- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#endif /* KERNEL_SERVER */
iokit 2800;
+#define IOKIT_ALL_IPC 1
#include <mach/std_types.defs>
#include <mach/mach_types.defs>
#include <mach/clock_types.defs>
#include <mach/clock_types.defs>
+#if !__LP64__
+# define __ILP32__ 1
import <device/device_types.h>;
serverprefix is_;
-type io_name_t = c_string[*:128];
-type io_string_t = c_string[*:512];
-type io_struct_inband_t = array[*:4096] of char;
-type io_scalar_inband_t = array[*:16] of int;
-type io_async_ref_t = array[*:8] of natural_t;
-type io_buf_ptr_t = ^array[] of MACH_MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_8;
+type io_name_t = c_string[*:128];
+type io_string_t = c_string[*:512];
+type io_struct_inband_t = array[*:4096] of char;
+type io_buf_ptr_t = ^array[] of MACH_MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_8;
+type NDR_record_t = struct[8] of char;
+type io_user_scalar_t = uint64_t;
+type io_user_reference_t = uint64_t;
+type io_scalar_inband_t = array[*:16] of int;
+// must be the same type as OSAsyncReference
+type io_async_ref_t = array[*:8] of natural_t;
+type io_scalar_inband64_t = array[*:16] of io_user_scalar_t;
+type io_async_ref64_t = array[*:8] of io_user_reference_t;
+#elif __LP64__
+type io_user_scalar_t = uint64_t;
+type io_user_reference_t = uint64_t;
+type io_scalar_inband_t = array[*:16] of io_user_scalar_t;
+type io_async_ref_t = array[*:8] of io_user_reference_t;
+type io_scalar_inband64_t = array[*:16] of io_user_scalar_t;
+type io_async_ref64_t = array[*:8] of io_user_reference_t;
+type io_user_scalar_t = int;
+type io_user_reference_t = natural_t;
+type io_scalar_inband_t = array[*:16] of io_user_scalar_t;
+type io_async_ref_t = array[*:8] of io_user_reference_t;
+type io_scalar_inband64_t = array[*:16] of uint64_t;
+type io_async_ref64_t = array[*:8] of uint64_t;
+#endif // __LP64__
type io_object_t = mach_port_t
ctype: mach_port_t
routine io_registry_create_iterator(
master_port : mach_port_t;
in plane : io_name_t;
- in options : int;
+ in options : uint32_t;
out iterator : io_object_t
out iterator : io_object_t
-routine io_service_open(
+/* was routine io_service_open
service : io_object_t;
in owningTask : task_t;
- in connect_type : int;
+ in connect_type : uint32_t;
out connection : io_connect_t
routine io_service_close(
connection : io_connect_t
out service : io_object_t
+#if IOKIT_ALL_IPC || __ILP32__
routine io_connect_set_notification_port(
connection : io_connect_t;
- in notification_type : int;
+ in notification_type : uint32_t;
in port : mach_port_make_send_t;
- in reference : int
+ in reference : uint32_t
routine io_connect_map_memory(
connection : io_connect_t;
- in memory_type : int;
+ in memory_type : uint32_t;
in into_task : task_t;
+ inout address : uint32_t;
+ inout size : uint32_t;
inout address : vm_address_t;
inout size : vm_size_t;
- in flags : int
+ in flags : uint32_t
routine io_connect_add_client(
connection : io_connect_t;
routine io_connect_set_properties(
connection : io_connect_t;
in properties : io_buf_ptr_t, physicalcopy;
- out result : natural_t
+ out result : kern_return_t
+#if IOKIT_ALL_IPC || __ILP32__
routine io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO(
connection : io_connect_t;
- in selector : int;
+ in selector : uint32_t;
in input : io_scalar_inband_t;
out output : io_scalar_inband_t, CountInOut
routine io_connect_method_scalarI_structureO(
connection : io_connect_t;
- in selector : int;
+ in selector : uint32_t;
in input : io_scalar_inband_t;
out output : io_struct_inband_t, CountInOut
routine io_connect_method_scalarI_structureI(
connection : io_connect_t;
- in selector : int;
+ in selector : uint32_t;
in input : io_scalar_inband_t;
in inputStruct : io_struct_inband_t
routine io_connect_method_structureI_structureO(
connection : io_connect_t;
- in selector : int;
+ in selector : uint32_t;
in input : io_struct_inband_t;
out output : io_struct_inband_t, CountInOut
routine io_registry_entry_get_path(
registry_entry : io_object_t;
routine io_registry_entry_set_properties(
registry_entry : io_object_t;
in properties : io_buf_ptr_t, physicalcopy;
- out result : natural_t
+ out result : kern_return_t
routine io_registry_entry_in_plane(
routine io_object_get_retain_count(
object : io_object_t;
- out retainCount : int
+ out retainCount : uint32_t
routine io_service_get_busy_state(
service : io_object_t;
- out busyState : int
+ out busyState : uint32_t
routine io_service_wait_quiet(
routine io_registry_entry_create_iterator(
registry_entry : io_object_t;
in plane : io_name_t;
- in options : int;
+ in options : uint32_t;
out iterator : io_object_t
out is_valid : boolean_t
-routine io_make_matching(
+/* was routine io_make_matching(
master_port : mach_port_t;
- in of_type : int;
- in options : int;
+ in of_type : uint32_t;
+ in options : uint32_t;
in input : io_struct_inband_t;
out matching : io_string_t
routine io_catalog_send_data(
master_port : mach_port_t;
- in flag : int;
+ in flag : uint32_t;
in inData : io_buf_ptr_t;
- out result : natural_t
+ out result : kern_return_t
routine io_catalog_terminate(
master_port : mach_port_t;
- in flag : int;
+ in flag : uint32_t;
in name : io_name_t
routine io_catalog_get_data(
master_port : mach_port_t;
- in flag : int;
+ in flag : uint32_t;
out outData : io_buf_ptr_t
routine io_catalog_get_gen_count(
master_port : mach_port_t;
- out genCount : int
+ out genCount : uint32_t
routine io_catalog_module_loaded(
routine io_catalog_reset(
master_port : mach_port_t;
- in flag : int
+ in flag : uint32_t
routine io_service_request_probe(
service : io_object_t;
- in options : int
+ in options : uint32_t
routine io_registry_entry_get_name_in_plane(
out matches : boolean_t
+#if IOKIT_ALL_IPC || __ILP32__
routine io_async_method_scalarI_scalarO(
connection : io_connect_t;
in wake_port : mach_port_make_send_t;
in reference : io_async_ref_t;
- in selector : int;
+ in selector : uint32_t;
in input : io_scalar_inband_t;
out output : io_scalar_inband_t, CountInOut
routine io_async_method_scalarI_structureO(
connection : io_connect_t;
in wake_port : mach_port_make_send_t;
in reference : io_async_ref_t;
- in selector : int;
+ in selector : uint32_t;
in input : io_scalar_inband_t;
out output : io_struct_inband_t, CountInOut
routine io_async_method_scalarI_structureI(
connection : io_connect_t;
in wake_port : mach_port_make_send_t;
in reference : io_async_ref_t;
- in selector : int;
+ in selector : uint32_t;
in input : io_scalar_inband_t;
in inputStruct : io_struct_inband_t
routine io_async_method_structureI_structureO(
connection : io_connect_t;
in wake_port : mach_port_make_send_t;
in reference : io_async_ref_t;
- in selector : int;
+ in selector : uint32_t;
in input : io_struct_inband_t;
out output : io_struct_inband_t, CountInOut
+#if IOKIT_ALL_IPC || __ILP32__
routine io_service_add_notification(
master_port : mach_port_t;
in notification_type : io_name_t;
in reference : io_async_ref_t;
out notification : io_object_t
routine io_service_add_interest_notification(
service : io_object_t;
in type_of_interest : io_name_t;
in wake_port : mach_port_make_send_t;
in reference : io_async_ref_t;
out notification : io_object_t
- );
+ );
routine io_service_acknowledge_notification(
- service : io_object_t;
- in notify_ref : natural_t;
- in response : natural_t
- );
+ service : io_object_t;
+ in notify_ref : natural_t;
+ in response : natural_t
+ );
routine io_connect_get_notification_semaphore(
connection : io_connect_t;
out semaphore : semaphore_t
+#if IOKIT_ALL_IPC || __ILP32__
routine io_connect_unmap_memory(
connection : io_connect_t;
- in memory_type : int;
+ in memory_type : uint32_t;
in into_task : task_t;
+ in address : uint32_t
in address : vm_address_t
routine io_registry_entry_get_location_in_plane(
registry_entry : io_object_t;
registry_entry : io_object_t;
in plane : io_name_t;
in property_name : io_name_t;
- in options : int;
+ in options : uint32_t;
out properties : io_buf_ptr_t, physicalcopy
routine io_service_get_state(
service : io_object_t;
- out state : uint64_t
+ out state : uint64_t;
+ out busy_state : uint32_t;
+ out accumulated_busy_time : uint64_t
routine io_service_get_matching_services_ool(
master_port : mach_port_t;
in matching : io_buf_ptr_t, physicalcopy;
- out result : natural_t;
+ out result : kern_return_t;
out existing : io_object_t
routine io_service_match_property_table_ool(
service : io_object_t;
in matching : io_buf_ptr_t, physicalcopy;
- out result : natural_t;
+ out result : kern_return_t;
out matches : boolean_t
+#if IOKIT_ALL_IPC || __ILP32__
routine io_service_add_notification_ool(
master_port : mach_port_t;
in notification_type : io_name_t;
in matching : io_buf_ptr_t, physicalcopy;
in wake_port : mach_port_make_send_t;
in reference : io_async_ref_t;
- out result : natural_t;
+ out result : kern_return_t;
+ out notification : io_object_t
+ );
+routine io_object_get_superclass(
+ master_port : mach_port_t;
+ in obj_name : io_name_t;
+ out class_name : io_name_t
+ );
+routine io_object_get_bundle_identifier(
+ master_port : mach_port_t;
+ in obj_name : io_name_t;
+ out class_name : io_name_t
+ );
+routine io_service_open_extended(
+ service : io_object_t;
+ in owningTask : task_t;
+ in connect_type : uint32_t;
+ in ndr : NDR_record_t;
+ in properties : io_buf_ptr_t, physicalcopy;
+ out result : kern_return_t;
+ out connection : io_connect_t
+ );
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+routine io_connect_map_memory_into_task(
+ connection : io_connect_t;
+ in memory_type : uint32_t;
+ in into_task : task_t;
+ inout address : mach_vm_address_t;
+ inout size : mach_vm_size_t;
+ in flags : uint32_t
+ );
+routine io_connect_unmap_memory_from_task(
+ connection : io_connect_t;
+ in memory_type : uint32_t;
+ in from_task : task_t;
+ in address : mach_vm_address_t
+ );
+routine io_connect_method(
+ connection : io_connect_t;
+ in selector : uint32_t;
+ in scalar_input : io_scalar_inband64_t;
+ in inband_input : io_struct_inband_t;
+ in ool_input : mach_vm_address_t;
+ in ool_input_size : mach_vm_size_t;
+ out inband_output : io_struct_inband_t, CountInOut;
+ out scalar_output : io_scalar_inband64_t, CountInOut;
+ in ool_output : mach_vm_address_t;
+ inout ool_output_size : mach_vm_size_t
+ );
+routine io_connect_async_method(
+ connection : io_connect_t;
+ in wake_port : mach_port_make_send_t;
+ in reference : io_async_ref64_t;
+ in selector : uint32_t;
+ in scalar_input : io_scalar_inband64_t;
+ in inband_input : io_struct_inband_t;
+ in ool_input : mach_vm_address_t;
+ in ool_input_size : mach_vm_size_t;
+ out inband_output : io_struct_inband_t, CountInOut;
+ out scalar_output : io_scalar_inband64_t, CountInOut;
+ in ool_output : mach_vm_address_t;
+ inout ool_output_size : mach_vm_size_t
+ );
+#if IOKIT_ALL_IPC || __LP64__
+#define FUNC_NAME(name) name ## _64
+#define FUNC_NAME(name) name
+routine FUNC_NAME(io_connect_set_notification_port)(
+ connection : io_connect_t;
+ in notification_type : uint32_t;
+ in port : mach_port_make_send_t;
+ in reference : io_user_reference_t
+ );
+routine FUNC_NAME(io_service_add_notification)(
+ master_port : mach_port_t;
+ in notification_type : io_name_t;
+ in matching : io_string_t;
+ in wake_port : mach_port_make_send_t;
+ in reference : io_async_ref64_t;
out notification : io_object_t
+routine FUNC_NAME(io_service_add_interest_notification)(
+ service : io_object_t;
+ in type_of_interest : io_name_t;
+ in wake_port : mach_port_make_send_t;
+ in reference : io_async_ref64_t;
+ out notification : io_object_t
+ );
+routine FUNC_NAME(io_service_add_notification_ool)(
+ master_port : mach_port_t;
+ in notification_type : io_name_t;
+ in matching : io_buf_ptr_t, physicalcopy;
+ in wake_port : mach_port_make_send_t;
+ in reference : io_async_ref64_t;
+ out result : kern_return_t;
+ out notification : io_object_t
+ );
+ skip;
+ skip;
+ skip;
+ skip;
+#endif /* IOKIT_ALL_IPC || __LP64__ */
+routine io_registry_entry_get_registry_entry_id(
+ registry_entry : io_object_t;
+ out entry_id : uint64_t
+ );
+routine io_connect_method_var_output(
+ connection : io_connect_t;
+ in selector : uint32_t;
+ in scalar_input : io_scalar_inband64_t;
+ in inband_input : io_struct_inband_t;
+ in ool_input : mach_vm_address_t;
+ in ool_input_size : mach_vm_size_t;
+ out inband_output : io_struct_inband_t, CountInOut;
+ out scalar_output : io_scalar_inband64_t, CountInOut;
+ out var_output : io_buf_ptr_t, physicalcopy
+ );
+routine io_service_get_matching_service(
+ master_port : mach_port_t;
+ in matching : io_string_t;
+ out service : io_object_t
+ );
+routine io_service_get_matching_service_ool(
+ master_port : mach_port_t;
+ in matching : io_buf_ptr_t, physicalcopy;
+ out result : kern_return_t;
+ out service : io_object_t
+ );
+routine io_service_get_authorization_id(
+ service : io_object_t;
+ out authorization_id : uint64_t
+ );
+routine io_service_set_authorization_id(
+ service : io_object_t;
+ in authorization_id : uint64_t
+ );
+/* */
+routine io_server_version(
+ master_port : mach_port_t;
+ out version : uint64_t
+ );
+routine io_registry_entry_get_properties_bin(
+ registry_entry : io_object_t;
+ out properties : io_buf_ptr_t, physicalcopy
+ );
+routine io_registry_entry_get_property_bin(
+ registry_entry : io_object_t;
+ in plane : io_name_t;
+ in property_name : io_name_t;
+ in options : uint32_t;
+ out properties : io_buf_ptr_t, physicalcopy
+ );
+routine io_service_get_matching_service_bin(
+ master_port : mach_port_t;
+ in matching : io_struct_inband_t;
+ out service : io_object_t
+ );
+routine io_service_get_matching_services_bin(
+ master_port : mach_port_t;
+ in matching : io_struct_inband_t;
+ out existing : io_object_t
+ );
+routine io_service_match_property_table_bin(
+ service : io_object_t;
+ in matching : io_struct_inband_t;
+ out matches : boolean_t
+ );
+#if IOKIT_ALL_IPC || __ILP32__
+routine io_service_add_notification_bin(
+ master_port : mach_port_t;
+ in notification_type : io_name_t;
+ in matching : io_struct_inband_t;
+ in wake_port : mach_port_make_send_t;
+ in reference : io_async_ref_t;
+ out notification : io_object_t
+ );
+#if IOKIT_ALL_IPC || __LP64__
+routine FUNC_NAME(io_service_add_notification_bin)(
+ master_port : mach_port_t;
+ in notification_type : io_name_t;
+ in matching : io_struct_inband_t;
+ in wake_port : mach_port_make_send_t;
+ in reference : io_async_ref64_t;
+ out notification : io_object_t
+ );
+#endif /* IOKIT */
+/* vim: set ft=c : */