/* @constant kIOPMTimelineDictionaryKey
* @abstract RootDomain key for dictionary describing Timeline's info
-#define kIOPMTimelineDictionaryKey "PMTimelineLogging"
+#define kIOPMTimelineDictionaryKey "PMTimelineLogging"
/* @constant kIOPMTimelineEnabledKey
* @abstract Boolean value indicating whether the system is recording PM events.
* @discussion Key may be found in the dictionary at IOPMrootDomain's property
* kIOPMTimelineDictionaryKey. uint32_t value; may be 0.
-#define kIOPMTimelineEnabledKey "TimelineEnabled"
+#define kIOPMTimelineEnabledKey "TimelineEnabled"
/* @constant kIOMPTimelineSystemNumberTrackedKey
* @abstract The maximum number of system power events the system may record.
* @discussion Key may be found in the dictionary at IOPMrootDomain's property
* kIOPMTimelineDictionaryKey. uint32_t value; may be 0.
-#define kIOPMTimelineSystemNumberTrackedKey "TimelineSystemEventsTracked"
+#define kIOPMTimelineSystemNumberTrackedKey "TimelineSystemEventsTracked"
/* @constant kIOPMTimelineSystemBufferSizeKey
* @abstract Size in bytes of buffer recording system PM events
* @discussion Key may be found in the dictionary at IOPMrootDomain's property
* kIOPMTimelineDictionaryKey. uint32_t value; may be 0.
-#define kIOPMTimelineSystemBufferSizeKey "TimelineSystemBufferSize"
+#define kIOPMTimelineSystemBufferSizeKey "TimelineSystemBufferSize"
kIOPMSleepReasonIdle = 105,
kIOPMSleepReasonLowPower = 106,
kIOPMSleepReasonThermalEmergency = 107,
- kIOPMSleepReasonMaintenance = 108
+ kIOPMSleepReasonMaintenance = 108,
+ kIOPMSleepReasonSleepServiceExit = 109,
+ kIOPMSleepReasonDarkWakeThermalEmergency = 110
#define kIOPMIdleSleepKey "Idle Sleep"
#define kIOPMLowPowerSleepKey "Low Power Sleep"
#define kIOPMThermalEmergencySleepKey "Thermal Emergency Sleep"
+#define kIOPMSleepServiceExitKey "Sleep Service Back to Sleep"
+#define kIOPMDarkWakeThermalEmergencyKey "Dark Wake Thermal Emergency"
enum {
* PM notification types
-/* @constant kIOPMStateConsoleUserShutdown
+/*! @constant kIOPMSleepServiceScheduleImmediate
+ *
+ * Setting type used in calls to IOPMrootDomain::registerPMSettingController
+ * Use this type between powerd and IOKit.framework
+ *
+ */
+#define kIOPMSleepServiceScheduleImmediate "SleepServiceImmediate"
+/*! @constant kIOPMSettingSleepServiceScheduleImmediate
+ *
+ * Setting type used in calls to IOPMrootDomain::registerPMSettingController
+ * Use this type between xnu and AppleRTC
+ */
+#define kIOPMSettingSleepServiceWakeCalendarKey "SleepServiceWakeCalendarKey"
+/*! @constant kIOPMCalendarWakeTypes
+ *
+ * These are valid values for IOPM.h:IOPMCalendarStruct->selector
+ */
+enum {
+ kPMCalendarTypeMaintenance = 1,
+ kPMCalendarTypeSleepService = 2
+/* @constant kIOPMStateConsoleShutdown
* @abstract Notification of GUI shutdown state available to kexts.
* @discussion This type can be passed as arguments to registerPMSettingController()
* to receive callbacks.
#define kIOPMStateConsoleShutdown "ConsoleShutdown"
/* @enum ShutdownValues
- * @abstract Potential values shared with key kIOPMStateConsoleUserShutdown
+ * @abstract Potential values shared with key kIOPMStateConsoleShutdown
enum {
/* @constant kIOPMStateConsoleShutdownNone
kIOPMStateConsoleShutdownCertain = 4
+/* @constant kIOPMSettingSilentRunningKey
+ * @abstract Notification of silent running mode changes to kexts.
+ * @discussion This key can be passed as an argument to registerPMSettingController()
+ * and also identifies the type of PMSetting notification callback.
+ */
+#define kIOPMSettingSilentRunningKey "SilentRunning"
+#define kIOPMFeatureSilentRunningKey kIOPMSettingSilentRunningKey
+/* @enum SilentRunningFlags
+ * @abstract The kIOPMSettingSilentRunningKey notification provides an OSNumber
+ * object with a value described by the following flags.
+ */
+enum {
+ kIOPMSilentRunningModeOn = 0x00000001
#define kIOPMStatsResponseCancel "ResponseCancel"
#define kIOPMStatsResponseSlow "ResponseSlow"
+struct PMStatsBounds{
+ uint64_t start;
+ uint64_t stop;
typedef struct {
- struct bounds{
- uint64_t start;
- uint64_t stop;
- };
- struct bounds hibWrite;
- struct bounds hibRead;
+ struct PMStatsBounds hibWrite;
+ struct PMStatsBounds hibRead;
// bounds driverNotifySleep;
// bounds driverNotifyWake;
// bounds appNotifySleep;
#define kIOPMSleepWakeFailureUUIDKey "UUID"
#define kIOPMSleepWakeFailureDateKey "Date"
-/* System sleep policy
- * Shared between PM root domain and platform driver.
+ *
+ * Root Domain private property keys
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+/* kIOPMFeatureAutoPowerOffKey
+ * Feature published if Auto Power Off is supported
+#define kIOPMFeatureAutoPowerOffKey "AutoPowerOff"
-// Platform specific property added by the platform driver.
-// An OSData that describes the system sleep policy.
-#define kIOPlatformSystemSleepPolicyKey "IOPlatformSystemSleepPolicy"
+/* kIOPMAutoPowerOffEnabledKey
+ * Indicates if Auto Power Off is enabled.
+ * It has a boolean value.
+ * true == Auto Power Off is enabled
+ * false == Auto Power Off is disabled
+ * not present == Auto Power Off is not supported on this hardware
+ */
+#define kIOPMAutoPowerOffEnabledKey "AutoPowerOff Enabled"
-// Root domain property updated before platform sleep.
-// An OSData that describes the system sleep parameters.
-#define kIOPMSystemSleepParametersKey "IOPMSystemSleepParameters"
+/* kIOPMAutoPowerOffDelayKey
+ * Key refers to a CFNumberRef that represents the delay in seconds before
+ * entering the Auto Power Off state. The property is not present if Auto
+ * Power Off is unsupported.
+ */
+#define kIOPMAutoPowerOffDelayKey "AutoPowerOff Delay"
-struct IOPMSystemSleepParameters
+/* kIOPMAutoPowerOffTimerKey
+ * Key refers to a CFNumberRef that indicates the time in seconds until the
+ * expiration of the Auto Power Off delay period. This value should be used
+ * to program a wake alarm before system sleep.
+ */
+#define kIOPMAutoPowerOffTimerKey "AutoPowerOff Timer"
+/* kIOPMUserWakeAlarmScheduledKey
+ * Key refers to a boolean value that indicates if an user alarm was scheduled
+ * or pending.
+ */
+#define kIOPMUserWakeAlarmScheduledKey "UserWakeAlarmScheduled"
+/* kIOPMDeepIdleSupportedKey
+ * Presence of this key indicates Deep Idle is supported on this platform.
+ * Key will always refer to a value of kOSBooleanTrue.
+ */
+#define kIOPMDeepIdleSupportedKey "IOPMDeepIdleSupported"
+ *
+ * System Sleep Policy
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#define kIOPMSystemSleepPolicySignature 0x54504c53
+#define kIOPMSystemSleepPolicyVersion 2
+ * @defined kIOPMSystemSleepTypeKey
+ * @abstract Indicates the type of system sleep.
+ * @discussion An OSNumber property of root domain that describes the type
+ * of system sleep. This property is set after notifying priority sleep/wake
+ * clients, but before informing interested drivers and shutting down power
+ * plane drivers.
+ */
+#define kIOPMSystemSleepTypeKey "IOPMSystemSleepType"
+struct IOPMSystemSleepPolicyVariables
- uint32_t version;
- uint32_t sleepFlags;
- uint32_t sleepTimer;
- uint32_t wakeEvents;
+ uint32_t signature; // kIOPMSystemSleepPolicySignature
+ uint32_t version; // kIOPMSystemSleepPolicyVersion
+ uint64_t currentCapability; // current system capability bits
+ uint64_t highestCapability; // highest system capability bits
+ uint64_t sleepFactors; // sleep factor bits
+ uint32_t sleepReason; // kIOPMSleepReason*
+ uint32_t sleepPhase; // identify the sleep phase
+ uint32_t hibernateMode; // current hibernate mode
+ uint32_t standbyDelay; // standby delay in seconds
+ uint32_t poweroffDelay; // auto-poweroff delay in seconds
+ uint32_t scheduledAlarms; // bitmask of scheduled alarm types
+ uint32_t poweroffTimer; // auto-poweroff timer in seconds
+ uint32_t reserved[49]; // pad sizeof 256 bytes
+enum {
+ kIOPMAlarmBitDebugWake = 0x01,
+ kIOPMAlarmBitCalendarWake = 0x02,
+ kIOPMAlarmBitMaintenanceWake = 0x04,
+ kIOPMAlarmBitSleepServiceWake = 0x08
+enum {
+ kIOPMSleepPhase0 = 0,
+ kIOPMSleepPhase1,
+ kIOPMSleepPhase2
-// Sleep flags
+// Sleep Factor Mask / Bits
enum {
- kIOPMSleepFlagHibernate = 0x00000001,
- kIOPMSleepFlagSleepTimerEnable = 0x00000002
+ kIOPMSleepFactorSleepTimerWake = 0x00000001ULL,
+ kIOPMSleepFactorLidOpen = 0x00000002ULL,
+ kIOPMSleepFactorACPower = 0x00000004ULL,
+ kIOPMSleepFactorBatteryLow = 0x00000008ULL,
+ kIOPMSleepFactorStandbyNoDelay = 0x00000010ULL,
+ kIOPMSleepFactorStandbyForced = 0x00000020ULL,
+ kIOPMSleepFactorStandbyDisabled = 0x00000040ULL,
+ kIOPMSleepFactorUSBExternalDevice = 0x00000080ULL,
+ kIOPMSleepFactorBluetoothHIDDevice = 0x00000100ULL,
+ kIOPMSleepFactorExternalMediaMounted = 0x00000200ULL,
+ kIOPMSleepFactorThunderboltDevice = 0x00000400ULL,
+ kIOPMSleepFactorRTCAlarmScheduled = 0x00000800ULL,
+ kIOPMSleepFactorMagicPacketWakeEnabled = 0x00001000ULL,
+ kIOPMSleepFactorHibernateForced = 0x00010000ULL,
+ kIOPMSleepFactorAutoPowerOffDisabled = 0x00020000ULL,
+ kIOPMSleepFactorAutoPowerOffForced = 0x00040000ULL,
+ kIOPMSleepFactorExternalDisplay = 0x00080000ULL
+// System Sleep Types
+enum {
+ kIOPMSleepTypeInvalid = 0,
+ kIOPMSleepTypeAbortedSleep = 1,
+ kIOPMSleepTypeNormalSleep = 2,
+ kIOPMSleepTypeSafeSleep = 3,
+ kIOPMSleepTypeHibernate = 4,
+ kIOPMSleepTypeStandby = 5,
+ kIOPMSleepTypePowerOff = 6,
+ kIOPMSleepTypeDeepIdle = 7,
+ kIOPMSleepTypeLast = 8
+// System Sleep Flags
+enum {
+ kIOPMSleepFlagDisableHibernateAbort = 0x00000001,
+ kIOPMSleepFlagDisableUSBWakeEvents = 0x00000002,
+ kIOPMSleepFlagDisableBatlowAssertion = 0x00000004
+// System Wake Events
+enum {
+ kIOPMWakeEventLidOpen = 0x00000001,
+ kIOPMWakeEventLidClose = 0x00000002,
+ kIOPMWakeEventACAttach = 0x00000004,
+ kIOPMWakeEventACDetach = 0x00000008,
+ kIOPMWakeEventCDInsert = 0x00000010,
+ kIOPMWakeEventCDEject = 0x00000020,
+ kIOPMWakeEventHPDAttach = 0x00000040,
+ kIOPMWakeEventHPDDetach = 0x00000080,
+ kIOPMWakeEventPowerButton = 0x00000100,
+ kIOPMWakeEventG3PowerOn = 0x00000200,
+ kIOPMWakeEventUserPME = 0x00000400,
+ kIOPMWakeEventSleepTimer = 0x00000800,
+ kIOPMWakeEventBatteryLow = 0x00001000,
+ kIOPMWakeEventDarkPME = 0x00002000
+ * @defined kIOPMSystemSleepParametersKey
+ * @abstract Sleep parameters describing the upcoming sleep
+ * @discussion Root domain updates this OSData property before system sleep
+ * to pass sleep parameters to the platform driver. Some of the parameters
+ * are based on the chosen entry in the system sleep policy table.
+ */
+#define kIOPMSystemSleepParametersKey "IOPMSystemSleepParameters"
+#define kIOPMSystemSleepParametersVersion 2
+struct IOPMSystemSleepParameters
+ uint16_t version;
+ uint16_t reserved1;
+ uint32_t sleepType;
+ uint32_t sleepFlags;
+ uint32_t ecWakeEvents;
+ uint32_t ecWakeTimer;
+ uint32_t ecPoweroffTimer;
+ uint32_t reserved2[10];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+#if defined(KERNEL) && defined(__cplusplus)
+ * @defined kIOPMInstallSystemSleepPolicyHandlerKey
+ * @abstract Name of the platform function to install a sleep policy handler.
+ * @discussion Pass to IOPMrootDomain::callPlatformFunction(), with a pointer
+ * to the C-function handler at param1, and an optional target at param2, to
+ * register a sleep policy handler. Only a single sleep policy handler can
+ * be installed.
+ */
+#define kIOPMInstallSystemSleepPolicyHandlerKey \
+ "IOPMInstallSystemSleepPolicyHandler"
+typedef IOReturn (*IOPMSystemSleepPolicyHandler)(
+ void * target,
+ const IOPMSystemSleepPolicyVariables * vars,
+ IOPMSystemSleepParameters * params );
+#endif /* KERNEL */
#endif /* ! _IOKIT_IOPMPRIVATE_H */