* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <mach/vm_param.h>
#include <IOKit/IOHibernatePrivate.h>
#include <pexpert/boot.h>
#include <libkern/libkern.h>
-#include <vm/WKdm_new.h>
#include "IOHibernateInternal.h"
#include <machine/pal_hibernate.h>
-This code is linked into the kernel but part of the "__HIB" section, which means
-its used by code running in the special context of restoring the kernel text and data
-from the hibernation image read by the booter. hibernate_kernel_entrypoint() and everything
-it calls or references needs to be careful to only touch memory also in the "__HIB" section.
+ * This code is linked into the kernel but part of the "__HIB" section, which means
+ * its used by code running in the special context of restoring the kernel text and data
+ * from the hibernation image read by the booter. hibernate_kernel_entrypoint() and everything
+ * it calls or references needs to be careful to only touch memory also in the "__HIB" section.
+ */
+#define HIB_ROUND_PAGE(x) (((x) + PAGE_MASK) & ~PAGE_MASK)
uint32_t gIOHibernateState;
IOHibernateImageHeader * gIOHibernateCurrentHeader = &_hibernateHeader;
ppnum_t gIOHibernateHandoffPages[64];
-uint32_t gIOHibernateHandoffPageCount = sizeof(gIOHibernateHandoffPages)
- / sizeof(gIOHibernateHandoffPages[0]);
+const uint32_t gIOHibernateHandoffPageCount = sizeof(gIOHibernateHandoffPages)
+ / sizeof(gIOHibernateHandoffPages[0]);
void hibprintf(const char *fmt, ...);
#include <i386/proc_reg.h>
-static inline uint64_t rdtsc64(void)
+static inline uint64_t
- return (0);
+ return 0;
#endif /* defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) */
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
-#define DBGLOG 1
+#define DBGLOG 1
#include <architecture/i386/pio.h>
/* standard port addresses */
enum {
- COM1_PORT_ADDR = 0x3f8,
- COM2_PORT_ADDR = 0x2f8
+ COM1_PORT_ADDR = 0x3f8,
+ COM2_PORT_ADDR = 0x2f8
/* UART register offsets */
enum {
- UART_RBR = 0, /* receive buffer Register (R) */
- UART_THR = 0, /* transmit holding register (W) */
- UART_DLL = 0, /* DLAB = 1, divisor latch (LSB) */
- UART_IER = 1, /* interrupt enable register */
- UART_DLM = 1, /* DLAB = 1, divisor latch (MSB) */
- UART_IIR = 2, /* interrupt ident register (R) */
- UART_FCR = 2, /* fifo control register (W) */
- UART_LCR = 3, /* line control register */
- UART_MCR = 4, /* modem control register */
- UART_LSR = 5, /* line status register */
- UART_MSR = 6, /* modem status register */
- UART_SCR = 7 /* scratch register */
+ UART_RBR = 0, /* receive buffer Register (R) */
+ UART_THR = 0, /* transmit holding register (W) */
+ UART_DLL = 0, /* DLAB = 1, divisor latch (LSB) */
+ UART_IER = 1, /* interrupt enable register */
+ UART_DLM = 1, /* DLAB = 1, divisor latch (MSB) */
+ UART_IIR = 2, /* interrupt ident register (R) */
+ UART_FCR = 2, /* fifo control register (W) */
+ UART_LCR = 3, /* line control register */
+ UART_MCR = 4, /* modem control register */
+ UART_LSR = 5, /* line status register */
+ UART_MSR = 6, /* modem status register */
+ UART_SCR = 7 /* scratch register */
enum {
- UART_LCR_8BITS = 0x03,
- UART_LCR_DLAB = 0x80
+ UART_LCR_8BITS = 0x03,
+ UART_LCR_DLAB = 0x80
enum {
- UART_MCR_DTR = 0x01,
- UART_MCR_RTS = 0x02,
- UART_MCR_OUT1 = 0x04,
- UART_MCR_OUT2 = 0x08,
- UART_MCR_LOOP = 0x10
+ UART_MCR_DTR = 0x01,
+ UART_MCR_RTS = 0x02,
+ UART_MCR_OUT1 = 0x04,
+ UART_MCR_OUT2 = 0x08,
+ UART_MCR_LOOP = 0x10
enum {
- UART_LSR_DR = 0x01,
- UART_LSR_OE = 0x02,
- UART_LSR_PE = 0x04,
- UART_LSR_FE = 0x08,
- UART_LSR_THRE = 0x20
+ UART_LSR_DR = 0x01,
+ UART_LSR_OE = 0x02,
+ UART_LSR_PE = 0x04,
+ UART_LSR_FE = 0x08,
+ UART_LSR_THRE = 0x20
-static void uart_putc(char c)
+static void
+hib_uart_putc(char c)
- while (!(inb(COM1_PORT_ADDR + UART_LSR) & UART_LSR_THRE))
- {}
- outb(COM1_PORT_ADDR + UART_THR, c);
+ while (!(inb(COM1_PORT_ADDR + UART_LSR) & UART_LSR_THRE)) {
+ }
+ outb(COM1_PORT_ADDR + UART_THR, c);
-static int debug_probe( void )
+static int
+debug_probe( void )
- /* Verify that the Scratch Register is accessible */
- outb(COM1_PORT_ADDR + UART_SCR, 0x5a);
- if (inb(COM1_PORT_ADDR + UART_SCR) != 0x5a) return false;
- outb(COM1_PORT_ADDR + UART_SCR, 0xa5);
- if (inb(COM1_PORT_ADDR + UART_SCR) != 0xa5) return false;
- uart_putc('\n');
- return true;
+ /* Verify that the Scratch Register is accessible */
+ outb(COM1_PORT_ADDR + UART_SCR, 0x5a);
+ if (inb(COM1_PORT_ADDR + UART_SCR) != 0x5a) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ outb(COM1_PORT_ADDR + UART_SCR, 0xa5);
+ if (inb(COM1_PORT_ADDR + UART_SCR) != 0xa5) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ hib_uart_putc('\n');
+ return true;
-static void uart_puthex(uint64_t num)
+#elif defined(__arm64__)
+#define DBGLOG 1
+#include <pexpert/arm/dockchannel.h>
+#include <pexpert/arm/S3cUART.h>
+#define dockchannel_uart_base gHibernateGlobals.dockChannelRegBase
+#define uart_base gHibernateGlobals.hibUartRegBase
+static void
+hib_uart_putc(char c)
- int bit;
- char c;
- bool leading = true;
- for (bit = 60; bit >= 0; bit -= 4)
- {
- c = 0xf & (num >> bit);
- if (c)
- leading = false;
- else if (leading && bit)
- continue;
- if (c <= 9)
- c += '0';
- else
- c+= 'a' - 10;
- uart_putc(c);
- }
+ if (dockchannel_uart_base) {
+ while ((rDOCKCHANNELS_DEV_WSTAT(DOCKCHANNEL_UART_CHANNEL) & gHibernateGlobals.dockChannelWstatMask) == 0) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (uart_base) {
+ while ((rUTRSTAT0 & 0x04) == 0) {
+ // wait for space in the uart
+ }
+ rUTXH0 = c;
+ }
-static void debug_code(uint32_t code, uint64_t value)
+static int
+debug_probe( void )
- int bit;
- char c;
- if (!(kIOHibernateDebugRestoreLogs & gIOHibernateDebugFlags))
- return;
- for (bit = 24; bit >= 0; bit -= 8)
- {
- c = 0xFF & (code >> bit);
- if (c)
- uart_putc(c);
- }
- uart_putc('=');
- uart_puthex(value);
- uart_putc('\n');
- uart_putc('\r');
+ // todo
+ return false;
-#endif /* defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) */
+#endif /* defined(__arm64__) */
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm64__)
+static void
+uart_putstring(const char *str)
+ while (*str) {
+ hib_uart_putc(*str++);
+ }
+static void
+uart_putdec(uint64_t num)
+ bool leading = true;
+ for (uint64_t pos = 10000000000000000000ull; pos != 0; pos /= 10) {
+ char c = (char) (num / pos);
+ if (c) {
+ leading = false;
+ num -= c * pos;
+ } else if (leading && (pos != 1)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ hib_uart_putc(c + '0');
+ }
+static void
+uart_puthex(uint64_t num)
+ int bit;
+ char c;
+ bool leading = true;
+ for (bit = 60; bit >= 0; bit -= 4) {
+ c = 0xf & (num >> bit);
+ if (c) {
+ leading = false;
+ } else if (leading && bit) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c <= 9) {
+ c += '0';
+ } else {
+ c += 'a' - 10;
+ }
+ hib_uart_putc(c);
+ }
+static void
+debug_code(uint32_t code, uint64_t value)
+ int bit;
+ char c;
+ if (!(kIOHibernateDebugRestoreLogs & gIOHibernateDebugFlags)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (bit = 24; bit >= 0; bit -= 8) {
+ c = 0xFF & (code >> bit);
+ if (c) {
+ hib_uart_putc(c);
+ }
+ }
+ hib_uart_putc('=');
+ uart_puthex(value);
+ hib_uart_putc('\n');
+ hib_uart_putc('\r');
+#endif /* defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm64__) */
#if !defined(DBGLOG)
-#define debug_probe() (false)
+#define debug_probe() (false)
#define debug_code(c, v) {}
- kIOHibernateRestoreCodeImageStart = 'imgS',
- kIOHibernateRestoreCodeImageEnd = 'imgE',
- kIOHibernateRestoreCodePageIndexStart = 'pgiS',
- kIOHibernateRestoreCodePageIndexEnd = 'pgiE',
- kIOHibernateRestoreCodeMapStart = 'mapS',
- kIOHibernateRestoreCodeMapEnd = 'mapE',
- kIOHibernateRestoreCodeWakeMapSize = 'wkms',
- kIOHibernateRestoreCodeConflictPage = 'cfpg',
- kIOHibernateRestoreCodeConflictSource = 'cfsr',
- kIOHibernateRestoreCodeNoMemory = 'nomm',
- kIOHibernateRestoreCodeTag = 'tag ',
- kIOHibernateRestoreCodeSignature = 'sign',
- kIOHibernateRestoreCodeMapVirt = 'mapV',
- kIOHibernateRestoreCodeHandoffPages = 'hand',
- kIOHibernateRestoreCodeHandoffCount = 'hndc',
+ kIOHibernateRestoreCodeImageStart = 'imgS',
+ kIOHibernateRestoreCodeImageEnd = 'imgE',
+ kIOHibernateRestoreCodePageIndexStart = 'pgiS',
+ kIOHibernateRestoreCodePageIndexEnd = 'pgiE',
+ kIOHibernateRestoreCodeMapStart = 'mapS',
+ kIOHibernateRestoreCodeMapEnd = 'mapE',
+ kIOHibernateRestoreCodeWakeMapSize = 'wkms',
+ kIOHibernateRestoreCodeConflictPage = 'cfpg',
+ kIOHibernateRestoreCodeConflictSource = 'cfsr',
+ kIOHibernateRestoreCodeNoMemory = 'nomm',
+ kIOHibernateRestoreCodeTag = 'tag ',
+ kIOHibernateRestoreCodeSignature = 'sign',
+ kIOHibernateRestoreCodeMapVirt = 'mapV',
+ kIOHibernateRestoreCodeHandoffPages = 'hand',
+ kIOHibernateRestoreCodeHandoffCount = 'hndc',
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
-static void fatal(void)
+__hib_assert(const char *file, int line, const char *expression)
+ uart_putstring(file);
+ hib_uart_putc(':');
+ uart_putdec(line);
+ uart_putstring(" Assertion failed: ");
+ uart_putstring(expression);
+ hib_uart_putc('\n');
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
- outb(0xcf9, 6);
- while (true) {}
+ outb(0xcf9, 6);
+#endif /* defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) */
+ while (true) {
+ }
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
hibernate_sum_page(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t ppnum)
- return (((uint32_t *)buf)[((PAGE_SIZE >> 2) - 1) & ppnum]);
+ return ((uint32_t *)buf)[((PAGE_SIZE >> 2) - 1) & ppnum];
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
static hibernate_bitmap_t *
hibernate_page_bitmap(hibernate_page_list_t * list, uint32_t page)
- uint32_t bank;
- hibernate_bitmap_t * bitmap = &list->bank_bitmap[0];
- for (bank = 0; bank < list->bank_count; bank++)
- {
- if ((page >= bitmap->first_page) && (page <= bitmap->last_page))
- break;
- bitmap = (hibernate_bitmap_t *) &bitmap->bitmap[bitmap->bitmapwords];
- }
- if (bank == list->bank_count)
- bitmap = NULL;
- return (bitmap);
+ uint32_t bank;
+ hibernate_bitmap_t * bitmap = &list->bank_bitmap[0];
+ for (bank = 0; bank < list->bank_count; bank++) {
+ if ((page >= bitmap->first_page) && (page <= bitmap->last_page)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ bitmap = (hibernate_bitmap_t *) &bitmap->bitmap[bitmap->bitmapwords];
+ }
+ if (bank == list->bank_count) {
+ bitmap = NULL;
+ }
+ return bitmap;
hibernate_bitmap_t *
hibernate_page_bitmap_pin(hibernate_page_list_t * list, uint32_t * pPage)
- uint32_t bank, page = *pPage;
- hibernate_bitmap_t * bitmap = &list->bank_bitmap[0];
- for (bank = 0; bank < list->bank_count; bank++)
- {
- if (page <= bitmap->first_page)
- {
- *pPage = bitmap->first_page;
- break;
+ uint32_t bank, page = *pPage;
+ hibernate_bitmap_t * bitmap = &list->bank_bitmap[0];
+ for (bank = 0; bank < list->bank_count; bank++) {
+ if (page <= bitmap->first_page) {
+ *pPage = bitmap->first_page;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (page <= bitmap->last_page) {
+ break;
+ }
+ bitmap = (hibernate_bitmap_t *) &bitmap->bitmap[bitmap->bitmapwords];
- if (page <= bitmap->last_page)
- break;
- bitmap = (hibernate_bitmap_t *) &bitmap->bitmap[bitmap->bitmapwords];
- }
- if (bank == list->bank_count)
- bitmap = NULL;
- return (bitmap);
+ if (bank == list->bank_count) {
+ bitmap = NULL;
+ }
+ return bitmap;
hibernate_page_bitset(hibernate_page_list_t * list, boolean_t set, uint32_t page)
- hibernate_bitmap_t * bitmap;
- bitmap = hibernate_page_bitmap(list, page);
- if (bitmap)
- {
- page -= bitmap->first_page;
- if (set)
- bitmap->bitmap[page >> 5] |= (0x80000000 >> (page & 31));
- //setbit(page - bitmap->first_page, (int *) &bitmap->bitmap[0]);
- else
- bitmap->bitmap[page >> 5] &= ~(0x80000000 >> (page & 31));
- //clrbit(page - bitmap->first_page, (int *) &bitmap->bitmap[0]);
- }
+ hibernate_bitmap_t * bitmap;
+ bitmap = hibernate_page_bitmap(list, page);
+ if (bitmap) {
+ page -= bitmap->first_page;
+ if (set) {
+ bitmap->bitmap[page >> 5] |= (0x80000000 >> (page & 31));
+ }
+ //setbit(page - bitmap->first_page, (int *) &bitmap->bitmap[0]);
+ else {
+ bitmap->bitmap[page >> 5] &= ~(0x80000000 >> (page & 31));
+ }
+ //clrbit(page - bitmap->first_page, (int *) &bitmap->bitmap[0]);
+ }
hibernate_page_bittst(hibernate_page_list_t * list, uint32_t page)
- boolean_t result = TRUE;
- hibernate_bitmap_t * bitmap;
- bitmap = hibernate_page_bitmap(list, page);
- if (bitmap)
- {
- page -= bitmap->first_page;
- result = (0 != (bitmap->bitmap[page >> 5] & (0x80000000 >> (page & 31))));
- }
- return (result);
+ boolean_t result = TRUE;
+ hibernate_bitmap_t * bitmap;
+ bitmap = hibernate_page_bitmap(list, page);
+ if (bitmap) {
+ page -= bitmap->first_page;
+ result = (0 != (bitmap->bitmap[page >> 5] & (0x80000000 >> (page & 31))));
+ }
+ return result;
// count bits clear or set (set == TRUE) starting at page.
hibernate_page_bitmap_count(hibernate_bitmap_t * bitmap, uint32_t set, uint32_t page)
- uint32_t index, bit, bits;
- uint32_t count;
- count = 0;
- index = (page - bitmap->first_page) >> 5;
- bit = (page - bitmap->first_page) & 31;
- bits = bitmap->bitmap[index];
- if (set)
- bits = ~bits;
- bits = (bits << bit);
- if (bits)
- count += __builtin_clz(bits);
- else
- {
- count += 32 - bit;
- while (++index < bitmap->bitmapwords)
- {
- bits = bitmap->bitmap[index];
- if (set)
+ uint32_t index, bit, bits;
+ uint32_t count;
+ count = 0;
+ index = (page - bitmap->first_page) >> 5;
+ bit = (page - bitmap->first_page) & 31;
+ bits = bitmap->bitmap[index];
+ if (set) {
bits = ~bits;
- if (bits)
- {
+ }
+ bits = (bits << bit);
+ if (bits) {
count += __builtin_clz(bits);
- break;
- }
- count += 32;
+ } else {
+ count += 32 - bit;
+ while (++index < bitmap->bitmapwords) {
+ bits = bitmap->bitmap[index];
+ if (set) {
+ bits = ~bits;
+ }
+ if (bits) {
+ count += __builtin_clz(bits);
+ break;
+ }
+ count += 32;
+ }
- }
- if ((page + count) > (bitmap->last_page + 1)) count = (bitmap->last_page + 1) - page;
+ if ((page + count) > (bitmap->last_page + 1)) {
+ count = (bitmap->last_page + 1) - page;
+ }
- return (count);
+ return count;
-static ppnum_t
hibernate_page_list_grab(hibernate_page_list_t * list, uint32_t * pNextFree)
- uint32_t nextFree = *pNextFree;
- uint32_t nextFreeInBank;
- hibernate_bitmap_t * bitmap;
- nextFreeInBank = nextFree + 1;
- while ((bitmap = hibernate_page_bitmap_pin(list, &nextFreeInBank)))
- {
- nextFreeInBank += hibernate_page_bitmap_count(bitmap, FALSE, nextFreeInBank);
- if (nextFreeInBank <= bitmap->last_page)
- {
- *pNextFree = nextFreeInBank;
- break;
+ uint32_t nextFree = *pNextFree;
+ uint32_t nextFreeInBank;
+ hibernate_bitmap_t * bitmap;
+ nextFreeInBank = nextFree + 1;
+ while ((bitmap = hibernate_page_bitmap_pin(list, &nextFreeInBank))) {
+ nextFreeInBank += hibernate_page_bitmap_count(bitmap, FALSE, nextFreeInBank);
+ if (nextFreeInBank <= bitmap->last_page) {
+ *pNextFree = nextFreeInBank;
+ break;
+ }
- }
- if (!bitmap)
- {
- debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeNoMemory, nextFree);
- fatal();
- nextFree = 0;
- }
+ if (!bitmap) {
+ debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeNoMemory, nextFree);
+ }
+ return nextFree;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark hibernate_scratch
+hibernate_scratch_init(hibernate_scratch_t * scratch, hibernate_page_list_t * map, uint32_t * nextFree)
+ // initialize "scratch" so we can start writing into it
+ __nosan_bzero(scratch, sizeof(*scratch));
+ scratch->map = map;
+ scratch->nextFree = nextFree;
+ scratch->headPage = hibernate_page_list_grab(scratch->map, scratch->nextFree);
+ scratch->curPage = (uint8_t *)pal_hib_map(SCRATCH_AREA, ptoa_64(scratch->headPage));
+hibernate_scratch_start_read(hibernate_scratch_t * scratch)
+ // re-initialize "scratch" so we can start reading from it it
+ hibernate_scratch_t result;
+ __nosan_bzero(&result, sizeof(result));
+ result.headPage = scratch->headPage;
+ result.curPage = (uint8_t *)pal_hib_map(SCRATCH_AREA, ptoa_64(result.headPage));
+ result.totalLength = scratch->curPos;
+ *scratch = result;
- return (nextFree);
+static void
+hibernate_scratch_io(hibernate_scratch_t * scratch, void * buffer, size_t size, bool write)
+ // copy data to or from "scratch" based on the value of "write"
+ if (!write) {
+ // check that we are in bounds
+ HIB_ASSERT(scratch->curPos + size <= scratch->totalLength);
+ }
+ while (size) {
+ // if we got to the end of a page (leaving room for our chain pointer), advance to the next page
+ if (scratch->curPagePos == PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(ppnum_t)) {
+ ppnum_t *nextPage = (ppnum_t *)(scratch->curPage + scratch->curPagePos);
+ if (write) {
+ // allocate the next page and store the page number
+ *nextPage = hibernate_page_list_grab(scratch->map, scratch->nextFree);
+ }
+ scratch->curPage = (uint8_t *)pal_hib_map(SCRATCH_AREA, ptoa_64(*nextPage));
+ scratch->curPagePos = 0;
+ }
+ size_t curPageRemaining = PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(ppnum_t) - scratch->curPagePos;
+ size_t toCopy = MIN(size, curPageRemaining);
+ if (write) {
+ // copy from "buffer" into "scratch"
+ __nosan_memcpy(scratch->curPage + scratch->curPagePos, buffer, toCopy);
+ } else {
+ // copy from "scratch" into "buffer"
+ __nosan_memcpy(buffer, scratch->curPage + scratch->curPagePos, toCopy);
+ }
+ scratch->curPos += toCopy;
+ scratch->curPagePos += toCopy;
+ buffer += toCopy;
+ size -= toCopy;
+ }
+hibernate_scratch_write(hibernate_scratch_t * scratch, const void * buffer, size_t size)
+ hibernate_scratch_io(scratch, (void *)(uintptr_t)buffer, size, true);
+hibernate_scratch_read(hibernate_scratch_t * scratch, void * buffer, size_t size)
+ hibernate_scratch_io(scratch, buffer, size, false);
+#pragma mark -
static uint32_t
-store_one_page(uint32_t procFlags, uint32_t * src, uint32_t compressedSize,
- uint32_t * buffer, uint32_t ppnum)
+store_one_page(uint32_t procFlags, uint32_t * src, uint32_t compressedSize,
+ uint8_t * scratch, uint32_t ppnum)
uint64_t dst = ptoa_64(ppnum);
- uint8_t scratch[WKdm_SCRATCH_BUF_SIZE_INTERNAL] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
- if (compressedSize != PAGE_SIZE)
- {
+ if (compressedSize != PAGE_SIZE) {
dst = pal_hib_map(DEST_COPY_AREA, dst);
- if (compressedSize != 4) WKdm_decompress_new((WK_word*) src, (WK_word*)(uintptr_t)dst, (WK_word*) &scratch[0], compressedSize);
- else
- {
+ if (compressedSize != 4) {
+ pal_hib_decompress_page(src, (void *)dst, scratch, compressedSize);
+ } else {
size_t i;
uint32_t s, *d;
s = *src;
d = (uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)dst;
- if (!s) __nosan_bzero((void *) dst, PAGE_SIZE);
- else for (i = 0; i < (PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(int32_t)); i++) *d++ = s;
+ if (!s) {
+ __nosan_bzero((void *) dst, PAGE_SIZE);
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < (PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(int32_t)); i++) {
+ *d++ = s;
+ }
+ }
- }
- else
- {
+ } else {
dst = hibernate_restore_phys_page((uint64_t) (uintptr_t) src, dst, PAGE_SIZE, procFlags);
return hibernate_sum_page((uint8_t *)(uintptr_t)dst, ppnum);
-hibernate_kernel_entrypoint(uint32_t p1,
- uint32_t p2, uint32_t p3, uint32_t p4)
+hibernate_reserve_restore_pages(uint64_t headerPhys, IOHibernateImageHeader *header, hibernate_page_list_t * map)
- uint64_t headerPhys;
- uint64_t mapPhys;
- uint64_t srcPhys;
- uint64_t imageReadPhys;
- uint64_t pageIndexPhys;
- uint32_t * pageIndexSource;
- hibernate_page_list_t * map;
- uint32_t stage;
- uint32_t count;
- uint32_t ppnum;
- uint32_t page;
- uint32_t conflictCount;
- uint32_t compressedSize;
- uint32_t uncompressedPages;
- uint32_t copyPageListHeadPage;
- uint32_t pageListPage;
- uint32_t * copyPageList;
- uint32_t * src;
- uint32_t copyPageIndex;
- uint32_t sum;
- uint32_t pageSum;
- uint32_t nextFree;
- uint32_t lastImagePage;
- uint32_t lastMapPage;
- uint32_t lastPageIndexPage;
- uint32_t handoffPages;
- uint32_t handoffPageCount;
- uint64_t timeStart;
- timeStart = rdtsc64();
- static_assert(sizeof(IOHibernateImageHeader) == 512);
- headerPhys = ptoa_64(p1);
- if ((kIOHibernateDebugRestoreLogs & gIOHibernateDebugFlags) && !debug_probe())
- gIOHibernateDebugFlags &= ~kIOHibernateDebugRestoreLogs;
- debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeImageStart, headerPhys);
- __nosan_memcpy(gIOHibernateCurrentHeader,
- (void *) pal_hib_map(IMAGE_AREA, headerPhys),
- sizeof(IOHibernateImageHeader));
- debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeSignature, gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->signature);
- mapPhys = headerPhys
- + (offsetof(IOHibernateImageHeader, fileExtentMap)
- + gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->fileExtentMapSize
- + ptoa_32(gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->restore1PageCount)
- + gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->previewSize);
- map = (hibernate_page_list_t *) pal_hib_map(BITMAP_AREA, mapPhys);
- lastImagePage = atop_64(headerPhys + gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->image1Size);
- lastMapPage = atop_64(mapPhys + gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->bitmapSize);
- handoffPages = gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->handoffPages;
- handoffPageCount = gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->handoffPageCount;
- debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeImageEnd, ptoa_64(lastImagePage));
- debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeMapStart, mapPhys);
- debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeMapEnd, ptoa_64(lastMapPage));
- debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeMapVirt, (uintptr_t) map);
- debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeHandoffPages, ptoa_64(handoffPages));
- debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeHandoffCount, handoffPageCount);
- // knock all the image pages to be used out of free map
- for (ppnum = atop_64(headerPhys); ppnum <= lastImagePage; ppnum++)
- {
- hibernate_page_bitset(map, FALSE, ppnum);
- }
- // knock all the handoff pages to be used out of free map
- for (ppnum = handoffPages; ppnum < (handoffPages + handoffPageCount); ppnum++)
- {
- hibernate_page_bitset(map, FALSE, ppnum);
- }
- nextFree = 0;
- hibernate_page_list_grab(map, &nextFree);
- sum = gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->actualRestore1Sum;
- gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->diag[0] = atop_64(headerPhys);
- gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->diag[1] = sum;
- gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->trampolineTime = 0;
- uncompressedPages = 0;
- conflictCount = 0;
- copyPageListHeadPage = 0;
- copyPageList = 0;
- copyPageIndex = PAGE_SIZE >> 2;
- compressedSize = PAGE_SIZE;
- stage = 2;
- count = 0;
- srcPhys = 0;
- if (gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->previewSize)
- {
- pageIndexPhys = headerPhys
- + (offsetof(IOHibernateImageHeader, fileExtentMap)
- + gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->fileExtentMapSize
- + ptoa_32(gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->restore1PageCount));
- imageReadPhys = (pageIndexPhys + gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->previewPageListSize);
- lastPageIndexPage = atop_64(imageReadPhys);
- pageIndexSource = (uint32_t *) pal_hib_map(IMAGE2_AREA, pageIndexPhys);
- }
- else
- {
- pageIndexPhys = 0;
- lastPageIndexPage = 0;
- imageReadPhys = (mapPhys + gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->bitmapSize);
- }
- debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodePageIndexStart, pageIndexPhys);
- debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodePageIndexEnd, ptoa_64(lastPageIndexPage));
- while (1)
- {
- switch (stage)
- {
- case 2:
- // copy handoff data
- count = srcPhys ? 0 : handoffPageCount;
- if (!count)
- break;
- if (count > gIOHibernateHandoffPageCount) count = gIOHibernateHandoffPageCount;
- srcPhys = ptoa_64(handoffPages);
- break;
- case 1:
- // copy pageIndexSource pages == preview image data
- if (!srcPhys)
- {
- if (!pageIndexPhys) break;
- srcPhys = imageReadPhys;
- }
- ppnum = pageIndexSource[0];
- count = pageIndexSource[1];
- pageIndexSource += 2;
- pageIndexPhys += 2 * sizeof(pageIndexSource[0]);
- imageReadPhys = srcPhys;
- break;
- case 0:
- // copy pages
- if (!srcPhys) srcPhys = (mapPhys + gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->bitmapSize);
- src = (uint32_t *) pal_hib_map(IMAGE_AREA, srcPhys);
- ppnum = src[0];
- count = src[1];
- srcPhys += 2 * sizeof(*src);
- imageReadPhys = srcPhys;
- break;
+ uint32_t lastImagePage = atop_64_ppnum(HIB_ROUND_PAGE(headerPhys + header->image1Size));
+ uint32_t handoffPages = header->handoffPages;
+ uint32_t handoffPageCount = header->handoffPageCount;
+ uint32_t ppnum;
+ // knock all the image pages to be used out of free map
+ for (ppnum = atop_64_ppnum(headerPhys); ppnum <= lastImagePage; ppnum++) {
+ hibernate_page_bitset(map, FALSE, ppnum);
+ // knock all the handoff pages to be used out of free map
+ for (ppnum = handoffPages; ppnum < (handoffPages + handoffPageCount); ppnum++) {
+ hibernate_page_bitset(map, FALSE, ppnum);
+ }
+hibernate_kernel_entrypoint(uint32_t p1,
+ uint32_t p2, uint32_t p3, uint32_t p4)
+ uint64_t headerPhys;
+ uint64_t mapPhys;
+ uint64_t srcPhys;
+ uint64_t imageReadPhys;
+ uint64_t pageIndexPhys;
+ uint32_t * pageIndexSource;
+ hibernate_page_list_t * map;
+ pal_hib_restore_stage_t stage;
+ uint32_t count;
+ uint32_t ppnum;
+ uint32_t page;
+ uint32_t conflictCount;
+ uint32_t compressedSize;
+ uint32_t uncompressedPages;
+ uint32_t * src;
+ uint32_t sum;
+ uint32_t pageSum;
+ uint32_t nextFree;
+ uint32_t lastImagePage;
+ uint32_t lastMapPage;
+ uint32_t lastPageIndexPage;
+ uint32_t handoffPages;
+ uint32_t handoffPageCount;
+ uint8_t * wkdmScratch;
+ hibernate_scratch_t conflictList;
+ pal_hib_ctx_t palHibCtx;
+ uint64_t timeStart;
+ timeStart = rdtsc64();
+#if !defined(__arm64__)
+ static_assert(sizeof(IOHibernateImageHeader) == 512);
+#endif /* !defined(__arm64__) */
+ headerPhys = ptoa_64(p1);
+ if ((kIOHibernateDebugRestoreLogs & gIOHibernateDebugFlags) && !debug_probe()) {
+ gIOHibernateDebugFlags &= ~kIOHibernateDebugRestoreLogs;
+ }
+ debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeImageStart, headerPhys);
+ __nosan_memcpy(gIOHibernateCurrentHeader,
+ (void *) pal_hib_map(IMAGE_AREA, headerPhys),
+ sizeof(IOHibernateImageHeader));
+ debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeSignature, gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->signature);
- if (!count)
- {
- if (!stage)
- break;
- stage--;
- srcPhys = 0;
- continue;
+ mapPhys = headerPhys
+ + (offsetof(IOHibernateImageHeader, fileExtentMap)
+ + gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->fileExtentMapSize
+ + ptoa_32(gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->restore1PageCount)
+ + gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->previewSize);
+ map = (hibernate_page_list_t *) pal_hib_map(BITMAP_AREA, mapPhys);
+ // make the rest of the image is safe for atop()
+ uint64_t imageEnd;
+ if (os_add_overflow(headerPhys, gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->image1Size, &imageEnd) || (imageEnd > IO_MAX_PAGE_ADDR)) {
- for (page = 0; page < count; page++, ppnum++)
- {
- uint32_t tag;
- int conflicts;
+ lastImagePage = atop_64_ppnum(HIB_ROUND_PAGE(headerPhys + gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->image1Size));
+ lastMapPage = atop_64_ppnum(HIB_ROUND_PAGE(mapPhys + gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->bitmapSize));
- src = (uint32_t *) pal_hib_map(IMAGE_AREA, srcPhys);
+ handoffPages = gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->handoffPages;
+ handoffPageCount = gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->handoffPageCount;
- if (2 == stage) ppnum = gIOHibernateHandoffPages[page];
- else if (!stage)
- {
- tag = *src++;
-// debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeTag, (uintptr_t) tag);
- srcPhys += sizeof(*src);
- compressedSize = kIOHibernateTagLength & tag;
- }
+ debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeImageEnd, ptoa_64(lastImagePage));
+ debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeMapStart, mapPhys);
+ debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeMapEnd, ptoa_64(lastMapPage));
- conflicts = (ppnum >= atop_64(mapPhys)) && (ppnum <= lastMapPage);
+ debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeMapVirt, (uintptr_t) map);
+ debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeHandoffPages, ptoa_64(handoffPages));
+ debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeHandoffCount, handoffPageCount);
- conflicts |= ((ppnum >= atop_64(imageReadPhys)) && (ppnum <= lastImagePage));
+#if defined(__arm64__)
+ // on arm64 we've already done this in pal_hib_resume_tramp
+#else /* !defined(__arm64__) */
+ hibernate_reserve_restore_pages(headerPhys, gIOHibernateCurrentHeader, map);
+#endif /* !defined(__arm64__) */
+ nextFree = 0;
+ hibernate_page_list_grab(map, &nextFree);
+ pal_hib_resume_init(&palHibCtx, map, &nextFree);
+ // allocate scratch space for wkdm
+ wkdmScratch = (uint8_t *)pal_hib_map(WKDM_AREA, ptoa_64(hibernate_page_list_grab(map, &nextFree)));
+ sum = gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->actualRestore1Sum;
+ gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->diag[0] = atop_64_ppnum(headerPhys);
+ gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->diag[1] = sum;
+ gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->trampolineTime = 0;
+ uncompressedPages = 0;
+ conflictCount = 0;
+ compressedSize = PAGE_SIZE;
+ stage = pal_hib_restore_stage_handoff_data;
+ count = 0;
+ srcPhys = 0;
+ if (gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->previewSize) {
+ pageIndexPhys = headerPhys
+ + (offsetof(IOHibernateImageHeader, fileExtentMap)
+ + gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->fileExtentMapSize
+ + ptoa_32(gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->restore1PageCount));
+ imageReadPhys = (pageIndexPhys + gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->previewPageListSize);
+ lastPageIndexPage = atop_64_ppnum(HIB_ROUND_PAGE(imageReadPhys));
+ pageIndexSource = (uint32_t *) pal_hib_map(IMAGE2_AREA, pageIndexPhys);
+ } else {
+ pageIndexPhys = 0;
+ lastPageIndexPage = 0;
+ imageReadPhys = (mapPhys + gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->bitmapSize);
+ }
- if (stage >= 2)
- conflicts |= ((ppnum >= atop_64(srcPhys)) && (ppnum <= (handoffPages + handoffPageCount - 1)));
+ debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodePageIndexStart, pageIndexPhys);
+ debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodePageIndexEnd, ptoa_64(lastPageIndexPage));
- if (stage >= 1)
- conflicts |= ((ppnum >= atop_64(pageIndexPhys)) && (ppnum <= lastPageIndexPage));
+ while (1) {
+ switch (stage) {
+ case pal_hib_restore_stage_handoff_data:
+ // copy handoff data
+ count = srcPhys ? 0 : handoffPageCount;
+ if (!count) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (count > gIOHibernateHandoffPageCount) {
+ count = gIOHibernateHandoffPageCount;
+ }
+ srcPhys = ptoa_64(handoffPages);
+ break;
- if (!conflicts)
- {
- pageSum = store_one_page(gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->processorFlags,
- src, compressedSize, 0, ppnum);
- if (stage != 2)
- sum += pageSum;
- uncompressedPages++;
- }
- else
- {
- uint32_t bufferPage = 0;
- uint32_t * dst;
+ case pal_hib_restore_stage_preview_pages:
+ // copy pageIndexSource pages == preview image data
+ if (!srcPhys) {
+ if (!pageIndexPhys) {
+ break;
+ }
+ srcPhys = imageReadPhys;
+ }
+ ppnum = pageIndexSource[0];
+ count = pageIndexSource[1];
+ pageIndexSource += 2;
+ pageIndexPhys += 2 * sizeof(pageIndexSource[0]);
+ imageReadPhys = srcPhys;
+ break;
+ case pal_hib_restore_stage_dram_pages:
+ // copy pages
+ if (!srcPhys) {
+ srcPhys = (mapPhys + gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->bitmapSize);
+ }
+ src = (uint32_t *) pal_hib_map(IMAGE_AREA, srcPhys);
+ ppnum = src[0];
+ count = src[1];
+ srcPhys += 2 * sizeof(*src);
+ imageReadPhys = srcPhys;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!count) {
+ if (stage == pal_hib_restore_stage_dram_pages) {
+ break;
+ }
+ stage--;
+ srcPhys = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (page = 0; page < count; page++, ppnum++) {
+ uint32_t tag;
+ int conflicts;
+ src = (uint32_t *) pal_hib_map(IMAGE_AREA, srcPhys);
+ if (stage == pal_hib_restore_stage_handoff_data) {
+ ppnum = gIOHibernateHandoffPages[page];
+ } else if (stage == pal_hib_restore_stage_dram_pages) {
+ tag = *src++;
+ HIB_ASSERT((tag & ~kIOHibernateTagLength) == kIOHibernateTagSignature);
+// debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeTag, (uintptr_t) tag);
+ srcPhys += sizeof(*src);
+ compressedSize = kIOHibernateTagLength & tag;
+ HIB_ASSERT(compressedSize <= PAGE_SIZE);
+ }
+ conflicts = (ppnum >= atop_64_ppnum(mapPhys)) && (ppnum <= lastMapPage);
+ conflicts |= ((ppnum >= atop_64_ppnum(imageReadPhys)) && (ppnum <= lastImagePage));
+ if (stage >= pal_hib_restore_stage_handoff_data) {
+ conflicts |= ((ppnum >= atop_64_ppnum(srcPhys)) && (ppnum <= (handoffPages + handoffPageCount - 1)));
+ }
+ if (stage >= pal_hib_restore_stage_preview_pages) {
+ conflicts |= ((ppnum >= atop_64_ppnum(pageIndexPhys)) && (ppnum <= lastPageIndexPage));
+ }
+ if (!conflicts) {
+ pageSum = store_one_page(gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->processorFlags,
+ src, compressedSize, wkdmScratch, ppnum);
+ if (stage != pal_hib_restore_stage_handoff_data) {
+ sum += pageSum;
+ }
+ uncompressedPages++;
+ } else {
// debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeConflictPage, ppnum);
// debug_code(kIOHibernateRestoreCodeConflictSource, (uintptr_t) src);
- conflictCount++;
- if (compressedSize)
- {
- // alloc new buffer page
- bufferPage = hibernate_page_list_grab(map, &nextFree);
- dst = (uint32_t *)pal_hib_map(DEST_COPY_AREA, ptoa_64(bufferPage));
- __nosan_memcpy(dst, src, compressedSize);
- }
- if (copyPageIndex > ((PAGE_SIZE >> 2) - 3))
- {
- // alloc new copy list page
- pageListPage = hibernate_page_list_grab(map, &nextFree);
- // link to current
- if (copyPageList) {
- copyPageList[1] = pageListPage;
- } else {
- copyPageListHeadPage = pageListPage;
- }
- copyPageList = (uint32_t *)pal_hib_map(SRC_COPY_AREA,
- ptoa_64(pageListPage));
- copyPageList[1] = 0;
- copyPageIndex = 2;
+ conflictCount++;
+ if (!conflictList.headPage) {
+ hibernate_scratch_init(&conflictList, map, &nextFree);
+ }
+ hibernate_scratch_write(&conflictList, &ppnum, sizeof(ppnum));
+ hibernate_scratch_write(&conflictList, &compressedSize, sizeof(compressedSize));
+ hibernate_scratch_write(&conflictList, &stage, sizeof(stage));
+ hibernate_scratch_write(&conflictList, src, compressedSize);
+ }
+ srcPhys += ((compressedSize + 3) & ~3);
+ src += ((compressedSize + 3) >> 2);
+ pal_hib_restored_page(&palHibCtx, stage, ppnum);
- copyPageList[copyPageIndex++] = ppnum;
- copyPageList[copyPageIndex++] = bufferPage;
- copyPageList[copyPageIndex++] = (compressedSize | (stage << 24));
- copyPageList[0] = copyPageIndex;
- }
- srcPhys += ((compressedSize + 3) & ~3);
- src += ((compressedSize + 3) >> 2);
- }
- /* src points to the last page restored, so we need to skip over that */
- hibernateRestorePALState(src);
- // -- copy back conflicts
- pageListPage = copyPageListHeadPage;
- while (pageListPage)
- {
- copyPageList = (uint32_t *)pal_hib_map(COPY_PAGE_AREA, ptoa_64(pageListPage));
- for (copyPageIndex = 2; copyPageIndex < copyPageList[0]; copyPageIndex += 3)
- {
- ppnum = copyPageList[copyPageIndex + 0];
- srcPhys = ptoa_64(copyPageList[copyPageIndex + 1]);
- src = (uint32_t *) pal_hib_map(SRC_COPY_AREA, srcPhys);
- compressedSize = copyPageList[copyPageIndex + 2];
- stage = compressedSize >> 24;
- compressedSize &= 0x1FFF;
- pageSum = store_one_page(gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->processorFlags,
- src, compressedSize, 0, ppnum);
- if (stage != 2)
- sum += pageSum;
- uncompressedPages++;
+ /* src points to the last page restored, so we need to skip over that */
+ pal_hib_restore_pal_state(src);
+ // -- copy back conflicts
+ if (conflictCount) {
+ src = (uint32_t *)pal_hib_map(COPY_PAGE_AREA, ptoa_64(hibernate_page_list_grab(map, &nextFree)));
+ hibernate_scratch_start_read(&conflictList);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < conflictCount; i++) {
+ hibernate_scratch_read(&conflictList, &ppnum, sizeof(ppnum));
+ hibernate_scratch_read(&conflictList, &compressedSize, sizeof(compressedSize));
+ hibernate_scratch_read(&conflictList, &stage, sizeof(stage));
+ HIB_ASSERT(compressedSize <= PAGE_SIZE);
+ hibernate_scratch_read(&conflictList, src, compressedSize);
+ pageSum = store_one_page(gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->processorFlags,
+ src, compressedSize, wkdmScratch, ppnum);
+ if (stage != pal_hib_restore_stage_handoff_data) {
+ sum += pageSum;
+ }
+ uncompressedPages++;
+ }
- pageListPage = copyPageList[1];
- }
- pal_hib_patchup();
+ pal_hib_patchup(&palHibCtx);
- // -- image has been destroyed...
+ // -- image has been destroyed...
- gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->actualImage1Sum = sum;
- gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->actualUncompressedPages = uncompressedPages;
- gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->conflictCount = conflictCount;
- gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->nextFree = nextFree;
+ gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->actualImage1Sum = sum;
+ gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->actualUncompressedPages = uncompressedPages;
+ gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->conflictCount = conflictCount;
+ gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->nextFree = nextFree;
- gIOHibernateState = kIOHibernateStateWakingFromHibernate;
+ gIOHibernateState = kIOHibernateStateWakingFromHibernate;
- gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->trampolineTime = (((rdtsc64() - timeStart)) >> 8);
+ gIOHibernateCurrentHeader->trampolineTime = ((uint32_t) (((rdtsc64() - timeStart)) >> 8));
// debug_code('done', 0);
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
- typedef void (*ResetProc)(void);
- ResetProc proc;
- // flush caches
- __asm__("wbinvd");
- proc();
+ typedef void (*ResetProc)(void);
+ ResetProc proc;
+ // flush caches
+ __asm__("wbinvd");
+ proc();
+ return -1;
+#elif defined(__arm64__)
+ // return control to hibernate_machine_entrypoint
+ return 0;
// implement me
- return -1;
hibstrlen(const char *s)
size_t l = 0;
- while (*s++)
+ while (*s++) {
+ }
return l;
/* Max number conversion buffer length: a u_quad_t in base 2, plus NUL byte. */
-#define MAXNBUF (sizeof(intmax_t) * NBBY + 1)
+#define MAXNBUF (sizeof(intmax_t) * NBBY + 1)
* Put a NUL-terminated ASCII number (base <= 36) in a buffer in reverse
c = hibhex2ascii(num2 % base);
*++p = upper ? toupper(c) : c;
} while (num2 /= base);
- if (lenp)
+ if (lenp) {
*lenp = (int)(p - nbuf);
- return (p);
+ }
+ return p;
* The format %b is supported to decode error registers.
* Its usage is:
- * printf("reg=%b\n", regval, "*");
+ * printf("reg=%b\n", regval, "<base><arg>*");
- * where is the output base expressed as a control character, e.g.
+ * where <base> is the output base expressed as a control character, e.g.
* \10 gives octal; \20 gives hex. Each arg is a sequence of characters,
* the first of which gives the bit number to be inspected (origin 1), and
* the next characters (up to a control character, i.e. a character <= 32),
* give the name of the register. Thus:
- * kvprintf("reg=%b\n", 3, "\10\2BITTWO\1BITONE\n");
+ * kvprintf("reg=%b\n", 3, "\10\2BITTWO\1BITONE");
* would produce output:
- * reg=3
+ * reg=3<BITTWO,BITONE>
* XXX: %D -- Hexdump, takes pointer and separator string:
* ("%6D", ptr, ":") -> XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
static int
hibkvprintf(char const *fmt, void (*func)(int, void*), void *arg, int radix, va_list ap)
-#define PCHAR(c) {int cc=(c); if (func) (*func)(cc,arg); else *d++ = cc; retval++; }
+#define PCHAR(c) {int cc=(c); if (func) (*func)(cc,arg); else *d++ = (char)cc; retval++; }
char nbuf[MAXNBUF];
char *d;
const char *p, *percent, *q;
int stop = 0, retval = 0;
num = 0;
- if (!func)
+ if (!func) {
d = (char *) arg;
- else
+ } else {
d = NULL;
+ }
- if (fmt == NULL)
+ if (fmt == NULL) {
fmt = "(fmt null)\n";
+ }
- if (radix < 2 || radix > 36)
+ if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) {
radix = 10;
+ }
for (;;) {
padc = ' ';
width = 0;
- while ((ch = (u_char)*fmt++) != '%' || stop) {
- if (ch == '\0')
- return (retval);
+ while ((ch = (u_char) * fmt++) != '%' || stop) {
+ if (ch == '\0') {
+ return retval;
+ }
percent = fmt - 1;
qflag = 0; lflag = 0; ladjust = 0; sharpflag = 0; neg = 0;
sign = 0; dot = 0; dwidth = 0; upper = 0;
cflag = 0; hflag = 0; jflag = 0; tflag = 0; zflag = 0;
-reswitch: switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {
+reswitch: switch (ch = (u_char) * fmt++) {
case '.':
dot = 1;
goto reswitch;
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
- for (n = 0;; ++fmt) {
- n = n * 10 + ch - '0';
- ch = *fmt;
- if (ch < '0' || ch > '9')
- break;
+ for (n = 0;; ++fmt) {
+ n = n * 10 + ch - '0';
+ ch = *fmt;
+ if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') {
+ break;
- if (dot)
+ }
+ if (dot) {
dwidth = n;
- else
+ } else {
width = n;
+ }
goto reswitch;
case 'b':
num = (u_int)va_arg(ap, int);
p = va_arg(ap, char *);
- for (q = ksprintn(nbuf, num, *p++, NULL, 0); *q;)
+ for (q = ksprintn(nbuf, num, *p++, NULL, 0); *q;) {
+ }
- if (num == 0)
+ if (num == 0) {
+ }
for (tmp = 0; *p;) {
n = *p++;
if (num & (1 << (n - 1))) {
PCHAR(tmp ? ',' : '<');
- for (; (n = *p) > ' '; ++p)
+ for (; (n = *p) > ' '; ++p) {
+ }
tmp = 1;
- } else
- for (; *p > ' '; ++p)
+ } else {
+ for (; *p > ' '; ++p) {
+ }
+ }
- if (tmp)
+ if (tmp) {
+ }
case 'c':
PCHAR(va_arg(ap, int));
case 'D':
up = va_arg(ap, u_char *);
p = va_arg(ap, char *);
- if (!width)
+ if (!width) {
width = 16;
- while(width--) {
+ }
+ while (width--) {
PCHAR(hibhex2ascii(*up >> 4));
PCHAR(hibhex2ascii(*up & 0x0f));
- if (width)
- for (q=p;*q;q++)
+ if (width) {
+ for (q = p; *q; q++) {
+ }
+ }
case 'd':
if (hflag) {
hflag = 0;
cflag = 1;
- } else
+ } else {
hflag = 1;
+ }
goto reswitch;
case 'j':
jflag = 1;
if (lflag) {
lflag = 0;
qflag = 1;
- } else
+ } else {
lflag = 1;
+ }
goto reswitch;
case 'n':
- if (jflag)
+ if (jflag) {
*(va_arg(ap, intmax_t *)) = retval;
- else if (qflag)
+ } else if (qflag) {
*(va_arg(ap, quad_t *)) = retval;
- else if (lflag)
+ } else if (lflag) {
*(va_arg(ap, long *)) = retval;
- else if (zflag)
+ } else if (zflag) {
*(va_arg(ap, size_t *)) = retval;
- else if (hflag)
- *(va_arg(ap, short *)) = retval;
- else if (cflag)
- *(va_arg(ap, char *)) = retval;
- else
+ } else if (hflag) {
+ *(va_arg(ap, short *)) = (short)retval;
+ } else if (cflag) {
+ *(va_arg(ap, char *)) = (char)retval;
+ } else {
*(va_arg(ap, int *)) = retval;
+ }
case 'o':
base = 8;
goto reswitch;
case 'r':
base = radix;
- if (sign)
+ if (sign) {
goto handle_sign;
+ }
goto handle_nosign;
case 's':
p = va_arg(ap, char *);
- if (p == NULL)
+ if (p == NULL) {
p = "(null)";
- if (!dot)
- n = (typeof(n))hibstrlen (p);
- else
- for (n = 0; n < dwidth && p[n]; n++)
+ }
+ if (!dot) {
+ n = (typeof(n))hibstrlen(p);
+ } else {
+ for (n = 0; n < dwidth && p[n]; n++) {
+ }
+ }
width -= n;
- if (!ladjust && width > 0)
- while (width--)
+ if (!ladjust && width > 0) {
+ while (width--) {
- while (n--)
+ }
+ }
+ while (n--) {
- if (ladjust && width > 0)
- while (width--)
+ }
+ if (ladjust && width > 0) {
+ while (width--) {
+ }
+ }
case 't':
tflag = 1;
goto reswitch;
sign = 0;
- if (jflag)
+ if (jflag) {
num = va_arg(ap, uintmax_t);
- else if (qflag)
+ } else if (qflag) {
num = va_arg(ap, u_quad_t);
- else if (tflag)
+ } else if (tflag) {
num = va_arg(ap, ptrdiff_t);
- else if (lflag)
+ } else if (lflag) {
num = va_arg(ap, u_long);
- else if (zflag)
+ } else if (zflag) {
num = va_arg(ap, size_t);
- else if (hflag)
+ } else if (hflag) {
num = (u_short)va_arg(ap, int);
- else if (cflag)
+ } else if (cflag) {
num = (u_char)va_arg(ap, int);
- else
+ } else {
num = va_arg(ap, u_int);
+ }
goto number;
- if (jflag)
+ if (jflag) {
num = va_arg(ap, intmax_t);
- else if (qflag)
+ } else if (qflag) {
num = va_arg(ap, quad_t);
- else if (tflag)
+ } else if (tflag) {
num = va_arg(ap, ptrdiff_t);
- else if (lflag)
+ } else if (lflag) {
num = va_arg(ap, long);
- else if (zflag)
+ } else if (zflag) {
num = va_arg(ap, ssize_t);
- else if (hflag)
+ } else if (hflag) {
num = (short)va_arg(ap, int);
- else if (cflag)
+ } else if (cflag) {
num = (char)va_arg(ap, int);
- else
+ } else {
num = va_arg(ap, int);
+ }
if (sign && (intmax_t)num < 0) {
neg = 1;
p = ksprintn(nbuf, num, base, &tmp, upper);
if (sharpflag && num != 0) {
- if (base == 8)
+ if (base == 8) {
- else if (base == 16)
+ } else if (base == 16) {
tmp += 2;
+ }
- if (neg)
+ if (neg) {
+ }
if (!ladjust && padc != '0' && width
- && (width -= tmp) > 0)
- while (width--)
+ && (width -= tmp) > 0) {
+ while (width--) {
- if (neg)
+ }
+ }
+ if (neg) {
+ }
if (sharpflag && num != 0) {
if (base == 8) {
- if (!ladjust && width && (width -= tmp) > 0)
- while (width--)
+ if (!ladjust && width && (width -= tmp) > 0) {
+ while (width--) {
+ }
+ }
- while (*p)
+ while (*p) {
+ }
- if (ladjust && width && (width -= tmp) > 0)
- while (width--)
+ if (ladjust && width && (width -= tmp) > 0) {
+ while (width--) {
+ }
+ }
- while (percent < fmt)
+ while (percent < fmt) {
+ }
- * Since we ignore an formatting argument it is no
+ * Since we ignore a formatting argument it is no
* longer safe to obey the remaining formatting
* arguments as the arguments will no longer match
* the format specs.
putchar(int c, void *arg)
- uart_putc(c);
+ hib_uart_putc((char)c);
#endif /* CONFIG_DEBUG */
+#if __arm64__ && HIBERNATE_TRAP_HANDLER
+hibernate_trap(__unused arm_context_t *context, __unused uint64_t trap_addr)
+ // enable logging
+ gIOHibernateDebugFlags |= kIOHibernateDebugRestoreLogs;
+ // dump some interesting registers
+ for (int i = 0; i < 29; i++) {
+ debug_code(' r00' + (i / 10 * 256) + (i % 10), context->ss.ss_64.x[i]);
+ }
+ debug_code(' fp', context->ss.ss_64.fp);
+ debug_code(' lr', context->ss.ss_64.lr);
+ debug_code(' sp', context->ss.ss_64.sp);
+ debug_code(' pc', context->ss.ss_64.pc);
+ debug_code('cpsr', context->ss.ss_64.cpsr);
+ debug_code(' far', context->ss.ss_64.far);
+ debug_code(' esr', context->ss.ss_64.esr);
+ // dump the trap_addr
+ debug_code('trap', trap_addr);
+ // dump the kernel slide
+ debug_code('slid', _hibernateHeader.kernVirtSlide);
+ // loop forever
+ while (true) {
+ ;
+ }
+#endif /* __arm64__ && HIBERNATE_TRAP_HANDLER */