IOCommandQueue.h IOLocksPrivate.h \
IOSyncer.h AppleKeyStoreInterface.h \
IOStatistics.h IOStatisticsPrivate.h \
- IOKernelReporters.h
+ IOKernelReporters.h \
+ IOInterruptAccounting.h
# These should be additionally installed in IOKit.framework's public Headers
-INSTALL_MI_LIST = IOBSD.h IOKitKeys.h IOKitServer.h IOReturn.h\
- IOSharedLock.h IOTypes.h OSMessageNotification.h\
- IODataQueueShared.h IOMessage.h IOInterruptAccounting.h\
+INSTALL_MI_LIST = IOBSD.h IOKitKeys.h IOKitServer.h IOReturn.h \
+ IOSharedLock.h IOTypes.h OSMessageNotification.h \
+ IODataQueueShared.h IOMessage.h
# These should be additionally installed in IOKit.framework's PrivateHeaders
-INSTALL_MI_LCL_LIST = IOKitKeysPrivate.h IOHibernatePrivate.h \
- IOLocksPrivate.h IOStatistics.h \
- AppleKeyStoreInterface.h \
- IOReportTypes.h IOKernelReportStructs.h \
- IOReportMacros.h
+INSTALL_MI_LCL_LIST = IOKitKeysPrivate.h IOHibernatePrivate.h \
+ IOLocksPrivate.h IOStatistics.h \
+ AppleKeyStoreInterface.h \
+ IOReportTypes.h IOKernelReportStructs.h \
+ IOReportMacros.h IOInterruptAccounting.h