#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ucred.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
+#include "tests.h"
#include <XILog/XILog.h>
-#include "tests.h"
/* our table of tests to run */
struct stat my_stat_buf;
char my_buffer[64];
/* vars for XILog */
XILogRef logRef;
char *logPath = "";
char *config = NULL;
int echo = 0;
int xml = 0;
sranddev( ); /* set up seed for our random name generator */
g_cmd_namep = argv[0];
g_skip_setuid_tests = 1;
if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-x" ) == 0 ||
strcmp( argv[i], "-xilog" ) == 0 ) {
g_xilog_active = 1;
printf( "invalid argument \"%s\" \n", argv[i] );
usage( );
list_all_tests( );
return 0;
if (g_xilog_active == 1) {
logRef = XILogOpenLogExtended( logPath, "xnu_quick_test", "com.apple.coreos",
config, xml, echo, NULL, "ResultOwner",
/* build a test target directory that we use as our path to create any test
* files and directories.
my_testp = &g_tests[i];
if ( my_testp->test_run_it == 0 || my_testp->test_routine == NULL )
if (g_xilog_active == 1) {
XILogBeginTestCase( logRef, my_testp->test_infop, my_testp->test_infop );
XILogMsg( "test #%d - %s \n", (i + 1), my_testp->test_infop );
printf( "test #%d - %s \n", (i + 1), my_testp->test_infop );
my_err = my_testp->test_routine( my_testp->test_input );
if ( my_err != 0 ) {
printf("\t--> FAILED \n");
if (g_xilog_active == 1) {
XILogMsg("SysCall %s failed", my_testp->test_infop);
XILogErr("Result %d", my_err);
if ( my_failures > g_max_failures ) {
if (g_xilog_active == 1) {
XILogEndTestCase( logRef, kXILogTestPassOnErrorLevel );
printf( "\n too many failures - test aborted \n" );
goto exit_this_routine;
if (g_xilog_active == 1) {
XILogEndTestCase(logRef, kXILogTestPassOnErrorLevel);
/* clean up our test directory */
rmdir( &g_target_path[0] );
if (g_xilog_active == 1) {
return 0;
} /* main */
printf( "\t -r[un] 1, 3, 10 - 19 # run specific tests. enter individual test numbers and/or range of numbers. use -list to list tests. \n" );
printf( "\t -s[kip] # skip setuid tests \n" );
printf( "\t -t[arget] TARGET_PATH # path to directory where tool will create test files. defaults to \"/tmp/\" \n" );
printf( "\t -x[ilog] # use XILog\n");
printf( "\nexamples: \n" );
printf( "--- Place all test files and directories at the root of volume \"test_vol\" --- \n" );
printf( "%s -t /Volumes/test_vol/ \n", (my_ptr != NULL) ? my_ptr : g_cmd_namep );