- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <kern/clock.h>
#include <kern/kern_types.h>
#include <kern/thread.h>
-#include <kern/lock.h>
-#include <kern/time_out.h> /*** ??? temp - remove me soon ***/
-#include <kern/cpu_data.h>
-#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
+#include <sys/cdefs.h>
-#include <mach_ldebug.h>
- * Exported interface to sched_prim.c.
- * A few of these functions are actually defined in
- * ipc_sched.c, for historical reasons.
- */
-/* Initialize scheduler module */
+/* Initialization */
extern void sched_init(void);
-extern void sched_timebase_init(void);
- * Set up thread timeout element(s) when thread is created.
- */
-extern void thread_timer_setup(
- thread_t thread);
+extern void sched_startup(void);
-extern void thread_timer_terminate(void);
+extern void sched_timebase_init(void);
- * Stop a thread and wait for it to stop running.
- */
+/* Force a preemption point for a thread and wait for it to stop running */
extern boolean_t thread_stop(
thread_t thread);
- * Wait for a thread to stop running.
- */
-extern boolean_t thread_wait(
+/* Release a previous stop request */
+extern void thread_unstop(
thread_t thread);
-/* Select a thread to run on a particular processor */
-extern thread_t thread_select(
- processor_t myprocessor);
+/* Wait for a thread to stop running */
+extern void thread_wait(
+ thread_t thread);
-extern kern_return_t thread_go_locked(
- thread_t thread,
- wait_result_t result);
+/* Select a thread to run */
+extern thread_t thread_select(
+ processor_t myprocessor);
-/* Stop old thread and run new thread */
-extern boolean_t thread_invoke(
- thread_t old_thread,
- thread_t new_thread,
- int reason,
- thread_continue_t continuation);
+/* Unblock thread on wake up */
+extern boolean_t thread_unblock(
+ thread_t thread,
+ wait_result_t wresult);
-/* Called when current thread is given new stack */
-extern void thread_continue(
- thread_t old_thread);
+/* Unblock and dispatch thread */
+extern kern_return_t thread_go(
+ thread_t thread,
+ wait_result_t wresult);
-/* Switch directly to a particular thread */
-extern int thread_run(
+/* Context switch primitive */
+extern boolean_t thread_invoke(
+ thread_t old_thread,
+ thread_t new_thread,
+ ast_t reason);
+/* Perform calculations for thread finishing execution */
+extern void thread_done(
thread_t old_thread,
- thread_continue_t continuation,
- thread_t new_thread);
+ thread_t new_thread,
+ processor_t processor);
+/* Set up for thread beginning execution */
+extern void thread_begin(
+ thread_t thread,
+ processor_t processor);
-/* Dispatch a thread not on a run queue */
-extern void thread_dispatch(
+/* Handle previous thread at context switch */
+extern void thread_dispatch(
thread_t thread);
+/* Switch directly to a particular thread */
+extern int thread_run(
+ thread_t self,
+ thread_continue_t continuation,
+ void *parameter,
+ thread_t new_thread);
+/* Resume thread with new stack */
+extern void thread_continue(
+ thread_t old_thread);
/* Invoke continuation */
extern void call_continuation(
- thread_continue_t continuation);
+ thread_continue_t continuation,
+ void *parameter,
+ wait_result_t wresult);
/* Set the current scheduled priority */
extern void set_sched_pri(
thread_t thread);
/* Periodic scheduler activity */
-extern void sched_tick_init(void);
+extern void sched_tick_thread(void);
- * Update thread to the current scheduler tick.
- */
+/* Perform sched_tick housekeeping activities */
extern void update_priority(
thread_t thread);
-/* Idle thread loop */
+/* Idle processor thread */
extern void idle_thread(void);
- * Machine-dependent code must define these functions.
- */
+extern kern_return_t idle_thread_create(
+ processor_t processor);
/* Start thread running */
extern void thread_bootstrap_return(void);
-/* Return from exception */
-extern void thread_exception_return(void);
/* Continuation return from syscall */
extern void thread_syscall_return(
kern_return_t ret);
- * These functions are either defined in kern/thread.c
- * or are defined directly by machine-dependent code.
- */
-/* Block current thread, indicating reason */
+/* Context switch */
extern wait_result_t thread_block_reason(
thread_continue_t continuation,
+ void *parameter,
ast_t reason);
-/* Dispatch a thread for execution */
+/* Reschedule thread for execution */
extern void thread_setrun(
thread_t thread,
integer_t options);
thread_t thread,
processor_t processor);
+extern void thread_timer_expire(
+ void *thread,
+ void *p1);
/* Set the maximum interrupt level for the thread */
__private_extern__ wait_interrupt_t thread_interrupt_level(
wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
thread_t thread,
wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
-/* Sleep, unlocking and then relocking a usimple_lock in the process */
-__private_extern__ wait_result_t thread_sleep_fast_usimple_lock(
- event_t event,
- simple_lock_t lock,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
/* Wake up locked thread directly, passing result */
__private_extern__ kern_return_t clear_wait_internal(
thread_t thread,
wait_result_t result);
- wait_queue_t wait_event_wait_queue(
- event_t event);
-extern wait_result_t assert_wait_prim(
- event_t event,
- thread_roust_t roust_hint,
- uint64_t deadline,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
- ****************** Only exported until BSD stops using ********************
- */
+extern boolean_t assert_wait_possible(void);
- * Cancel a stop and unblock the thread if already stopped.
+ ****************** Only exported until BSD stops using ********************
-extern void thread_unstop(
- thread_t thread);
/* Wake up thread directly, passing result */
extern kern_return_t clear_wait(
thread_t thread,
wait_result_t result);
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
+/* Return from exception (BSD-visible interface) */
+extern void thread_exception_return(void);
- * ********************* PUBLIC APIs ************************************
- */
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
-/* Set timer for current thread */
-extern void thread_set_timer(
- uint32_t interval,
- uint32_t scale_factor);
+/* Context switch */
+extern wait_result_t thread_block(
+ thread_continue_t continuation);
-extern void thread_set_timer_deadline(
- uint64_t deadline);
-extern void thread_cancel_timer(void);
+extern wait_result_t thread_block_parameter(
+ thread_continue_t continuation,
+ void *parameter);
/* Declare thread will wait on a particular event */
-extern wait_result_t assert_wait(
- event_t event,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptflag);
-/* Assert that the thread intends to wait for a timeout */
-extern wait_result_t assert_wait_timeout(
- natural_t msecs,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptflags);
-/* Sleep, unlocking and then relocking a usimple_lock in the process */
-extern wait_result_t thread_sleep_usimple_lock(
- event_t event,
- usimple_lock_t lock,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
-/* Sleep, unlocking and then relocking a mutex in the process */
-extern wait_result_t thread_sleep_mutex(
- event_t event,
- mutex_t *mutex,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
-/* Sleep with a deadline, unlocking and then relocking a mutex in the process */
-extern wait_result_t thread_sleep_mutex_deadline(
- event_t event,
- mutex_t *mutex,
- uint64_t deadline,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
-/* Sleep, unlocking and then relocking a write lock in the process */
-extern wait_result_t thread_sleep_lock_write(
- event_t event,
- lock_t *lock,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
-/* Sleep, hinting that a thread funnel may be involved in the process */
-extern wait_result_t thread_sleep_funnel(
- event_t event,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
-/* Wake up thread (or threads) waiting on a particular event */
-extern kern_return_t thread_wakeup_prim(
- event_t event,
- boolean_t one_thread,
- wait_result_t result);
+extern wait_result_t assert_wait(
+ event_t event,
+ wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
-/* Block current thread (Block reason) */
-extern wait_result_t thread_block(
- thread_continue_t continuation);
+/* Assert that the thread intends to wait with a timeout */
+extern wait_result_t assert_wait_timeout(
+ event_t event,
+ wait_interrupt_t interruptible,
+ uint32_t interval,
+ uint32_t scale_factor);
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_UNSTABLE */
+extern wait_result_t assert_wait_deadline(
+ event_t event,
+ wait_interrupt_t interruptible,
+ uint64_t deadline);
- * Routines defined as macros
- */
+/* Wake up thread (or threads) waiting on a particular event */
+extern kern_return_t thread_wakeup_prim(
+ event_t event,
+ boolean_t one_thread,
+ wait_result_t result);
#define thread_wakeup(x) \
thread_wakeup_prim((x), FALSE, THREAD_AWAKENED)
#define thread_wakeup_one(x) \
thread_wakeup_prim((x), TRUE, THREAD_AWAKENED)
+extern boolean_t preemption_enabled(void);
-#include <libkern/OSBase.h>
+ * Obsolete interfaces.
+ */
+extern void thread_set_timer(
+ uint32_t interval,
+ uint32_t scale_factor);
+extern void thread_set_timer_deadline(
+ uint64_t deadline);
+extern void thread_cancel_timer(void);
#define thread_set_timer_deadline(a) \
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* _KERN_SCHED_PRIM_H_ */