* Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
#include <kern/queue.h>
+#include <kern/sched_prim.h>
extern "C" void console_suspend();
extern "C" void console_resume();
+extern "C" void sched_override_recommended_cores_for_sleep(void);
+extern "C" void sched_restore_recommended_cores_after_sleep(void);
typedef kern_return_t (*iocpu_platform_action_t)(void * refcon0, void * refcon1, uint32_t priority,
- void * param1, void * param2, void * param3,
- const char * name);
-struct iocpu_platform_action_entry
- queue_chain_t link;
- iocpu_platform_action_t action;
- int32_t priority;
- const char * name;
- void * refcon0;
- void * refcon1;
- boolean_t callout_in_progress;
- struct iocpu_platform_action_entry * alloc_list;
+ void * param1, void * param2, void * param3,
+ const char * name);
+struct iocpu_platform_action_entry {
+ queue_chain_t link;
+ iocpu_platform_action_t action;
+ int32_t priority;
+ const char * name;
+ void * refcon0;
+ void * refcon1;
+ boolean_t callout_in_progress;
+ struct iocpu_platform_action_entry * alloc_list;
typedef struct iocpu_platform_action_entry iocpu_platform_action_entry_t;
static const OSSymbol *gIOCPUStateKey;
static OSString *gIOCPUStateNames[kIOCPUStateCount];
- kQueueSleep = 0,
- kQueueWake = 1,
- kQueueQuiesce = 2,
- kQueueActive = 3,
- kQueueHaltRestart = 4,
- kQueuePanic = 5,
- kQueueCount = 6
+ kQueueSleep = 0,
+ kQueueWake = 1,
+ kQueueQuiesce = 2,
+ kQueueActive = 3,
+ kQueueHaltRestart = 4,
+ kQueuePanic = 5,
+ kQueueCount = 6
-const OSSymbol * gIOPlatformSleepActionKey;
-const OSSymbol * gIOPlatformWakeActionKey;
-const OSSymbol * gIOPlatformQuiesceActionKey;
-const OSSymbol * gIOPlatformActiveActionKey;
-const OSSymbol * gIOPlatformHaltRestartActionKey;
-const OSSymbol * gIOPlatformPanicActionKey;
+const OSSymbol * gIOPlatformSleepActionKey;
+const OSSymbol * gIOPlatformWakeActionKey;
+const OSSymbol * gIOPlatformQuiesceActionKey;
+const OSSymbol * gIOPlatformActiveActionKey;
+const OSSymbol * gIOPlatformHaltRestartActionKey;
+const OSSymbol * gIOPlatformPanicActionKey;
-static queue_head_t gActionQueues[kQueueCount];
-static const OSSymbol * gActionSymbols[kQueueCount];
+static queue_head_t gActionQueues[kQueueCount];
+static const OSSymbol * gActionSymbols[kQueueCount];
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
static void
iocpu_add_platform_action(queue_head_t * queue, iocpu_platform_action_entry_t * entry)
- iocpu_platform_action_entry_t * next;
+ iocpu_platform_action_entry_t * next;
- queue_iterate(queue, next, iocpu_platform_action_entry_t *, link)
- {
- if (next->priority > entry->priority)
+ queue_iterate(queue, next, iocpu_platform_action_entry_t *, link)
- queue_insert_before(queue, entry, next, iocpu_platform_action_entry_t *, link);
- return;
+ if (next->priority > entry->priority) {
+ queue_insert_before(queue, entry, next, iocpu_platform_action_entry_t *, link);
+ return;
+ }
- }
- queue_enter(queue, entry, iocpu_platform_action_entry_t *, link); // at tail
+ queue_enter(queue, entry, iocpu_platform_action_entry_t *, link); // at tail
static void
iocpu_remove_platform_action(iocpu_platform_action_entry_t * entry)
- remque(&entry->link);
+ remque(&entry->link);
static kern_return_t
iocpu_run_platform_actions(queue_head_t * queue, uint32_t first_priority, uint32_t last_priority,
- void * param1, void * param2, void * param3, boolean_t allow_nested_callouts)
+ void * param1, void * param2, void * param3, boolean_t allow_nested_callouts)
- kern_return_t ret = KERN_SUCCESS;
- kern_return_t result = KERN_SUCCESS;
- iocpu_platform_action_entry_t * next;
+ kern_return_t ret = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ kern_return_t result = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ iocpu_platform_action_entry_t * next;
- queue_iterate(queue, next, iocpu_platform_action_entry_t *, link)
- {
- uint32_t pri = (next->priority < 0) ? -next->priority : next->priority;
- if ((pri >= first_priority) && (pri <= last_priority))
+ queue_iterate(queue, next, iocpu_platform_action_entry_t *, link)
- //kprintf("[%p]", next->action);
- if (!allow_nested_callouts && !next->callout_in_progress)
- {
- next->callout_in_progress = TRUE;
- ret = (*next->action)(next->refcon0, next->refcon1, pri, param1, param2, param3, next->name);
- next->callout_in_progress = FALSE;
- }
- else if (allow_nested_callouts)
- {
- ret = (*next->action)(next->refcon0, next->refcon1, pri, param1, param2, param3, next->name);
- }
- }
- if (KERN_SUCCESS == result)
- result = ret;
- }
- return (result);
+ uint32_t pri = (next->priority < 0) ? -next->priority : next->priority;
+ if ((pri >= first_priority) && (pri <= last_priority)) {
+ //kprintf("[%p]", next->action);
+ if (!allow_nested_callouts && !next->callout_in_progress) {
+ next->callout_in_progress = TRUE;
+ ret = (*next->action)(next->refcon0, next->refcon1, pri, param1, param2, param3, next->name);
+ next->callout_in_progress = FALSE;
+ } else if (allow_nested_callouts) {
+ ret = (*next->action)(next->refcon0, next->refcon1, pri, param1, param2, param3, next->name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS == result) {
+ result = ret;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
-extern "C" kern_return_t
+extern "C" kern_return_t
- return (iocpu_run_platform_actions(&gActionQueues[kQueueQuiesce], 0, 0U-1,
+ assert(preemption_enabled() == false);
+ return iocpu_run_platform_actions(&gActionQueues[kQueueQuiesce], 0, 0U - 1,
-extern "C" kern_return_t
+extern "C" kern_return_t
- return (iocpu_run_platform_actions(&gActionQueues[kQueueActive], 0, 0U-1,
+ assert(preemption_enabled() == false);
+ return iocpu_run_platform_actions(&gActionQueues[kQueueActive], 0, 0U - 1,
-extern "C" kern_return_t
+extern "C" kern_return_t
IOCPURunPlatformHaltRestartActions(uint32_t message)
- if (!gActionQueues[kQueueHaltRestart].next) return (kIOReturnNotReady);
- return (iocpu_run_platform_actions(&gActionQueues[kQueueHaltRestart], 0, 0U-1,
- (void *)(uintptr_t) message, NULL, NULL, TRUE));
+ if (!gActionQueues[kQueueHaltRestart].next) {
+ return kIOReturnNotReady;
+ }
+ return iocpu_run_platform_actions(&gActionQueues[kQueueHaltRestart], 0, 0U - 1,
+ (void *)(uintptr_t) message, NULL, NULL, TRUE);
-extern "C" kern_return_t
+extern "C" kern_return_t
IOCPURunPlatformPanicActions(uint32_t message)
- // Don't allow nested calls of panic actions
- if (!gActionQueues[kQueuePanic].next) return (kIOReturnNotReady);
- return (iocpu_run_platform_actions(&gActionQueues[kQueuePanic], 0, 0U-1,
- (void *)(uintptr_t) message, NULL, NULL, FALSE));
+ // Don't allow nested calls of panic actions
+ if (!gActionQueues[kQueuePanic].next) {
+ return kIOReturnNotReady;
+ }
+ return iocpu_run_platform_actions(&gActionQueues[kQueuePanic], 0, 0U - 1,
+ (void *)(uintptr_t) message, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
extern "C" kern_return_t
-IOCPURunPlatformPanicSyncAction(void *addr, size_t len)
+IOCPURunPlatformPanicSyncAction(void *addr, uint32_t offset, uint32_t len)
- // Don't allow nested calls of panic actions
- if (!gActionQueues[kQueuePanic].next) return (kIOReturnNotReady);
- return (iocpu_run_platform_actions(&gActionQueues[kQueuePanic], 0, 0U-1,
- (void *)(uintptr_t)(kPEPanicSync), addr, (void *)(uintptr_t)len, FALSE));
+ PE_panic_save_context_t context = {
+ .psc_buffer = addr,
+ .psc_offset = offset,
+ .psc_length = len
+ };
+ // Don't allow nested calls of panic actions
+ if (!gActionQueues[kQueuePanic].next) {
+ return kIOReturnNotReady;
+ }
+ return iocpu_run_platform_actions(&gActionQueues[kQueuePanic], 0, 0U - 1,
+ (void *)(uintptr_t)(kPEPanicSync), &context, NULL, FALSE);
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
-static kern_return_t
+static kern_return_t
IOServicePlatformAction(void * refcon0, void * refcon1, uint32_t priority,
- void * param1, void * param2, void * param3,
- const char * service_name)
+ void * param1, void * param2, void * param3,
+ const char * service_name)
- IOReturn ret;
- IOService * service = (IOService *) refcon0;
- const OSSymbol * function = (const OSSymbol *) refcon1;
+ IOReturn ret;
+ IOService * service = (IOService *) refcon0;
+ const OSSymbol * function = (const OSSymbol *) refcon1;
- kprintf("%s -> %s\n", function->getCStringNoCopy(), service_name);
+ kprintf("%s -> %s\n", function->getCStringNoCopy(), service_name);
- ret = service->callPlatformFunction(function, false,
- (void *)(uintptr_t) priority, param1, param2, param3);
+ ret = service->callPlatformFunction(function, false,
+ (void *)(uintptr_t) priority, param1, param2, param3);
- return (ret);
+ return ret;
static void
IOInstallServicePlatformAction(IOService * service, uint32_t qidx)
- iocpu_platform_action_entry_t * entry;
- OSNumber * num;
- uint32_t priority;
- const OSSymbol * key = gActionSymbols[qidx];
- queue_head_t * queue = &gActionQueues[qidx];
- bool reverse;
- bool uniq;
- num = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, service->getProperty(key));
- if (!num) return;
- reverse = false;
- uniq = false;
- switch (qidx)
- {
+ iocpu_platform_action_entry_t * entry;
+ OSNumber * num;
+ uint32_t priority;
+ const OSSymbol * key = gActionSymbols[qidx];
+ queue_head_t * queue = &gActionQueues[qidx];
+ bool reverse;
+ bool uniq;
+ num = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, service->getProperty(key));
+ if (!num) {
+ return;
+ }
+ reverse = false;
+ uniq = false;
+ switch (qidx) {
case kQueueWake:
case kQueueActive:
- reverse = true;
- break;
+ reverse = true;
+ break;
case kQueueHaltRestart:
case kQueuePanic:
- uniq = true;
- break;
- }
- if (uniq)
- {
- queue_iterate(queue, entry, iocpu_platform_action_entry_t *, link)
- {
- if (service == entry->refcon0) return;
+ uniq = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (uniq) {
+ queue_iterate(queue, entry, iocpu_platform_action_entry_t *, link)
+ {
+ if (service == entry->refcon0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
- }
- entry = IONew(iocpu_platform_action_entry_t, 1);
- entry->action = &IOServicePlatformAction;
- entry->name = service->getName();
- priority = num->unsigned32BitValue();
- if (reverse)
- entry->priority = -priority;
- else
- entry->priority = priority;
- entry->refcon0 = service;
- entry->refcon1 = (void *) key;
- entry->callout_in_progress = FALSE;
+ entry = IONew(iocpu_platform_action_entry_t, 1);
+ entry->action = &IOServicePlatformAction;
+ entry->name = service->getName();
+ priority = num->unsigned32BitValue();
+ if (reverse) {
+ entry->priority = -priority;
+ } else {
+ entry->priority = priority;
+ }
+ entry->refcon0 = service;
+ entry->refcon1 = (void *) key;
+ entry->callout_in_progress = FALSE;
- iocpu_add_platform_action(queue, entry);
+ iocpu_add_platform_action(queue, entry);
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
- gIOCPUsLock = IOLockAlloc();
- gIOCPUs = OSArray::withCapacity(1);
- for (uint32_t qidx = kQueueSleep; qidx < kQueueCount; qidx++)
- {
- queue_init(&gActionQueues[qidx]);
- }
- gIOCPUStateKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("IOCPUState");
- gIOCPUStateNames[kIOCPUStateUnregistered] =
- OSString::withCStringNoCopy("Unregistered");
- gIOCPUStateNames[kIOCPUStateUninitalized] =
- OSString::withCStringNoCopy("Uninitalized");
- gIOCPUStateNames[kIOCPUStateStopped] =
- OSString::withCStringNoCopy("Stopped");
- gIOCPUStateNames[kIOCPUStateRunning] =
- OSString::withCStringNoCopy("Running");
- gIOPlatformSleepActionKey = gActionSymbols[kQueueSleep]
- = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPlatformSleepActionKey);
- gIOPlatformWakeActionKey = gActionSymbols[kQueueWake]
- = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPlatformWakeActionKey);
- gIOPlatformQuiesceActionKey = gActionSymbols[kQueueQuiesce]
- = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPlatformQuiesceActionKey);
- gIOPlatformActiveActionKey = gActionSymbols[kQueueActive]
- = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPlatformActiveActionKey);
- gIOPlatformHaltRestartActionKey = gActionSymbols[kQueueHaltRestart]
- = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPlatformHaltRestartActionKey);
- gIOPlatformPanicActionKey = gActionSymbols[kQueuePanic]
- = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPlatformPanicActionKey);
+ gIOCPUsLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ gIOCPUs = OSArray::withCapacity(1);
+ for (uint32_t qidx = kQueueSleep; qidx < kQueueCount; qidx++) {
+ queue_init(&gActionQueues[qidx]);
+ }
+ gIOCPUStateKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("IOCPUState");
+ gIOCPUStateNames[kIOCPUStateUnregistered] =
+ OSString::withCStringNoCopy("Unregistered");
+ gIOCPUStateNames[kIOCPUStateUninitalized] =
+ OSString::withCStringNoCopy("Uninitalized");
+ gIOCPUStateNames[kIOCPUStateStopped] =
+ OSString::withCStringNoCopy("Stopped");
+ gIOCPUStateNames[kIOCPUStateRunning] =
+ OSString::withCStringNoCopy("Running");
+ gIOPlatformSleepActionKey = gActionSymbols[kQueueSleep]
+ = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPlatformSleepActionKey);
+ gIOPlatformWakeActionKey = gActionSymbols[kQueueWake]
+ = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPlatformWakeActionKey);
+ gIOPlatformQuiesceActionKey = gActionSymbols[kQueueQuiesce]
+ = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPlatformQuiesceActionKey);
+ gIOPlatformActiveActionKey = gActionSymbols[kQueueActive]
+ = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPlatformActiveActionKey);
+ gIOPlatformHaltRestartActionKey = gActionSymbols[kQueueHaltRestart]
+ = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPlatformHaltRestartActionKey);
+ gIOPlatformPanicActionKey = gActionSymbols[kQueuePanic]
+ = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPlatformPanicActionKey);
IOInstallServicePlatformActions(IOService * service)
- IOLockLock(gIOCPUsLock);
+ IOLockLock(gIOCPUsLock);
- IOInstallServicePlatformAction(service, kQueueHaltRestart);
- IOInstallServicePlatformAction(service, kQueuePanic);
+ IOInstallServicePlatformAction(service, kQueueHaltRestart);
+ IOInstallServicePlatformAction(service, kQueuePanic);
- IOLockUnlock(gIOCPUsLock);
+ IOLockUnlock(gIOCPUsLock);
- return (kIOReturnSuccess);
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
IORemoveServicePlatformActions(IOService * service)
- iocpu_platform_action_entry_t * entry;
- iocpu_platform_action_entry_t * next;
- IOLockLock(gIOCPUsLock);
- for (uint32_t qidx = kQueueSleep; qidx < kQueueCount; qidx++)
- {
- next = (typeof(entry)) queue_first(&gActionQueues[qidx]);
- while (!queue_end(&gActionQueues[qidx], &next->link))
- {
- entry = next;
- next = (typeof(entry)) queue_next(&entry->link);
- if (service == entry->refcon0)
- {
- iocpu_remove_platform_action(entry);
- IODelete(entry, iocpu_platform_action_entry_t, 1);
- }
+ iocpu_platform_action_entry_t * entry;
+ iocpu_platform_action_entry_t * next;
+ IOLockLock(gIOCPUsLock);
+ for (uint32_t qidx = kQueueSleep; qidx < kQueueCount; qidx++) {
+ next = (typeof(entry))queue_first(&gActionQueues[qidx]);
+ while (!queue_end(&gActionQueues[qidx], &next->link)) {
+ entry = next;
+ next = (typeof(entry))queue_next(&entry->link);
+ if (service == entry->refcon0) {
+ iocpu_remove_platform_action(entry);
+ IODelete(entry, iocpu_platform_action_entry_t, 1);
+ }
+ }
- }
- IOLockUnlock(gIOCPUsLock);
+ IOLockUnlock(gIOCPUsLock);
- return (kIOReturnSuccess);
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
-kern_return_t PE_cpu_start(cpu_id_t target,
- vm_offset_t start_paddr, vm_offset_t arg_paddr)
+PE_cpu_start(cpu_id_t target,
+ vm_offset_t start_paddr, vm_offset_t arg_paddr)
- IOCPU *targetCPU = OSDynamicCast(IOCPU, (OSObject *)target);
- if (targetCPU == 0) return KERN_FAILURE;
- return targetCPU->startCPU(start_paddr, arg_paddr);
+ IOCPU *targetCPU = (IOCPU *)target;
+ if (targetCPU == NULL) {
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ return targetCPU->startCPU(start_paddr, arg_paddr);
-void PE_cpu_halt(cpu_id_t target)
+PE_cpu_halt(cpu_id_t target)
- IOCPU *targetCPU = OSDynamicCast(IOCPU, (OSObject *)target);
- if (targetCPU) targetCPU->haltCPU();
+ IOCPU *targetCPU = (IOCPU *)target;
+ targetCPU->haltCPU();
-void PE_cpu_signal(cpu_id_t source, cpu_id_t target)
+PE_cpu_signal(cpu_id_t source, cpu_id_t target)
- IOCPU *sourceCPU = OSDynamicCast(IOCPU, (OSObject *)source);
- IOCPU *targetCPU = OSDynamicCast(IOCPU, (OSObject *)target);
- if (sourceCPU && targetCPU) sourceCPU->signalCPU(targetCPU);
+ IOCPU *sourceCPU = (IOCPU *)source;
+ IOCPU *targetCPU = (IOCPU *)target;
+ sourceCPU->signalCPU(targetCPU);
-void PE_cpu_signal_deferred(cpu_id_t source, cpu_id_t target)
+PE_cpu_signal_deferred(cpu_id_t source, cpu_id_t target)
- IOCPU *sourceCPU = OSDynamicCast(IOCPU, (OSObject *)source);
- IOCPU *targetCPU = OSDynamicCast(IOCPU, (OSObject *)target);
+ IOCPU *sourceCPU = (IOCPU *)source;
+ IOCPU *targetCPU = (IOCPU *)target;
- if (sourceCPU && targetCPU) sourceCPU->signalCPUDeferred(targetCPU);
+ sourceCPU->signalCPUDeferred(targetCPU);
-void PE_cpu_signal_cancel(cpu_id_t source, cpu_id_t target)
+PE_cpu_signal_cancel(cpu_id_t source, cpu_id_t target)
- IOCPU *sourceCPU = OSDynamicCast(IOCPU, (OSObject *)source);
- IOCPU *targetCPU = OSDynamicCast(IOCPU, (OSObject *)target);
+ IOCPU *sourceCPU = (IOCPU *)source;
+ IOCPU *targetCPU = (IOCPU *)target;
- if (sourceCPU && targetCPU) sourceCPU->signalCPUCancel(targetCPU);
+ sourceCPU->signalCPUCancel(targetCPU);
-void PE_cpu_machine_init(cpu_id_t target, boolean_t bootb)
+PE_cpu_machine_init(cpu_id_t target, boolean_t bootb)
- IOCPU *targetCPU = OSDynamicCast(IOCPU, (OSObject *)target);
- if (targetCPU) {
- targetCPU->initCPU(bootb);
+ IOCPU *targetCPU = OSDynamicCast(IOCPU, (OSObject *)target);
+ if (targetCPU == NULL) {
+ panic("%s: invalid target CPU %p", __func__, target);
+ }
+ targetCPU->initCPU(bootb);
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
- if (!bootb && (targetCPU->getCPUNumber() == (UInt32)master_cpu)) ml_set_is_quiescing(false);
+ if (!bootb && (targetCPU->getCPUNumber() == (UInt32)master_cpu)) {
+ ml_set_is_quiescing(false);
+ }
#endif /* defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__) */
- }
-void PE_cpu_machine_quiesce(cpu_id_t target)
+PE_cpu_machine_quiesce(cpu_id_t target)
- IOCPU *targetCPU = OSDynamicCast(IOCPU, (OSObject *)target);
- if (targetCPU) {
+ IOCPU *targetCPU = (IOCPU*)target;
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
- if (targetCPU->getCPUNumber() == (UInt32)master_cpu) ml_set_is_quiescing(true);
+ if (targetCPU->getCPUNumber() == (UInt32)master_cpu) {
+ ml_set_is_quiescing(true);
+ }
#endif /* defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__) */
- targetCPU->quiesceCPU();
- }
+ targetCPU->quiesceCPU();
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
-static perfmon_interrupt_handler_func pmi_handler = 0;
+static perfmon_interrupt_handler_func pmi_handler = NULL;
-kern_return_t PE_cpu_perfmon_interrupt_install_handler(perfmon_interrupt_handler_func handler)
+PE_cpu_perfmon_interrupt_install_handler(perfmon_interrupt_handler_func handler)
- pmi_handler = handler;
+ pmi_handler = handler;
- return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
-void PE_cpu_perfmon_interrupt_enable(cpu_id_t target, boolean_t enable)
+PE_cpu_perfmon_interrupt_enable(cpu_id_t target, boolean_t enable)
- IOCPU *targetCPU = OSDynamicCast(IOCPU, (OSObject *)target);
+ IOCPU *targetCPU = (IOCPU*)target;
- if (targetCPU) {
- if (enable) {
- targetCPU->getProvider()->registerInterrupt(1, targetCPU, (IOInterruptAction)pmi_handler, 0);
- targetCPU->getProvider()->enableInterrupt(1);
+ if (targetCPU == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (enable) {
+ targetCPU->getProvider()->registerInterrupt(1, targetCPU, (IOInterruptAction)pmi_handler, NULL);
+ targetCPU->getProvider()->enableInterrupt(1);
} else {
- targetCPU->getProvider()->disableInterrupt(1);
+ targetCPU->getProvider()->disableInterrupt(1);
- }
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
-void IOCPUSleepKernel(void)
- long cnt, numCPUs;
- IOCPU *target;
- IOCPU *bootCPU = NULL;
- IOPMrootDomain *rootDomain = IOService::getPMRootDomain();
+#if defined(__x86_64__)
+ extern IOCPU *currentShutdownTarget;
+ long cnt, numCPUs;
+ IOCPU *target;
+ IOCPU *bootCPU = NULL;
+ IOPMrootDomain *rootDomain = IOService::getPMRootDomain();
+ kprintf("IOCPUSleepKernel\n");
+#if defined(__arm64__)
+ sched_override_recommended_cores_for_sleep();
- kprintf("IOCPUSleepKernel\n");
+ IORegistryIterator * iter;
+ OSOrderedSet * all;
+ IOService * service;
+ rootDomain->tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepPlatformActions );
+ iter = IORegistryIterator::iterateOver( gIOServicePlane,
+ kIORegistryIterateRecursively );
+ if (iter) {
+ all = NULL;
+ do{
+ if (all) {
+ all->release();
+ }
+ all = iter->iterateAll();
+ }while (!iter->isValid());
+ iter->release();
+ if (all) {
+ while ((service = (IOService *) all->getFirstObject())) {
+ for (uint32_t qidx = kQueueSleep; qidx <= kQueueActive; qidx++) {
+ IOInstallServicePlatformAction(service, qidx);
+ }
+ all->removeObject(service);
+ }
+ all->release();
+ }
+ }
- IORegistryIterator * iter;
- OSOrderedSet * all;
- IOService * service;
+ iocpu_run_platform_actions(&gActionQueues[kQueueSleep], 0, 0U - 1,
- rootDomain->tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepPlatformActions );
+ rootDomain->tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepCPUs );
- iter = IORegistryIterator::iterateOver( gIOServicePlane,
- kIORegistryIterateRecursively );
- if( iter)
- {
- all = 0;
- do
- {
- if (all)
- all->release();
- all = iter->iterateAll();
+ numCPUs = gIOCPUs->getCount();
+#if defined(__x86_64__)
+ currentShutdownTarget = NULL;
+ integer_t old_pri;
+ thread_t self = current_thread();
+ /*
+ * We need to boost this thread's priority to the maximum kernel priority to
+ * ensure we can urgently preempt ANY thread currently executing on the
+ * target CPU. Note that realtime threads have their own mechanism to eventually
+ * demote their priority below MAXPRI_KERNEL if they hog the CPU for too long.
+ */
+ old_pri = thread_kern_get_pri(self);
+ thread_kern_set_pri(self, thread_kern_get_kernel_maxpri());
+ // Sleep the CPUs.
+ cnt = numCPUs;
+ while (cnt--) {
+ target = OSDynamicCast(IOCPU, gIOCPUs->getObject(cnt));
+ // We make certain that the bootCPU is the last to sleep
+ // We'll skip it for now, and halt it after finishing the
+ // non-boot CPU's.
+ if (target->getCPUNumber() == (UInt32)master_cpu) {
+ bootCPU = target;
+ } else if (target->getCPUState() == kIOCPUStateRunning) {
+#if defined(__x86_64__)
+ currentShutdownTarget = target;
+ target->haltCPU();
+ }
- while (!iter->isValid());
- iter->release();
- if (all)
- {
- while((service = (IOService *) all->getFirstObject()))
- {
- for (uint32_t qidx = kQueueSleep; qidx <= kQueueActive; qidx++)
- {
- IOInstallServicePlatformAction(service, qidx);
+ assert(bootCPU != NULL);
+ assert(cpu_number() == master_cpu);
+ console_suspend();
+ rootDomain->tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepPlatformDriver );
+ rootDomain->stop_watchdog_timer();
+ /*
+ * Now sleep the boot CPU, including calling the kQueueQuiesce actions.
+ * The system sleeps here.
+ */
+ bootCPU->haltCPU();
+ /*
+ * The system is now coming back from sleep on the boot CPU.
+ * The kQueueActive actions have already been called.
+ */
+ rootDomain->start_watchdog_timer();
+ rootDomain->tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointWakePlatformActions );
+ console_resume();
+ iocpu_run_platform_actions(&gActionQueues[kQueueWake], 0, 0U - 1,
+ iocpu_platform_action_entry_t * entry;
+ for (uint32_t qidx = kQueueSleep; qidx <= kQueueActive; qidx++) {
+ while (!(queue_empty(&gActionQueues[qidx]))) {
+ entry = (typeof(entry))queue_first(&gActionQueues[qidx]);
+ iocpu_remove_platform_action(entry);
+ IODelete(entry, iocpu_platform_action_entry_t, 1);
- all->removeObject(service);
- }
- all->release();
- }
- }
- iocpu_run_platform_actions(&gActionQueues[kQueueSleep], 0, 0U-1,
- rootDomain->tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepCPUs );
- numCPUs = gIOCPUs->getCount();
- // Sleep the CPUs.
- cnt = numCPUs;
- while (cnt--)
- {
- target = OSDynamicCast(IOCPU, gIOCPUs->getObject(cnt));
- // We make certain that the bootCPU is the last to sleep
- // We'll skip it for now, and halt it after finishing the
- // non-boot CPU's.
- if (target->getCPUNumber() == (UInt32)master_cpu)
- {
- bootCPU = target;
- } else if (target->getCPUState() == kIOCPUStateRunning)
- {
- target->haltCPU();
- }
- }
- assert(bootCPU != NULL);
- assert(cpu_number() == master_cpu);
- console_suspend();
- rootDomain->tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepPlatformDriver );
- // Now sleep the boot CPU.
- bootCPU->haltCPU();
- rootDomain->tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointWakePlatformActions );
- console_resume();
- iocpu_run_platform_actions(&gActionQueues[kQueueWake], 0, 0U-1,
- iocpu_platform_action_entry_t * entry;
- for (uint32_t qidx = kQueueSleep; qidx <= kQueueActive; qidx++)
- {
- while (!(queue_empty(&gActionQueues[qidx])))
- {
- entry = (typeof(entry)) queue_first(&gActionQueues[qidx]);
- iocpu_remove_platform_action(entry);
- IODelete(entry, iocpu_platform_action_entry_t, 1);
- }
- }
- rootDomain->tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointWakeCPUs );
- // Wake the other CPUs.
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < numCPUs; cnt++)
- {
- target = OSDynamicCast(IOCPU, gIOCPUs->getObject(cnt));
- // Skip the already-woken boot CPU.
- if (target->getCPUNumber() != (UInt32)master_cpu) {
- if (target->getCPUState() == kIOCPUStateRunning)
- panic("Spurious wakeup of cpu %u", (unsigned int)(target->getCPUNumber()));
- if (target->getCPUState() == kIOCPUStateStopped)
- processor_start(target->getMachProcessor());
- }
- }
-bool IOCPU::start(IOService *provider)
- OSData *busFrequency, *cpuFrequency, *timebaseFrequency;
- if (!super::start(provider)) return false;
- _cpuGroup = gIOCPUs;
- cpuNub = provider;
- IOLockLock(gIOCPUsLock);
- gIOCPUs->setObject(this);
- IOLockUnlock(gIOCPUsLock);
- // Correct the bus, cpu and timebase frequencies in the device tree.
- if (gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_frequency_hz < 0x100000000ULL) {
- busFrequency = OSData::withBytesNoCopy((void *)&gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_clock_rate_hz, 4);
- } else {
- busFrequency = OSData::withBytesNoCopy((void *)&gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_frequency_hz, 8);
- }
- provider->setProperty("bus-frequency", busFrequency);
- busFrequency->release();
- if (gPEClockFrequencyInfo.cpu_frequency_hz < 0x100000000ULL) {
- cpuFrequency = OSData::withBytesNoCopy((void *)&gPEClockFrequencyInfo.cpu_clock_rate_hz, 4);
- } else {
- cpuFrequency = OSData::withBytesNoCopy((void *)&gPEClockFrequencyInfo.cpu_frequency_hz, 8);
- }
- provider->setProperty("clock-frequency", cpuFrequency);
- cpuFrequency->release();
- timebaseFrequency = OSData::withBytesNoCopy((void *)&gPEClockFrequencyInfo.timebase_frequency_hz, 4);
- provider->setProperty("timebase-frequency", timebaseFrequency);
- timebaseFrequency->release();
- super::setProperty("IOCPUID", getRegistryEntryID(), sizeof(uint64_t)*8);
- setCPUNumber(0);
- setCPUState(kIOCPUStateUnregistered);
- return true;
-OSObject *IOCPU::getProperty(const OSSymbol *aKey) const
- if (aKey == gIOCPUStateKey) return gIOCPUStateNames[_cpuState];
- return super::getProperty(aKey);
-bool IOCPU::setProperty(const OSSymbol *aKey, OSObject *anObject)
- if (aKey == gIOCPUStateKey) {
- return false;
- }
- return super::setProperty(aKey, anObject);
-bool IOCPU::serializeProperties(OSSerialize *serialize) const
+ }
+ rootDomain->tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointWakeCPUs );
+ // Wake the other CPUs.
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < numCPUs; cnt++) {
+ target = OSDynamicCast(IOCPU, gIOCPUs->getObject(cnt));
+ // Skip the already-woken boot CPU.
+ if (target->getCPUNumber() != (UInt32)master_cpu) {
+ if (target->getCPUState() == kIOCPUStateRunning) {
+ panic("Spurious wakeup of cpu %u", (unsigned int)(target->getCPUNumber()));
+ }
+ if (target->getCPUState() == kIOCPUStateStopped) {
+ processor_start(target->getMachProcessor());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(__arm64__)
+ sched_restore_recommended_cores_after_sleep();
+ thread_kern_set_pri(self, old_pri);
+IOCPU::start(IOService *provider)
+ OSData *busFrequency, *cpuFrequency, *timebaseFrequency;
+ if (!super::start(provider)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ _cpuGroup = gIOCPUs;
+ cpuNub = provider;
+ IOLockLock(gIOCPUsLock);
+ gIOCPUs->setObject(this);
+ IOLockUnlock(gIOCPUsLock);
+ // Correct the bus, cpu and timebase frequencies in the device tree.
+ if (gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_frequency_hz < 0x100000000ULL) {
+ busFrequency = OSData::withBytesNoCopy((void *)&gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_clock_rate_hz, 4);
+ } else {
+ busFrequency = OSData::withBytesNoCopy((void *)&gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_frequency_hz, 8);
+ }
+ provider->setProperty("bus-frequency", busFrequency);
+ busFrequency->release();
+ if (gPEClockFrequencyInfo.cpu_frequency_hz < 0x100000000ULL) {
+ cpuFrequency = OSData::withBytesNoCopy((void *)&gPEClockFrequencyInfo.cpu_clock_rate_hz, 4);
+ } else {
+ cpuFrequency = OSData::withBytesNoCopy((void *)&gPEClockFrequencyInfo.cpu_frequency_hz, 8);
+ }
+ provider->setProperty("clock-frequency", cpuFrequency);
+ cpuFrequency->release();
+ timebaseFrequency = OSData::withBytesNoCopy((void *)&gPEClockFrequencyInfo.timebase_frequency_hz, 4);
+ provider->setProperty("timebase-frequency", timebaseFrequency);
+ timebaseFrequency->release();
+ super::setProperty("IOCPUID", getRegistryEntryID(), sizeof(uint64_t) * 8);
+ setCPUNumber(0);
+ setCPUState(kIOCPUStateUnregistered);
+ return true;
+IOCPU::detach(IOService *provider)
+ super::detach(provider);
+ IOLockLock(gIOCPUsLock);
+ unsigned int index = gIOCPUs->getNextIndexOfObject(this, 0);
+ if (index != (unsigned int)-1) {
+ gIOCPUs->removeObject(index);
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(gIOCPUsLock);
+OSObject *
+IOCPU::getProperty(const OSSymbol *aKey) const
+ if (aKey == gIOCPUStateKey) {
+ return gIOCPUStateNames[_cpuState];
+ }
+ return super::getProperty(aKey);
+IOCPU::setProperty(const OSSymbol *aKey, OSObject *anObject)
+ if (aKey == gIOCPUStateKey) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return super::setProperty(aKey, anObject);
+IOCPU::serializeProperties(OSSerialize *serialize) const
bool result;
OSDictionary *dict = dictionaryWithProperties();
- if (!dict) return false;
+ if (!dict) {
+ return false;
+ }
dict->setObject(gIOCPUStateKey, gIOCPUStateNames[_cpuState]);
result = dict->serialize(serialize);
- dict->release();
+ dict->release();
return result;
-IOReturn IOCPU::setProperties(OSObject *properties)
+IOCPU::setProperties(OSObject *properties)
- OSDictionary *dict = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, properties);
- OSString *stateStr;
- IOReturn result;
- if (dict == 0) return kIOReturnUnsupported;
- stateStr = OSDynamicCast(OSString, dict->getObject(gIOCPUStateKey));
- if (stateStr != 0) {
- result = IOUserClient::clientHasPrivilege(current_task(), kIOClientPrivilegeAdministrator);
- if (result != kIOReturnSuccess) return result;
- if (setProperty(gIOCPUStateKey, stateStr)) return kIOReturnSuccess;
- return kIOReturnUnsupported;
- }
- return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+ OSDictionary *dict = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, properties);
+ OSString *stateStr;
+ IOReturn result;
+ if (dict == NULL) {
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+ }
+ stateStr = OSDynamicCast(OSString, dict->getObject(gIOCPUStateKey));
+ if (stateStr != NULL) {
+ result = IOUserClient::clientHasPrivilege(current_task(), kIOClientPrivilegeAdministrator);
+ if (result != kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (setProperty(gIOCPUStateKey, stateStr)) {
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+ }
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
-void IOCPU::signalCPU(IOCPU */*target*/)
+IOCPU::signalCPU(IOCPU */*target*/)
-void IOCPU::signalCPUDeferred(IOCPU *target)
+IOCPU::signalCPUDeferred(IOCPU *target)
- // Our CPU may not support deferred IPIs,
- // so send a regular IPI by default
- signalCPU(target);
+ // Our CPU may not support deferred IPIs,
+ // so send a regular IPI by default
+ signalCPU(target);
-void IOCPU::signalCPUCancel(IOCPU */*target*/)
+IOCPU::signalCPUCancel(IOCPU */*target*/)
- // Meant to cancel signals sent by
- // signalCPUDeferred; unsupported
- // by default
+ // Meant to cancel signals sent by
+ // signalCPUDeferred; unsupported
+ // by default
-void IOCPU::enableCPUTimeBase(bool /*enable*/)
+IOCPU::enableCPUTimeBase(bool /*enable*/)
-UInt32 IOCPU::getCPUNumber(void)
- return _cpuNumber;
+ return _cpuNumber;
-void IOCPU::setCPUNumber(UInt32 cpuNumber)
+IOCPU::setCPUNumber(UInt32 cpuNumber)
- _cpuNumber = cpuNumber;
- super::setProperty("IOCPUNumber", _cpuNumber, 32);
+ _cpuNumber = cpuNumber;
+ super::setProperty("IOCPUNumber", _cpuNumber, 32);
-UInt32 IOCPU::getCPUState(void)
- return _cpuState;
+ return _cpuState;
-void IOCPU::setCPUState(UInt32 cpuState)
+IOCPU::setCPUState(UInt32 cpuState)
- if (cpuState < kIOCPUStateCount) {
- _cpuState = cpuState;
- }
+ if (cpuState < kIOCPUStateCount) {
+ _cpuState = cpuState;
+ }
-OSArray *IOCPU::getCPUGroup(void)
+OSArray *
- return _cpuGroup;
+ return _cpuGroup;
-UInt32 IOCPU::getCPUGroupSize(void)
- return _cpuGroup->getCount();
+ return _cpuGroup->getCount();
-processor_t IOCPU::getMachProcessor(void)
- return machProcessor;
+ return machProcessor;
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
-IOReturn IOCPUInterruptController::initCPUInterruptController(int sources)
+IOCPUInterruptController::initCPUInterruptController(int sources)
return initCPUInterruptController(sources, sources);
-IOReturn IOCPUInterruptController::initCPUInterruptController(int sources, int cpus)
+IOCPUInterruptController::initCPUInterruptController(int sources, int cpus)
- int cnt;
- if (!super::init()) return kIOReturnInvalid;
+ int cnt;
+ if (!super::init()) {
+ return kIOReturnInvalid;
+ }
- numSources = sources;
- numCPUs = cpus;
+ numSources = sources;
+ numCPUs = cpus;
- vectors = (IOInterruptVector *)IOMalloc(numSources * sizeof(IOInterruptVector));
- if (vectors == 0) return kIOReturnNoMemory;
- bzero(vectors, numSources * sizeof(IOInterruptVector));
+ vectors = (IOInterruptVector *)IOMalloc(numSources * sizeof(IOInterruptVector));
+ if (vectors == NULL) {
+ return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+ }
+ bzero(vectors, numSources * sizeof(IOInterruptVector));
+ // Allocate a lock for each vector
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < numSources; cnt++) {
+ vectors[cnt].interruptLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ if (vectors[cnt].interruptLock == NULL) {
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < numSources; cnt++) {
+ if (vectors[cnt].interruptLock != NULL) {
+ IOLockFree(vectors[cnt].interruptLock);
+ }
+ }
+ return kIOReturnNoResources;
+ }
+ }
- // Allocate a lock for each vector
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < numSources; cnt++) {
- vectors[cnt].interruptLock = IOLockAlloc();
- if (vectors[cnt].interruptLock == NULL) {
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < numSources; cnt++) {
- if (vectors[cnt].interruptLock != NULL)
- IOLockFree(vectors[cnt].interruptLock);
- }
- return kIOReturnNoResources;
- }
- }
- ml_init_max_cpus(numSources);
+ ml_init_max_cpus(numSources);
- /*
- * kperf allocates based on the number of CPUs and requires them to all be
- * accounted for.
- */
- boolean_t found_kperf = FALSE;
- char kperf_config_str[64];
- found_kperf = PE_parse_boot_arg_str("kperf", kperf_config_str, sizeof(kperf_config_str));
- if (found_kperf && kperf_config_str[0] != '\0') {
- kperf_kernel_configure(kperf_config_str);
- }
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
-void IOCPUInterruptController::registerCPUInterruptController(void)
- registerService();
- getPlatform()->registerInterruptController(gPlatformInterruptControllerName,
- this);
-void IOCPUInterruptController::setCPUInterruptProperties(IOService *service)
- int cnt;
- OSArray *controller;
- OSArray *specifier;
- OSData *tmpData;
- long tmpLong;
- if ((service->getProperty(gIOInterruptControllersKey) != 0) &&
- (service->getProperty(gIOInterruptSpecifiersKey) != 0))
- return;
- // Create the interrupt specifer array.
- specifier = OSArray::withCapacity(numSources);
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < numSources; cnt++) {
- tmpLong = cnt;
- tmpData = OSData::withBytes(&tmpLong, sizeof(tmpLong));
- specifier->setObject(tmpData);
- tmpData->release();
- };
- // Create the interrupt controller array.
- controller = OSArray::withCapacity(numSources);
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < numSources; cnt++) {
- controller->setObject(gPlatformInterruptControllerName);
- }
- // Put the two arrays into the property table.
- service->setProperty(gIOInterruptControllersKey, controller);
- service->setProperty(gIOInterruptSpecifiersKey, specifier);
- controller->release();
- specifier->release();
-void IOCPUInterruptController::enableCPUInterrupt(IOCPU *cpu)
+ /*
+ * kperf allocates based on the number of CPUs and requires them to all be
+ * accounted for.
+ */
+ boolean_t found_kperf = FALSE;
+ char kperf_config_str[64];
+ found_kperf = PE_parse_boot_arg_str("kperf", kperf_config_str, sizeof(kperf_config_str));
+ if (found_kperf && kperf_config_str[0] != '\0') {
+ kperf_kernel_configure(kperf_config_str);
+ }
+#endif /* KPERF */
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ registerService();
+ getPlatform()->registerInterruptController(gPlatformInterruptControllerName,
+ this);
+IOCPUInterruptController::setCPUInterruptProperties(IOService *service)
+ int cnt;
+ OSArray *controller;
+ OSArray *specifier;
+ OSData *tmpData;
+ long tmpLong;
+ if ((service->getProperty(gIOInterruptControllersKey) != NULL) &&
+ (service->getProperty(gIOInterruptSpecifiersKey) != NULL)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create the interrupt specifer array.
+ specifier = OSArray::withCapacity(numSources);
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < numSources; cnt++) {
+ tmpLong = cnt;
+ tmpData = OSData::withBytes(&tmpLong, sizeof(tmpLong));
+ specifier->setObject(tmpData);
+ tmpData->release();
+ }
+ ;
+ // Create the interrupt controller array.
+ controller = OSArray::withCapacity(numSources);
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < numSources; cnt++) {
+ controller->setObject(gPlatformInterruptControllerName);
+ }
+ // Put the two arrays into the property table.
+ service->setProperty(gIOInterruptControllersKey, controller);
+ service->setProperty(gIOInterruptSpecifiersKey, specifier);
+ controller->release();
+ specifier->release();
+IOCPUInterruptController::enableCPUInterrupt(IOCPU *cpu)
IOInterruptHandler handler = OSMemberFunctionCast(
IOInterruptHandler, this, &IOCPUInterruptController::handleInterrupt);
assert(numCPUs > 0);
- ml_install_interrupt_handler(cpu, cpu->getCPUNumber(), this, handler, 0);
+ ml_install_interrupt_handler(cpu, cpu->getCPUNumber(), this, handler, NULL);
if (enabledCPUs == numCPUs) {
- }
+ }
-IOReturn IOCPUInterruptController::registerInterrupt(IOService *nub,
- int source,
- void *target,
- IOInterruptHandler handler,
- void *refCon)
+IOCPUInterruptController::registerInterrupt(IOService *nub,
+ int source,
+ void *target,
+ IOInterruptHandler handler,
+ void *refCon)
- IOInterruptVector *vector;
+ IOInterruptVector *vector;
+ // Interrupts must be enabled, as this can allocate memory.
+ assert(ml_get_interrupts_enabled() == TRUE);
- if (source >= numSources) return kIOReturnNoResources;
+ if (source >= numSources) {
+ return kIOReturnNoResources;
+ }
- vector = &vectors[source];
+ vector = &vectors[source];
- // Get the lock for this vector.
- IOTakeLock(vector->interruptLock);
+ // Get the lock for this vector.
+ IOTakeLock(vector->interruptLock);
- // Make sure the vector is not in use.
- if (vector->interruptRegistered) {
- IOUnlock(vector->interruptLock);
- return kIOReturnNoResources;
- }
+ // Make sure the vector is not in use.
+ if (vector->interruptRegistered) {
+ IOUnlock(vector->interruptLock);
+ return kIOReturnNoResources;
+ }
- // Fill in vector with the client's info.
- vector->handler = handler;
- vector->nub = nub;
- vector->source = source;
- vector->target = target;
- vector->refCon = refCon;
+ // Fill in vector with the client's info.
+ vector->handler = handler;
+ vector->nub = nub;
+ vector->source = source;
+ vector->target = target;
+ vector->refCon = refCon;
- // Get the vector ready. It starts hard disabled.
- vector->interruptDisabledHard = 1;
- vector->interruptDisabledSoft = 1;
- vector->interruptRegistered = 1;
+ // Get the vector ready. It starts hard disabled.
+ vector->interruptDisabledHard = 1;
+ vector->interruptDisabledSoft = 1;
+ vector->interruptRegistered = 1;
- IOUnlock(vector->interruptLock);
+ IOUnlock(vector->interruptLock);
- IOTakeLock(vectors[0].interruptLock);
- if (enabledCPUs != numCPUs) {
- assert_wait(this, THREAD_UNINT);
- IOUnlock(vectors[0].interruptLock);
- thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
- } else
- IOUnlock(vectors[0].interruptLock);
+ IOTakeLock(vectors[0].interruptLock);
+ if (enabledCPUs != numCPUs) {
+ assert_wait(this, THREAD_UNINT);
+ IOUnlock(vectors[0].interruptLock);
+ thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
+ } else {
+ IOUnlock(vectors[0].interruptLock);
+ }
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
-IOReturn IOCPUInterruptController::getInterruptType(IOService */*nub*/,
- int /*source*/,
- int *interruptType)
+IOCPUInterruptController::getInterruptType(IOService */*nub*/,
+ int /*source*/,
+ int *interruptType)
- if (interruptType == 0) return kIOReturnBadArgument;
- *interruptType = kIOInterruptTypeLevel;
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ if (interruptType == NULL) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
+ *interruptType = kIOInterruptTypeLevel;
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
-IOReturn IOCPUInterruptController::enableInterrupt(IOService */*nub*/,
- int /*source*/)
+IOCPUInterruptController::enableInterrupt(IOService */*nub*/,
+ int /*source*/)
// ml_set_interrupts_enabled(true);
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
-IOReturn IOCPUInterruptController::disableInterrupt(IOService */*nub*/,
- int /*source*/)
+IOCPUInterruptController::disableInterrupt(IOService */*nub*/,
+ int /*source*/)
// ml_set_interrupts_enabled(false);
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
-IOReturn IOCPUInterruptController::causeInterrupt(IOService */*nub*/,
- int /*source*/)
+IOCPUInterruptController::causeInterrupt(IOService */*nub*/,
+ int /*source*/)
- ml_cause_interrupt();
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ ml_cause_interrupt();
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
-IOReturn IOCPUInterruptController::handleInterrupt(void */*refCon*/,
- IOService */*nub*/,
- int source)
+IOCPUInterruptController::handleInterrupt(void */*refCon*/,
+ IOService */*nub*/,
+ int source)
- IOInterruptVector *vector;
- vector = &vectors[source];
- if (!vector->interruptRegistered) return kIOReturnInvalid;
- vector->handler(vector->target, vector->refCon,
- vector->nub, vector->source);
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ IOInterruptVector *vector;
+ vector = &vectors[source];
+ if (!vector->interruptRegistered) {
+ return kIOReturnInvalid;
+ }
+ vector->handler(vector->target, vector->refCon,
+ vector->nub, vector->source);
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */