- u_int32_t udps_ipackets; /* total input packets */
- u_int32_t udps_hdrops; /* packet shorter than header */
- u_int32_t udps_badsum; /* checksum error */
- u_int32_t udps_badlen; /* data length larger than packet */
- u_int32_t udps_noport; /* no socket on port */
- u_int32_t udps_noportbcast; /* of above, arrived as broadcast */
- u_int32_t udps_fullsock; /* not delivered, input socket full */
- u_int32_t udpps_pcbcachemiss; /* input packets missing pcb cache */
- u_int32_t udpps_pcbhashmiss; /* input packets not for hashed pcb */
+ u_int32_t udps_ipackets; /* total input packets */
+ u_int32_t udps_hdrops; /* packet shorter than header */
+ u_int32_t udps_badsum; /* checksum error */
+ u_int32_t udps_badlen; /* data length larger than packet */
+ u_int32_t udps_noport; /* no socket on port */
+ u_int32_t udps_noportbcast; /* of above, arrived as broadcast */
+ u_int32_t udps_fullsock; /* not delivered, input socket full */
+ u_int32_t udpps_pcbcachemiss; /* input packets missing pcb cache */
+ u_int32_t udpps_pcbhashmiss; /* input packets not for hashed pcb */