- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <ppc/asm.h>
#include <ppc/proc_reg.h>
-#include <cpus.h>
#include <assym.s>
#include <debug.h>
#include <mach/ppc/vm_param.h>
#include <ppc/savearea.h>
#define FPVECDBG 0
-#define GDDBG 0
.globl EXT(machine_load_context)
- mfsprg r6,0
+ mfsprg r6,1 ; Get the current activation
+ lwz r6,ACT_PER_PROC(r6) ; Get the per_proc block
stw r0,PP_ISTACKPTR(r6)
- lwz r9,THREAD_TOP_ACT(r3) /* Set up the current thread */
+ mr r9,r3 /* Set up the current thread */
mtsprg 1,r9
li r0,0 /* Clear a register */
lwz r3,ACT_MACT_PCB(r9) /* Get the savearea used */
mfmsr r5 /* Since we are passing control, get our MSR values */
lwz r11,SAVprev+4(r3) /* Get the previous savearea */
lwz r1,saver1+4(r3) /* Load new stack pointer */
+ lwz r10,ACT_MACT_SPF(r9) /* Get the special flags */
stw r0,saver3+4(r3) /* Make sure we pass in a 0 for the continuation */
stw r0,FM_BACKPTR(r1) /* zero backptr */
stw r5,savesrr1+4(r3) /* Pass our MSR to the new guy */
stw r11,ACT_MACT_PCB(r9) /* Unstack our savearea */
+ oris r10,r10,hi16(OnProc) /* Set OnProc bit */
stw r0,ACT_PREEMPT_CNT(r9) /* Enable preemption */
+ stw r10,ACT_MACT_SPF(r9) /* Update the special flags */
+ stw r10,spcFlags(r6) /* Set per_proc copy of the special flags */
b EXT(exception_exit) /* Go for it */
/* thread_t Switch_context(thread_t old,
-/* void Call_continuation( void (*continuation)(void), vm_offset_t stack_ptr)
+/* void Call_continuation( void (*continuation)(void), void *param, wait_result_t wresult, vm_offset_t stack_ptr)
.align 5
.globl EXT(Call_continuation)
- mtlr r3
- mr r1, r4 /* Load new stack pointer */
- blr /* Jump to the continuation */
+ mtlr r3 /* continuation */
+ mr r3,r4 /* parameter */
+ mr r4,r5 /* wait result */
+ mr r1,r6 /* Load new stack pointer */
+ blrl /* Jump to the continuation */
+ mfsprg r3,1
+ b EXT(thread_terminate)
* Get the old kernel stack, and store into the thread structure.
* Note that interrupts must be disabled before we get here (i.e., splsched)
-/* Context switches are double jumps. We pass the following to the
+ * Switch_context(old, continuation, new)
+ *
+ * Context switches are double jumps. We pass the following to the
* context switch firmware call:
* R3 = switchee's savearea, virtual if continuation, low order physical for full switch
- mfsprg r12,0 ; Get the per_proc block
+ lwz r12,ACT_PER_PROC(r3) ; Get the per_proc block
lwz r0,PP_ISTACKPTR(r12) ; (DEBUG/TRACE) make sure we are not
mr. r0,r0 ; (DEBUG/TRACE) on the interrupt
- lwz r5,THREAD_TOP_ACT(r5) ; Get the new activation
lwz r8,ACT_MACT_PCB(r5) ; Get the PCB for the new guy
- lwz r9,cioSpace(r5) ; Get copyin/out address space
+ lwz r9,umwSpace(r5) ; Get user memory window address space
cmpwi cr1,r4,0 ; Remeber if there is a continuation - used waaaay down below
- lwz r7,CTHREAD_SELF(r5) ; Pick up the user assist word
+ lwz r0,CTHREAD_SELF+0(r5) ; Pick up the user assist "word" (actually a double)
+ lwz r7,CTHREAD_SELF+4(r5) ; both halves
lwz r11,ACT_MACT_BTE(r5) ; Get BlueBox Task Environment
- lwz r6,cioRelo(r5) ; Get copyin/out relocation top
+ lwz r6,umwRelo(r5) ; Get user memory window relocation top
+ stw r12,ACT_PER_PROC(r5) ; Set per_proc in new activation
mtsprg 1,r5
- lwz r2,cioRelo+4(r5) ; Get copyin/out relocation bottom
+ lwz r2,umwRelo+4(r5) ; Get user memory window relocation bottom
- stw r7,UAW(r12) ; Save the assist word for the "ultra fast path"
+ stw r0,UAW+0(r12) ; Save the assist word for the "ultra fast path"
+ stw r7,UAW+4(r12)
lwz r7,ACT_MACT_SPF(r5) ; Get the special flags
- sth r9,ppCIOmp+mpSpace(r12) ; Save the space
- stw r6,ppCIOmp+mpNestReloc(r12) ; Save top part of physical address
- stw r2,ppCIOmp+mpNestReloc+4(r12) ; Save bottom part of physical address
+ sth r9,ppUMWmp+mpSpace(r12) ; Save the space
+ stw r6,ppUMWmp+mpNestReloc(r12) ; Save top part of physical address
+ stw r2,ppUMWmp+mpNestReloc+4(r12) ; Save bottom part of physical address
stw r11,ppbbTaskEnv(r12) ; Save the bb task env
lwz r2,traceMask(0) ; Get the enabled traces
stw r7,spcFlags(r12) ; Set per_proc copy of the special flags
lwz r11,SAVprev+4(r8) ; Get the previous of the switchee savearea
ori r0,r0,lo16(CutTrace) ; Trace FW call
beq++ cswNoTrc ; No trace today, dude...
- mr r10,r3 ; Save across trace
- lwz r2,THREAD_TOP_ACT(r3) ; Trace old activation
- mr r3,r11 ; Trace prev savearea
+ li r2,0x4400 ; Trace ID
+ mr r6,r11 ; Trace prev savearea
sc ; Cut trace entry of context switch
- mr r3,r10 ; Restore
cswNoTrc: lwz r2,curctx(r5) ; Grab our current context pointer
lwz r10,FPUowner(r12) ; Grab the owner of the FPU
lwz r9,VMXowner(r12) ; Grab the owner of the vector
- lhz r0,PP_CPU_NUMBER(r12) ; Get our CPU number
mfmsr r6 ; Get the MSR because the switched to thread should inherit it
stw r11,ACT_MACT_PCB(r5) ; Dequeue the savearea we are switching to
li r0,1 ; Get set to hold off quickfret
bne++ cswnofloat ; Float is not ours...
cmplw r10,r11 ; Is the level the same?
+ lhz r0,PP_CPU_NUMBER(r12) ; Get our CPU number
lwz r5,FPUcpu(r2) ; Get the owning cpu
bne++ cswnofloat ; Level not the same, this is not live...
cmplw r5,r0 ; Still owned by this cpu?
- lwz r10,FPUsave(r2) ; Get the level
+ lwz r10,FPUsave(r2) ; Get the pointer to next saved context
bne++ cswnofloat ; CPU claimed by someone else...
mr. r10,r10 ; Is there a savearea here?
lwz r10,VMXlevel(r2) ; Get the live level
cmplw r10,r11 ; Is the level the same?
+ lhz r0,PP_CPU_NUMBER(r12) ; Get our CPU number
lwz r5,VMXcpu(r2) ; Get the owning cpu
bne++ cswnovect ; Level not the same, this is not live...
rlwinm r11,r8,0,0,19 ; Switch to savearea base
lis r9,hi16(EXT(switch_in)) ; Get top of switch in routine
lwz r5,savesrr0+4(r8) ; Set up the new SRR0
+; Note that the low-level code requires the R7 contain the high order half of the savearea's
+; physical address. This is hack city, but it is the way it is.
lwz r7,SACvrswap(r11) ; Get the high order V to R translation
lwz r11,SACvrswap+4(r11) ; Get the low order V to R translation
ori r9,r9,lo16(EXT(switch_in)) ; Bottom half of switch in
lwz r9,SAVflags(r8) /* Get the flags */
lis r0,hi16(SwitchContextCall) /* Top part of switch context */
- li r10,MSR_SUPERVISOR_INT_OFF /* Get the switcher's MSR */
+ li r10,(MASK(MSR_ME)|MASK(MSR_DR)) /* Get the switcher's MSR */
ori r0,r0,lo16(SwitchContextCall) /* Bottom part of switch context */
stw r10,savesrr1+4(r8) /* Set up for switch in */
rlwinm r9,r9,0,15,13 /* Reset the syscall flag */
* with translation on. If we could, this should be done in lowmem_vectors
* before translation is turned on. But we can't, dang it!
+ * switch_in() runs with DR on and IR off
+ *
* R3 = switcher's savearea (32-bit virtual)
* saver4 = old thread in switcher's save
* saver5 = new SRR0 in switcher's save
lwz r5,saver5+4(r3) ; Get the srr0 value
mfsprg r0,2 ; Get feature flags
- lwz r9,THREAD_TOP_ACT(r4) ; Get the switched from ACT
+ mr r9,r4 ; Get the switched from ACT
lwz r6,saver6+4(r3) ; Get the srr1 value
rlwinm. r0,r0,0,pf64Bitb,pf64Bitb ; Check for 64-bit
lwz r10,ACT_MACT_PCB(r9) ; Get the top PCB on the old thread
mtmsr r2 ; Set the MSR
- mfsprg r6,0 ; Get the per_processor block
+ mfsprg r6,1 ; Get the current activation
+ lwz r6,ACT_PER_PROC(r6) ; Get the per_proc block
lwz r12,FPUowner(r6) ; Get the context ID for owner
mflr r2 ; Save the return address
-fsretry: mr. r12,r12 ; Anyone own the FPU?
+ cmplw r3,r12 ; Is the specified context live?
lhz r11,PP_CPU_NUMBER(r6) ; Get our CPU number
- beq-- fsret ; Nobody owns the FPU, no save required...
- cmplw cr1,r3,r12 ; Is the specified context live?
- isync ; Force owner check first
- lwz r9,FPUcpu(r12) ; Get the cpu that context was last on
- bne-- cr1,fsret ; No, it is not...
+ lwz r9,FPUcpu(r3) ; Get the cpu that context was last on
+ bne-- fsret ; Nobody owns the FPU, no save required...
- cmplw cr1,r9,r11 ; Was the context for this processor?
- beq-- cr1,fsgoodcpu ; Facility last used on this processor...
+ cmplw r9,r11 ; Was the context for this processor?
+ la r5,FPUsync(r3) ; Point to the sync word
+ bne-- fsret ; Facility not last used on this processor...
- b fsret ; Someone else claimed it...
+; It looks like we need to save this one.
+; First, make sure that the live context block is not mucked with while
+; we are trying to save it on out. Then we will give it the final check.
+ lis r9,ha16(EXT(LockTimeOut)) ; Get the high part
+ mftb r8 ; Get the time now
+ lwz r9,lo16(EXT(LockTimeOut))(r9) ; Get the timeout value
+ b fssync0a ; Jump to the lock...
.align 5
-fsgoodcpu: lwz r3,FPUsave(r12) ; Get the current FPU savearea for the thread
+fssync0: li r7,lgKillResv ; Get killing field
+ stwcx. r7,0,r7 ; Kill reservation
+fssync0a: lwz r7,0(r5) ; Sniff the lock
+ mftb r10 ; Is it time yet?
+ cmplwi cr1,r7,0 ; Is it locked?
+ sub r10,r10,r8 ; How long have we been spinning?
+ cmplw r10,r9 ; Has it been too long?
+ bgt-- fstimeout ; Way too long, panic...
+ bne-- cr1,fssync0a ; Yea, still locked so sniff harder...
+fssync1: lwarx r7,0,r5 ; Get the sync word
+ li r12,1 ; Get the lock
+ mr. r7,r7 ; Is it unlocked?
+ bne-- fssync0
+ stwcx. r12,0,r5 ; Store lock and test reservation
+ bne-- fssync1 ; Try again if lost reservation...
+ isync ; Toss speculation
+ lwz r12,FPUowner(r6) ; Get the context ID for owner
+ cmplw r3,r12 ; Check again if we own the FPU?
+ bne-- fsretlk ; Go unlock and return since we no longer own context
+ lwz r5,FPUcpu(r12) ; Get the cpu that context was last on
+ lwz r7,FPUsave(r12) ; Get the current FPU savearea for the thread
+ cmplw r5,r11 ; Is this for the same processor?
lwz r9,FPUlevel(r12) ; Get our current level indicator
+ bne-- fsretlk ; Not the same processor, skip any save...
- cmplwi cr1,r3,0 ; Have we ever saved this facility context?
- beq- cr1,fsneedone ; Never saved it, so go do it...
+ cmplwi r7,0 ; Have we ever saved this facility context?
+ beq-- fsneedone ; Never saved it, so go do it...
- lwz r8,SAVlevel(r3) ; Get the level this savearea is for
- cmplw cr1,r9,r8 ; Correct level?
- beq-- cr1,fsret ; The current level is already saved, bail out...
+ lwz r8,SAVlevel(r7) ; Get the level of this savearea
+ cmplw r9,r8 ; Correct level?
+ beq-- fsretlk ; The current level is already saved, bail out...
fsneedone: bl EXT(save_get) ; Get a savearea for the context
- mfsprg r6,0 ; Get back per_processor block
+ mfsprg r6,1 ; Get the current activation
+ lwz r6,ACT_PER_PROC(r6) ; Get the per_proc block
li r4,SAVfloat ; Get floating point tag
lwz r12,FPUowner(r6) ; Get back our thread
stb r4,SAVflags+2(r3) ; Mark this savearea as a float
- mr. r12,r12 ; See if we were disowned while away. Very, very small chance of it...
- beq-- fsbackout ; If disowned, just toss savearea...
lwz r4,facAct(r12) ; Get the activation associated with live context
lwz r8,FPUsave(r12) ; Get the current top floating point savearea
stw r4,SAVact(r3) ; Indicate the right activation for this context
bl fp_store ; save all 32 FPRs in the save area at r3
mtlr r2 ; Restore return
+fsretlk: li r7,0 ; Get the unlock value
+ eieio ; Make sure that these updates make it out
+ stw r7,FPUsync(r12) ; Unlock it
fsret: mtmsr r0 ; Put interrupts on if they were and floating point off
-fsbackout: mr r4,r0 ; restore the original MSR
- b EXT(save_ret_wMSR) ; Toss savearea and return from there...
+fstimeout: mr r4,r5 ; Set the lock address
+ mr r5,r7 ; Set the lock word data
+ lis r3,hi16(fstimeout_str) ; Get the failed lck message
+ ori r3,r3,lo16(fstimeout_str) ; Get the failed lck message
+ bl EXT(panic)
+ BREAKPOINT_TRAP ; We die here anyway
+ .data
+ STRINGD "fpu_save: timeout on sync lock (0x%08X), value = 0x%08X\n\000"
+ .text
* fpu_switch()
stw r1,0(r3)
#endif /* DEBUG */
- mfsprg r26,0 ; Get the per_processor block
+ mfsprg r17,1 ; Get the current activation
+ lwz r26,ACT_PER_PROC(r17) ; Get the per_proc block
mfmsr r19 ; Get the current MSR
- mfsprg r17,1 ; Get the current thread
mr r25,r4 ; Save the entry savearea
lwz r22,FPUowner(r26) ; Get the thread that owns the FPU
lhz r16,PP_CPU_NUMBER(r26) ; Get the current CPU number
-fswretry: mr. r22,r22 ; See if there is any live FP status
- beq- fsnosave ; No live context, so nothing to save...
+ mr. r22,r22 ; See if there is any live FP status
+ la r15,FPUsync(r22) ; Point to the sync word
- isync ; Make sure we see this in the right order
+ beq-- fsnosave ; No live context, so nothing to save...
- lwz r30,FPUsave(r22) ; Get the top savearea
- cmplw cr2,r22,r29 ; Are both old and new the same context?
lwz r18,FPUcpu(r22) ; Get the last CPU we ran on
- cmplwi cr1,r30,0 ; Anything saved yet?
+ cmplw cr2,r22,r29 ; Are both old and new the same context?
+ lwz r30,FPUsave(r22) ; Get the top savearea
cmplw r18,r16 ; Make sure we are on the right processor
lwz r31,FPUlevel(r22) ; Get the context level
+ cmplwi cr1,r30,0 ; Anything saved yet?
- bne- fsnosave ; No, not on the same processor...
+ bne-- fsnosave ; No, not on the same processor...
; Check to see if the live context has already been saved.
cmplw r31,r27 ; See if the current and active levels are the same
crand cr0_eq,cr2_eq,cr0_eq ; Remember if both the levels and contexts are the same
- li r3,0 ; Clear this
- beq- fsthesame ; New and old are the same, just go enable...
+ beq-- fsthesame ; New and old are the same, just go enable...
- beq- cr1,fsmstsave ; Not saved yet, go do it...
+; Note it turns out that on a G5, the following load has about a 50-50 chance of
+; taking a segment exception in a system that is doing heavy file I/O. We
+; make a dummy access right now in order to get that resolved before we take the lock.
+; We do not use the data returned because it may change over the lock
+ beq-- cr1,fswsync ; Nothing saved, skip the probe attempt...
+ lwz r11,SAVlevel(r30) ; Touch the context in order to fault in the segment
+; Make sure that the live context block is not mucked with while
+; we are trying to save it on out
+fswsync: lis r11,ha16(EXT(LockTimeOut)) ; Get the high part
+ mftb r3 ; Get the time now
+ lwz r11,lo16(EXT(LockTimeOut))(r11) ; Get the timeout value
+ b fswsync0a ; Jump to the lock...
+ .align 5
+fswsync0: li r19,lgKillResv ; Get killing field
+ stwcx. r19,0,r19 ; Kill reservation
+fswsync0a: lwz r19,0(r15) ; Sniff the lock
+ mftb r18 ; Is it time yet?
+ cmplwi cr1,r19,0 ; Is it locked?
+ sub r18,r18,r3 ; How long have we been spinning?
+ cmplw r18,r11 ; Has it been too long?
+ bgt-- fswtimeout ; Way too long, panic...
+ bne-- cr1,fswsync0a ; Yea, still locked so sniff harder...
+fswsync1: lwarx r19,0,r15 ; Get the sync word
+ li r0,1 ; Get the lock
+ mr. r19,r19 ; Is it unlocked?
+ bne-- fswsync0
+ stwcx. r0,0,r15 ; Store lock and test reservation
+ bne-- fswsync1 ; Try again if lost reservation...
+ isync ; Toss speculation
+; Note that now that we have the lock, we need to check if anything changed.
+; Also note that the possible changes are limited. The context owner can
+; never change to a different thread or level although it can be invalidated.
+; A new context can not be pushed on top of us, but it can be popped. The
+; cpu indicator will always change if another processor mucked with any
+; contexts.
+; It should be very rare that any of the context stuff changes across the lock.
+ lwz r0,FPUowner(r26) ; Get the thread that owns the FPU again
+ lwz r11,FPUsave(r22) ; Get the top savearea again
+ lwz r18,FPUcpu(r22) ; Get the last CPU we ran on again
+ sub r0,r0,r22 ; Non-zero if we lost ownership, 0 if not
+ xor r11,r11,r30 ; Non-zero if saved context changed, 0 if not
+ xor r18,r18,r16 ; Non-zero if cpu changed, 0 if not
+ cmplwi cr1,r30,0 ; Is anything saved?
+ or r0,r0,r11 ; Zero only if both owner and context are unchanged
+ or. r0,r0,r18 ; Zero only if nothing has changed
+ li r3,0 ; Clear this
+ bne-- fsnosavelk ; Something has changed, so this is not ours to save...
+ beq-- cr1,fsmstsave ; There is no context saved yet...
lwz r11,SAVlevel(r30) ; Get the level of top saved context
cmplw r31,r11 ; Are live and saved the same?
lis r0,hi16(CutTrace) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
li r2,0x7F02 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
- mr r3,r30 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ mr r3,r11 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
mr r5,r31 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
oris r0,r0,lo16(CutTrace) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
li r3,0 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
- beq+ fsnosave ; Same level, so already saved...
+ beq++ fsnosavelk ; Same level, so already saved...
fsmstsave: stw r3,FPUowner(r26) ; Kill the context now
eieio ; Make sure everyone sees it
bl EXT(save_get) ; Go get a savearea
- mr. r31,r31 ; Are we saving the user state?
- la r15,FPUsync(r22) ; Point to the sync word
- beq++ fswusave ; Yeah, no need for lock...
-; Here we make sure that the live context is not tossed while we are
-; trying to push it. This can happen only for kernel context and
-; then only by a race with act_machine_sv_free.
-; We only need to hold this for a very short time, so no sniffing needed.
-; If we find any change to the level, we just abandon.
-fswsync: lwarx r19,0,r15 ; Get the sync word
- li r0,1 ; Get the lock
- cmplwi cr1,r19,0 ; Is it unlocked?
- stwcx. r0,0,r15 ; Store lock and test reservation
- cror cr0_eq,cr1_eq,cr0_eq ; Combine lost reservation and previously locked
- bne-- fswsync ; Try again if lost reservation or locked...
- isync ; Toss speculation
- lwz r0,FPUlevel(r22) ; Pick up the level again
- li r7,0 ; Get unlock value
- cmplw r0,r31 ; Same level?
- beq++ fswusave ; Yeah, we expect it to be...
- stw r7,FPUsync(r22) ; Unlock lock. No need to sync here
- bl EXT(save_ret) ; Toss save area because we are abandoning save
- b fsnosave ; Skip the save...
- .align 5
-fswusave: lwz r12,facAct(r22) ; Get the activation associated with the context
- stw r3,FPUsave(r22) ; Set this as the latest context savearea for the thread
- mr. r31,r31 ; Check again if we were user level
+ lwz r12,facAct(r22) ; Get the activation associated with the context
stw r30,SAVprev+4(r3) ; Point us to the old context
stw r31,SAVlevel(r3) ; Tag our level
li r7,SAVfloat ; Get the floating point ID
stw r12,SAVact(r3) ; Make sure we point to the right guy
stb r7,SAVflags+2(r3) ; Set that we have a floating point save area
- li r7,0 ; Get the unlock value
- beq-- fswnulock ; Skip unlock if user (we did not lock it)...
- eieio ; Make sure that these updates make it out
- stw r7,FPUsync(r22) ; Unlock it.
+ stw r3,FPUsave(r22) ; Set this as the latest context savearea for the thread
lis r0,hi16(CutTrace) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
li r2,0x7F03 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
bl fp_store ; store all 32 FPRs
+fsnosavelk: li r7,0 ; Get the unlock value
+ eieio ; Make sure that these updates make it out
+ stw r7,FPUsync(r22) ; Unlock it.
; The context is all saved now and the facility is free.
-; If we do not we need to fill the registers with junk, because this level has
+; Check if we need to fill the registers with junk, because this level has
; never used them before and some thieving bastard could hack the old values
; of some thread! Just imagine what would happen if they could! Why, nothing
; would be safe! My God! It is terrifying!
+; Make sure that the live context block is not mucked with while
+; we are trying to load it up
+fsnosave: la r15,FPUsync(r29) ; Point to the sync word
+ lis r11,ha16(EXT(LockTimeOut)) ; Get the high part
+ mftb r3 ; Get the time now
+ lwz r11,lo16(EXT(LockTimeOut))(r11) ; Get the timeout value
+ b fsnsync0a ; Jump to the lock...
+ .align 5
+fsnsync0: li r19,lgKillResv ; Get killing field
+ stwcx. r19,0,r19 ; Kill reservation
+fsnsync0a: lwz r19,0(r15) ; Sniff the lock
+ mftb r18 ; Is it time yet?
+ cmplwi cr1,r19,0 ; Is it locked?
+ sub r18,r18,r3 ; How long have we been spinning?
+ cmplw r18,r11 ; Has it been too long?
+ bgt-- fsntimeout ; Way too long, panic...
+ bne-- cr1,fsnsync0a ; Yea, still locked so sniff harder...
-fsnosave: lwz r15,ACT_MACT_PCB(r17) ; Get the current level of the "new" one
+fsnsync1: lwarx r19,0,r15 ; Get the sync word
+ li r0,1 ; Get the lock
+ mr. r19,r19 ; Is it unlocked?
+ bne-- fsnsync0 ; Unfortunately, it is locked...
+ stwcx. r0,0,r15 ; Store lock and test reservation
+ bne-- fsnsync1 ; Try again if lost reservation...
+ isync ; Toss speculation
+ lwz r15,ACT_MACT_PCB(r17) ; Get the current level of the "new" one
lwz r19,FPUcpu(r29) ; Get the last CPU we ran on
lwz r14,FPUsave(r29) ; Point to the top of the "new" context stack
- lis r18,hi16(EXT(per_proc_info)) ; Set base per_proc
- mulli r19,r19,ppSize ; Find offset to the owner per_proc
- ori r18,r18,lo16(EXT(per_proc_info)) ; Set base per_proc
+ lis r18,hi16(EXT(PerProcTable)) ; Set base PerProcTable
+ mulli r19,r19,ppeSize ; Find offset to the owner per_proc_entry
+ ori r18,r18,lo16(EXT(PerProcTable)) ; Set base PerProcTable
li r16,FPUowner ; Displacement to float owner
- add r19,r18,r19 ; Point to the owner per_proc
+ add r19,r18,r19 ; Point to the owner per_proc_entry
+ lwz r19,ppe_vaddr(r19) ; Point to the owner per_proc
fsinvothr: lwarx r18,r16,r19 ; Get the owner
sub r0,r18,r29 ; Subtract one from the other
dcbt 0,r11 ; Touch line in
- lwz r3,SAVprev+4(r14) ; Get the previous context
lwz r0,SAVlevel(r14) ; Get the level of first facility savearea
+ lwz r3,SAVprev+4(r14) ; Get the previous context
cmplw r0,r15 ; Top level correct to load?
+ li r7,0 ; Get the unlock value
bne-- MakeSureThatNoTerroristsCanHurtUsByGod ; No, go initialize...
stw r3,FPUsave(r29) ; Pop the context (we will toss the savearea later)
+ eieio ; Make sure that these updates make it out
+ stw r7,FPUsync(r29) ; Unlock context now that the context save has been removed
// Note this code is used both by 32- and 128-byte processors. This means six extra DCBTs
// are executed on a 128-byte machine, but that is better than a mispredicted branch.
lis r5,hi16(EXT(FloatInit)) ; Get top secret floating point init value address
+ li r7,0 ; Get the unlock value
ori r5,r5,lo16(EXT(FloatInit)) ; Slam bottom
+ eieio ; Make sure that these updates make it out
+ stw r7,FPUsync(r29) ; Unlock it now that the context has been removed
lfd f0,0(r5) ; Initialize FP0
fmr f1,f0 ; Do them all
fmr f2,f0
; We get here when we are switching to the same context at the same level and the context
-; is still live. Essentially, all we are doing is turning on the faility. It may have
+; is still live. Essentially, all we are doing is turning on the facility. It may have
; gotten turned off due to doing a context save for the current level or a context switch
; back to the live guy.
.align 5
+fsthesamel: li r7,0 ; Get the unlock value
+ eieio ; Make sure that these updates make it out
+ stw r7,FPUsync(r22) ; Unlock it.
cmplw r11,r31 ; Are live and saved the same?
- bne+ fsenable ; Level not the same, nothing to pop, go enable and exit...
+ bne++ fsenable ; Level not the same, nothing to pop, go enable and exit...
mr r3,r30 ; Get the old savearea (we popped it before)
stw r14,FPUsave(r22) ; Pop the savearea from the stack
bl EXT(save_ret) ; Toss it
b fsenable ; Go enable and exit...
+; Note that we need to choke in this code rather than panic because there is no
+; stack.
+fswtimeout: lis r0,hi16(Choke) ; Choke code
+ ori r0,r0,lo16(Choke) ; and the rest
+ li r3,failTimeout ; Timeout code
+ sc ; System ABEND
+fsntimeout: lis r0,hi16(Choke) ; Choke code
+ ori r0,r0,lo16(Choke) ; and the rest
+ li r3,failTimeout ; Timeout code
+ sc ; System ABEND
+ lis r0,hi16(Choke) ; Choke code
+ ori r0,r0,lo16(Choke) ; and the rest
+ li r3,failTimeout ; Timeout code
+ sc ; System ABEND
+ lis r0,hi16(Choke) ; Choke code
+ ori r0,r0,lo16(Choke) ; and the rest
+ li r3,failTimeout ; Timeout code
+ sc ; System ABEND
; This function invalidates any live floating point context for the passed in facility_context.
beq+ tlfnotours ; Floats off, can not be live here...
- mfsprg r8,0 ; Get the per proc
+ mfsprg r8,1 ; Get the current activation
+ lwz r8,ACT_PER_PROC(r8) ; Get the per_proc block
; Note that at this point, since floats are on, we are the owner
mtfsf 0xFF,f1 ; Clear it
tlfnotours: lwz r11,FPUcpu(r3) ; Get the cpu on which we last loaded context
- lis r12,hi16(EXT(per_proc_info)) ; Set base per_proc
- mulli r11,r11,ppSize ; Find offset to the owner per_proc
- ori r12,r12,lo16(EXT(per_proc_info)) ; Set base per_proc
+ lis r12,hi16(EXT(PerProcTable)) ; Set base PerProcTable
+ mulli r11,r11,ppeSize ; Find offset to the owner per_proc_entry
+ ori r12,r12,lo16(EXT(PerProcTable)) ; Set base PerProcTable
li r10,FPUowner ; Displacement to float owner
- add r11,r12,r11 ; Point to the owner per_proc
+ add r11,r12,r11 ; Point to the owner per_proc_entry
+ lwz r11,ppe_vaddr(r11) ; Point to the owner per_proc
tlfinvothr: lwarx r12,r10,r11 ; Get the owner
mtmsr r2 ; Set the MSR
- mfsprg r6,0 ; Get the per_processor block
+ mfsprg r6,1 ; Get the current activation
+ lwz r6,ACT_PER_PROC(r6) ; Get the per_proc block
lwz r12,VMXowner(r6) ; Get the context ID for owner
+ mr r11,r6 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
mr r7,r0 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
li r4,0 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
mr r10,r3 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
mr. r3,r12 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
li r2,0x5F00 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
li r5,0 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
- beq- noowneryeu ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ lwz r6,liveVRS(r6) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ beq-- noowneryeu ; (TEST/DEBUG)
lwz r4,VMXlevel(r12) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
lwz r5,VMXsave(r12) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
mr r0,r7 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
mr r3,r10 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ mr r6,r11 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
mflr r2 ; Save the return address
-vsretry: mr. r12,r12 ; Anyone own the vector?
+ cmplw r3,r12 ; Is the specified context live?
lhz r11,PP_CPU_NUMBER(r6) ; Get our CPU number
- beq- vsret ; Nobody owns the vector, no save required...
- cmplw cr1,r3,r12 ; Is the specified context live?
- isync ; Force owner check first
+ bne-- vsret ; We do not own the vector, no save required...
lwz r9,VMXcpu(r12) ; Get the cpu that context was last on
- bne- cr1,vsret ; Specified context is not live
- cmplw cr1,r9,r11 ; Was the context for this processor?
- beq+ cr1,vsgoodcpu ; Facility last used on this processor...
+ cmplw r9,r11 ; Was the context for this processor?
+ la r5,VMXsync(r3) ; Point to the sync word
+ bne-- vsret ; Specified context is not live
- b vsret ; Someone else claimed this...
+; It looks like we need to save this one. Or possibly toss a saved one if
+; the VRSAVE is 0.
+; First, make sure that the live context block is not mucked with while
+; we are trying to save it on out. Then we will give it the final check.
+ lis r9,ha16(EXT(LockTimeOut)) ; Get the high part
+ mftb r8 ; Get the time now
+ lwz r9,lo16(EXT(LockTimeOut))(r9) ; Get the timeout value
+ b vssync0a ; Jump to the lock...
.align 5
-vsgoodcpu: lwz r3,VMXsave(r12) ; Get the current vector savearea for the thread
+vssync0: li r7,lgKillResv ; Get killing field
+ stwcx. r7,0,r7 ; Kill reservation
+vssync0a: lwz r7,0(r5) ; Sniff the lock
+ mftb r10 ; Is it time yet?
+ cmplwi cr1,r7,0 ; Is it locked?
+ sub r10,r10,r8 ; How long have we been spinning?
+ cmplw r10,r9 ; Has it been too long?
+ bgt-- vswtimeout0 ; Way too long, panic...
+ bne-- cr1,vssync0a ; Yea, still locked so sniff harder...
+vssync1: lwarx r7,0,r5 ; Get the sync word
+ li r12,1 ; Get the lock
+ mr. r7,r7 ; Is it unlocked?
+ bne-- vssync0 ; No, it is unlocked...
+ stwcx. r12,0,r5 ; Store lock and test reservation
+ bne-- vssync1 ; Try again if lost reservation...
+ isync ; Toss speculation
+ lwz r12,VMXowner(r6) ; Get the context ID for owner
+ cmplw r3,r12 ; Check again if we own VMX?
lwz r10,liveVRS(r6) ; Get the right VRSave register
- lwz r9,VMXlevel(r12) ; Get our current level indicator
+ bne-- vsretlk ; Go unlock and return since we no longer own context
+ lwz r5,VMXcpu(r12) ; Get the cpu that context was last on
+ lwz r7,VMXsave(r12) ; Get the current vector savearea for the thread
+ cmplwi cr1,r10,0 ; Is VRsave set to 0?
+ cmplw r5,r11 ; Is this for the same processor?
+ lwz r9,VMXlevel(r12) ; Get our current level indicator
+ bne-- vsretlk ; Not the same processor, skip any save...
- cmplwi cr1,r3,0 ; Have we ever saved this facility context?
- beq- cr1,vsneedone ; Never saved it, so we need an area...
+ cmplwi r7,0 ; Have we ever saved this facility context?
+ beq-- vsneedone ; Never saved it, so we need an area...
- lwz r8,SAVlevel(r3) ; Get the level this savearea is for
- mr. r10,r10 ; Is VRsave set to 0?
- cmplw cr1,r9,r8 ; Correct level?
- bne- cr1,vsneedone ; Different level, so we need to save...
+ lwz r8,SAVlevel(r7) ; Get the level this savearea is for
+ cmplw r9,r8 ; Correct level?
+ bne-- vsneedone ; Different level, so we need to save...
- bne+ vsret ; VRsave is non-zero so we need to keep what is saved...
+ bne++ cr1,vsretlk ; VRsave is non-zero so we need to keep what is saved...
- lwz r4,SAVprev+4(r3) ; Pick up the previous area
- lwz r5,SAVlevel(r4) ; Get the level associated with save
+ lwz r4,SAVprev+4(r7) ; Pick up the previous area
+ li r5,0 ; Assume we just dumped the last
+ mr. r4,r4 ; Is there one?
stw r4,VMXsave(r12) ; Dequeue this savearea
- li r4,0 ; Clear
- stw r5,VMXlevel(r12) ; Save the level
- stw r4,VMXowner(r12) ; Show no live context here
- eieio
+ beq-- vsnomore ; We do not have another...
+ lwz r5,SAVlevel(r4) ; Get the level associated with save
+vsnomore: stw r5,VMXlevel(r12) ; Save the level
+ li r7,0 ; Clear
+ stw r7,VMXowner(r6) ; Show no live context here
vsbackout: mr r4,r0 ; restore the saved MSR
+ eieio
+ stw r7,VMXsync(r12) ; Unlock the context
b EXT(save_ret_wMSR) ; Toss the savearea and return from there...
.align 5
-vsneedone: mr. r10,r10 ; Is VRsave set to 0?
- beq- vsret ; Yeah, they do not care about any of them...
+vsneedone: beq-- cr1,vsclrlive ; VRSave is zero, go blow away the context...
bl EXT(save_get) ; Get a savearea for the context
- mfsprg r6,0 ; Get back per_processor block
+ mfsprg r6,1 ; Get the current activation
+ lwz r6,ACT_PER_PROC(r6) ; Get the per_proc block
li r4,SAVvector ; Get vector tag
lwz r12,VMXowner(r6) ; Get back our context ID
stb r4,SAVflags+2(r3) ; Mark this savearea as a vector
mr. r12,r12 ; See if we were disowned while away. Very, very small chance of it...
- beq- vsbackout ; If disowned, just toss savearea...
+ li r7,0 ; Clear
+ beq-- vsbackout ; If disowned, just toss savearea...
lwz r4,facAct(r12) ; Get the activation associated with live context
lwz r8,VMXsave(r12) ; Get the current top vector savearea
stw r4,SAVact(r3) ; Indicate the right activation for this context
bl vr_store ; store live VRs into savearea as required (uses r4-r11)
+ mfsprg r6,1 ; Get the current activation
mtcrf 255,r12 ; Restore the non-volatile CRs
- mtlr r2 ; restore return address
+ lwz r6,ACT_PER_PROC(r6) ; Get the per_proc block
+ mtlr r2 ; Restore return address
+ lwz r12,VMXowner(r6) ; Get back our context ID
+vsretlk: li r7,0 ; Get the unlock value
+ eieio ; Make sure that these updates make it out
+ stw r7,VMXsync(r12) ; Unlock it
vsret: mtmsr r0 ; Put interrupts on if they were and vector off
+vsclrlive: li r7,0 ; Clear
+ stw r7,VMXowner(r6) ; Show no live context here
+ b vsretlk ; Go unlock and leave...
* vec_switch()
stw r1,0(r3)
#endif /* DEBUG */
- mfsprg r26,0 ; Get the per_processor block
+ mfsprg r17,1 ; Get the current activation
+ lwz r26,ACT_PER_PROC(r17) ; Get the per_proc block
mfmsr r19 ; Get the current MSR
- mfsprg r17,1 ; Get the current thread
mr r25,r4 ; Save the entry savearea
oris r19,r19,hi16(MASK(MSR_VEC)) ; Enable the vector feature
li r2,0x5F01 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
mr r3,r22 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
mr r5,r29 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ lwz r6,liveVRS(r26) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
oris r0,r0,LOW_ADDR(CutTrace) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
lhz r16,PP_CPU_NUMBER(r26) ; Get the current CPU number
-vsvretry: mr. r22,r22 ; See if there is any live vector status
- beq- vsnosave ; No live context, so nothing to save...
+ mr. r22,r22 ; See if there is any live vector status
+ la r15,VMXsync(r22) ; Point to the sync word
- isync ; Make sure we see this in the right order
+ beq-- vswnosave ; No live context, so nothing to save...
- lwz r30,VMXsave(r22) ; Get the top savearea
- cmplw cr2,r22,r29 ; Are both old and new the same context?
lwz r18,VMXcpu(r22) ; Get the last CPU we ran on
+ cmplw cr2,r22,r29 ; Are both old and new the same context?
+ lwz r30,VMXsave(r22) ; Get the top savearea
cmplwi cr1,r30,0 ; Anything saved yet?
- cmplw r18,r16 ; Make sure we are on the right processor
lwz r31,VMXlevel(r22) ; Get the context level
+ cmplw r18,r16 ; Make sure we are on the right processor
lwz r10,liveVRS(r26) ; Get the right VRSave register
- bne- vsnosave ; No, not on the same processor...
+ bne-- vswnosave ; No, not on the same processor...
; Check to see if the live context has already been saved.
cmplw r31,r27 ; See if the current and active levels are the same
- crand cr0_eq,cr2_eq,cr0_eq ; Remember if both the levels and contexts are the same
- li r8,0 ; Clear this
+ crand cr0_eq,cr2_eq,cr0_eq ; Remember if both the levels and contexts are the same
+ beq-- vswthesame ; New and old are the same, just go enable...
+; Make sure that the live context block is not mucked with while
+; we are trying to save it on out
+ lis r11,ha16(EXT(LockTimeOut)) ; Get the high part
+ mftb r3 ; Get the time now
+ lwz r11,lo16(EXT(LockTimeOut))(r11) ; Get the timeout value
+ b vswsync0a ; Jump to the lock...
+ .align 5
- beq- vsthesame ; New and old are the same, just go enable...
+vswsync0: li r19,lgKillResv ; Get killing field
+ stwcx. r19,0,r19 ; Kill reservation
+vswsync0a: lwz r19,0(r15) ; Sniff the lock
+ mftb r18 ; Is it time yet?
+ cmplwi cr1,r19,0 ; Is it locked?
+ sub r18,r18,r3 ; How long have we been spinning?
+ cmplw r18,r11 ; Has it been too long?
+ bgt-- vswtimeout0 ; Way too long, panic...
+ bne-- cr1,vswsync0a ; Yea, still locked so sniff harder...
+vswsync1: lwarx r19,0,r15 ; Get the sync word
+ li r0,1 ; Get the lock
+ mr. r19,r19 ; Is it unlocked?
+ bne-- vswsync0
+ stwcx. r0,0,r15 ; Store lock and test reservation
+ bne-- vswsync1 ; Try again if lost reservation...
+ isync ; Toss speculation
+; Note that now that we have the lock, we need to check if anything changed.
+; Also note that the possible changes are limited. The context owner can
+; never change to a different thread or level although it can be invalidated.
+; A new context can not be pushed on top of us, but it can be popped. The
+; cpu indicator will always change if another processor mucked with any
+; contexts.
+; It should be very rare that any of the context stuff changes across the lock.
+ lwz r0,VMXowner(r26) ; Get the thread that owns the vectors again
+ lwz r11,VMXsave(r22) ; Get the top savearea again
+ lwz r18,VMXcpu(r22) ; Get the last CPU we ran on again
+ sub r0,r0,r22 ; Non-zero if we lost ownership, 0 if not
+ xor r11,r11,r30 ; Non-zero if saved context changed, 0 if not
+ xor r18,r18,r16 ; Non-zero if cpu changed, 0 if not
+ cmplwi cr1,r30,0 ; Is anything saved?
+ or r0,r0,r11 ; Zero only if both owner and context are unchanged
+ or. r0,r0,r18 ; Zero only if nothing has changed
cmplwi cr2,r10,0 ; Check VRSave to see if we really need to save anything...
- beq- cr1,vsmstsave ; Not saved yet, go do it...
+ li r8,0 ; Clear
+ bne-- vswnosavelk ; Something has changed, so this is not ours to save...
+ beq-- cr1,vswmstsave ; There is no context saved yet...
lwz r11,SAVlevel(r30) ; Get the level of top saved context
- bne- vsmstsave ; Live context has not been saved yet...
- bne- cr2,vsnosave ; Live context saved and VRSave not 0, no save and keep context...
+ beq++ vswnosavelk ; Same level, already saved...
+ bne-- cr2,vswnosavelk ; Live context saved and VRSave not 0, no save and keep context...
lwz r4,SAVprev+4(r30) ; Pick up the previous area
li r5,0 ; Assume this is the only one (which should be the ususal case)
mr. r4,r4 ; Was this the only one?
stw r4,VMXsave(r22) ; Dequeue this savearea
- beq+ vsonlyone ; This was the only one...
+ beq++ vswonlyone ; This was the only one...
lwz r5,SAVlevel(r4) ; Get the level associated with previous save
-vsonlyone: stw r5,VMXlevel(r22) ; Save the level
+vswonlyone: stw r5,VMXlevel(r22) ; Save the level
stw r8,VMXowner(r26) ; Clear owner
- eieio
mr r3,r30 ; Copy the savearea we are tossing
bl EXT(save_ret) ; Toss the savearea
- b vsnosave ; Go load up the context...
+ b vswnosavelk ; Go load up the context...
.align 5
-vsmstsave: stw r8,VMXowner(r26) ; Clear owner
- eieio
- beq- cr2,vsnosave ; The VRSave was 0, so there is nothing to save...
+vswmstsave: stw r8,VMXowner(r26) ; Clear owner
+ beq-- cr2,vswnosavelk ; The VRSave was 0, so there is nothing to save...
bl EXT(save_get) ; Go get a savearea
- mr. r31,r31 ; Are we saving the user state?
- la r15,VMXsync(r22) ; Point to the sync word
- beq++ vswusave ; Yeah, no need for lock...
-; Here we make sure that the live context is not tossed while we are
-; trying to push it. This can happen only for kernel context and
-; then only by a race with act_machine_sv_free.
-; We only need to hold this for a very short time, so no sniffing needed.
-; If we find any change to the level, we just abandon.
-vswsync: lwarx r19,0,r15 ; Get the sync word
- li r0,1 ; Get the lock
- cmplwi cr1,r19,0 ; Is it unlocked?
- stwcx. r0,0,r15 ; Store lock and test reservation
- cror cr0_eq,cr1_eq,cr0_eq ; Combine lost reservation and previously locked
- bne-- vswsync ; Try again if lost reservation or locked...
- isync ; Toss speculation
- lwz r0,VMXlevel(r22) ; Pick up the level again
- li r7,0 ; Get unlock value
- cmplw r0,r31 ; Same level?
- beq++ vswusave ; Yeah, we expect it to be...
- stw r7,VMXsync(r22) ; Unlock lock. No need to sync here
- bl EXT(save_ret) ; Toss save area because we are abandoning save
- b vsnosave ; Skip the save...
- .align 5
-vswusave: lwz r12,facAct(r22) ; Get the activation associated with the context
+ lwz r12,facAct(r22) ; Get the activation associated with the context
stw r3,VMXsave(r22) ; Set this as the latest context savearea for the thread
- mr. r31,r31 ; Check again if we were user level
stw r30,SAVprev+4(r3) ; Point us to the old context
stw r31,SAVlevel(r3) ; Tag our level
li r7,SAVvector ; Get the vector ID
stw r12,SAVact(r3) ; Make sure we point to the right guy
stb r7,SAVflags+2(r3) ; Set that we have a vector save area
- li r7,0 ; Get the unlock value
- beq-- vswnulock ; Skip unlock if user (we did not lock it)...
- eieio ; Make sure that these updates make it out
- stw r7,VMXsync(r22) ; Unlock it.
lis r0,hi16(CutTrace) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
li r2,0x5F03 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
lwz r10,liveVRS(r26) ; Get the right VRSave register
bl vr_store ; store VRs into savearea according to vrsave (uses r4-r11)
; The context is all saved now and the facility is free.
-; If we do not we need to fill the registers with junk, because this level has
+; Check if we need to fill the registers with junk, because this level has
; never used them before and some thieving bastard could hack the old values
; of some thread! Just imagine what would happen if they could! Why, nothing
; would be safe! My God! It is terrifying!
; Also, along the way, thanks to Ian Ollmann, we generate the 0x7FFFDEAD (QNaNbarbarian)
; constant that we may need to fill unused vector registers.
+; Make sure that the live context block is not mucked with while
+; we are trying to load it up
+ li r7,0 ; Get the unlock value
+ eieio ; Make sure that these updates make it out
+ stw r7,VMXsync(r22) ; Unlock the old context
+vswnosave: la r15,VMXsync(r29) ; Point to the sync word
+ lis r11,ha16(EXT(LockTimeOut)) ; Get the high part
+ mftb r3 ; Get the time now
+ lwz r11,lo16(EXT(LockTimeOut))(r11) ; Get the timeout value
+ b vswnsync0a ; Jump to the lock...
+ .align 5
+vswnsync0: li r19,lgKillResv ; Get killing field
+ stwcx. r19,0,r19 ; Kill reservation
+vswnsync0a: lwz r19,0(r15) ; Sniff the lock
+ mftb r18 ; Is it time yet?
+ cmplwi cr1,r19,0 ; Is it locked?
+ sub r18,r18,r3 ; How long have we been spinning?
+ cmplw r18,r11 ; Has it been too long?
+ bgt-- vswtimeout1 ; Way too long, panic...
+ bne-- cr1,vswnsync0a ; Yea, still locked so sniff harder...
+vswnsync1: lwarx r19,0,r15 ; Get the sync word
+ li r0,1 ; Get the lock
+ mr. r19,r19 ; Is it unlocked?
+ bne-- vswnsync0 ; Unfortunately, it is locked...
+ stwcx. r0,0,r15 ; Store lock and test reservation
+ bne-- vswnsync1 ; Try again if lost reservation...
+ isync ; Toss speculation
-vsnosave: vspltisb v31,-10 ; Get 0xF6F6F6F6
+ vspltisb v31,-10 ; Get 0xF6F6F6F6
lwz r15,ACT_MACT_PCB(r17) ; Get the current level of the "new" one
vspltisb v30,5 ; Get 0x05050505
lwz r19,VMXcpu(r29) ; Get the last CPU we ran on
- lis r18,hi16(EXT(per_proc_info)) ; Set base per_proc
+ lis r18,hi16(EXT(PerProcTable)) ; Set base PerProcTable
vspltisb v28,-2 ; Get 0xFEFEFEFE
- mulli r19,r19,ppSize ; Find offset to the owner per_proc
+ mulli r19,r19,ppeSize ; Find offset to the owner per_proc_entry
vsubuhm v31,v31,v29 ; Get 0xDEDADEDA
- ori r18,r18,lo16(EXT(per_proc_info)) ; Set base per_proc
+ ori r18,r18,lo16(EXT(PerProcTable)) ; Set base PerProcTable
vpkpx v30,v28,v3 ; Get 0x7FFF7FFF
li r16,VMXowner ; Displacement to vector owner
- add r19,r18,r19 ; Point to the owner per_proc
+ add r19,r18,r19 ; Point to the owner per_proc_entry
+ lwz r19,ppe_vaddr(r19) ; Point to the owner per_proc
vrlb v31,v31,v29 ; Get 0xDEADDEAD
-vsinvothr: lwarx r18,r16,r19 ; Get the owner
+vswinvothr: lwarx r18,r16,r19 ; Get the owner
sub r0,r18,r29 ; Subtract one from the other
sub r11,r29,r18 ; Subtract the other from the one
srawi r11,r11,31 ; Get a 0 if equal or -1 of not
and r18,r18,r11 ; Make 0 if same, unchanged if not
stwcx. r18,r16,r19 ; Try to invalidate it
- bne-- vsinvothr ; Try again if there was a collision...
+ bne-- vswinvothr ; Try again if there was a collision...
cmplwi cr1,r14,0 ; Do we possibly have some context to load?
vmrghh v31,v30,v31 ; Get 0x7FFFDEAD. V31 keeps this value until the bitter end
bl vr_load ; load VRs from save area based on vrsave in r10
bl EXT(save_ret) ; Toss the save area after loading VRs
+vrenablelk: li r7,0 ; Get the unlock value
+ eieio ; Make sure that these updates make it out
+ stw r7,VMXsync(r29) ; Unlock the new context
vrenable: lwz r8,savesrr1+4(r25) ; Get the msr of the interrupted guy
oris r8,r8,hi16(MASK(MSR_VEC)) ; Enable the vector facility
vor v28,v31,v31 ; Copy into the next register
vor v29,v31,v31 ; Copy into the next register
vor v30,v31,v31 ; Copy into the next register
- b vrenable ; Finish setting it all up...
+ b vrenablelk ; Finish setting it all up...
.align 5
lis r0,hi16(CutTrace) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
beq+ tlvnotours ; Vector off, can not be live here...
- mfsprg r8,0 ; Get the per proc
+ mfsprg r8,1 ; Get the current activation
+ lwz r8,ACT_PER_PROC(r8) ; Get the per_proc block
; Note that at this point, since vecs are on, we are the owner
mtvscr v1 ; Set the non-java, no saturate status
tlvnotours: lwz r11,VMXcpu(r3) ; Get the cpu on which we last loaded context
- lis r12,hi16(EXT(per_proc_info)) ; Set base per_proc
- mulli r11,r11,ppSize ; Find offset to the owner per_proc
- ori r12,r12,lo16(EXT(per_proc_info)) ; Set base per_proc
+ lis r12,hi16(EXT(PerProcTable)) ; Set base PerProcTable
+ mulli r11,r11,ppeSize ; Find offset to the owner per_proc_entry
+ ori r12,r12,lo16(EXT(PerProcTable)) ; Set base PerProcTable
li r10,VMXowner ; Displacement to vector owner
- add r11,r12,r11 ; Point to the owner per_proc
+ add r11,r12,r11 ; Point to the owner per_proc_entry
+ lwz r11,ppe_vaddr(r11) ; Point to the owner per_proc
li r0,0 ; Set a 0 to invalidate context
tlvinvothr: lwarx r12,r10,r11 ; Get the owner
bnelr+ ; No, we do nothing...
lwz r11,VMXcpu(r3) ; Get the cpu on which we last loaded context
- lis r12,hi16(EXT(per_proc_info)) ; Set base per_proc
- mulli r11,r11,ppSize ; Find offset to the owner per_proc
- ori r12,r12,lo16(EXT(per_proc_info)) ; Set base per_proc
+ lis r12,hi16(EXT(PerProcTable)) ; Set base PerProcTable
+ mulli r11,r11,ppeSize ; Find offset to the owner per_proc_entry
+ ori r12,r12,lo16(EXT(PerProcTable)) ; Set base PerProcTable
li r10,VMXowner ; Displacement to vector owner
- add r11,r12,r11 ; Point to the owner per_proc
+ add r11,r12,r11 ; Point to the owner per_proc_entry
+ lwz r11,ppe_vaddr(r11) ; Point to the owner per_proc
vtinvothr: lwarx r12,r10,r11 ; Get the owner