by the child when it discovers that the parent state is changing. */
+ void setParentCurrentPowerFlags(IOPMPowerFlags );
+/*! @function parentKnowsState
+ * @abstract Returns the stateKnown variable. */
+ bool parentKnowsState(void );
+/*! @function parentCurrentPowerFlags
+ * @abstract Returns the currentPowerFlags variable. */
+ IOPMPowerFlags parentCurrentPowerFlags(void );
+/*! @function setDesiredDomainState
+ * @abstract Sets the desiredDomainState variable.
+ * @discussion Called by the parent. */
+ void setDesiredDomainState(unsigned long );
+/*! @function getDesiredDomainState
+ * @abstract Returns the desiredDomainState variable.
+ * @discussion Called by the parent. */
+ unsigned long getDesiredDomainState( void );
+/*! @function setChildHasRequestedPower
+* @abstract Set the flag that says that the child has called requestPowerDomainState.
+* @discussion Called by the parent. */
+ void setChildHasRequestedPower( void );
+/*! @function childHasRequestedPower
+ * @abstract Return the flag that says whether the child has called requestPowerDomainState.
+ * @discussion Called by the PCI Aux Power Supply Driver to see if a device driver
+ * is power managed. */
+ bool childHasRequestedPower( void );
+/*! @function setPreventIdleSleepFlag
+ * @abstract Sets the preventIdleSleepFlag variable.
+ * @discussion Called by the parent. */
+ void setPreventIdleSleepFlag(unsigned long );
+/*! @function getPreventIdleSleepFlag
+ * @abstract Returns the preventIdleSleepFlag variable.
+ * @discussion Called by the parent. */
+ bool getPreventIdleSleepFlag( void );
+/*! @function setPreventSystemSleepFlag
+ * @abstract Sets the preventSystemSleepFlag variable.
+ * @discussion Called by the parent. */
+ void setPreventSystemSleepFlag(unsigned long );
+/*! @function getPreventSystemSleepFlag
+ * @abstract Returns the preventSystemSleepFlag variable.
+ * @discussion Called by the parent. */
+ bool getPreventSystemSleepFlag( void );
+/*! @function setAwaitingAck
+ * @abstract Sets the awaitingAck variable.
+ * @discussion Called by the parent. */
+ void setAwaitingAck( bool );
+/*! @function getAwaitingAck
+ * @abstract Returns the awaitingAck variable.
+ * @discussion Called by the parent. */
+ bool getAwaitingAck( void );
+/*! @function setReadyFlag
+ * @abstract Sets the readyFlag variable.
+ * @discussion Called by the parent. */
void setReadyFlag( bool flag );
- /*! @function getReadyFlag
- @abstract Returns the readyFlag variable.
- @discussion Called by the parent. */
+/*! @function getReadyFlag
+ * @abstract Returns the readyFlag variable.
+ * @discussion Called by the parent. */
bool getReadyFlag( void ) const;