- * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
#include <ppc/exception.h>
#include <ppc/low_trace.h>
#include <ppc/lowglobals.h>
+#include <ppc/limits.h>
#include <ddb/db_output.h>
#include <machine/cpu_capabilities.h>
unsigned int debugbackpocket; /* (TEST/DEBUG) */
vm_offset_t first_free_virt;
-int current_free_region; /* Used in pmap_next_page */
+unsigned int current_free_region; /* Used in pmap_next_page */
pmapTransTab *pmapTrans; /* Point to the hash to pmap translations */
struct phys_entry *phys_table;
return (struct phys_entry *)entry;
// kprintf("DEBUG - pmap_find_physentry: page 0x%08X not found\n", pa);
- return 0;
+ return NULL;
vm_offset_t va,
vm_offset_t spa,
vm_offset_t epa,
- vm_prot_t prot)
+ vm_prot_t prot,
+ unsigned int flags)
+ unsigned int mflags;
addr64_t colladr;
+ mflags = 0; /* Make sure this is initialized to nothing special */
+ if(!(flags & VM_WIMG_USE_DEFAULT)) { /* Are they supplying the attributes? */
+ mflags = mmFlgUseAttr | (flags & VM_MEM_GUARDED) | ((flags & VM_MEM_NOT_CACHEABLE) >> 1); /* Convert to our mapping_make flags */
+ }
if (spa == epa) return(va);
assert(epa > spa);
- colladr = mapping_make(kernel_pmap, (addr64_t)va, (ppnum_t)(spa >> 12), (mmFlgBlock | mmFlgPerm), (epa - spa) >> 12, prot & VM_PROT_ALL);
+ colladr = mapping_make(kernel_pmap, (addr64_t)va, (ppnum_t)(spa >> 12),
+ (mmFlgBlock | mmFlgPerm), (epa - spa) >> 12, (prot & VM_PROT_ALL) );
if(colladr) { /* Was something already mapped in the range? */
panic("pmap_map: attempt to map previously mapped range - va = %08X, pa = %08X, epa = %08X, collision = %016llX\n",
unsigned region;
uint64_t msize, size;
(mmFlgBlock | mmFlgPerm), (msize >> 12),
if (colladdr) {
- panic ("pmap_map_physical: mapping failure - va = %016llX, pa = %08X, size = %08X, collision = %016llX\n",
+ panic ("pmap_map_physical: mapping failure - va = %016llX, pa = %016llX, size = %016llX, collision = %016llX\n",
vaddr, (paddr >> 12), (msize >> 12), colladdr);
addr64_t vaddr, colladdr, msize;
- uint32_t psize;
vaddr = paddr + lowGlo.lgPMWvaddr; /* Get starting virtual address */
(mmFlgBlock | mmFlgPerm | mmFlgGuarded | mmFlgCInhib), (msize >> 12),
if (colladdr) {
- panic ("pmap_map_iohole: mapping failed - va = %016llX, pa = %08X, size = %08X, collision = %016llX\n",
+ panic ("pmap_map_iohole: mapping failed - va = %016llX, pa = %016llX, size = %016llX, collision = %016llX\n",
vaddr, (paddr >> 12), (msize >> 12), colladdr);
* Initialize kernel pmap
kernel_pmap = &kernel_pmap_store;
- kernel_pmap_phys = (addr64_t)&kernel_pmap_store;
+ kernel_pmap_phys = (addr64_t)(uintptr_t)&kernel_pmap_store;
cursor_pmap = &kernel_pmap_store;
kernel_pmap->pmap_link.next = (queue_t)kernel_pmap; /* Set up anchor forward */
kernel_pmap->pmap_link.prev = (queue_t)kernel_pmap; /* Set up anchor reverse */
kernel_pmap->ref_count = 1;
kernel_pmap->pmapFlags = pmapKeyDef; /* Set the default keys */
+ kernel_pmap->pmapFlags |= pmapNXdisabled;
kernel_pmap->pmapCCtl = pmapCCtlVal; /* Initialize cache control */
kernel_pmap->space = PPC_SID_KERNEL;
kernel_pmap->pmapvr = 0; /* Virtual = Real */
phys_entry = (struct phys_entry *) addr; /* Get pointer to physical table */
- for (bank = 0; bank < pmap_mem_regions_count; bank++) { /* Set pointer and initialize all banks of ram */
+ for (bank = 0; (unsigned)bank < pmap_mem_regions_count; bank++) { /* Set pointer and initialize all banks of ram */
pmap_mem_regions[bank].mrPhysTab = phys_entry; /* Set pointer to the physical table for this bank */
/* Map V=R the page tables */
pmap_map(first_used_addr, first_used_addr,
- round_page(first_used_addr + size), VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE);
+ round_page(first_used_addr + size), VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE, VM_WIMG_USE_DEFAULT);
*first_avail = round_page(first_used_addr + size); /* Set next available page */
first_free_virt = *first_avail; /* Ditto */
current_free_region = 0; /* Set that we will start allocating in bank 0 */
avail_remaining = 0; /* Clear free page count */
- for(bank = 0; bank < pmap_mem_regions_count; bank++) { /* Total up all of the pages in the system that are available */
+ for(bank = 0; (unsigned)bank < pmap_mem_regions_count; bank++) { /* Total up all of the pages in the system that are available */
avail_remaining += (pmap_mem_regions[bank].mrAEnd - pmap_mem_regions[bank].mrAStart) + 1; /* Add in allocatable pages in this bank */
* Initialize list of freed up pmaps
- free_pmap_list = 0; /* Set that there are no free pmaps */
+ free_pmap_list = NULL; /* Set that there are no free pmaps */
free_pmap_count = 0;
simple_lock_init(&free_pmap_lock, 0);
* If there are no more free entries, too bad.
-boolean_t pmap_next_page(ppnum_t *addrp)
+pmap_next_page(ppnum_t *addrp)
- int i;
+ unsigned int i;
if(current_free_region >= pmap_mem_regions_count) return FALSE; /* Return failure if we have used everything... */
for(i = current_free_region; i < pmap_mem_regions_count; i++) { /* Find the next bank with free pages */
if(pmap_mem_regions[i].mrAStart <= pmap_mem_regions[i].mrAEnd) break; /* Found one */
current_free_region = i; /* Set our current bank */
if(i >= pmap_mem_regions_count) return FALSE; /* Couldn't find a free page */
* only, and is bounded by that size.
-pmap_create(vm_map_size_t size)
+pmap_create(vm_map_size_t size, __unused boolean_t is_64bit)
pmap_t pmap, ckpmap, fore;
int s;
pmapTrans[pmap->space].pmapVAddr = CAST_DOWN(unsigned int, pmap); /* Set translate table virtual to point to us */
- pmap->pmapVmmExt = 0; /* Clear VMM extension block vaddr */
+ pmap->pmapVmmExt = NULL; /* Clear VMM extension block vaddr */
pmap->pmapVmmExtPhys = 0; /* and the paddr, too */
pmap->pmapFlags = pmapKeyDef; /* Set default key */
pmap->pmapCCtl = pmapCCtlVal; /* Initialize cache control */
pmap_destroy(pmap_t pmap)
- int ref_count;
+ uint32_t ref_count;
spl_t s;
pmap_t fore, aft;
if (pmap == PMAP_NULL)
- ref_count=hw_atomic_sub(&pmap->ref_count, 1); /* Back off the count */
- if(ref_count>0) return; /* Still more users, leave now... */
- if(ref_count < 0) /* Did we go too far? */
+ if ((ref_count = hw_atomic_sub(&pmap->ref_count, 1)) == UINT_MAX) /* underflow */
panic("pmap_destroy(): ref_count < 0");
+ if (ref_count > 0)
+ return; /* Still more users, leave now... */
if (!(pmap->pmapFlags & pmapVMgsaa)) { /* Don't try this for a shadow assist guest */
pmap_unmap_sharedpage(pmap); /* Remove any mapping of page -1 */
pmap_reference(pmap_t pmap)
- if (pmap != PMAP_NULL) hw_atomic_add(&pmap->ref_count, 1); /* Bump the count */
+ if (pmap != PMAP_NULL)
+ (void)hw_atomic_add(&pmap->ref_count, 1); /* Bump the count */
case mapRtNotFnd:
break; /* Mapping disappeared on us, retry */
- panic("pmap_remove_some_phys: hw_purge_phys failed - pp = %08X, pmap = %08X, code = %08X\n",
+ panic("pmap_remove_some_phys: hw_purge_phys failed - pp = %p, pmap = %p, code = %p\n",
pp, pmap, mp); /* Handle failure with our usual lack of tact */
} else {
case mapRtNotFnd:
break; /* Mapping disappeared on us, retry */
- panic("pmap_remove_some_phys: hw_purge_phys failed - pp = %08X, pmap = %08X, code = %08X\n",
+ panic("pmap_remove_some_phys: hw_purge_phys failed - pp = %p, pmap = %p, code = %p\n",
pp, pmap, mp); /* Handle failure with our usual lack of tact */
if ((pmap->pmapFlags & pmapVMhost) && !pmap_verify_free(pa))
- panic("pmap_remove_some_phys: cruft left behind - pa = %08X, pmap = %08X\n", pa, pmap);
+ panic("pmap_remove_some_phys: cruft left behind - pa = %08X, pmap = %p\n", pa, pmap);
return; /* Leave... */
mapping_t *mp;
- switch (prot) {
+ switch (prot & VM_PROT_ALL) {
remove = FALSE;
break; /* Mapping disappeared on us, retry */
case mapRtEmpty:
break; /* Physent chain empty, we're done */
- default: panic("pmap_page_protect: hw_purge_phys failed - pp = %08X, code = %08X\n",
+ default: panic("pmap_page_protect: hw_purge_phys failed - pp = %p, code = %p\n",
pp, mp); /* Handle failure with our usual lack of tact */
} while (mapRtEmpty != ((unsigned int)mp & mapRetCode));
* physical page.
- mapping_protect_phys(pa, prot & VM_PROT_ALL); /* Change protection of all mappings to page. */
+ mapping_protect_phys(pa, (prot & VM_PROT_ALL) ); /* Change protection of all mappings to page. */
break; /* Mapping disappeared on us, retry */
case mapRtEmpty:
break; /* Physent chain empty, we're done */
- default: panic("hw_purge_phys: hw_purge_phys failed - pp = %08X, code = %08X\n",
+ default: panic("hw_purge_phys: hw_purge_phys failed - pp = %p, code = %p\n",
pp, mp); /* Handle failure with our usual lack of tact */
} while (mapRtEmpty != ((unsigned int)mp & mapRetCode));
endva = eva & -4096LL; /* Round end down to a page */
while(1) { /* Go until we finish the range */
- mapping_protect(pmap, va, prot & VM_PROT_ALL, &va); /* Change the protection and see what's next */
+ mapping_protect(pmap, va, (prot & VM_PROT_ALL), &va); /* Change the protection and see what's next */
if((va == 0) || (va >= endva)) break; /* End loop if we finish range or run off the end */
while(1) { /* Keep trying the enter until it goes in */
- colva = mapping_make(pmap, va, pa, mflags, 1, prot & VM_PROT_ALL); /* Enter the mapping into the pmap */
+ colva = mapping_make(pmap, va, pa, mflags, 1, (prot & VM_PROT_ALL) ); /* Enter the mapping into the pmap */
if(!colva) break; /* If there were no collisions, we are done... */
colva = mapping_make(pmap, va, pa, mflags, size, prot); /* Enter the mapping into the pmap */
if(colva) { /* If there was a collision, panic */
- panic("pmap_map_block: mapping error %d, pmap = %08X, va = %016llX\n", (uint32_t)(colva & mapRetCode), pmap, va);
+ panic("pmap_map_block: mapping error %d, pmap = %p, va = %016llX\n", (uint32_t)(colva & mapRetCode), pmap, va);
return; /* Return */
+unsigned int pmap_cache_attributes(ppnum_t pgn) {
+ unsigned int flags;
+ struct phys_entry * pp;
+ // Find physical address
+ if ((pp = pmap_find_physentry(pgn))) {
+ // Use physical attributes as default
+ // NOTE: DEVICE_PAGER_FLAGS are made to line up
+ flags = VM_MEM_COHERENT; /* We only support coherent memory */
+ if (pp->ppLink & ppG) flags |= VM_MEM_GUARDED; /* Add in guarded if it is */
+ if (pp->ppLink & ppI) flags |= VM_MEM_NOT_CACHEABLE; /* Add in cache inhibited if so */
+ } else
+ // If no physical, just hard code attributes
+ flags = VM_WIMG_IO;
+ return (flags);
* pmap_attribute_cache_sync(vm_offset_t pa)
* pmap_collect
* Routine: pmap_activate
return; /* This is not used... */
- * pmap_modify_pages(pmap, s, e)
- * sets the modified bit on all virtual addresses v in the
- * virtual address range determined by [s, e] and pmap,
- * s and e must be on machine independent page boundaries and
- * s must be less than or equal to e.
- *
- * Note that this function will not descend nested pmaps.
- */
- pmap_t pmap,
- vm_map_offset_t sva,
- vm_map_offset_t eva)
- spl_t spl;
- mapping_t *mp;
- ppnum_t pa;
- addr64_t va, endva;
- unsigned int savetype;
- if (pmap == PMAP_NULL) return; /* If no pmap, can't do it... */
- va = sva & -4096; /* Round to page */
- endva = eva & -4096; /* Round to page */
- while (va < endva) { /* Walk through all pages */
- spl = splhigh(); /* We can't allow any loss of control here */
- mp = mapping_find(pmap, (addr64_t)va, &va, 0); /* Find the mapping for this address */
- if(!mp) { /* Is the page mapped? */
- splx(spl); /* Page not mapped, restore interruptions */
- if((va == 0) || (va >= endva)) break; /* We are done if there are no more or we hit the end... */
- continue; /* We are not done and there is more to check... */
- }
- savetype = mp->mpFlags & mpType; /* Remember the type */
- pa = mp->mpPAddr; /* Remember ppage because mapping may vanish after drop call */
- mapping_drop_busy(mp); /* We have everything we need from the mapping */
- splx(spl); /* Restore 'rupts */
- if(savetype != mpNormal) continue; /* Can't mess around with these guys... */
- mapping_set_mod(pa); /* Set the modfied bit for this page */
- if(va == 0) break; /* We hit the end of the pmap, might as well leave now... */
- }
- return; /* Leave... */
* pmap_clear_modify(phys)
* clears the hardware modified ("dirty") bit for one
addr64_t fsrc, fdst;
- assert(((dst <<12) & PAGE_MASK+dst_offset+len) <= PAGE_SIZE);
- assert(((src <<12) & PAGE_MASK+src_offset+len) <= PAGE_SIZE);
+ assert((((dst << 12) & PAGE_MASK) + dst_offset + len) <= PAGE_SIZE);
+ assert((((src << 12) & PAGE_MASK) + src_offset + len) <= PAGE_SIZE);
fsrc = ((addr64_t)src << 12) + src_offset;
fdst = ((addr64_t)dst << 12) + dst_offset;
return; /* Bye, bye, butterfly... */
+ * The PPC pmap can only nest segments of 256MB, aligned on a 256MB boundary.
+ */
+uint64_t pmap_nesting_size_min = 0x10000000ULL;
+uint64_t pmap_nesting_size_max = 0x10000000ULL;
* kern_return_t pmap_nest(grand, subord, vstart, size)
if(colladdr) { /* Did it collide? */
vend = vstart + size - 4096; /* Point to the last page we would cover in nest */
- panic("pmap_nest: attempt to nest into a non-empty range - pmap = %08X, start = %016llX, end = %016llX\n",
+ panic("pmap_nest: attempt to nest into a non-empty range - pmap = %p, start = %016llX, end = %016llX\n",
grand, vstart, vend);
- * kern_return_t pmap_unnest(grand, vaddr)
+ * kern_return_t pmap_unnest(grand, vaddr, size)
* grand = the pmap that we will nest subord into
* vaddr = start of range in pmap to be unnested
+ * size = size of range in pmap to be unnested
* Removes a pmap from another. This is used to implement shared segments.
* On the current PPC processors, this is limited to segment (256MB) aligned
* segment sized ranges.
-kern_return_t pmap_unnest(pmap_t grand, addr64_t vaddr) {
+kern_return_t pmap_unnest(pmap_t grand, addr64_t vaddr, uint64_t size) {
unsigned int tstamp, i, mycpu;
addr64_t nextva;
spl_t s;
mapping_t *mp;
+ if (size != pmap_nesting_size_min ||
+ (vaddr & (pmap_nesting_size_min-1))) {
+ panic("pmap_unnest(vaddr=0x%016llx, size=0x016%llx): "
+ "must be 256MB and aligned\n",
+ vaddr, size);
+ }
s = splhigh(); /* Make sure interruptions are disabled */
mp = mapping_find(grand, vaddr, &nextva, 0); /* Find the nested map */
return ((va & 0x0FFFFFFFULL) | lowGlo.lgUMWvaddr); /* Pass back the kernel address we are to use */
+ * Constrain DTrace copyin/copyout actions
+ */
+extern kern_return_t dtrace_copyio_preflight(addr64_t);
+extern kern_return_t dtrace_copyio_postflight(addr64_t);
+kern_return_t dtrace_copyio_preflight(__unused addr64_t va)
+ if (current_map() == kernel_map)
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ else
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+kern_return_t dtrace_copyio_postflight(__unused addr64_t va)
+ thread_t thread = current_thread();
+ thread->machine.umwSpace |= umwSwitchAway;
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+#endif /* CONFIG_DTRACE */
* kern_return_t pmap_boot_map(size)
addr64_t cva, cpoff;
ppnum_t cpphys;
- sharedPmap = pmap_create(0); /* Get a pmap to hold the common segment */
+ sharedPmap = pmap_create(0, FALSE); /* Get a pmap to hold the common segment */
if(!sharedPmap) { /* Check for errors */
panic("pmap_init_sharedpage: couldn't make sharedPmap\n");
cpphys = pmap_find_phys(kernel_pmap, (addr64_t)cpg + cpoff);
if(!cpphys) {
- panic("pmap_init_sharedpage: compage %08X not mapped in kernel\n", cpg + cpoff);
+ panic("pmap_init_sharedpage: compage %016llX not mapped in kernel\n", cpg + cpoff);
cva = mapping_make(sharedPmap, (addr64_t)((uint32_t)_COMM_PAGE_BASE_ADDRESS) + cpoff,
- cpphys, mmFlgPerm, 1, VM_PROT_READ); /* Map the page read only */
+ cpphys, mmFlgPerm, 1, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE); /* Map the page read/execute only */
if(cva) { /* Check for errors */
panic("pmap_init_sharedpage: couldn't map commpage page - cva = %016llX\n", cva);
inter = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE); /* Disable interruptions for now */
mp = hw_find_map(pmap, 0xFFFFFFFFF0000000ULL, &nextva); /* Find the mapping for this address */
if((unsigned int)mp == mapRtBadLk) { /* Did we lock up ok? */
- panic("pmap_unmap_sharedpage: mapping lock failure - rc = %08X, pmap = %08X\n", mp, pmap); /* Die... */
+ panic("pmap_unmap_sharedpage: mapping lock failure - rc = %p, pmap = %p\n", mp, pmap); /* Die... */
gotnest = 0; /* Assume nothing here */
if(!gotnest) return; /* Leave if there isn't any nesting here */
- ret = pmap_unnest(pmap, 0xFFFFFFFFF0000000ULL); /* Unnest the max 64-bit page */
+ ret = pmap_unnest(pmap, 0xFFFFFFFFF0000000ULL, 0x0000000010000000ULL); /* Unnest the max 64-bit page */
if(ret != KERN_SUCCESS) { /* Did it work? */
panic("pmap_unmap_sharedpage: couldn't unnest shared page - ret = %08X\n", ret);
return TRUE;
+ * disable no-execute capability on
+ * the specified pmap
+ */
+void pmap_disable_NX(pmap_t pmap) {
+ pmap->pmapFlags |= pmapNXdisabled;