#include <sys/kdebug.h>
#include <sys/timex.h>
#include <kern/arithmetic_128.h>
+#include <os/log.h>
uint32_t hz_tick_interval = 1;
+static uint64_t has_monotonic_clock = 0;
lck_grp_attr_t * settime_lock_grp_attr;
nsec = (uint64_t) _bt->sec * (uint64_t)NSEC_PER_SEC + (((uint64_t)NSEC_PER_SEC * (uint32_t)(_bt->frac >> 32)) >> 32);
nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(nsec, abs);
+struct latched_time {
+ uint64_t monotonic_time_usec;
+ uint64_t mach_time;
+extern int
+kernel_sysctlbyname(const char *name, void *oldp, size_t *oldlenp, void *newp, size_t newlen);
* Time of day (calendar) variables.
static uint64_t ticks_per_sec; /* ticks in a second (expressed in abs time) */
-clock_sec_t last_utc_sec = 0;
-clock_usec_t last_utc_usec = 0;
-clock_sec_t max_utc_sec = 0;
-clock_sec_t last_sys_sec = 0;
-clock_usec_t last_sys_usec = 0;
+extern int g_should_log_clock_adjustments;
+static void print_all_clock_variables(const char*, clock_sec_t* pmu_secs, clock_usec_t* pmu_usec, clock_sec_t* sys_secs, clock_usec_t* sys_usec, struct clock_calend* calend_cp);
+static void print_all_clock_variables_internal(const char *, struct clock_calend* calend_cp);
+#define print_all_clock_variables(...) do { } while (0)
+#define print_all_clock_variables_internal(...) do { } while (0)
* Unlocked calendar flipflop; this is used to track a clock_calend such
* that we can safely access a snapshot of a valid clock_calend structure
struct mach_timebase_info_trap_args *args)
mach_vm_address_t out_info_addr = args->info;
- mach_timebase_info_data_t info;
+ mach_timebase_info_data_t info = {};
s = splclock();
+ struct clock_calend clock_calend_cp = clock_calend;
clock_get_calendar_absolute_and_microtime_locked(&oldsecs, &oldmicrosecs, &absolutesys);
+ if (g_should_log_clock_adjustments) {
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s wall %lu s %d u computed with %llu abs\n",
+ __func__, (unsigned long)oldsecs, oldmicrosecs, absolutesys);
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s requested %lu s %d u\n",
+ __func__, (unsigned long)secs, microsecs );
+ }
if (oldsecs < secs || (oldsecs == secs && oldmicrosecs < microsecs)) {
// moving forwards
deltasecs = secs;
deltamicrosecs = microsecs;
TIME_SUB(deltasecs, oldsecs, deltamicrosecs, oldmicrosecs, USEC_PER_SEC);
- TIME_ADD(clock_boottime, deltasecs, clock_boottime_usec, deltamicrosecs, USEC_PER_SEC);
+ TIME_ADD(clock_boottime, deltasecs, clock_boottime_usec, deltamicrosecs, USEC_PER_SEC);
clock2bintime(&deltasecs, &deltamicrosecs, &bt);
bintime_add(&clock_calend.boottime, &bt);
- bintime_add(&clock_calend.basesleep, &bt);
} else {
// moving backwards
deltasecs = oldsecs;
deltamicrosecs = oldmicrosecs;
TIME_SUB(deltasecs, secs, deltamicrosecs, microsecs, USEC_PER_SEC);
- TIME_SUB(clock_boottime, deltasecs, clock_boottime_usec, deltamicrosecs, USEC_PER_SEC);
+ TIME_SUB(clock_boottime, deltasecs, clock_boottime_usec, deltamicrosecs, USEC_PER_SEC);
clock2bintime(&deltasecs, &deltamicrosecs, &bt);
bintime_sub(&clock_calend.boottime, &bt);
- bintime_sub(&clock_calend.basesleep, &bt);
clock_calend.bintime = clock_calend.boottime;
clock_gettimeofday_set_commpage(absolutesys, bt.sec, bt.frac, clock_calend.tick_scale_x, ticks_per_sec);
+ struct clock_calend clock_calend_cp1 = clock_calend;
commpage_value = clock_boottime * USEC_PER_SEC + clock_boottime_usec;
* Set the new value for the platform clock.
* This call might block, so interrupts must be enabled.
+ uint64_t now_b = mach_absolute_time();
PESetUTCTimeOfDay(newsecs, newmicrosecs);
+ uint64_t now_a = mach_absolute_time();
+ if (g_should_log_clock_adjustments) {
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s mach bef PESet %llu mach aft %llu \n", __func__, now_b, now_a);
+ }
+ print_all_clock_variables_internal(__func__, &clock_calend_cp);
+ print_all_clock_variables_internal(__func__, &clock_calend_cp1);
ntp_update_second(&adjustment, clock_calend.bintime.sec);
+ if (g_should_log_clock_adjustments) {
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s adjustment %lld\n", __func__, adjustment);
+ }
* recomputing scale factors.
clock_gettimeofday_set_commpage(now, clock_calend.bintime.sec, clock_calend.bintime.frac, clock_calend.tick_scale_x, ticks_per_sec);
+ struct clock_calend calend_cp = clock_calend;
+ print_all_clock_variables(__func__, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, &calend_cp);
+void print_all_clock_variables_internal(const char* func, struct clock_calend* clock_calend_cp)
+ clock_sec_t offset_secs;
+ clock_usec_t offset_microsecs;
+ clock_sec_t bintime_secs;
+ clock_usec_t bintime_microsecs;
+ clock_sec_t bootime_secs;
+ clock_usec_t bootime_microsecs;
+ if (!g_should_log_clock_adjustments)
+ return;
+ bintime2usclock(&clock_calend_cp->offset, &offset_secs, &offset_microsecs);
+ bintime2usclock(&clock_calend_cp->bintime, &bintime_secs, &bintime_microsecs);
+ bintime2usclock(&clock_calend_cp->boottime, &bootime_secs, &bootime_microsecs);
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s s_scale_ns %llu s_adj_nsx %lld tick_scale_x %llu offset_count %llu\n",
+ func , clock_calend_cp->s_scale_ns, clock_calend_cp->s_adj_nsx,
+ clock_calend_cp->tick_scale_x, clock_calend_cp->offset_count);
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s offset.sec %ld offset.frac %llu offset_secs %lu offset_microsecs %d\n",
+ func, clock_calend_cp->offset.sec, clock_calend_cp->offset.frac,
+ (unsigned long)offset_secs, offset_microsecs);
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s bintime.sec %ld bintime.frac %llu bintime_secs %lu bintime_microsecs %d\n",
+ func, clock_calend_cp->bintime.sec, clock_calend_cp->bintime.frac,
+ (unsigned long)bintime_secs, bintime_microsecs);
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s bootime.sec %ld bootime.frac %llu bootime_secs %lu bootime_microsecs %d\n",
+ func, clock_calend_cp->boottime.sec, clock_calend_cp->boottime.frac,
+ (unsigned long)bootime_secs, bootime_microsecs);
+ clock_sec_t basesleep_secs;
+ clock_usec_t basesleep_microsecs;
+ bintime2usclock(&clock_calend_cp->basesleep, &basesleep_secs, &basesleep_microsecs);
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s basesleep.sec %ld basesleep.frac %llu basesleep_secs %lu basesleep_microsecs %d\n",
+ func, clock_calend_cp->basesleep.sec, clock_calend_cp->basesleep.frac,
+ (unsigned long)basesleep_secs, basesleep_microsecs);
+void print_all_clock_variables(const char* func, clock_sec_t* pmu_secs, clock_usec_t* pmu_usec, clock_sec_t* sys_secs, clock_usec_t* sys_usec, struct clock_calend* clock_calend_cp)
+ if (!g_should_log_clock_adjustments)
+ return;
+ struct bintime bt;
+ clock_sec_t wall_secs;
+ clock_usec_t wall_microsecs;
+ uint64_t now;
+ uint64_t delta;
+ if (pmu_secs) {
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s PMU %lu s %d u \n", func, (unsigned long)*pmu_secs, *pmu_usec);
+ }
+ if (sys_secs) {
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s sys %lu s %d u \n", func, (unsigned long)*sys_secs, *sys_usec);
+ }
+ print_all_clock_variables_internal(func, clock_calend_cp);
+ now = mach_absolute_time();
+ delta = now - clock_calend_cp->offset_count;
+ bt = scale_delta(delta, clock_calend_cp->tick_scale_x, clock_calend_cp->s_scale_ns, clock_calend_cp->s_adj_nsx);
+ bintime_add(&bt, &clock_calend_cp->bintime);
+ bintime2usclock(&bt, &wall_secs, &wall_microsecs);
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s wall %lu s %d u computed with %llu abs\n",
+ func, (unsigned long)wall_secs, wall_microsecs, now);
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
* clock_initialize_calendar:
* Set the calendar and related clocks
- * from the platform clock at boot or
- * wake event.
+ * from the platform clock at boot.
* Also sends host notifications.
clock_usec_t utc_offset_microsecs;
spl_t s;
struct bintime bt;
+ struct bintime monotonic_bt;
+ struct latched_time monotonic_time;
+ uint64_t monotonic_usec_total;
+ clock_sec_t sys2, monotonic_sec;
+ clock_usec_t microsys2, monotonic_usec;
+ size_t size;
+ //Get the UTC time and corresponding sys time
PEGetUTCTimeOfDay(&secs, µsecs);
+ clock_get_system_microtime(&sys, µsys);
+ /*
+ * If the platform has a monotonic clock, use kern.monotonicclock_usecs
+ * to estimate the sleep/wake time, otherwise use the UTC time to estimate
+ * the sleep time.
+ */
+ size = sizeof(monotonic_time);
+ if (kernel_sysctlbyname("kern.monotonicclock_usecs", &monotonic_time, &size, NULL, 0) != 0) {
+ has_monotonic_clock = 0;
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s system does not have monotonic clock\n", __func__);
+ } else {
+ has_monotonic_clock = 1;
+ monotonic_usec_total = monotonic_time.monotonic_time_usec;
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(monotonic_time.mach_time, &sys2, µsys2);
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s system has monotonic clock\n", __func__);
+ }
s = splclock();
- /*
- * Calculate the new calendar epoch based on
- * the platform clock and the system clock.
- */
- clock_get_system_microtime(&sys, µsys);
utc_offset_secs = secs;
utc_offset_microsecs = microsecs;
- last_utc_sec = secs;
- last_utc_usec = microsecs;
- last_sys_sec = sys;
- last_sys_usec = microsys;
- if (secs > max_utc_sec)
- max_utc_sec = secs;
* We normally expect the UTC clock to be always-on and produce
* greater readings than the tick counter. There may be corner cases
* in-line with the tick counter measurements as a best effort in that case.
if ((sys > secs) || ((sys == secs) && (microsys > microsecs))) {
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s WARNING: UTC time is less then sys time, (%lu s %d u) UTC (%lu s %d u) sys\n",
+ __func__, (unsigned long) secs, microsecs, (unsigned long)sys, microsys);
secs = utc_offset_secs = sys;
microsecs = utc_offset_microsecs = microsys;
+ // UTC - sys
// This macro stores the subtraction result in utc_offset_secs and utc_offset_microsecs
TIME_SUB(utc_offset_secs, sys, utc_offset_microsecs, microsys, USEC_PER_SEC);
+ // This function converts utc_offset_secs and utc_offset_microsecs in bintime
clock2bintime(&utc_offset_secs, &utc_offset_microsecs, &bt);
clock_calend.s_scale_ns = NSEC_PER_SEC;
clock_calend.s_adj_nsx = 0;
- clock_calend.basesleep = bt;
+ if (has_monotonic_clock) {
+ monotonic_sec = monotonic_usec_total / (clock_sec_t)USEC_PER_SEC;
+ monotonic_usec = monotonic_usec_total % (clock_usec_t)USEC_PER_SEC;
+ // monotonic clock - sys
+ // This macro stores the subtraction result in monotonic_sec and monotonic_usec
+ TIME_SUB(monotonic_sec, sys2, monotonic_usec, microsys2, USEC_PER_SEC);
+ clock2bintime(&monotonic_sec, &monotonic_usec, &monotonic_bt);
+ // set the baseleep as the difference between monotonic clock - sys
+ clock_calend.basesleep = monotonic_bt;
+ }
+ struct clock_calend clock_calend_cp = clock_calend;
+ print_all_clock_variables(__func__, &secs, µsecs, &sys, µsys, &clock_calend_cp);
* Send host notifications.
- clock_sec_t sys; // sleepless time since boot in seconds
- clock_sec_t secs; // Current UTC time
- clock_usec_t microsys;
- clock_usec_t microsecs;
+ clock_sec_t wake_sys_sec;
+ clock_usec_t wake_sys_usec;
+ clock_sec_t wake_sec;
+ clock_usec_t wake_usec;
+ clock_sec_t wall_time_sec;
+ clock_usec_t wall_time_usec;
+ clock_sec_t diff_sec;
+ clock_usec_t diff_usec;
+ clock_sec_t var_s;
+ clock_usec_t var_us;
spl_t s;
- struct bintime utc_offset_bt, last_sleep_bt;
+ struct bintime bt, last_sleep_bt;
+ struct latched_time monotonic_time;
+ uint64_t monotonic_usec_total;
+ uint64_t wake_abs;
+ size_t size;
- PEGetUTCTimeOfDay(&secs, µsecs);
+ /*
+ * If the platform has the monotonic clock use that to
+ * compute the sleep time. The monotonic clock does not have an offset
+ * that can be modified, so nor kernel or userspace can change the time
+ * of this clock, it can only monotonically increase over time.
+ * During sleep mach_absolute_time (sys time) does not tick,
+ * so the sleep time is the difference between the current monotonic time
+ * less the absolute time and the previous difference stored at wake time.
+ *
+ * basesleep = (monotonic - sys) ---> computed at last wake
+ * sleep_time = (monotonic - sys) - basesleep
+ *
+ * If the platform does not support monotonic clock we set the wall time to what the
+ * UTC clock returns us.
+ * Setting the wall time to UTC time implies that we loose all the adjustments
+ * done during wake time through adjtime/ntp_adjustime.
+ * The UTC time is the monotonic clock + an offset that can be set
+ * by kernel.
+ * The time slept in this case is the difference between wall time and UTC
+ * at wake.
+ *
+ * We assume that only the kernel is setting the offset of the PMU/RTC and that
+ * it is doing it only througth the settimeofday interface.
+ */
+ if (has_monotonic_clock) {
+ /*
+ * Just for debugging, get the wake UTC time.
+ */
+ PEGetUTCTimeOfDay(&var_s, &var_us);
+ /*
+ * Get monotonic time with corresponding sys time
+ */
+ size = sizeof(monotonic_time);
+ if (kernel_sysctlbyname("kern.monotonicclock_usecs", &monotonic_time, &size, NULL, 0) != 0) {
+ panic("%s: could not call kern.monotonicclock_usecs", __func__);
+ }
+ wake_abs = monotonic_time.mach_time;
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(wake_abs, &wake_sys_sec, &wake_sys_usec);
+ monotonic_usec_total = monotonic_time.monotonic_time_usec;
+ wake_sec = monotonic_usec_total / (clock_sec_t)USEC_PER_SEC;
+ wake_usec = monotonic_usec_total % (clock_usec_t)USEC_PER_SEC;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Get UTC time and corresponding sys time
+ */
+ PEGetUTCTimeOfDay(&wake_sec, &wake_usec);
+ wake_abs = mach_absolute_time();
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(wake_abs, &wake_sys_sec, &wake_sys_usec);
+ }
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "time at wake %lu s %d u from %s clock, abs %llu\n", (unsigned long)wake_sec, wake_usec, (has_monotonic_clock)?"monotonic":"UTC", wake_abs);
+ if (has_monotonic_clock) {
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "UTC time %lu s %d u\n", (unsigned long)var_s, var_us);
+ }
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
s = splclock();
- /*
- * Calculate the new calendar epoch based on
- * the platform clock and the system clock.
- */
- clock_get_system_microtime(&sys, µsys);
- last_utc_sec = secs;
- last_utc_usec = microsecs;
- last_sys_sec = sys;
- last_sys_usec = microsys;
- if (secs > max_utc_sec)
- max_utc_sec = secs;
+ struct clock_calend clock_calend_cp1 = clock_calend;
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
- * We normally expect the UTC clock to be always-on and produce
- * greater readings than the tick counter. There may be corner cases
- * due to differing clock resolutions (UTC clock is likely lower) and
- * errors reading the UTC clock (some implementations return 0 on error)
- * in which that doesn't hold true. Bring the UTC measurements in-line
- * with the tick counter measurements as a best effort in that case.
+ * We normally expect the UTC/monotonic clock to be always-on and produce
+ * greater readings than the sys counter. There may be corner cases
+ * due to differing clock resolutions (UTC/monotonic clock is likely lower) and
+ * and errors reading the UTC/monotonic clock (some implementations return 0
+ * on error) in which that doesn't hold true.
- if ((sys > secs) || ((sys == secs) && (microsys > microsecs))) {
- secs = sys;
- microsecs = microsys;
+ if ((wake_sys_sec > wake_sec) || ((wake_sys_sec == wake_sec) && (wake_sys_usec > wake_usec))) {
+ os_log_error(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "WARNING: %s clock is less then sys clock at wake: %lu s %d u vs %lu s %d u, defaulting sleep time to zero\n", (has_monotonic_clock)?"monotonic":"UTC", (unsigned long)wake_sec, wake_usec, (unsigned long)wake_sys_sec, wake_sys_usec);
+ mach_absolutetime_last_sleep = 0;
+ goto done;
- // This macro stores the subtraction result in secs and microsecs
- TIME_SUB(secs, sys, microsecs, microsys, USEC_PER_SEC);
- clock2bintime(&secs, µsecs, &utc_offset_bt);
+ if (has_monotonic_clock) {
+ /*
+ * computer the difference monotonic - sys
+ * we already checked that monotonic time is
+ * greater than sys.
+ */
+ diff_sec = wake_sec;
+ diff_usec = wake_usec;
+ // This macro stores the subtraction result in diff_sec and diff_usec
+ TIME_SUB(diff_sec, wake_sys_sec, diff_usec, wake_sys_usec, USEC_PER_SEC);
+ //This function converts diff_sec and diff_usec in bintime
+ clock2bintime(&diff_sec, &diff_usec, &bt);
- /*
- * Safety belt: the UTC clock will likely have a lower resolution than the tick counter.
- * It's also possible that the device didn't fully transition to the powered-off state on
- * the most recent sleep, so the tick counter may not have reset or may have only briefly
- * tured off. In that case it's possible for the difference between the UTC clock and the
- * tick counter to be less than the previously recorded value in clock.calend.basesleep.
- * In that case simply record that we slept for 0 ticks.
- */
- if ((utc_offset_bt.sec > clock_calend.basesleep.sec) ||
- ((utc_offset_bt.sec == clock_calend.basesleep.sec) && (utc_offset_bt.frac > clock_calend.basesleep.frac))) {
- last_sleep_bt = utc_offset_bt;
- bintime_sub(&last_sleep_bt, &clock_calend.basesleep);
- clock_calend.basesleep = utc_offset_bt;
- bintime2absolutetime(&last_sleep_bt, &mach_absolutetime_last_sleep);
- mach_absolutetime_asleep += mach_absolutetime_last_sleep;
- bintime_add(&clock_calend.offset, &last_sleep_bt);
- bintime_add(&clock_calend.bintime, &last_sleep_bt);
- } else
- mach_absolutetime_last_sleep = 0;
+ /*
+ * Safety belt: the monotonic clock will likely have a lower resolution than the sys counter.
+ * It's also possible that the device didn't fully transition to the powered-off state on
+ * the most recent sleep, so the sys counter may not have reset or may have only briefly
+ * turned off. In that case it's possible for the difference between the monotonic clock and the
+ * sys counter to be less than the previously recorded value in clock.calend.basesleep.
+ * In that case simply record that we slept for 0 ticks.
+ */
+ if ((bt.sec > clock_calend.basesleep.sec) ||
+ ((bt.sec == clock_calend.basesleep.sec) && (bt.frac > clock_calend.basesleep.frac))) {
+ //last_sleep is the difference between (current monotonic - abs) and (last wake monotonic - abs)
+ last_sleep_bt = bt;
+ bintime_sub(&last_sleep_bt, &clock_calend.basesleep);
+ bintime2absolutetime(&last_sleep_bt, &mach_absolutetime_last_sleep);
+ mach_absolutetime_asleep += mach_absolutetime_last_sleep;
+ //set basesleep to current monotonic - abs
+ clock_calend.basesleep = bt;
+ //update wall time
+ bintime_add(&clock_calend.offset, &last_sleep_bt);
+ bintime_add(&clock_calend.bintime, &last_sleep_bt);
+ bintime2usclock(&last_sleep_bt, &var_s, &var_us);
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "time_slept (%lu s %d u)\n", (unsigned long) var_s, var_us);
+ } else {
+ bintime2usclock(&clock_calend.basesleep, &var_s, &var_us);
+ os_log_error(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "WARNING: last wake monotonic-sys time (%lu s %d u) is greater then current monotonic-sys time(%lu s %d u), defaulting sleep time to zero\n", (unsigned long) var_s, var_us, (unsigned long) diff_sec, diff_usec);
+ mach_absolutetime_last_sleep = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * set the wall time to UTC value
+ */
+ bt = get_scaled_time(wake_abs);
+ bintime_add(&bt, &clock_calend.bintime);
+ bintime2usclock(&bt, &wall_time_sec, &wall_time_usec);
+ if (wall_time_sec > wake_sec || (wall_time_sec == wake_sec && wall_time_usec > wake_usec) ) {
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "WARNING: wall time (%lu s %d u) is greater than current UTC time (%lu s %d u), defaulting sleep time to zero\n", (unsigned long) wall_time_sec, wall_time_usec, (unsigned long) wake_sec, wake_usec);
+ mach_absolutetime_last_sleep = 0;
+ } else {
+ diff_sec = wake_sec;
+ diff_usec = wake_usec;
+ // This macro stores the subtraction result in diff_sec and diff_usec
+ TIME_SUB(diff_sec, wall_time_sec, diff_usec, wall_time_usec, USEC_PER_SEC);
+ //This function converts diff_sec and diff_usec in bintime
+ clock2bintime(&diff_sec, &diff_usec, &bt);
+ //time slept in this case is the difference between PMU/RTC and wall time
+ last_sleep_bt = bt;
+ bintime2absolutetime(&last_sleep_bt, &mach_absolutetime_last_sleep);
+ mach_absolutetime_asleep += mach_absolutetime_last_sleep;
+ //update wall time
+ bintime_add(&clock_calend.offset, &last_sleep_bt);
+ bintime_add(&clock_calend.bintime, &last_sleep_bt);
+ bintime2usclock(&last_sleep_bt, &var_s, &var_us);
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "time_slept (%lu s %d u)\n", (unsigned long)var_s, var_us);
+ }
+ }
(uintptr_t) mach_absolutetime_last_sleep,
+ struct clock_calend clock_calend_cp = clock_calend;
+ if (g_should_log_clock_adjustments) {
+ print_all_clock_variables("clock_wakeup_calendar: BEFORE", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &clock_calend_cp1);
+ print_all_clock_variables("clock_wakeup_calendar: AFTER", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &clock_calend_cp);
+ }
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
* clock_get_boottime_nanotime: