* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
#include "IOKitKernelInternal.h"
-#define MAPTYPE(type) ((UInt) (type) & kTypeMask)
-#define IS_NONCOHERENT(type) (MAPTYPE(type) == kNonCoherent)
- kWalkSyncIn = 0x01, // bounce -> md
- kWalkSyncOut = 0x02, // bounce <- md
- kWalkSyncAlways = 0x04,
- kWalkPreflight = 0x08,
- kWalkDoubleBuffer = 0x10,
- kWalkPrepare = 0x20,
- kWalkComplete = 0x40,
- kWalkClient = 0x80
+#define MAPTYPE(type) ((UInt) (type) & kTypeMask)
+#define IS_NONCOHERENT(type) (MAPTYPE(type) == kNonCoherent)
+ kWalkSyncIn = 0x01,// bounce -> md
+ kWalkSyncOut = 0x02,// bounce <- md
+ kWalkSyncAlways = 0x04,
+ kWalkPreflight = 0x08,
+ kWalkDoubleBuffer = 0x10,
+ kWalkPrepare = 0x20,
+ kWalkComplete = 0x40,
+ kWalkClient = 0x80
#if 1
// no direction => OutIn
-#define SHOULD_COPY_DIR(op, direction) \
- ((kIODirectionNone == (direction)) \
- || (kWalkSyncAlways & (op)) \
+#define SHOULD_COPY_DIR(op, direction) \
+ ((kIODirectionNone == (direction)) \
+ || (kWalkSyncAlways & (op)) \
|| (((kWalkSyncIn & (op)) ? kIODirectionIn : kIODirectionOut) \
- & (direction)))
+ & (direction)))
#define SHOULD_COPY_DIR(state, direction) (true)
#if 0
-#define DEBG(fmt, args...) { IOLog(fmt, ## args); kprintf(fmt, ## args); }
+#define DEBG(fmt, args...) { IOLog(fmt, ## args); kprintf(fmt, ## args); }
-#define DEBG(fmt, args...) {}
+#define DEBG(fmt, args...) {}
/**************************** class IODMACommand ***************************/
#define super IOCommand
OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IODMACommand, IOCommand);
-OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IODMACommand, 0);
-OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IODMACommand, 1);
-OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IODMACommand, 2);
-OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IODMACommand, 3);
-OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IODMACommand, 4);
-OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IODMACommand, 5);
-OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IODMACommand, 6);
-OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODMACommand, 7);
-OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODMACommand, 8);
-OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODMACommand, 9);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IODMACommand, 0);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IODMACommand, 1);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IODMACommand, 2);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IODMACommand, 3);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IODMACommand, 4);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IODMACommand, 5);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IODMACommand, 6);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODMACommand, 7);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODMACommand, 8);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODMACommand, 9);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODMACommand, 10);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODMACommand, 11);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODMACommand, 12);
IODMACommand *
IODMACommand::withRefCon(void * refCon)
- IODMACommand * me = new IODMACommand;
+ IODMACommand * me = new IODMACommand;
- if (me && !me->initWithRefCon(refCon))
- {
- me->release();
- return 0;
- }
+ if (me && !me->initWithRefCon(refCon)) {
+ me->release();
+ return NULL;
+ }
- return me;
+ return me;
IODMACommand *
IODMACommand::withSpecification(SegmentFunction outSegFunc,
- const SegmentOptions * segmentOptions,
- uint32_t mappingOptions,
- IOMapper * mapper,
- void * refCon)
+ const SegmentOptions * segmentOptions,
+ uint32_t mappingOptions,
+ IOMapper * mapper,
+ void * refCon)
- IODMACommand * me = new IODMACommand;
+ IODMACommand * me = new IODMACommand;
- if (me && !me->initWithSpecification(outSegFunc, segmentOptions, mappingOptions,
- mapper, refCon))
- {
- me->release();
- return 0;
- }
+ if (me && !me->initWithSpecification(outSegFunc, segmentOptions, mappingOptions,
+ mapper, refCon)) {
+ me->release();
+ return NULL;
+ }
- return me;
+ return me;
IODMACommand *
IODMACommand::withSpecification(SegmentFunction outSegFunc,
- UInt8 numAddressBits,
- UInt64 maxSegmentSize,
- MappingOptions mappingOptions,
- UInt64 maxTransferSize,
- UInt32 alignment,
- IOMapper *mapper,
- void *refCon)
+ UInt8 numAddressBits,
+ UInt64 maxSegmentSize,
+ MappingOptions mappingOptions,
+ UInt64 maxTransferSize,
+ UInt32 alignment,
+ IOMapper *mapper,
+ void *refCon)
- IODMACommand * me = new IODMACommand;
- if (me && !me->initWithSpecification(outSegFunc,
- numAddressBits, maxSegmentSize,
- mappingOptions, maxTransferSize,
- alignment, mapper, refCon))
- {
- me->release();
- return 0;
- }
- return me;
+ IODMACommand * me = new IODMACommand;
+ if (me && !me->initWithSpecification(outSegFunc,
+ numAddressBits, maxSegmentSize,
+ mappingOptions, maxTransferSize,
+ alignment, mapper, refCon)) {
+ me->release();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return me;
IODMACommand *
IODMACommand::cloneCommand(void *refCon)
- SegmentOptions segmentOptions =
- {
- .fStructSize = sizeof(segmentOptions),
- .fNumAddressBits = (uint8_t)fNumAddressBits,
- .fMaxSegmentSize = fMaxSegmentSize,
- .fMaxTransferSize = fMaxTransferSize,
- .fAlignment = fAlignMask + 1,
- .fAlignmentLength = fAlignMaskInternalSegments + 1,
- .fAlignmentInternalSegments = fAlignMaskLength + 1
- };
- return (IODMACommand::withSpecification(fOutSeg, &segmentOptions,
- fMappingOptions, fMapper, refCon));
+ SegmentOptions segmentOptions =
+ {
+ .fStructSize = sizeof(segmentOptions),
+ .fNumAddressBits = (uint8_t)fNumAddressBits,
+ .fMaxSegmentSize = fMaxSegmentSize,
+ .fMaxTransferSize = fMaxTransferSize,
+ .fAlignment = fAlignMask + 1,
+ .fAlignmentLength = fAlignMaskInternalSegments + 1,
+ .fAlignmentInternalSegments = fAlignMaskLength + 1
+ };
+ return IODMACommand::withSpecification(fOutSeg, &segmentOptions,
+ fMappingOptions, fMapper, refCon);
#define kLastOutputFunction ((SegmentFunction) kLastOutputFunction)
IODMACommand::initWithRefCon(void * refCon)
- if (!super::init()) return (false);
+ if (!super::init()) {
+ return false;
+ }
- if (!reserved)
- {
- reserved = IONew(IODMACommandInternal, 1);
- if (!reserved) return false;
- }
- bzero(reserved, sizeof(IODMACommandInternal));
- fRefCon = refCon;
+ if (!reserved) {
+ reserved = IONew(IODMACommandInternal, 1);
+ if (!reserved) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ bzero(reserved, sizeof(IODMACommandInternal));
+ fRefCon = refCon;
- return (true);
+ return true;
-IODMACommand::initWithSpecification(SegmentFunction outSegFunc,
- const SegmentOptions * segmentOptions,
- uint32_t mappingOptions,
- IOMapper * mapper,
- void * refCon)
+IODMACommand::initWithSpecification(SegmentFunction outSegFunc,
+ const SegmentOptions * segmentOptions,
+ uint32_t mappingOptions,
+ IOMapper * mapper,
+ void * refCon)
- if (!initWithRefCon(refCon)) return false;
+ if (!initWithRefCon(refCon)) {
+ return false;
+ }
- if (kIOReturnSuccess != setSpecification(outSegFunc, segmentOptions,
- mappingOptions, mapper)) return false;
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess != setSpecification(outSegFunc, segmentOptions,
+ mappingOptions, mapper)) {
+ return false;
+ }
- return (true);
+ return true;
IODMACommand::initWithSpecification(SegmentFunction outSegFunc,
- UInt8 numAddressBits,
- UInt64 maxSegmentSize,
- MappingOptions mappingOptions,
- UInt64 maxTransferSize,
- UInt32 alignment,
- IOMapper *mapper,
- void *refCon)
+ UInt8 numAddressBits,
+ UInt64 maxSegmentSize,
+ MappingOptions mappingOptions,
+ UInt64 maxTransferSize,
+ UInt32 alignment,
+ IOMapper *mapper,
+ void *refCon)
- SegmentOptions segmentOptions =
- {
- .fStructSize = sizeof(segmentOptions),
- .fNumAddressBits = numAddressBits,
- .fMaxSegmentSize = maxSegmentSize,
- .fMaxTransferSize = maxTransferSize,
- .fAlignment = alignment,
- .fAlignmentLength = 1,
- .fAlignmentInternalSegments = alignment
- };
- return (initWithSpecification(outSegFunc, &segmentOptions, mappingOptions, mapper, refCon));
+ SegmentOptions segmentOptions =
+ {
+ .fStructSize = sizeof(segmentOptions),
+ .fNumAddressBits = numAddressBits,
+ .fMaxSegmentSize = maxSegmentSize,
+ .fMaxTransferSize = maxTransferSize,
+ .fAlignment = alignment,
+ .fAlignmentLength = 1,
+ .fAlignmentInternalSegments = alignment
+ };
+ return initWithSpecification(outSegFunc, &segmentOptions, mappingOptions, mapper, refCon);
IODMACommand::setSpecification(SegmentFunction outSegFunc,
- const SegmentOptions * segmentOptions,
- uint32_t mappingOptions,
- IOMapper * mapper)
+ const SegmentOptions * segmentOptions,
+ uint32_t mappingOptions,
+ IOMapper * mapper)
- IOService * device = 0;
- UInt8 numAddressBits;
- UInt64 maxSegmentSize;
- UInt64 maxTransferSize;
- UInt32 alignment;
- bool is32Bit;
- if (!outSegFunc || !segmentOptions) return (kIOReturnBadArgument);
- is32Bit = ((OutputHost32 == outSegFunc)
- || (OutputBig32 == outSegFunc)
- || (OutputLittle32 == outSegFunc));
- numAddressBits = segmentOptions->fNumAddressBits;
- maxSegmentSize = segmentOptions->fMaxSegmentSize;
- maxTransferSize = segmentOptions->fMaxTransferSize;
- alignment = segmentOptions->fAlignment;
- if (is32Bit)
- {
- if (!numAddressBits)
- numAddressBits = 32;
- else if (numAddressBits > 32)
- return (kIOReturnBadArgument); // Wrong output function for bits
- }
- if (numAddressBits && (numAddressBits < PAGE_SHIFT)) return (kIOReturnBadArgument);
- if (!maxSegmentSize) maxSegmentSize--; // Set Max segment to -1
- if (!maxTransferSize) maxTransferSize--; // Set Max transfer to -1
- if (mapper && !OSDynamicCast(IOMapper, mapper))
- {
- device = mapper;
- mapper = 0;
- }
- if (!mapper && (kUnmapped != MAPTYPE(mappingOptions)))
- {
- IOMapper::checkForSystemMapper();
- mapper = IOMapper::gSystem;
- }
- fNumSegments = 0;
- fOutSeg = outSegFunc;
- fNumAddressBits = numAddressBits;
- fMaxSegmentSize = maxSegmentSize;
- fMappingOptions = mappingOptions;
- fMaxTransferSize = maxTransferSize;
- if (!alignment) alignment = 1;
- fAlignMask = alignment - 1;
- alignment = segmentOptions->fAlignmentLength;
- if (!alignment) alignment = 1;
- fAlignMaskLength = alignment - 1;
- alignment = segmentOptions->fAlignmentInternalSegments;
- if (!alignment) alignment = (fAlignMask + 1);
- fAlignMaskInternalSegments = alignment - 1;
- switch (MAPTYPE(mappingOptions))
- {
- case kMapped: break;
- case kUnmapped: break;
- case kNonCoherent: break;
- case kBypassed:
- if (!mapper) break;
- return (kIOReturnBadArgument);
- default:
- return (kIOReturnBadArgument);
- };
- if (mapper != fMapper)
- {
- if (mapper) mapper->retain();
- if (fMapper) fMapper->release();
- fMapper = mapper;
- }
- fInternalState->fIterateOnly = (0 != (kIterateOnly & mappingOptions));
- fInternalState->fDevice = device;
- return (kIOReturnSuccess);
+ IOService * device = NULL;
+ UInt8 numAddressBits;
+ UInt64 maxSegmentSize;
+ UInt64 maxTransferSize;
+ UInt32 alignment;
+ bool is32Bit;
+ if (!outSegFunc || !segmentOptions) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
+ is32Bit = ((OutputHost32 == outSegFunc)
+ || (OutputBig32 == outSegFunc)
+ || (OutputLittle32 == outSegFunc));
+ numAddressBits = segmentOptions->fNumAddressBits;
+ maxSegmentSize = segmentOptions->fMaxSegmentSize;
+ maxTransferSize = segmentOptions->fMaxTransferSize;
+ alignment = segmentOptions->fAlignment;
+ if (is32Bit) {
+ if (!numAddressBits) {
+ numAddressBits = 32;
+ } else if (numAddressBits > 32) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument; // Wrong output function for bits
+ }
+ }
+ if (numAddressBits && (numAddressBits < PAGE_SHIFT)) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
+ if (!maxSegmentSize) {
+ maxSegmentSize--; // Set Max segment to -1
+ }
+ if (!maxTransferSize) {
+ maxTransferSize--; // Set Max transfer to -1
+ }
+ if (mapper && !OSDynamicCast(IOMapper, mapper)) {
+ device = mapper;
+ mapper = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!mapper && (kUnmapped != MAPTYPE(mappingOptions))) {
+ IOMapper::checkForSystemMapper();
+ mapper = IOMapper::gSystem;
+ }
+ fNumSegments = 0;
+ fOutSeg = outSegFunc;
+ fNumAddressBits = numAddressBits;
+ fMaxSegmentSize = maxSegmentSize;
+ fMappingOptions = mappingOptions;
+ fMaxTransferSize = maxTransferSize;
+ if (!alignment) {
+ alignment = 1;
+ }
+ fAlignMask = alignment - 1;
+ alignment = segmentOptions->fAlignmentLength;
+ if (!alignment) {
+ alignment = 1;
+ }
+ fAlignMaskLength = alignment - 1;
+ alignment = segmentOptions->fAlignmentInternalSegments;
+ if (!alignment) {
+ alignment = (fAlignMask + 1);
+ }
+ fAlignMaskInternalSegments = alignment - 1;
+ switch (MAPTYPE(mappingOptions)) {
+ case kMapped: break;
+ case kUnmapped: break;
+ case kNonCoherent: break;
+ case kBypassed:
+ if (!mapper) {
+ break;
+ }
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ default:
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
+ ;
+ if (mapper != fMapper) {
+ if (mapper) {
+ mapper->retain();
+ }
+ if (fMapper) {
+ fMapper->release();
+ }
+ fMapper = mapper;
+ }
+ fInternalState->fIterateOnly = (0 != (kIterateOnly & mappingOptions));
+ fInternalState->fDevice = device;
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
- if (reserved) IODelete(reserved, IODMACommandInternal, 1);
+ if (reserved) {
+ IODelete(reserved, IODMACommandInternal, 1);
+ }
- if (fMapper) fMapper->release();
+ if (fMapper) {
+ fMapper->release();
+ }
- super::free();
+ super::free();
IODMACommand::setMemoryDescriptor(const IOMemoryDescriptor *mem, bool autoPrepare)
- IOReturn err = kIOReturnSuccess;
- if (mem == fMemory)
- {
- if (!autoPrepare)
- {
- while (fActive)
- complete();
+ IOReturn err = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ if (mem == fMemory) {
+ if (!autoPrepare) {
+ while (fActive) {
+ complete();
+ }
+ }
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
- }
- if (fMemory) {
- // As we are almost certainly being called from a work loop thread
- // if fActive is true it is probably not a good time to potentially
- // block. Just test for it and return an error
- if (fActive)
- return kIOReturnBusy;
- clearMemoryDescriptor();
- }
- if (mem) {
- bzero(&fMDSummary, sizeof(fMDSummary));
- err = mem->dmaCommandOperation(kIOMDGetCharacteristics | (kMapped == MAPTYPE(fMappingOptions)),
- &fMDSummary, sizeof(fMDSummary));
- if (err)
- return err;
- ppnum_t highPage = fMDSummary.fHighestPage ? fMDSummary.fHighestPage : gIOLastPage;
- if ((kMapped == MAPTYPE(fMappingOptions))
- && fMapper)
- fInternalState->fCheckAddressing = false;
- else
- fInternalState->fCheckAddressing = (fNumAddressBits && (highPage >= (1UL << (fNumAddressBits - PAGE_SHIFT))));
- fInternalState->fNewMD = true;
- mem->retain();
- fMemory = mem;
- if (!fMapper) mem->dmaCommandOperation(kIOMDSetDMAActive, this, 0);
- if (autoPrepare) {
- err = prepare();
- if (err) {
+ if (fMemory) {
+ // As we are almost certainly being called from a work loop thread
+ // if fActive is true it is probably not a good time to potentially
+ // block. Just test for it and return an error
+ if (fActive) {
+ return kIOReturnBusy;
+ }
- }
- }
- return err;
+ if (mem) {
+ bzero(&fMDSummary, sizeof(fMDSummary));
+ err = mem->dmaCommandOperation(kIOMDGetCharacteristics | (kMapped == MAPTYPE(fMappingOptions)),
+ &fMDSummary, sizeof(fMDSummary));
+ if (err) {
+ return err;
+ }
+ ppnum_t highPage = fMDSummary.fHighestPage ? fMDSummary.fHighestPage : gIOLastPage;
+ if ((kMapped == MAPTYPE(fMappingOptions))
+ && fMapper) {
+ fInternalState->fCheckAddressing = false;
+ } else {
+ fInternalState->fCheckAddressing = (fNumAddressBits && (highPage >= (1UL << (fNumAddressBits - PAGE_SHIFT))));
+ }
+ fInternalState->fNewMD = true;
+ mem->retain();
+ fMemory = mem;
+ fInternalState->fSetActiveNoMapper = (!fMapper);
+ if (fInternalState->fSetActiveNoMapper) {
+ mem->dmaCommandOperation(kIOMDSetDMAActive, this, 0);
+ }
+ if (autoPrepare) {
+ err = prepare();
+ if (err) {
+ clearMemoryDescriptor();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return err;
IODMACommand::clearMemoryDescriptor(bool autoComplete)
- if (fActive && !autoComplete) return (kIOReturnNotReady);
+ if (fActive && !autoComplete) {
+ return kIOReturnNotReady;
+ }
- if (fMemory)
- {
- while (fActive) complete();
- if (!fMapper) fMemory->dmaCommandOperation(kIOMDSetDMAInactive, this, 0);
- fMemory->release();
- fMemory = 0;
- }
+ if (fMemory) {
+ while (fActive) {
+ complete();
+ }
+ if (fInternalState->fSetActiveNoMapper) {
+ fMemory->dmaCommandOperation(kIOMDSetDMAInactive, this, 0);
+ }
+ fMemory->release();
+ fMemory = NULL;
+ }
- return (kIOReturnSuccess);
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
const IOMemoryDescriptor *
IODMACommand::getMemoryDescriptor() const
- return fMemory;
+ return fMemory;
IOMemoryDescriptor *
IODMACommand::getIOMemoryDescriptor() const
- IOMemoryDescriptor * mem;
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * mem;
- mem = reserved->fCopyMD;
- if (!mem) mem = __IODEQUALIFY(IOMemoryDescriptor *, fMemory);
+ mem = reserved->fCopyMD;
+ if (!mem) {
+ mem = __IODEQUALIFY(IOMemoryDescriptor *, fMemory);
+ }
- return (mem);
+ return mem;
- void *reference,
- IODMACommand *target,
- Segment64 segment,
- void *segments,
- UInt32 segmentIndex)
+ void *reference,
+ IODMACommand *target,
+ Segment64 segment,
+ void *segments,
+ UInt32 segmentIndex)
- IOOptionBits op = (uintptr_t) reference;
- addr64_t maxPhys, address;
- uint64_t length;
- uint32_t numPages;
- uint32_t mask;
- IODMACommandInternal * state = target->reserved;
- if (target->fNumAddressBits && (target->fNumAddressBits < 64) && (state->fLocalMapperAllocValid || !target->fMapper))
- maxPhys = (1ULL << target->fNumAddressBits);
- else
- maxPhys = 0;
- maxPhys--;
- address = segment.fIOVMAddr;
- length = segment.fLength;
- assert(length);
- if (!state->fMisaligned)
- {
- mask = (segmentIndex ? target->fAlignMaskInternalSegments : state->fSourceAlignMask);
- state->fMisaligned |= (0 != (mask & address));
- if (state->fMisaligned) DEBG("misaligned address %qx:%qx, %x\n", address, length, mask);
- }
- if (!state->fMisaligned)
- {
- mask = target->fAlignMaskLength;
- state->fMisaligned |= (0 != (mask & length));
- if (state->fMisaligned) DEBG("misaligned length %qx:%qx, %x\n", address, length, mask);
- }
- if (state->fMisaligned && (kWalkPreflight & op))
- return (kIOReturnNotAligned);
- if (!state->fDoubleBuffer)
- {
- if ((address + length - 1) <= maxPhys)
- {
- length = 0;
+ IOOptionBits op = (uintptr_t) reference;
+ addr64_t maxPhys, address;
+ uint64_t length;
+ uint32_t numPages;
+ uint32_t mask;
+ IODMACommandInternal * state = target->reserved;
+ if (target->fNumAddressBits && (target->fNumAddressBits < 64) && (state->fLocalMapperAllocValid || !target->fMapper)) {
+ maxPhys = (1ULL << target->fNumAddressBits);
+ } else {
+ maxPhys = 0;
- else if (address <= maxPhys)
- {
- DEBG("tail %qx, %qx", address, length);
- length = (address + length - maxPhys - 1);
- address = maxPhys + 1;
- DEBG("-> %qx, %qx\n", address, length);
- }
- }
- if (!length)
- return (kIOReturnSuccess);
- numPages = atop_64(round_page_64((address & PAGE_MASK) + length));
- if (kWalkPreflight & op)
- {
- state->fCopyPageCount += numPages;
- }
- else
- {
- vm_page_t lastPage;
- lastPage = NULL;
- if (kWalkPrepare & op)
- {
- lastPage = state->fCopyNext;
- for (IOItemCount idx = 0; idx < numPages; idx++)
- {
- vm_page_set_offset(lastPage, atop_64(address) + idx);
- lastPage = vm_page_get_next(lastPage);
- }
+ maxPhys--;
+ address = segment.fIOVMAddr;
+ length = segment.fLength;
+ assert(length);
+ if (!state->fMisaligned) {
+ mask = (segmentIndex ? target->fAlignMaskInternalSegments : state->fSourceAlignMask);
+ state->fMisaligned |= (0 != (mask & address));
+ if (state->fMisaligned) {
+ DEBG("misaligned address %qx:%qx, %x\n", address, length, mask);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!state->fMisaligned) {
+ mask = target->fAlignMaskLength;
+ state->fMisaligned |= (0 != (mask & length));
+ if (state->fMisaligned) {
+ DEBG("misaligned length %qx:%qx, %x\n", address, length, mask);
+ }
- if (!lastPage || SHOULD_COPY_DIR(op, target->fMDSummary.fDirection))
- {
- lastPage = state->fCopyNext;
- for (IOItemCount idx = 0; idx < numPages; idx++)
- {
- if (SHOULD_COPY_DIR(op, target->fMDSummary.fDirection))
- {
- addr64_t cpuAddr = address;
- addr64_t remapAddr;
- uint64_t chunk;
- if ((kMapped == MAPTYPE(target->fMappingOptions))
- && target->fMapper)
- {
- cpuAddr = target->fMapper->mapToPhysicalAddress(address);
- }
- remapAddr = ptoa_64(vm_page_get_phys_page(lastPage));
- if (!state->fDoubleBuffer)
- {
- remapAddr += (address & PAGE_MASK);
- }
- chunk = PAGE_SIZE - (address & PAGE_MASK);
- if (chunk > length)
- chunk = length;
- DEBG("cpv: 0x%qx %s 0x%qx, 0x%qx, 0x%02lx\n", remapAddr,
- (kWalkSyncIn & op) ? "->" : "<-",
- address, chunk, op);
- if (kWalkSyncIn & op)
- { // cppvNoModSnk
- copypv(remapAddr, cpuAddr, chunk,
- cppvPsnk | cppvFsnk | cppvPsrc | cppvNoRefSrc );
- }
- else
- {
- copypv(cpuAddr, remapAddr, chunk,
- cppvPsnk | cppvFsnk | cppvPsrc | cppvNoRefSrc );
- }
- address += chunk;
- length -= chunk;
+ if (state->fMisaligned && (kWalkPreflight & op)) {
+ return kIOReturnNotAligned;
+ }
+ if (!state->fDoubleBuffer) {
+ if ((address + length - 1) <= maxPhys) {
+ length = 0;
+ } else if (address <= maxPhys) {
+ DEBG("tail %qx, %qx", address, length);
+ length = (address + length - maxPhys - 1);
+ address = maxPhys + 1;
+ DEBG("-> %qx, %qx\n", address, length);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!length) {
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ numPages = atop_64(round_page_64((address & PAGE_MASK) + length));
+ if (kWalkPreflight & op) {
+ state->fCopyPageCount += numPages;
+ } else {
+ vm_page_t lastPage;
+ lastPage = NULL;
+ if (kWalkPrepare & op) {
+ lastPage = state->fCopyNext;
+ for (IOItemCount idx = 0; idx < numPages; idx++) {
+ vm_page_set_offset(lastPage, atop_64(address) + idx);
+ lastPage = vm_page_get_next(lastPage);
+ }
- lastPage = vm_page_get_next(lastPage);
- }
+ if (!lastPage || SHOULD_COPY_DIR(op, target->fMDSummary.fDirection)) {
+ lastPage = state->fCopyNext;
+ for (IOItemCount idx = 0; idx < numPages; idx++) {
+ if (SHOULD_COPY_DIR(op, target->fMDSummary.fDirection)) {
+ addr64_t cpuAddr = address;
+ addr64_t remapAddr;
+ uint64_t chunk;
+ if ((kMapped == MAPTYPE(target->fMappingOptions))
+ && target->fMapper) {
+ cpuAddr = target->fMapper->mapToPhysicalAddress(address);
+ }
+ remapAddr = ptoa_64(vm_page_get_phys_page(lastPage));
+ if (!state->fDoubleBuffer) {
+ remapAddr += (address & PAGE_MASK);
+ }
+ chunk = PAGE_SIZE - (address & PAGE_MASK);
+ if (chunk > length) {
+ chunk = length;
+ }
+ DEBG("cpv: 0x%qx %s 0x%qx, 0x%qx, 0x%02lx\n", remapAddr,
+ (kWalkSyncIn & op) ? "->" : "<-",
+ address, chunk, op);
+ if (kWalkSyncIn & op) { // cppvNoModSnk
+ copypv(remapAddr, cpuAddr, chunk,
+ cppvPsnk | cppvFsnk | cppvPsrc | cppvNoRefSrc );
+ } else {
+ copypv(cpuAddr, remapAddr, chunk,
+ cppvPsnk | cppvFsnk | cppvPsrc | cppvNoRefSrc );
+ }
+ address += chunk;
+ length -= chunk;
+ }
+ lastPage = vm_page_get_next(lastPage);
+ }
+ }
+ state->fCopyNext = lastPage;
- state->fCopyNext = lastPage;
- }
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
-IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *
+IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *
IODMACommand::createCopyBuffer(IODirection direction, UInt64 length)
- mach_vm_address_t mask = 0xFFFFF000; //state->fSourceAlignMask
- return (IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithPhysicalMask(kernel_task,
- direction, length, mask));
+ mach_vm_address_t mask = 0xFFFFF000; //state->fSourceAlignMask
+ return IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithPhysicalMask(kernel_task,
+ direction, length, mask);
IODMACommand::walkAll(UInt8 op)
- IODMACommandInternal * state = fInternalState;
- IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
- UInt32 numSegments;
- UInt64 offset;
- if (kWalkPreflight & op)
- {
- state->fMisaligned = false;
- state->fDoubleBuffer = false;
- state->fPrepared = false;
- state->fCopyNext = NULL;
- state->fCopyPageAlloc = 0;
- state->fCopyPageCount = 0;
- state->fNextRemapPage = NULL;
- state->fCopyMD = 0;
- if (!(kWalkDoubleBuffer & op))
- {
- offset = 0;
- numSegments = 0-1;
- ret = genIOVMSegments(op, segmentOp, (void *)(uintptr_t) op, &offset, state, &numSegments);
- }
+ IODMACommandInternal * state = fInternalState;
+ IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ UInt32 numSegments;
+ UInt64 offset;
+ if (kWalkPreflight & op) {
+ state->fMisaligned = false;
+ state->fDoubleBuffer = false;
+ state->fPrepared = false;
+ state->fCopyNext = NULL;
+ state->fCopyPageAlloc = NULL;
+ state->fCopyPageCount = 0;
+ state->fNextRemapPage = NULL;
+ state->fCopyMD = NULL;
+ if (!(kWalkDoubleBuffer & op)) {
+ offset = 0;
+ numSegments = 0 - 1;
+ ret = genIOVMSegments(op, segmentOp, (void *)(uintptr_t) op, &offset, state, &numSegments);
+ }
- op &= ~kWalkPreflight;
+ op &= ~kWalkPreflight;
- state->fDoubleBuffer = (state->fMisaligned || state->fForceDoubleBuffer);
- state->fForceDoubleBuffer = false;
- if (state->fDoubleBuffer)
- state->fCopyPageCount = atop_64(round_page(state->fPreparedLength));
+ state->fDoubleBuffer = (state->fMisaligned || state->fForceDoubleBuffer);
+ state->fForceDoubleBuffer = false;
+ if (state->fDoubleBuffer) {
+ state->fCopyPageCount = atop_64(round_page(state->fPreparedLength));
+ }
- if (state->fCopyPageCount)
- {
- vm_page_t mapBase = NULL;
+ if (state->fCopyPageCount) {
+ vm_page_t mapBase = NULL;
- DEBG("preflight fCopyPageCount %d\n", state->fCopyPageCount);
+ DEBG("preflight fCopyPageCount %d\n", state->fCopyPageCount);
- if (!fMapper && !state->fDoubleBuffer)
- {
- kern_return_t kr;
+ if (!fMapper && !state->fDoubleBuffer) {
+ kern_return_t kr;
- if (fMapper) panic("fMapper copying");
+ if (fMapper) {
+ panic("fMapper copying");
+ }
- kr = vm_page_alloc_list(state->fCopyPageCount,
- if (KERN_SUCCESS != kr)
- {
- DEBG("vm_page_alloc_list(%d) failed (%d)\n", state->fCopyPageCount, kr);
- mapBase = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (mapBase)
- {
- state->fCopyPageAlloc = mapBase;
- state->fCopyNext = state->fCopyPageAlloc;
- offset = 0;
- numSegments = 0-1;
- ret = genIOVMSegments(op, segmentOp, (void *)(uintptr_t) op, &offset, state, &numSegments);
- state->fPrepared = true;
- op &= ~(kWalkSyncIn | kWalkSyncOut);
- }
- else
- {
- DEBG("alloc IOBMD\n");
- state->fCopyMD = createCopyBuffer(fMDSummary.fDirection, state->fPreparedLength);
- if (state->fCopyMD)
- {
- ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
- state->fPrepared = true;
- }
- else
- {
- DEBG("IODMACommand !alloc IOBMD");
- return (kIOReturnNoResources);
+ kr = vm_page_alloc_list(state->fCopyPageCount,
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS != kr) {
+ DEBG("vm_page_alloc_list(%d) failed (%d)\n", state->fCopyPageCount, kr);
+ mapBase = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mapBase) {
+ state->fCopyPageAlloc = mapBase;
+ state->fCopyNext = state->fCopyPageAlloc;
+ offset = 0;
+ numSegments = 0 - 1;
+ ret = genIOVMSegments(op, segmentOp, (void *)(uintptr_t) op, &offset, state, &numSegments);
+ state->fPrepared = true;
+ op &= ~(kWalkSyncIn | kWalkSyncOut);
+ } else {
+ DEBG("alloc IOBMD\n");
+ state->fCopyMD = createCopyBuffer(fMDSummary.fDirection, state->fPreparedLength);
+ if (state->fCopyMD) {
+ ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ state->fPrepared = true;
+ } else {
+ DEBG("IODMACommand !alloc IOBMD");
+ return kIOReturnNoResources;
+ }
+ }
- }
- }
- if (state->fPrepared && ((kWalkSyncIn | kWalkSyncOut) & op))
- {
- if (state->fCopyPageCount)
- {
- DEBG("sync fCopyPageCount %d\n", state->fCopyPageCount);
- if (state->fCopyPageAlloc)
- {
- state->fCopyNext = state->fCopyPageAlloc;
- offset = 0;
- numSegments = 0-1;
- ret = genIOVMSegments(op, segmentOp, (void *)(uintptr_t) op, &offset, state, &numSegments);
- }
- else if (state->fCopyMD)
- {
- DEBG("sync IOBMD\n");
- if (SHOULD_COPY_DIR(op, fMDSummary.fDirection))
- {
- IOMemoryDescriptor *poMD = const_cast<IOMemoryDescriptor *>(fMemory);
- IOByteCount bytes;
- if (kWalkSyncIn & op)
- bytes = poMD->writeBytes(state->fPreparedOffset,
+ if (state->fPrepared && ((kWalkSyncIn | kWalkSyncOut) & op)) {
+ if (state->fCopyPageCount) {
+ DEBG("sync fCopyPageCount %d\n", state->fCopyPageCount);
+ if (state->fCopyPageAlloc) {
+ state->fCopyNext = state->fCopyPageAlloc;
+ offset = 0;
+ numSegments = 0 - 1;
+ ret = genIOVMSegments(op, segmentOp, (void *)(uintptr_t) op, &offset, state, &numSegments);
+ } else if (state->fCopyMD) {
+ DEBG("sync IOBMD\n");
+ if (SHOULD_COPY_DIR(op, fMDSummary.fDirection)) {
+ IOMemoryDescriptor *poMD = const_cast<IOMemoryDescriptor *>(fMemory);
+ IOByteCount bytes;
+ if (kWalkSyncIn & op) {
+ bytes = poMD->writeBytes(state->fPreparedOffset,
- else
- bytes = poMD->readBytes(state->fPreparedOffset,
+ } else {
+ bytes = poMD->readBytes(state->fPreparedOffset,
- DEBG("fCopyMD %s %lx bytes\n", (kWalkSyncIn & op) ? "wrote" : "read", bytes);
- ret = (bytes == state->fPreparedLength) ? kIOReturnSuccess : kIOReturnUnderrun;
+ }
+ DEBG("fCopyMD %s %lx bytes\n", (kWalkSyncIn & op) ? "wrote" : "read", bytes);
+ ret = (bytes == state->fPreparedLength) ? kIOReturnSuccess : kIOReturnUnderrun;
+ } else {
+ ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ }
- else
- ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
- }
- }
- if (kWalkComplete & op)
- {
- if (state->fCopyPageAlloc)
- {
- vm_page_free_list(state->fCopyPageAlloc, FALSE);
- state->fCopyPageAlloc = 0;
- state->fCopyPageCount = 0;
- }
- if (state->fCopyMD)
- {
- state->fCopyMD->release();
- state->fCopyMD = 0;
- }
+ if (kWalkComplete & op) {
+ if (state->fCopyPageAlloc) {
+ vm_page_free_list(state->fCopyPageAlloc, FALSE);
+ state->fCopyPageAlloc = NULL;
+ state->fCopyPageCount = 0;
+ }
+ if (state->fCopyMD) {
+ state->fCopyMD->release();
+ state->fCopyMD = NULL;
+ }
- state->fPrepared = false;
- }
- return (ret);
+ state->fPrepared = false;
+ }
+ return ret;
- return (fNumAddressBits);
+ return fNumAddressBits;
- return (fAlignMask + 1);
+ return fAlignMask + 1;
- return (fAlignMaskLength + 1);
+ return fAlignMaskLength + 1;
- return (fAlignMaskInternalSegments + 1);
+ return fAlignMaskInternalSegments + 1;
-IODMACommand::prepareWithSpecification(SegmentFunction outSegFunc,
- const SegmentOptions * segmentOptions,
- uint32_t mappingOptions,
- IOMapper * mapper,
- UInt64 offset,
- UInt64 length,
- bool flushCache,
- bool synchronize)
+IODMACommand::prepareWithSpecification(SegmentFunction outSegFunc,
+ const SegmentOptions * segmentOptions,
+ uint32_t mappingOptions,
+ IOMapper * mapper,
+ UInt64 offset,
+ UInt64 length,
+ bool flushCache,
+ bool synchronize)
- IOReturn ret;
+ IOReturn ret;
- if (fActive) return kIOReturnNotPermitted;
+ if (fActive) {
+ return kIOReturnNotPermitted;
+ }
- ret = setSpecification(outSegFunc, segmentOptions, mappingOptions, mapper);
- if (kIOReturnSuccess != ret) return (ret);
+ ret = setSpecification(outSegFunc, segmentOptions, mappingOptions, mapper);
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess != ret) {
+ return ret;
+ }
- ret = prepare(offset, length, flushCache, synchronize);
+ ret = prepare(offset, length, flushCache, synchronize);
- return (ret);
+ return ret;
-IODMACommand::prepareWithSpecification(SegmentFunction outSegFunc,
- UInt8 numAddressBits,
- UInt64 maxSegmentSize,
- MappingOptions mappingOptions,
- UInt64 maxTransferSize,
- UInt32 alignment,
- IOMapper *mapper,
- UInt64 offset,
- UInt64 length,
- bool flushCache,
- bool synchronize)
+IODMACommand::prepareWithSpecification(SegmentFunction outSegFunc,
+ UInt8 numAddressBits,
+ UInt64 maxSegmentSize,
+ MappingOptions mappingOptions,
+ UInt64 maxTransferSize,
+ UInt32 alignment,
+ IOMapper *mapper,
+ UInt64 offset,
+ UInt64 length,
+ bool flushCache,
+ bool synchronize)
- SegmentOptions segmentOptions =
- {
- .fStructSize = sizeof(segmentOptions),
- .fNumAddressBits = numAddressBits,
- .fMaxSegmentSize = maxSegmentSize,
- .fMaxTransferSize = maxTransferSize,
- .fAlignment = alignment,
- .fAlignmentLength = 1,
- .fAlignmentInternalSegments = alignment
- };
- return (prepareWithSpecification(outSegFunc, &segmentOptions, mappingOptions, mapper,
- offset, length, flushCache, synchronize));
+ SegmentOptions segmentOptions =
+ {
+ .fStructSize = sizeof(segmentOptions),
+ .fNumAddressBits = numAddressBits,
+ .fMaxSegmentSize = maxSegmentSize,
+ .fMaxTransferSize = maxTransferSize,
+ .fAlignment = alignment,
+ .fAlignmentLength = 1,
+ .fAlignmentInternalSegments = alignment
+ };
+ return prepareWithSpecification(outSegFunc, &segmentOptions, mappingOptions, mapper,
+ offset, length, flushCache, synchronize);
IODMACommand::prepare(UInt64 offset, UInt64 length, bool flushCache, bool synchronize)
- IODMACommandInternal * state = fInternalState;
- IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
- uint32_t mappingOptions = fMappingOptions;
- // check specification has been set
- if (!fOutSeg) return (kIOReturnNotReady);
- if (!length) length = fMDSummary.fLength;
- if (length > fMaxTransferSize) return kIOReturnNoSpace;
- if (fActive++)
- {
- if ((state->fPreparedOffset != offset)
- || (state->fPreparedLength != length))
- ret = kIOReturnNotReady;
- }
- else
- {
- if (fAlignMaskLength & length) return (kIOReturnNotAligned);
- state->fPreparedOffset = offset;
- state->fPreparedLength = length;
- state->fMapContig = false;
- state->fMisaligned = false;
- state->fDoubleBuffer = false;
- state->fPrepared = false;
- state->fCopyNext = NULL;
- state->fCopyPageAlloc = 0;
- state->fCopyPageCount = 0;
- state->fNextRemapPage = NULL;
- state->fCopyMD = 0;
- state->fLocalMapperAlloc = 0;
- state->fLocalMapperAllocValid = false;
- state->fLocalMapperAllocLength = 0;
- state->fLocalMapper = (fMapper && (fMapper != IOMapper::gSystem));
- state->fSourceAlignMask = fAlignMask;
- if (fMapper)
- state->fSourceAlignMask &= page_mask;
- state->fCursor = state->fIterateOnly
- || (!state->fCheckAddressing
- && (!state->fSourceAlignMask
- || ((fMDSummary.fPageAlign & (1 << 31)) && (0 == (fMDSummary.fPageAlign & state->fSourceAlignMask)))));
- if (!state->fCursor)
- {
- IOOptionBits op = kWalkPrepare | kWalkPreflight;
- if (synchronize)
- op |= kWalkSyncOut;
- ret = walkAll(op);
+ IODMACommandInternal * state = fInternalState;
+ IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ uint32_t mappingOptions = fMappingOptions;
+ // check specification has been set
+ if (!fOutSeg) {
+ return kIOReturnNotReady;
- if (IS_NONCOHERENT(mappingOptions) && flushCache)
- {
- if (state->fCopyMD)
- {
- state->fCopyMD->performOperation(kIOMemoryIncoherentIOStore, 0, length);
- }
- else
- {
- IOMemoryDescriptor * md = const_cast<IOMemoryDescriptor *>(fMemory);
- md->performOperation(kIOMemoryIncoherentIOStore, offset, length);
- }
- }
- if (fMapper)
- {
- IOMDDMAMapArgs mapArgs;
- bzero(&mapArgs, sizeof(mapArgs));
- mapArgs.fMapper = fMapper;
- mapArgs.fCommand = this;
- mapArgs.fMapSpec.device = state->fDevice;
- mapArgs.fMapSpec.alignment = fAlignMask + 1;
- mapArgs.fMapSpec.numAddressBits = fNumAddressBits ? fNumAddressBits : 64;
- mapArgs.fLength = state->fPreparedLength;
- const IOMemoryDescriptor * md = state->fCopyMD;
- if (md) { mapArgs.fOffset = 0; } else
- {
- md = fMemory;
- mapArgs.fOffset = state->fPreparedOffset;
- }
- ret = md->dmaCommandOperation(kIOMDDMAMap | state->fIterateOnly, &mapArgs, sizeof(mapArgs));
+ if (!length) {
+ length = fMDSummary.fLength;
+ }
+ if (length > fMaxTransferSize) {
+ return kIOReturnNoSpace;
+ }
+ if (fActive++) {
+ if ((state->fPreparedOffset != offset)
+ || (state->fPreparedLength != length)) {
+ ret = kIOReturnNotReady;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (fAlignMaskLength & length) {
+ return kIOReturnNotAligned;
+ }
+ state->fPreparedOffset = offset;
+ state->fPreparedLength = length;
+ state->fMapContig = false;
+ state->fMisaligned = false;
+ state->fDoubleBuffer = false;
+ state->fPrepared = false;
+ state->fCopyNext = NULL;
+ state->fCopyPageAlloc = NULL;
+ state->fCopyPageCount = 0;
+ state->fNextRemapPage = NULL;
+ state->fCopyMD = NULL;
+ state->fLocalMapperAlloc = 0;
+ state->fLocalMapperAllocValid = false;
+ state->fLocalMapperAllocLength = 0;
+ state->fSourceAlignMask = fAlignMask;
+ if (fMapper) {
+ state->fSourceAlignMask &= page_mask;
+ }
+ state->fCursor = state->fIterateOnly
+ || (!state->fCheckAddressing
+ && (!state->fSourceAlignMask
+ || ((fMDSummary.fPageAlign & (1 << 31)) && (0 == (fMDSummary.fPageAlign & state->fSourceAlignMask)))));
+ if (!state->fCursor) {
+ IOOptionBits op = kWalkPrepare | kWalkPreflight;
+ if (synchronize) {
+ op |= kWalkSyncOut;
+ }
+ ret = walkAll(op);
+ }
+ if (IS_NONCOHERENT(mappingOptions) && flushCache) {
+ if (state->fCopyMD) {
+ state->fCopyMD->performOperation(kIOMemoryIncoherentIOStore, 0, length);
+ } else {
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * md = const_cast<IOMemoryDescriptor *>(fMemory);
+ md->performOperation(kIOMemoryIncoherentIOStore, offset, length);
+ }
+ }
+ if (fMapper) {
+ IOMDDMAMapArgs mapArgs;
+ bzero(&mapArgs, sizeof(mapArgs));
+ mapArgs.fMapper = fMapper;
+ mapArgs.fCommand = this;
+ mapArgs.fMapSpec.device = state->fDevice;
+ mapArgs.fMapSpec.alignment = fAlignMask + 1;
+ mapArgs.fMapSpec.numAddressBits = fNumAddressBits ? fNumAddressBits : 64;
+ mapArgs.fLength = state->fPreparedLength;
+ const IOMemoryDescriptor * md = state->fCopyMD;
+ if (md) {
+ mapArgs.fOffset = 0;
+ } else {
+ md = fMemory;
+ mapArgs.fOffset = state->fPreparedOffset;
+ }
+ ret = md->dmaCommandOperation(kIOMDDMAMap | state->fIterateOnly, &mapArgs, sizeof(mapArgs));
//IOLog("dma %p 0x%x 0x%qx-0x%qx 0x%qx-0x%qx\n", this, ret, state->fPreparedOffset, state->fPreparedLength, mapArgs.fAlloc, mapArgs.fAllocLength);
- if (kIOReturnSuccess == ret)
- {
- state->fLocalMapperAlloc = mapArgs.fAlloc;
- state->fLocalMapperAllocValid = true;
- state->fLocalMapperAllocLength = mapArgs.fAllocLength;
- state->fMapContig = mapArgs.fMapContig;
- }
- if (NULL != IOMapper::gSystem) ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
- }
- if (kIOReturnSuccess == ret) state->fPrepared = true;
- }
- return ret;
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess == ret) {
+ state->fLocalMapperAlloc = mapArgs.fAlloc;
+ state->fLocalMapperAllocValid = true;
+ state->fLocalMapperAllocLength = mapArgs.fAllocLength;
+ state->fMapContig = mapArgs.fMapContig;
+ }
+ if (NULL != IOMapper::gSystem) {
+ ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ }
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess == ret) {
+ state->fPrepared = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
IODMACommand::complete(bool invalidateCache, bool synchronize)
- IODMACommandInternal * state = fInternalState;
- IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
- IOMemoryDescriptor * copyMD;
+ IODMACommandInternal * state = fInternalState;
+ IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * copyMD;
+ if (fActive < 1) {
+ return kIOReturnNotReady;
+ }
- if (fActive < 1)
- return kIOReturnNotReady;
+ if (!--fActive) {
+ copyMD = state->fCopyMD;
+ if (copyMD) {
+ copyMD->retain();
+ }
- if (!--fActive)
- {
- copyMD = state->fCopyMD;
- if (copyMD) copyMD->retain();
+ if (IS_NONCOHERENT(fMappingOptions) && invalidateCache) {
+ if (copyMD) {
+ copyMD->performOperation(kIOMemoryIncoherentIOFlush, 0, state->fPreparedLength);
+ } else {
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * md = const_cast<IOMemoryDescriptor *>(fMemory);
+ md->performOperation(kIOMemoryIncoherentIOFlush, state->fPreparedOffset, state->fPreparedLength);
+ }
+ }
- if (IS_NONCOHERENT(fMappingOptions) && invalidateCache)
- {
- if (copyMD)
- {
- copyMD->performOperation(kIOMemoryIncoherentIOFlush, 0, state->fPreparedLength);
- }
- else
- {
- IOMemoryDescriptor * md = const_cast<IOMemoryDescriptor *>(fMemory);
- md->performOperation(kIOMemoryIncoherentIOFlush, state->fPreparedOffset, state->fPreparedLength);
- }
- }
- if (!state->fCursor)
- {
- IOOptionBits op = kWalkComplete;
- if (synchronize)
- op |= kWalkSyncIn;
- ret = walkAll(op);
- }
- if (state->fLocalMapperAllocValid)
- {
- IOMDDMAMapArgs mapArgs;
- bzero(&mapArgs, sizeof(mapArgs));
- mapArgs.fMapper = fMapper;
- mapArgs.fCommand = this;
- mapArgs.fAlloc = state->fLocalMapperAlloc;
- mapArgs.fAllocLength = state->fLocalMapperAllocLength;
- const IOMemoryDescriptor * md = copyMD;
- if (md) { mapArgs.fOffset = 0; }
- else
- {
- md = fMemory;
- mapArgs.fOffset = state->fPreparedOffset;
- }
- ret = md->dmaCommandOperation(kIOMDDMAUnmap, &mapArgs, sizeof(mapArgs));
- state->fLocalMapperAlloc = 0;
- state->fLocalMapperAllocValid = false;
- state->fLocalMapperAllocLength = 0;
- }
- if (copyMD) copyMD->release();
- state->fPrepared = false;
- }
- return ret;
+ if (!state->fCursor) {
+ IOOptionBits op = kWalkComplete;
+ if (synchronize) {
+ op |= kWalkSyncIn;
+ }
+ ret = walkAll(op);
+ }
+ if (state->fLocalMapperAllocValid) {
+ IOMDDMAMapArgs mapArgs;
+ bzero(&mapArgs, sizeof(mapArgs));
+ mapArgs.fMapper = fMapper;
+ mapArgs.fCommand = this;
+ mapArgs.fAlloc = state->fLocalMapperAlloc;
+ mapArgs.fAllocLength = state->fLocalMapperAllocLength;
+ const IOMemoryDescriptor * md = copyMD;
+ if (md) {
+ mapArgs.fOffset = 0;
+ } else {
+ md = fMemory;
+ mapArgs.fOffset = state->fPreparedOffset;
+ }
+ ret = md->dmaCommandOperation(kIOMDDMAUnmap, &mapArgs, sizeof(mapArgs));
+ state->fLocalMapperAlloc = 0;
+ state->fLocalMapperAllocValid = false;
+ state->fLocalMapperAllocLength = 0;
+ }
+ if (copyMD) {
+ copyMD->release();
+ }
+ state->fPrepared = false;
+ }
+ return ret;
IODMACommand::getPreparedOffsetAndLength(UInt64 * offset, UInt64 * length)
- IODMACommandInternal * state = fInternalState;
- if (fActive < 1)
- return (kIOReturnNotReady);
+ IODMACommandInternal * state = fInternalState;
+ if (fActive < 1) {
+ return kIOReturnNotReady;
+ }
- if (offset)
- *offset = state->fPreparedOffset;
- if (length)
- *length = state->fPreparedLength;
+ if (offset) {
+ *offset = state->fPreparedOffset;
+ }
+ if (length) {
+ *length = state->fPreparedLength;
+ }
- return (kIOReturnSuccess);
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
IODMACommand::synchronize(IOOptionBits options)
- IODMACommandInternal * state = fInternalState;
- IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
- IOOptionBits op;
- if (kIODirectionOutIn == (kIODirectionOutIn & options))
- return kIOReturnBadArgument;
- if (fActive < 1)
- return kIOReturnNotReady;
- op = 0;
- if (kForceDoubleBuffer & options)
- {
- if (state->fDoubleBuffer) return kIOReturnSuccess;
- ret = complete(false /* invalidateCache */, true /* synchronize */);
- state->fCursor = false;
- state->fForceDoubleBuffer = true;
- ret = prepare(state->fPreparedOffset, state->fPreparedLength, false /* flushCache */, true /* synchronize */);
- return (ret);
- }
- else if (state->fCursor)
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ IODMACommandInternal * state = fInternalState;
+ IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ IOOptionBits op;
+ if (kIODirectionOutIn == (kIODirectionOutIn & options)) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
+ if (fActive < 1) {
+ return kIOReturnNotReady;
+ }
+ op = 0;
+ if (kForceDoubleBuffer & options) {
+ if (state->fDoubleBuffer) {
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ ret = complete(false /* invalidateCache */, true /* synchronize */);
+ state->fCursor = false;
+ state->fForceDoubleBuffer = true;
+ ret = prepare(state->fPreparedOffset, state->fPreparedLength, false /* flushCache */, true /* synchronize */);
+ return ret;
+ } else if (state->fCursor) {
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
- if (kIODirectionIn & options)
- op |= kWalkSyncIn | kWalkSyncAlways;
- else if (kIODirectionOut & options)
- op |= kWalkSyncOut | kWalkSyncAlways;
+ if (kIODirectionIn & options) {
+ op |= kWalkSyncIn | kWalkSyncAlways;
+ } else if (kIODirectionOut & options) {
+ op |= kWalkSyncOut | kWalkSyncAlways;
+ }
- ret = walkAll(op);
+ ret = walkAll(op);
- return ret;
+ return ret;
-struct IODMACommandTransferContext
- void * buffer;
- UInt64 bufferOffset;
- UInt64 remaining;
- UInt32 op;
+struct IODMACommandTransferContext {
+ void * buffer;
+ UInt64 bufferOffset;
+ UInt64 remaining;
+ UInt32 op;
- kIODMACommandTransferOpReadBytes = 1,
- kIODMACommandTransferOpWriteBytes = 2
+ kIODMACommandTransferOpReadBytes = 1,
+ kIODMACommandTransferOpWriteBytes = 2
IODMACommand::transferSegment(void *reference,
- IODMACommand *target,
- Segment64 segment,
- void *segments,
- UInt32 segmentIndex)
+ IODMACommand *target,
+ Segment64 segment,
+ void *segments,
+ UInt32 segmentIndex)
- IODMACommandTransferContext * context = (IODMACommandTransferContext *) reference;
- UInt64 length = min(segment.fLength, context->remaining);
- addr64_t ioAddr = segment.fIOVMAddr;
- addr64_t cpuAddr = ioAddr;
- context->remaining -= length;
- while (length)
- {
- UInt64 copyLen = length;
- if ((kMapped == MAPTYPE(target->fMappingOptions))
- && target->fMapper)
- {
- cpuAddr = target->fMapper->mapToPhysicalAddress(ioAddr);
- copyLen = min(copyLen, page_size - (ioAddr & (page_size - 1)));
- ioAddr += copyLen;
+ IODMACommandTransferContext * context = (IODMACommandTransferContext *) reference;
+ UInt64 length = min(segment.fLength, context->remaining);
+ addr64_t ioAddr = segment.fIOVMAddr;
+ addr64_t cpuAddr = ioAddr;
+ context->remaining -= length;
+ while (length) {
+ UInt64 copyLen = length;
+ if ((kMapped == MAPTYPE(target->fMappingOptions))
+ && target->fMapper) {
+ cpuAddr = target->fMapper->mapToPhysicalAddress(ioAddr);
+ copyLen = min(copyLen, page_size - (ioAddr & (page_size - 1)));
+ ioAddr += copyLen;
+ }
+ switch (context->op) {
+ case kIODMACommandTransferOpReadBytes:
+ copypv(cpuAddr, context->bufferOffset + (addr64_t) context->buffer, copyLen,
+ cppvPsrc | cppvNoRefSrc | cppvFsnk | cppvKmap);
+ break;
+ case kIODMACommandTransferOpWriteBytes:
+ copypv(context->bufferOffset + (addr64_t) context->buffer, cpuAddr, copyLen,
+ cppvPsnk | cppvFsnk | cppvNoRefSrc | cppvNoModSnk | cppvKmap);
+ break;
+ }
+ length -= copyLen;
+ context->bufferOffset += copyLen;
- switch (context->op)
- {
- case kIODMACommandTransferOpReadBytes:
- copypv(cpuAddr, context->bufferOffset + (addr64_t) context->buffer, copyLen,
- cppvPsrc | cppvNoRefSrc | cppvFsnk | cppvKmap);
- break;
- case kIODMACommandTransferOpWriteBytes:
- copypv(context->bufferOffset + (addr64_t) context->buffer, cpuAddr, copyLen,
- cppvPsnk | cppvFsnk | cppvNoRefSrc | cppvNoModSnk | cppvKmap);
- break;
- }
- length -= copyLen;
- context->bufferOffset += copyLen;
- }
- return (context->remaining ? kIOReturnSuccess : kIOReturnOverrun);
+ return context->remaining ? kIOReturnSuccess : kIOReturnOverrun;
IODMACommand::transfer(IOOptionBits transferOp, UInt64 offset, void * buffer, UInt64 length)
- IODMACommandInternal * state = fInternalState;
- IODMACommandTransferContext context;
- Segment64 segments[1];
- UInt32 numSegments = 0-1;
+ IODMACommandInternal * state = fInternalState;
+ IODMACommandTransferContext context;
+ Segment64 segments[1];
+ UInt32 numSegments = 0 - 1;
- if (fActive < 1)
- return (0);
+ if (fActive < 1) {
+ return 0;
+ }
- if (offset >= state->fPreparedLength)
- return (0);
- length = min(length, state->fPreparedLength - offset);
+ if (offset >= state->fPreparedLength) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ length = min(length, state->fPreparedLength - offset);
- context.buffer = buffer;
- context.bufferOffset = 0;
- context.remaining = length;
- context.op = transferOp;
- (void) genIOVMSegments(kWalkClient, transferSegment, &context, &offset, &segments[0], &numSegments);
+ context.buffer = buffer;
+ context.bufferOffset = 0;
+ context.remaining = length;
+ context.op = transferOp;
+ (void) genIOVMSegments(kWalkClient, transferSegment, &context, &offset, &segments[0], &numSegments);
- return (length - context.remaining);
+ return length - context.remaining;
IODMACommand::readBytes(UInt64 offset, void *bytes, UInt64 length)
- return (transfer(kIODMACommandTransferOpReadBytes, offset, bytes, length));
+ return transfer(kIODMACommandTransferOpReadBytes, offset, bytes, length);
IODMACommand::writeBytes(UInt64 offset, const void *bytes, UInt64 length)
- return (transfer(kIODMACommandTransferOpWriteBytes, offset, const_cast<void *>(bytes), length));
+ return transfer(kIODMACommandTransferOpWriteBytes, offset, const_cast<void *>(bytes), length);
IODMACommand::genIOVMSegments(UInt64 *offsetP,
- void *segmentsP,
- UInt32 *numSegmentsP)
+ void *segmentsP,
+ UInt32 *numSegmentsP)
- return (genIOVMSegments(kWalkClient, clientOutputSegment, (void *) fOutSeg,
- offsetP, segmentsP, numSegmentsP));
+ return genIOVMSegments(kWalkClient, clientOutputSegment, (void *) fOutSeg,
+ offsetP, segmentsP, numSegmentsP);
IODMACommand::genIOVMSegments(uint32_t op,
- InternalSegmentFunction outSegFunc,
- void *reference,
- UInt64 *offsetP,
- void *segmentsP,
- UInt32 *numSegmentsP)
+ InternalSegmentFunction outSegFunc,
+ void *reference,
+ UInt64 *offsetP,
+ void *segmentsP,
+ UInt32 *numSegmentsP)
- IODMACommandInternal * internalState = fInternalState;
- IOOptionBits mdOp = kIOMDWalkSegments;
- IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
- if (!(kWalkComplete & op) && !fActive)
- return kIOReturnNotReady;
- if (!offsetP || !segmentsP || !numSegmentsP || !*numSegmentsP)
- return kIOReturnBadArgument;
- IOMDDMAWalkSegmentArgs *state =
- (IOMDDMAWalkSegmentArgs *)(void *) fState;
- UInt64 offset = *offsetP + internalState->fPreparedOffset;
- UInt64 memLength = internalState->fPreparedOffset + internalState->fPreparedLength;
- if (offset >= memLength)
- return kIOReturnOverrun;
- if ((offset == internalState->fPreparedOffset) || (offset != state->fOffset) || internalState->fNewMD) {
- state->fOffset = 0;
- internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = state->fIOVMAddr = 0;
- internalState->fNextRemapPage = NULL;
- internalState->fNewMD = false;
- state->fMapped = (0 != fMapper);
- mdOp = kIOMDFirstSegment;
- };
- UInt32 segIndex = 0;
- UInt32 numSegments = *numSegmentsP;
- Segment64 curSeg = { 0, 0 };
- bool curSegValid = false;
- addr64_t maxPhys;
- if (fNumAddressBits && (fNumAddressBits < 64))
- maxPhys = (1ULL << fNumAddressBits);
- else
- maxPhys = 0;
- maxPhys--;
- while (internalState->fIOVMAddrValid || (state->fOffset < memLength))
- {
- // state = next seg
- if (!internalState->fIOVMAddrValid) {
- IOReturn rtn;
- state->fOffset = offset;
- state->fLength = memLength - offset;
- if (internalState->fMapContig && internalState->fLocalMapperAllocValid)
- {
- state->fIOVMAddr = internalState->fLocalMapperAlloc + offset - internalState->fPreparedOffset;
- rtn = kIOReturnSuccess;
-#if 0
- {
- uint64_t checkOffset;
- IOPhysicalLength segLen;
- for (checkOffset = 0; checkOffset < state->fLength; )
- {
- addr64_t phys = const_cast<IOMemoryDescriptor *>(fMemory)->getPhysicalSegment(checkOffset + offset, &segLen, kIOMemoryMapperNone);
- if (fMapper->mapAddr(state->fIOVMAddr + checkOffset) != phys)
- {
- panic("%llx != %llx:%llx, %llx phys: %llx %llx\n", offset,
- state->fIOVMAddr + checkOffset, fMapper->mapAddr(state->fIOVMAddr + checkOffset), state->fLength,
- phys, checkOffset);
- }
- checkOffset += page_size - (phys & page_mask);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- const IOMemoryDescriptor * memory =
- internalState->fCopyMD ? internalState->fCopyMD : fMemory;
- rtn = memory->dmaCommandOperation(mdOp, fState, sizeof(fState));
- mdOp = kIOMDWalkSegments;
- }
- if (rtn == kIOReturnSuccess)
- {
- internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = true;
- assert(state->fLength);
- if (curSegValid && ((curSeg.fIOVMAddr + curSeg.fLength) == state->fIOVMAddr)) {
- UInt64 length = state->fLength;
- offset += length;
- curSeg.fLength += length;
- internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = state->fIOVMAddr = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (rtn == kIOReturnOverrun)
- internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = state->fIOVMAddr = state->fLength = 0; // At end
- else
- return rtn;
+ IODMACommandInternal * internalState = fInternalState;
+ IOOptionBits mdOp = kIOMDWalkSegments;
+ IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ if (!(kWalkComplete & op) && !fActive) {
+ return kIOReturnNotReady;
- // seg = state, offset = end of seg
- if (!curSegValid)
- {
- UInt64 length = state->fLength;
- offset += length;
- curSeg.fIOVMAddr = state->fIOVMAddr;
- curSeg.fLength = length;
- curSegValid = true;
- internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = state->fIOVMAddr = 0;
+ if (!offsetP || !segmentsP || !numSegmentsP || !*numSegmentsP) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
- if (!internalState->fIOVMAddrValid)
- {
- // maxPhys
- if ((kWalkClient & op) && (curSeg.fIOVMAddr + curSeg.fLength - 1) > maxPhys)
- {
- if (internalState->fCursor)
- {
- curSegValid = curSeg.fIOVMAddr = 0;
- ret = kIOReturnMessageTooLarge;
- break;
+ IOMDDMAWalkSegmentArgs *state =
+ (IOMDDMAWalkSegmentArgs *)(void *) fState;
+ UInt64 offset = *offsetP + internalState->fPreparedOffset;
+ UInt64 memLength = internalState->fPreparedOffset + internalState->fPreparedLength;
+ if (offset >= memLength) {
+ return kIOReturnOverrun;
+ }
+ if ((offset == internalState->fPreparedOffset) || (offset != state->fOffset) || internalState->fNewMD) {
+ state->fOffset = 0;
+ internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = state->fIOVMAddr = 0;
+ internalState->fNextRemapPage = NULL;
+ internalState->fNewMD = false;
+ mdOp = kIOMDFirstSegment;
+ if (fMapper) {
+ if (internalState->fLocalMapperAllocValid) {
+ state->fMapped = kIOMDDMAWalkMappedLocal;
+ state->fMappedBase = internalState->fLocalMapperAlloc;
+ } else {
+ state->fMapped = true;
+ }
- else if (curSeg.fIOVMAddr <= maxPhys)
- {
- UInt64 remain, newLength;
- newLength = (maxPhys + 1 - curSeg.fIOVMAddr);
- DEBG("trunc %qx, %qx-> %qx\n", curSeg.fIOVMAddr, curSeg.fLength, newLength);
- remain = curSeg.fLength - newLength;
- state->fIOVMAddr = newLength + curSeg.fIOVMAddr;
- internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = true;
- curSeg.fLength = newLength;
- state->fLength = remain;
- offset -= remain;
+ }
+ ;
+ UInt32 segIndex = 0;
+ UInt32 numSegments = *numSegmentsP;
+ Segment64 curSeg = { 0, 0 };
+ bool curSegValid = false;
+ addr64_t maxPhys;
+ if (fNumAddressBits && (fNumAddressBits < 64)) {
+ maxPhys = (1ULL << fNumAddressBits);
+ } else {
+ maxPhys = 0;
+ }
+ maxPhys--;
+ while (internalState->fIOVMAddrValid || (state->fOffset < memLength)) {
+ // state = next seg
+ if (!internalState->fIOVMAddrValid) {
+ IOReturn rtn;
+ state->fOffset = offset;
+ state->fLength = memLength - offset;
+ if (internalState->fMapContig && internalState->fLocalMapperAllocValid) {
+ state->fIOVMAddr = internalState->fLocalMapperAlloc + offset - internalState->fPreparedOffset;
+ rtn = kIOReturnSuccess;
+#if 0
+ {
+ uint64_t checkOffset;
+ IOPhysicalLength segLen;
+ for (checkOffset = 0; checkOffset < state->fLength;) {
+ addr64_t phys = const_cast<IOMemoryDescriptor *>(fMemory)->getPhysicalSegment(checkOffset + offset, &segLen, kIOMemoryMapperNone);
+ if (fMapper->mapAddr(state->fIOVMAddr + checkOffset) != phys) {
+ panic("%llx != %llx:%llx, %llx phys: %llx %llx\n", offset,
+ state->fIOVMAddr + checkOffset, fMapper->mapAddr(state->fIOVMAddr + checkOffset), state->fLength,
+ phys, checkOffset);
+ }
+ checkOffset += page_size - (phys & page_mask);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ const IOMemoryDescriptor * memory =
+ internalState->fCopyMD ? internalState->fCopyMD : fMemory;
+ rtn = memory->dmaCommandOperation(mdOp, fState, sizeof(fState));
+ mdOp = kIOMDWalkSegments;
+ }
+ if (rtn == kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = true;
+ assert(state->fLength);
+ if (curSegValid && ((curSeg.fIOVMAddr + curSeg.fLength) == state->fIOVMAddr)) {
+ UInt64 length = state->fLength;
+ offset += length;
+ curSeg.fLength += length;
+ internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = state->fIOVMAddr = 0;
+ }
+ } else if (rtn == kIOReturnOverrun) {
+ internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = state->fIOVMAddr = state->fLength = 0; // At end
+ } else {
+ return rtn;
+ }
- else
- {
- UInt64 addr = curSeg.fIOVMAddr;
- ppnum_t addrPage = atop_64(addr);
- vm_page_t remap = NULL;
- UInt64 remain, newLength;
- DEBG("sparse switch %qx, %qx ", addr, curSeg.fLength);
- remap = internalState->fNextRemapPage;
- if (remap && (addrPage == vm_page_get_offset(remap)))
- {
- }
- else for (remap = internalState->fCopyPageAlloc;
- remap && (addrPage != vm_page_get_offset(remap));
- remap = vm_page_get_next(remap))
- {
- }
- if (!remap) panic("no remap page found");
- curSeg.fIOVMAddr = ptoa_64(vm_page_get_phys_page(remap))
- + (addr & PAGE_MASK);
- curSegValid = true;
- internalState->fNextRemapPage = vm_page_get_next(remap);
- newLength = PAGE_SIZE - (addr & PAGE_MASK);
- if (newLength < curSeg.fLength)
- {
- remain = curSeg.fLength - newLength;
- state->fIOVMAddr = addr + newLength;
- internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = true;
- curSeg.fLength = newLength;
- state->fLength = remain;
- offset -= remain;
- }
- DEBG("-> %qx, %qx offset %qx\n", curSeg.fIOVMAddr, curSeg.fLength, offset);
+ // seg = state, offset = end of seg
+ if (!curSegValid) {
+ UInt64 length = state->fLength;
+ offset += length;
+ curSeg.fIOVMAddr = state->fIOVMAddr;
+ curSeg.fLength = length;
+ curSegValid = true;
+ internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = state->fIOVMAddr = 0;
- }
- // reduce size of output segment
- uint64_t reduce, leftover = 0;
- // fMaxSegmentSize
- if (curSeg.fLength > fMaxSegmentSize)
- {
- leftover += curSeg.fLength - fMaxSegmentSize;
- curSeg.fLength = fMaxSegmentSize;
- state->fIOVMAddr = curSeg.fLength + curSeg.fIOVMAddr;
- internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = true;
- }
- // alignment current length
- reduce = (curSeg.fLength & fAlignMaskLength);
- if (reduce && (curSeg.fLength > reduce))
- {
- leftover += reduce;
- curSeg.fLength -= reduce;
- state->fIOVMAddr = curSeg.fLength + curSeg.fIOVMAddr;
- internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = true;
- }
- // alignment next address
- reduce = (state->fIOVMAddr & fAlignMaskInternalSegments);
- if (reduce && (curSeg.fLength > reduce))
- {
- leftover += reduce;
- curSeg.fLength -= reduce;
- state->fIOVMAddr = curSeg.fLength + curSeg.fIOVMAddr;
- internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = true;
- }
- if (leftover)
- {
- DEBG("reduce seg by 0x%llx @ 0x%llx [0x%llx, 0x%llx]\n",
- leftover, offset,
- curSeg.fIOVMAddr, curSeg.fLength);
- state->fLength = leftover;
- offset -= leftover;
- }
- //
- if (internalState->fCursor)
- {
- bool misaligned;
- uint32_t mask;
- mask = (segIndex ? fAlignMaskInternalSegments : internalState->fSourceAlignMask);
- misaligned = (0 != (mask & curSeg.fIOVMAddr));
- if (!misaligned)
- {
- mask = fAlignMaskLength;
- misaligned |= (0 != (mask & curSeg.fLength));
+ if (!internalState->fIOVMAddrValid) {
+ // maxPhys
+ if ((kWalkClient & op) && (curSeg.fIOVMAddr + curSeg.fLength - 1) > maxPhys) {
+ if (internalState->fCursor) {
+ curSegValid = curSeg.fIOVMAddr = 0;
+ ret = kIOReturnMessageTooLarge;
+ break;
+ } else if (curSeg.fIOVMAddr <= maxPhys) {
+ UInt64 remain, newLength;
+ newLength = (maxPhys + 1 - curSeg.fIOVMAddr);
+ DEBG("trunc %qx, %qx-> %qx\n", curSeg.fIOVMAddr, curSeg.fLength, newLength);
+ remain = curSeg.fLength - newLength;
+ state->fIOVMAddr = newLength + curSeg.fIOVMAddr;
+ internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = true;
+ curSeg.fLength = newLength;
+ state->fLength = remain;
+ offset -= remain;
+ } else {
+ UInt64 addr = curSeg.fIOVMAddr;
+ ppnum_t addrPage = atop_64(addr);
+ vm_page_t remap = NULL;
+ UInt64 remain, newLength;
+ DEBG("sparse switch %qx, %qx ", addr, curSeg.fLength);
+ remap = internalState->fNextRemapPage;
+ if (remap && (addrPage == vm_page_get_offset(remap))) {
+ } else {
+ for (remap = internalState->fCopyPageAlloc;
+ remap && (addrPage != vm_page_get_offset(remap));
+ remap = vm_page_get_next(remap)) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (!remap) {
+ panic("no remap page found");
+ }
+ curSeg.fIOVMAddr = ptoa_64(vm_page_get_phys_page(remap))
+ + (addr & PAGE_MASK);
+ curSegValid = true;
+ internalState->fNextRemapPage = vm_page_get_next(remap);
+ newLength = PAGE_SIZE - (addr & PAGE_MASK);
+ if (newLength < curSeg.fLength) {
+ remain = curSeg.fLength - newLength;
+ state->fIOVMAddr = addr + newLength;
+ internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = true;
+ curSeg.fLength = newLength;
+ state->fLength = remain;
+ offset -= remain;
+ }
+ DEBG("-> %qx, %qx offset %qx\n", curSeg.fIOVMAddr, curSeg.fLength, offset);
+ }
+ }
+ // reduce size of output segment
+ uint64_t reduce, leftover = 0;
+ // fMaxSegmentSize
+ if (curSeg.fLength > fMaxSegmentSize) {
+ leftover += curSeg.fLength - fMaxSegmentSize;
+ curSeg.fLength = fMaxSegmentSize;
+ state->fIOVMAddr = curSeg.fLength + curSeg.fIOVMAddr;
+ internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = true;
+ }
+ // alignment current length
+ reduce = (curSeg.fLength & fAlignMaskLength);
+ if (reduce && (curSeg.fLength > reduce)) {
+ leftover += reduce;
+ curSeg.fLength -= reduce;
+ state->fIOVMAddr = curSeg.fLength + curSeg.fIOVMAddr;
+ internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = true;
+ }
+ // alignment next address
+ reduce = (state->fIOVMAddr & fAlignMaskInternalSegments);
+ if (reduce && (curSeg.fLength > reduce)) {
+ leftover += reduce;
+ curSeg.fLength -= reduce;
+ state->fIOVMAddr = curSeg.fLength + curSeg.fIOVMAddr;
+ internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = true;
+ }
+ if (leftover) {
+ DEBG("reduce seg by 0x%llx @ 0x%llx [0x%llx, 0x%llx]\n",
+ leftover, offset,
+ curSeg.fIOVMAddr, curSeg.fLength);
+ state->fLength = leftover;
+ offset -= leftover;
+ }
+ //
+ if (internalState->fCursor) {
+ bool misaligned;
+ uint32_t mask;
+ mask = (segIndex ? fAlignMaskInternalSegments : internalState->fSourceAlignMask);
+ misaligned = (0 != (mask & curSeg.fIOVMAddr));
+ if (!misaligned) {
+ mask = fAlignMaskLength;
+ misaligned |= (0 != (mask & curSeg.fLength));
+ }
+ if (misaligned) {
+ if (misaligned) {
+ DEBG("cursor misaligned %qx:%qx\n", curSeg.fIOVMAddr, curSeg.fLength);
+ }
+ curSegValid = curSeg.fIOVMAddr = 0;
+ ret = kIOReturnNotAligned;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (offset >= memLength) {
+ curSeg.fLength -= (offset - memLength);
+ offset = memLength;
+ internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = state->fIOVMAddr = state->fLength = 0; // At end
+ break;
+ }
- if (misaligned)
- {
- if (misaligned) DEBG("cursor misaligned %qx:%qx\n", curSeg.fIOVMAddr, curSeg.fLength);
- curSegValid = curSeg.fIOVMAddr = 0;
- ret = kIOReturnNotAligned;
- break;
+ if (internalState->fIOVMAddrValid) {
+ if ((segIndex + 1 == numSegments)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ ret = (*outSegFunc)(reference, this, curSeg, segmentsP, segIndex++);
+ curSegValid = curSeg.fIOVMAddr = 0;
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess != ret) {
+ break;
+ }
- }
- if (offset >= memLength)
- {
- curSeg.fLength -= (offset - memLength);
- offset = memLength;
- internalState->fIOVMAddrValid = state->fIOVMAddr = state->fLength = 0; // At end
- break;
- }
- }
- if (internalState->fIOVMAddrValid) {
- if ((segIndex + 1 == numSegments))
- break;
- ret = (*outSegFunc)(reference, this, curSeg, segmentsP, segIndex++);
- curSegValid = curSeg.fIOVMAddr = 0;
- if (kIOReturnSuccess != ret)
- break;
- }
- }
- if (curSegValid) {
- ret = (*outSegFunc)(reference, this, curSeg, segmentsP, segIndex++);
- }
- if (kIOReturnSuccess == ret)
- {
- state->fOffset = offset;
- *offsetP = offset - internalState->fPreparedOffset;
- *numSegmentsP = segIndex;
- }
- return ret;
+ }
+ if (curSegValid) {
+ ret = (*outSegFunc)(reference, this, curSeg, segmentsP, segIndex++);
+ }
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess == ret) {
+ state->fOffset = offset;
+ *offsetP = offset - internalState->fPreparedOffset;
+ *numSegmentsP = segIndex;
+ }
+ return ret;
void *reference, IODMACommand *target,
Segment64 segment, void *vSegList, UInt32 outSegIndex)
- SegmentFunction segmentFunction = (SegmentFunction) reference;
- IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
- if (target->fNumAddressBits && (target->fNumAddressBits < 64)
- && ((segment.fIOVMAddr + segment.fLength - 1) >> target->fNumAddressBits)
- && (target->reserved->fLocalMapperAllocValid || !target->fMapper))
- {
- DEBG("kIOReturnMessageTooLarge(fNumAddressBits) %qx, %qx\n", segment.fIOVMAddr, segment.fLength);
- ret = kIOReturnMessageTooLarge;
- }
- if (!(*segmentFunction)(target, segment, vSegList, outSegIndex))
- {
- DEBG("kIOReturnMessageTooLarge(fOutSeg) %qx, %qx\n", segment.fIOVMAddr, segment.fLength);
- ret = kIOReturnMessageTooLarge;
- }
- return (ret);
+ SegmentFunction segmentFunction = (SegmentFunction) reference;
+ IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ if (target->fNumAddressBits && (target->fNumAddressBits < 64)
+ && ((segment.fIOVMAddr + segment.fLength - 1) >> target->fNumAddressBits)
+ && (target->reserved->fLocalMapperAllocValid || !target->fMapper)) {
+ DEBG("kIOReturnMessageTooLarge(fNumAddressBits) %qx, %qx\n", segment.fIOVMAddr, segment.fLength);
+ ret = kIOReturnMessageTooLarge;
+ }
+ if (!(*segmentFunction)(target, segment, vSegList, outSegIndex)) {
+ DEBG("kIOReturnMessageTooLarge(fOutSeg) %qx, %qx\n", segment.fIOVMAddr, segment.fLength);
+ ret = kIOReturnMessageTooLarge;
+ }
+ return ret;
IODMACommand::genIOVMSegments(SegmentFunction segmentFunction,
- UInt64 *offsetP,
- void *segmentsP,
- UInt32 *numSegmentsP)
+ UInt64 *offsetP,
+ void *segmentsP,
+ UInt32 *numSegmentsP)
- return (genIOVMSegments(kWalkClient, clientOutputSegment, (void *) segmentFunction,
- offsetP, segmentsP, numSegmentsP));
+ return genIOVMSegments(kWalkClient, clientOutputSegment, (void *) segmentFunction,
+ offsetP, segmentsP, numSegmentsP);
IODMACommand::OutputHost32(IODMACommand *,
- Segment64 segment, void *vSegList, UInt32 outSegIndex)
+ Segment64 segment, void *vSegList, UInt32 outSegIndex)
- Segment32 *base = (Segment32 *) vSegList;
- base[outSegIndex].fIOVMAddr = (UInt32) segment.fIOVMAddr;
- base[outSegIndex].fLength = (UInt32) segment.fLength;
- return true;
+ Segment32 *base = (Segment32 *) vSegList;
+ base[outSegIndex].fIOVMAddr = (UInt32) segment.fIOVMAddr;
+ base[outSegIndex].fLength = (UInt32) segment.fLength;
+ return true;
IODMACommand::OutputBig32(IODMACommand *,
- Segment64 segment, void *vSegList, UInt32 outSegIndex)
+ Segment64 segment, void *vSegList, UInt32 outSegIndex)
- const UInt offAddr = outSegIndex * sizeof(Segment32);
- const UInt offLen = offAddr + sizeof(UInt32);
- OSWriteBigInt32(vSegList, offAddr, (UInt32) segment.fIOVMAddr);
- OSWriteBigInt32(vSegList, offLen, (UInt32) segment.fLength);
- return true;
+ const UInt offAddr = outSegIndex * sizeof(Segment32);
+ const UInt offLen = offAddr + sizeof(UInt32);
+ OSWriteBigInt32(vSegList, offAddr, (UInt32) segment.fIOVMAddr);
+ OSWriteBigInt32(vSegList, offLen, (UInt32) segment.fLength);
+ return true;
IODMACommand::OutputLittle32(IODMACommand *,
- Segment64 segment, void *vSegList, UInt32 outSegIndex)
+ Segment64 segment, void *vSegList, UInt32 outSegIndex)
- const UInt offAddr = outSegIndex * sizeof(Segment32);
- const UInt offLen = offAddr + sizeof(UInt32);
- OSWriteLittleInt32(vSegList, offAddr, (UInt32) segment.fIOVMAddr);
- OSWriteLittleInt32(vSegList, offLen, (UInt32) segment.fLength);
- return true;
+ const UInt offAddr = outSegIndex * sizeof(Segment32);
+ const UInt offLen = offAddr + sizeof(UInt32);
+ OSWriteLittleInt32(vSegList, offAddr, (UInt32) segment.fIOVMAddr);
+ OSWriteLittleInt32(vSegList, offLen, (UInt32) segment.fLength);
+ return true;
IODMACommand::OutputHost64(IODMACommand *,
- Segment64 segment, void *vSegList, UInt32 outSegIndex)
+ Segment64 segment, void *vSegList, UInt32 outSegIndex)
- Segment64 *base = (Segment64 *) vSegList;
- base[outSegIndex] = segment;
- return true;
+ Segment64 *base = (Segment64 *) vSegList;
+ base[outSegIndex] = segment;
+ return true;
IODMACommand::OutputBig64(IODMACommand *,
- Segment64 segment, void *vSegList, UInt32 outSegIndex)
+ Segment64 segment, void *vSegList, UInt32 outSegIndex)
- const UInt offAddr = outSegIndex * sizeof(Segment64);
- const UInt offLen = offAddr + sizeof(UInt64);
- OSWriteBigInt64(vSegList, offAddr, (UInt64) segment.fIOVMAddr);
- OSWriteBigInt64(vSegList, offLen, (UInt64) segment.fLength);
- return true;
+ const UInt offAddr = outSegIndex * sizeof(Segment64);
+ const UInt offLen = offAddr + sizeof(UInt64);
+ OSWriteBigInt64(vSegList, offAddr, (UInt64) segment.fIOVMAddr);
+ OSWriteBigInt64(vSegList, offLen, (UInt64) segment.fLength);
+ return true;
IODMACommand::OutputLittle64(IODMACommand *,
- Segment64 segment, void *vSegList, UInt32 outSegIndex)
+ Segment64 segment, void *vSegList, UInt32 outSegIndex)
- const UInt offAddr = outSegIndex * sizeof(Segment64);
- const UInt offLen = offAddr + sizeof(UInt64);
- OSWriteLittleInt64(vSegList, offAddr, (UInt64) segment.fIOVMAddr);
- OSWriteLittleInt64(vSegList, offLen, (UInt64) segment.fLength);
- return true;
+ const UInt offAddr = outSegIndex * sizeof(Segment64);
+ const UInt offLen = offAddr + sizeof(UInt64);
+ OSWriteLittleInt64(vSegList, offAddr, (UInt64) segment.fIOVMAddr);
+ OSWriteLittleInt64(vSegList, offLen, (UInt64) segment.fLength);
+ return true;