* Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
* Mach Operating System
* Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University
* All Rights Reserved.
- *
+ *
* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
* notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
* software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
* thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
- *
+ *
- *
+ *
* Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
- *
+ *
* Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
* School of Computer Science
* Carnegie Mellon University
* Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
- *
+ *
* any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
* the rights to redistribute these changes.
#include <ipc/ipc_right.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_space.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_port.h>
-#include <ipc/ipc_print.h>
#include <kern/kern_types.h>
-#include <kern/spl.h>
#include <vm/vm_map.h>
+#include <libkern/section_keywords.h>
* Routine: ipc_pset_alloc
- ipc_space_t space,
- mach_port_name_t *namep,
- ipc_pset_t *psetp)
+ ipc_space_t space,
+ mach_port_name_t *namep,
+ ipc_pset_t *psetp)
ipc_pset_t pset;
mach_port_name_t name;
kern_return_t kr;
kr = ipc_object_alloc(space, IOT_PORT_SET,
- &name, (ipc_object_t *) &pset);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ &name, (ipc_object_t *) &pset);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
return kr;
- /* pset is locked */
+ }
+ /* pset and space are locked */
- pset->ips_local_name = name;
- ipc_mqueue_init(&pset->ips_messages, TRUE /* set */);
+ ipc_mqueue_init(&pset->ips_messages, IPC_MQUEUE_KIND_SET);
+ is_write_unlock(space);
*namep = name;
*psetp = pset;
- ipc_space_t space,
- mach_port_name_t name,
- ipc_pset_t *psetp)
+ ipc_space_t space,
+ mach_port_name_t name,
+ ipc_pset_t *psetp)
ipc_pset_t pset;
kern_return_t kr;
kr = ipc_object_alloc_name(space, IOT_PORT_SET,
- name, (ipc_object_t *) &pset);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ name, (ipc_object_t *) &pset);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
return kr;
+ }
/* pset is locked */
- pset->ips_local_name = name;
- ipc_mqueue_init(&pset->ips_messages, TRUE /* set */);
+ ipc_mqueue_init(&pset->ips_messages, IPC_MQUEUE_KIND_SET);
*psetp = pset;
+ * Routine: ipc_pset_alloc_special
+ * Purpose:
+ * Allocate a port set in a special space.
+ * The new port set is returned with one ref.
+ * If unsuccessful, IPS_NULL is returned.
+ * Conditions:
+ * Nothing locked.
+ */
+ __assert_only ipc_space_t space)
+ ipc_pset_t pset;
+ assert(space != IS_NULL);
+ assert(space->is_table == IE_NULL);
+ assert(!is_active(space));
+ pset = ips_object_to_pset(io_alloc(IOT_PORT_SET));
+ if (pset == IPS_NULL) {
+ return IPS_NULL;
+ }
+ bzero((char *)pset, sizeof(*pset));
+ io_lock_init(ips_to_object(pset));
+ pset->ips_references = 1;
+ pset->ips_object.io_bits = io_makebits(TRUE, IOT_PORT_SET, 0);
+ ipc_mqueue_init(&pset->ips_messages, IPC_MQUEUE_KIND_SET);
+ return pset;
* Routine: ipc_pset_member
* Purpose:
- ipc_pset_t pset,
- ipc_port_t port)
+ ipc_pset_t pset,
+ ipc_port_t port)
- assert(ip_active(port));
+ require_ip_active(port);
- return (ipc_mqueue_member(&port->ip_messages, &pset->ips_messages));
+ return ipc_mqueue_member(&port->ip_messages, &pset->ips_messages);
- ipc_pset_t pset,
- ipc_port_t port)
+ ipc_pset_t pset,
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ uint64_t *reserved_link,
+ uint64_t *reserved_prepost)
kern_return_t kr;
- assert(ip_active(port));
- kr = ipc_mqueue_add(&port->ip_messages, &pset->ips_messages);
+ require_ip_active(port);
- if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS)
- port->ip_pset_count++;
+ kr = ipc_mqueue_add(&port->ip_messages, &pset->ips_messages,
+ reserved_link, reserved_prepost);
return kr;
- ipc_pset_t pset,
- ipc_port_t port)
+ ipc_pset_t pset,
+ ipc_port_t port)
kern_return_t kr;
+ require_ip_active(port);
- assert(ip_active(port));
- if (port->ip_pset_count == 0)
+ if (port->ip_in_pset == 0) {
+ }
kr = ipc_mqueue_remove(&port->ip_messages, &pset->ips_messages);
- if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS)
- port->ip_pset_count--;
return kr;
+ * Routine: ipc_pset_lazy_allocate
+ * Purpose:
+ * lazily initialize the wqset of a port set.
+ * Conditions:
+ * Nothing locked.
+ */
+ ipc_space_t space,
+ mach_port_name_t psname)
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ ipc_entry_t entry;
+ ipc_object_t psobj;
+ ipc_pset_t pset;
+ kr = ipc_right_lookup_read(space, psname, &entry);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ return kr;
+ }
+ /* space is read-locked and active */
+ if ((entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_PORT_SET) == 0) {
+ is_read_unlock(space);
+ return kr;
+ }
+ psobj = entry->ie_object;
+ pset = ips_object_to_pset(psobj);
+ assert(pset != NULL);
+ ipc_mqueue_t set_mqueue = &pset->ips_messages;
+ struct waitq_set *wqset = &set_mqueue->imq_set_queue;
+ io_reference(psobj);
+ is_read_unlock(space);
+ /*
+ * lazily initialize the wqset to avoid
+ * possible allocation while linking
+ * under spinlocks.
+ */
+ waitq_set_lazy_init_link(wqset);
+ io_release(psobj);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
* Routine: ipc_pset_remove_from_all
* Purpose:
- ipc_port_t port)
+ ipc_port_t port)
- assert(ip_active(port));
- if (port->ip_pset_count == 0)
+ if (port->ip_in_pset == 0) {
+ }
- /*
+ /*
* Remove the port's mqueue from all sets
- port->ip_pset_count = 0;
- ipc_pset_t pset)
+ ipc_space_t space,
+ ipc_pset_t pset)
- spl_t s;
pset->ips_object.io_bits &= ~IO_BITS_ACTIVE;
* remove all the member message queues
+ * AND remove this message queue from any containing sets
* Set all waiters on the portset running to
* discover the change.
- s = splsched();
- ipc_mqueue_changed(&pset->ips_messages);
+ ipc_mqueue_changed(space, &pset->ips_messages);
- splx(s);
- ips_release(pset); /* consume the ref our caller gave us */
- ips_check_unlock(pset);
+ ipc_mqueue_deinit(&pset->ips_messages);
+ ips_unlock(pset);
+ ips_release(pset); /* consume the ref our caller gave us */
-/* Kqueue EVFILT_MACHPORT support */
+ * Kqueue EVFILT_MACHPORT support
+ *
+ * - kn_mqueue points to the monitored mqueue
+ *
+ * - (in/out) ext[0] holds a mach_vm_address_t to a userspace buffer
+ * that can be used to direct-deliver messages when
+ * MACH_RCV_MSG is set in kn_sfflags
+ *
+ * - (in/out) ext[1] holds a mach_msg_size_t representing the size
+ * of the userspace buffer held in ext[0].
+ *
+ * - (out) ext[2] is used to deliver qos information
+ * about the send queue to userspace.
+ *
+ * - (abused) ext[3] is used in kernel to hold a reference to the first port
+ * with a turnstile that participate to sync IPC override.
+ *
+ * - kn_hook is optionally a "knote" turnstile. It is used as the inheritor
+ * of turnstiles for rights copied out as part of direct message delivery
+ * when they can participate to sync IPC override.
+ *
+ * It is used to atomically neuter the sync IPC override when the knote is
+ * re-enabled.
+ *
+ */
+#include <sys/event.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
-static int filt_machportattach(struct knote *kn);
-static void filt_machportdetach(struct knote *kn);
-static int filt_machport(struct knote *kn, long hint);
-static void filt_machporttouch(struct knote *kn, struct kevent64_s *kev, long type);
-static unsigned filt_machportpeek(struct knote *kn);
-struct filterops machport_filtops = {
- .f_attach = filt_machportattach,
- .f_detach = filt_machportdetach,
- .f_event = filt_machport,
- .f_touch = filt_machporttouch,
- .f_peek = filt_machportpeek,
+static int
+filt_machport_adjust_qos(struct knote *kn, ipc_kmsg_t first)
+ if (kn->kn_sfflags & MACH_RCV_MSG) {
+ int qos = _pthread_priority_thread_qos(first->ikm_qos_override);
+ }
+ return 0;
+struct turnstile *
+filt_ipc_kqueue_turnstile(struct knote *kn)
+ assert(kn->kn_filter == EVFILT_MACHPORT || kn->kn_filter == EVFILT_WORKLOOP);
+ return kqueue_turnstile(knote_get_kq(kn));
+filt_machport_kqueue_has_turnstile(struct knote *kn)
+ assert(kn->kn_filter == EVFILT_MACHPORT);
+ return ((kn->kn_sfflags & MACH_RCV_MSG) || (kn->kn_sfflags & MACH_RCV_SYNC_PEEK))
+ && (kn->kn_flags & EV_DISPATCH);
+ * Stashes a port that participate to sync IPC override until the knote
+ * is being re-enabled.
+ *
+ * It returns:
+ * - the turnstile to use as an inheritor for the stashed port
+ * - the kind of stash that happened as PORT_SYNC_* value among:
+ * o not stashed (no sync IPC support)
+ * o stashed in the knote (in kn_ext[3])
+ * o to be hooked to the kn_hook knote
+ */
+struct turnstile *
+filt_machport_stash_port(struct knote *kn, ipc_port_t port, int *link)
+ struct turnstile *ts = TURNSTILE_NULL;
+ if (kn->kn_filter == EVFILT_WORKLOOP) {
+ assert(kn->kn_mqueue == NULL);
+ kn->kn_mqueue = &port->ip_messages;
+ ip_reference(port);
+ if (link) {
+ }
+ ts = filt_ipc_kqueue_turnstile(kn);
+ } else if (!filt_machport_kqueue_has_turnstile(kn)) {
+ if (link) {
+ }
+ } else if (kn->kn_ext[3] == 0) {
+ ip_reference(port);
+ kn->kn_ext[3] = (uintptr_t)port;
+ ts = filt_ipc_kqueue_turnstile(kn);
+ if (link) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ ts = (struct turnstile *)kn->kn_hook;
+ if (link) {
+ }
+ }
+ return ts;
+ * Lazily prepare a turnstile so that filt_machport_stash_port()
+ * can be called with the mqueue lock held.
+ *
+ * It will allocate a turnstile in kn_hook if:
+ * - the knote supports sync IPC override,
+ * - we already stashed a port in kn_ext[3],
+ * - the object that will be copied out has a chance to ask to be stashed.
+ *
+ * It is setup so that its inheritor is the workloop turnstile that has been
+ * allocated when this knote was attached.
+ */
+ struct knote *kn,
+ mach_msg_type_name_t msgt_name,
+ ipc_port_t port)
+ /* This is called from within filt_machportprocess */
+ assert((kn->kn_status & KN_SUPPRESSED) && (kn->kn_status & KN_LOCKED));
+ if (!filt_machport_kqueue_has_turnstile(kn)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (kn->kn_ext[3] == 0 || kn->kn_hook) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct turnstile *ts = filt_ipc_kqueue_turnstile(kn);
+ if ((msgt_name == MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND_ONCE && port->ip_specialreply) ||
+ (msgt_name == MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_RECEIVE)) {
+ struct turnstile *kn_ts = turnstile_alloc();
+ kn_ts = turnstile_prepare((uintptr_t)kn,
+ (struct turnstile **)&kn->kn_hook, kn_ts, TURNSTILE_KNOTE);
+ turnstile_update_inheritor(kn_ts, ts,
+ turnstile_cleanup();
+ }
+static void
+filt_machport_turnstile_complete_port(struct knote *kn, ipc_port_t port,
+ ipc_mqueue_t mqueue)
+ struct turnstile *ts = TURNSTILE_NULL;
+ ip_lock(port);
+ if (port->ip_specialreply) {
+ /*
+ * If the reply has been sent to the special reply port already,
+ * then the special reply port may already be reused to do something
+ * entirely different.
+ *
+ * However, the only reason for it to still point to this knote is
+ * that it's still waiting for a reply, so when this is the case,
+ * neuter the linkage.
+ */
+ if (port->ip_sync_link_state == PORT_SYNC_LINK_WORKLOOP_KNOTE &&
+ port->ip_sync_inheritor_knote == kn) {
+ ipc_port_adjust_special_reply_port_locked(port, NULL,
+ } else {
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * For receive rights, if their IMQ_KNOTE() is still this
+ * knote, then sever the link.
+ */
+ imq_lock(mqueue);
+ if (port->ip_sync_link_state == PORT_SYNC_LINK_WORKLOOP_KNOTE &&
+ mqueue->imq_inheritor_knote == kn) {
+ ipc_port_adjust_sync_link_state_locked(port, PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY, NULL);
+ ts = port_send_turnstile(port);
+ }
+ if (ts) {
+ turnstile_reference(ts);
+ turnstile_update_inheritor(ts, TURNSTILE_INHERITOR_NULL,
+ }
+ imq_unlock(mqueue);
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ if (ts) {
+ turnstile_update_inheritor_complete(ts,
+ turnstile_deallocate(ts);
+ }
+ }
+ ip_release(port);
+filt_wldetach_sync_ipc(struct knote *kn)
+ ipc_mqueue_t mqueue = kn->kn_mqueue;
+ filt_machport_turnstile_complete_port(kn, ip_from_mq(mqueue), mqueue);
+ kn->kn_mqueue = NULL;
+ * Other half of filt_machport_turnstile_prepare_lazily()
+ *
+ * This is serialized by the knote state machine.
+ */
+static void
+filt_machport_turnstile_complete(struct knote *kn)
+ if (kn->kn_ext[3]) {
+ ipc_port_t port = (ipc_port_t)kn->kn_ext[3];
+ filt_machport_turnstile_complete_port(kn, port, &port->ip_messages);
+ kn->kn_ext[3] = 0;
+ }
+ if (kn->kn_hook) {
+ struct turnstile *ts = kn->kn_hook;
+ turnstile_update_inheritor(ts, TURNSTILE_INHERITOR_NULL,
+ turnstile_update_inheritor_complete(ts, TURNSTILE_INTERLOCK_HELD);
+ turnstile_complete((uintptr_t)kn, (struct turnstile **)&kn->kn_hook, &ts, TURNSTILE_KNOTE);
+ turnstile_cleanup();
+ assert(ts);
+ turnstile_deallocate(ts);
+ }
+static void
+filt_machport_link(ipc_mqueue_t mqueue, struct knote *kn)
+ struct knote *hd = SLIST_FIRST(&mqueue->imq_klist);
+ if (hd && filt_machport_kqueue_has_turnstile(kn)) {
+ SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(hd, kn, kn_selnext);
+ } else {
+ SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&mqueue->imq_klist, kn, kn_selnext);
+ }
+static void
+filt_machport_unlink(ipc_mqueue_t mqueue, struct knote *kn)
+ struct knote **knprev;
+ KNOTE_DETACH(&mqueue->imq_klist, kn);
+ /* make sure the first knote is a knote we can push on */
+ SLIST_FOREACH_PREVPTR(kn, knprev, &mqueue->imq_klist, kn_selnext) {
+ if (filt_machport_kqueue_has_turnstile(kn)) {
+ *knprev = SLIST_NEXT(kn, kn_selnext);
+ SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&mqueue->imq_klist, kn, kn_selnext);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+filt_wlattach_sync_ipc(struct knote *kn)
+ mach_port_name_t name = (mach_port_name_t)kn->kn_id;
+ ipc_space_t space = current_space();
+ ipc_entry_t entry;
+ ipc_port_t port = IP_NULL;
+ int error = 0;
+ if (ipc_right_lookup_read(space, name, &entry) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ return ENOENT;
+ }
+ /* space is read-locked */
+ if (entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) {
+ port = ip_object_to_port(entry->ie_object);
+ if (port->ip_specialreply) {
+ error = ENOENT;
+ }
+ } else if (entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE) {
+ port = ip_object_to_port(entry->ie_object);
+ if (!port->ip_specialreply) {
+ error = ENOENT;
+ }
+ } else {
+ error = ENOENT;
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ is_read_unlock(space);
+ return error;
+ }
+ ip_lock(port);
+ is_read_unlock(space);
+ if (port->ip_sync_link_state == PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY) {
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ /*
+ * We cannot start a sync IPC inheritance chain, only further one
+ * Note: this can also happen if the inheritance chain broke
+ * because the original requestor died.
+ */
+ return ENOENT;
+ }
+ if (port->ip_specialreply) {
+ ipc_port_adjust_special_reply_port_locked(port, kn,
+ } else {
+ ipc_port_adjust_port_locked(port, kn, FALSE);
+ }
+ /* make sure the port was stashed */
+ assert(kn->kn_mqueue == &port->ip_messages);
+ /* port has been unlocked by ipc_port_adjust_* */
+ return 0;
static int
- struct knote *kn)
+ struct knote *kn,
+ __unused struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
- mach_port_name_t name = (mach_port_name_t)kn->kn_kevent.ident;
- ipc_pset_t pset = IPS_NULL;
- int result = ENOSYS;
- kern_return_t kr;
- kr = ipc_object_translate(current_space(), name,
- (ipc_object_t *)&pset);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- result = (kr == KERN_INVALID_NAME ? ENOENT : ENOTSUP);
- goto done;
- }
- /* We've got a lock on pset */
- /* keep a reference for the knote */
- kn->kn_ptr.p_pset = pset;
- ips_reference(pset);
- /*
- * Bind the portset wait queue directly to knote/kqueue.
- * This allows us to just use wait_queue foo to effect a wakeup,
- * rather than having to call knote() from the Mach code on each
- * message.
- */
- result = knote_link_wait_queue(kn, &pset->ips_messages.imq_wait_queue);
- ips_unlock(pset);
+ mach_port_name_t name = (mach_port_name_t)kn->kn_id;
+ uint64_t wq_link_id = waitq_link_reserve(NULL);
+ ipc_space_t space = current_space();
+ ipc_kmsg_t first;
+ struct turnstile *send_turnstile = TURNSTILE_NULL;
+ int error;
+ int result = 0;
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ ipc_entry_t entry;
+ ipc_mqueue_t mqueue;
+ kn->kn_flags &= ~EV_EOF;
+ kn->kn_ext[3] = 0;
+ if (filt_machport_kqueue_has_turnstile(kn)) {
+ /*
+ * If the filter is likely to support sync IPC override,
+ * and it happens to be attaching to a workloop,
+ * make sure the workloop has an allocated turnstile.
+ */
+ kqueue_alloc_turnstile(knote_get_kq(kn));
+ }
+ kr = ipc_right_lookup_read(space, name, &entry);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ error = ENOENT;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /* space is read-locked and active */
+ if ((entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_PORT_SET) &&
+ knote_link_waitqset_should_lazy_alloc(kn)) {
+ is_read_unlock(space);
+ /*
+ * We need to link the portset of the kn,
+ * to insure that the link is allocated before taking
+ * any spinlocks.
+ *
+ * Because we have to drop the space lock so that
+ * knote_link_waitqset_lazy_alloc() can allocate memory,
+ * we will need to redo the lookup.
+ */
+ knote_link_waitqset_lazy_alloc(kn);
+ goto lookup_again;
+ }
+ if (entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_PORT_SET) {
+ ipc_pset_t pset;
+ pset = ips_object_to_pset(entry->ie_object);
+ mqueue = &pset->ips_messages;
+ ips_reference(pset);
+ imq_lock(mqueue);
+ kn->kn_mqueue = mqueue;
+ /*
+ * Bind the portset wait queue directly to knote/kqueue.
+ * This allows us to just use wait_queue foo to effect a wakeup,
+ * rather than having to call knote() from the Mach code on each
+ * message. We still attach the knote to the mqueue klist for
+ * NOTE_REVOKE purposes only.
+ */
+ error = knote_link_waitq(kn, &mqueue->imq_wait_queue, &wq_link_id);
+ if (!error) {
+ filt_machport_link(mqueue, kn);
+ imq_unlock(mqueue);
+ } else {
+ kn->kn_mqueue = IMQ_NULL;
+ imq_unlock(mqueue);
+ ips_release(pset);
+ }
+ is_read_unlock(space);
+ /*
+ * linked knotes are marked stay-active and therefore don't
+ * need an indication of their fired state to be returned
+ * from the attach operation.
+ */
+ } else if (entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) {
+ ipc_port_t port = ip_object_to_port(entry->ie_object);
+ if (port->ip_specialreply) {
+ /*
+ * Registering for kevents on special reply ports
+ * isn't supported for two reasons:
+ *
+ * 1. it really makes very little sense for a port that
+ * is supposed to be used synchronously
+ *
+ * 2. their mqueue's imq_klist field will be used to
+ * store the receive turnstile, so we can't possibly
+ * attach them anyway.
+ */
+ is_read_unlock(space);
+ error = ENOTSUP;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ mqueue = &port->ip_messages;
+ ip_reference(port);
+ /*
+ * attach knote to port and determine result
+ * If the filter requested direct message receipt,
+ * we may need to adjust the qos of the knote to
+ * reflect the requested and override qos of the
+ * first message in the queue.
+ */
+ ip_lock(port);
+ imq_lock(mqueue);
+ kn->kn_mqueue = mqueue;
+ if (port->ip_sync_link_state != PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY) {
+ /*
+ * We're attaching a port that used to have an IMQ_KNOTE,
+ * clobber this state, we'll fixup its turnstile inheritor below.
+ */
+ ipc_port_adjust_sync_link_state_locked(port, PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY, NULL);
+ }
+ filt_machport_link(mqueue, kn);
+ if ((first = ipc_kmsg_queue_first(&mqueue->imq_messages)) != IKM_NULL) {
+ result = FILTER_ACTIVE | filt_machport_adjust_qos(kn, first);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Update the port's turnstile inheritor
+ *
+ * Unlike filt_machportdetach(), we don't have to care about races for
+ * turnstile_workloop_pusher_info(): filt_machport_link() doesn't affect
+ * already pushing knotes, and if the current one becomes the new
+ * pusher, it'll only be visible when turnstile_workloop_pusher_info()
+ * returns.
+ */
+ send_turnstile = port_send_turnstile(port);
+ if (send_turnstile) {
+ turnstile_reference(send_turnstile);
+ ipc_port_send_update_inheritor(port, send_turnstile,
+ /*
+ * rdar://problem/48861190
+ *
+ * When a listener connection resumes a peer,
+ * updating the inheritor above has moved the push
+ * from the current thread to the workloop.
+ *
+ * However, we haven't told the workloop yet
+ * that it needs a thread request, and we risk
+ * to be preeempted as soon as we drop the space
+ * lock below.
+ *
+ * To avoid this disable preemption and let kevent
+ * reenable it after it takes the kqlock.
+ */
+ disable_preemption();
+ }
+ imq_unlock(mqueue);
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ is_read_unlock(space);
+ if (send_turnstile) {
+ turnstile_update_inheritor_complete(send_turnstile,
+ turnstile_deallocate_safe(send_turnstile);
+ }
+ error = 0;
+ } else {
+ is_read_unlock(space);
+ error = ENOTSUP;
+ }
+ waitq_link_release(wq_link_id);
+ /* bail out on errors */
+ if (error) {
+ knote_set_error(kn, error);
+ return 0;
+ }
return result;
+/* Validate imq_to_object implementation "works" */
+_Static_assert(offsetof(struct ipc_pset, ips_messages) ==
+ offsetof(struct ipc_port, ip_messages),
+ "Make sure the mqueue aliases in both ports and psets");
static void
- struct knote *kn)
+ struct knote *kn)
- ipc_pset_t pset = kn->kn_ptr.p_pset;
+ ipc_mqueue_t mqueue = kn->kn_mqueue;
+ ipc_object_t object = imq_to_object(mqueue);
+ struct turnstile *send_turnstile = TURNSTILE_NULL;
- /*
- * Unlink the portset wait queue from knote/kqueue,
- * and release our reference on the portset.
- */
- ips_lock(pset);
- knote_unlink_wait_queue(kn, &pset->ips_messages.imq_wait_queue);
- ips_release(kn->kn_ptr.p_pset);
- kn->kn_ptr.p_pset = IPS_NULL;
- ips_check_unlock(pset);
+ filt_machport_turnstile_complete(kn);
+ imq_lock(mqueue);
+ if ((kn->kn_status & KN_VANISHED) || (kn->kn_flags & EV_EOF)) {
+ /*
+ * ipc_mqueue_changed() already unhooked this knote from the mqueue,
+ */
+ } else {
+ ipc_port_t port = IP_NULL;
+ /*
+ * When the knote being detached is the first one in the list,
+ * then unlinking the knote *and* updating the turnstile inheritor
+ * need to happen atomically with respect to the callers of
+ * turnstile_workloop_pusher_info().
+ *
+ * The caller of turnstile_workloop_pusher_info() will use the kq req
+ * lock (and hence the kqlock), so we just need to hold the kqlock too.
+ */
+ if (io_otype(object) == IOT_PORT) {
+ port = ip_object_to_port(object);
+ assert(port->ip_sync_link_state == PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY);
+ if (kn == SLIST_FIRST(&mqueue->imq_klist)) {
+ send_turnstile = port_send_turnstile(port);
+ }
+ }
+ filt_machport_unlink(mqueue, kn);
+ if (send_turnstile) {
+ turnstile_reference(send_turnstile);
+ ipc_port_send_update_inheritor(port, send_turnstile,
+ }
+ }
+ /* Clear the knote pointer once the knote has been removed from turnstile */
+ kn->kn_mqueue = IMQ_NULL;
+ imq_unlock(mqueue);
+ if (send_turnstile) {
+ turnstile_update_inheritor_complete(send_turnstile,
+ turnstile_deallocate(send_turnstile);
+ }
+ if (io_otype(object) == IOT_PORT_SET) {
+ /*
+ * Unlink the portset wait queue from knote/kqueue.
+ * JMM - Does this need to be atomic under the mq lock?
+ */
+ (void)knote_unlink_waitq(kn, &mqueue->imq_wait_queue);
+ }
+ io_release(object);
+ * filt_machportevent - deliver events into the mach port filter
+ *
+ * Mach port message arrival events are currently only posted via the
+ * kqueue filter routine for ports. Port sets are marked stay-active
+ * and the wait queue code will break any kqueue waiters out to go
+ * poll the stay-queued knotes again.
+ *
+ * If there is a message at the head of the queue,
+ * we indicate that the knote should go active. If
+ * the message is to be direct-received, we adjust the
+ * QoS of the knote according the requested and override
+ * QoS of that first message.
+ */
static int
- struct knote *kn,
- __unused long hint)
+filt_machportevent(struct knote *kn, long hint __assert_only)
- mach_port_name_t name = (mach_port_name_t)kn->kn_kevent.ident;
- ipc_pset_t pset = IPS_NULL;
- wait_result_t wresult;
- thread_t self = current_thread();
- kern_return_t kr;
- mach_msg_option_t option;
- mach_msg_size_t size;
+ ipc_mqueue_t mqueue = kn->kn_mqueue;
+ ipc_kmsg_t first;
+ int result = 0;
+ /* mqueue locked by caller */
+ assert(imq_held(mqueue));
+ assert(hint != NOTE_REVOKE);
+ if (imq_is_valid(mqueue)) {
+ assert(!imq_is_set(mqueue));
+ if ((first = ipc_kmsg_queue_first(&mqueue->imq_messages)) != IKM_NULL) {
+ result = FILTER_ACTIVE | filt_machport_adjust_qos(kn, first);
+ }
+ }
- /* never called from below */
- assert(hint == 0);
+ return result;
+static int
+ struct knote *kn,
+ struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ ipc_mqueue_t mqueue = kn->kn_mqueue;
+ ipc_kmsg_t first;
+ int result = 0;
+ /* copy in new settings and save off new input fflags */
+ kn->kn_sfflags = kev->fflags;
+ kn->kn_ext[0] = kev->ext[0];
+ kn->kn_ext[1] = kev->ext[1];
+ if (kev->flags & EV_ENABLE) {
+ /*
+ * If the knote is being enabled, make sure there's no lingering
+ * IPC overrides from the previous message delivery.
+ */
+ filt_machport_turnstile_complete(kn);
+ }
- * called from user context. Have to validate the
- * name. If it changed, we have an EOF situation.
+ * If the mqueue is a valid port and there is a message
+ * that will be direct-received from the knote, update
+ * the knote qos based on the first message and trigger
+ * the event. If there are no more messages, reset the
+ * QoS to the value provided by the kevent.
- kr = ipc_object_translate(current_space(), name,
- (ipc_object_t *)&pset);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS || pset != kn->kn_ptr.p_pset || !ips_active(pset)) {
- kn->kn_data = 0;
- kn->kn_flags |= (EV_EOF | EV_ONESHOT);
- if (pset != IPS_NULL)
- ips_check_unlock(pset);
- return(1);
- }
+ imq_lock(mqueue);
+ if (imq_is_valid(mqueue) && !imq_is_set(mqueue) &&
+ (first = ipc_kmsg_queue_first(&mqueue->imq_messages)) != IKM_NULL) {
+ result = FILTER_ACTIVE | filt_machport_adjust_qos(kn, first);
+ } else if (kn->kn_sfflags & MACH_RCV_MSG) {
+ }
+ imq_unlock(mqueue);
- /* just use the reference from here on out */
- ips_reference(pset);
- ips_unlock(pset);
+ return result;
+static int
+filt_machportprocess(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ ipc_mqueue_t mqueue = kn->kn_mqueue;
+ ipc_object_t object = imq_to_object(mqueue);
+ thread_t self = current_thread();
+ kevent_ctx_t kectx = NULL;
+ wait_result_t wresult;
+ mach_msg_option_t option;
+ mach_vm_address_t addr;
+ mach_msg_size_t size;
+ /* Capture current state */
+ knote_fill_kevent(kn, kev, MACH_PORT_NULL);
+ kev->ext[3] = 0; /* hide our port reference from userspace */
+ /* If already deallocated/moved return one last EOF event */
+ if (kev->flags & EV_EOF) {
+ }
* Only honor supported receive options. If no options are
* provided, just force a MACH_RCV_TOO_LARGE to detect the
* name of the port and sizeof the waiting message.
- option = kn->kn_sfflags & (MACH_RCV_MSG|MACH_RCV_LARGE|MACH_RCV_TRAILER_MASK);
+ option = kn->kn_sfflags & (MACH_RCV_MSG | MACH_RCV_LARGE | MACH_RCV_LARGE_IDENTITY |
if (option & MACH_RCV_MSG) {
- self->ith_msg_addr = (mach_vm_address_t) kn->kn_ext[0];
- size = (mach_msg_size_t)kn->kn_ext[1];
+ addr = (mach_vm_address_t) kn->kn_ext[0];
+ size = (mach_msg_size_t) kn->kn_ext[1];
+ /*
+ * If the kevent didn't specify a buffer and length, carve a buffer
+ * from the filter processing data according to the flags.
+ */
+ if (size == 0) {
+ kectx = kevent_get_context(self);
+ addr = (mach_vm_address_t)kectx->kec_data_out;
+ size = (mach_msg_size_t)kectx->kec_data_resid;
+ if (kectx->kec_process_flags & KEVENT_FLAG_STACK_DATA) {
+ option |= MACH_RCV_STACK;
+ }
+ }
} else {
+ /* just detect the port name (if a set) and size of the first message */
option = MACH_RCV_LARGE;
- self->ith_msg_addr = 0;
+ addr = 0;
size = 0;
+ imq_lock(mqueue);
+ /* just use the reference from here on out */
+ io_reference(object);
* Set up to receive a message or the notification of a
* too large message. But never allow this call to wait.
* options, pass those through here. But we don't support
* scatter lists through this interface.
- self->ith_object = (ipc_object_t)pset;
- self->ith_msize = size;
+ self->ith_object = object;
+ self->ith_msg_addr = addr;
+ self->ith_rsize = size;
+ self->ith_msize = 0;
self->ith_option = option;
- self->ith_scatter_list_size = 0;
self->ith_receiver_name = MACH_PORT_NULL;
self->ith_continuation = NULL;
option |= MACH_RCV_TIMEOUT; // never wait
- assert((self->ith_state = MACH_RCV_IN_PROGRESS) == MACH_RCV_IN_PROGRESS);
+ self->ith_state = MACH_RCV_IN_PROGRESS;
+ self->ith_knote = kn;
wresult = ipc_mqueue_receive_on_thread(
- &pset->ips_messages,
- option,
- size, /* max_size */
- 0, /* immediate timeout */
- self);
- assert(wresult == THREAD_NOT_WAITING);
- assert(self->ith_state != MACH_RCV_IN_PROGRESS);
+ mqueue,
+ option,
+ size, /* max_size */
+ 0, /* immediate timeout */
+ self);
+ /* mqueue unlocked */
- * If we timed out, just release the reference on the
- * portset and return zero.
+ * If we timed out, or the process is exiting, just release the
+ * reference on the ipc_object and return zero.
- if (self->ith_state == MACH_RCV_TIMED_OUT) {
- ipc_pset_release(pset);
+ if (wresult == THREAD_RESTART || self->ith_state == MACH_RCV_TIMED_OUT) {
+ assert(self->turnstile != TURNSTILE_NULL);
+ io_release(object);
return 0;
+ assert(wresult == THREAD_NOT_WAITING);
+ assert(self->ith_state != MACH_RCV_IN_PROGRESS);
* If we weren't attempting to receive a message
* directly, we need to return the port name in
if ((option & MACH_RCV_MSG) != MACH_RCV_MSG) {
assert(self->ith_state == MACH_RCV_TOO_LARGE);
assert(self->ith_kmsg == IKM_NULL);
- kn->kn_data = self->ith_receiver_name;
- ipc_pset_release(pset);
- return 1;
+ kev->data = self->ith_receiver_name;
+ io_release(object);
* Attempt to receive the message directly, returning
* the results in the fflags field.
- assert(option & MACH_RCV_MSG);
- kn->kn_data = MACH_PORT_NULL;
- kn->kn_ext[1] = self->ith_msize;
- kn->kn_fflags = mach_msg_receive_results();
- /* kmsg and pset reference consumed */
- return 1;
+ kev->fflags = mach_msg_receive_results(&size);
-static void
-filt_machporttouch(struct knote *kn, struct kevent64_s *kev, long type)
- switch (type) {
- kn->kn_sfflags = kev->fflags;
- kn->kn_sdata = kev->data;
- break;
- *kev = kn->kn_kevent;
- if (kn->kn_flags & EV_CLEAR) {
- kn->kn_data = 0;
- kn->kn_fflags = 0;
+ /* kmsg and object reference consumed */
+ /*
+ * if the user asked for the identity of ports containing a
+ * a too-large message, return it in the data field (as we
+ * do for messages we didn't try to receive).
+ */
+ if (kev->fflags == MACH_RCV_TOO_LARGE) {
+ kev->ext[1] = self->ith_msize;
+ if (option & MACH_RCV_LARGE_IDENTITY) {
+ kev->data = self->ith_receiver_name;
+ } else {
+ kev->data = MACH_PORT_NULL;
- break;
- default:
- panic("filt_machporttouch() - invalid type (%ld)", type);
- break;
- }
+ } else {
+ kev->ext[1] = size;
+ kev->data = MACH_PORT_NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we used a data buffer carved out from the filt_process data,
+ * store the address used in the knote and adjust the residual and
+ * other parameters for future use.
+ */
+ if (kectx) {
+ assert(kectx->kec_data_resid >= size);
+ kectx->kec_data_resid -= size;
+ if ((kectx->kec_process_flags & KEVENT_FLAG_STACK_DATA) == 0) {
+ kev->ext[0] = kectx->kec_data_out;
+ kectx->kec_data_out += size;
+ } else {
+ assert(option & MACH_RCV_STACK);
+ kev->ext[0] = kectx->kec_data_out + kectx->kec_data_resid;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Apply message-based QoS values to output kevent as prescribed.
+ * The kev->ext[2] field gets (msg-qos << 32) | (override-qos).
+ *
+ * The mach_msg_receive_results() call saved off the message
+ * QoS values in the continuation save area on successful receive.
+ */
+ if (kev->fflags == MACH_MSG_SUCCESS) {
+ kev->ext[2] = ((uint64_t)self->ith_qos << 32) |
+ (uint64_t)self->ith_qos_override;
+ }
- * Peek to see if the portset associated with the knote has any
+ * Peek to see if the message queue associated with the knote has any
* events. This pre-hook is called when a filter uses the stay-
- * on-queue mechanism (as the knote_link_wait_queue mechanism
- * does).
- *
- * This is called with the kqueue that the knote belongs to still
- * locked (thus holding a reference on the knote, but restricting
- * also restricting our ability to take other locks).
+ * on-queue mechanism (as the knote_link_waitq mechanism does for
+ * portsets) and someone calls select() against the containing kqueue.
* Just peek at the pre-post status of the portset's wait queue
* to determine if it has anything interesting. We can do it
* will catch changes in this status when the event gets posted
* up to the knote's kqueue).
-static unsigned
+static int
filt_machportpeek(struct knote *kn)
- ipc_pset_t pset = kn->kn_ptr.p_pset;
- ipc_mqueue_t set_mq = &pset->ips_messages;
- return (ipc_mqueue_peek(set_mq));
-#include <mach_kdb.h>
-#include <ddb/db_output.h>
-#define printf kdbprintf
- struct ipc_kmsg *base)
- register int count = 0;
- if (base) {
- struct ipc_kmsg *kmsg = base;
- ++count;
- while (kmsg && kmsg->ikm_next != base
- && kmsg->ikm_next != IKM_BOGUS){
- kmsg = kmsg->ikm_next;
- ++count;
- }
- }
- return(count);
- * Routine: ipc_pset_print
- * Purpose:
- * Pretty-print a port set for kdb.
- */
- ipc_pset_t pset)
- printf("pset 0x%x\n", pset);
+ ipc_mqueue_t mqueue = kn->kn_mqueue;
- db_indent += 2;
- ipc_object_print(&pset->ips_object);
- iprintf("local_name = 0x%x\n", pset->ips_local_name);
- iprintf("%d kmsgs => 0x%x",
- ipc_list_count(pset->ips_messages.imq_messages.ikmq_base),
- pset->ips_messages.imq_messages.ikmq_base);
- printf(",rcvrs queue= 0x%x\n", &pset->ips_messages.imq_wait_queue);
- db_indent -=2;
+ return ipc_mqueue_set_peek(mqueue) ? FILTER_ACTIVE : 0;
-#endif /* MACH_KDB */
+SECURITY_READ_ONLY_EARLY(struct filterops) machport_filtops = {
+ .f_adjusts_qos = true,
+ .f_extended_codes = true,
+ .f_attach = filt_machportattach,
+ .f_detach = filt_machportdetach,
+ .f_event = filt_machportevent,
+ .f_touch = filt_machporttouch,
+ .f_process = filt_machportprocess,
+ .f_peek = filt_machportpeek,