+ u_int32_t tcps_fcholdpacket; /* packets withheld because of flow control */
+ /* LRO related stats */
+ u_int32_t tcps_coalesced_pack; /* number of coalesced packets */
+ u_int32_t tcps_flowtbl_full; /* times flow table was full */
+ u_int32_t tcps_flowtbl_collision; /* collisions in flow tbl */
+ u_int32_t tcps_lro_twopack; /* 2 packets coalesced */
+ u_int32_t tcps_lro_multpack; /* 3 or 4 pkts coalesced */
+ u_int32_t tcps_lro_largepack; /* 5 or more pkts coalesced */
+ u_int32_t tcps_limited_txt; /* Limited transmit used */
+ u_int32_t tcps_early_rexmt; /* Early retransmit used */
+ u_int32_t tcps_sack_ackadv; /* Cumulative ack advanced along with sack */
+ /* Checksum related stats */
+ u_int32_t tcps_rcv_swcsum; /* tcp swcksum (inbound), packets */
+ u_int32_t tcps_rcv_swcsum_bytes; /* tcp swcksum (inbound), bytes */
+ u_int32_t tcps_rcv6_swcsum; /* tcp6 swcksum (inbound), packets */
+ u_int32_t tcps_rcv6_swcsum_bytes; /* tcp6 swcksum (inbound), bytes */
+ u_int32_t tcps_snd_swcsum; /* tcp swcksum (outbound), packets */
+ u_int32_t tcps_snd_swcsum_bytes; /* tcp swcksum (outbound), bytes */
+ u_int32_t tcps_snd6_swcsum; /* tcp6 swcksum (outbound), packets */
+ u_int32_t tcps_snd6_swcsum_bytes; /* tcp6 swcksum (outbound), bytes */
+ u_int32_t tcps_msg_unopkts; /* unordered packet on TCP msg stream */
+ u_int32_t tcps_msg_unoappendfail; /* failed to append unordered pkt */
+ u_int32_t tcps_msg_sndwaithipri; /* send is waiting for high priority data */
+ /* MPTCP Related stats */
+ u_int32_t tcps_invalid_mpcap; /* Invalid MPTCP capable opts */
+ u_int32_t tcps_invalid_joins; /* Invalid MPTCP joins */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mpcap_fallback; /* TCP fallback in primary */
+ u_int32_t tcps_join_fallback; /* No MPTCP in secondary */
+ u_int32_t tcps_estab_fallback; /* DSS option dropped */
+ u_int32_t tcps_invalid_opt; /* Catchall error stat */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mp_outofwin; /* Packet lies outside the
+ shared recv window */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mp_reducedwin; /* Reduced subflow window */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mp_badcsum; /* Bad DSS csum */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mp_oodata; /* Out of order data */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mp_switches; /* number of subflow switch */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mp_rcvtotal; /* number of rcvd packets */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mp_rcvbytes; /* number of bytes received */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mp_sndpacks; /* number of data packs sent */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mp_sndbytes; /* number of bytes sent */
+ u_int32_t tcps_join_rxmts; /* join ack retransmits */
+ u_int32_t tcps_tailloss_rto; /* RTO due to tail loss */
+ u_int32_t tcps_reordered_pkts; /* packets reorderd */
+ u_int32_t tcps_recovered_pkts; /* recovered after loss */
+ u_int32_t tcps_pto; /* probe timeout */
+ u_int32_t tcps_rto_after_pto; /* RTO after a probe */
+ u_int32_t tcps_tlp_recovery; /* TLP induced fast recovery */
+ u_int32_t tcps_tlp_recoverlastpkt; /* TLP recoverd last pkt */
+ u_int32_t tcps_ecn_client_success; /* client-side connection negotiated ECN */
+ u_int32_t tcps_ecn_recv_ece; /* ECE received, sent CWR */
+ u_int32_t tcps_ecn_sent_ece; /* Sent ECE notification */
+ u_int32_t tcps_detect_reordering; /* Detect pkt reordering */
+ u_int32_t tcps_delay_recovery; /* Delay fast recovery */
+ u_int32_t tcps_avoid_rxmt; /* Retransmission was avoided */
+ u_int32_t tcps_unnecessary_rxmt; /* Retransmission was not needed */
+ u_int32_t tcps_nostretchack; /* disabled stretch ack algorithm on a connection */
+ u_int32_t tcps_rescue_rxmt; /* SACK rescue retransmit */
+ u_int32_t tcps_pto_in_recovery; /* rescue retransmit in fast recovery */
+ u_int32_t tcps_pmtudbh_reverted; /* PMTU Blackhole detection, segment size reverted */
+ /* DSACK related statistics */
+ u_int32_t tcps_dsack_disable; /* DSACK disabled due to n/w duplication */
+ u_int32_t tcps_dsack_ackloss; /* ignore DSACK due to ack loss */
+ u_int32_t tcps_dsack_badrexmt; /* DSACK based bad rexmt recovery */
+ u_int32_t tcps_dsack_sent; /* Sent DSACK notification */
+ u_int32_t tcps_dsack_recvd; /* Received a valid DSACK option */
+ u_int32_t tcps_dsack_recvd_old; /* Received an out of window DSACK option */
+ /* MPTCP Subflow selection stats */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mp_sel_symtomsd; /* By symptomsd */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mp_sel_rtt; /* By RTT comparison */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mp_sel_rto; /* By RTO comparison */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mp_sel_peer; /* By peer's output pattern */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mp_num_probes; /* Number of probes sent */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mp_verdowngrade; /* MPTCP version downgrade */
+ u_int32_t tcps_drop_after_sleep; /* drop after long AP sleep */
+ u_int32_t tcps_probe_if; /* probe packets after interface availability */
+ u_int32_t tcps_probe_if_conflict; /* Can't send probe packets for interface */
+ u_int32_t tcps_ecn_client_setup; /* Attempted ECN setup from client side */
+ u_int32_t tcps_ecn_server_setup; /* Attempted ECN setup from server side */
+ u_int32_t tcps_ecn_server_success; /* server-side connection negotiated ECN */
+ u_int32_t tcps_ecn_lost_synack; /* Lost SYN-ACK with ECN setup */
+ u_int32_t tcps_ecn_lost_syn; /* Lost SYN with ECN setup */
+ u_int32_t tcps_ecn_not_supported; /* Server did not support ECN setup */
+ u_int32_t tcps_ecn_recv_ce; /* Received CE from the network */
+ u_int32_t tcps_ecn_conn_recv_ce; /* Number of connections received CE atleast once */
+ u_int32_t tcps_ecn_conn_recv_ece; /* Number of connections received ECE atleast once */
+ u_int32_t tcps_ecn_conn_plnoce; /* Number of connections that received no CE and sufferred packet loss */
+ u_int32_t tcps_ecn_conn_pl_ce; /* Number of connections that received CE and sufferred packet loss */
+ u_int32_t tcps_ecn_conn_nopl_ce; /* Number of connections that received CE and sufferred no packet loss */
+ /* TFO-related statistics */
+ u_int32_t tcps_tfo_syn_data_rcv; /* Received a SYN+data with valid cookie */
+ u_int32_t tcps_tfo_cookie_req_rcv;/* Received a TFO cookie-request */
+ u_int32_t tcps_tfo_cookie_sent; /* Offered a TFO-cookie to the client */
+ u_int32_t tcps_tfo_cookie_invalid;/* Received an invalid TFO-cookie */
+ u_int32_t tcps_tfo_cookie_req; /* Cookie requested with the SYN */
+ u_int32_t tcps_tfo_cookie_rcv; /* Cookie received in a SYN/ACK */
+ u_int32_t tcps_tfo_syn_data_sent; /* SYN+data+cookie sent */
+ u_int32_t tcps_tfo_syn_data_acked;/* SYN+data has been acknowledged */
+ u_int32_t tcps_tfo_syn_loss; /* SYN+TFO has been lost and we fallback */
+ u_int32_t tcps_tfo_blackhole; /* TFO got blackholed by a middlebox. */
+struct tcpstat_local {
+ u_int64_t badformat;
+ u_int64_t unspecv6;
+ u_int64_t synfin;
+ u_int64_t badformatipsec;
+ u_int64_t noconnnolist;
+ u_int64_t noconnlist;
+ u_int64_t listbadsyn;
+ u_int64_t icmp6unreach;
+ u_int64_t deprecate6;
+ u_int64_t ooopacket;
+ u_int64_t rstinsynrcv;
+ u_int64_t dospacket;
+ u_int64_t cleanup;
+ u_int64_t synwindow;