- * Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2003, 2005-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
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+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
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- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
File: BTreeAllocate.c
+#include "../../hfs_btreeio.h"
#include "../../hfs_endian.h"
#include "../headers/BTreesPrivate.h"
///////////////////// Routines Internal To BTreeAllocate.c //////////////////////
-OSStatus GetMapNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+static OSStatus GetMapNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
BlockDescriptor *nodePtr,
- UInt16 **mapPtr,
- UInt16 *mapSize );
+ u_int16_t **mapPtr,
+ u_int16_t *mapSize );
!= noErr - failure
-OSStatus AllocateNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr, UInt32 *nodeNum)
+OSStatus AllocateNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr, u_int32_t *nodeNum)
OSStatus err;
BlockDescriptor node;
- UInt16 *mapPtr, *pos;
- UInt16 mapSize, size;
- UInt16 freeWord;
- UInt16 mask;
- UInt16 bitOffset;
- UInt32 nodeNumber;
+ u_int16_t *mapPtr, *pos;
+ u_int16_t mapSize, size;
+ u_int16_t freeWord;
+ u_int16_t mask;
+ u_int16_t bitOffset;
+ u_int32_t nodeNumber;
nodeNumber = 0; // first node number of header map record
!= noErr - GetNode or ReleaseNode encountered some difficulty
-OSStatus FreeNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr, UInt32 nodeNum)
+OSStatus FreeNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr, u_int32_t nodeNum)
OSStatus err;
BlockDescriptor node;
- UInt32 nodeIndex;
- UInt16 mapSize;
- UInt16 *mapPos;
- UInt16 bitOffset;
+ u_int32_t nodeIndex;
+ u_int16_t mapSize;
+ u_int16_t *mapPos;
+ u_int16_t bitOffset;
//////////////////////////// Find Map Record ////////////////////////////////
OSStatus ExtendBTree (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
- UInt32 newTotalNodes )
+ u_int32_t newTotalNodes )
OSStatus err;
FCB *filePtr;
FSSize minEOF, maxEOF;
- UInt16 nodeSize;
- UInt32 oldTotalNodes;
- UInt32 newMapNodes;
- UInt32 mapBits, totalMapBits;
- UInt32 recStartBit;
- UInt32 nodeNum, nextNodeNum;
- UInt32 firstNewMapNodeNum, lastNewMapNodeNum;
+ u_int16_t nodeSize;
+ u_int32_t oldTotalNodes;
+ u_int32_t newMapNodes;
+ u_int32_t mapBits, totalMapBits;
+ u_int32_t recStartBit;
+ u_int32_t nodeNum, nextNodeNum;
+ u_int32_t firstNewMapNodeNum, lastNewMapNodeNum;
BlockDescriptor mapNode, newNode;
- UInt16 *mapPos;
- UInt16 *mapStart;
- UInt16 mapSize;
- UInt16 mapNodeRecSize;
- UInt32 bitInWord, bitInRecord;
- UInt16 mapIndex;
+ u_int16_t *mapPos;
+ u_int16_t *mapStart;
+ u_int16_t mapSize;
+ u_int16_t mapNodeRecSize;
+ u_int32_t bitInWord, bitInRecord;
+ u_int16_t mapIndex;
oldTotalNodes = btreePtr->totalNodes;
} while ( ((BTNodeDescriptor*)mapNode.buffer)->fLink != 0 );
if (DEBUG_BUILD && totalMapBits != CalcMapBits (btreePtr))
- Panic ("\pExtendBTree: totalMapBits != CalcMapBits");
+ Panic ("ExtendBTree: totalMapBits != CalcMapBits");
/////////////////////// Extend LEOF If Necessary ////////////////////////////
- minEOF = (UInt64)newTotalNodes * (UInt64)nodeSize;
- if ( filePtr->fcbEOF < minEOF )
+ minEOF = (u_int64_t)newTotalNodes * (u_int64_t)nodeSize;
+ if ( (u_int64_t)filePtr->fcbEOF < minEOF )
- maxEOF = (UInt64)0x7fffffffLL * (UInt64)nodeSize;
+ maxEOF = (u_int64_t)0x7fffffffLL * (u_int64_t)nodeSize;
err = btreePtr->setEndOfForkProc (btreePtr->fileRefNum, minEOF, maxEOF);
M_ExitOnError (err);
((NodeDescPtr)newNode.buffer)->kind = kBTMapNode;
// set free space offset
- *(UInt16 *)((Ptr)newNode.buffer + nodeSize - 4) = nodeSize - 6;
+ *(u_int16_t *)((Ptr)newNode.buffer + nodeSize - 4) = nodeSize - 6;
if (nodeNum++ == lastNewMapNodeNum)
err = UpdateNode (btreePtr, &mapNode, 0, kLockTransaction);
M_ExitOnError (err);
- err = GetNode (btreePtr, nextNodeNum, &mapNode);
+ err = GetNode (btreePtr, nextNodeNum, 0, &mapNode);
M_ExitOnError (err);
// XXXdbg
mapIndex = 0;
- mapStart = (UInt16 *) GetRecordAddress (btreePtr, mapNode.buffer, mapIndex);
+ mapStart = (u_int16_t *) GetRecordAddress (btreePtr, mapNode.buffer, mapIndex);
mapSize = GetRecordSize (btreePtr, mapNode.buffer, mapIndex);
if (DEBUG_BUILD && mapSize != M_MapRecordSize (btreePtr->nodeSize) )
- Panic ("\pExtendBTree: mapSize != M_MapRecordSize");
+ Panic ("ExtendBTree: mapSize != M_MapRecordSize");
mapBits = mapSize << 3; // mapSize (in bytes) * 8
!= noErr - failure
OSStatus GetMapNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
BlockDescriptor *nodePtr,
- UInt16 **mapPtr,
- UInt16 *mapSize )
+ u_int16_t **mapPtr,
+ u_int16_t *mapSize )
OSStatus err;
- UInt16 mapIndex;
- UInt32 nextNodeNum;
+ u_int16_t mapIndex;
+ u_int32_t nextNodeNum;
if (nodePtr->buffer != nil) // if iterator is valid...
err = ReleaseNode (btreePtr, nodePtr);
M_ExitOnError (err);
- err = GetNode (btreePtr, nextNodeNum, nodePtr);
+ err = GetNode (btreePtr, nextNodeNum, 0, nodePtr);
M_ExitOnError (err);
if ( ((NodeDescPtr)nodePtr->buffer)->kind != kBTMapNode)
mapIndex = 0;
} else {
- err = GetNode (btreePtr, kHeaderNodeNum, nodePtr);
+ err = GetNode (btreePtr, kHeaderNodeNum, 0, nodePtr);
M_ExitOnError (err);
if ( ((NodeDescPtr)nodePtr->buffer)->kind != kBTHeaderNode)
- *mapPtr = (UInt16 *) GetRecordAddress (btreePtr, nodePtr->buffer, mapIndex);
+ *mapPtr = (u_int16_t *) GetRecordAddress (btreePtr, nodePtr->buffer, mapIndex);
*mapSize = GetRecordSize (btreePtr, nodePtr->buffer, mapIndex);
return noErr;
////////////////////////////////// CalcMapBits //////////////////////////////////
-UInt32 CalcMapBits (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr)
+u_int32_t CalcMapBits (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr)
- UInt32 mapBits;
+ u_int32_t mapBits;
mapBits = M_HeaderMapRecordSize (btreePtr->nodeSize) << 3;
return mapBits;
+Routine: BTZeroUnusedNodes
+Function: Write zeros to all nodes in the B-tree that are not currently in use.
+BTZeroUnusedNodes(FCB *filePtr)
+ int err;
+ vnode_t vp;
+ BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr;
+ BlockDescriptor mapNode;
+ buf_t bp;
+ u_int32_t nodeNumber;
+ u_int16_t *mapPtr, *pos;
+ u_int16_t mapSize, size;
+ u_int16_t mask;
+ u_int16_t bitNumber;
+ u_int16_t word;
+ int numWritten;
+ vp = FTOV(filePtr);
+ btreePtr = (BTreeControlBlockPtr) filePtr->fcbBTCBPtr;
+ bp = NULL;
+ nodeNumber = 0;
+ mapNode.buffer = nil;
+ mapNode.blockHeader = nil;
+ numWritten = 0;
+ /* Iterate over map nodes. */
+ while (true)
+ {
+ err = GetMapNode (btreePtr, &mapNode, &mapPtr, &mapSize);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ err = MacToVFSError(err);
+ goto ErrorExit;
+ }
+ pos = mapPtr;
+ size = mapSize;
+ size >>= 1; /* convert to number of 16-bit words */
+ /* Iterate over 16-bit words in the map record. */
+ while (size--)
+ {
+ if (*pos != 0xFFFF) /* Anything free in this word? */
+ {
+ word = SWAP_BE16(*pos);
+ /* Iterate over bits in the word. */
+ for (bitNumber = 0, mask = 0x8000;
+ bitNumber < 16;
+ ++bitNumber, mask >>= 1)
+ {
+ if (word & mask)
+ continue; /* This node is in use. */
+ if (nodeNumber + bitNumber >= btreePtr->totalNodes)
+ {
+ /* We've processed all of the nodes. */
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get a buffer full of zeros and write it to the unused
+ * node. Since we'll probably be writing a lot of nodes,
+ * bypass the journal (to avoid a transaction that's too
+ * big). Instead, this behaves more like clearing out
+ * nodes when extending a B-tree (eg., ClearBTNodes).
+ */
+ bp = buf_getblk(vp, nodeNumber + bitNumber, btreePtr->nodeSize, 0, 0, BLK_META);
+ if (bp == NULL)
+ {
+ printf("hfs: BTZeroUnusedNodes: unable to read node %u\n", nodeNumber + bitNumber);
+ err = EIO;
+ goto ErrorExit;
+ }
+ if (buf_flags(bp) & B_LOCKED) {
+ /*
+ * This node is already part of a transaction and will be written when
+ * the transaction is committed, so don't write it here. If we did, then
+ * we'd hit a panic in hfs_vnop_bwrite because the B_LOCKED bit is still set.
+ */
+ buf_brelse(bp);
+ continue;
+ }
+ buf_clear(bp);
+ buf_markaged(bp);
+ /*
+ * Try not to hog the buffer cache. Wait for the write
+ * every 32 nodes. If VNOP_BWRITE reports an error, bail out and bubble
+ * it up to the function calling us. If we tried to update a read-only
+ * mount on read-only media, for example, catching the error will let
+ * us alert the callers of this function that they should maintain
+ * the mount in read-only mode.
+ */
+ ++numWritten;
+ if (numWritten % 32 == 0) {
+ err = VNOP_BWRITE(bp);
+ if (err) {
+ goto ErrorExit;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ buf_bawrite(bp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Go to the next word in the bitmap */
+ ++pos;
+ nodeNumber += 16;
+ }
+ }
+ (void) ReleaseNode(btreePtr, &mapNode);
+ return err;