* Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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+ *
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
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* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
needed. Groups and subgroups are a more extensible mechanism
for aggregating channels produced by different drivers.
-typedef uint16_t IOReportCategories;
+typedef uint16_t IOReportCategories;
#define kIOReportCategoryPower (1 << 1) // and energy
#define kIOReportCategoryTraffic (1 << 2) // I/O at any level
#define kIOReportCategoryPerformance (1 << 3) // e.g. cycles/byte
#define kIOReportCategoryField (1 << 8) // consider logging
// future categories TBD
-#define kIOReportCategoryInterrupt (1 << 14) // TBR: 15850269
#define kIOReportCategoryDebug (1 << 15)
-#define kIOReportInvalidCategory UINT16_MAX
+#define kIOReportInvalidCategory UINT16_MAX
// IOReportChannelType.report_format
IOReportElementValues values;
} __attribute((packed)) IOReportElement;
+ IOReporting unit type and constants
+// 1. Mechanism
+// Assume encoded units could be stored in binary format: don't
+// change existing values.
+typedef uint64_t IOReportUnit;
+typedef uint64_t IOReportUnits; // deprecated typo, please switch
+#define __IOR_MAKEUNIT(quantity, scale) \
+ (((IOReportUnit)quantity << 56) | (uint64_t)scale)
+ ((IOReportQuantity)((uint64_t)unit >> 56) & 0xff)
+ ((IOReportScaleFactor)unit & 0x00ffffffffffffff)
+// 8b quantity ID | 32b const val + 8b*2^10 + 8b*2^n | 8b cardinal | 8b unused
+typedef uint8_t IOReportQuantity; // SI "quantity" is what's measured
+typedef uint64_t IOReportScaleFactor;
+// See <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SI_base_unit> for a list
+// of quantities and their symbols.
+enum {
+ // used by state reports, etc
+ kIOReportQuantityUndefined = 0,
+ kIOReportQuantityTime = 1, // Seconds
+ kIOReportQuantityPower = 2, // Watts
+ kIOReportQuantityEnergy = 3, // Joules
+ kIOReportQuantityCurrent = 4, // Amperes
+ kIOReportQuantityVoltage = 5, // Volts
+ kIOReportQuantityCapacitance = 6, // Farad
+ kIOReportQuantityInductance = 7, // Henry
+ kIOReportQuantityFrequency = 8, // Hertz
+ kIOReportQuantityData = 9, // bits/bytes (see scale)
+ kIOReportQuantityTemperature = 10, // Celsius (not Kelvin :)
+ kIOReportQuantityEventCount = 100,
+ kIOReportQuantityPacketCount = 101,
+ kIOReportQuantityCPUInstrs = 102
+/* A number of units end up with both IEC (2^n) and SI (10^n) scale factors.
+ For example, the "MB" of a 1.44 MB floppy or a 1024MHz clock. We
+ thus support separate 2^n and 10^n factors. The exponent encoding
+ scheme is modeled loosely on single-precision IEEE 754.
+ */
+#define kIOReportScaleConstMask 0x000000007fffffff // constant ("uint31")
+#define kIOReportScaleOneOver (1LL << 31) // 1/constant
+#define kIOReportExpBase (-127) // support base^(-n)
+#define kIOReportExpZeroOffset -(kIOReportExpBase) // max exponent = 128
+#define kIOReportScaleSIShift 32 // * 10^n
+#define kIOReportScaleSIMask 0x000000ff00000000
+#define kIOReportScaleIECShift 40 // * 2^n
+#define kIOReportScaleIECMask 0x0000ff0000000000
+#define kIOReportCardinalShift 48 // placeholders
+#define kIOReportCardinalMask 0x00ff000000000000
+ Scales are described as a factor times unity:
+ 1ms = kIOReportScaleMilli * s
+ A value expressed in a scaled unit can be scaled to unity via
+ multiplication by the constant:
+ 100ms * kIOReportScaleMilli [1e-3] = 0.1s.
+// SI / decimal
+#define kIOReportScalePico ((-12LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleSIShift)
+#define kIOReportScaleNano ((-9LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleSIShift)
+#define kIOReportScaleMicro ((-6LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleSIShift)
+#define kIOReportScaleMilli ((-3LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleSIShift)
+#define kIOReportScaleUnity 0 // 10^0 = 2^0 = 1
+// unity = 0 is a special case for which we give up exp = -127
+#define kIOReportScaleKilo ((3LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleSIShift)
+#define kIOReportScaleMega ((6LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleSIShift)
+#define kIOReportScaleGiga ((9LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleSIShift)
+#define kIOReportScaleTera ((12LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleSIShift)
+// IEC / computer / binary
+// It's not clear we'll ever use 2^(-n), but 1..2^~120 should suffice.
+#define kIOReportScaleBits kIOReportScaleUnity
+#define kIOReportScaleBytes ((3LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleIECShift)
+// (bytes have to be added to the exponents up front, can't just OR in)
+#define kIOReportScaleKibi ((10LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleIECShift)
+#define kIOReportScaleKiBytes ((13LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleIECShift)
+#define kIOReportScaleMebi ((20LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleIECShift)
+#define kIOReportScaleMiBytes ((23LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleIECShift)
+#define kIOReportScaleGibi ((30LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleIECShift)
+#define kIOReportScaleGiBytes ((33LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleIECShift)
+#define kIOReportScaleTebi ((40LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleIECShift)
+#define kIOReportScaleTiBytes ((43LL + kIOReportExpZeroOffset) \
+ << kIOReportScaleIECShift)
+// can't encode more than 2^125 (keeping bits & bytes inside -126..128)
+// Also, IOReportScaleValue() is currently limited internally by uint64_t.
+// Cardinal values, to be filled in appropriately.
+// Add values in increasing order.
+#define kIOReportScaleMachHWTicks (1LL << kIOReportCardinalShift)
+#define kIOReportScaleHWPageSize (2LL << kIOReportCardinalShift)
+// page scales: 2 pages * 4ikB/page = 8096 bytes
+#define kIOReportScale4KiB (4 | kIOReportScaleKiBytes)
+#define kIOReportScale8KiB (8 | kIOReportScaleKiBytes)
+#define kIOReportScale16KiB (16 | kIOReportScaleKiBytes)
+// Clock frequency scales (units add seconds).
+// 1 GHz ticks are 1 ns: 1000 ticks * 1e-6 = 1e-3s
+// This '1' is a no-op for scaling, but allows a custom label.
+#define kIOReportScale1GHz (1 | kIOReportScaleNano)
+// 24MHz ticks are 1/24 of a microsecond: (1/24 * kIOReportScaleMicro [1e-6])s
+// So for example, 240 24Mticks * 1/24 * 1e-6 = .00001s [1e-5]s
+#define kIOReportScale24MHz (kIOReportScaleOneOver|24 |kIOReportScaleMicro)
+// --- END: units mechanism
+// 2. Unit constants
+#define kIOReportUnitNone __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityUndefined, \
+ kIOReportScaleUnity)
+#define kIOReportUnit_s __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityTime, \
+ kIOReportScaleUnity)
+#define kIOReportUnit_ms __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityTime, \
+ kIOReportScaleMilli)
+#define kIOReportUnit_us __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityTime, \
+ kIOReportScaleMicro)
+#define kIOReportUnit_ns __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityTime, \
+ kIOReportScaleNano)
+#define kIOReportUnit_J __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityEnergy, \
+ kIOReportScaleUnity)
+#define kIOReportUnit_mJ __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityEnergy, \
+ kIOReportScaleMilli)
+#define kIOReportUnit_uJ __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityEnergy, \
+ kIOReportScaleMicro)
+#define kIOReportUnit_nJ __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityEnergy, \
+ kIOReportScaleNano)
+#define kIOReportUnit_pJ __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityEnergy, \
+ kIOReportScalePico)
+#define kIOReportUnitHWTicks __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityTime, \
+ kIOReportScaleMachHWTicks)
+#define kIOReportUnit24MHzTicks __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityTime, \
+ kIOReportScale24MHz)
+#define kIOReportUnit1GHzTicks __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityTime, \
+ kIOReportScale1GHz)
+#define kIOReportUnitBits __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityData, \
+ kIOReportScaleBits)
+#define kIOReportUnitBytes __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityData, \
+ kIOReportScaleBytes)
+#define kIOReportUnit_KiB __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityData, \
+ kIOReportScaleKiBytes)
+#define kIOReportUnit_MiB __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityData, \
+ kIOReportScaleMiBytes)
+#define kIOReportUnit_GiB __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityData, \
+ kIOReportScaleGiBytes)
+#define kIOReportUnit_TiB __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityData, \
+ kIOReportScaleTiBytes)
+#define kIOReportUnitEvents __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityEventCount, \
+ kIOReportScaleUnity)
+#define kIOReportUnitPackets __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityPacketCount, \
+ kIOReportScaleUnity)
+#define kIOReportUnitInstrs __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityCPUInstrs, \
+ kIOReportScaleUnity)
+#define kIOReportUnit_KI __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityCPUInstrs, \
+ kIOReportScaleKilo)
+#define kIOReportUnit_MI __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityCPUInstrs, \
+ kIOReportScaleMega)
+#define kIOReportUnit_GI __IOR_MAKEUNIT(kIOReportQuantityCPUInstrs, \
+ kIOReportScaleGiga)
+// Please file bugs (xnu | IOReporting) for additional units.
+// --- END: unit constants
#ifdef __cplusplus