* Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
- * may notificationused to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
typedef UInt32 IOMessage;
#define iokit_common_msg(message) (UInt32)(sys_iokit|sub_iokit_common|message)
-#define iokit_family_msg(sub,message) (UInt32)(sys_iokit|sub|message)
+#define iokit_family_msg(sub, message) (UInt32)(sys_iokit|sub|message)
* @defined iokit_vendor_specific_msg
* @discussion iokit_vendor_specific_msg passes messages in the sub_iokit_vendor_specific
- * subsystem. It can be used to generate messages that are used for private
+ * subsystem. It can be used to generate messages that are used for private
* communication between vendor specific code with the IOService::message() etc. APIs.
#define iokit_vendor_specific_msg(message) (UInt32)(sys_iokit|sub_iokit_vendor_specific|message)
#define kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange iokit_common_msg(0x340)
#define kIOMessageDeviceSignaledWakeup iokit_common_msg(0x350)
+// sent to IOUserClients with the property kIOUserClientMessageAppSuspendedKey
+// when their task's app suspend state changes;
+// use task_is_app_suspended() to retrieve the owning task's current state
+#define kIOMessageTaskAppSuspendedChange iokit_common_msg(0x800)
* @defined kIOMessageDeviceWillPowerOff
* @defined kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff
- * @discussion Indicates an imminent system shutdown. Recipients have a limited
- * amount of time to respond, otherwise the system will timeout and
+ * @discussion Indicates an imminent system shutdown. Recipients have a limited
+ * amount of time to respond, otherwise the system will timeout and
* shutdown even without a response.
- * Delivered to in-kernel IOKit drivers via <code>IOService::systemWillShutdown()</code>,
+ * Delivered to in-kernel IOKit drivers via <code>IOService::systemWillShutdown()</code>,
* and to clients of <code>registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest()</code>.
* Never delivered to user space notification clients.
* @defined kIOMessageSystemWillRestart
- * @discussion Indicates an imminent system restart. Recipients have a limited
- * amount of time to respond, otherwise the system will timeout and
+ * @discussion Indicates an imminent system restart. Recipients have a limited
+ * amount of time to respond, otherwise the system will timeout and
* restart even without a response.
- * Delivered to in-kernel IOKit drivers via <code>IOService::systemWillShutdown()</code>,
+ * Delivered to in-kernel IOKit drivers via <code>IOService::systemWillShutdown()</code>,
* and to clients of <code>registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest()</code>.
* Never delivered to user space notification clients.
* @defined kIOMessageSystemWillNotSleep
- * @discussion Announces that the system has retracted a previous attempt to sleep;
+ * @discussion Announces that the system has retracted a previous attempt to sleep;
* it follows <code>kIOMessageCanSystemSleep</code>.
* Delivered to in-kernel IOKit drivers via <code>kIOGeneralInterest</code>
* and <code>kIOPriorityPowerStateInterest</code>.
* @defined kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn
- * @discussion Announces that the system is beginning to power the device tree; most
+ * @discussion Announces that the system is beginning to power the device tree; most
* devices are unavailable at this point..
* Delivered to in-kernel IOKit drivers via <code>kIOGeneralInterest</code>
* and <code>kIOPriorityPowerStateInterest</code>.
/*! @group Unused and deprecated notifications
* @defined kIOMessageCanDevicePowerOff
- * @discussion Delivered to <code>kIOAppPowerStateInterest</code> clients of
+ * @discussion Delivered to <code>kIOAppPowerStateInterest</code> clients of
* devices that implement their own idle timeouts.
* This message type is almost never used.
#define kIOMessageCanDevicePowerOff iokit_common_msg(0x200)
* @defined kIOMessageDeviceWillNotPowerOff
- * @discussion This IOKit interest notification is largely unused;
+ * @discussion This IOKit interest notification is largely unused;
* it's not very interesting.
#define kIOMessageDeviceWillNotPowerOff iokit_common_msg(0x220)
* @defined kIOMessageSystemWillNotPowerOff
* @deprecated This IOKit message is unused.