- * Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
- *
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
/* Copyright (c) 1997 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
#ifndef _SYS_TTY_H_
-#define _SYS_TTY_H_
+#define _SYS_TTY_H_
#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/termios.h>
-#include <sys/select.h> /* For struct selinfo. */
+#include <sys/select.h> /* For struct selinfo. */
#ifdef KERNEL
+#include <kern/locks.h>
* NetBSD Clists are actually ring buffers. The c_cc, c_cf, c_cl fields have
* exactly the same behaviour as in true clists.
* if c_cq is NULL, the ring buffer has no TTY_QUOTE functionality
* (but, saves memory and cpu time)
- *
+ *
* *DON'T* play with c_cs, c_ce, c_cq, or c_cl outside tty_subr.c!!!
struct clist {
- int c_cc; /* count of characters in queue */
- int c_cn; /* total ring buffer length */
- u_char *c_cf; /* points to first character */
- u_char *c_cl; /* points to next open character */
- u_char *c_cs; /* start of ring buffer */
- u_char *c_ce; /* c_ce + c_len */
- u_char *c_cq; /* N bits/bytes long, see tty_subr.c */
+ int c_cc; /* count of characters in queue */
+ int c_cn; /* total ring buffer length */
+ u_char *c_cf; /* points to first character */
+ u_char *c_cl; /* points to next open character */
+ u_char *c_cs; /* start of ring buffer */
+ u_char *c_ce; /* c_ce + c_len */
+ u_char *c_cq; /* N bits/bytes long, see tty_subr.c */
#define TTYCLSIZE 1024
* Per-tty structure.
* (low, high, timeout).
struct tty {
- struct clist t_rawq; /* Device raw input queue. */
- long t_rawcc; /* Raw input queue statistics. */
- struct clist t_canq; /* Device canonical queue. */
- long t_cancc; /* Canonical queue statistics. */
- struct clist t_outq; /* Device output queue. */
- long t_outcc; /* Output queue statistics. */
- int t_line; /* Interface to device drivers. */
- dev_t t_dev; /* Device. */
- int t_state; /* Device and driver (TS*) state. */
- int t_flags; /* Tty flags. */
+ lck_mtx_t t_lock; /* Per tty lock */
+ struct clist t_rawq; /* Device raw input queue. */
+ long t_rawcc; /* Raw input queue statistics. */
+ struct clist t_canq; /* Device canonical queue. */
+ long t_cancc; /* Canonical queue statistics. */
+ struct clist t_outq; /* Device output queue. */
+ long t_outcc; /* Output queue statistics. */
+ int t_line; /* Interface to device drivers. */
+ dev_t t_dev; /* Device. */
+ int t_state; /* Device and driver (TS*) state. */
+ int t_flags; /* Tty flags. */
int t_timeout; /* Timeout for ttywait() */
- struct pgrp *t_pgrp; /* Foreground process group. */
- struct session *t_session; /* Enclosing session. */
- struct selinfo t_rsel; /* Tty read/oob select. */
- struct selinfo t_wsel; /* Tty write select. */
- struct termios t_termios; /* Termios state. */
- struct winsize t_winsize; /* Window size. */
- /* Start output. */
- void (*t_oproc)(struct tty *);
- /* Stop output. */
- void (*t_stop)(struct tty *, int);
- /* Set hardware state. */
- int (*t_param)(struct tty *, struct termios *);
- void *t_sc; /* XXX: net/if_sl.c:sl_softc. */
- int t_column; /* Tty output column. */
- int t_rocount, t_rocol; /* Tty. */
- int t_hiwat; /* High water mark. */
- int t_lowat; /* Low water mark. */
- int t_gen; /* Generation number. */
+ struct pgrp *t_pgrp; /* Foreground process group. */
+ struct session *t_session; /* Enclosing session. */
+ struct selinfo t_rsel; /* Tty read/oob select. */
+ struct selinfo t_wsel; /* Tty write select. */
+ struct termios t_termios; /* Termios state. */
+ struct winsize t_winsize; /* Window size. */
+ /* Start output. */
+ void (*t_oproc)(struct tty *);
+ /* Stop output. */
+ void (*t_stop)(struct tty *, int);
+ /* Set hardware state. */
+ int (*t_param)(struct tty *, struct termios *);
+ void *t_sc; /* XXX: net/if_sl.c:sl_softc. */
+ int t_column; /* Tty output column. */
+ int t_rocount, t_rocol; /* Tty. */
+ int t_hiwat; /* High water mark. */
+ int t_lowat; /* Low water mark. */
+ int t_gen; /* Generation number. */
+ void *t_iokit; /* IOKit management */
+ int t_refcnt; /* reference count */
-#define t_cc t_termios.c_cc
-#define t_cflag t_termios.c_cflag
-#define t_iflag t_termios.c_iflag
-#define t_ispeed t_termios.c_ispeed
-#define t_lflag t_termios.c_lflag
-#define t_min t_termios.c_min
-#define t_oflag t_termios.c_oflag
-#define t_ospeed t_termios.c_ospeed
-#define t_time t_termios.c_time
+#define TTY_NULL (struct tty *)NULL
+#define t_cc t_termios.c_cc
+#define t_cflag t_termios.c_cflag
+#define t_iflag t_termios.c_iflag
+#define t_ispeed t_termios.c_ispeed
+#define t_lflag t_termios.c_lflag
+#define t_min t_termios.c_min
+#define t_oflag t_termios.c_oflag
+#define t_ospeed t_termios.c_ospeed
+#define t_time t_termios.c_time
-#define TTIPRI 25 /* Sleep priority for tty reads. */
-#define TTOPRI 26 /* Sleep priority for tty writes. */
+#define TTIPRI 25 /* Sleep priority for tty reads. */
+#define TTOPRI 26 /* Sleep priority for tty writes. */
* User data unfortunately has to be copied through buffers on the way to
* and from clists. The buffers are on the stack so their sizes must be
* fairly small.
-#define IBUFSIZ 384 /* Should be >= max value of MIN. */
-#define OBUFSIZ 100
+#define IBUFSIZ 384 /* Should be >= max value of MIN. */
+#define OBUFSIZ 100
#ifndef TTYHOG
-#define TTYHOG 1024
+#define TTYHOG 1024
-#define TTMAXHIWAT roundup(2048, CBSIZE)
-#define TTMINHIWAT roundup(100, CBSIZE)
-#define TTMAXLOWAT 256
-#define TTMINLOWAT 32
+#define TTMAXHIWAT roundup(2048, CBSIZE)
+#define TTMINHIWAT roundup(100, CBSIZE)
+#define TTMAXLOWAT 256
+#define TTMINLOWAT 32
struct tty;
struct clist;
#endif /* KERNEL */
/* These flags are kept in t_state. */
-#define TS_SO_OLOWAT 0x00001 /* Wake up when output <= low water. */
-#define TS_ASYNC 0x00002 /* Tty in async I/O mode. */
-#define TS_BUSY 0x00004 /* Draining output. */
-#define TS_CARR_ON 0x00008 /* Carrier is present. */
-#define TS_FLUSH 0x00010 /* Outq has been flushed during DMA. */
-#define TS_ISOPEN 0x00020 /* Open has completed. */
-#define TS_TBLOCK 0x00040 /* Further input blocked. */
-#define TS_TIMEOUT 0x00080 /* Wait for output char processing. */
-#define TS_TTSTOP 0x00100 /* Output paused. */
+#define TS_SO_OLOWAT 0x00001 /* Wake up when output <= low water. */
+#define TS_ASYNC 0x00002 /* Tty in async I/O mode. */
+#define TS_BUSY 0x00004 /* Draining output. */
+#define TS_CARR_ON 0x00008 /* Carrier is present. */
+#define TS_FLUSH 0x00010 /* Outq has been flushed during DMA. */
+#define TS_ISOPEN 0x00020 /* Open has completed. */
+#define TS_TBLOCK 0x00040 /* Further input blocked. */
+#define TS_TIMEOUT 0x00080 /* Wait for output char processing. */
+#define TS_TTSTOP 0x00100 /* Output paused. */
#ifdef notyet
-#define TS_WOPEN 0x00200 /* Open in progress. */
+#define TS_WOPEN 0x00200 /* Open in progress. */
-#define TS_XCLUDE 0x00400 /* Tty requires exclusivity. */
+#define TS_XCLUDE 0x00400 /* Tty requires exclusivity. */
/* State for intra-line fancy editing work. */
-#define TS_BKSL 0x00800 /* State for lowercase \ work. */
-#define TS_CNTTB 0x01000 /* Counting tab width, ignore FLUSHO. */
-#define TS_ERASE 0x02000 /* Within a \.../ for PRTRUB. */
-#define TS_LNCH 0x04000 /* Next character is literal. */
-#define TS_TYPEN 0x08000 /* Retyping suspended input (PENDIN). */
+#define TS_BKSL 0x00800 /* State for lowercase \ work. */
+#define TS_CNTTB 0x01000 /* Counting tab width, ignore FLUSHO. */
+#define TS_ERASE 0x02000 /* Within a \.../ for PRTRUB. */
+#define TS_LNCH 0x04000 /* Next character is literal. */
+#define TS_TYPEN 0x08000 /* Retyping suspended input (PENDIN). */
/* Extras. */
-#define TS_CAN_BYPASS_L_RINT 0x010000 /* Device in "raw" mode. */
-#define TS_CONNECTED 0x020000 /* Connection open. */
-#define TS_SNOOP 0x040000 /* Device is being snooped on. */
-#define TS_SO_OCOMPLETE 0x080000 /* Wake up when output completes. */
-#define TS_ZOMBIE 0x100000 /* Connection lost. */
+#define TS_CAN_BYPASS_L_RINT 0x010000 /* Device in "raw" mode. */
+#define TS_CONNECTED 0x020000 /* Connection open. */
+#define TS_SNOOP 0x040000 /* Device is being snooped on. */
+#define TS_SO_OCOMPLETE 0x080000 /* Wake up when output completes. */
+#define TS_ZOMBIE 0x100000 /* Connection lost. */
/* Hardware flow-control-invoked bits. */
-#define TS_CAR_OFLOW 0x200000 /* For MDMBUF (XXX handle in driver). */
+#define TS_CAR_OFLOW 0x200000 /* For MDMBUF (XXX handle in driver). */
#ifdef notyet
-#define TS_CTS_OFLOW 0x400000 /* For CCTS_OFLOW. */
-#define TS_DSR_OFLOW 0x800000 /* For CDSR_OFLOW. */
+#define TS_CTS_OFLOW 0x400000 /* For CCTS_OFLOW. */
+#define TS_DSR_OFLOW 0x800000 /* For CDSR_OFLOW. */
+#define TS_IOCTL_NOT_OK 0x1000000 /* Workaround <rdar://....> */
+#define TS_PGRPHUP 0x2000000 /* Don't change Foregroud process group */
/* Character type information. */
-#define ORDINARY 0
-#define CONTROL 1
-#define BACKSPACE 2
-#define NEWLINE 3
-#define TAB 4
-#define VTAB 5
-#define RETURN 6
+#define ORDINARY 0
+#define CONTROL 1
+#define BACKSPACE 2
+#define NEWLINE 3
+#define TAB 4
+#define VTAB 5
+#define RETURN 6
struct speedtab {
- int sp_speed; /* Speed. */
- int sp_code; /* Code. */
+ int sp_speed; /* Speed. */
+ int sp_code; /* Code. */
/* Modem control commands (driver). */
-#define DMSET 0
-#define DMBIS 1
-#define DMBIC 2
-#define DMGET 3
+#define DMSET 0
+#define DMBIS 1
+#define DMBIC 2
+#define DMGET 3
/* Flags on a character passed to ttyinput. */
-#define TTY_CHARMASK 0x000000ff /* Character mask */
-#define TTY_QUOTE 0x00000100 /* Character quoted */
-#define TTY_ERRORMASK 0xff000000 /* Error mask */
-#define TTY_FE 0x01000000 /* Framing error */
-#define TTY_PE 0x02000000 /* Parity error */
-#define TTY_OE 0x04000000 /* Overrun error */
-#define TTY_BI 0x08000000 /* Break condition */
+#define TTY_CHARMASK 0x000000ff /* Character mask */
+#define TTY_QUOTE 0x00000100 /* Character quoted */
+#define TTY_ERRORMASK 0xff000000 /* Error mask */
+#define TTY_FE 0x01000000 /* Framing error */
+#define TTY_PE 0x02000000 /* Parity error */
+#define TTY_OE 0x04000000 /* Overrun error */
+#define TTY_BI 0x08000000 /* Break condition */
#ifdef KERNEL
-/* Is tp controlling terminal for p? */
-#define isctty(p, tp) \
- ((p)->p_session == (tp)->t_session && (p)->p_flag & P_CONTROLT)
-/* Is p in background of tp? */
-#define isbackground(p, tp) \
- (isctty((p), (tp)) && (p)->p_pgrp != (tp)->t_pgrp)
/* Unique sleep addresses. */
-#define TSA_CARR_ON(tp) ((void *)&(tp)->t_rawq)
-#define TSA_HUP_OR_INPUT(tp) ((void *)&(tp)->t_rawq.c_cf)
-#define TSA_OCOMPLETE(tp) ((void *)&(tp)->t_outq.c_cl)
-#define TSA_OLOWAT(tp) ((void *)&(tp)->t_outq)
-#define TSA_PTC_READ(tp) ((void *)&(tp)->t_outq.c_cf)
-#define TSA_PTC_WRITE(tp) ((void *)&(tp)->t_rawq.c_cl)
-#define TSA_PTS_READ(tp) ((void *)&(tp)->t_canq)
+#define TSA_CARR_ON(tp) ((void *)&(tp)->t_rawq)
+#define TSA_HUP_OR_INPUT(tp) ((void *)&(tp)->t_rawq.c_cf)
+#define TSA_OCOMPLETE(tp) ((void *)&(tp)->t_outq.c_cl)
+#define TSA_OLOWAT(tp) ((void *)&(tp)->t_outq)
+#define TSA_PTC_READ(tp) ((void *)&(tp)->t_outq.c_cf)
+#define TSA_PTC_WRITE(tp) ((void *)&(tp)->t_rawq.c_cl)
+#define TSA_PTS_READ(tp) ((void *)&(tp)->t_canq)
-int b_to_q(const u_char *cp, int cc, struct clist *q);
-void catq(struct clist *from, struct clist *to);
-void clist_init(void);
-int getc(struct clist *q);
-void ndflush(struct clist *q, int cc);
-int ndqb(struct clist *q, int flag);
-u_char *firstc (struct clist *clp, int *c);
-u_char *nextc(struct clist *q, u_char *cp, int *c);
-int putc(int c, struct clist *q);
-int q_to_b(struct clist *q, u_char *cp, int cc);
-int unputc(struct clist *q);
-int clalloc(struct clist *clp, int size, int quot);
-void clfree(struct clist *clp);
-void cinit(void);
-void clrbits(u_char *cp, int off, int len);
+int b_to_q(const u_char *cp, int cc, struct clist *q);
+void catq(struct clist *from, struct clist *to);
+void clist_init(void);
+int getc(struct clist *q);
+void ndflush(struct clist *q, int cc);
+int ndqb(struct clist *q, int flag);
+u_char *firstc(struct clist *clp, int *c);
+u_char *nextc(struct clist *q, u_char *cp, int *c);
+int putc(int c, struct clist *q);
+int q_to_b(struct clist *q, u_char *cp, int cc);
+int unputc(struct clist *q);
+int clalloc(struct clist *clp, int size, int quot);
+void clfree(struct clist *clp);
+void cinit(void);
+void clrbits(u_char *cp, int off, int len);
-int ttcompat(struct tty *tp, u_long com, caddr_t data, int flag,
- struct proc *p);
-int ttsetcompat(struct tty *tp, u_long *com, caddr_t data, struct termios *term);
+void tty_init(void);
+ * The locked version of this function is used from routines which hold
+ * the tty_lock(), such as ttcompat() in tty_compat.c
+ */
+int ttioctl_locked(struct tty *tp, u_long com, caddr_t data, int flag,
+ struct proc *p);
+int ttcompat(struct tty *tp, u_long com, caddr_t data, int flag,
+ struct proc *p);
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
-void termioschars(struct termios *t);
-int tputchar(int c, struct tty *tp);
-int ttioctl(struct tty *tp, u_long com, caddr_t data, int flag,
- struct proc *p);
-int ttread(struct tty *tp, struct uio *uio, int flag);
-void ttrstrt(void *tp);
-int ttyselect(struct tty *tp, int rw, void * wql, struct proc *p);
-int ttselect(dev_t dev, int rw, void * wql, struct proc *p);
-void ttsetwater(struct tty *tp);
-int ttspeedtab(int speed, struct speedtab *table);
-int ttstart(struct tty *tp);
-void ttwakeup(struct tty *tp);
-int ttwrite(struct tty *tp, struct uio *uio, int flag);
-void ttwwakeup(struct tty *tp);
-void ttyblock(struct tty *tp);
-void ttychars(struct tty *tp);
-int ttycheckoutq(struct tty *tp, int wait);
-int ttyclose(struct tty *tp);
-void ttyflush(struct tty *tp, int rw);
-void ttyinfo(struct tty *tp);
-int ttyinput(int c, struct tty *tp);
-int ttylclose(struct tty *tp, int flag);
-int ttymodem(struct tty *tp, int flag);
-int ttyopen(dev_t device, struct tty *tp);
-int ttysleep(struct tty *tp,
- void *chan, int pri, const char *wmesg, int timeout);
-int ttywait(struct tty *tp);
+void tty_lock(struct tty *tp);
+void tty_unlock(struct tty *tp);
+void termioschars(struct termios *t);
+int tputchar(int c, struct tty *tp);
+int ttioctl(struct tty *tp, u_long com, caddr_t data, int flag,
+ struct proc *p);
+int ttread(struct tty *tp, struct uio *uio, int flag);
+int ttyselect(struct tty *tp, int rw, void * wql, struct proc *p);
+int ttselect(dev_t dev, int rw, void * wql, struct proc *p);
+void ttsetwater(struct tty *tp);
+int ttspeedtab(int speed, struct speedtab *table);
+int ttstart(struct tty *tp);
+void ttwakeup(struct tty *tp);
+int ttwrite(struct tty *tp, struct uio *uio, int flag);
+void ttwwakeup(struct tty *tp);
+void ttyblock(struct tty *tp);
+int ttycheckoutq(struct tty *tp, int wait);
+int ttyclose(struct tty *tp); /* LEGACY: avoid using */
+void ttyflush(struct tty *tp, int rw);
+void ttyinfo(struct tty *tp);
+void ttyinfo_locked(struct tty *tp);
+int ttyinput(int c, struct tty *tp);
+int ttylclose(struct tty *tp, int flag);
+int ttymodem(struct tty *tp, int flag);
+int ttyopen(dev_t device, struct tty *tp);
+int ttysleep(struct tty *tp,
+ void *chan, int pri, const char *wmesg, int timeout);
+int ttywait(struct tty *tp);
struct tty *ttymalloc(void);
void ttyfree(struct tty *);
+void ttysetpgrphup(struct tty *tp);
+void ttyclrpgrphup(struct tty *tp);
+extern void ttyhold(struct tty *tp);
+#define PTS_MAJOR 4
+#define PTC_MAJOR 5
+#endif /* defined(XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE) */
#endif /* KERNEL */
#endif /* !_SYS_TTY_H_ */