+ * Critical routines that must not be probed. PR_5221096, PR_5379018.
+ * The blacklist must be kept in alphabetic order for purposes of bsearch().
+ */
+static const char * critical_blacklist[] =
+ "Call_DebuggerC",
+ "SysChoked",
+ "_ZN9IOService14newTemperatureElPS_", /* IOService::newTemperature */
+ "_ZN9IOService26temperatureCriticalForZoneEPS_", /* IOService::temperatureCriticalForZone */
+ "_ZNK6OSData14getBytesNoCopyEv", /* Data::getBytesNoCopy, IOHibernateSystemWake path */
+ "_disable_preemption",
+ "_enable_preemption",
+ "bcopy_phys",
+ "console_cpu_alloc",
+ "console_cpu_free",
+ "cpu_IA32e_disable",
+ "cpu_IA32e_enable",
+ "cpu_NMI_interrupt",
+ "cpu_control",
+ "cpu_data_alloc",
+ "cpu_desc_init",
+ "cpu_desc_init64",
+ "cpu_desc_load",
+ "cpu_desc_load64",
+ "cpu_exit_wait",
+ "cpu_info",
+ "cpu_info_count",
+ "cpu_init",
+ "cpu_interrupt",
+ "cpu_machine_init",
+ "cpu_mode_init",
+ "cpu_processor_alloc",
+ "cpu_processor_free",
+ "cpu_signal_handler",
+ "cpu_sleep",
+ "cpu_start",
+ "cpu_subtype",
+ "cpu_thread_alloc",
+ "cpu_thread_halt",
+ "cpu_thread_init",
+ "cpu_threadtype",
+ "cpu_to_processor",
+ "cpu_topology_sort",
+ "cpu_topology_start_cpu",
+ "cpu_type",
+ "cpuid_cpu_display",
+ "cpuid_extfeatures",
+ "dtrace_invop",
+ "enter_lohandler",
+ "fbt_invop",
+ "fbt_perfCallback",
+ "get_threadtask",
+ "handle_pending_TLB_flushes",
+ "hw_compare_and_store",
+ "interrupt",
+ "kernel_trap",
+ "kprintf",
+ "lo_alltraps",
+ "lock_debugger",
+ "machine_idle_cstate",
+ "machine_thread_get_kern_state",
+ "mca_cpu_alloc",
+ "mca_cpu_init",
+ "ml_nofault_copy",
+ "nanoseconds_to_absolutetime",
+ "nanotime_to_absolutetime",
+ "packA",
+ "panic",
+ "pmKextRegister",
+ "pmMarkAllCPUsOff",
+ "pmSafeMode",
+ "pmTimerRestore",
+ "pmTimerSave",
+ "pmUnRegister",
+ "pmap_cpu_alloc",
+ "pmap_cpu_free",
+ "pmap_cpu_high_map_vaddr",
+ "pmap_cpu_high_shared_remap",
+ "pmap_cpu_init",
+ "power_management_init",
+ "preemption_underflow_panic",
+ "register_cpu_setup_func",
+ "sdt_invop",
+ "sprlock",
+ "sprunlock",
+ "t_invop",
+ "tmrCvt",
+ "uread",
+ "uwrite",
+ "unlock_debugger",
+ "unpackA",
+ "unregister_cpu_setup_func",
+ "vstart"
+#define CRITICAL_BLACKLIST_COUNT (sizeof(critical_blacklist)/sizeof(critical_blacklist[0]))
+ * The transitive closure of entry points that can be reached from probe context.
+ * (Apart from routines whose names begin with dtrace_).
+ */
+static const char * probe_ctx_closure[] =
+ "ClearIdlePop",
+ "Debugger",
+ "OSCompareAndSwap",
+ "SetIdlePop",
+ "absolutetime_to_microtime",
+ "act_set_astbsd",
+ "arm_init_idle_cpu",
+ "ast_dtrace_on",
+ "ast_pending",
+ "clean_dcache",
+ "clean_mmu_dcache",
+ "clock_get_calendar_nanotime_nowait",
+ "copyin",
+ "copyin_kern",
+ "copyin_user",
+ "copyinstr",
+ "copyout",
+ "copyoutstr",
+ "cpu_number",
+ "current_proc",
+ "current_processor",
+ "current_task",
+ "current_thread",
+ "debug_enter",
+ "drain_write_buffer",
+ "find_user_regs",
+ "flush_dcache",
+ "flush_tlb64",
+ "get_bsdtask_info",
+ "get_bsdthread_info",
+ "hertz_tick",
+ "hw_atomic_and",
+ "invalidate_mmu_icache",
+ "kauth_cred_get",
+ "kauth_getgid",
+ "kauth_getuid",
+ "kernel_preempt_check",
+ "kvtophys",
+ "mach_absolute_time",
+ "max_valid_stack_address",
+ "memcpy",
+ "memmove",
+ "ml_at_interrupt_context",
+ "ml_phys_write_byte_64",
+ "ml_phys_write_half_64",
+ "ml_phys_write_word_64",
+ "ml_set_interrupts_enabled",
+ "mt_core_snap",
+ "mt_cur_cpu_cycles",
+ "mt_cur_cpu_instrs",
+ "mt_cur_thread_cycles",
+ "mt_cur_thread_instrs",
+ "mt_fixed_counts",
+ "mt_fixed_counts_internal",
+ "mt_mtc_update_count",
+ "mt_update_thread",
+ "ovbcopy",
+ "panic",
+ "pmap64_pde",
+ "pmap64_pdpt",
+ "pmap_find_phys",
+ "pmap_get_mapwindow",
+ "pmap_pde",
+ "pmap_pte",
+ "pmap_put_mapwindow",
+ "pmap_valid_page",
+ "prf",
+ "proc_is64bit",
+ "proc_selfname",
+ "psignal_lock",
+ "rtc_nanotime_load",
+ "rtc_nanotime_read",
+ "sdt_getargdesc",
+ "setPop",
+ "strlcpy",
+ "sync_iss_to_iks_unconditionally",
+ "systrace_stub",
+ "timer_grab"
+#define PROBE_CTX_CLOSURE_COUNT (sizeof(probe_ctx_closure)/sizeof(probe_ctx_closure[0]))
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-qual"
+static int _cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
+ return strncmp((const char *)a, *(const char **)b, strlen((const char *)a) + 1);
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ * Module validation
+ */
+fbt_module_excluded(struct modctl* ctl)
+ if (ctl->mod_address == 0 || ctl->mod_size == 0) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (ctl->mod_loaded == 0) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the user sets this, trust they know what they are doing.
+ */
+ if (ignore_fbt_blacklist)
+ return FALSE;
+ /*
+ * These drivers control low level functions that when traced
+ * cause problems often in the sleep/wake paths as well as
+ * critical debug and panic paths.
+ * If somebody really wants to drill in on one of these kexts, then
+ * they can override blacklisting using the boot-arg above.
+ */
+#ifdef __x86_64__
+ if (strstr(ctl->mod_modname, "AppleACPIEC") != NULL)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (strstr(ctl->mod_modname, "AppleACPIPlatform") != NULL)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (strstr(ctl->mod_modname, "AppleRTC") != NULL)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (strstr(ctl->mod_modname, "IOACPIFamily") != NULL)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (strstr(ctl->mod_modname, "AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement") != NULL)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (strstr(ctl->mod_modname, "AppleProfile") != NULL)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (strstr(ctl->mod_modname, "AppleIntelProfile") != NULL)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (strstr(ctl->mod_modname, "AppleEFI") != NULL)
+ return TRUE;
+#elif __arm__ || __arm64__
+ if (LIT_STRNEQL(ctl->mod_modname, "com.apple.driver.AppleARMPlatform") ||
+ LIT_STRNEQL(ctl->mod_modname, "com.apple.driver.AppleARMPL192VIC") ||
+ LIT_STRNEQL(ctl->mod_modname, "com.apple.driver.AppleInterruptController"))
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+ * FBT probe name validation
+ */
+fbt_excluded(const char* name)
+ /*
+ * If the user set this, trust they know what they are doing.
+ */
+ if (ignore_fbt_blacklist)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (LIT_STRNSTART(name, "dtrace_") && !LIT_STRNSTART(name, "dtrace_safe_")) {
+ /*
+ * Anything beginning with "dtrace_" may be called
+ * from probe context unless it explitly indicates
+ * that it won't be called from probe context by
+ * using the prefix "dtrace_safe_".
+ */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Place no probes on critical routines (5221096)
+ */
+ if (bsearch( name, critical_blacklist, CRITICAL_BLACKLIST_COUNT, sizeof(name), _cmp ) != NULL)
+ return TRUE;
+ /*
+ * Place no probes that could be hit in probe context.
+ */
+ if (bsearch( name, probe_ctx_closure, PROBE_CTX_CLOSURE_COUNT, sizeof(name), _cmp ) != NULL) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Place no probes that could be hit in probe context.
+ * In the interests of safety, some of these may be overly cautious.
+ * Also exclude very low-level "firmware" class calls.
+ */
+ if (LIT_STRNSTART(name, "cpu_") || /* Coarse */
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "platform_") || /* Coarse */
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "machine_") || /* Coarse */
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "ml_") || /* Coarse */
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "PE_") || /* Coarse */
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "rtc_") || /* Coarse */
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "_rtc_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "rtclock_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "clock_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "bcopy") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "pmap_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "hw_") || /* Coarse */
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "lapic_") || /* Coarse */
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "OSAdd") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "OSBit") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "OSDecrement") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "OSIncrement") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "OSCompareAndSwap") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "etimer_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "dtxnu_kern_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "flush_mmu_tlb_"))
+ return TRUE;
+ /*
+ * Fasttrap inner-workings we can't instrument
+ * on Intel (6230149)
+ */
+ if (LIT_STRNSTART(name, "fasttrap_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "fuword") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "suword"))
+ return TRUE;
+ if (LIT_STRNSTART(name, "_dtrace"))
+ return TRUE; /* Shims in dtrace.c */
+ if (LIT_STRNSTART(name, "hibernate_"))
+ return TRUE;
+ /*
+ * Place no probes in the exception handling path
+ */
+#if __arm__ || __arm64__
+ if (LIT_STRNSTART(name, "fleh_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "sleh_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "timer_state_event") ||
+ LIT_STRNEQL(name, "get_vfp_enabled"))
+ return TRUE;
+ if (LIT_STRNSTART(name, "_ZNK15OSMetaClassBase8metaCastEPK11OSMetaClass") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "_ZN15OSMetaClassBase12safeMetaCastEPKS_PK11OSMetaClass") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "_ZNK11OSMetaClass13checkMetaCastEPK15OSMetaClassBase"))
+ return TRUE;
+#ifdef __x86_64__
+ if (LIT_STRNSTART(name, "machine_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "mapping_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "tsc_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "pmCPU") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "pms") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "usimple_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "lck_spin_lock") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "lck_spin_unlock") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "absolutetime_to_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "commpage_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "ml_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "PE_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "act_machine") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "acpi_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "pal_")) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // Don't Steal Mac OS X
+ if (LIT_STRNSTART(name, "dsmos_"))
+ return TRUE;
+ /*
+ * Place no probes that could be hit on the way to the debugger.
+ */
+ if (LIT_STRNSTART(name, "kdp_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "kdb_") ||
+ LIT_STRNSTART(name, "debug_")) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Place no probes that could be hit on the way to a panic.
+ */
+ if (NULL != strstr(name, "panic_"))
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;