- * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* the rights to redistribute these changes.
-#include <platforms.h>
-#include <mach_kdb.h>
#include <mach/i386/vm_param.h>
#include <mach/thread_status.h>
#include <pexpert/i386/efi.h>
#include <i386/i386_lowmem.h>
-#include <i386/lowglobals.h>
+#include <x86_64/lowglobals.h>
#include <i386/pal_routines.h>
#include <mach-o/loader.h>
#include <libkern/kernel_mach_header.h>
vm_size_t mem_size = 0;
pmap_paddr_t first_avail = 0;/* first after page tables */
uint64_t max_mem; /* Size of physical memory (bytes), adjusted by maxmem */
uint64_t mem_actual;
-uint64_t sane_size = 0; /* Memory size to use for defaults calculations */
+uint64_t sane_size = 0; /* Memory size for defaults calculations */
+ * KASLR parameters
+ */
+ppnum_t vm_kernel_base_page;
+vm_offset_t vm_kernel_base;
+vm_offset_t vm_kernel_top;
+vm_offset_t vm_kernel_stext;
+vm_offset_t vm_kernel_etext;
+vm_offset_t vm_kernel_slide;
+vm_offset_t vm_hib_base;
+vm_offset_t vm_kext_base = VM_MIN_KERNEL_AND_KEXT_ADDRESS;
+vm_offset_t vm_kext_top = VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS;
+vm_offset_t vm_prelink_stext;
+vm_offset_t vm_prelink_etext;
+vm_offset_t vm_prelink_sinfo;
+vm_offset_t vm_prelink_einfo;
+vm_offset_t vm_slinkedit;
+vm_offset_t vm_elinkedit;
#define MAXLORESERVE (32 * 1024 * 1024)
ppnum_t lowest_hi = 0;
ppnum_t highest_hi = 0;
uint32_t pmap_reserved_pages_allocated = 0;
-uint32_t pmap_last_reserved_range = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+uint32_t pmap_reserved_range_indices[PMAP_MAX_RESERVED_RANGES];
+uint32_t pmap_last_reserved_range_index = 0;
uint32_t pmap_reserved_ranges = 0;
extern unsigned int bsd_mbuf_cluster_reserve(boolean_t *);
static pmap_paddr_t avail_remaining;
vm_offset_t static_memory_end = 0;
-vm_offset_t sHIB, eHIB, stext, etext, sdata, edata, end;
+vm_offset_t sHIB, eHIB, stext, etext, sdata, edata, sconstdata, econstdata, end;
* _mh_execute_header is the mach_header for the currently executing kernel
-void *sectTEXTB; unsigned long sectSizeTEXT;
-void *sectDATAB; unsigned long sectSizeDATA;
-void *sectOBJCB; unsigned long sectSizeOBJC;
-void *sectLINKB; unsigned long sectSizeLINK;
-void *sectPRELINKB; unsigned long sectSizePRELINK;
-void *sectHIBB; unsigned long sectSizeHIB;
-void *sectINITPTB; unsigned long sectSizeINITPT;
+vm_offset_t segTEXTB; unsigned long segSizeTEXT;
+vm_offset_t segDATAB; unsigned long segSizeDATA;
+vm_offset_t segLINKB; unsigned long segSizeLINK;
+vm_offset_t segPRELINKB; unsigned long segSizePRELINK;
+vm_offset_t segPRELINKINFOB; unsigned long segSizePRELINKINFO;
+vm_offset_t segHIBB; unsigned long segSizeHIB;
+vm_offset_t sectCONSTB; unsigned long sectSizeConst;
+boolean_t doconstro_override = FALSE;
-kernel_segment_command_t *segTEXT;
-kernel_section_t *cursectTEXT, *lastsectTEXT;
+static kernel_segment_command_t *segTEXT, *segDATA;
+static kernel_section_t *cursectTEXT, *lastsectTEXT;
+static kernel_section_t *sectDCONST;
extern uint64_t firmware_Conventional_bytes;
extern uint64_t firmware_RuntimeServices_bytes;
extern uint64_t firmware_other_bytes;
uint64_t firmware_MMIO_bytes;
+ * Linker magic to establish the highest address in the kernel.
+ */
+extern void *last_kernel_symbol;
+#define DBG(x...) kprintf(x)
+#define DBG(x...)
#endif /* DEBUG */
* Basic VM initialization.
unsigned int msize;
ppnum_t fap;
unsigned int i;
- unsigned int safeboot;
ppnum_t maxpg = 0;
uint32_t pmap_type;
uint32_t maxloreserve;
uint32_t maxdmaaddr;
uint32_t mbuf_reserve = 0;
boolean_t mbuf_override = FALSE;
+ boolean_t coalescing_permitted;
+ vm_kernel_base_page = i386_btop(args->kaddr);
+ vm_offset_t base_address;
+ vm_offset_t static_base_address;
-#if DEBUG
- kprintf("Boot args revision: %d version: %d",
- args->Revision, args->Version);
- kprintf(" commandline: \"");
- for(i=0; i<BOOT_LINE_LENGTH; i++)
- kprintf("%c", args->CommandLine[i]);
- kprintf("\"\n");
+ /*
+ * Establish the KASLR parameters.
+ */
+ static_base_address = ml_static_ptovirt(KERNEL_BASE_OFFSET);
+ base_address = ml_static_ptovirt(args->kaddr);
+ vm_kernel_slide = base_address - static_base_address;
+ if (args->kslide) {
+ kprintf("KASLR slide: 0x%016lx dynamic\n", vm_kernel_slide);
+ if (vm_kernel_slide != ((vm_offset_t)args->kslide))
+ panic("Kernel base inconsistent with slide - rebased?");
+ } else {
+ /* No slide relative to on-disk symbols */
+ kprintf("KASLR slide: 0x%016lx static and ignored\n",
+ vm_kernel_slide);
+ vm_kernel_slide = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Zero out local relocations to avoid confusing kxld.
+ * TODO: might be better to move this code to OSKext::initialize
+ */
+ if (_mh_execute_header.flags & MH_PIE) {
+ struct load_command *loadcmd;
+ uint32_t cmd;
+ loadcmd = (struct load_command *)((uintptr_t)&_mh_execute_header +
+ sizeof (_mh_execute_header));
+ for (cmd = 0; cmd < _mh_execute_header.ncmds; cmd++) {
+ if (loadcmd->cmd == LC_DYSYMTAB) {
+ struct dysymtab_command *dysymtab;
+ dysymtab = (struct dysymtab_command *)loadcmd;
+ dysymtab->nlocrel = 0;
+ dysymtab->locreloff = 0;
+ kprintf("Hiding local relocations\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ loadcmd = (struct load_command *)((uintptr_t)loadcmd + loadcmd->cmdsize);
+ }
+ }
* Now retrieve addresses for end, edata, and etext
* from MACH-O headers.
- sectTEXTB = (void *) getsegdatafromheader(
- &_mh_execute_header, "__TEXT", §SizeTEXT);
- sectDATAB = (void *) getsegdatafromheader(
- &_mh_execute_header, "__DATA", §SizeDATA);
- sectOBJCB = (void *) getsegdatafromheader(
- &_mh_execute_header, "__OBJC", §SizeOBJC);
- sectLINKB = (void *) getsegdatafromheader(
- &_mh_execute_header, "__LINKEDIT", §SizeLINK);
- sectHIBB = (void *)getsegdatafromheader(
- &_mh_execute_header, "__HIB", §SizeHIB);
- sectINITPTB = (void *)getsegdatafromheader(
- &_mh_execute_header, "__INITPT", §SizeINITPT);
- sectPRELINKB = (void *) getsegdatafromheader(
- &_mh_execute_header, "__PRELINK_TEXT", §SizePRELINK);
- segTEXT = getsegbynamefromheader(&_mh_execute_header, "__TEXT");
+ segTEXTB = (vm_offset_t) getsegdatafromheader(&_mh_execute_header,
+ "__TEXT", &segSizeTEXT);
+ segDATAB = (vm_offset_t) getsegdatafromheader(&_mh_execute_header,
+ "__DATA", &segSizeDATA);
+ segLINKB = (vm_offset_t) getsegdatafromheader(&_mh_execute_header,
+ "__LINKEDIT", &segSizeLINK);
+ segHIBB = (vm_offset_t) getsegdatafromheader(&_mh_execute_header,
+ "__HIB", &segSizeHIB);
+ segPRELINKB = (vm_offset_t) getsegdatafromheader(&_mh_execute_header,
+ segPRELINKINFOB = (vm_offset_t) getsegdatafromheader(&_mh_execute_header,
+ segTEXT = getsegbynamefromheader(&_mh_execute_header,
+ "__TEXT");
+ segDATA = getsegbynamefromheader(&_mh_execute_header,
+ "__DATA");
+ sectDCONST = getsectbynamefromheader(&_mh_execute_header,
+ "__DATA", "__const");
cursectTEXT = lastsectTEXT = firstsect(segTEXT);
/* Discover the last TEXT section within the TEXT segment */
while ((cursectTEXT = nextsect(segTEXT, cursectTEXT)) != NULL) {
lastsectTEXT = cursectTEXT;
- sHIB = (vm_offset_t) sectHIBB;
- eHIB = (vm_offset_t) sectHIBB + sectSizeHIB;
+ sHIB = segHIBB;
+ eHIB = segHIBB + segSizeHIB;
+ vm_hib_base = sHIB;
/* Zero-padded from ehib to stext if text is 2M-aligned */
- stext = (vm_offset_t) sectTEXTB;
+ stext = segTEXTB;
+ lowGlo.lgStext = stext;
etext = (vm_offset_t) round_page_64(lastsectTEXT->addr + lastsectTEXT->size);
/* Zero-padded from etext to sdata if text is 2M-aligned */
- sdata = (vm_offset_t) sectDATAB;
- edata = (vm_offset_t) sectDATAB + sectSizeDATA;
-#if DEBUG
- kprintf("sectTEXTB = %p\n", sectTEXTB);
- kprintf("sectDATAB = %p\n", sectDATAB);
- kprintf("sectOBJCB = %p\n", sectOBJCB);
- kprintf("sectLINKB = %p\n", sectLINKB);
- kprintf("sectHIBB = %p\n", sectHIBB);
- kprintf("sectPRELINKB = %p\n", sectPRELINKB);
- kprintf("eHIB = %p\n", (void *) eHIB);
- kprintf("stext = %p\n", (void *) stext);
- kprintf("etext = %p\n", (void *) etext);
- kprintf("sdata = %p\n", (void *) sdata);
- kprintf("edata = %p\n", (void *) edata);
+ sdata = segDATAB;
+ edata = segDATAB + segSizeDATA;
+ sectCONSTB = (vm_offset_t) sectDCONST->addr;
+ sectSizeConst = sectDCONST->size;
+ sconstdata = sectCONSTB;
+ econstdata = sectCONSTB + sectSizeConst;
+ if (sectSizeConst & PAGE_MASK) {
+ kernel_section_t *ns = nextsect(segDATA, sectDCONST);
+ if (ns && !(ns->addr & PAGE_MASK))
+ doconstro_override = TRUE;
+ } else
+ doconstro_override = TRUE;
+ DBG("segTEXTB = %p\n", (void *) segTEXTB);
+ DBG("segDATAB = %p\n", (void *) segDATAB);
+ DBG("segLINKB = %p\n", (void *) segLINKB);
+ DBG("segHIBB = %p\n", (void *) segHIBB);
+ DBG("segPRELINKB = %p\n", (void *) segPRELINKB);
+ DBG("segPRELINKINFOB = %p\n", (void *) segPRELINKINFOB);
+ DBG("sHIB = %p\n", (void *) sHIB);
+ DBG("eHIB = %p\n", (void *) eHIB);
+ DBG("stext = %p\n", (void *) stext);
+ DBG("etext = %p\n", (void *) etext);
+ DBG("sdata = %p\n", (void *) sdata);
+ DBG("edata = %p\n", (void *) edata);
+ DBG("sconstdata = %p\n", (void *) sconstdata);
+ DBG("econstdata = %p\n", (void *) econstdata);
+ DBG("kernel_top = %p\n", (void *) &last_kernel_symbol);
+ vm_kernel_base = sHIB;
+ vm_kernel_top = (vm_offset_t) &last_kernel_symbol;
+ vm_kernel_stext = stext;
+ vm_kernel_etext = etext;
+ vm_prelink_stext = segPRELINKB;
+ vm_prelink_etext = segPRELINKB + segSizePRELINK;
+ vm_prelink_sinfo = segPRELINKINFOB;
+ vm_prelink_einfo = segPRELINKINFOB + segSizePRELINKINFO;
+ vm_slinkedit = segLINKB;
+ vm_elinkedit = segLINKB + segSizePRELINK;
* Compute the memory size.
- if ((1 == vm_himemory_mode) || PE_parse_boot_argn("-x", &safeboot, sizeof (safeboot))) {
- maxpg = 1 << (32 - I386_PGSHIFT);
- }
avail_remaining = 0;
avail_end = 0;
pmptr = pmap_memory_regions;
base = (ppnum_t) (mptr->PhysicalStart >> I386_PGSHIFT);
top = (ppnum_t) (((mptr->PhysicalStart) >> I386_PGSHIFT) + mptr->NumberOfPages - 1);
+ if (base == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Avoid having to deal with the edge case of the
+ * very first possible physical page and the roll-over
+ * to -1; just ignore that page.
+ */
+ kprintf("WARNING: ignoring first page in [0x%llx:0x%llx]\n", (uint64_t) base, (uint64_t) top);
+ base++;
+ }
+ if (top + 1 == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Avoid having to deal with the edge case of the
+ * very last possible physical page and the roll-over
+ * to 0; just ignore that page.
+ */
+ kprintf("WARNING: ignoring last page in [0x%llx:0x%llx]\n", (uint64_t) base, (uint64_t) top);
+ top--;
+ }
+ if (top < base) {
+ /*
+ * That was the only page in that region, so
+ * ignore the whole region.
+ */
+ continue;
+ }
+ static uint32_t nmr = 0;
+ if ((base > 0x20000) && (nmr++ < 4))
+ mptr->Attribute |= EFI_MEMORY_KERN_RESERVED;
region_bytes = (uint64_t)(mptr->NumberOfPages << I386_PGSHIFT);
pmap_type = mptr->Type;
-#if DEBUG
- kprintf("EFI region %d: type %u/%d, base 0x%x, top 0x%x\n",
- i, mptr->Type, pmap_type, base, top);
+ DBG("EFI region %d: type %u/%d, base 0x%x, top 0x%x %s\n",
+ i, mptr->Type, pmap_type, base, top,
+ (mptr->Attribute&EFI_MEMORY_RUNTIME)? "RUNTIME" : "");
if (maxpg) {
if (base >= maxpg)
prev_pmptr = 0;
+ /*
+ * A range may be marked with with the
+ * on some systems, to indicate that the range
+ * must not be made available to devices.
+ */
+ if (mptr->Attribute & EFI_MEMORY_KERN_RESERVED) {
+ if (++pmap_reserved_ranges > PMAP_MAX_RESERVED_RANGES) {
+ panic("Too many reserved ranges %u\n", pmap_reserved_ranges);
+ }
+ }
if (top < fap) {
* entire range below first_avail
pmptr->end = top;
- /*
- * A range may be marked with with the
- * on some systems, to indicate that the range
- * must not be made available to devices.
- * Simplifying assumptions are made regarding
- * the placement of the range.
- */
- if (mptr->Attribute & EFI_MEMORY_KERN_RESERVED)
- pmap_reserved_ranges++;
if ((mptr->Attribute & EFI_MEMORY_KERN_RESERVED) &&
- (top < I386_KERNEL_IMAGE_BASE_PAGE)) {
- pmptr->alloc = pmptr->base;
- pmap_last_reserved_range = pmap_memory_region_count;
+ (top < vm_kernel_base_page)) {
+ pmptr->alloc_up = pmptr->base;
+ pmptr->alloc_down = pmptr->end;
+ pmap_reserved_range_indices[pmap_last_reserved_range_index++] = pmap_memory_region_count;
else {
* mark as already mapped
- pmptr->alloc = top;
+ pmptr->alloc_up = top + 1;
+ pmptr->alloc_down = top;
pmptr->type = pmap_type;
+ pmptr->attribute = mptr->Attribute;
else if ( (base < fap) && (top > fap) ) {
* mark already allocated
pmptr->base = base;
- pmptr->alloc = pmptr->end = (fap - 1);
+ pmptr->end = (fap - 1);
+ pmptr->alloc_up = pmptr->end + 1;
+ pmptr->alloc_down = pmptr->end;
pmptr->type = pmap_type;
+ pmptr->attribute = mptr->Attribute;
* we bump these here inline so the accounting
* below works correctly
- pmptr->alloc = pmptr->base = fap;
+ pmptr->alloc_up = pmptr->base = fap;
pmptr->type = pmap_type;
- pmptr->end = top;
- }
- else {
+ pmptr->attribute = mptr->Attribute;
+ pmptr->alloc_down = pmptr->end = top;
+ if (mptr->Attribute & EFI_MEMORY_KERN_RESERVED)
+ pmap_reserved_range_indices[pmap_last_reserved_range_index++] = pmap_memory_region_count;
+ } else {
* entire range useable
- pmptr->alloc = pmptr->base = base;
+ pmptr->alloc_up = pmptr->base = base;
pmptr->type = pmap_type;
- pmptr->end = top;
+ pmptr->attribute = mptr->Attribute;
+ pmptr->alloc_down = pmptr->end = top;
+ if (mptr->Attribute & EFI_MEMORY_KERN_RESERVED)
+ pmap_reserved_range_indices[pmap_last_reserved_range_index++] = pmap_memory_region_count;
if (i386_ptob(pmptr->end) > avail_end )
avail_end = i386_ptob(pmptr->end);
avail_remaining += (pmptr->end - pmptr->base);
+ coalescing_permitted = (prev_pmptr && (pmptr->attribute == prev_pmptr->attribute) && ((pmptr->attribute & EFI_MEMORY_KERN_RESERVED) == 0));
* Consolidate contiguous memory regions, if possible
if (prev_pmptr &&
- pmptr->type == prev_pmptr->type &&
- pmptr->base == pmptr->alloc &&
- pmptr->base == (prev_pmptr->end + 1))
+ (pmptr->type == prev_pmptr->type) &&
+ (coalescing_permitted) &&
+ (pmptr->base == pmptr->alloc_up) &&
+ (prev_pmptr->end == prev_pmptr->alloc_down) &&
+ (pmptr->base == (prev_pmptr->end + 1)))
- if(prev_pmptr->end == prev_pmptr->alloc)
- prev_pmptr->alloc = pmptr->base;
prev_pmptr->end = pmptr->end;
+ prev_pmptr->alloc_down = pmptr->alloc_down;
} else {
prev_pmptr = pmptr;
addr64_t region_start, region_end;
addr64_t efi_start, efi_end;
for (j=0;j<pmap_memory_region_count;j++, p++) {
- kprintf("pmap region %d type %d base 0x%llx alloc 0x%llx top 0x%llx\n",
+ kprintf("pmap region %d type %d base 0x%llx alloc_up 0x%llx alloc_down 0x%llx top 0x%llx\n",
j, p->type,
(addr64_t) p->base << I386_PGSHIFT,
- (addr64_t) p->alloc << I386_PGSHIFT,
+ (addr64_t) p->alloc_up << I386_PGSHIFT,
+ (addr64_t) p->alloc_down << I386_PGSHIFT,
(addr64_t) p->end << I386_PGSHIFT);
region_start = (addr64_t) p->base << I386_PGSHIFT;
region_end = ((addr64_t) p->end << I386_PGSHIFT) - 1;
if ( (maxmem > (uint64_t)first_avail) && (maxmem < sane_size)) {
ppnum_t discarded_pages = (ppnum_t)((sane_size - maxmem) >> I386_PGSHIFT);
ppnum_t highest_pn = 0;
- ppnum_t cur_alloc = 0;
+ ppnum_t cur_end = 0;
uint64_t pages_to_use;
unsigned cur_region = 0;
pages_to_use = avail_remaining;
while (cur_region < pmap_memory_region_count && pages_to_use) {
- for (cur_alloc = pmap_memory_regions[cur_region].alloc;
- cur_alloc < pmap_memory_regions[cur_region].end && pages_to_use;
- cur_alloc++) {
- if (cur_alloc > highest_pn)
- highest_pn = cur_alloc;
+ for (cur_end = pmap_memory_regions[cur_region].base;
+ cur_end < pmap_memory_regions[cur_region].end && pages_to_use;
+ cur_end++) {
+ if (cur_end > highest_pn)
+ highest_pn = cur_end;
- if (pages_to_use == 0)
- pmap_memory_regions[cur_region].end = cur_alloc;
+ if (pages_to_use == 0) {
+ pmap_memory_regions[cur_region].end = cur_end;
+ pmap_memory_regions[cur_region].alloc_down = cur_end;
+ }
maxloreserve = MAXLORESERVE / PAGE_SIZE;
mbuf_reserve = bsd_mbuf_cluster_reserve(&mbuf_override) / PAGE_SIZE;
} else
maxloreserve = (maxloreserve * (1024 * 1024)) / PAGE_SIZE;
pmap_next_page_reserved(ppnum_t *pn) {
- if (pmap_reserved_ranges && pmap_last_reserved_range != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
+ if (pmap_reserved_ranges) {
uint32_t n;
pmap_memory_region_t *region;
- for (n = 0; n <= pmap_last_reserved_range; n++) {
- region = &pmap_memory_regions[n];
- if (region->alloc < region->end) {
- *pn = region->alloc++;
+ for (n = 0; n < pmap_last_reserved_range_index; n++) {
+ uint32_t reserved_index = pmap_reserved_range_indices[n];
+ region = &pmap_memory_regions[reserved_index];
+ if (region->alloc_up <= region->alloc_down) {
+ *pn = region->alloc_up++;
if (*pn > max_ppnum)
lowest_lo = *pn;
+#if DEBUG
+ if (region->alloc_up > region->alloc_down) {
+ kprintf("Exhausted reserved range index: %u, base: 0x%x end: 0x%x, type: 0x%x, attribute: 0x%llx\n", reserved_index, region->base, region->end, region->type, region->attribute);
+ }
return TRUE;
for (n = pmap_memory_region_count - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
region = &pmap_memory_regions[n];
- if (region->alloc != region->end) {
- *pn = region->alloc++;
+ if (region->alloc_down >= region->alloc_up) {
+ *pn = region->alloc_down--;
if (*pn > max_ppnum)
ppnum_t *pn)
if (avail_remaining) while (pmap_memory_region_current < pmap_memory_region_count) {
- if (pmap_memory_regions[pmap_memory_region_current].alloc ==
- pmap_memory_regions[pmap_memory_region_current].end) {
+ if (pmap_memory_regions[pmap_memory_region_current].alloc_up >
+ pmap_memory_regions[pmap_memory_region_current].alloc_down) {
- *pn = pmap_memory_regions[pmap_memory_region_current].alloc++;
+ *pn = pmap_memory_regions[pmap_memory_region_current].alloc_up++;
if (*pn > max_ppnum)