- static int checkForFunction = 0;
- /* This will be non-zero if the user has defined this function */
- static kern_return_t (*func)(mach_port_t, mach_port_t, mach_port_t, exception_type_t, exception_data_t, mach_msg_type_number_t);
- if (checkForFunction == 0) {
- checkForFunction = 1;
- func = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "catch_exception_raise");
- }
- if (func == 0) {
- /* The user hasn't defined catch_exception_raise in their binary */
- abort();
- }
- return (*func)(exception_port, thread, task, exception, code, codeCnt);
+ static _libkernel_exc_raise_func_t exc_raise_func = (void*)-1;
+ if (exc_raise_func == ((void*)-1) && _dlsym) {
+ exc_raise_func = _dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "catch_exception_raise");
+ }
+ if (exc_raise_func == 0) {
+ /* The user hasn't defined catch_exception_raise in their binary */
+ abort();
+ }
+ return (*exc_raise_func)(exception_port, thread, task, exception, code, codeCnt);