+ disable_preemption();
+ return;
+ enable_preemption();
+ return;
+#include <tests/xnupost.h>
+#define TESTOSLOGFMT(fn_name) "%u^%llu/%llu^kernel^0^test^" fn_name
+#define TESTOSLOG(fn_name) TESTOSLOGPFX TESTOSLOGFMT(fn_name "#")
+extern u_int32_t RandomULong(void);
+extern uint32_t find_pattern_in_buffer(char * pattern, uint32_t len, int expected_count);
+void test_oslog_default_helper(uint32_t uniqid, uint64_t count);
+void test_oslog_info_helper(uint32_t uniqid, uint64_t count);
+void test_oslog_debug_helper(uint32_t uniqid, uint64_t count);
+void test_oslog_error_helper(uint32_t uniqid, uint64_t count);
+void test_oslog_fault_helper(uint32_t uniqid, uint64_t count);
+void _test_log_loop(void * arg __unused, wait_result_t wres __unused);
+void test_oslog_handleOSLogCtl(int32_t * in, int32_t * out, int32_t len);
+kern_return_t test_stresslog_dropmsg(uint32_t uniqid);
+kern_return_t test_os_log(void);
+kern_return_t test_os_log_parallel(void);
+#define GENOSLOGHELPER(fname, ident, callout_f) \
+ void fname(uint32_t uniqid, uint64_t count) \
+ { \
+ int32_t datalen = 0; \
+ uint32_t checksum = 0; \
+ char databuffer[256]; \
+ T_LOG("Doing os_log of %llu TESTLOG msgs for fn " ident, count); \
+ for (uint64_t i = 0; i < count; i++) \
+ { \
+ datalen = scnprintf(databuffer, sizeof(databuffer), TESTOSLOGFMT(ident), uniqid, i + 1, count); \
+ checksum = crc32(0, databuffer, datalen); \
+ callout_f(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, TESTOSLOG(ident), checksum, uniqid, i + 1, count); \
+ /*T_LOG(TESTOSLOG(ident), checksum, uniqid, i + 1, count);*/ \
+ } \
+ }
+GENOSLOGHELPER(test_oslog_info_helper, "oslog_info_helper", os_log_info);
+GENOSLOGHELPER(test_oslog_fault_helper, "oslog_fault_helper", os_log_fault);
+GENOSLOGHELPER(test_oslog_debug_helper, "oslog_debug_helper", os_log_debug);
+GENOSLOGHELPER(test_oslog_error_helper, "oslog_error_helper", os_log_error);
+GENOSLOGHELPER(test_oslog_default_helper, "oslog_default_helper", os_log);
+ char databuffer[256];
+ uint32_t uniqid = RandomULong();
+ uint32_t match_count = 0;
+ uint32_t checksum = 0;
+ uint32_t total_msg = 0;
+ uint32_t saved_msg = 0;
+ uint32_t dropped_msg = 0;
+ int datalen = 0;
+ uint64_t a = mach_absolute_time();
+ uint64_t seqno = 1;
+ uint64_t total_seqno = 2;
+ os_log_t log_handle = os_log_create("com.apple.xnu.test.t1", "kpost");
+ T_ASSERT_EQ_PTR(&_os_log_default, log_handle, "os_log_create returns valid value.");
+ T_ASSERT_EQ_INT(TRUE, os_log_info_enabled(log_handle), "os_log_info is enabled");
+ T_ASSERT_EQ_INT(TRUE, os_log_debug_enabled(log_handle), "os_log_debug is enabled");
+ T_ASSERT_EQ_PTR(&_os_log_default, OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "ensure OS_LOG_DEFAULT is _os_log_default");
+ total_msg = oslog_p_total_msgcount;
+ saved_msg = oslog_p_saved_msgcount;
+ dropped_msg = oslog_p_dropped_msgcount;
+ T_LOG("oslog internal counters total %u , saved %u, dropped %u", total_msg, saved_msg, dropped_msg);
+ T_LOG("Validating with uniqid %u u64 %llu", uniqid, a);
+ T_ASSERT_NE_UINT(0, uniqid, "random number should not be zero");
+ T_ASSERT_NE_ULLONG(0, a, "absolute time should not be zero");
+ datalen = scnprintf(databuffer, sizeof(databuffer), TESTOSLOGFMT("printf_only"), uniqid, seqno, total_seqno);
+ checksum = crc32(0, databuffer, datalen);
+ printf(TESTOSLOG("printf_only") "mat%llu\n", checksum, uniqid, seqno, total_seqno, a);
+ seqno += 1;
+ datalen = scnprintf(databuffer, sizeof(databuffer), TESTOSLOGFMT("printf_only"), uniqid, seqno, total_seqno);
+ checksum = crc32(0, databuffer, datalen);
+ printf(TESTOSLOG("printf_only") "mat%llu\n", checksum, uniqid, seqno, total_seqno, a);
+ datalen = scnprintf(databuffer, sizeof(databuffer), "kernel^0^test^printf_only#mat%llu", a);
+ match_count = find_pattern_in_buffer(databuffer, datalen, total_seqno);
+ T_EXPECT_EQ_UINT(match_count, 2, "verify printf_only goes to systemlog buffer");
+ uint32_t logging_config = atm_get_diagnostic_config();
+ T_LOG("checking atm_diagnostic_config 0x%X", logging_config);
+ if ((logging_config & ATM_TRACE_OFF) || (logging_config & ATM_TRACE_DISABLE)) {
+ T_LOG("ATM_TRACE_OFF / ATM_TRACE_DISABLE is set. Would not see oslog messages. skipping the rest of test.");
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ /* for enabled logging printfs should be saved in oslog as well */
+ T_EXPECT_GE_UINT((oslog_p_total_msgcount - total_msg), 2, "atleast 2 msgs should be seen by oslog system");
+ a = mach_absolute_time();
+ total_seqno = 1;
+ seqno = 1;
+ total_msg = oslog_p_total_msgcount;
+ saved_msg = oslog_p_saved_msgcount;
+ dropped_msg = oslog_p_dropped_msgcount;
+ datalen = scnprintf(databuffer, sizeof(databuffer), TESTOSLOGFMT("oslog_info"), uniqid, seqno, total_seqno);
+ checksum = crc32(0, databuffer, datalen);
+ os_log_info(log_handle, TESTOSLOG("oslog_info") "mat%llu", checksum, uniqid, seqno, total_seqno, a);
+ T_EXPECT_GE_UINT((oslog_p_total_msgcount - total_msg), 1, "total message count in buffer");
+ datalen = scnprintf(databuffer, sizeof(databuffer), "kernel^0^test^oslog_info#mat%llu", a);
+ match_count = find_pattern_in_buffer(databuffer, datalen, total_seqno);
+ T_EXPECT_EQ_UINT(match_count, 1, "verify oslog_info does not go to systemlog buffer");
+ total_msg = oslog_p_total_msgcount;
+ test_oslog_info_helper(uniqid, 10);
+ T_EXPECT_GE_UINT(oslog_p_total_msgcount - total_msg, 10, "test_oslog_info_helper: Should have seen 10 msgs");
+ total_msg = oslog_p_total_msgcount;
+ test_oslog_debug_helper(uniqid, 10);
+ T_EXPECT_GE_UINT(oslog_p_total_msgcount - total_msg, 10, "test_oslog_debug_helper:Should have seen 10 msgs");
+ total_msg = oslog_p_total_msgcount;
+ test_oslog_error_helper(uniqid, 10);
+ T_EXPECT_GE_UINT(oslog_p_total_msgcount - total_msg, 10, "test_oslog_error_helper:Should have seen 10 msgs");
+ total_msg = oslog_p_total_msgcount;
+ test_oslog_default_helper(uniqid, 10);
+ T_EXPECT_GE_UINT(oslog_p_total_msgcount - total_msg, 10, "test_oslog_default_helper:Should have seen 10 msgs");
+ total_msg = oslog_p_total_msgcount;
+ test_oslog_fault_helper(uniqid, 10);
+ T_EXPECT_GE_UINT(oslog_p_total_msgcount - total_msg, 10, "test_oslog_fault_helper:Should have seen 10 msgs");
+ T_LOG("oslog internal counters total %u , saved %u, dropped %u", oslog_p_total_msgcount, oslog_p_saved_msgcount,
+ oslog_p_dropped_msgcount);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;