- * Copyright (c) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
* Copyright (c) 1999,2000,2001 Jonathan Lemon <jlemon@FreeBSD.org>
#ifndef _SYS_EVENT_H_
#define _SYS_EVENT_H_
+#include <machine/types.h>
+#include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
#define EVFILT_READ (-1)
#define EVFILT_WRITE (-2)
#define EVFILT_AIO (-3) /* attached to aio requests */
#define EVFILT_PROC (-5) /* attached to struct proc */
#define EVFILT_SIGNAL (-6) /* attached to struct proc */
#define EVFILT_TIMER (-7) /* timers */
-#define EVFILT_MACHPORT (-8) /* Mach ports */
+#define EVFILT_MACHPORT (-8) /* Mach portsets */
#define EVFILT_FS (-9) /* Filesystem events */
+#define EVFILT_USER (-10) /* User events */
+ /* (-11) unused */
+#define EVFILT_VM (-12) /* Virtual memory events */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+#define EVFILT_SOCK (-13) /* Socket events */
+#define EVFILT_MEMORYSTATUS (-14) /* Memorystatus events */
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
+#define EVFILT_THREADMARKER EVFILT_SYSCOUNT /* Internal use only */
+#pragma pack(4)
struct kevent {
uintptr_t ident; /* identifier for this event */
- short filter; /* filter for event */
- u_short flags;
- u_int fflags;
- intptr_t data;
+ int16_t filter; /* filter for event */
+ uint16_t flags; /* general flags */
+ uint32_t fflags; /* filter-specific flags */
+ intptr_t data; /* filter-specific data */
void *udata; /* opaque user data identifier */
+struct user64_kevent {
+ uint64_t ident; /* identifier for this event */
+ int16_t filter; /* filter for event */
+ uint16_t flags; /* general flags */
+ uint32_t fflags; /* filter-specific flags */
+ int64_t data; /* filter-specific data */
+ user_addr_t udata; /* opaque user data identifier */
+struct user32_kevent {
+ uint32_t ident; /* identifier for this event */
+ int16_t filter; /* filter for event */
+ uint16_t flags; /* general flags */
+ uint32_t fflags; /* filter-specific flags */
+ int32_t data; /* filter-specific data */
+ user32_addr_t udata; /* opaque user data identifier */
+#pragma pack()
+struct kevent64_s {
+ uint64_t ident; /* identifier for this event */
+ int16_t filter; /* filter for event */
+ uint16_t flags; /* general flags */
+ uint32_t fflags; /* filter-specific flags */
+ int64_t data; /* filter-specific data */
+ uint64_t udata; /* opaque user data identifier */
+ uint64_t ext[2]; /* filter-specific extensions */
#define EV_SET(kevp, a, b, c, d, e, f) do { \
struct kevent *__kevp__ = (kevp); \
__kevp__->ident = (a); \
__kevp__->udata = (f); \
} while(0)
+#define EV_SET64(kevp, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) do { \
+ struct kevent64_s *__kevp__ = (kevp); \
+ __kevp__->ident = (a); \
+ __kevp__->filter = (b); \
+ __kevp__->flags = (c); \
+ __kevp__->fflags = (d); \
+ __kevp__->data = (e); \
+ __kevp__->udata = (f); \
+ __kevp__->ext[0] = (g); \
+ __kevp__->ext[1] = (h); \
+} while(0)
/* actions */
#define EV_ADD 0x0001 /* add event to kq (implies enable) */
#define EV_DELETE 0x0002 /* delete event from kq */
#define EV_ENABLE 0x0004 /* enable event */
#define EV_DISABLE 0x0008 /* disable event (not reported) */
+#define EV_RECEIPT 0x0040 /* force EV_ERROR on success, data == 0 */
/* flags */
#define EV_ONESHOT 0x0010 /* only report one occurrence */
#define EV_CLEAR 0x0020 /* clear event state after reporting */
+#define EV_DISPATCH 0x0080 /* disable event after reporting */
#define EV_SYSFLAGS 0xF000 /* reserved by system */
+#define EV_FLAG0 0x1000 /* filter-specific flag */
#define EV_FLAG1 0x2000 /* filter-specific flag */
/* returned values */
#define EV_ERROR 0x4000 /* error, data contains errno */
- * data/hint flags for EVFILT_{READ|WRITE}, shared with userspace
+ * Filter specific flags for EVFILT_READ
+ *
+ * The default behavior for EVFILT_READ is to make the "read" determination
+ * relative to the current file descriptor read pointer. The EV_POLL
+ * flag indicates the determination should be made via poll(2) semantics
+ * (which always returns true for regular files - regardless of the amount
+ * of unread data in the file).
+ *
+ * On input, EV_OOBAND specifies that only OOB data should be looked for.
+ * The returned data count is the number of bytes beyond the current OOB marker.
+ *
+ * On output, EV_OOBAND indicates that OOB data is present
+ * If it was not specified as an input parameter, then the data count is the
+ * number of bytes before the current OOB marker. If at the marker, the
+ * data count indicates the number of bytes available after it. In either
+ * case, it's the amount of data one could expect to receive next.
+ */
+#define EV_POLL EV_FLAG0
+ * data/hint fflags for EVFILT_USER, shared with userspace
-#define NOTE_LOWAT 0x0001 /* low water mark */
- * data/hint flags for EVFILT_VNODE, shared with userspace
+ * On input, NOTE_TRIGGER causes the event to be triggered for output.
-#define NOTE_DELETE 0x0001 /* vnode was removed */
-#define NOTE_WRITE 0x0002 /* data contents changed */
-#define NOTE_EXTEND 0x0004 /* size increased */
-#define NOTE_ATTRIB 0x0008 /* attributes changed */
-#define NOTE_LINK 0x0010 /* link count changed */
-#define NOTE_RENAME 0x0020 /* vnode was renamed */
-#define NOTE_REVOKE 0x0040 /* vnode access was revoked */
+#define NOTE_TRIGGER 0x01000000
- * data/hint flags for EVFILT_PROC, shared with userspace
+ * On input, the top two bits of fflags specifies how the lower twenty four
+ * bits should be applied to the stored value of fflags.
+ *
+ * On output, the top two bits will always be set to NOTE_FFNOP and the
+ * remaining twenty four bits will contain the stored fflags value.
-#define NOTE_EXIT 0x80000000 /* process exited */
-#define NOTE_FORK 0x40000000 /* process forked */
-#define NOTE_EXEC 0x20000000 /* process exec'd */
-#define NOTE_PCTRLMASK 0xf0000000 /* mask for hint bits */
-#define NOTE_PDATAMASK 0x000fffff /* mask for pid */
+#define NOTE_FFNOP 0x00000000 /* ignore input fflags */
+#define NOTE_FFAND 0x40000000 /* and fflags */
+#define NOTE_FFOR 0x80000000 /* or fflags */
+#define NOTE_FFCOPY 0xc0000000 /* copy fflags */
+#define NOTE_FFCTRLMASK 0xc0000000 /* mask for operations */
+#define NOTE_FFLAGSMASK 0x00ffffff
+ * data/hint fflags for EVFILT_{READ|WRITE}, shared with userspace
+ *
+ * The default behavior for EVFILT_READ is to make the determination
+ * realtive to the current file descriptor read pointer.
+ */
+#define NOTE_LOWAT 0x00000001 /* low water mark */
+ * data/hint fflags for EVFILT_VNODE, shared with userspace
+ */
+#define NOTE_DELETE 0x00000001 /* vnode was removed */
+#define NOTE_WRITE 0x00000002 /* data contents changed */
+#define NOTE_EXTEND 0x00000004 /* size increased */
+#define NOTE_ATTRIB 0x00000008 /* attributes changed */
+#define NOTE_LINK 0x00000010 /* link count changed */
+#define NOTE_RENAME 0x00000020 /* vnode was renamed */
+#define NOTE_REVOKE 0x00000040 /* vnode access was revoked */
+#define NOTE_NONE 0x00000080 /* No specific vnode event: to test for EVFILT_READ activation*/
+ * data/hint fflags for EVFILT_PROC, shared with userspace
+ *
+ * Please note that EVFILT_PROC and EVFILT_SIGNAL share the same knote list
+ * that hangs off the proc structure. They also both play games with the hint
+ * passed to KNOTE(). If NOTE_SIGNAL is passed as a hint, then the lower bits
+ * of the hint contain the signal. IF NOTE_FORK is passed, then the lower bits
+ * contain the PID of the child (but the pid does not get passed through in
+ * the actual kevent).
+ */
+enum {
+ eNoteReapDeprecated __deprecated_enum_msg("This kqueue(2) EVFILT_PROC flag is deprecated") = 0x10000000
+#define NOTE_EXIT 0x80000000 /* process exited */
+#define NOTE_FORK 0x40000000 /* process forked */
+#define NOTE_EXEC 0x20000000 /* process exec'd */
+#define NOTE_REAP ((unsigned int)eNoteReapDeprecated /* 0x10000000 */) /* process reaped */
+#define NOTE_SIGNAL 0x08000000 /* shared with EVFILT_SIGNAL */
+#define NOTE_EXITSTATUS 0x04000000 /* exit status to be returned, valid for child process only */
+#define NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL 0x02000000 /* provide details on reasons for exit */
+#define NOTE_PDATAMASK 0x000fffff /* mask for signal & exit status */
+ * If NOTE_EXITSTATUS is present, provide additional info about exiting process.
+ */
+enum {
+ eNoteExitReparentedDeprecated __deprecated_enum_msg("This kqueue(2) EVFILT_PROC flag is no longer sent") = 0x00080000
+#define NOTE_EXIT_REPARENTED ((unsigned int)eNoteExitReparentedDeprecated) /* exited while reparented */
+ * If NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL is present, these bits indicate specific reasons for exiting.
+ */
+#define NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL_MASK 0x00070000
+#define NOTE_EXIT_DECRYPTFAIL 0x00010000
+#define NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY 0x00020000
+#define NOTE_EXIT_CSERROR 0x00040000
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+ * If NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY is present, these bits indicate specific jetsam condition.
+ */
+#define NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY_DETAIL_MASK 0xfe000000
+#define NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY_VMPAGESHORTAGE 0x80000000 /* jetsam condition: lowest jetsam priority proc killed due to vm page shortage */
+#define NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY_VMTHRASHING 0x40000000 /* jetsam condition: lowest jetsam priority proc killed due to vm thrashing */
+#define NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY_HIWAT 0x20000000 /* jetsam condition: process reached its high water mark */
+#define NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY_PID 0x10000000 /* jetsam condition: special pid kill requested */
+#define NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY_IDLE 0x08000000 /* jetsam condition: idle process cleaned up */
+#define NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY_VNODE 0X04000000 /* jetsam condition: virtual node kill */
+#define NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY_FCTHRASHING 0x02000000 /* jetsam condition: lowest jetsam priority proc killed due to filecache thrashing */
+ * data/hint fflags for EVFILT_VM, shared with userspace.
+ */
+#define NOTE_VM_PRESSURE 0x80000000 /* will react on memory pressure */
+#define NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_TERMINATE 0x40000000 /* will quit on memory pressure, possibly after cleaning up dirty state */
+#define NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_SUDDEN_TERMINATE 0x20000000 /* will quit immediately on memory pressure */
+#define NOTE_VM_ERROR 0x10000000 /* there was an error */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+ * data/hint fflags for EVFILT_MEMORYSTATUS, shared with userspace.
+ */
+#define NOTE_MEMORYSTATUS_PRESSURE_NORMAL 0x00000001 /* system memory pressure has returned to normal */
+#define NOTE_MEMORYSTATUS_PRESSURE_WARN 0x00000002 /* system memory pressure has changed to the warning state */
+#define NOTE_MEMORYSTATUS_PRESSURE_CRITICAL 0x00000004 /* system memory pressure has changed to the critical state */
+#define NOTE_MEMORYSTATUS_LOW_SWAP 0x00000008 /* system is in a low-swap state */
+typedef enum vm_pressure_level {
+ kVMPressureNormal = 0,
+ kVMPressureWarning = 1,
+ kVMPressureUrgent = 2,
+ kVMPressureCritical = 3,
+} vm_pressure_level_t;
+ * data/hint fflags for EVFILT_TIMER, shared with userspace.
+ * The default is a (repeating) interval timer with the data
+ * specifying the timeout interval in milliseconds.
+ *
+ * All timeouts are implicitly EV_CLEAR events.
+ */
+#define NOTE_SECONDS 0x00000001 /* data is seconds */
+#define NOTE_USECONDS 0x00000002 /* data is microseconds */
+#define NOTE_NSECONDS 0x00000004 /* data is nanoseconds */
+#define NOTE_ABSOLUTE 0x00000008 /* absolute timeout */
+ /* ... implicit EV_ONESHOT */
+#define NOTE_LEEWAY 0x00000010 /* ext[1] holds leeway for power aware timers */
+#define NOTE_CRITICAL 0x00000020 /* system does minimal timer coalescing */
+#define NOTE_BACKGROUND 0x00000040 /* system does maximum timer coalescing */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+ * data/hint fflags for EVFILT_SOCK, shared with userspace.
+ *
+ */
+#define NOTE_CONNRESET 0x00000001 /* Received RST */
+#define NOTE_READCLOSED 0x00000002 /* Read side is shutdown */
+#define NOTE_WRITECLOSED 0x00000004 /* Write side is shutdown */
+#define NOTE_TIMEOUT 0x00000008 /* timeout: rexmt, keep-alive or persist */
+#define NOTE_NOSRCADDR 0x00000010 /* source address not available */
+#define NOTE_IFDENIED 0x00000020 /* interface denied connection */
+#define NOTE_SUSPEND 0x00000040 /* output queue suspended */
+#define NOTE_RESUME 0x00000080 /* output queue resumed */
+#define NOTE_KEEPALIVE 0x00000100 /* TCP Keepalive received */
+#define NOTE_ADAPTIVE_WTIMO 0x00000200 /* TCP adaptive write timeout */
+#define NOTE_ADAPTIVE_RTIMO 0x00000400 /* TCP adaptive read timeout */
+#define NOTE_CONNECTED 0x00000800 /* socket is connected */
+#define NOTE_DISCONNECTED 0x00001000 /* socket is disconnected */
+#define NOTE_CONNINFO_UPDATED 0x00002000 /* connection info was updated */
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
+ * data/hint fflags for EVFILT_MACHPORT, shared with userspace.
+ *
+ * Only portsets are supported at this time.
+ *
+ * The fflags field can optionally contain the MACH_RCV_MSG, MACH_RCV_LARGE,
+ * and related trailer receive options as defined in <mach/message.h>.
+ * The presence of these flags directs the kevent64() call to attempt to receive
+ * the message during kevent delivery, rather than just indicate that a message exists.
+ * On setup, The ext[0] field contains the receive buffer pointer and ext[1] contains
+ * the receive buffer length. Upon event delivery, the actual received message size
+ * is returned in ext[1]. As with mach_msg(), the buffer must be large enough to
+ * receive the message and the requested (or default) message trailers. In addition,
+ * the fflags field contains the return code normally returned by mach_msg().
+ *
+ * If no message receipt options were provided in the fflags field on setup, no
+ * message is received by this call. Instead, on output, the data field simply
+ * contains the name of the actual port detected with a message waiting.
+ */
+ * DEPRECATED!!!!!!!!!
+ * NOTE_TRACK, NOTE_TRACKERR, and NOTE_CHILD are no longer supported as of 10.5
+ */
/* additional flags for EVFILT_PROC */
#define NOTE_TRACK 0x00000001 /* follow across forks */
#define NOTE_TRACKERR 0x00000002 /* could not track child */
#define NOTE_CHILD 0x00000004 /* am a child process */
+#ifndef KERNEL
+/* Temporay solution for BootX to use inode.h till kqueue moves to vfs layer */
#include <sys/queue.h>
+struct knote;
+SLIST_HEAD(klist, knote);
+#ifdef KERNEL
+#include <sys/queue.h>
+#include <kern/kern_types.h>
- * Flag indicating hint is a signal. Used by EVFILT_SIGNAL, and also
- * shared by EVFILT_PROC (all knotes attached to p->p_klist)
- */
-#define NOTE_SIGNAL 0x08000000
+TAILQ_HEAD(kqtailq, knote); /* a list of "queued" events */
struct knote {
- /* JMM - line these up with wait_queue_link */
-#if 0
- struct wait_queue_link kn_wql; /* wait queue linkage */
+ int kn_inuse; /* inuse count */
+ struct kqtailq *kn_tq; /* pointer to tail queue */
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(knote) kn_tqe; /* linkage for tail queue */
+ struct kqueue *kn_kq; /* which kqueue we are on */
+ SLIST_ENTRY(knote) kn_link; /* linkage for search list */
SLIST_ENTRY(knote) kn_selnext; /* klist element chain */
- void *kn_type; /* knote vs. thread */
- struct klist *kn_list; /* pointer to list we are on */
- SLIST_ENTRY(knote) kn_link; /* members of kqueue */
- struct kqueue *kn_kq; /* which kqueue we are on */
- TAILQ_ENTRY(knote) kn_tqe; /* ...ready to process */
union {
- struct file *p_fp; /* file data pointer */
+ struct fileproc *p_fp; /* file data pointer */
struct proc *p_proc; /* proc pointer */
+ struct ipc_pset *p_pset; /* pset pointer */
} kn_ptr;
struct filterops *kn_fop;
- int kn_status;
+ int kn_status; /* status bits */
int kn_sfflags; /* saved filter flags */
- struct kevent kn_kevent;
- intptr_t kn_sdata; /* saved data field */
- caddr_t kn_hook;
+ struct kevent64_s kn_kevent;
+ void *kn_hook;
+ int kn_hookid;
+ int64_t kn_sdata; /* saved data field */
#define KN_ACTIVE 0x01 /* event has been triggered */
#define KN_QUEUED 0x02 /* event is on queue */
#define KN_DISABLED 0x04 /* event is disabled */
-#define KN_DETACHED 0x08 /* knote is detached */
+#define KN_DROPPING 0x08 /* knote is being dropped */
+#define KN_USEWAIT 0x10 /* wait for knote use */
+#define KN_ATTACHING 0x20 /* event is pending attach */
+#define KN_STAYQUEUED 0x40 /* force event to stay on queue */
#define kn_id kn_kevent.ident
#define kn_filter kn_kevent.filter
#define kn_flags kn_kevent.flags
#define kn_fflags kn_kevent.fflags
#define kn_data kn_kevent.data
+#define kn_udata kn_kevent.udata
+#define kn_ext kn_kevent.ext
#define kn_fp kn_ptr.p_fp
+/* Hint values for f_touch filter operation */
+#define EVENT_PROCESS 2
struct filterops {
int f_isfd; /* true if ident == filedescriptor */
- int (*f_attach) __P((struct knote *kn));
- void (*f_detach) __P((struct knote *kn));
- int (*f_event) __P((struct knote *kn, long hint));
+ int (*f_attach)(struct knote *kn);
+ void (*f_detach)(struct knote *kn);
+ int (*f_event)(struct knote *kn, long hint);
+ /* Optional f_touch operation, called only if !f_isfd && non-NULL */
+ void (*f_touch)(struct knote *kn, struct kevent64_s *kev, long type);
+ /* Optional f_peek operation, called only if KN_STAYQUEUED is set */
+ unsigned (*f_peek)(struct knote *kn);
struct proc;
+struct wait_queue;
SLIST_HEAD(klist, knote);
+extern void knote_init(void);
extern void klist_init(struct klist *list);
#define KNOTE(list, hint) knote(list, hint)
extern void knote(struct klist *list, long hint);
extern int knote_attach(struct klist *list, struct knote *kn);
extern int knote_detach(struct klist *list, struct knote *kn);
-extern void knote_remove(struct proc *p, struct klist *list);
+extern int knote_link_wait_queue(struct knote *kn, struct wait_queue *wq, wait_queue_link_t wql);
+extern int knote_unlink_wait_queue(struct knote *kn, struct wait_queue *wq, wait_queue_link_t *wqlp);
extern void knote_fdclose(struct proc *p, int fd);
-extern int kqueue_register(struct kqueue *kq,
- struct kevent *kev, struct proc *p);
+extern void knote_markstayqueued(struct knote *kn);
-#else /* !KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#endif /* !KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#else /* KERNEL */
- * This is currently visible to userland to work around broken
- * programs which pull in <sys/proc.h> or <sys/select.h>.
- */
-#include <sys/queue.h>
-struct knote;
-SLIST_HEAD(klist, knote);
-#include <sys/cdefs.h>
struct timespec;
-int kqueue __P((void));
-int kevent __P((int kq, const struct kevent *changelist, int nchanges,
+int kqueue(void);
+int kevent(int kq, const struct kevent *changelist, int nchanges,
struct kevent *eventlist, int nevents,
- const struct timespec *timeout));
+ const struct timespec *timeout);
+int kevent64(int kq, const struct kevent64_s *changelist,
+ int nchanges, struct kevent64_s *eventlist,
+ int nevents, unsigned int flags,
+ const struct timespec *timeout);
-#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
-#include <mach/mach.h>
-mach_port_t kqueue_portset_np __P((int kq));
-int kqueue_from_portset_np __P((mach_port_t portset));
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
+#endif /* KERNEL */
-#endif /* !KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* !_SYS_EVENT_H_ */