- * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
/* Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
/* Copyright (c) 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
* New version based on 4.4
* Purged old history
+ * NOTICE: This file was modified by SPARTA, Inc. in 2005 to introduce
+ * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice
+ * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License,
+ * Version 2.0.
+ */
#ifndef _SYS_MBUF_H_
#define _SYS_MBUF_H_
#include <sys/lock.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>
+#include <net/pf_mtag.h>
+#endif /* PF_PKTHDR */
* Mbufs are of a single size, MSIZE (machine/param.h), which
* includes overhead. An mbuf may add a single "mbuf cluster" of size
* at least MINCLSIZE of data must be stored.
-#define MLEN (MSIZE - sizeof(struct m_hdr)) /* normal data len */
-#define MHLEN (MLEN - sizeof(struct pkthdr)) /* data len w/pkthdr */
+ * These macros are mapped to the appropriate KPIs, so that private code
+ * can be simply recompiled in order to be forward-compatible with future
+ * changes toward the struture sizes.
+ */
+#define MLEN mbuf_get_mlen() /* normal data len */
+#define MHLEN mbuf_get_mhlen() /* data len w/pkthdr */
+ * The following _MLEN and _MHLEN macros are private to xnu. Private code
+ * that are outside of xnu must use the mbuf_get_{mlen,mhlen} routines since
+ * the sizes of the structures are dependent upon specific xnu configs.
+ */
+#define _MLEN (MSIZE - sizeof(struct m_hdr)) /* normal data len */
+#define _MHLEN (_MLEN - sizeof(struct pkthdr)) /* data len w/pkthdr */
#define MINCLSIZE (MHLEN + MLEN) /* smallest amount to put in cluster */
#define M_MAXCOMPRESS (MHLEN / 2) /* max amount to copy for compression */
* Macros for type conversion
* mtod(m,t) - convert mbuf pointer to data pointer of correct type
* dtom(x) - convert data pointer within mbuf to mbuf pointer (XXX)
- * mtocl(x) - convert pointer within cluster to cluster index #
- * cltom(x) - convert cluster # to ptr to beginning of cluster
#define mtod(m,t) ((t)m_mtod(m))
#define dtom(x) m_dtom(x)
-#define mtocl(x) m_mtocl(x)
-#define cltom(x) m_cltom(x)
-#define MCLREF(p) m_mclref(p)
-#define MCLUNREF(p) m_mclunref(p)
/* header at beginning of each mbuf: */
struct m_hdr {
struct mbuf *mh_next; /* next buffer in chain */
struct mbuf *mh_nextpkt; /* next chain in queue/record */
- long mh_len; /* amount of data in this mbuf */
+ int32_t mh_len; /* amount of data in this mbuf */
caddr_t mh_data; /* location of data */
short mh_type; /* type of data in this mbuf */
short mh_flags; /* flags; see below */
/* variables for ip and tcp reassembly */
void *header; /* pointer to packet header */
/* variables for hardware checksum */
/* Note: csum_flags is used for hardware checksum and VLAN */
int csum_flags; /* flags regarding checksum */
int csum_data; /* data field used by csum routines */
- struct mbuf *aux; /* extra data buffer; ipsec/others */
+ u_int tso_segsz; /* TSO segment size (actual MSS) */
u_short vlan_tag; /* VLAN tag, host byte order */
u_short socket_id; /* socket id */
- u_int reserved1; /* for future use */
SLIST_HEAD(packet_tags, m_tag) tags; /* list of packet tags */
+ /*
+ * Be careful; {en,dis}abling PF_PKTHDR will require xnu recompile;
+ * private code outside of xnu must use mbuf_get_mhlen() instead
+ * of MHLEN.
+ */
+ struct pf_mtag pf_mtag;
+#endif /* PF_PKTHDR */
struct ext_refsq { /* references held */
struct ext_refsq *forward, *backward;
} ext_refs;
+ struct ext_ref {
+ u_int32_t refcnt;
+ u_int32_t flags;
+ } *ext_refflags;
+/* define m_ext to a type since it gets redefined below */
+typedef struct m_ext _m_ext_t;
struct mbuf {
struct m_hdr m_hdr;
union {
struct pkthdr MH_pkthdr; /* M_PKTHDR set */
union {
struct m_ext MH_ext; /* M_EXT set */
- char MH_databuf[MHLEN];
+ char MH_databuf[_MHLEN];
} MH_dat;
} MH;
- char M_databuf[MLEN]; /* !M_PKTHDR, !M_EXT */
+ char M_databuf[_MLEN]; /* !M_PKTHDR, !M_EXT */
} M_dat;
/* VLAN tag present */
#define CSUM_VLAN_TAG_VALID 0x10000 /* vlan_tag field is valid */
+/* TCP Segment Offloading requested on this mbuf */
+#define CSUM_TSO_IPV4 0x100000 /* This mbuf needs to be segmented by the NIC */
+#define CSUM_TSO_IPV6 0x200000 /* This mbuf needs to be segmented by the NIC */
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
/* mbuf types */
- * mbuf utility macros:
- *
- * MBUFLOCK(code)
- * prevents a section of code from from being interrupted by network
- * drivers.
- */
-#ifdef _KERN_LOCKS_H_
-extern lck_mtx_t * mbuf_mlock;
-extern void * mbuf_mlock;
-#define MBUF_LOCK() lck_mtx_lock(mbuf_mlock);
-#define MBUF_UNLOCK() lck_mtx_unlock(mbuf_mlock);
* mbuf allocation/deallocation macros:
#define MCHECK(m)
-extern struct mbuf *mfree; /* mbuf free list */
#define MGET(m, how, type) ((m) = m_get((how), (type)))
#define MGETHDR(m, how, type) ((m) = m_gethdr((how), (type)))
char mbc_buf[NBPG];
+#define M16KCLBYTES (16 * 1024)
+union m16kcluster {
+ union m16kcluster *m16kcl_next;
+ char m16kcl_buf[M16KCLBYTES];
#define MCLHASREFERENCE(m) m_mclhasreference(m)
/* compatiblity with 4.3 */
#define m_copy(m, o, l) m_copym((m), (o), (l), M_DONTWAIT)
+#define MBSHIFT 20 /* 1MB */
+#define GBSHIFT 30 /* 1GB */
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
- * Mbuf statistics.
+ * Mbuf statistics (legacy).
-/* LP64todo - not 64-bit safe */
struct mbstat {
- u_long m_mbufs; /* mbufs obtained from page pool */
- u_long m_clusters; /* clusters obtained from page pool */
- u_long m_spare; /* spare field */
- u_long m_clfree; /* free clusters */
- u_long m_drops; /* times failed to find space */
- u_long m_wait; /* times waited for space */
- u_long m_drain; /* times drained protocols for space */
- u_short m_mtypes[256]; /* type specific mbuf allocations */
- u_long m_mcfail; /* times m_copym failed */
- u_long m_mpfail; /* times m_pullup failed */
- u_long m_msize; /* length of an mbuf */
- u_long m_mclbytes; /* length of an mbuf cluster */
- u_long m_minclsize; /* min length of data to allocate a cluster */
- u_long m_mlen; /* length of data in an mbuf */
- u_long m_mhlen; /* length of data in a header mbuf */
- u_long m_bigclusters; /* clusters obtained from page pool */
- u_long m_bigclfree; /* free clusters */
- u_long m_bigmclbytes; /* length of an mbuf cluster */
+ u_int32_t m_mbufs; /* mbufs obtained from page pool */
+ u_int32_t m_clusters; /* clusters obtained from page pool */
+ u_int32_t m_spare; /* spare field */
+ u_int32_t m_clfree; /* free clusters */
+ u_int32_t m_drops; /* times failed to find space */
+ u_int32_t m_wait; /* times waited for space */
+ u_int32_t m_drain; /* times drained protocols for space */
+ u_short m_mtypes[256]; /* type specific mbuf allocations */
+ u_int32_t m_mcfail; /* times m_copym failed */
+ u_int32_t m_mpfail; /* times m_pullup failed */
+ u_int32_t m_msize; /* length of an mbuf */
+ u_int32_t m_mclbytes; /* length of an mbuf cluster */
+ u_int32_t m_minclsize; /* min length of data to allocate a cluster */
+ u_int32_t m_mlen; /* length of data in an mbuf */
+ u_int32_t m_mhlen; /* length of data in a header mbuf */
+ u_int32_t m_bigclusters; /* clusters obtained from page pool */
+ u_int32_t m_bigclfree; /* free clusters */
+ u_int32_t m_bigmclbytes; /* length of an mbuf cluster */
/* Compatibillity with 10.3 */
struct ombstat {
- u_long m_mbufs; /* mbufs obtained from page pool */
- u_long m_clusters; /* clusters obtained from page pool */
- u_long m_spare; /* spare field */
- u_long m_clfree; /* free clusters */
- u_long m_drops; /* times failed to find space */
- u_long m_wait; /* times waited for space */
- u_long m_drain; /* times drained protocols for space */
- u_short m_mtypes[256]; /* type specific mbuf allocations */
- u_long m_mcfail; /* times m_copym failed */
- u_long m_mpfail; /* times m_pullup failed */
- u_long m_msize; /* length of an mbuf */
- u_long m_mclbytes; /* length of an mbuf cluster */
- u_long m_minclsize; /* min length of data to allocate a cluster */
- u_long m_mlen; /* length of data in an mbuf */
- u_long m_mhlen; /* length of data in a header mbuf */
+ u_int32_t m_mbufs; /* mbufs obtained from page pool */
+ u_int32_t m_clusters; /* clusters obtained from page pool */
+ u_int32_t m_spare; /* spare field */
+ u_int32_t m_clfree; /* free clusters */
+ u_int32_t m_drops; /* times failed to find space */
+ u_int32_t m_wait; /* times waited for space */
+ u_int32_t m_drain; /* times drained protocols for space */
+ u_short m_mtypes[256]; /* type specific mbuf allocations */
+ u_int32_t m_mcfail; /* times m_copym failed */
+ u_int32_t m_mpfail; /* times m_pullup failed */
+ u_int32_t m_msize; /* length of an mbuf */
+ u_int32_t m_mclbytes; /* length of an mbuf cluster */
+ u_int32_t m_minclsize; /* min length of data to allocate a cluster */
+ u_int32_t m_mlen; /* length of data in an mbuf */
+ u_int32_t m_mhlen; /* length of data in a header mbuf */
- * pkthdr.aux type tags.
+ * mbuf class statistics.
-struct mauxtag {
- int af;
- int type;
+#define MAX_MBUF_CNAME 15
+#if defined(KERNEL_PRIVATE)
+/* For backwards compatibility with 32-bit userland process */
+struct omb_class_stat {
+ char mbcl_cname[MAX_MBUF_CNAME + 1]; /* class name */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_size; /* buffer size */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_total; /* # of buffers created */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_active; /* # of active buffers */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_infree; /* # of available buffers */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_slab_cnt; /* # of available slabs */
+ u_int64_t mbcl_alloc_cnt; /* # of times alloc is called */
+ u_int64_t mbcl_free_cnt; /* # of times free is called */
+ u_int64_t mbcl_notified; /* # of notified wakeups */
+ u_int64_t mbcl_purge_cnt; /* # of purges so far */
+ u_int64_t mbcl_fail_cnt; /* # of allocation failures */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_ctotal; /* total only for this class */
+ /*
+ * Cache layer statistics
+ */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_state; /* cache state (see below) */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_cached; /* # of cached buffers */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_waiter_cnt; /* # waiters on the cache */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_wretry_cnt; /* # of wait retries */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_nwretry_cnt; /* # of no-wait retry attempts */
+ u_int64_t mbcl_reserved[4]; /* for future use */
+} __attribute__((__packed__));
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+typedef struct mb_class_stat {
+ char mbcl_cname[MAX_MBUF_CNAME + 1]; /* class name */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_size; /* buffer size */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_total; /* # of buffers created */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_active; /* # of active buffers */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_infree; /* # of available buffers */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_slab_cnt; /* # of available slabs */
+#if defined(KERNEL) || defined(__LP64__)
+ u_int32_t mbcl_pad; /* padding */
+#endif /* KERNEL || __LP64__ */
+ u_int64_t mbcl_alloc_cnt; /* # of times alloc is called */
+ u_int64_t mbcl_free_cnt; /* # of times free is called */
+ u_int64_t mbcl_notified; /* # of notified wakeups */
+ u_int64_t mbcl_purge_cnt; /* # of purges so far */
+ u_int64_t mbcl_fail_cnt; /* # of allocation failures */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_ctotal; /* total only for this class */
+ /*
+ * Cache layer statistics
+ */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_state; /* cache state (see below) */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_cached; /* # of cached buffers */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_waiter_cnt; /* # waiters on the cache */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_wretry_cnt; /* # of wait retries */
+ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_nwretry_cnt; /* # of no-wait retry attempts */
+ u_int64_t mbcl_reserved[4]; /* for future use */
+} mb_class_stat_t;
+#define MCS_DISABLED 0 /* cache is permanently disabled */
+#define MCS_ONLINE 1 /* cache is online */
+#define MCS_PURGING 2 /* cache is being purged */
+#define MCS_OFFLINE 3 /* cache is offline (resizing) */
+#if defined(KERNEL_PRIVATE)
+/* For backwards compatibility with 32-bit userland process */
+struct omb_stat {
+ u_int32_t mbs_cnt; /* number of classes */
+ struct omb_class_stat mbs_class[1]; /* class array */
+} __attribute__((__packed__));
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+typedef struct mb_stat {
+ u_int32_t mbs_cnt; /* number of classes */
+#if defined(KERNEL) || defined(__LP64__)
+ u_int32_t mbs_pad; /* padding */
+#endif /* KERNEL || __LP64__ */
+ mb_class_stat_t mbs_class[1]; /* class array */
+} mb_stat_t;
#ifdef KERNEL
extern union mcluster *mbutl; /* virtual address of mclusters */
extern union mcluster *embutl; /* ending virtual address of mclusters */
-extern short *mclrefcnt; /* cluster reference counts */
-extern int *mcl_paddr; /* physical addresses of clusters */
extern struct mbstat mbstat; /* statistics */
-extern int nmbclusters; /* number of mapped clusters */
-extern union mcluster *mclfree; /* free mapped cluster list */
+extern unsigned int nmbclusters; /* number of mapped clusters */
+extern int njcl; /* # of clusters for jumbo sizes */
+extern int njclbytes; /* size of a jumbo cluster */
extern int max_linkhdr; /* largest link-level header */
extern int max_protohdr; /* largest protocol header */
extern int max_hdr; /* largest link+protocol header */
extern int max_datalen; /* MHLEN - max_hdr */
+/* Not exported */
+__private_extern__ unsigned int mbuf_default_ncl(int, uint64_t);
+__private_extern__ void mbinit(void);
+__private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_clattach(struct mbuf *, int, caddr_t,
+ void (*)(caddr_t , u_int, caddr_t), u_int, caddr_t, int);
+__private_extern__ caddr_t m_bigalloc(int);
+__private_extern__ void m_bigfree(caddr_t, u_int, caddr_t);
+__private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_mbigget(struct mbuf *, int);
+__private_extern__ caddr_t m_16kalloc(int);
+__private_extern__ void m_16kfree(caddr_t, u_int, caddr_t);
+__private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_m16kget(struct mbuf *, int);
+__private_extern__ void mbuf_growth_aggressive(void);
+__private_extern__ void mbuf_growth_normal(void);
+/* Exported */
struct mbuf *m_copym(struct mbuf *, int, int, int);
struct mbuf *m_split(struct mbuf *, int, int);
struct mbuf *m_free(struct mbuf *);
struct mbuf *m_devget(char *, int, int, struct ifnet *, void (*)(const void *, void *, size_t));
char *mcl_to_paddr(char *);
struct mbuf *m_pulldown(struct mbuf*, int, int, int*);
-struct mbuf *m_aux_add(struct mbuf *, int, int);
-struct mbuf *m_aux_find(struct mbuf *, int, int);
-void m_aux_delete(struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *);
-struct mbuf *m_aux_copy(struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *);
+extern struct mbuf *m_getcl(int, int, int);
struct mbuf *m_mclget(struct mbuf *, int);
caddr_t m_mclalloc(int);
void m_mclfree(caddr_t p);
int m_trailingspace(struct mbuf *);
int m_leadingspace(struct mbuf *);
+struct mbuf *m_normalize(struct mbuf *m);
void m_mchtype(struct mbuf *m, int t);
void m_mcheck(struct mbuf*);
-void m_copyback(struct mbuf *, int , int , caddr_t);
-void m_copydata(struct mbuf *, int , int , caddr_t);
+extern void m_copyback(struct mbuf *, int , int , const void *);
+extern struct mbuf *m_copyback_cow(struct mbuf *, int, int, const void *, int);
+extern int m_makewritable(struct mbuf **, int, int, int);
+void m_copydata(struct mbuf *, int , int , void *);
struct mbuf* m_dup(struct mbuf *m, int how);
void m_cat(struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *);
struct mbuf *m_copym_with_hdrs(struct mbuf*, int, int, int, struct mbuf**, int*);
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#ifdef KERNEL
#include <sys/kpi_mbuf.h>
+#endif /* KERNEL */
#endif /* !_SYS_MBUF_H_ */