* Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
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- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
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+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
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@param fromPosition Starting location of the I/O within a memory descriptor.
@param segments Pointer to an array of IOMemoryCursor::PhysicalSegments for the output physical scatter/gather list.
@param maxSegments Maximum number of segments that can be written to segments array.
- @param maxTransferSize Maximum transfer size is limited to that many bytes, otherwise it defaults to the maximum transfer size specified when the memory cursor was initialized.
+ @param inMaxTransferSize Maximum transfer size is limited to that many bytes, otherwise it defaults to the maximum transfer size specified when the memory cursor was initialized.
@param transferSize Pointer to an IOByteCount variable that can contain the total size of the transfer being described. Defaults to 0 indicating that no transfer size need be returned.
@result If the descriptor is exhausted of memory, a zero is returned, otherwise the number of segments that were filled in is returned.
IOByteCount fromPosition,
PhysicalSegment *segments,
UInt32 maxSegments,
- UInt32 maxTransferSize = 0,
+ UInt32 inMaxTransferSize = 0,
IOByteCount *transferSize = 0)
return genPhysicalSegments(descriptor, fromPosition, segments,
- maxSegments, maxTransferSize, transferSize);
+ maxSegments, inMaxTransferSize, transferSize);
@param fromPosition Starting location of the I/O within a memory descriptor.
@param segments Pointer to an array of IOMemoryCursor::PhysicalSegments for the output physical scatter/gather list.
@param maxSegments Maximum number of segments that can be written to segments array.
- @param maxTransferSize Maximum transfer size is limited to that many bytes, otherwise it defaults to the maximum transfer size specified when the memory cursor was initialized.
+ @param inMaxTransferSize Maximum transfer size is limited to that many bytes, otherwise it defaults to the maximum transfer size specified when the memory cursor was initialized.
@param transferSize Pointer to an IOByteCount variable that can contain the total size of the transfer being described. Defaults to 0 indicating that no transfer size need be returned.
@result If the descriptor is exhausted of memory, a zero is returned, otherwise the number of segments that were filled in is returned.
IOByteCount fromPosition,
PhysicalSegment * segments,
UInt32 maxSegments,
- UInt32 maxTransferSize = 0,
+ UInt32 inMaxTransferSize = 0,
IOByteCount * transferSize = 0)
return genPhysicalSegments(descriptor, fromPosition, segments,
- maxSegments, maxTransferSize, transferSize);
+ maxSegments, inMaxTransferSize, transferSize);
@param fromPosition Starting location of the I/O within a memory descriptor.
@param segments Pointer to an array of IOMemoryCursor::PhysicalSegments for the output physical scatter/gather list.
@param maxSegments Maximum number of segments that can be written to segments array.
- @param maxTransferSize Maximum transfer size is limited to that many bytes, otherwise it defaults to the maximum transfer size specified when the memory cursor was initialized.
+ @param inMaxTransferSize Maximum transfer size is limited to that many bytes, otherwise it defaults to the maximum transfer size specified when the memory cursor was initialized.
@param transferSize Pointer to an IOByteCount variable that can contain the total size of the transfer being described. Defaults to 0 indicating that no transfer size need be returned.
@result If the descriptor is exhausted of memory, a zero is returned, otherwise the number of segments that were filled in is returned.
IOByteCount fromPosition,
PhysicalSegment * segments,
UInt32 maxSegments,
- UInt32 maxTransferSize = 0,
+ UInt32 inMaxTransferSize = 0,
IOByteCount * transferSize = 0)
return genPhysicalSegments(descriptor, fromPosition, segments,
- maxSegments, maxTransferSize, transferSize);
+ maxSegments, inMaxTransferSize, transferSize);
@param fromPosition Starting location of the I/O within a memory descriptor.
@param segments Pointer to an array of DBDMA descriptors for the output physical scatter/gather list. Be warned no room is left for a preamble in the output array. 'segments' should point to the first memory description slot in a DBDMA command.
@param maxSegments Maximum number of segments that can be written to the DBDMA descriptor table.
- @param maxTransferSize Maximum transfer size is limited to that many bytes, otherwise it defaults to the maximum transfer size specified when the memory cursor was initialized.
+ @param inMaxTransferSize Maximum transfer size is limited to that many bytes, otherwise it defaults to the maximum transfer size specified when the memory cursor was initialized.
@param transferSize Pointer to an IOByteCount variable that can contain the total size of the transfer being described. Defaults to 0 indicating that no transfer size need be returned.
@result If the descriptor is exhausted of memory, a zero is returned, otherwise the number of segments that were filled in is returned.
IOByteCount fromPosition,
IODBDMADescriptor * segments,
UInt32 maxSegments,
- UInt32 maxTransferSize = 0,
+ UInt32 inMaxTransferSize = 0,
IOByteCount * transferSize = 0)
return genPhysicalSegments(descriptor, fromPosition, segments,
- maxSegments, maxTransferSize, transferSize);
+ maxSegments, inMaxTransferSize, transferSize);