* Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
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#define _NETAT_ATP_H_
#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
/* ATP function codes */
#define ATP_CMD_TREQ 0x01 /* TRequest packet */
#define ATP_XO_8MIN 4
typedef struct {
unsigned cmd : 2,
xo : 1,
eom : 1,
sts : 1,
xo_relt : 3;
+ unsigned xo_relt : 3,
+ sts : 1,
+ eom : 1,
+ xo : 1,
+ cmd : 2;
u_char bitmap;
- ua_short tid;
+ ua_short tid;
ua_long user_bytes;
u_char data[ATP_DATA_SIZE];
} at_atp_t;
-#ifdef KERNEL
* transaction control block (local context at requester end)
+struct atp_trans;
+typedef void (*atp_tmo_func)(struct atp_trans *);
struct atp_trans {
struct atp_trans_q tr_list; /* trans list */
struct atp_state *tr_queue; /* state data structure */
at_net tr_local_net;
gbuf_t *tr_bdsp; /* bds structure pointer */
unsigned int tr_tmo_delta;
- void (*tr_tmo_func)();
+ atp_tmo_func tr_tmo_func;
struct atp_trans *tr_tmo_next;
struct atp_trans *tr_tmo_prev;
atlock_t tr_lock;
extern struct atp_state* atp_state_data;
extern struct atp_trans_qhead atp_trans_abort; /* aborting trans list */
-extern void atp_req_timeout();
-extern void atp_rcb_timer();
-extern void atp_x_done();
-extern struct atp_rcb *atp_rcb_alloc();
-extern struct atp_trans *atp_trans_alloc();
#endif /* ATP_DECLARE */
/* prototypes */
+void atp_rcb_timer(struct atp_trans *);
+struct atp_rcb *atp_rcb_alloc(struct atp_state *);
+struct atp_trans *atp_trans_alloc(struct atp_state *);
void atp_send_req(gref_t *, gbuf_t *);
void atp_drop_req(gref_t *, gbuf_t *);
void atp_send_rsp(gref_t *, gbuf_t *, int);
void atp_rcb_free(struct atp_rcb *);
void atp_send_replies(struct atp_state *, struct atp_rcb *);
void atp_dequeue_atp(struct atp_state *);
-int atp_iocack(struct atp_state *, gbuf_t *);
+void atp_iocack(struct atp_state *, gbuf_t *);
void atp_req_ind(struct atp_state *, gbuf_t *);
-int atp_iocnak(struct atp_state *, gbuf_t *, int);
+void atp_iocnak(struct atp_state *, gbuf_t *, int);
void atp_trp_timer(void *, int);
-void atp_timout(void (*func)(), struct atp_trans *, int);
-void atp_untimout(void (*func)(), struct atp_trans *);
+void atp_timout(atp_tmo_func, struct atp_trans *, int);
+void atp_untimout(atp_tmo_func, struct atp_trans *);
int atp_tid(struct atp_state *);
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
-#endif /* KERNEL */
+void atp_init(void);
+void atp_link(void);
+void atp_unlink(void);
+int atp_input(gbuf_t *);
+void atp_delete_free_clusters(void *);
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#endif /* __APPLE_API_OBSOLETE */
#endif /* _NETAT_ATP_H_ */