- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
- *
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
+#include <libkern/c++/OSKext.h>
+#include <libkern/c++/OSMetaClass.h>
+#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
+#include <libkern/OSDebug.h>
#include <IOKit/IOWorkLoop.h>
#include <IOKit/IOCommandGate.h>
#include <IOKit/IOTimerEventSource.h>
#include <IOKit/IOPlatformExpert.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOCPU.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitDebug.h>
#include <IOKit/IOTimeStamp.h>
+#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMlog.h>
#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/RootDomain.h>
#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMPrivate.h>
+#include <IOKit/IODeviceTreeSupport.h>
#include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOReturn.h>
+#include <IOKit/IONVRAM.h>
#include "RootDomainUserClient.h"
#include "IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPowerConnection.h"
#include "IOPMPowerStateQueue.h"
+#include <IOKit/IOCatalogue.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOReportMacros.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOKitKeys.h>
+#include "IOKitKernelInternal.h"
+#include <IOKit/IOHibernatePrivate.h>
+#include <console/video_console.h>
+#include <sys/syslog.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <sys/vnode.h>
+#include <sys/vnode_internal.h>
+#include <sys/fcntl.h>
+#include <os/log.h>
+#include <pexpert/protos.h>
+#include <AssertMacros.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include "IOServicePrivate.h" // _IOServiceInterestNotifier
+#include "IOServicePMPrivate.h"
+#include <libkern/zlib.h>
+#include <mach/shared_region.h>
+#include <kern/clock.h>
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+#include "IOPMrootDomainInternal.h"
+const char *processor_to_datastring(const char *prefix, processor_t target_processor);
+#define kIOPMrootDomainClass "IOPMrootDomain"
+#define LOG_PREFIX "PMRD: "
+#define MSG(x...) \
+ do { kprintf(LOG_PREFIX x); IOLog(x); } while (false)
+#define LOG(x...) \
+ do { kprintf(LOG_PREFIX x); } while (false)
+#define DEBUG_LOG(x...) do { \
+ if (kIOLogPMRootDomain & gIOKitDebug) \
+ kprintf(LOG_PREFIX x); \
+ os_log_debug(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, LOG_PREFIX x); \
+} while (false)
+#define DEBUG_LOG(x...)
+#define DLOG(x...) do { \
+ if (kIOLogPMRootDomain & gIOKitDebug) \
+ kprintf(LOG_PREFIX x); \
+ else \
+} while (false)
+#define DMSG(x...) do { \
+ if (kIOLogPMRootDomain & gIOKitDebug) { \
+ kprintf(LOG_PREFIX x); \
+ } \
+} while (false)
+#define _LOG(x...)
+static IOWorkLoop * gIOPMWorkLoop = NULL;
+#define ASSERT_GATED() \
+do { \
+ if (gIOPMWorkLoop && gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate() != true) { \
+ panic("RootDomain: not inside PM gate"); \
+ } \
+} while(false)
+#define ASSERT_GATED()
+#define CAP_LOSS(c) \
+ (((_pendingCapability & (c)) == 0) && \
+ ((_currentCapability & (c)) != 0))
+#define CAP_GAIN(c) \
+ (((_currentCapability & (c)) == 0) && \
+ ((_pendingCapability & (c)) != 0))
+#define CAP_CHANGE(c) \
+ (((_currentCapability ^ _pendingCapability) & (c)) != 0)
+#define CAP_CURRENT(c) \
+ ((_currentCapability & (c)) != 0)
+#define CAP_HIGHEST(c) \
+ ((_highestCapability & (c)) != 0)
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+// Event types for IOPMPowerStateQueue::submitPowerEvent()
+enum {
+ kPowerEventFeatureChanged = 1, // 1
+ kPowerEventReceivedPowerNotification, // 2
+ kPowerEventSystemBootCompleted, // 3
+ kPowerEventSystemShutdown, // 4
+ kPowerEventUserDisabledSleep, // 5
+ kPowerEventRegisterSystemCapabilityClient, // 6
+ kPowerEventRegisterKernelCapabilityClient, // 7
+ kPowerEventPolicyStimulus, // 8
+ kPowerEventAssertionCreate, // 9
+ kPowerEventAssertionRelease, // 10
+ kPowerEventAssertionSetLevel, // 11
+ kPowerEventQueueSleepWakeUUID, // 12
+ kPowerEventPublishSleepWakeUUID, // 13
+ kPowerEventSetDisplayPowerOn // 14
-extern "C" void kprintf(const char *, ...);
-extern const IORegistryPlane * gIOPowerPlane;
+// For evaluatePolicy()
+// List of stimuli that affects the root domain policy.
+enum {
+ kStimulusDisplayWranglerSleep, // 0
+ kStimulusDisplayWranglerWake, // 1
+ kStimulusAggressivenessChanged, // 2
+ kStimulusDemandSystemSleep, // 3
+ kStimulusAllowSystemSleepChanged, // 4
+ kStimulusDarkWakeActivityTickle, // 5
+ kStimulusDarkWakeEntry, // 6
+ kStimulusDarkWakeReentry, // 7
+ kStimulusDarkWakeEvaluate, // 8
+ kStimulusNoIdleSleepPreventers, // 9
+ kStimulusEnterUserActiveState, // 10
+ kStimulusLeaveUserActiveState // 11
-// debug trace function
-static inline void
-ioSPMTrace(unsigned int csc,
- unsigned int a = 0, unsigned int b = 0,
- unsigned int c = 0, unsigned int d = 0)
- if (gIOKitDebug & kIOLogTracePower)
- IOTimeStampConstant(IODBG_POWER(csc), a, b, c, d);
+extern "C" {
+IOReturn OSKextSystemSleepOrWake( UInt32 );
+extern "C" ppnum_t pmap_find_phys(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va);
+extern "C" addr64_t kvtophys(vm_offset_t va);
+extern "C" boolean_t kdp_has_polled_corefile();
+static void idleSleepTimerExpired( thread_call_param_t, thread_call_param_t );
+static void notifySystemShutdown( IOService * root, uint32_t messageType );
+static void handleAggressivesFunction( thread_call_param_t, thread_call_param_t );
+static void pmEventTimeStamp(uint64_t *recordTS);
+static void powerButtonUpCallout( thread_call_param_t, thread_call_param_t );
+static void powerButtonDownCallout( thread_call_param_t, thread_call_param_t );
+static int IOPMConvertSecondsToCalendar(long secs, IOPMCalendarStruct * dt);
+static long IOPMConvertCalendarToSeconds(const IOPMCalendarStruct * dt);
+#define YMDTF "%04d/%02d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d"
+#define YMDT(cal) ((int)(cal)->year), (cal)->month, (cal)->day, (cal)->hour, (cal)->minute, (cal)->second
+// "IOPMSetSleepSupported" callPlatformFunction name
+static const OSSymbol *sleepSupportedPEFunction = NULL;
+static const OSSymbol *sleepMessagePEFunction = NULL;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSExternalConnectedKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSExternalChargeCapableKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSBatteryInstalledKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSIsChargingKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAtWarnLevelKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAtCriticalLevelKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSCurrentCapacityKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSMaxCapacityKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSDesignCapacityKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSTimeRemainingKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAmperageKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSVoltageKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSCycleCountKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSMaxErrKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAdapterInfoKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSLocationKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSErrorConditionKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSManufacturerKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSManufactureDateKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSModelKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSSerialKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSLegacyBatteryInfoKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSBatteryHealthKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSHealthConfidenceKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSCapacityEstimatedKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSBatteryChargeStatusKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSBatteryTemperatureKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSChargerConfigurationKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsIDKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsWattsKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsRevisionKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsSerialNumberKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsFamilyKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsAmperageKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsDescriptionKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsPMUConfigurationKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsSourceIDKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsErrorFlagsKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsSharedSourceKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsCloakedKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSInvalidWakeSecondsKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSPostChargeWaitSecondsKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMPSPostDishargeWaitSecondsKey;
+#define kIOSleepSupportedKey "IOSleepSupported"
+#define kIOPMSystemCapabilitiesKey "System Capabilities"
+#define kIORequestWranglerIdleKey "IORequestIdle"
+#define kDefaultWranglerIdlePeriod 1000 // in milliseconds
+#define kIOSleepWakeFailureString "SleepWakeFailureString"
+#define kIOEFIBootRomFailureKey "wake-failure"
+#define kIOSleepWakeFailurePanic "SleepWakeFailurePanic"
+#define kRD_AllPowerSources (kIOPMSupportedOnAC \
+ | kIOPMSupportedOnBatt \
+ | kIOPMSupportedOnUPS)
+#define kLocalEvalClamshellCommand (1 << 15)
+#define kIdleSleepRetryInterval (3 * 60)
+enum {
+ kWranglerPowerStateMin = 0,
+ kWranglerPowerStateSleep = 2,
+ kWranglerPowerStateDim = 3,
+ kWranglerPowerStateMax = 4
-IOReturn broadcast_aggressiveness ( OSObject *, void *, void *, void *, void * );
-static void sleepTimerExpired(thread_call_param_t);
-static void wakeupClamshellTimerExpired ( thread_call_param_t us);
+enum {
+ OFF_STATE = 0,
+ AOT_STATE = 3,
+ ON_STATE = 4,
-#define number_of_power_states 5
-#define OFF_STATE 0
-#define RESTART_STATE 1
-#define SLEEP_STATE 2
-#define DOZE_STATE 3
-#define ON_STATE 4
+const char *
+getPowerStateString( uint32_t state )
+#define POWER_STATE(x) {(uint32_t) x, #x}
+ static const IONamedValue powerStates[] = {
+ { 0, NULL }
+ };
+ return IOFindNameForValue(state, powerStates);
-#define ON_POWER kIOPMPowerOn
-#define RESTART_POWER kIOPMRestart
-#define SLEEP_POWER kIOPMAuxPowerOn
-#define DOZE_POWER kIOPMDoze
+#define ON_POWER kIOPMPowerOn
+#define RESTART_POWER kIOPMRestart
+#define SLEEP_POWER kIOPMAuxPowerOn
-static IOPMPowerState ourPowerStates[number_of_power_states] = {
- {1,0, 0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // state 0, off
- {1,kIOPMRestartCapability, kIOPMRestart, RESTART_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // state 1, restart
- {1,kIOPMSleepCapability, kIOPMSleep, SLEEP_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // state 2, sleep
- {1,kIOPMDoze, kIOPMDoze, DOZE_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // state 3, doze
- {1,kIOPMPowerOn, kIOPMPowerOn, ON_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // state 4, on
+static IOPMPowerState
+ ourPowerStates[NUM_POWER_STATES] =
+ { .version = 1,
+ .capabilityFlags = 0,
+ .outputPowerCharacter = 0,
+ .inputPowerRequirement = 0 },
+ { .version = 1,
+ .capabilityFlags = kIOPMRestartCapability,
+ .outputPowerCharacter = kIOPMRestart,
+ .inputPowerRequirement = RESTART_POWER },
+ { .version = 1,
+ .capabilityFlags = kIOPMSleepCapability,
+ .outputPowerCharacter = kIOPMSleep,
+ .inputPowerRequirement = SLEEP_POWER },
+ { .version = 1,
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ .capabilityFlags = kIOPMAOTCapability,
+ .outputPowerCharacter = kIOPMAOTPower,
+ .inputPowerRequirement = ON_POWER },
+#else /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ .capabilityFlags = 0,
+ .outputPowerCharacter = 0,
+ .inputPowerRequirement = 0xFFFFFFFF },
+#endif /* (defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ { .version = 1,
+ .capabilityFlags = kIOPMPowerOn,
+ .outputPowerCharacter = kIOPMPowerOn,
+ .inputPowerRequirement = ON_POWER },
-static IOPMrootDomain * gRootDomain;
-static UInt32 gSleepOrShutdownPending = 0;
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeSleepService "SleepService"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeMaintenance "Maintenance"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeSleepTimer "SleepTimer"
+#define kIOPMrootDomainWakeTypeLowBattery "LowBattery"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeUser "User"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeAlarm "Alarm"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeNetwork "Network"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeHIDActivity "HID Activity"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeNotification "Notification"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeHibernateError "HibernateError"
+// Special interest that entitles the interested client from receiving
+// all system messages. Only used by powerd.
+#define kIOPMSystemCapabilityInterest "IOPMSystemCapabilityInterest"
+// Entitlement required for root domain clients
+#define kRootDomainEntitlementSetProperty "com.apple.private.iokit.rootdomain-set-property"
-#define super IOService
-extern "C"
- IONotifier * registerSleepWakeInterest(IOServiceInterestHandler handler, void * self, void * ref = 0)
- {
- return gRootDomain->registerInterest( gIOGeneralInterest, handler, self, ref );
- }
- IONotifier * registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest(IOServiceInterestHandler handler, void * self, void * ref = 0)
- {
- return gRootDomain->registerInterest( gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest, handler, self, ref );
- }
- IOReturn acknowledgeSleepWakeNotification(void * PMrefcon)
- {
- return gRootDomain->allowPowerChange ( (unsigned long)PMrefcon );
- }
- IOReturn vetoSleepWakeNotification(void * PMrefcon)
- {
- return gRootDomain->cancelPowerChange ( (unsigned long)PMrefcon );
- }
- IOReturn rootDomainRestart ( void )
- {
- return gRootDomain->restartSystem();
- }
- IOReturn rootDomainShutdown ( void )
- {
- return gRootDomain->shutdownSystem();
- }
- void IOSystemShutdownNotification ( void )
- {
- for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
- {
- if ( OSCompareAndSwap( 0, 1, &gSleepOrShutdownPending ) ) break;
- IOSleep( 100 );
- }
- }
- int sync_internal(void);
+#define WAKEEVENT_LOCK() IOLockLock(wakeEventLock)
+#define WAKEEVENT_UNLOCK() IOLockUnlock(wakeEventLock)
-A device is always in the highest power state which satisfies its driver, its policy-maker, and any power domain
-children it has, but within the constraint of the power state provided by its parent. The driver expresses its desire by
-calling changePowerStateTo(), the policy-maker expresses its desire by calling changePowerStateToPriv(), and the children
-express their desires by calling requestPowerDomainState().
-The Root Power Domain owns the policy for idle and demand sleep and doze for the system. It is a power-managed IOService just
-like the others in the system. It implements several power states which correspond to what we see as Sleep, Doze, etc.
+ * Aggressiveness
+ */
+#define AGGRESSIVES_LOCK() IOLockLock(featuresDictLock)
+#define AGGRESSIVES_UNLOCK() IOLockUnlock(featuresDictLock)
-The sleep/doze policy is as follows:
-Sleep and Doze are prevented if the case is open so that nobody will think the machine is off and plug/unplug cards.
-Sleep and Doze are prevented if the sleep timeout slider in the preferences panel is at zero.
-The system cannot Sleep, but can Doze if some object in the tree is in a power state marked kIOPMPreventSystemSleep.
+#define kAggressivesMinValue 1
-These three conditions are enforced using the "driver clamp" by calling changePowerStateTo(). For example, if the case is
-opened, changePowerStateTo(ON_STATE) is called to hold the system on regardless of the desires of the children of the root or
-the state of the other clamp.
+const char *
+getAggressivenessTypeString( uint32_t type )
+#define AGGRESSIVENESS_TYPE(x) {(uint32_t) x, #x}
+ static const IONamedValue aggressivenessTypes[] = {
+ AGGRESSIVENESS_TYPE( kPMGeneralAggressiveness ),
+ AGGRESSIVENESS_TYPE( kPMEthernetWakeOnLANSettings ),
+ AGGRESSIVENESS_TYPE( kPMSetProcessorSpeed ),
+ AGGRESSIVENESS_TYPE( kPMLastAggressivenessType ),
+ { 0, NULL }
+ };
+ return IOFindNameForValue(type, aggressivenessTypes);
-Demand Sleep/Doze is initiated by pressing the front panel power button, closing the clamshell, or selecting the menu item.
-In this case the root's parent actually initiates the power state change so that the root has no choice and does not give
-applications the opportunity to veto the change.
+enum {
+ kAggressivesStateBusy = 0x01,
+ kAggressivesStateQuickSpindown = 0x02
-Idle Sleep/Doze occurs if no objects in the tree are in a state marked kIOPMPreventIdleSleep. When this is true, the root's
-children are not holding the root on, so it sets the "policy-maker clamp" by calling changePowerStateToPriv(ON_STATE)
-to hold itself on until the sleep timer expires. This timer is set for the difference between the sleep timeout slider and
-the larger of the display dim timeout slider and the disk spindown timeout slider in the Preferences panel. For example, if
-the system is set to sleep after thirty idle minutes, and the display and disk are set to sleep after five idle minutes,
-when there is no longer an object in the tree holding the system out of Idle Sleep (via kIOPMPreventIdleSleep), the root
-sets its timer for 25 minutes (30 - 5). When the timer expires, it releases its clamp and now nothing is holding it awake,
-so it falls asleep.
+struct AggressivesRecord {
+ uint32_t flags;
+ uint32_t type;
+ uint32_t value;
-Demand sleep is prevented when the system is booting. When preferences are transmitted by the loginwindow at the end of
-boot, a flag is cleared, and this allows subsequent Demand Sleep.
+struct AggressivesRequest {
+ queue_chain_t chain;
+ uint32_t options;
+ uint32_t dataType;
+ union {
+ IOService * service;
+ AggressivesRecord record;
+ } data;
-The system will not Sleep, but will Doze if some object calls setSleepSupported(kPCICantSleep) during a power change to the sleep state (this can be done by the PCI Aux Power Supply drivers, Slots99, MacRISC299, etc.). This is not enforced with
-a clamp, but sets a flag which is noticed before actually sleeping the kernel. If the flag is set, the root steps up
-one power state from Sleep to Doze, and any objects in the tree for which this is relevent will act appropriately (USB and
-ADB will turn on again so that they can wake the system out of Doze (keyboard/mouse activity will cause the Display Wrangler
-to be tickled)).
+enum {
+ kAggressivesRequestTypeService = 1,
+ kAggressivesRequestTypeRecord
+enum {
+ kAggressivesOptionSynchronous = 0x00000001,
+ kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownEnable = 0x00000100,
+ kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownDisable = 0x00000200,
+ kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownMask = 0x00000300
-// **********************************************************************************
+enum {
+ kAggressivesRecordFlagModified = 0x00000001,
+ kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue = 0x00000002
-IOPMrootDomain * IOPMrootDomain::construct( void )
- IOPMrootDomain *root;
+// System Sleep Preventers
- root = new IOPMrootDomain;
- if( root)
- root->init();
+enum {
+ kPMUserDisabledAllSleep = 1,
+ kPMSystemRestartBootingInProgress,
+ kPMConfigPreventSystemSleep,
+ kPMChildPreventSystemSleep,
+ kPMCPUAssertion,
+ kPMPCIUnsupported,
- return( root );
+const char *
+getSystemSleepPreventerString( uint32_t preventer )
+#define SYSTEM_SLEEP_PREVENTER(x) {(int) x, #x}
+ static const IONamedValue systemSleepPreventers[] = {
+ SYSTEM_SLEEP_PREVENTER( kPMUserDisabledAllSleep ),
+ SYSTEM_SLEEP_PREVENTER( kPMSystemRestartBootingInProgress ),
+ SYSTEM_SLEEP_PREVENTER( kPMConfigPreventSystemSleep ),
+ SYSTEM_SLEEP_PREVENTER( kPMChildPreventSystemSleep ),
+ { 0, NULL }
+ };
+ return IOFindNameForValue(preventer, systemSleepPreventers);
-// **********************************************************************************
+// gDarkWakeFlags
+enum {
+ kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleEarly = 0x01,// hid tickle before gfx suppression
+ kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleLate = 0x02,// hid tickle after gfx suppression
+ kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleNone = 0x03,// hid tickle is not posted
+ kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleMask = 0x03,
+ kDarkWakeFlagAlarmIsDark = 0x0100,
+ kDarkWakeFlagGraphicsPowerState1 = 0x0200,
+ kDarkWakeFlagAudioNotSuppressed = 0x0400
-static void disk_sync_callout(thread_call_param_t p0, thread_call_param_t p1)
- IOService *rootDomain = (IOService *) p0;
- unsigned long pmRef = (unsigned long) p1;
+static IOPMrootDomain * gRootDomain;
+static IONotifier * gSysPowerDownNotifier = NULL;
+static UInt32 gSleepOrShutdownPending = 0;
+static UInt32 gWillShutdown = 0;
+static UInt32 gPagingOff = 0;
+static UInt32 gSleepWakeUUIDIsSet = false;
+static uint32_t gAggressivesState = 0;
+static uint32_t gHaltTimeMaxLog;
+static uint32_t gHaltTimeMaxPanic;
+IOLock * gHaltLogLock;
+static char * gHaltLog;
+enum { kHaltLogSize = 2048 };
+static size_t gHaltLogPos;
+static uint64_t gHaltStartTime;
+uuid_string_t bootsessionuuid_string;
+static uint32_t gDarkWakeFlags = kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleNone;
+static uint32_t gNoIdleFlag = 0;
+static uint32_t gSwdPanic = 1;
+static uint32_t gSwdSleepTimeout = 0;
+static uint32_t gSwdWakeTimeout = 0;
+static uint32_t gSwdSleepWakeTimeout = 0;
+static PMStatsStruct gPMStats;
+static uint32_t swd_panic_phase;
+static IOPMSystemSleepPolicyHandler gSleepPolicyHandler = NULL;
+static IOPMSystemSleepPolicyVariables * gSleepPolicyVars = NULL;
+static void * gSleepPolicyTarget;
+struct timeval gIOLastSleepTime;
+struct timeval gIOLastWakeTime;
+struct timeval gIOLastUserSleepTime;
+static char gWakeReasonString[128];
+static bool gWakeReasonSysctlRegistered = false;
+static AbsoluteTime gIOLastWakeAbsTime;
+static AbsoluteTime gIOLastSleepAbsTime;
+static AbsoluteTime gUserActiveAbsTime;
+static AbsoluteTime gUserInactiveAbsTime;
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+static bool gSpinDumpBufferFull = false;
+z_stream swd_zs;
+vm_offset_t swd_zs_zmem;
+//size_t swd_zs_zsize;
+size_t swd_zs_zoffset;
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+IOCPU *currentShutdownTarget = NULL;
+static unsigned int gPMHaltBusyCount;
+static unsigned int gPMHaltIdleCount;
+static int gPMHaltDepth;
+static uint32_t gPMHaltMessageType;
+static IOLock * gPMHaltLock = NULL;
+static OSArray * gPMHaltArray = NULL;
+static const OSSymbol * gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey = NULL;
+static bool gPMQuiesced;
+// Constants used as arguments to IOPMrootDomain::informCPUStateChange
+#define kCPUUnknownIndex 9999999
+enum {
+ kInformAC = 0,
+ kInformLid = 1,
+ kInformableCount = 2
- sync_internal();
- rootDomain->allowPowerChange(pmRef);
+const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsResponseTimedOut;
+const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsResponseCancel;
+const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsResponseSlow;
+const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsResponsePrompt;
+const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow;
-// **********************************************************************************
-// start
-// We don't do much here. The real initialization occurs when the platform
-// expert informs us we are the root.
-// **********************************************************************************
+#define kBadPMFeatureID 0
+ * PMSettingHandle
+ * Opaque handle passed to clients of registerPMSettingController()
+ */
+class PMSettingHandle : public OSObject
+ OSDeclareFinalStructors( PMSettingHandle );
+ friend class PMSettingObject;
+ PMSettingObject *pmso;
+ void free(void) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
-bool IOPMrootDomain::start ( IOService * nub )
+ * PMSettingObject
+ * Internal object to track each PM setting controller
+ */
+class PMSettingObject : public OSObject
- OSDictionary *tmpDict;
+ OSDeclareFinalStructors( PMSettingObject );
+ friend class IOPMrootDomain;
+ queue_head_t calloutQueue;
+ thread_t waitThread;
+ IOPMrootDomain *parent;
+ PMSettingHandle *pmsh;
+ IOPMSettingControllerCallback func;
+ OSObject *target;
+ uintptr_t refcon;
+ uint32_t *publishedFeatureID;
+ uint32_t settingCount;
+ bool disabled;
+ void free(void) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ static PMSettingObject *pmSettingObject(
+ IOPMrootDomain *parent_arg,
+ IOPMSettingControllerCallback handler_arg,
+ OSObject *target_arg,
+ uintptr_t refcon_arg,
+ uint32_t supportedPowerSources,
+ const OSSymbol *settings[],
+ OSObject **handle_obj);
+ void dispatchPMSetting(const OSSymbol *type, OSObject *object);
+ void clientHandleFreed(void);
+struct PMSettingCallEntry {
+ queue_chain_t link;
+ thread_t thread;
- pmPowerStateQueue = 0;
+#define PMSETTING_LOCK() IOLockLock(settingsCtrlLock)
+#define PMSETTING_UNLOCK() IOLockUnlock(settingsCtrlLock)
+#define PMSETTING_WAIT(p) IOLockSleep(settingsCtrlLock, p, THREAD_UNINT)
+#define PMSETTING_WAKEUP(p) IOLockWakeup(settingsCtrlLock, p, true)
- super::start(nub);
+ * PMTraceWorker
+ * Internal helper object for logging trace points to RTC
+ * IOPMrootDomain and only IOPMrootDomain should instantiate
+ * exactly one of these.
+ */
- gRootDomain = this;
+typedef void (*IOPMTracePointHandler)(
+ void * target, uint32_t code, uint32_t data );
- PMinit();
- setProperty("IOSleepSupported","");
- allowSleep = true;
- sleepIsSupported = true;
- systemBooting = true;
- ignoringClamshell = true;
- sleepSlider = 0;
- idleSleepPending = false;
- canSleep = true;
- wrangler = NULL;
- sleepASAP = false;
- ignoringClamshellDuringWakeup = false;
- tmpDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
- setProperty(kRootDomainSupportedFeatures, tmpDict);
- tmpDict->release();
+class PMTraceWorker : public OSObject
+ OSDeclareDefaultStructors(PMTraceWorker);
+ typedef enum { kPowerChangeStart, kPowerChangeCompleted } change_t;
+ static PMTraceWorker *tracer( IOPMrootDomain * );
+ void tracePCIPowerChange(change_t, IOService *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
+ void tracePoint(uint8_t phase);
+ void traceDetail(uint32_t detail);
+ void traceComponentWakeProgress(uint32_t component, uint32_t data);
+ int recordTopLevelPCIDevice(IOService *);
+ void RTC_TRACE(void);
+ virtual bool serialize(OSSerialize *s) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ IOPMTracePointHandler tracePointHandler;
+ void * tracePointTarget;
+ uint64_t getPMStatusCode();
+ uint8_t getTracePhase();
+ uint32_t getTraceData();
+ IOPMrootDomain *owner;
+ IOLock *pmTraceWorkerLock;
+ OSArray *pciDeviceBitMappings;
+ uint8_t addedToRegistry;
+ uint8_t tracePhase;
+ uint32_t traceData32;
+ uint8_t loginWindowData;
+ uint8_t coreDisplayData;
+ uint8_t coreGraphicsData;
- pm_vars->PMworkloop = IOWorkLoop::workLoop();
- pmPowerStateQueue = IOPMPowerStateQueue::PMPowerStateQueue(this);
- pm_vars->PMworkloop->addEventSource(pmPowerStateQueue);
- extraSleepTimer = thread_call_allocate((thread_call_func_t)sleepTimerExpired, (thread_call_param_t) this);
- clamshellWakeupIgnore = thread_call_allocate((thread_call_func_t)wakeupClamshellTimerExpired, (thread_call_param_t) this);
- diskSyncCalloutEntry = thread_call_allocate(&disk_sync_callout, (thread_call_param_t) this);
+ * PMAssertionsTracker
+ * Tracks kernel and user space PM assertions
+ */
+class PMAssertionsTracker : public OSObject
+ OSDeclareFinalStructors(PMAssertionsTracker);
+ static PMAssertionsTracker *pmAssertionsTracker( IOPMrootDomain * );
+ IOReturn createAssertion(IOPMDriverAssertionType, IOPMDriverAssertionLevel, IOService *, const char *, IOPMDriverAssertionID *);
+ IOReturn releaseAssertion(IOPMDriverAssertionID);
+ IOReturn setAssertionLevel(IOPMDriverAssertionID, IOPMDriverAssertionLevel);
+ IOReturn setUserAssertionLevels(IOPMDriverAssertionType);
+ OSArray *copyAssertionsArray(void);
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType getActivatedAssertions(void);
+ IOPMDriverAssertionLevel getAssertionLevel(IOPMDriverAssertionType);
+ IOReturn handleCreateAssertion(OSData *);
+ IOReturn handleReleaseAssertion(IOPMDriverAssertionID);
+ IOReturn handleSetAssertionLevel(IOPMDriverAssertionID, IOPMDriverAssertionLevel);
+ IOReturn handleSetUserAssertionLevels(void * arg0);
+ void publishProperties(void);
+ typedef struct {
+ IOPMDriverAssertionID id;
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType assertionBits;
+ uint64_t createdTime;
+ uint64_t modifiedTime;
+ const OSSymbol *ownerString;
+ IOService *ownerService;
+ uint64_t registryEntryID;
+ IOPMDriverAssertionLevel level;
+ } PMAssertStruct;
+ uint32_t tabulateProducerCount;
+ uint32_t tabulateConsumerCount;
+ PMAssertStruct *detailsForID(IOPMDriverAssertionID, int *);
+ void tabulate(void);
+ IOPMrootDomain *owner;
+ OSArray *assertionsArray;
+ IOLock *assertionsArrayLock;
+ IOPMDriverAssertionID issuingUniqueID __attribute__((aligned(8)));/* aligned for atomic access */
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType assertionsKernel;
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType assertionsUser;
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType assertionsCombined;
- // create our parent
- patriarch = new IORootParent;
- patriarch->init();
- patriarch->attach(this);
- patriarch->start(this);
- patriarch->youAreRoot();
- patriarch->wakeSystem();
- patriarch->addPowerChild(this);
- registerPowerDriver(this,ourPowerStates,number_of_power_states);
+OSDefineMetaClassAndFinalStructors(PMAssertionsTracker, OSObject);
- setPMRootDomain(this);
- // set a clamp until we sleep
- changePowerStateToPriv(ON_STATE);
+ * PMHaltWorker
+ * Internal helper object for Shutdown/Restart notifications.
+ */
+#define kPMHaltMaxWorkers 8
+#define kPMHaltTimeoutMS 100
- // install power change handler
- registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest( &sysPowerDownHandler, this, 0);
+class PMHaltWorker : public OSObject
+ OSDeclareFinalStructors( PMHaltWorker );
+ IOService * service;// service being worked on
+ AbsoluteTime startTime; // time when work started
+ int depth; // work on nubs at this PM-tree depth
+ int visits; // number of nodes visited (debug)
+ IOLock * lock;
+ bool timeout;// service took too long
+ static PMHaltWorker * worker( void );
+ static void main( void * arg, wait_result_t waitResult );
+ static void work( PMHaltWorker * me );
+ static void checkTimeout( PMHaltWorker * me, AbsoluteTime * now );
+ virtual void free( void ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
- // Register for a notification when IODisplayWrangler is published
- addNotification( gIOPublishNotification, serviceMatching("IODisplayWrangler"), &displayWranglerPublished, this, 0);
+OSDefineMetaClassAndFinalStructors( PMHaltWorker, OSObject )
- const OSSymbol *ucClassName = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("RootDomainUserClient");
- setProperty(gIOUserClientClassKey, (OSMetaClassBase *) ucClassName);
- ucClassName->release();
- registerService(); // let clients find us
+#define super IOService
+OSDefineMetaClassAndFinalStructors(IOPMrootDomain, IOService)
- return true;
+ return gWillShutdown != 0;
-// **********************************************************************************
-// setProperties
-// Receive a setProperty call
-// The "System Boot" property means the system is completely booted.
-// **********************************************************************************
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::setProperties ( OSObject *props_obj)
- OSDictionary *dict = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, props_obj);
- OSBoolean *b;
- OSString *boot_complete_string = OSString::withCString("System Boot Complete");
- OSString *power_button_string = OSString::withCString("DisablePowerButtonSleep");
- OSString *stall_halt_string = OSString::withCString("StallSystemAtHalt");
- if(!dict) return kIOReturnBadArgument;
- if(systemBooting && dict->getObject(boot_complete_string))
- {
- systemBooting = false;
- //kprintf("IOPM: received System Boot Complete property\n");
- adjustPowerState();
- }
- if(b = dict->getObject(power_button_string))
- {
- setProperty(power_button_string, b);
- }
- if(b = dict->getObject(stall_halt_string))
- {
- setProperty(stall_halt_string, b);
- }
- if(boot_complete_string) boot_complete_string->release();
- if(power_button_string) power_button_string->release();
- if(stall_halt_string) stall_halt_string->release();
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
+static void
+ if (OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gWillShutdown)) {
+ IOService::willShutdown();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ if (OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gSleepOrShutdownPending)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ IOSleep( 100 );
+ }
+ }
+extern "C" IONotifier *
+registerSleepWakeInterest(IOServiceInterestHandler handler, void * self, void * ref)
+ return gRootDomain->registerInterest( gIOGeneralInterest, handler, self, ref );
-// youAreRoot
-// Power Managment is informing us that we are the root power domain.
-// We know we are not the root however, since we have just instantiated a parent
-// for ourselves and made it the root. We override this method so it will have
-// no effect
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::youAreRoot ( void )
+extern "C" IONotifier *
+registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest(IOServiceInterestHandler handler, void * self, void * ref)
- return IOPMNoErr;
+ return gRootDomain->registerInterest( gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest, handler, self, ref );
-// **********************************************************************************
-// command_received
-// No longer used
-// **********************************************************************************
-void IOPMrootDomain::command_received ( void * w, void * x, void * y, void * z )
+extern "C" IOReturn
+acknowledgeSleepWakeNotification(void * PMrefcon)
- super::command_received(w,x,y,z);
+ return gRootDomain->allowPowerChange((unsigned long)PMrefcon );
+extern "C" IOReturn
+vetoSleepWakeNotification(void * PMrefcon)
+ return gRootDomain->cancelPowerChange((unsigned long)PMrefcon );
-// **********************************************************************************
-// broadcast_aggressiveness
-// **********************************************************************************
-IOReturn broadcast_aggressiveness ( OSObject * root, void * x, void * y, void *, void * )
+extern "C" IOReturn
+rootDomainRestart( void )
- ((IOPMrootDomain *)root)->broadcast_it((unsigned long)x,(unsigned long)y);
- return IOPMNoErr;
+ return gRootDomain->restartSystem();
+extern "C" IOReturn
+rootDomainShutdown( void )
+ return gRootDomain->shutdownSystem();
-// **********************************************************************************
-// broadcast_it
-// We are behind the command gate to broadcast an aggressiveness factor. We let the
-// superclass do it, but we need to snoop on factors that affect idle sleep.
-// **********************************************************************************
-void IOPMrootDomain::broadcast_it (unsigned long type, unsigned long value)
+static void
+halt_log_putc(char c)
- super::setAggressiveness(type,value);
+ if (gHaltLogPos >= (kHaltLogSize - 2)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ gHaltLog[gHaltLogPos++] = c;
- // Save user's spin down timer to restore after we replace it for idle sleep
- if( type == kPMMinutesToSpinDown ) user_spindown = value;
+extern "C" void
+_doprnt_log(const char *fmt,
+ va_list *argp,
+ void (*putc)(char),
+ int radix);
- // Use longestNonSleepSlider to calculate dimming adjust idle sleep timer
- longestNonSleepSlider = pm_vars->current_aggressiveness_values[kPMMinutesToDim];
+static int
+halt_log(const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list listp;
+ va_start(listp, fmt);
+ _doprnt_log(fmt, &listp, &halt_log_putc, 16);
+ va_end(listp);
- if ( type == kPMMinutesToSleep ) {
- if ( (sleepSlider == 0) && (value != 0) ) {
- sleepSlider = value;
- // idle sleep is now enabled, maybe sleep now
- adjustPowerState();
- }
- sleepSlider = value;
- if ( sleepSlider == 0 ) {
- // idle sleep is now disabled
- adjustPowerState();
- // make sure we're powered
- patriarch->wakeSystem();
- }
- }
- if ( sleepSlider > longestNonSleepSlider ) {
- extraSleepDelay = sleepSlider - longestNonSleepSlider ;
- }
- else {
- extraSleepDelay = 0;
- }
+ return 0;
-// **********************************************************************************
-// sleepTimerExpired
-// **********************************************************************************
-static void sleepTimerExpired ( thread_call_param_t us)
+extern "C" void
+halt_log_enter(const char * what, const void * pc, uint64_t time)
- ((IOPMrootDomain *)us)->handleSleepTimerExpiration();
- }
-static void wakeupClamshellTimerExpired ( thread_call_param_t us)
- ((IOPMrootDomain *)us)->stopIgnoringClamshellEventsDuringWakeup();
+ uint64_t nano, millis;
+ if (!gHaltLog) {
+ return;
+ }
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(time, &nano);
+ millis = nano / NSEC_PER_MSEC;
+ if (millis < 100) {
+ return;
+ }
+ IOLockLock(gHaltLogLock);
+ if (pc) {
+ halt_log("%s: %qd ms @ 0x%lx, ", what, millis, VM_KERNEL_UNSLIDE(pc));
+ OSKext::printKextsInBacktrace((vm_offset_t *) &pc, 1, &halt_log,
+ OSKext::kPrintKextsLock | OSKext::kPrintKextsUnslide | OSKext::kPrintKextsTerse);
+ } else {
+ halt_log("%s: %qd ms\n", what, millis);
+ }
+ gHaltLog[gHaltLogPos] = 0;
+ IOLockUnlock(gHaltLogLock);
-// **********************************************************************************
-// handleSleepTimerExpiration
-// The time between the sleep idle timeout and the next longest one has elapsed.
-// It's time to sleep. Start that by removing the clamp that's holding us awake.
-// **********************************************************************************
-void IOPMrootDomain::handleSleepTimerExpiration ( void )
- // accelerate disk spin down if spin down timer is non-zero (zero = never spin down)
- if(0 != user_spindown)
- setQuickSpinDownTimeout();
+extern uint32_t gFSState;
- sleepASAP = true;
- adjustPowerState();
+extern "C" void
+IOSystemShutdownNotification(int stage)
+ uint64_t startTime;
+ if (kIOSystemShutdownNotificationStageRootUnmount == stage) {
+ uint64_t nano, millis;
+ startTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ IOService::getPlatform()->waitQuiet(30 * NSEC_PER_SEC);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(mach_absolute_time() - startTime, &nano);
+ millis = nano / NSEC_PER_MSEC;
+ if (gHaltTimeMaxLog && (millis >= gHaltTimeMaxLog)) {
+ printf("waitQuiet() for unmount %qd ms\n", millis);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(kIOSystemShutdownNotificationStageProcessExit == stage);
+ IOLockLock(gHaltLogLock);
+ if (!gHaltLog) {
+ gHaltLog = IONew(char, kHaltLogSize);
+ gHaltStartTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ if (gHaltLog) {
+ halt_log_putc('\n');
+ }
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(gHaltLogLock);
+ startTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ IOPMRootDomainWillShutdown();
+ halt_log_enter("IOPMRootDomainWillShutdown", NULL, mach_absolute_time() - startTime);
+ startTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ IOHibernateSystemPostWake(true);
+ halt_log_enter("IOHibernateSystemPostWake", NULL, mach_absolute_time() - startTime);
+ if (OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gPagingOff)) {
+ gRootDomain->handlePlatformHaltRestart(kPEPagingOff);
+ }
-void IOPMrootDomain::stopIgnoringClamshellEventsDuringWakeup(void)
+extern "C" int sync_internal(void);
+ * A device is always in the highest power state which satisfies its driver,
+ * its policy-maker, and any power children it has, but within the constraint
+ * of the power state provided by its parent. The driver expresses its desire by
+ * calling changePowerStateTo(), the policy-maker expresses its desire by calling
+ * changePowerStateToPriv(), and the children express their desires by calling
+ * requestPowerDomainState().
+ *
+ * The Root Power Domain owns the policy for idle and demand sleep for the system.
+ * It is a power-managed IOService just like the others in the system.
+ * It implements several power states which map to what we see as Sleep and On.
+ *
+ * The sleep policy is as follows:
+ * 1. Sleep is prevented if the case is open so that nobody will think the machine
+ * is off and plug/unplug cards.
+ * 2. Sleep is prevented if the sleep timeout slider in the prefs panel is zero.
+ * 3. System cannot Sleep if some object in the tree is in a power state marked
+ * kIOPMPreventSystemSleep.
+ *
+ * These three conditions are enforced using the "driver clamp" by calling
+ * changePowerStateTo(). For example, if the case is opened,
+ * changePowerStateTo(ON_STATE) is called to hold the system on regardless
+ * of the desires of the children of the root or the state of the other clamp.
+ *
+ * Demand Sleep is initiated by pressing the front panel power button, closing
+ * the clamshell, or selecting the menu item. In this case the root's parent
+ * actually initiates the power state change so that the root domain has no
+ * choice and does not give applications the opportunity to veto the change.
+ *
+ * Idle Sleep occurs if no objects in the tree are in a state marked
+ * kIOPMPreventIdleSleep. When this is true, the root's children are not holding
+ * the root on, so it sets the "policy-maker clamp" by calling
+ * changePowerStateToPriv(ON_STATE) to hold itself on until the sleep timer expires.
+ * This timer is set for the difference between the sleep timeout slider and the
+ * display dim timeout slider. When the timer expires, it releases its clamp and
+ * now nothing is holding it awake, so it falls asleep.
+ *
+ * Demand sleep is prevented when the system is booting. When preferences are
+ * transmitted by the loginwindow at the end of boot, a flag is cleared,
+ * and this allows subsequent Demand Sleep.
+ */
+IOPMrootDomain *
+IOPMrootDomain::construct( void )
- OSObject * state;
+ IOPMrootDomain *root;
- // Allow clamshell-induced sleep now
- ignoringClamshellDuringWakeup = false;
+ root = new IOPMrootDomain;
+ if (root) {
+ root->init();
+ }
- if ((state = getProperty(kAppleClamshellStateKey)))
- publishResource(kAppleClamshellStateKey, state);
+ return root;
-// setAggressiveness
+// updateConsoleUsersCallout
-// Some aggressiveness factor has changed. We broadcast it to the hierarchy while on
-// the Power Mangement workloop thread. This enables objects in the
-// hierarchy to successfully alter their idle timers, which are all on the
-// same thread.
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::setAggressiveness ( unsigned long type, unsigned long newLevel )
+static void
+updateConsoleUsersCallout(thread_call_param_t p0, thread_call_param_t p1)
- if ( pm_vars->PMcommandGate ) {
- pm_vars->PMcommandGate->runAction(broadcast_aggressiveness,(void *)type,(void *)newLevel);
- }
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ IOPMrootDomain * rootDomain = (IOPMrootDomain *) p0;
+ rootDomain->updateConsoleUsers();
+ IOService::updateConsoleUsers(NULL, kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn);
+ if (tasksSuspended) {
+ tasksSuspended = FALSE;
+ updateTasksSuspend();
+ }
-// **********************************************************************************
-// sleepSystem
-// **********************************************************************************
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::sleepSystem ( void )
- //kprintf("sleep demand received\n");
- if ( !systemBooting && allowSleep && sleepIsSupported ) {
- patriarch->sleepSystem();
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
- }
- if ( !systemBooting && allowSleep && !sleepIsSupported ) {
- patriarch->dozeSystem();
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
- }
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ bool newSuspend;
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ newSuspend = (tasksSuspended || _aotTasksSuspended);
+#else /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ newSuspend = tasksSuspended;
+#endif /* (defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ if (newSuspend == tasksSuspendState) {
+ return;
+ }
+ tasksSuspendState = newSuspend;
+ tasks_system_suspend(newSuspend);
-// **********************************************************************************
-// shutdownSystem
-// **********************************************************************************
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::shutdownSystem ( void )
+static void
+disk_sync_callout( thread_call_param_t p0, thread_call_param_t p1 )
- //patriarch->shutDownSystem();
- return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+ IOService * rootDomain = (IOService *) p0;
+ uint32_t notifyRef = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) p1;
+ uint32_t powerState = rootDomain->getPowerState();
+ DLOG("disk_sync_callout ps=%u\n", powerState);
+ if (ON_STATE == powerState) {
+ sync_internal();
+ // Block sleep until trim issued on previous wake path is completed.
+ IOHibernateSystemPostWake(true);
+ }
+ else {
+ IOHibernateSystemPostWake(false);
+ if (gRootDomain) {
+ gRootDomain->sleepWakeDebugSaveSpinDumpFile();
+ }
+ }
+ rootDomain->allowPowerChange(notifyRef);
+ DLOG("disk_sync_callout finish\n");
-// **********************************************************************************
-// restartSystem
-// **********************************************************************************
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::restartSystem ( void )
+static UInt32
+computeDeltaTimeMS( const AbsoluteTime * startTime, AbsoluteTime * elapsedTime )
- //patriarch->restartSystem();
- return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+ AbsoluteTime endTime;
+ UInt64 nano = 0;
+ clock_get_uptime(&endTime);
+ if (CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&endTime, startTime) <= 0) {
+ *elapsedTime = 0;
+ } else {
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&endTime, startTime);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(endTime, &nano);
+ *elapsedTime = endTime;
+ }
+ return (UInt32)(nano / NSEC_PER_MSEC);
-// **********************************************************************************
-// powerChangeDone
-// This overrides powerChangeDone in IOService.
-// Finder sleep and idle sleep move us from the ON state to the SLEEP_STATE.
-// In this case:
-// If we just finished going to the SLEEP_STATE, and the platform is capable of true sleep,
-// sleep the kernel. Otherwise switch up to the DOZE_STATE which will keep almost
-// everything as off as it can get.
-// **********************************************************************************
-void IOPMrootDomain::powerChangeDone ( unsigned long previousState )
- OSNumber * propertyPtr;
- unsigned short theProperty;
- AbsoluteTime deadline;
- switch ( pm_vars->myCurrentState ) {
- if ( canSleep && sleepIsSupported )
- {
- // re-enable this timer for next sleep
- idleSleepPending = false;
- IOLog("System Sleep\n");
- pm_vars->thePlatform->sleepKernel();
- // The CPU(s) are off at this point. When they're awakened by CPU interrupt,
- // code will resume exeuction here.
- // Now we're waking...
- ioSPMTrace(IOPOWER_WAKE, * (int *) this);
- // stay awake for at least 30 seconds
- clock_interval_to_deadline(30, kSecondScale, &deadline);
- thread_call_enter_delayed(extraSleepTimer, deadline);
- // this gets turned off when we sleep again
- idleSleepPending = true;
- // Ignore closed clamshell during wakeup and for a few seconds
- // after wakeup is complete
- ignoringClamshellDuringWakeup = true;
- // sleep transition complete
- gSleepOrShutdownPending = 0;
- // trip the reset of the calendar clock
- clock_wakeup_calendar();
- // get us some power
- patriarch->wakeSystem();
- // early stage wake notification
- tellClients(kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn);
- // tell the tree we're waking
- IOLog("System Wake\n");
- systemWake();
- // Allow drivers to request extra processing time before clamshell
- // sleep if kIOREMSleepEnabledKey is present.
- // Ignore clamshell events for at least 5 seconds
- if(getProperty(kIOREMSleepEnabledKey)) {
- // clamshellWakeupIgnore callout clears ignoreClamshellDuringWakeup bit
- clock_interval_to_deadline(5, kSecondScale, &deadline);
- if(clamshellWakeupIgnore) thread_call_enter_delayed(clamshellWakeupIgnore, deadline);
- } else ignoringClamshellDuringWakeup = false;
- // Find out what woke us
- propertyPtr = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber,getProperty("WakeEvent"));
- if ( propertyPtr ) {
- theProperty = propertyPtr->unsigned16BitValue();
- IOLog("Wake event %04x\n",theProperty);
- if ( (theProperty & 0x0008) || //lid
- (theProperty & 0x0800) || // front panel button
- (theProperty & 0x0020) || // external keyboard
- (theProperty & 0x0001) ) { // internal keyboard
- // We've identified the wakeup event as UI driven
- reportUserInput();
- }
- } else {
- // Since we can't identify the wakeup event, treat it as UI activity
- reportUserInput();
- }
- // Wake for thirty seconds
- changePowerStateToPriv(ON_STATE);
- powerOverrideOffPriv();
- } else {
- // allow us to step up a power state
- patriarch->sleepToDoze();
- // and do it
- changePowerStateToPriv(DOZE_STATE);
- }
- break;
- case DOZE_STATE:
- if ( previousState != DOZE_STATE )
- {
- IOLog("System Doze\n");
- }
- // re-enable this timer for next sleep
- idleSleepPending = false;
- gSleepOrShutdownPending = 0;
- break;
- IOLog("System Restart\n");
- PEHaltRestart(kPERestartCPU);
- break;
- case OFF_STATE:
- IOLog("System Halt\n");
- PEHaltRestart(kPEHaltCPU);
- break;
- }
-// **********************************************************************************
-// wakeFromDoze
-// The Display Wrangler calls here when it switches to its highest state. If the
-// system is currently dozing, allow it to wake by making sure the parent is
-// providing power.
-// **********************************************************************************
-void IOPMrootDomain::wakeFromDoze( void )
+static int
+sysctl_sleepwaketime SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
- if ( pm_vars->myCurrentState == DOZE_STATE )
- {
- // reset this till next attempt
- canSleep = true;
- powerOverrideOffPriv();
+ struct timeval *swt = (struct timeval *)arg1;
+ struct proc *p = req->p;
+ if (p == kernproc) {
+ return sysctl_io_opaque(req, swt, sizeof(*swt), NULL);
+ } else if (proc_is64bit(p)) {
+ struct user64_timeval t = {};
+ t.tv_sec = swt->tv_sec;
+ t.tv_usec = swt->tv_usec;
+ return sysctl_io_opaque(req, &t, sizeof(t), NULL);
+ } else {
+ struct user32_timeval t = {};
+ t.tv_sec = swt->tv_sec;
+ t.tv_usec = swt->tv_usec;
+ return sysctl_io_opaque(req, &t, sizeof(t), NULL);
+ }
- // early wake notification
- tellClients(kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn);
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, sleeptime,
+ &gIOLastUserSleepTime, 0, sysctl_sleepwaketime, "S,timeval", "");
- // allow us to wake if children so desire
- patriarch->wakeSystem();
- }
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, waketime,
+ &gIOLastWakeTime, 0, sysctl_sleepwaketime, "S,timeval", "");
+SYSCTL_QUAD(_kern, OID_AUTO, wake_abs_time, CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &gIOLastWakeAbsTime, "");
+SYSCTL_QUAD(_kern, OID_AUTO, sleep_abs_time, CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &gIOLastSleepAbsTime, "");
+SYSCTL_QUAD(_kern, OID_AUTO, useractive_abs_time, CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &gUserActiveAbsTime, "");
+SYSCTL_QUAD(_kern, OID_AUTO, userinactive_abs_time, CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &gUserInactiveAbsTime, "");
-// **********************************************************************************
-// publishFeature
-// Adds a new feature to the supported features dictionary
-// **********************************************************************************
-void IOPMrootDomain::publishFeature( const char * feature )
+static int
+(__unused struct sysctl_oid *oidp, __unused void *arg1, __unused int arg2, struct sysctl_req *req)
- OSDictionary *features = (OSDictionary *)getProperty(kRootDomainSupportedFeatures);
- features->setObject(feature, kOSBooleanTrue);
+ int new_value, changed;
+ int error = sysctl_io_number(req, gWillShutdown, sizeof(int), &new_value, &changed);
+ if (changed) {
+ if (!gWillShutdown && (new_value == 1)) {
+ IOPMRootDomainWillShutdown();
+ } else {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ return error;
-void IOPMrootDomain::unIdleDevice( IOService *theDevice, unsigned long theState )
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, willshutdown,
+ NULL, 0, sysctl_willshutdown, "I", "");
+extern struct sysctl_oid sysctl__kern_iokittest;
+extern struct sysctl_oid sysctl__debug_iokit;
+static int
+(__unused struct sysctl_oid *oidp, __unused void *arg1, __unused int arg2, struct sysctl_req *req)
- if(pmPowerStateQueue)
- pmPowerStateQueue->unIdleOccurred(theDevice, theState);
+ int error;
+ int new_value, changed;
+ error = sysctl_io_number(req, vc_progressmeter_enable, sizeof(int), &new_value, &changed);
+ if (changed) {
+ vc_enable_progressmeter(new_value);
+ }
+ return error;
-void IOPMrootDomain::announcePowerSourceChange( void )
+static int
+(__unused struct sysctl_oid *oidp, __unused void *arg1, __unused int arg2, struct sysctl_req *req)
- messageClients(kIOPMMessageBatteryStatusHasChanged);
+ int error;
+ int new_value, changed;
-// receivePowerNotification
-// The power controller is notifying us of a hardware-related power management
-// event that we must handle. This is a result of an 'environment' interrupt from
-// the power mgt micro.
+ error = sysctl_io_number(req, vc_progressmeter_value, sizeof(int), &new_value, &changed);
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::receivePowerNotification (UInt32 msg)
- if (msg & kIOPMOverTemp)
- {
- IOLog("Power Management received emergency overtemp signal. Going to sleep.");
- (void) sleepSystem ();
- }
- if (msg & kIOPMSetDesktopMode)
- {
- desktopMode = (0 != (msg & kIOPMSetValue));
- msg &= ~(kIOPMSetDesktopMode | kIOPMSetValue);
- }
- if (msg & kIOPMSetACAdaptorConnected)
- {
- acAdaptorConnect = (0 != (msg & kIOPMSetValue));
- msg &= ~(kIOPMSetACAdaptorConnected | kIOPMSetValue);
- }
- if (msg & kIOPMEnableClamshell)
- {
- ignoringClamshell = false;
- }
- if (msg & kIOPMDisableClamshell)
- {
- ignoringClamshell = true;
- }
- if (msg & kIOPMProcessorSpeedChange)
- {
- IOService *pmu = waitForService(serviceMatching("ApplePMU"));
- pmu->callPlatformFunction("prepareForSleep", false, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- pm_vars->thePlatform->sleepKernel();
- pmu->callPlatformFunction("recoverFromSleep", false, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- if (msg & kIOPMSleepNow)
- {
- (void) sleepSystem ();
- }
- if (msg & kIOPMPowerEmergency)
- {
- (void) sleepSystem ();
- }
- if (msg & kIOPMClamshellClosed)
- {
- if ( !ignoringClamshell && !ignoringClamshellDuringWakeup
- && (!desktopMode || !acAdaptorConnect) )
- {
- (void) sleepSystem ();
- }
- }
- if (msg & kIOPMPowerButton)
- {
- // toggle state of sleep/wake
- // are we dozing?
- if ( pm_vars->myCurrentState == DOZE_STATE )
- {
- // yes, tell the tree we're waking
- systemWake();
- // wake the Display Wrangler
- reportUserInput();
- }
- else {
- // Check that power button sleep is enabled
- if(kOSBooleanTrue != getProperty(OSString::withCString("DisablePowerButtonSleep")))
- sleepSystem();
- }
- }
- // if the case has been closed, we allow
- // the machine to be put to sleep or to idle sleep
- if ( (msg & kIOPMAllowSleep) && !allowSleep )
- {
- allowSleep = true;
- adjustPowerState();
- }
- // if the case has been opened, we disallow sleep/doze
- if (msg & kIOPMPreventSleep) {
- allowSleep = false;
- // are we dozing?
- if ( pm_vars->myCurrentState == DOZE_STATE ) {
- // yes, tell the tree we're waking
- systemWake();
- adjustPowerState();
- // wake the Display Wrangler
- reportUserInput();
- } else {
- adjustPowerState();
- // make sure we have power to clamp
- patriarch->wakeSystem();
- }
- }
- return 0;
+ if (changed) {
+ vc_set_progressmeter(new_value);
+ }
+ return error;
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, progressmeterenable,
+ NULL, 0, sysctl_progressmeterenable, "I", "");
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, progressmeter,
+ NULL, 0, sysctl_progressmeter, "I", "");
+#endif /* !CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
-// sleepSupported
-void IOPMrootDomain::setSleepSupported( IOOptionBits flags )
+static int
+(__unused struct sysctl_oid *oidp, __unused void *arg1, __unused int arg2, struct sysctl_req *req)
- if ( flags & kPCICantSleep )
- {
- canSleep = false;
- } else {
- platformSleepSupport = flags;
- }
+ int error, changed;
+ uint32_t new_value;
+ error = sysctl_io_number(req, vc_user_options.options, sizeof(uint32_t), &new_value, &changed);
-// requestPowerDomainState
-// The root domain intercepts this call to the superclass.
-// If the clamp bit is not set in the desire, then the child doesn't need the power
-// state it's requesting; it just wants it. The root ignores desires but not needs.
-// If the clamp bit is not set, the root takes it that the child can tolerate no
-// power and interprets the request accordingly. If all children can thus tolerate
-// no power, we are on our way to idle sleep.
+ if (changed) {
+ vc_user_options.options = new_value;
+ }
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::requestPowerDomainState ( IOPMPowerFlags desiredState, IOPowerConnection * whichChild, unsigned long specification )
- OSIterator *iter;
- OSObject *next;
- IOPowerConnection *connection;
- unsigned long powerRequestFlag = 0;
- IOPMPowerFlags editedDesire = desiredState;
- // if they don't really need it, they don't get it
- if ( !(desiredState & kIOPMPreventIdleSleep) ) {
- editedDesire = 0;
- }
- IOLockLock(pm_vars->childLock);
- // recompute sleepIsSupported and see if all children are asleep
- iter = getChildIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
- sleepIsSupported = true;
- if ( iter )
- {
- while ( (next = iter->getNextObject()) )
- {
- if ( (connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection,next)) )
- {
- if ( connection == whichChild )
- {
- powerRequestFlag += editedDesire;
- if ( desiredState & kIOPMPreventSystemSleep )
- {
- sleepIsSupported = false;
- }
- } else {
- powerRequestFlag += connection->getDesiredDomainState();
- if ( connection->getPreventSystemSleepFlag() )
- {
- sleepIsSupported = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- iter->release();
- }
- if ( (extraSleepDelay == 0) && (powerRequestFlag == 0) )
- {
- sleepASAP = true;
- }
- // this may put the system to sleep
- adjustPowerState();
- IOLockUnlock(pm_vars->childLock);
- editedDesire |= desiredState & kIOPMPreventSystemSleep;
- return super::requestPowerDomainState(editedDesire,whichChild,specification);
+ return error;
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, consoleoptions,
+ NULL, 0, sysctl_consoleoptions, "I", "");
-// getSleepSupported
-IOOptionBits IOPMrootDomain::getSleepSupported( void )
+static int
+sysctl_progressoptions SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
- return( platformSleepSupport );
+ return sysctl_io_opaque(req, &vc_user_options, sizeof(vc_user_options), NULL);
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, progressoptions,
+ NULL, 0, sysctl_progressoptions, "S,vc_progress_user_options", "");
-// tellChangeDown
-// We override the superclass implementation so we can send a different message
-// type to the client or application being notified.
-bool IOPMrootDomain::tellChangeDown ( unsigned long stateNum )
+static int
+sysctl_wakereason SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
- switch ( stateNum ) {
- case DOZE_STATE:
- return super::tellClientsWithResponse(kIOMessageSystemWillSleep);
- return super::tellClientsWithResponse(kIOMessageSystemWillRestart);
- case OFF_STATE:
- return super::tellClientsWithResponse(kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff);
- }
- // this shouldn't execute
- return super::tellChangeDown(stateNum);
+ char wr[sizeof(gWakeReasonString)];
+ wr[0] = '\0';
+ if (gRootDomain) {
+ gRootDomain->copyWakeReasonString(wr, sizeof(wr));
+ }
+ return sysctl_io_string(req, wr, 0, 0, NULL);
+SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, wakereason,
+ NULL, 0, sysctl_wakereason, "A", "wakereason");
-// askChangeDown
-// We override the superclass implementation so we can send a different message
-// type to the client or application being notified.
-// This must be idle sleep since we don't ask apps during any other power change.
+static int
+sysctl_targettype SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
+ IOService * root;
+ OSObject * obj;
+ OSData * data;
+ char tt[32];
+ tt[0] = '\0';
+ root = IOService::getServiceRoot();
+ if (root && (obj = root->copyProperty(gIODTTargetTypeKey))) {
+ if ((data = OSDynamicCast(OSData, obj))) {
+ strlcpy(tt, (const char *) data->getBytesNoCopy(), sizeof(tt));
+ }
+ obj->release();
+ }
+ return sysctl_io_string(req, tt, 0, 0, NULL);
-bool IOPMrootDomain::askChangeDown ( unsigned long )
+SYSCTL_PROC(_hw, OID_AUTO, targettype,
+ NULL, 0, sysctl_targettype, "A", "targettype");
+static SYSCTL_INT(_debug, OID_AUTO, darkwake, CTLFLAG_RW, &gDarkWakeFlags, 0, "");
+static SYSCTL_INT(_debug, OID_AUTO, noidle, CTLFLAG_RW, &gNoIdleFlag, 0, "");
+static SYSCTL_INT(_debug, OID_AUTO, swd_sleep_timeout, CTLFLAG_RW, &gSwdSleepTimeout, 0, "");
+static SYSCTL_INT(_debug, OID_AUTO, swd_wake_timeout, CTLFLAG_RW, &gSwdWakeTimeout, 0, "");
+static SYSCTL_INT(_debug, OID_AUTO, swd_timeout, CTLFLAG_RW, &gSwdSleepWakeTimeout, 0, "");
+static SYSCTL_INT(_debug, OID_AUTO, swd_panic, CTLFLAG_RW, &gSwdPanic, 0, "");
+static SYSCTL_INT(_debug, OID_AUTO, swd_panic_phase, CTLFLAG_RW, &swd_panic_phase, 0, "");
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+// AOT
+static int
+sysctl_aotmetrics SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
- return super::tellClientsWithResponse(kIOMessageCanSystemSleep);
+ if (NULL == gRootDomain) {
+ return ENOENT;
+ }
+ if (NULL == gRootDomain->_aotMetrics) {
+ return ENOENT;
+ }
+ return sysctl_io_opaque(req, gRootDomain->_aotMetrics, sizeof(IOPMAOTMetrics), NULL);
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, aotmetrics,
+ NULL, 0, sysctl_aotmetrics, "S,IOPMAOTMetrics", "");
-// tellNoChangeDown
-// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are not
-// dropping power.
-// We override the superclass implementation so we can send a different message
-// type to the client or application being notified.
-// This must be a vetoed idle sleep, since no other power change can be vetoed.
-void IOPMrootDomain::tellNoChangeDown ( unsigned long )
+static int
+update_aotmode(uint32_t mode)
- return tellClients(kIOMessageSystemWillNotSleep);
+ int result;
+ if (!gIOPMWorkLoop) {
+ return ENOENT;
+ }
+ result = gIOPMWorkLoop->runActionBlock(^IOReturn (void) {
+ unsigned int oldCount;
+ if (mode && !gRootDomain->_aotMetrics) {
+ gRootDomain->_aotMetrics = IONewZero(IOPMAOTMetrics, 1);
+ if (!gRootDomain->_aotMetrics) {
+ return ENOMEM;
+ }
+ }
+ oldCount = gRootDomain->idleSleepPreventersCount();
+ gRootDomain->_aotMode = mode;
+ gRootDomain->updatePreventIdleSleepListInternal(NULL, false, oldCount);
+ return 0;
+ });
+ return result;
+static int
+(__unused struct sysctl_oid *oidp, __unused void *arg1, __unused int arg2, struct sysctl_req *req)
+ int error, changed;
+ uint32_t new_value;
+ if (NULL == gRootDomain) {
+ return ENOENT;
+ }
+ error = sysctl_io_number(req, gRootDomain->_aotMode, sizeof(uint32_t), &new_value, &changed);
+ if (changed && gIOPMWorkLoop) {
+ error = update_aotmode(new_value);
+ }
+ return error;
-// tellChangeUp
-// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are raising power.
-// We override the superclass implementation so we can send a different message
-// type to the client or application being notified.
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, aotmodebits,
+ NULL, 0, sysctl_aotmodebits, "I", "");
-void IOPMrootDomain::tellChangeUp ( unsigned long stateNum)
+static int
+(__unused struct sysctl_oid *oidp, __unused void *arg1, __unused int arg2, struct sysctl_req *req)
- if ( stateNum == ON_STATE )
- {
- return tellClients(kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn);
- }
+ int error, changed;
+ uint32_t new_value;
+ if (NULL == gRootDomain) {
+ return ENOENT;
+ }
+ error = sysctl_io_number(req, gRootDomain->_aotMode, sizeof(uint32_t), &new_value, &changed);
+ if (changed && gIOPMWorkLoop) {
+ if (new_value) {
+ new_value = kIOPMAOTModeDefault; // & ~kIOPMAOTModeRespectTimers;
+ }
+ error = update_aotmode(new_value);
+ }
+ return error;
-// reportUserInput
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, aotmode,
+ NULL, 0, sysctl_aotmode, "I", "");
-void IOPMrootDomain::reportUserInput ( void )
- OSIterator * iter;
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
- if(!wrangler)
- {
- iter = getMatchingServices(serviceMatching("IODisplayWrangler"));
- if(iter)
- {
- wrangler = (IOService *) iter->getNextObject();
- iter->release();
- }
- }
- if(wrangler)
- wrangler->activityTickle(0,0);
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMSettingAutoWakeCalendarKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMSettingAutoWakeSecondsKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMSettingAutoPowerCalendarKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMSettingAutoPowerSecondsKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMSettingDebugWakeRelativeKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMSettingDebugPowerRelativeKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMSettingMaintenanceWakeCalendarKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMSettingSleepServiceWakeCalendarKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMSettingSilentRunningKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMUserTriggeredFullWakeKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMUserIsActiveKey;
-// setQuickSpinDownTimeout
+// start
+#define kRootDomainSettingsCount 19
+#define kRootDomainNoPublishSettingsCount 3
-void IOPMrootDomain::setQuickSpinDownTimeout ( void )
+IOPMrootDomain::start( IOService * nub )
- super::setAggressiveness((unsigned long)kPMMinutesToSpinDown,(unsigned long)1);
+ OSIterator *psIterator;
+ OSDictionary *tmpDict;
+ IORootParent * patriarch;
+ super::start(nub);
+ gRootDomain = this;
+ gIOPMSettingAutoWakeCalendarKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingAutoWakeCalendarKey);
+ gIOPMSettingAutoWakeSecondsKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingAutoWakeSecondsKey);
+ gIOPMSettingAutoPowerCalendarKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingAutoPowerCalendarKey);
+ gIOPMSettingAutoPowerSecondsKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingAutoPowerSecondsKey);
+ gIOPMSettingDebugWakeRelativeKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingDebugWakeRelativeKey);
+ gIOPMSettingDebugPowerRelativeKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingDebugPowerRelativeKey);
+ gIOPMSettingMaintenanceWakeCalendarKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingMaintenanceWakeCalendarKey);
+ gIOPMSettingSleepServiceWakeCalendarKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingSleepServiceWakeCalendarKey);
+ gIOPMSettingSilentRunningKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMSettingSilentRunningKey);
+ gIOPMUserTriggeredFullWakeKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMUserTriggeredFullWakeKey);
+ gIOPMUserIsActiveKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMUserIsActiveKey);
+ gIOPMStatsResponseTimedOut = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsResponseTimedOut);
+ gIOPMStatsResponseCancel = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsResponseCancel);
+ gIOPMStatsResponseSlow = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsResponseSlow);
+ gIOPMStatsResponsePrompt = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsResponsePrompt);
+ gIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow);
+ sleepSupportedPEFunction = OSSymbol::withCString("IOPMSetSleepSupported");
+ sleepMessagePEFunction = OSSymbol::withCString("IOPMSystemSleepMessage");
+ const OSSymbol *settingsArr[kRootDomainSettingsCount] =
+ {
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingSleepOnPowerButtonKey),
+ gIOPMSettingAutoWakeSecondsKey,
+ gIOPMSettingAutoPowerSecondsKey,
+ gIOPMSettingAutoWakeCalendarKey,
+ gIOPMSettingAutoPowerCalendarKey,
+ gIOPMSettingDebugWakeRelativeKey,
+ gIOPMSettingDebugPowerRelativeKey,
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingWakeOnRingKey),
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingRestartOnPowerLossKey),
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingWakeOnClamshellKey),
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingWakeOnACChangeKey),
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingTimeZoneOffsetKey),
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingDisplaySleepUsesDimKey),
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingMobileMotionModuleKey),
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingGraphicsSwitchKey),
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStateConsoleShutdown),
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingProModeControl),
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingProModeDefer),
+ gIOPMSettingSilentRunningKey,
+ };
+ const OSSymbol *noPublishSettingsArr[kRootDomainNoPublishSettingsCount] =
+ {
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingProModeControl),
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingProModeDefer),
+ gIOPMSettingSilentRunningKey,
+ };
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("darkwake", &gDarkWakeFlags, sizeof(gDarkWakeFlags));
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("noidle", &gNoIdleFlag, sizeof(gNoIdleFlag));
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("swd_sleeptimeout", &gSwdSleepTimeout, sizeof(gSwdSleepTimeout));
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("swd_waketimeout", &gSwdWakeTimeout, sizeof(gSwdWakeTimeout));
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("swd_timeout", &gSwdSleepWakeTimeout, sizeof(gSwdSleepWakeTimeout));
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("haltmspanic", &gHaltTimeMaxPanic, sizeof(gHaltTimeMaxPanic));
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("haltmslog", &gHaltTimeMaxLog, sizeof(gHaltTimeMaxLog));
+ queue_init(&aggressivesQueue);
+ aggressivesThreadCall = thread_call_allocate(handleAggressivesFunction, this);
+ aggressivesData = OSData::withCapacity(
+ sizeof(AggressivesRecord) * (kPMLastAggressivenessType + 4));
+ featuresDictLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ settingsCtrlLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ wakeEventLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ gHaltLogLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ setPMRootDomain(this);
+ extraSleepTimer = thread_call_allocate(
+ idleSleepTimerExpired,
+ (thread_call_param_t) this);
+ powerButtonDown = thread_call_allocate(
+ powerButtonDownCallout,
+ (thread_call_param_t) this);
+ powerButtonUp = thread_call_allocate(
+ powerButtonUpCallout,
+ (thread_call_param_t) this);
+ diskSyncCalloutEntry = thread_call_allocate(
+ &disk_sync_callout,
+ (thread_call_param_t) this);
+ updateConsoleUsersEntry = thread_call_allocate(
+ &updateConsoleUsersCallout,
+ (thread_call_param_t) this);
+ fullWakeThreadCall = thread_call_allocate(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(thread_call_func_t, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::fullWakeDelayedWork),
+ (thread_call_param_t) this);
+ setProperty(kIOSleepSupportedKey, true);
+ bzero(&gPMStats, sizeof(gPMStats));
+ pmTracer = PMTraceWorker::tracer(this);
+ pmAssertions = PMAssertionsTracker::pmAssertionsTracker(this);
+ userDisabledAllSleep = false;
+ systemBooting = true;
+ idleSleepEnabled = false;
+ sleepSlider = 0;
+ idleSleepTimerPending = false;
+ wrangler = NULL;
+ clamshellClosed = false;
+ clamshellExists = false;
+ clamshellDisabled = true;
+ acAdaptorConnected = true;
+ clamshellSleepDisabled = false;
+ gWakeReasonString[0] = '\0';
+ // Initialize to user active.
+ // Will never transition to user inactive w/o wrangler.
+ fullWakeReason = kFullWakeReasonLocalUser;
+ userIsActive = userWasActive = true;
+ clock_get_uptime(&gUserActiveAbsTime);
+ setProperty(gIOPMUserIsActiveKey, kOSBooleanTrue);
+ // Set the default system capabilities at boot.
+ _currentCapability = kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU |
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics |
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityAudio |
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityNetwork;
+ _pendingCapability = _currentCapability;
+ _desiredCapability = _currentCapability;
+ _highestCapability = _currentCapability;
+ setProperty(kIOPMSystemCapabilitiesKey, _currentCapability, 64);
+ queuedSleepWakeUUIDString = NULL;
+ initializeBootSessionUUID();
+ pmStatsAppResponses = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
+ _statsNameKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsNameKey);
+ _statsPIDKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsPIDKey);
+ _statsTimeMSKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsTimeMSKey);
+ _statsResponseTypeKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsApplicationResponseTypeKey);
+ _statsMessageTypeKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsMessageTypeKey);
+ _statsPowerCapsKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsPowerCapabilityKey);
+ assertOnWakeSecs = -1;// Invalid value to prevent updates
+ pmStatsLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ idxPMCPUClamshell = kCPUUnknownIndex;
+ idxPMCPULimitedPower = kCPUUnknownIndex;
+ tmpDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
+ setProperty(kRootDomainSupportedFeatures, tmpDict);
+ tmpDict->release();
+ settingsCallbacks = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
+ // Create a list of the valid PM settings that we'll relay to
+ // interested clients in setProperties() => setPMSetting()
+ allowedPMSettings = OSArray::withObjects(
+ (const OSObject **)settingsArr,
+ kRootDomainSettingsCount,
+ 0);
+ // List of PM settings that should not automatically publish itself
+ // as a feature when registered by a listener.
+ noPublishPMSettings = OSArray::withObjects(
+ (const OSObject **)noPublishSettingsArr,
+ kRootDomainNoPublishSettingsCount,
+ 0);
+ fPMSettingsDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(5);
+ preventIdleSleepList = OSSet::withCapacity(8);
+ preventSystemSleepList = OSSet::withCapacity(2);
+ PMinit(); // creates gIOPMWorkLoop
+ gIOPMWorkLoop = getIOPMWorkloop();
+ // Create IOPMPowerStateQueue used to queue external power
+ // events, and to handle those events on the PM work loop.
+ pmPowerStateQueue = IOPMPowerStateQueue::PMPowerStateQueue(
+ this, OSMemberFunctionCast(IOEventSource::Action, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::dispatchPowerEvent));
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->addEventSource(pmPowerStateQueue);
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ _aotMode = 0;
+ _aotTimerES = IOTimerEventSource::timerEventSource(this,
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOTimerEventSource::Action,
+ this, &IOPMrootDomain::aotEvaluate));
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->addEventSource(_aotTimerES);
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ // create our power parent
+ patriarch = new IORootParent;
+ patriarch->init();
+ patriarch->attach(this);
+ patriarch->start(this);
+ patriarch->addPowerChild(this);
+ registerPowerDriver(this, ourPowerStates, NUM_POWER_STATES);
+ changePowerStateToPriv(ON_STATE);
+ // install power change handler
+ gSysPowerDownNotifier = registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest( &sysPowerDownHandler, this, NULL);
+ // Register for a notification when IODisplayWrangler is published
+ if ((tmpDict = serviceMatching("IODisplayWrangler"))) {
+ _displayWranglerNotifier = addMatchingNotification(
+ gIOPublishNotification, tmpDict,
+ (IOServiceMatchingNotificationHandler) & displayWranglerMatchPublished,
+ this, NULL);
+ tmpDict->release();
+ }
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+ wranglerIdleSettings = NULL;
+ OSNumber * wranglerIdlePeriod = NULL;
+ wranglerIdleSettings = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
+ wranglerIdlePeriod = OSNumber::withNumber(kDefaultWranglerIdlePeriod, 32);
+ if (wranglerIdleSettings && wranglerIdlePeriod) {
+ wranglerIdleSettings->setObject(kIORequestWranglerIdleKey,
+ wranglerIdlePeriod);
+ }
+ if (wranglerIdlePeriod) {
+ wranglerIdlePeriod->release();
+ }
+ const OSSymbol *ucClassName = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("RootDomainUserClient");
+ setProperty(gIOUserClientClassKey, (OSObject *) ucClassName);
+ ucClassName->release();
+ // IOBacklightDisplay can take a long time to load at boot, or it may
+ // not load at all if you're booting with clamshell closed. We publish
+ // 'DisplayDims' here redundantly to get it published early and at all.
+ OSDictionary * matching;
+ matching = serviceMatching("IOPMPowerSource");
+ psIterator = getMatchingServices( matching );
+ if (matching) {
+ matching->release();
+ }
+ if (psIterator && psIterator->getNextObject()) {
+ // There's at least one battery on the system, so we publish
+ // 'DisplayDims' support for the LCD.
+ publishFeature("DisplayDims");
+ }
+ if (psIterator) {
+ psIterator->release();
+ }
+ // read swd_panic boot-arg
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("swd_panic", &gSwdPanic, sizeof(gSwdPanic));
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_sleeptime);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_waketime);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_willshutdown);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_iokittest);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__debug_iokit);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__hw_targettype);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_progressmeterenable);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_progressmeter);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_wakereason);
+#endif /* !CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_consoleoptions);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_progressoptions);
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_aotmode);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_aotmodebits);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_aotmetrics);
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ IOHibernateSystemInit(this);
+ registerService(); // let clients find us
+ return true;
-// restoreUserSpinDownTimeout
+// setProperties
+// Receive a setProperty call
+// The "System Boot" property means the system is completely booted.
-void IOPMrootDomain::restoreUserSpinDownTimeout ( void )
+IOPMrootDomain::setProperties( OSObject * props_obj )
- super::setAggressiveness((unsigned long)kPMMinutesToSpinDown,(unsigned long)user_spindown);
+ IOReturn return_value = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ OSDictionary *dict = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, props_obj);
+ OSBoolean *b;
+ OSNumber *n;
+ const OSSymbol *key;
+ OSObject *obj;
+ OSCollectionIterator * iter = NULL;
+ if (!dict) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
+ bool clientEntitled = false;
+ obj = IOUserClient::copyClientEntitlement(current_task(), kRootDomainEntitlementSetProperty);
+ clientEntitled = (obj == kOSBooleanTrue);
+ OSSafeReleaseNULL(obj);
+ if (!clientEntitled) {
+ const char * errorSuffix = NULL;
+ // IOPMSchedulePowerEvent() clients may not be entitled, but must be root.
+ // That API can set 6 possible keys that are checked below.
+ if ((dict->getCount() == 1) &&
+ (dict->getObject(gIOPMSettingAutoWakeSecondsKey) ||
+ dict->getObject(gIOPMSettingAutoPowerSecondsKey) ||
+ dict->getObject(gIOPMSettingAutoWakeCalendarKey) ||
+ dict->getObject(gIOPMSettingAutoPowerCalendarKey) ||
+ dict->getObject(gIOPMSettingDebugWakeRelativeKey) ||
+ dict->getObject(gIOPMSettingDebugPowerRelativeKey))) {
+ return_value = IOUserClient::clientHasPrivilege(current_task(), kIOClientPrivilegeAdministrator);
+ if (return_value != kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ errorSuffix = "privileged";
+ }
+ } else {
+ return_value = kIOReturnNotPermitted;
+ errorSuffix = "entitled";
+ }
+ if (return_value != kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ OSString * procName = IOCopyLogNameForPID(proc_selfpid());
+ DLOG("%s failed, process %s is not %s\n", __func__,
+ procName ? procName->getCStringNoCopy() : "", errorSuffix);
+ OSSafeReleaseNULL(procName);
+ return return_value;
+ }
+ }
+ const OSSymbol *publish_simulated_battery_string = OSSymbol::withCString("SoftwareSimulatedBatteries");
+ const OSSymbol *boot_complete_string = OSSymbol::withCString("System Boot Complete");
+ const OSSymbol *sys_shutdown_string = OSSymbol::withCString("System Shutdown");
+ const OSSymbol *stall_halt_string = OSSymbol::withCString("StallSystemAtHalt");
+ const OSSymbol *battery_warning_disabled_string = OSSymbol::withCString("BatteryWarningsDisabled");
+ const OSSymbol *idle_seconds_string = OSSymbol::withCString("System Idle Seconds");
+ const OSSymbol *sleepdisabled_string = OSSymbol::withCString("SleepDisabled");
+ const OSSymbol *ondeck_sleepwake_uuid_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey);
+ const OSSymbol *loginwindow_progress_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMLoginWindowProgressKey);
+ const OSSymbol *coredisplay_progress_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMCoreDisplayProgressKey);
+ const OSSymbol *coregraphics_progress_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMCoreGraphicsProgressKey);
+ const OSSymbol *hibernatemode_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOHibernateModeKey);
+ const OSSymbol *hibernatefile_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOHibernateFileKey);
+ const OSSymbol *hibernatefilemin_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOHibernateFileMinSizeKey);
+ const OSSymbol *hibernatefilemax_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOHibernateFileMaxSizeKey);
+ const OSSymbol *hibernatefreeratio_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOHibernateFreeRatioKey);
+ const OSSymbol *hibernatefreetime_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOHibernateFreeTimeKey);
+ iter = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(dict);
+ if (!iter) {
+ return_value = kIOReturnNoMemory;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ while ((key = (const OSSymbol *) iter->getNextObject()) &&
+ (obj = dict->getObject(key))) {
+ if (key->isEqualTo(publish_simulated_battery_string)) {
+ if (OSDynamicCast(OSBoolean, obj)) {
+ publishResource(key, kOSBooleanTrue);
+ }
+ } else if (key->isEqualTo(idle_seconds_string)) {
+ if ((n = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj))) {
+ setProperty(key, n);
+ idleSeconds = n->unsigned32BitValue();
+ }
+ } else if (key->isEqualTo(boot_complete_string)) {
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(kPowerEventSystemBootCompleted);
+ } else if (key->isEqualTo(sys_shutdown_string)) {
+ if ((b = OSDynamicCast(OSBoolean, obj))) {
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(kPowerEventSystemShutdown, (void *) b);
+ }
+ } else if (key->isEqualTo(battery_warning_disabled_string)) {
+ setProperty(key, obj);
+ }
+ else if (key->isEqualTo(hibernatemode_string) ||
+ key->isEqualTo(hibernatefilemin_string) ||
+ key->isEqualTo(hibernatefilemax_string) ||
+ key->isEqualTo(hibernatefreeratio_string) ||
+ key->isEqualTo(hibernatefreetime_string)) {
+ if ((n = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj))) {
+ setProperty(key, n);
+ }
+ } else if (key->isEqualTo(hibernatefile_string)) {
+ OSString * str = OSDynamicCast(OSString, obj);
+ if (str) {
+ setProperty(key, str);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (key->isEqualTo(sleepdisabled_string)) {
+ if ((b = OSDynamicCast(OSBoolean, obj))) {
+ setProperty(key, b);
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(kPowerEventUserDisabledSleep, (void *) b);
+ }
+ } else if (key->isEqualTo(ondeck_sleepwake_uuid_string)) {
+ obj->retain();
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(kPowerEventQueueSleepWakeUUID, (void *)obj);
+ } else if (key->isEqualTo(loginwindow_progress_string)) {
+ if (pmTracer && (n = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj))) {
+ uint32_t data = n->unsigned32BitValue();
+ pmTracer->traceComponentWakeProgress(kIOPMLoginWindowProgress, data);
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogComponentWakeProgress, 0, kIOPMLoginWindowProgress, data);
+ }
+ } else if (key->isEqualTo(coredisplay_progress_string)) {
+ if (pmTracer && (n = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj))) {
+ uint32_t data = n->unsigned32BitValue();
+ pmTracer->traceComponentWakeProgress(kIOPMCoreDisplayProgress, data);
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogComponentWakeProgress, 0, kIOPMCoreDisplayProgress, data);
+ }
+ } else if (key->isEqualTo(coregraphics_progress_string)) {
+ if (pmTracer && (n = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj))) {
+ uint32_t data = n->unsigned32BitValue();
+ pmTracer->traceComponentWakeProgress(kIOPMCoreGraphicsProgress, data);
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogComponentWakeProgress, 0, kIOPMCoreGraphicsProgress, data);
+ }
+ } else if (key->isEqualTo(kIOPMDeepSleepEnabledKey) ||
+ key->isEqualTo(kIOPMDestroyFVKeyOnStandbyKey) ||
+ key->isEqualTo(kIOPMAutoPowerOffEnabledKey) ||
+ key->isEqualTo(stall_halt_string)) {
+ if ((b = OSDynamicCast(OSBoolean, obj))) {
+ setProperty(key, b);
+ }
+ } else if (key->isEqualTo(kIOPMDeepSleepDelayKey) ||
+ key->isEqualTo(kIOPMDeepSleepTimerKey) ||
+ key->isEqualTo(kIOPMAutoPowerOffDelayKey) ||
+ key->isEqualTo(kIOPMAutoPowerOffTimerKey)) {
+ if ((n = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj))) {
+ setProperty(key, n);
+ }
+ } else if (key->isEqualTo(kIOPMUserWakeAlarmScheduledKey)) {
+ if (kOSBooleanTrue == obj) {
+ OSBitOrAtomic(kIOPMAlarmBitCalendarWake, &_userScheduledAlarm);
+ } else {
+ OSBitAndAtomic(~kIOPMAlarmBitCalendarWake, &_userScheduledAlarm);
+ }
+ DLOG("_userScheduledAlarm = 0x%x\n", (uint32_t) _userScheduledAlarm);
+ }
+ // Relay our allowed PM settings onto our registered PM clients
+ else if ((allowedPMSettings->getNextIndexOfObject(key, 0) != (unsigned int) -1)) {
+ return_value = setPMSetting(key, obj);
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess != return_value) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (gIOPMSettingDebugWakeRelativeKey == key) {
+ if ((n = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj)) &&
+ (_debugWakeSeconds = n->unsigned32BitValue())) {
+ OSBitOrAtomic(kIOPMAlarmBitDebugWake, &_scheduledAlarms);
+ } else {
+ _debugWakeSeconds = 0;
+ OSBitAndAtomic(~kIOPMAlarmBitDebugWake, &_scheduledAlarms);
+ }
+ DLOG("_scheduledAlarms = 0x%x\n", (uint32_t) _scheduledAlarms);
+ } else if (gIOPMSettingAutoWakeCalendarKey == key) {
+ OSData * data;
+ if ((data = OSDynamicCast(OSData, obj)) &&
+ (data->getLength() == sizeof(IOPMCalendarStruct))) {
+ const IOPMCalendarStruct * cs =
+ (const IOPMCalendarStruct *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
+ IOLog("gIOPMSettingAutoWakeCalendarKey " YMDTF "\n", YMDT(cs));
+ if (cs->year) {
+ _scheduledAlarmUTC = IOPMConvertCalendarToSeconds(cs);
+ OSBitOrAtomic(kIOPMAlarmBitCalendarWake, &_scheduledAlarms);
+ } else {
+ _scheduledAlarmUTC = 0;
+ OSBitAndAtomic(~kIOPMAlarmBitCalendarWake, &_scheduledAlarms);
+ }
+ DLOG("_scheduledAlarms = 0x%x\n", (uint32_t) _scheduledAlarms);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ DLOG("setProperties(%s) not handled\n", key->getCStringNoCopy());
+ }
+ }
+ if (publish_simulated_battery_string) {
+ publish_simulated_battery_string->release();
+ }
+ if (boot_complete_string) {
+ boot_complete_string->release();
+ }
+ if (sys_shutdown_string) {
+ sys_shutdown_string->release();
+ }
+ if (stall_halt_string) {
+ stall_halt_string->release();
+ }
+ if (battery_warning_disabled_string) {
+ battery_warning_disabled_string->release();
+ }
+ if (idle_seconds_string) {
+ idle_seconds_string->release();
+ }
+ if (sleepdisabled_string) {
+ sleepdisabled_string->release();
+ }
+ if (ondeck_sleepwake_uuid_string) {
+ ondeck_sleepwake_uuid_string->release();
+ }
+ if (loginwindow_progress_string) {
+ loginwindow_progress_string->release();
+ }
+ if (coredisplay_progress_string) {
+ coredisplay_progress_string->release();
+ }
+ if (coregraphics_progress_string) {
+ coregraphics_progress_string->release();
+ }
+ if (hibernatemode_string) {
+ hibernatemode_string->release();
+ }
+ if (hibernatefile_string) {
+ hibernatefile_string->release();
+ }
+ if (hibernatefreeratio_string) {
+ hibernatefreeratio_string->release();
+ }
+ if (hibernatefreetime_string) {
+ hibernatefreetime_string->release();
+ }
+ if (iter) {
+ iter->release();
+ }
+ return return_value;
-// changePowerStateTo & changePowerStateToPriv
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Aggressiveness
+// setAggressiveness
-// Override of these methods for logging purposes.
+// Override IOService::setAggressiveness()
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::changePowerStateTo ( unsigned long ordinal )
+ unsigned long type,
+ unsigned long value )
- ioSPMTrace(IOPOWER_ROOT, * (int *) this, (int) true, (int) ordinal);
- return super::changePowerStateTo(ordinal);
+ return setAggressiveness( type, value, 0 );
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::changePowerStateToPriv ( unsigned long ordinal )
+ * Private setAggressiveness() with an internal options argument.
+ */
+ unsigned long type,
+ unsigned long value,
+ IOOptionBits options )
- ioSPMTrace(IOPOWER_ROOT, * (int *) this, (int) false, (int) ordinal);
- return super::changePowerStateToPriv(ordinal);
+ AggressivesRequest * entry;
+ AggressivesRequest * request;
+ bool found = false;
+ if (type == kPMMinutesToDim || type == kPMMinutesToSleep) {
+ DLOG("setAggressiveness(%x) %s = %u\n",
+ (uint32_t) options, getAggressivenessTypeString((uint32_t) type), (uint32_t) value);
+ } else {
+ DEBUG_LOG("setAggressiveness(%x) %s = %u\n",
+ (uint32_t) options, getAggressivenessTypeString((uint32_t) type), (uint32_t) value);
+ }
+ request = IONew(AggressivesRequest, 1);
+ if (!request) {
+ return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+ }
+ memset(request, 0, sizeof(*request));
+ request->options = options;
+ request->dataType = kAggressivesRequestTypeRecord;
+ request->data.record.type = (uint32_t) type;
+ request->data.record.value = (uint32_t) value;
+ // Update disk quick spindown flag used by getAggressiveness().
+ // Never merge requests with quick spindown flags set.
+ if (options & kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownEnable) {
+ gAggressivesState |= kAggressivesStateQuickSpindown;
+ } else if (options & kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownDisable) {
+ gAggressivesState &= ~kAggressivesStateQuickSpindown;
+ } else {
+ // Coalesce requests with identical aggressives types.
+ // Deal with callers that calls us too "aggressively".
+ queue_iterate(&aggressivesQueue, entry, AggressivesRequest *, chain)
+ {
+ if ((entry->dataType == kAggressivesRequestTypeRecord) &&
+ (entry->data.record.type == type) &&
+ ((entry->options & kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownMask) == 0)) {
+ entry->data.record.value = value;
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ queue_enter(&aggressivesQueue, request, AggressivesRequest *, chain);
+ }
+ if (found) {
+ IODelete(request, AggressivesRequest, 1);
+ }
+ if (options & kAggressivesOptionSynchronous) {
+ handleAggressivesRequests(); // not truly synchronous
+ } else {
+ thread_call_enter(aggressivesThreadCall);
+ }
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
-// sysPowerDownHandler
-// Receives a notification when the RootDomain changes state.
+// getAggressiveness
-// Allows us to take action on system sleep, power down, and restart after
-// applications have received their power change notifications and replied,
-// but before drivers have powered down. We perform a vfs sync on power down.
+// Override IOService::setAggressiveness()
+// Fetch the aggressiveness factor with the given type.
+ unsigned long type,
+ unsigned long * outLevel )
+ uint32_t value = 0;
+ int source = 0;
+ if (!outLevel) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
+ // Disk quick spindown in effect, report value = 1
+ if ((gAggressivesState & kAggressivesStateQuickSpindown) &&
+ (type == kPMMinutesToSpinDown)) {
+ value = kAggressivesMinValue;
+ source = 1;
+ }
+ // Consult the pending request queue.
+ if (!source) {
+ AggressivesRequest * entry;
+ queue_iterate(&aggressivesQueue, entry, AggressivesRequest *, chain)
+ {
+ if ((entry->dataType == kAggressivesRequestTypeRecord) &&
+ (entry->data.record.type == type) &&
+ ((entry->options & kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownMask) == 0)) {
+ value = entry->data.record.value;
+ source = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Consult the backend records.
+ if (!source && aggressivesData) {
+ AggressivesRecord * record;
+ int i, count;
+ count = aggressivesData->getLength() / sizeof(AggressivesRecord);
+ record = (AggressivesRecord *) aggressivesData->getBytesNoCopy();
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++, record++) {
+ if (record->type == type) {
+ value = record->value;
+ source = 3;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (source) {
+ *outLevel = (unsigned long) value;
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ } else {
+ DLOG("getAggressiveness type 0x%x not found\n", (uint32_t) type);
+ *outLevel = 0; // default return = 0, driver may not check for error
+ return kIOReturnInvalid;
+ }
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::sysPowerDownHandler( void * target, void * refCon,
- UInt32 messageType, IOService * service,
- void * messageArgument, vm_size_t argSize )
- IOReturn ret;
- IOPowerStateChangeNotification *params = (IOPowerStateChangeNotification *) messageArgument;
- IOPMrootDomain *rootDomain = OSDynamicCast(IOPMrootDomain, service);
- if(!rootDomain)
- return kIOReturnUnsupported;
- switch (messageType) {
- case kIOMessageSystemWillSleep:
- rootDomain->powerOverrideOnPriv(); // start ignoring children's requests
- // (fall through to other cases)
- // Interested applications have been notified of an impending power
- // change and have acked (when applicable).
- // This is our chance to save whatever state we can before powering
- // down.
- // We call sync_internal defined in xnu/bsd/vfs/vfs_syscalls.c,
- // via callout
- // We will ack within 20 seconds
- params->returnValue = 20 * 1000 * 1000;
- if ( ! OSCompareAndSwap( 0, 1, &gSleepOrShutdownPending ) )
- {
- // Purposely delay the ack and hope that shutdown occurs quickly.
- // Another option is not to schedule the thread and wait for
- // ack timeout...
- AbsoluteTime deadline;
- clock_interval_to_deadline( 30, kSecondScale, &deadline );
- thread_call_enter1_delayed( rootDomain->diskSyncCalloutEntry,
- (thread_call_param_t)params->powerRef,
- deadline );
- }
- else
- thread_call_enter1(rootDomain->diskSyncCalloutEntry, (thread_call_param_t)params->powerRef);
- ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
- break;
- case kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff:
- case kIOMessageSystemWillRestart:
- ret = kIOReturnUnsupported;
- break;
- default:
- ret = kIOReturnUnsupported;
- break;
- }
- return ret;
-// displayWranglerNotification
-// Receives a notification when the IODisplayWrangler changes state.
+// joinAggressiveness
-// Allows us to take action on display dim/undim.
-// When the display goes dim we:
-// - Start the idle sleep timer
-// - set the quick spin down timeout
-// On wake from display dim:
-// - Cancel the idle sleep timer
-// - restore the user's chosen spindown timer from the "quick" spin down value
+// Request from IOService to join future aggressiveness broadcasts.
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::displayWranglerNotification( void * target, void * refCon,
- UInt32 messageType, IOService * service,
- void * messageArgument, vm_size_t argSize )
- IOPMrootDomain * rootDomain = OSDynamicCast(IOPMrootDomain, (IOService *)target);
- AbsoluteTime deadline;
- static bool deviceAlreadyPoweredOff = false;
- if(!rootDomain)
- return kIOReturnUnsupported;
- switch (messageType) {
- case kIOMessageDeviceWillPowerOff:
- // The IODisplayWrangler has powered off either because of idle display sleep
- // or force system sleep.
- // The display wrangler will send the DeviceWillPowerOff message 4 times until
- // it gets into its lowest state. We only want to act on the first of those 4.
- if( deviceAlreadyPoweredOff ) return kIOReturnUnsupported;
- deviceAlreadyPoweredOff = true;
- if( rootDomain->extraSleepDelay )
- {
- // start the extra sleep timer
- clock_interval_to_deadline(rootDomain->extraSleepDelay*60, kSecondScale, &deadline );
- thread_call_enter_delayed(rootDomain->extraSleepTimer, deadline);
- rootDomain->idleSleepPending = true;
- } else {
- // accelerate disk spin down if spin down timer is non-zero (zero = never spin down)
- // and if system sleep is non-Never
- if( (0 != rootDomain->user_spindown) && (0 != rootDomain->sleepSlider) )
- rootDomain->setQuickSpinDownTimeout();
- }
- break;
- case kIOMessageDeviceHasPoweredOn:
- // The display has powered on either because of UI activity or wake from sleep/doze
- deviceAlreadyPoweredOff = false;
- rootDomain->adjustPowerState();
- // cancel any pending idle sleep
- if(rootDomain->idleSleepPending)
- {
- thread_call_cancel(rootDomain->extraSleepTimer);
- rootDomain->idleSleepPending = false;
- }
- // Change the spindown value back to the user's selection from our accelerated setting
- if(0 != rootDomain->user_spindown)
- rootDomain->restoreUserSpinDownTimeout();
- // Put on the policy maker's on clamp.
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return kIOReturnUnsupported;
- }
+ IOService * service )
+ AggressivesRequest * request;
-// displayWranglerPublished
-// Receives a notification when the IODisplayWrangler is published.
-// When it's published we install a power state change handler.
+ if (!service || (service == this)) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
-bool IOPMrootDomain::displayWranglerPublished( void * target, void * refCon,
- IOService * newService)
- IOPMrootDomain * rootDomain = OSDynamicCast(IOPMrootDomain, (IOService *)target);
+ DEBUG_LOG("joinAggressiveness %s %p\n", service->getName(), OBFUSCATE(service));
- if(!rootDomain)
- return false;
+ request = IONew(AggressivesRequest, 1);
+ if (!request) {
+ return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+ }
- rootDomain->wrangler = newService;
- // we found the display wrangler, now install a handler
- if( !rootDomain->wrangler->registerInterest( gIOGeneralInterest, &displayWranglerNotification, target, 0) ) {
- IOLog("IOPMrootDomain::displayWranglerPublished registerInterest failed\n");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
+ service->retain(); // released by synchronizeAggressives()
+ memset(request, 0, sizeof(*request));
+ request->dataType = kAggressivesRequestTypeService;
+ request->data.service = service;
-// adjustPowerState
-// Some condition that affects our wake/sleep/doze decision has changed.
-// If the sleep slider is in the off position, we cannot sleep or doze.
-// If the enclosure is open, we cannot sleep or doze.
-// If the system is still booting, we cannot sleep or doze.
-// In those circumstances, we prevent sleep and doze by holding power on with
-// changePowerStateToPriv(ON).
-// If the above conditions do not exist, and also the sleep timer has expired, we
-// allow sleep or doze to occur with either changePowerStateToPriv(SLEEP) or
-// changePowerStateToPriv(DOZE) depending on whether or not we already know the
-// platform cannot sleep.
+ queue_enter(&aggressivesQueue, request, AggressivesRequest *, chain);
+ thread_call_enter(aggressivesThreadCall);
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+// handleAggressivesRequests
-// In this case, sleep or doze will either occur immediately or at the next time
-// that no children are holding the system out of idle sleep via the
-// kIOPMPreventIdleSleep flag in their power state arrays.
+// Backend thread processes all incoming aggressiveness requests in the queue.
-void IOPMrootDomain::adjustPowerState( void )
+static void
+ thread_call_param_t param1,
+ thread_call_param_t param2 )
- if ( (sleepSlider == 0) ||
- ! allowSleep ||
- systemBooting ) {
- changePowerStateToPriv(ON_STATE);
- } else {
- if ( sleepASAP )
- {
- sleepASAP = false;
- if ( sleepIsSupported )
- {
- changePowerStateToPriv(SLEEP_STATE);
- } else {
- changePowerStateToPriv(DOZE_STATE);
- }
- }
- }
+ if (param1) {
+ ((IOPMrootDomain *) param1)->handleAggressivesRequests();
+ }
+IOPMrootDomain::handleAggressivesRequests( void )
+ AggressivesRecord * start;
+ AggressivesRecord * record;
+ AggressivesRequest * request;
+ queue_head_t joinedQueue;
+ int i, count;
+ bool broadcast;
+ bool found;
+ bool pingSelf = false;
+ if ((gAggressivesState & kAggressivesStateBusy) || !aggressivesData ||
+ queue_empty(&aggressivesQueue)) {
+ goto unlock_done;
+ }
+ gAggressivesState |= kAggressivesStateBusy;
+ count = aggressivesData->getLength() / sizeof(AggressivesRecord);
+ start = (AggressivesRecord *) aggressivesData->getBytesNoCopy();
+ do{
+ broadcast = false;
+ queue_init(&joinedQueue);
+ do{
+ // Remove request from the incoming queue in FIFO order.
+ queue_remove_first(&aggressivesQueue, request, AggressivesRequest *, chain);
+ switch (request->dataType) {
+ case kAggressivesRequestTypeRecord:
+ // Update existing record if found.
+ found = false;
+ for (i = 0, record = start; i < count; i++, record++) {
+ if (record->type == request->data.record.type) {
+ found = true;
+ if (request->options & kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownEnable) {
+ if ((record->flags & kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue) == 0) {
+ broadcast = true;
+ record->flags |= (kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue |
+ kAggressivesRecordFlagModified);
+ DLOG("disk spindown accelerated, was %u min\n",
+ record->value);
+ }
+ } else if (request->options & kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownDisable) {
+ if (record->flags & kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue) {
+ broadcast = true;
+ record->flags |= kAggressivesRecordFlagModified;
+ record->flags &= ~kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue;
+ DLOG("disk spindown restored to %u min\n",
+ record->value);
+ }
+ } else if (record->value != request->data.record.value) {
+ record->value = request->data.record.value;
+ if ((record->flags & kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue) == 0) {
+ broadcast = true;
+ record->flags |= kAggressivesRecordFlagModified;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // No matching record, append a new record.
+ if (!found &&
+ ((request->options & kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownDisable) == 0)) {
+ AggressivesRecord newRecord;
+ newRecord.flags = kAggressivesRecordFlagModified;
+ newRecord.type = request->data.record.type;
+ newRecord.value = request->data.record.value;
+ if (request->options & kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownEnable) {
+ newRecord.flags |= kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue;
+ DLOG("disk spindown accelerated\n");
+ }
+ aggressivesData->appendBytes(&newRecord, sizeof(newRecord));
+ // OSData may have switched to another (larger) buffer.
+ count = aggressivesData->getLength() / sizeof(AggressivesRecord);
+ start = (AggressivesRecord *) aggressivesData->getBytesNoCopy();
+ broadcast = true;
+ }
+ // Finished processing the request, release it.
+ IODelete(request, AggressivesRequest, 1);
+ break;
+ case kAggressivesRequestTypeService:
+ // synchronizeAggressives() will free request.
+ queue_enter(&joinedQueue, request, AggressivesRequest *, chain);
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("bad aggressives request type %x\n", request->dataType);
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (!queue_empty(&aggressivesQueue));
+ // Release the lock to perform work, with busy flag set.
+ if (!queue_empty(&joinedQueue) || broadcast) {
+ if (!queue_empty(&joinedQueue)) {
+ synchronizeAggressives(&joinedQueue, start, count);
+ }
+ if (broadcast) {
+ broadcastAggressives(start, count);
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the modified flag from all records.
+ for (i = 0, record = start; i < count; i++, record++) {
+ if ((record->flags & kAggressivesRecordFlagModified) &&
+ ((record->type == kPMMinutesToDim) ||
+ (record->type == kPMMinutesToSleep))) {
+ pingSelf = true;
+ }
+ record->flags &= ~kAggressivesRecordFlagModified;
+ }
+ // Check the incoming queue again since new entries may have been
+ // added while lock was released above.
+ } while (!queue_empty(&aggressivesQueue));
+ gAggressivesState &= ~kAggressivesStateBusy;
+ // Root domain is interested in system and display sleep slider changes.
+ // Submit a power event to handle those changes on the PM work loop.
+ if (pingSelf && pmPowerStateQueue) {
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(
+ kPowerEventPolicyStimulus,
+ (void *) kStimulusAggressivenessChanged );
+ }
-/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
-#undef super
-#define super IOService
+// synchronizeAggressives
+// Push all known aggressiveness records to one or more IOService.
+ queue_head_t * joinedQueue,
+ const AggressivesRecord * array,
+ int count )
+ IOService * service;
+ AggressivesRequest * request;
+ const AggressivesRecord * record;
+ IOPMDriverCallEntry callEntry;
+ uint32_t value;
+ int i;
+ while (!queue_empty(joinedQueue)) {
+ queue_remove_first(joinedQueue, request, AggressivesRequest *, chain);
+ if (request->dataType == kAggressivesRequestTypeService) {
+ service = request->data.service;
+ } else {
+ service = NULL;
+ }
+ IODelete(request, AggressivesRequest, 1);
+ request = NULL;
+ if (service) {
+ if (service->assertPMDriverCall(&callEntry, kIOPMDriverCallMethodSetAggressive)) {
+ for (i = 0, record = array; i < count; i++, record++) {
+ value = record->value;
+ if (record->flags & kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue) {
+ value = kAggressivesMinValue;
+ }
+ _LOG("synchronizeAggressives 0x%x = %u to %s\n",
+ record->type, value, service->getName());
+ service->setAggressiveness(record->type, value);
+ }
+ service->deassertPMDriverCall(&callEntry);
+ }
+ service->release(); // retained by joinAggressiveness()
+ }
+ }
+// broadcastAggressives
+// Traverse PM tree and call setAggressiveness() for records that have changed.
+ const AggressivesRecord * array,
+ int count )
+ IORegistryIterator * iter;
+ IORegistryEntry * entry;
+ IOPowerConnection * connect;
+ IOService * service;
+ const AggressivesRecord * record;
+ IOPMDriverCallEntry callEntry;
+ uint32_t value;
+ int i;
+ iter = IORegistryIterator::iterateOver(
+ this, gIOPowerPlane, kIORegistryIterateRecursively);
+ if (iter) {
+ do{
+ iter->reset();
+ while ((entry = iter->getNextObject())) {
+ connect = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection, entry);
+ if (!connect || !connect->getReadyFlag()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((service = OSDynamicCast(IOService, connect->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane)))) {
+ if (service->assertPMDriverCall(&callEntry, kIOPMDriverCallMethodSetAggressive)) {
+ for (i = 0, record = array; i < count; i++, record++) {
+ if (record->flags & kAggressivesRecordFlagModified) {
+ value = record->value;
+ if (record->flags & kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue) {
+ value = kAggressivesMinValue;
+ }
+ _LOG("broadcastAggressives %x = %u to %s\n",
+ record->type, value, service->getName());
+ service->setAggressiveness(record->type, value);
+ }
+ }
+ service->deassertPMDriverCall(&callEntry);
+ }
+ service->release();
+ }
+ }
+ }while (!entry && !iter->isValid());
+ iter->release();
+ }
+// stackshot on power button press
+// ***************************************
+static void
+powerButtonDownCallout(thread_call_param_t us, thread_call_param_t )
+ /* Power button pressed during wake
+ * Take a stackshot
+ */
+ DEBUG_LOG("Powerbutton: down. Taking stackshot\n");
+ ((IOPMrootDomain *)us)->takeStackshot(false);
+static void
+powerButtonUpCallout(thread_call_param_t us, thread_call_param_t)
+ /* Power button released.
+ * Delete any stackshot data
+ */
+ DEBUG_LOG("PowerButton: up callout. Delete stackshot\n");
+ ((IOPMrootDomain *)us)->deleteStackshot();
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: System Sleep
+// startIdleSleepTimer
+IOPMrootDomain::startIdleSleepTimer( uint32_t inSeconds )
+ AbsoluteTime deadline;
+ if (gNoIdleFlag) {
+ DLOG("idle timer not set (noidle=%d)\n", gNoIdleFlag);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (inSeconds) {
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(inSeconds, kSecondScale, &deadline);
+ thread_call_enter_delayed(extraSleepTimer, deadline);
+ idleSleepTimerPending = true;
+ } else {
+ thread_call_enter(extraSleepTimer);
+ }
+ DLOG("idle timer set for %u seconds\n", inSeconds);
+// cancelIdleSleepTimer
+IOPMrootDomain::cancelIdleSleepTimer( void )
+ if (idleSleepTimerPending) {
+ DLOG("idle timer cancelled\n");
+ thread_call_cancel(extraSleepTimer);
+ idleSleepTimerPending = false;
+ if (!assertOnWakeSecs && gIOLastWakeAbsTime) {
+ AbsoluteTime now;
+ clock_usec_t microsecs;
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &gIOLastWakeAbsTime);
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(now, &assertOnWakeSecs, µsecs);
+ if (assertOnWakeReport) {
+ HISTREPORT_TALLYVALUE(assertOnWakeReport, (int64_t)assertOnWakeSecs);
+ DLOG("Updated assertOnWake %lu\n", (unsigned long)assertOnWakeSecs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// idleSleepTimerExpired
+static void
+ thread_call_param_t us, thread_call_param_t )
+ ((IOPMrootDomain *)us)->handleSleepTimerExpiration();
+// handleSleepTimerExpiration
+// The time between the sleep idle timeout and the next longest one has elapsed.
+// It's time to sleep. Start that by removing the clamp that's holding us awake.
+IOPMrootDomain::handleSleepTimerExpiration( void )
+ if (!gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate()) {
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::handleSleepTimerExpiration),
+ this);
+ return;
+ }
+ AbsoluteTime time;
+ DLOG("sleep timer expired\n");
+ idleSleepTimerPending = false;
+ clock_get_uptime(&time);
+ setQuickSpinDownTimeout();
+ adjustPowerState(true);
+// getTimeToIdleSleep
+// Returns number of seconds left before going into idle sleep.
+// Caller has to make sure that idle sleep is allowed at the time of calling
+// this function
+IOPMrootDomain::getTimeToIdleSleep( void )
+ AbsoluteTime now, lastActivityTime;
+ uint64_t nanos;
+ uint32_t minutesSinceUserInactive = 0;
+ uint32_t sleepDelay = 0;
+ if (!idleSleepEnabled) {
+ return 0xffffffff;
+ }
+ if (userActivityTime) {
+ lastActivityTime = userActivityTime;
+ } else {
+ lastActivityTime = userBecameInactiveTime;
+ }
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ if (CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &lastActivityTime) > 0) {
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &lastActivityTime);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(now, &nanos);
+ minutesSinceUserInactive = nanos / (60000000000ULL);
+ if (minutesSinceUserInactive >= sleepSlider) {
+ sleepDelay = 0;
+ } else {
+ sleepDelay = sleepSlider - minutesSinceUserInactive;
+ }
+ } else {
+ sleepDelay = sleepSlider;
+ }
+ DLOG("user inactive %u min, time to idle sleep %u min\n",
+ minutesSinceUserInactive, sleepDelay);
+ return sleepDelay * 60;
+// setQuickSpinDownTimeout
+IOPMrootDomain::setQuickSpinDownTimeout( void )
+ setAggressiveness(
+ kPMMinutesToSpinDown, 0, kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownEnable );
+// restoreUserSpinDownTimeout
+IOPMrootDomain::restoreUserSpinDownTimeout( void )
+ setAggressiveness(
+ kPMMinutesToSpinDown, 0, kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownDisable );
+// sleepSystem
+/* public */
+IOPMrootDomain::sleepSystem( void )
+ return sleepSystemOptions(NULL);
+/* private */
+IOPMrootDomain::sleepSystemOptions( OSDictionary *options )
+ OSObject *obj = NULL;
+ OSString *reason = NULL;
+ /* sleepSystem is a public function, and may be called by any kernel driver.
+ * And that's bad - drivers should sleep the system by calling
+ * receivePowerNotification() instead. Drivers should not use sleepSystem.
+ *
+ * Note that user space app calls to IOPMSleepSystem() will also travel
+ * this code path and thus be correctly identified as software sleeps.
+ */
+ if (options && options->getObject("OSSwitch")) {
+ // Log specific sleep cause for OS Switch hibernation
+ return privateSleepSystem( kIOPMSleepReasonOSSwitchHibernate);
+ }
+ if (options && (obj = options->getObject("Sleep Reason"))) {
+ reason = OSDynamicCast(OSString, obj);
+ if (reason && reason->isEqualTo(kIOPMDarkWakeThermalEmergencyKey)) {
+ return privateSleepSystem(kIOPMSleepReasonDarkWakeThermalEmergency);
+ }
+ }
+ return privateSleepSystem( kIOPMSleepReasonSoftware);
+/* private */
+IOPMrootDomain::privateSleepSystem( uint32_t sleepReason )
+ /* Called from both gated and non-gated context */
+ if (!checkSystemSleepEnabled() || !pmPowerStateQueue) {
+ return kIOReturnNotPermitted;
+ }
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(
+ kPowerEventPolicyStimulus,
+ (void *) kStimulusDemandSystemSleep,
+ sleepReason);
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+// powerChangeDone
+// This overrides powerChangeDone in IOService.
+IOPMrootDomain::powerChangeDone( unsigned long previousPowerState )
+#if !__i386__ && !__x86_64__
+ uint64_t timeSinceReset = 0;
+ uint64_t now;
+ unsigned long newState;
+ clock_sec_t secs;
+ clock_usec_t microsecs;
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ clock_sec_t adjWakeTime;
+ IOPMCalendarStruct nowCalendar;
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ newState = getPowerState();
+ DLOG("PowerChangeDone: %s->%s\n",
+ getPowerStateString((uint32_t) previousPowerState), getPowerStateString((uint32_t) getPowerState()));
+ if (previousPowerState == newState) {
+ return;
+ }
+ notifierThread = current_thread();
+ switch (getPowerState()) {
+ case SLEEP_STATE: {
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ if (kPMCalendarTypeInvalid != _aotWakeTimeCalendar.selector) {
+ secs = 0;
+ microsecs = 0;
+ PEGetUTCTimeOfDay(&secs, µsecs);
+ adjWakeTime = 0;
+ if ((kIOPMAOTModeRespectTimers & _aotMode) && (_scheduledAlarmUTC < _aotWakeTimeUTC)) {
+ IOLog("use _scheduledAlarmUTC\n");
+ adjWakeTime = _scheduledAlarmUTC;
+ } else if (_aotExit || (kIOPMWakeEventAOTExitFlags & _aotPendingFlags)) {
+ IOLog("accelerate _aotWakeTime for exit\n");
+ adjWakeTime = secs;
+ } else if (kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn == getPMAssertionLevel(kIOPMDriverAssertionCPUBit)) {
+ IOLog("accelerate _aotWakeTime for assertion\n");
+ adjWakeTime = secs;
+ }
+ if (adjWakeTime) {
+ IOPMConvertSecondsToCalendar(adjWakeTime, &_aotWakeTimeCalendar);
+ }
+ IOPMConvertSecondsToCalendar(secs, &nowCalendar);
+ IOLog("aotSleep at " YMDTF " sched: " YMDTF "\n", YMDT(&nowCalendar), YMDT(&_aotWakeTimeCalendar));
+ IOReturn __unused ret = setMaintenanceWakeCalendar(&_aotWakeTimeCalendar);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ }
+ if (_aotLastWakeTime) {
+ _aotMetrics->totalTime += mach_absolute_time() - _aotLastWakeTime;
+ if (_aotMetrics->sleepCount && (_aotMetrics->sleepCount <= kIOPMAOTMetricsKernelWakeCountMax)) {
+ strlcpy(&_aotMetrics->kernelWakeReason[_aotMetrics->sleepCount - 1][0],
+ gWakeReasonString,
+ sizeof(_aotMetrics->kernelWakeReason[_aotMetrics->sleepCount]));
+ }
+ }
+ _aotPendingFlags &= ~kIOPMWakeEventAOTPerCycleFlags;
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ acceptSystemWakeEvents(true);
+ // re-enable this timer for next sleep
+ cancelIdleSleepTimer();
+ clock_get_calendar_absolute_and_microtime(&secs, µsecs, &now);
+ logtime(secs);
+ gIOLastSleepTime.tv_sec = secs;
+ gIOLastSleepTime.tv_usec = microsecs;
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ if (!_aotLastWakeTime) {
+ gIOLastUserSleepTime = gIOLastSleepTime;
+ }
+ gIOLastUserSleepTime = gIOLastSleepTime;
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ gIOLastWakeTime.tv_sec = 0;
+ gIOLastWakeTime.tv_usec = 0;
+ gIOLastSleepAbsTime = now;
+ if (wake2DarkwakeDelay && sleepDelaysReport) {
+ clock_sec_t wake2DarkwakeSecs, darkwake2SleepSecs;
+ // Update 'wake2DarkwakeDelay' histogram if this is a fullwake->sleep transition
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &ts_sleepStart);
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(now, &darkwake2SleepSecs, µsecs);
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(wake2DarkwakeDelay, &wake2DarkwakeSecs, µsecs);
+ (int64_t)(wake2DarkwakeSecs + darkwake2SleepSecs));
+ DLOG("Updated sleepDelaysReport %lu %lu\n", (unsigned long)wake2DarkwakeSecs, (unsigned long)darkwake2SleepSecs);
+ wake2DarkwakeDelay = 0;
+ }
+ LOG("System %sSleep\n", gIOHibernateState ? "Safe" : "");
+ IOHibernateSystemHasSlept();
+ evaluateSystemSleepPolicyFinal();
+ LOG("System Sleep\n");
+ if (thermalWarningState) {
+ const OSSymbol *event = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMThermalLevelWarningKey);
+ if (event) {
+ systemPowerEventOccurred(event, kIOPMThermalLevelUnknown);
+ event->release();
+ }
+ }
+ assertOnWakeSecs = 0;
+ lowBatteryCondition = false;
+ extern int g_should_log_clock_adjustments;
+ if (g_should_log_clock_adjustments) {
+ clock_sec_t secs = 0;
+ clock_usec_t microsecs = 0;
+ uint64_t now_b = mach_absolute_time();
+ secs = 0;
+ microsecs = 0;
+ PEGetUTCTimeOfDay(&secs, µsecs);
+ uint64_t now_a = mach_absolute_time();
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s PMU before going to sleep %lu s %d u %llu abs_b_PEG %llu abs_a_PEG \n",
+ __func__, (unsigned long)secs, microsecs, now_b, now_a);
+ }
+ getPlatform()->sleepKernel();
+ // The CPU(s) are off at this point,
+ // Code will resume execution here upon wake.
+ clock_get_uptime(&gIOLastWakeAbsTime);
+ IOLog("gIOLastWakeAbsTime: %lld\n", gIOLastWakeAbsTime);
+ _highestCapability = 0;
+ IOHibernateSystemWake();
+ // sleep transition complete
+ gSleepOrShutdownPending = 0;
+ // trip the reset of the calendar clock
+ clock_wakeup_calendar();
+ clock_get_calendar_microtime(&secs, µsecs);
+ gIOLastWakeTime.tv_sec = secs;
+ gIOLastWakeTime.tv_usec = microsecs;
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ // aot
+ if (_aotWakeTimeCalendar.selector != kPMCalendarTypeInvalid) {
+ _aotWakeTimeCalendar.selector = kPMCalendarTypeInvalid;
+ secs = 0;
+ microsecs = 0;
+ PEGetUTCTimeOfDay(&secs, µsecs);
+ IOPMConvertSecondsToCalendar(secs, &nowCalendar);
+ IOLog("aotWake at " YMDTF " sched: " YMDTF "\n", YMDT(&nowCalendar), YMDT(&_aotWakeTimeCalendar));
+ _aotMetrics->sleepCount++;
+ _aotLastWakeTime = gIOLastWakeAbsTime;
+ if (_aotMetrics->sleepCount <= kIOPMAOTMetricsKernelWakeCountMax) {
+ _aotMetrics->kernelSleepTime[_aotMetrics->sleepCount - 1]
+ = (((uint64_t) gIOLastSleepTime.tv_sec) << 10) + (gIOLastSleepTime.tv_usec / 1000);
+ _aotMetrics->kernelWakeTime[_aotMetrics->sleepCount - 1]
+ = (((uint64_t) gIOLastWakeTime.tv_sec) << 10) + (gIOLastWakeTime.tv_usec / 1000);
+ }
+ if (_aotTestTime) {
+ if (_aotWakeTimeUTC <= secs) {
+ _aotTestTime = _aotTestTime + _aotTestInterval;
+ }
+ setWakeTime(_aotTestTime);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ LOG("System %sWake\n", gIOHibernateState ? "SafeSleep " : "");
+ lastSleepReason = 0;
+ _lastDebugWakeSeconds = _debugWakeSeconds;
+ _debugWakeSeconds = 0;
+ _scheduledAlarms = 0;
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogSystemWake, 0, 0, 0);
+ wranglerTickled = false;
+ graphicsSuppressed = false;
+ darkWakePostTickle = false;
+ darkWakeHibernateError = false;
+ darkWakeToSleepASAP = true;
+ logGraphicsClamp = true;
+ sleepTimerMaintenance = false;
+ sleepToStandby = false;
+ wranglerTickleLatched = false;
+ userWasActive = false;
+ isRTCAlarmWake = false;
+ fullWakeReason = kFullWakeReasonNone;
+ OSString * wakeType = OSDynamicCast(
+ OSString, getProperty(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeKey));
+ OSString * wakeReason = OSDynamicCast(
+ OSString, getProperty(kIOPMRootDomainWakeReasonKey));
+ if (wakeReason && (wakeReason->getLength() >= 2) &&
+ gWakeReasonString[0] == '\0') {
+ // Until the platform driver can claim its wake reasons
+ strlcat(gWakeReasonString, wakeReason->getCStringNoCopy(),
+ sizeof(gWakeReasonString));
+ }
+ if (wakeType && wakeType->isEqualTo(kIOPMrootDomainWakeTypeLowBattery)) {
+ lowBatteryCondition = true;
+ darkWakeMaintenance = true;
+ } else if ((gDarkWakeFlags & kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleMask) != 0) {
+ OSNumber * hibOptions = OSDynamicCast(
+ OSNumber, getProperty(kIOHibernateOptionsKey));
+ if (hibernateAborted || ((hibOptions &&
+ !(hibOptions->unsigned32BitValue() & kIOHibernateOptionDarkWake)))) {
+ // Hibernate aborted, or EFI brought up graphics
+ wranglerTickled = true;
+ if (hibernateAborted) {
+ DLOG("Hibernation aborted\n");
+ } else {
+ DLOG("EFI brought up graphics. Going to full wake. HibOptions: 0x%x\n", hibOptions->unsigned32BitValue());
+ }
+ } else
+ if (wakeType && (
+ wakeType->isEqualTo(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeUser) ||
+ wakeType->isEqualTo(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeAlarm))) {
+ // User wake or RTC alarm
+ wranglerTickled = true;
+ if (wakeType->isEqualTo(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeAlarm)) {
+ isRTCAlarmWake = true;
+ }
+ } else if (wakeType &&
+ wakeType->isEqualTo(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeSleepTimer)) {
+ // SMC standby timer trumps SleepX
+ darkWakeMaintenance = true;
+ sleepTimerMaintenance = true;
+ } else if ((_lastDebugWakeSeconds != 0) &&
+ ((gDarkWakeFlags & kDarkWakeFlagAlarmIsDark) == 0)) {
+ // SleepX before maintenance
+ wranglerTickled = true;
+ } else if (wakeType &&
+ wakeType->isEqualTo(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeMaintenance)) {
+ darkWakeMaintenance = true;
+ } else if (wakeType &&
+ wakeType->isEqualTo(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeSleepService)) {
+ darkWakeMaintenance = true;
+ darkWakeSleepService = true;
+ if (kIOHibernateStateWakingFromHibernate == gIOHibernateState) {
+ sleepToStandby = true;
+ }
+ } else if (wakeType &&
+ wakeType->isEqualTo(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeHibernateError)) {
+ darkWakeMaintenance = true;
+ darkWakeHibernateError = true;
+ } else {
+ // Unidentified wake source, resume to full wake if debug
+ // alarm is pending.
+ if (_lastDebugWakeSeconds &&
+ (!wakeReason || wakeReason->isEqualTo(""))) {
+ wranglerTickled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (wakeType &&
+ wakeType->isEqualTo(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeSleepTimer)) {
+ darkWakeMaintenance = true;
+ sleepTimerMaintenance = true;
+ } else if (hibernateAborted || !wakeType ||
+ !wakeType->isEqualTo(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeMaintenance) ||
+ !wakeReason || !wakeReason->isEqualTo("RTC")) {
+ // Post a HID tickle immediately - except for RTC maintenance wake.
+ wranglerTickled = true;
+ } else {
+ darkWakeMaintenance = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wranglerTickled) {
+ darkWakeToSleepASAP = false;
+ fullWakeReason = kFullWakeReasonLocalUser;
+ reportUserInput();
+ } else if (displayPowerOnRequested && checkSystemCanSustainFullWake()) {
+ handleDisplayPowerOn();
+ } else if (!darkWakeMaintenance) {
+ // Early/late tickle for non-maintenance wake.
+ if (((gDarkWakeFlags & kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleMask) ==
+ kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleEarly) ||
+ ((gDarkWakeFlags & kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleMask) ==
+ kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleLate)) {
+ darkWakePostTickle = true;
+ }
+ }
+#else /* !__i386__ && !__x86_64__ */
+ timeSinceReset = ml_get_time_since_reset();
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogSystemWake, 0, timeSinceReset >> 32, timeSinceReset);
+ // stay awake for at least 30 seconds
+ wranglerTickled = true;
+ fullWakeReason = kFullWakeReasonLocalUser;
+ startIdleSleepTimer(30);
+ sleepCnt++;
+ thread_call_enter(updateConsoleUsersEntry);
+ changePowerStateToPriv(getRUN_STATE());
+ break;
+ }
+#if !__i386__ && !__x86_64__
+ case ON_STATE:
+ case AOT_STATE:
+ {
+ DLOG("Force re-evaluating aggressiveness\n");
+ /* Force re-evaluate the aggressiveness values to set appropriate idle sleep timer */
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(
+ kPowerEventPolicyStimulus,
+ (void *) kStimulusNoIdleSleepPreventers );
+ // After changing to ON_STATE, invalidate any previously queued
+ // request to change to a state less than ON_STATE. This isn't
+ // necessary for AOT_STATE or if the device has only one running
+ // state since the changePowerStateToPriv() issued at the tail
+ // end of SLEEP_STATE case should take care of that.
+ if (getPowerState() == ON_STATE) {
+ changePowerStateToPriv(ON_STATE);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+#endif /* !__i386__ && !__x86_64__ */
+ }
+ notifierThread = NULL;
+// requestPowerDomainState
+// Extend implementation in IOService. Running on PM work loop thread.
+ IOPMPowerFlags childDesire,
+ IOPowerConnection * childConnection,
+ unsigned long specification )
+ // Idle and system sleep prevention flags affects driver desire.
+ // Children desire are irrelevant so they are cleared.
+ return super::requestPowerDomainState(0, childConnection, specification);
+// updatePreventIdleSleepList
+// Called by IOService on PM work loop.
+// Returns true if PM policy recognized the driver's desire to prevent idle
+// sleep and updated the list of idle sleep preventers. Returns false otherwise
+ IOService * service, bool addNotRemove)
+ unsigned int oldCount;
+ oldCount = idleSleepPreventersCount();
+ return updatePreventIdleSleepListInternal(service, addNotRemove, oldCount);
+ IOService * service, bool addNotRemove, unsigned int oldCount)
+ unsigned int newCount;
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+ // Disregard disk I/O (besides the display wrangler) as a factor preventing
+ // idle sleep, except in the case of legacy disk I/O
+ if (service && (service != wrangler) && (service != this)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (service) {
+ if (addNotRemove) {
+ preventIdleSleepList->setObject(service);
+ DLOG("prevent idle sleep list: %s+ (%u)\n",
+ service->getName(), preventIdleSleepList->getCount());
+ } else if (preventIdleSleepList->member(service)) {
+ preventIdleSleepList->removeObject(service);
+ DLOG("prevent idle sleep list: %s- (%u)\n",
+ service->getName(), preventIdleSleepList->getCount());
+ }
+ }
+ newCount = idleSleepPreventersCount();
+ if ((oldCount == 0) && (newCount != 0)) {
+ // Driver added to empty prevent list.
+ // Update the driver desire to prevent idle sleep.
+ // Driver desire does not prevent demand sleep.
+ changePowerStateTo(getRUN_STATE());
+ } else if ((oldCount != 0) && (newCount == 0)) {
+ // Last driver removed from prevent list.
+ // Drop the driver clamp to allow idle sleep.
+ changePowerStateTo(SLEEP_STATE);
+ evaluatePolicy( kStimulusNoIdleSleepPreventers );
+ }
+ messageClient(kIOPMMessageIdleSleepPreventers, systemCapabilityNotifier,
+ &newCount, sizeof(newCount));
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+ if (addNotRemove && (service == wrangler) && !checkSystemCanSustainFullWake()) {
+ DLOG("Cannot cancel idle sleep\n");
+ return false; // do not idle-cancel
+ }
+ return true;
+// startSpinDump
+IOPMrootDomain::startSpinDump(uint32_t spindumpKind)
+ messageClients(kIOPMMessageLaunchBootSpinDump, (void *)(uintptr_t)spindumpKind);
+// preventSystemSleepListUpdate
+// Called by IOService on PM work loop.
+ IOService * service, bool addNotRemove )
+ unsigned int oldCount, newCount;
+ if (this == service) {
+ return;
+ }
+ oldCount = preventSystemSleepList->getCount();
+ if (addNotRemove) {
+ preventSystemSleepList->setObject(service);
+ DLOG("prevent system sleep list: %s+ (%u)\n",
+ service->getName(), preventSystemSleepList->getCount());
+ if (!assertOnWakeSecs && gIOLastWakeAbsTime) {
+ AbsoluteTime now;
+ clock_usec_t microsecs;
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &gIOLastWakeAbsTime);
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(now, &assertOnWakeSecs, µsecs);
+ if (assertOnWakeReport) {
+ HISTREPORT_TALLYVALUE(assertOnWakeReport, (int64_t)assertOnWakeSecs);
+ DLOG("Updated assertOnWake %lu\n", (unsigned long)assertOnWakeSecs);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (preventSystemSleepList->member(service)) {
+ preventSystemSleepList->removeObject(service);
+ DLOG("prevent system sleep list: %s- (%u)\n",
+ service->getName(), preventSystemSleepList->getCount());
+ if ((oldCount != 0) && (preventSystemSleepList->getCount() == 0)) {
+ // Lost all system sleep preventers.
+ // Send stimulus if system sleep was blocked, and is in dark wake.
+ evaluatePolicy( kStimulusDarkWakeEvaluate );
+ }
+ }
+ newCount = preventSystemSleepList->getCount();
+ messageClient(kIOPMMessageSystemSleepPreventers, systemCapabilityNotifier,
+ &newCount, sizeof(newCount));
+IOPMrootDomain::copySleepPreventersList(OSArray **idleSleepList, OSArray **systemSleepList)
+ OSCollectionIterator *iterator = NULL;
+ OSObject *object = NULL;
+ OSArray *array = NULL;
+ if (!gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate()) {
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::IOPMrootDomain::copySleepPreventersList),
+ this, (void *)idleSleepList, (void *)systemSleepList);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (idleSleepList && preventIdleSleepList && (preventIdleSleepList->getCount() != 0)) {
+ iterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(preventIdleSleepList);
+ array = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
+ while ((object = iterator->getNextObject())) {
+ IOService *service = OSDynamicCast(IOService, object);
+ if (object) {
+ array->setObject(OSSymbol::withCString(service->getName()));
+ }
+ }
+ iterator->release();
+ *idleSleepList = array;
+ }
+ if (systemSleepList && preventSystemSleepList && (preventSystemSleepList->getCount() != 0)) {
+ iterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(preventSystemSleepList);
+ array = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
+ while ((object = iterator->getNextObject())) {
+ IOService *service = OSDynamicCast(IOService, object);
+ if (object) {
+ array->setObject(OSSymbol::withCString(service->getName()));
+ }
+ }
+ iterator->release();
+ *systemSleepList = array;
+ }
+IOPMrootDomain::copySleepPreventersListWithID(OSArray **idleSleepList, OSArray **systemSleepList)
+ OSCollectionIterator *iterator = NULL;
+ OSObject *object = NULL;
+ OSArray *array = NULL;
+ if (!gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate()) {
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::IOPMrootDomain::copySleepPreventersListWithID),
+ this, (void *)idleSleepList, (void *)systemSleepList);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (idleSleepList && preventIdleSleepList && (preventIdleSleepList->getCount() != 0)) {
+ iterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(preventIdleSleepList);
+ array = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
+ while ((object = iterator->getNextObject())) {
+ IOService *service = OSDynamicCast(IOService, object);
+ if (object) {
+ OSDictionary *dict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(2);
+ if (dict) {
+ OSNumber *id = OSNumber::withNumber(service->getRegistryEntryID(), 64);
+ dict->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionRegistryEntryIDKey, id);
+ dict->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionOwnerStringKey, OSSymbol::withCString(service->getName()));
+ array->setObject(dict);
+ id->release();
+ dict->release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iterator->release();
+ *idleSleepList = array;
+ }
+ if (systemSleepList && preventSystemSleepList && (preventSystemSleepList->getCount() != 0)) {
+ iterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(preventSystemSleepList);
+ array = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
+ while ((object = iterator->getNextObject())) {
+ IOService *service = OSDynamicCast(IOService, object);
+ if (object) {
+ OSDictionary *dict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(2);
+ if (dict) {
+ OSNumber *id = OSNumber::withNumber(service->getRegistryEntryID(), 64);
+ dict->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionRegistryEntryIDKey, id);
+ dict->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionOwnerStringKey, OSSymbol::withCString(service->getName()));
+ array->setObject(dict);
+ id->release();
+ dict->release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iterator->release();
+ *systemSleepList = array;
+ }
+// tellChangeDown
+// Override the superclass implementation to send a different message type.
+IOPMrootDomain::tellChangeDown( unsigned long stateNum )
+ DLOG("tellChangeDown %s->%s\n",
+ getPowerStateString((uint32_t) getPowerState()), getPowerStateString((uint32_t) stateNum));
+ if (SLEEP_STATE == stateNum) {
+ // Legacy apps were already told in the full->dark transition
+ if (!ignoreTellChangeDown) {
+ tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepApplications );
+ } else {
+ tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepPriorityClients );
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ignoreTellChangeDown) {
+ userActivityAtSleep = userActivityCount;
+ DLOG("tellChangeDown::userActivityAtSleep %d\n", userActivityAtSleep);
+ if (SLEEP_STATE == stateNum) {
+ hibernateAborted = false;
+ // Direct callout into OSKext so it can disable kext unloads
+ // during sleep/wake to prevent deadlocks.
+ OSKextSystemSleepOrWake( kIOMessageSystemWillSleep );
+ IOService::updateConsoleUsers(NULL, kIOMessageSystemWillSleep);
+ // Two change downs are sent by IOServicePM. Ignore the 2nd.
+ // But tellClientsWithResponse() must be called for both.
+ ignoreTellChangeDown = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return super::tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemWillSleep );
+// askChangeDown
+// Override the superclass implementation to send a different message type.
+// This must be idle sleep since we don't ask during any other power change.
+IOPMrootDomain::askChangeDown( unsigned long stateNum )
+ DLOG("askChangeDown %s->%s\n",
+ getPowerStateString((uint32_t) getPowerState()), getPowerStateString((uint32_t) stateNum));
+ // Don't log for dark wake entry
+ if (kSystemTransitionSleep == _systemTransitionType) {
+ tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepApplications );
+ }
+ return super::tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageCanSystemSleep );
+// askChangeDownDone
+// An opportunity for root domain to cancel the power transition,
+// possibily due to an assertion created by powerd in response to
+// kIOMessageCanSystemSleep.
+// Idle sleep:
+// full -> dark wake transition
+// 1. Notify apps and powerd with kIOMessageCanSystemSleep
+// 2. askChangeDownDone()
+// dark -> sleep transition
+// 1. Notify powerd with kIOMessageCanSystemSleep
+// 2. askChangeDownDone()
+// Demand sleep:
+// full -> dark wake transition
+// 1. Notify powerd with kIOMessageCanSystemSleep
+// 2. askChangeDownDone()
+// dark -> sleep transition
+// 1. Notify powerd with kIOMessageCanSystemSleep
+// 2. askChangeDownDone()
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags, bool * cancel )
+ DLOG("askChangeDownDone(0x%x, %u) type %x, cap %x->%x\n",
+ *inOutChangeFlags, *cancel,
+ _systemTransitionType,
+ _currentCapability, _pendingCapability);
+ if ((false == *cancel) && (kSystemTransitionSleep == _systemTransitionType)) {
+ // Dark->Sleep transition.
+ // Check if there are any deny sleep assertions.
+ // lastSleepReason already set by handleOurPowerChangeStart()
+ if (!checkSystemCanSleep(lastSleepReason)) {
+ // Cancel dark wake to sleep transition.
+ // Must re-scan assertions upon entering dark wake.
+ *cancel = true;
+ DLOG("cancel dark->sleep\n");
+ }
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ if (_aotMode && (kPMCalendarTypeInvalid != _aotWakeTimeCalendar.selector)) {
+ uint64_t now = mach_continuous_time();
+ if (((now + _aotWakePreWindow) >= _aotWakeTimeContinuous)
+ && (now < (_aotWakeTimeContinuous + _aotWakePostWindow))) {
+ *cancel = true;
+ IOLog("AOT wake window cancel: %qd, %qd\n", now, _aotWakeTimeContinuous);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ }
+// systemDidNotSleep
+// Work common to both canceled or aborted sleep.
+IOPMrootDomain::systemDidNotSleep( void )
+ // reset console lock state
+ thread_call_enter(updateConsoleUsersEntry);
+ if (!wrangler) {
+ if (idleSleepEnabled) {
+ // stay awake for at least idleSeconds
+ startIdleSleepTimer(idleSeconds);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (idleSleepEnabled && !userIsActive) {
+ // Manually start the idle sleep timer besides waiting for
+ // the user to become inactive.
+ startIdleSleepTimer( kIdleSleepRetryInterval );
+ }
+ }
+ preventTransitionToUserActive(false);
+ IOService::setAdvisoryTickleEnable( true );
+ // After idle revert and cancel, send a did-change message to powerd
+ // to balance the previous will-change message. Kernel clients do not
+ // need this since sleep cannot be canceled once they are notified.
+ if (toldPowerdCapWillChange && systemCapabilityNotifier &&
+ (_pendingCapability != _currentCapability) &&
+ ((_systemMessageClientMask & kSystemMessageClientPowerd) != 0)) {
+ // Differs from a real capability gain change where notifyRef != 0,
+ // but it is zero here since no response is expected.
+ IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeParameters params;
+ bzero(¶ms, sizeof(params));
+ params.fromCapabilities = _pendingCapability;
+ params.toCapabilities = _currentCapability;
+ params.changeFlags = kIOPMSystemCapabilityDidChange;
+ DLOG("MESG cap %x->%x did change\n",
+ params.fromCapabilities, params.toCapabilities);
+ messageClient(kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, systemCapabilityNotifier,
+ ¶ms, sizeof(params));
+ }
+// tellNoChangeDown
+// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are not dropping
+// power.
+// We override the superclass implementation so we can send a different message
+// type to the client or application being notified.
+// This must be a vetoed idle sleep, since no other power change can be vetoed.
+IOPMrootDomain::tellNoChangeDown( unsigned long stateNum )
+ DLOG("tellNoChangeDown %s->%s\n",
+ getPowerStateString((uint32_t) getPowerState()), getPowerStateString((uint32_t) stateNum));
+ // Sleep canceled, clear the sleep trace point.
+ tracePoint(kIOPMTracePointSystemUp);
+ systemDidNotSleep();
+ return tellClients( kIOMessageSystemWillNotSleep );
+// tellChangeUp
+// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are raising power.
+// We override the superclass implementation so we can send a different message
+// type to the client or application being notified.
+IOPMrootDomain::tellChangeUp( unsigned long stateNum )
+ DLOG("tellChangeUp %s->%s\n",
+ getPowerStateString((uint32_t) getPowerState()), getPowerStateString((uint32_t) stateNum));
+ ignoreTellChangeDown = false;
+ if (stateNum == ON_STATE) {
+ // Direct callout into OSKext so it can disable kext unloads
+ // during sleep/wake to prevent deadlocks.
+ OSKextSystemSleepOrWake( kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn );
+ // Notify platform that sleep was cancelled or resumed.
+ getPlatform()->callPlatformFunction(
+ sleepMessagePEFunction, false,
+ (void *)(uintptr_t) kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn,
+ if (getPowerState() == ON_STATE) {
+ // Sleep was cancelled by idle cancel or revert
+ if (!CAP_CURRENT(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ // rdar://problem/50363791
+ // If system is in dark wake and sleep is cancelled, do not
+ // send SystemWillPowerOn/HasPoweredOn messages to kernel
+ // priority clients. They haven't yet seen a SystemWillSleep
+ // message before the cancellation. So make sure the kernel
+ // client bit is cleared in _systemMessageClientMask before
+ // invoking the tellClients() below. This bit may have been
+ // set by handleOurPowerChangeStart() anticipating a successful
+ // sleep and setting the filter mask ahead of time allows the
+ // SystemWillSleep message to go through.
+ _systemMessageClientMask &= ~kSystemMessageClientKernel;
+ }
+ systemDidNotSleep();
+ tellClients( kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn );
+ }
+ tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointWakeApplications );
+ tellClients( kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn );
+ }
+#define CAP_WILL_CHANGE_TO_OFF(params, flag) \
+ (((params)->changeFlags & kIOPMSystemCapabilityWillChange) && \
+ ((params)->fromCapabilities & (flag)) && \
+ (((params)->toCapabilities & (flag)) == 0))
+#define CAP_DID_CHANGE_TO_ON(params, flag) \
+ (((params)->changeFlags & kIOPMSystemCapabilityDidChange) && \
+ ((params)->toCapabilities & (flag)) && \
+ (((params)->fromCapabilities & (flag)) == 0))
+#define CAP_DID_CHANGE_TO_OFF(params, flag) \
+ (((params)->changeFlags & kIOPMSystemCapabilityDidChange) && \
+ ((params)->fromCapabilities & (flag)) && \
+ (((params)->toCapabilities & (flag)) == 0))
+#define CAP_WILL_CHANGE_TO_ON(params, flag) \
+ (((params)->changeFlags & kIOPMSystemCapabilityWillChange) && \
+ ((params)->toCapabilities & (flag)) && \
+ (((params)->fromCapabilities & (flag)) == 0))
+// sysPowerDownHandler
+// Perform a vfs sync before system sleep.
+ void * target, void * refCon,
+ UInt32 messageType, IOService * service,
+ void * messageArgs, vm_size_t argSize )
+ static UInt32 lastSystemMessageType = 0;
+ IOReturn ret = 0;
+ DLOG("sysPowerDownHandler message %s\n", getIOMessageString(messageType));
+ // rdar://problem/50363791
+ // Sanity check to make sure the SystemWill/Has message types are
+ // received in the expected order for all kernel priority clients.
+ if (messageType == kIOMessageSystemWillSleep ||
+ messageType == kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn ||
+ messageType == kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn) {
+ switch (messageType) {
+ case kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn:
+ assert(lastSystemMessageType == kIOMessageSystemWillSleep);
+ break;
+ case kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn:
+ assert(lastSystemMessageType == kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn);
+ break;
+ }
+ lastSystemMessageType = messageType;
+ }
+ if (!gRootDomain) {
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+ }
+ if (messageType == kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange) {
+ IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeParameters * params =
+ (IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeParameters *) messageArgs;
+ // Interested applications have been notified of an impending power
+ // change and have acked (when applicable).
+ // This is our chance to save whatever state we can before powering
+ // down.
+ // We call sync_internal defined in xnu/bsd/vfs/vfs_syscalls.c,
+ // via callout
+ DLOG("sysPowerDownHandler cap %x -> %x (flags %x)\n",
+ params->fromCapabilities, params->toCapabilities,
+ params->changeFlags);
+ if (CAP_WILL_CHANGE_TO_OFF(params, kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU)) {
+ // We will ack within 20 seconds
+ params->maxWaitForReply = 20 * 1000 * 1000;
+ gRootDomain->evaluateSystemSleepPolicyEarly();
+ // add in time we could spend freeing pages
+ if (gRootDomain->hibernateMode && !gRootDomain->hibernateDisabled) {
+ params->maxWaitForReply = kCapabilityClientMaxWait;
+ }
+ DLOG("sysPowerDownHandler max wait %d s\n",
+ (int) (params->maxWaitForReply / 1000 / 1000));
+ // Notify platform that sleep has begun, after the early
+ // sleep policy evaluation.
+ getPlatform()->callPlatformFunction(
+ sleepMessagePEFunction, false,
+ (void *)(uintptr_t) kIOMessageSystemWillSleep,
+ if (!OSCompareAndSwap( 0, 1, &gSleepOrShutdownPending )) {
+ // Purposely delay the ack and hope that shutdown occurs quickly.
+ // Another option is not to schedule the thread and wait for
+ // ack timeout...
+ AbsoluteTime deadline;
+ clock_interval_to_deadline( 30, kSecondScale, &deadline );
+ thread_call_enter1_delayed(
+ gRootDomain->diskSyncCalloutEntry,
+ (thread_call_param_t)(uintptr_t) params->notifyRef,
+ deadline );
+ } else {
+ thread_call_enter1(
+ gRootDomain->diskSyncCalloutEntry,
+ (thread_call_param_t)(uintptr_t) params->notifyRef);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (CAP_DID_CHANGE_TO_ON(params, kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU)) {
+ // We will ack within 110 seconds
+ params->maxWaitForReply = 110 * 1000 * 1000;
+ thread_call_enter1(
+ gRootDomain->diskSyncCalloutEntry,
+ (thread_call_param_t)(uintptr_t) params->notifyRef);
+ }
+ ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ return ret;
+// handleQueueSleepWakeUUID
+// Called from IOPMrootDomain when we're initiating a sleep,
+// or indirectly from PM configd when PM decides to clear the UUID.
+// PM clears the UUID several minutes after successful wake from sleep,
+// so that we might associate App spindumps with the immediately previous
+// sleep/wake.
+// @param obj has a retain on it. We're responsible for releasing that retain.
+IOPMrootDomain::handleQueueSleepWakeUUID(OSObject *obj)
+ OSString *str = NULL;
+ if (kOSBooleanFalse == obj) {
+ handlePublishSleepWakeUUID(NULL);
+ } else if ((str = OSDynamicCast(OSString, obj))) {
+ // This branch caches the UUID for an upcoming sleep/wake
+ if (queuedSleepWakeUUIDString) {
+ queuedSleepWakeUUIDString->release();
+ queuedSleepWakeUUIDString = NULL;
+ }
+ queuedSleepWakeUUIDString = str;
+ queuedSleepWakeUUIDString->retain();
+ DLOG("SleepWake UUID queued: %s\n", queuedSleepWakeUUIDString->getCStringNoCopy());
+ }
+ if (obj) {
+ obj->release();
+ }
+ return;
+// handlePublishSleepWakeUUID
+// Called from IOPMrootDomain when we're initiating a sleep,
+// or indirectly from PM configd when PM decides to clear the UUID.
+// PM clears the UUID several minutes after successful wake from sleep,
+// so that we might associate App spindumps with the immediately previous
+// sleep/wake.
+IOPMrootDomain::handlePublishSleepWakeUUID( bool shouldPublish )
+ /*
+ * Clear the current UUID
+ */
+ if (gSleepWakeUUIDIsSet) {
+ DLOG("SleepWake UUID cleared\n");
+ gSleepWakeUUIDIsSet = false;
+ removeProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey);
+ messageClients(kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange, kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDCleared);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Optionally, publish a new UUID
+ */
+ if (queuedSleepWakeUUIDString && shouldPublish) {
+ OSString *publishThisUUID = NULL;
+ publishThisUUID = queuedSleepWakeUUIDString;
+ publishThisUUID->retain();
+ if (publishThisUUID) {
+ setProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey, publishThisUUID);
+ publishThisUUID->release();
+ }
+ gSleepWakeUUIDIsSet = true;
+ messageClients(kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange, kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDSet);
+ queuedSleepWakeUUIDString->release();
+ queuedSleepWakeUUIDString = NULL;
+ }
+// IOPMGetSleepWakeUUIDKey
+// Return the truth value of gSleepWakeUUIDIsSet and optionally copy the key.
+// To get the full key -- a C string -- the buffer must large enough for
+// the end-of-string character.
+// The key is expected to be an UUID string
+extern "C" bool
+IOPMCopySleepWakeUUIDKey(char *buffer, size_t buf_len)
+ if (!gSleepWakeUUIDIsSet) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (buffer != NULL) {
+ OSString *string;
+ string = (OSString *)
+ gRootDomain->copyProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey);
+ if (string == NULL) {
+ *buffer = '\0';
+ } else {
+ strlcpy(buffer, string->getCStringNoCopy(), buf_len);
+ string->release();
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// initializeBootSessionUUID
+// Initialize the boot session uuid at boot up and sets it into registry.
+ uuid_t new_uuid;
+ uuid_string_t new_uuid_string;
+ uuid_generate(new_uuid);
+ uuid_unparse_upper(new_uuid, new_uuid_string);
+ memcpy(bootsessionuuid_string, new_uuid_string, sizeof(uuid_string_t));
+ setProperty(kIOPMBootSessionUUIDKey, new_uuid_string);
+// changePowerStateTo & changePowerStateToPriv
+// Override of these methods for logging purposes.
+IOPMrootDomain::changePowerStateTo( unsigned long ordinal )
+ DLOG("changePowerStateTo(%u)\n", (uint32_t) ordinal);
+ if ((ordinal != ON_STATE) && (ordinal != AOT_STATE) && (ordinal != SLEEP_STATE)) {
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+ }
+ return super::changePowerStateTo(ordinal);
+IOPMrootDomain::changePowerStateToPriv( unsigned long ordinal )
+ DLOG("changePowerStateToPriv(%u)\n", (uint32_t) ordinal);
+ if ((ordinal != ON_STATE) && (ordinal != AOT_STATE) && (ordinal != SLEEP_STATE)) {
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+ }
+ return super::changePowerStateToPriv(ordinal);
+// activity detect
+ return userActivityCount != userActivityAtSleep;
+ bool ret = activitySinceSleep();
+ if (ret && !hibernateAborted && checkSystemCanSustainFullWake()) {
+ DLOG("activitySinceSleep ABORT [%d, %d]\n", userActivityCount, userActivityAtSleep);
+ hibernateAborted = true;
+ }
+ return ret;
+extern "C" int
+ if (gRootDomain) {
+ return gRootDomain->abortHibernation();
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+// willNotifyPowerChildren
+// Called after all interested drivers have all acknowledged the power change,
+// but before any power children is informed. Dispatched though a thread call,
+// so it is safe to perform work that might block on a sleeping disk. PM state
+// machine (not thread) will block w/o timeout until this function returns.
+IOPMrootDomain::willNotifyPowerChildren( IOPMPowerStateIndex newPowerState )
+ OSDictionary *dict;
+ OSNumber *secs;
+ if (SLEEP_STATE == newPowerState) {
+ notifierThread = current_thread();
+ if (!tasksSuspended) {
+ AbsoluteTime deadline;
+ tasksSuspended = TRUE;
+ updateTasksSuspend();
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(10, kSecondScale, &deadline);
+ vm_pageout_wait(AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&deadline));
+#endif /* !CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
+ }
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ _aotReadyToFullWake = false;
+#if 0
+ if (_aotLingerTime) {
+ uint64_t deadline;
+ IOLog("aot linger no return\n");
+ clock_absolutetime_interval_to_deadline(_aotLingerTime, &deadline);
+ clock_delay_until(deadline);
+ }
+ if (!_aotMode) {
+ _aotTestTime = 0;
+ _aotWakeTimeCalendar.selector = kPMCalendarTypeInvalid;
+ if (_aotMetrics) {
+ bzero(_aotMetrics, sizeof(IOPMAOTMetrics));
+ }
+ } else if (!_aotNow && !_debugWakeSeconds) {
+ _aotNow = true;
+ _aotExit = false;
+ _aotPendingFlags = 0;
+ _aotTasksSuspended = true;
+ _aotLastWakeTime = 0;
+ bzero(_aotMetrics, sizeof(IOPMAOTMetrics));
+ if (kIOPMAOTModeCycle & _aotMode) {
+ clock_interval_to_absolutetime_interval(60, kSecondScale, &_aotTestInterval);
+ _aotTestTime = mach_continuous_time() + _aotTestInterval;
+ setWakeTime(_aotTestTime);
+ }
+ uint32_t lingerSecs;
+ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("aotlinger", &lingerSecs, sizeof(lingerSecs))) {
+ lingerSecs = 0;
+ }
+ clock_interval_to_absolutetime_interval(lingerSecs, kSecondScale, &_aotLingerTime);
+ clock_interval_to_absolutetime_interval(2000, kMillisecondScale, &_aotWakePreWindow);
+ clock_interval_to_absolutetime_interval(1100, kMillisecondScale, &_aotWakePostWindow);
+ }
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ IOHibernateSystemSleep();
+ IOHibernateIOKitSleep();
+ if (gRootDomain->activitySinceSleep()) {
+ dict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
+ secs = OSNumber::withNumber(1, 32);
+ if (dict && secs) {
+ dict->setObject(gIOPMSettingDebugWakeRelativeKey, secs);
+ gRootDomain->setProperties(dict);
+ MSG("Reverting sleep with relative wake\n");
+ }
+ if (dict) {
+ dict->release();
+ }
+ if (secs) {
+ secs->release();
+ }
+ }
+ notifierThread = NULL;
+ }
+// sleepOnClamshellClosed
+// contains the logic to determine if the system should sleep when the clamshell
+// is closed.
+IOPMrootDomain::shouldSleepOnClamshellClosed( void )
+ if (!clamshellExists) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ DLOG("clamshell closed %d, disabled %d, desktopMode %d, ac %d sleepDisabled %d\n",
+ clamshellClosed, clamshellDisabled, desktopMode, acAdaptorConnected, clamshellSleepDisabled);
+ return !clamshellDisabled && !(desktopMode && acAdaptorConnected) && !clamshellSleepDisabled;
+IOPMrootDomain::shouldSleepOnRTCAlarmWake( void )
+ // Called once every RTC/Alarm wake. Device should go to sleep if on clamshell
+ // closed && battery
+ if (!clamshellExists) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ DLOG("shouldSleepOnRTCAlarmWake: clamshell closed %d, disabled %d, desktopMode %d, ac %d sleepDisabled %d\n",
+ clamshellClosed, clamshellDisabled, desktopMode, acAdaptorConnected, clamshellSleepDisabled);
+ return !acAdaptorConnected && !clamshellSleepDisabled;
+IOPMrootDomain::sendClientClamshellNotification( void )
+ /* Only broadcast clamshell alert if clamshell exists. */
+ if (!clamshellExists) {
+ return;
+ }
+ setProperty(kAppleClamshellStateKey,
+ clamshellClosed ? kOSBooleanTrue : kOSBooleanFalse);
+ setProperty(kAppleClamshellCausesSleepKey,
+ shouldSleepOnClamshellClosed() ? kOSBooleanTrue : kOSBooleanFalse);
+ /* Argument to message is a bitfiel of
+ * ( kClamshellStateBit | kClamshellSleepBit )
+ */
+ messageClients(kIOPMMessageClamshellStateChange,
+ (void *)(uintptr_t) ((clamshellClosed ? kClamshellStateBit : 0)
+ | (shouldSleepOnClamshellClosed() ? kClamshellSleepBit : 0)));
+// getSleepSupported
+// Deprecated
+IOPMrootDomain::getSleepSupported( void )
+ return platformSleepSupport;
+// setSleepSupported
+// Deprecated
+IOPMrootDomain::setSleepSupported( IOOptionBits flags )
+ DLOG("setSleepSupported(%x)\n", (uint32_t) flags);
+ OSBitOrAtomic(flags, &platformSleepSupport);
+// setDisableClamShellSleep
+IOPMrootDomain::setDisableClamShellSleep( bool val )
+ if (gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate() == false) {
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this, &IOPMrootDomain::setDisableClamShellSleep),
+ (OSObject *)this,
+ (void *)val);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ DLOG("setDisableClamShellSleep(%x)\n", (uint32_t) val);
+ if (clamshellSleepDisabled != val) {
+ clamshellSleepDisabled = val;
+ // If clamshellSleepDisabled is reset to 0, reevaluate if
+ // system need to go to sleep due to clamshell state
+ if (!clamshellSleepDisabled && clamshellClosed) {
+ handlePowerNotification(kLocalEvalClamshellCommand);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// wakeFromDoze
+// Deprecated.
+IOPMrootDomain::wakeFromDoze( void )
+ // Preserve symbol for familes (IOUSBFamily and IOGraphics)
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Features
+// publishFeature
+// Adds a new feature to the supported features dictionary
+IOPMrootDomain::publishFeature( const char * feature )
+ publishFeature(feature, kRD_AllPowerSources, NULL);
+// publishFeature (with supported power source specified)
+// Adds a new feature to the supported features dictionary
+ const char *feature,
+ uint32_t supportedWhere,
+ uint32_t *uniqueFeatureID)
+ static uint16_t next_feature_id = 500;
+ OSNumber *new_feature_data = NULL;
+ OSNumber *existing_feature = NULL;
+ OSArray *existing_feature_arr = NULL;
+ OSObject *osObj = NULL;
+ uint32_t feature_value = 0;
+ supportedWhere &= kRD_AllPowerSources; // mask off any craziness!
+ if (!supportedWhere) {
+ // Feature isn't supported anywhere!
+ return;
+ }
+ if (next_feature_id > 5000) {
+ // Far, far too many features!
+ return;
+ }
+ if (featuresDictLock) {
+ IOLockLock(featuresDictLock);
+ }
+ OSDictionary *features =
+ (OSDictionary *) getProperty(kRootDomainSupportedFeatures);
+ // Create new features dict if necessary
+ if (features && OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, features)) {
+ features = OSDictionary::withDictionary(features);
+ } else {
+ features = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
+ }
+ // Create OSNumber to track new feature
+ next_feature_id += 1;
+ if (uniqueFeatureID) {
+ // We don't really mind if the calling kext didn't give us a place
+ // to stash their unique id. Many kexts don't plan to unload, and thus
+ // have no need to remove themselves later.
+ *uniqueFeatureID = next_feature_id;
+ }
+ feature_value = (uint32_t)next_feature_id;
+ feature_value <<= 16;
+ feature_value += supportedWhere;
+ new_feature_data = OSNumber::withNumber(
+ (unsigned long long)feature_value, 32);
+ // Does features object already exist?
+ if ((osObj = features->getObject(feature))) {
+ if ((existing_feature = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, osObj))) {
+ // We need to create an OSArray to hold the now 2 elements.
+ existing_feature_arr = OSArray::withObjects(
+ (const OSObject **)&existing_feature, 1, 2);
+ } else if ((existing_feature_arr = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, osObj))) {
+ // Add object to existing array
+ existing_feature_arr = OSArray::withArray(
+ existing_feature_arr,
+ existing_feature_arr->getCount() + 1);
+ }
+ if (existing_feature_arr) {
+ existing_feature_arr->setObject(new_feature_data);
+ features->setObject(feature, existing_feature_arr);
+ existing_feature_arr->release();
+ existing_feature_arr = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // The easy case: no previously existing features listed. We simply
+ // set the OSNumber at key 'feature' and we're on our way.
+ features->setObject(feature, new_feature_data);
+ }
+ new_feature_data->release();
+ setProperty(kRootDomainSupportedFeatures, features);
+ features->release();
+ if (featuresDictLock) {
+ IOLockUnlock(featuresDictLock);
+ }
+ // Notify EnergySaver and all those in user space so they might
+ // re-populate their feature specific UI
+ if (pmPowerStateQueue) {
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent( kPowerEventFeatureChanged );
+ }
+// removePublishedFeature
+// Removes previously published feature
+IOPMrootDomain::removePublishedFeature( uint32_t removeFeatureID )
+ IOReturn ret = kIOReturnError;
+ uint32_t feature_value = 0;
+ uint16_t feature_id = 0;
+ bool madeAChange = false;
+ OSSymbol *dictKey = NULL;
+ OSCollectionIterator *dictIterator = NULL;
+ OSArray *arrayMember = NULL;
+ OSNumber *numberMember = NULL;
+ OSObject *osObj = NULL;
+ OSNumber *osNum = NULL;
+ OSArray *arrayMemberCopy;
+ if (kBadPMFeatureID == removeFeatureID) {
+ return kIOReturnNotFound;
+ }
+ if (featuresDictLock) {
+ IOLockLock(featuresDictLock);
+ }
+ OSDictionary *features =
+ (OSDictionary *) getProperty(kRootDomainSupportedFeatures);
+ if (features && OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, features)) {
+ // Any modifications to the dictionary are made to the copy to prevent
+ // races & crashes with userland clients. Dictionary updated
+ // automically later.
+ features = OSDictionary::withDictionary(features);
+ } else {
+ features = NULL;
+ ret = kIOReturnNotFound;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ // We iterate 'features' dictionary looking for an entry tagged
+ // with 'removeFeatureID'. If found, we remove it from our tracking
+ // structures and notify the OS via a general interest message.
+ dictIterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(features);
+ if (!dictIterator) {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ while ((dictKey = OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, dictIterator->getNextObject()))) {
+ osObj = features->getObject(dictKey);
+ // Each Feature is either tracked by an OSNumber
+ if (osObj && (numberMember = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, osObj))) {
+ feature_value = numberMember->unsigned32BitValue();
+ feature_id = (uint16_t)(feature_value >> 16);
+ if (feature_id == (uint16_t)removeFeatureID) {
+ // Remove this node
+ features->removeObject(dictKey);
+ madeAChange = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Or tracked by an OSArray of OSNumbers
+ } else if (osObj && (arrayMember = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, osObj))) {
+ unsigned int arrayCount = arrayMember->getCount();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arrayCount; i++) {
+ osNum = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, arrayMember->getObject(i));
+ if (!osNum) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ feature_value = osNum->unsigned32BitValue();
+ feature_id = (uint16_t)(feature_value >> 16);
+ if (feature_id == (uint16_t)removeFeatureID) {
+ // Remove this node
+ if (1 == arrayCount) {
+ // If the array only contains one element, remove
+ // the whole thing.
+ features->removeObject(dictKey);
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise remove the element from a copy of the array.
+ arrayMemberCopy = OSArray::withArray(arrayMember);
+ if (arrayMemberCopy) {
+ arrayMemberCopy->removeObject(i);
+ features->setObject(dictKey, arrayMemberCopy);
+ arrayMemberCopy->release();
+ }
+ }
+ madeAChange = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dictIterator->release();
+ if (madeAChange) {
+ ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ setProperty(kRootDomainSupportedFeatures, features);
+ // Notify EnergySaver and all those in user space so they might
+ // re-populate their feature specific UI
+ if (pmPowerStateQueue) {
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent( kPowerEventFeatureChanged );
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = kIOReturnNotFound;
+ }
+ if (features) {
+ features->release();
+ }
+ if (featuresDictLock) {
+ IOLockUnlock(featuresDictLock);
+ }
+ return ret;
+// publishPMSetting (private)
+// Should only be called by PMSettingObject to publish a PM Setting as a
+// supported feature.
+ const OSSymbol * feature, uint32_t where, uint32_t * featureID )
+ if (noPublishPMSettings &&
+ (noPublishPMSettings->getNextIndexOfObject(feature, 0) != (unsigned int)-1)) {
+ // Setting found in noPublishPMSettings array
+ *featureID = kBadPMFeatureID;
+ return;
+ }
+ publishFeature(
+ feature->getCStringNoCopy(), where, featureID);
+// setPMSetting (private)
+// Internal helper to relay PM settings changes from user space to individual
+// drivers. Should be called only by IOPMrootDomain::setProperties.
+ const OSSymbol *type,
+ OSObject *object )
+ PMSettingCallEntry *entries = NULL;
+ OSArray *chosen = NULL;
+ const OSArray *array;
+ PMSettingObject *pmso;
+ thread_t thisThread;
+ int i, j, count, capacity;
+ if (NULL == type) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
+ // Update settings dict so changes are visible from copyPMSetting().
+ fPMSettingsDict->setObject(type, object);
+ // Prep all PMSetting objects with the given 'type' for callout.
+ array = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, settingsCallbacks->getObject(type));
+ if (!array || ((capacity = array->getCount()) == 0)) {
+ goto unlock_exit;
+ }
+ // Array to retain PMSetting objects targeted for callout.
+ chosen = OSArray::withCapacity(capacity);
+ if (!chosen) {
+ goto unlock_exit; // error
+ }
+ entries = IONew(PMSettingCallEntry, capacity);
+ if (!entries) {
+ goto unlock_exit; // error
+ }
+ memset(entries, 0, sizeof(PMSettingCallEntry) * capacity);
+ thisThread = current_thread();
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
+ pmso = (PMSettingObject *) array->getObject(i);
+ if (pmso->disabled) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ entries[j].thread = thisThread;
+ queue_enter(&pmso->calloutQueue, &entries[j], PMSettingCallEntry *, link);
+ chosen->setObject(pmso);
+ j++;
+ }
+ count = j;
+ if (!count) {
+ goto unlock_exit;
+ }
+ // Call each pmso in the chosen array.
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ pmso = (PMSettingObject *) chosen->getObject(i);
+ pmso->dispatchPMSetting(type, object);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ pmso = (PMSettingObject *) chosen->getObject(i);
+ queue_remove(&pmso->calloutQueue, &entries[i], PMSettingCallEntry *, link);
+ if (pmso->waitThread) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (chosen) {
+ chosen->release();
+ }
+ if (entries) {
+ IODelete(entries, PMSettingCallEntry, capacity);
+ }
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+// copyPMSetting (public)
+// Allows kexts to safely read setting values, without being subscribed to
+// notifications.
+OSObject *
+ OSSymbol *whichSetting)
+ OSObject *obj = NULL;
+ if (!whichSetting) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ obj = fPMSettingsDict->getObject(whichSetting);
+ if (obj) {
+ obj->retain();
+ }
+ return obj;
+// registerPMSettingController (public)
+// direct wrapper to registerPMSettingController with uint32_t power source arg
+ const OSSymbol * settings[],
+ IOPMSettingControllerCallback func,
+ OSObject *target,
+ uintptr_t refcon,
+ OSObject **handle)
+ return registerPMSettingController(
+ settings,
+ (kIOPMSupportedOnAC | kIOPMSupportedOnBatt | kIOPMSupportedOnUPS),
+ func, target, refcon, handle);
+// registerPMSettingController (public)
+// Kexts may register for notifications when a particular setting is changed.
+// A list of settings is available in IOPM.h.
+// Arguments:
+// * settings - An OSArray containing OSSymbols. Caller should populate this
+// array with a list of settings caller wants notifications from.
+// * func - A C function callback of the type IOPMSettingControllerCallback
+// * target - caller may provide an OSObject *, which PM will pass as an
+// target to calls to "func"
+// * refcon - caller may provide an void *, which PM will pass as an
+// argument to calls to "func"
+// * handle - This is a return argument. We will populate this pointer upon
+// call success. Hold onto this and pass this argument to
+// IOPMrootDomain::deRegisterPMSettingCallback when unloading your kext
+// Returns:
+// kIOReturnSuccess on success
+ const OSSymbol * settings[],
+ uint32_t supportedPowerSources,
+ IOPMSettingControllerCallback func,
+ OSObject *target,
+ uintptr_t refcon,
+ OSObject **handle)
+ PMSettingObject *pmso = NULL;
+ OSObject *pmsh = NULL;
+ OSArray *list = NULL;
+ int i;
+ if (NULL == settings ||
+ NULL == func ||
+ NULL == handle) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
+ pmso = PMSettingObject::pmSettingObject(
+ (IOPMrootDomain *) this, func, target,
+ refcon, supportedPowerSources, settings, &pmsh);
+ if (!pmso) {
+ *handle = NULL;
+ return kIOReturnInternalError;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; settings[i]; i++) {
+ list = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, settingsCallbacks->getObject(settings[i]));
+ if (!list) {
+ // New array of callbacks for this setting
+ list = OSArray::withCapacity(1);
+ settingsCallbacks->setObject(settings[i], list);
+ list->release();
+ }
+ // Add caller to the callback list
+ list->setObject(pmso);
+ }
+ // Return handle to the caller, the setting object is private.
+ *handle = pmsh;
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+// deregisterPMSettingObject (private)
+// Only called from PMSettingObject.
+IOPMrootDomain::deregisterPMSettingObject( PMSettingObject * pmso )
+ thread_t thisThread = current_thread();
+ PMSettingCallEntry *callEntry;
+ OSCollectionIterator *iter;
+ OSSymbol *sym;
+ OSArray *array;
+ int index;
+ bool wait;
+ pmso->disabled = true;
+ // Wait for all callout threads to finish.
+ do {
+ wait = false;
+ queue_iterate(&pmso->calloutQueue, callEntry, PMSettingCallEntry *, link)
+ {
+ if (callEntry->thread != thisThread) {
+ wait = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wait) {
+ assert(NULL == pmso->waitThread);
+ pmso->waitThread = thisThread;
+ pmso->waitThread = NULL;
+ }
+ } while (wait);
+ // Search each PM settings array in the kernel.
+ iter = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(settingsCallbacks);
+ if (iter) {
+ while ((sym = OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, iter->getNextObject()))) {
+ array = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, settingsCallbacks->getObject(sym));
+ index = array->getNextIndexOfObject(pmso, 0);
+ if (-1 != index) {
+ array->removeObject(index);
+ }
+ }
+ iter->release();
+ }
+ pmso->release();
+// informCPUStateChange
+// Call into PM CPU code so that CPU power savings may dynamically adjust for
+// running on battery, with the lid closed, etc.
+// informCPUStateChange is a no-op on non x86 systems
+// only x86 has explicit support in the IntelCPUPowerManagement kext
+ uint32_t type,
+ uint32_t value )
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+ pmioctlVariableInfo_t varInfoStruct;
+ int pmCPUret = 0;
+ const char *varNameStr = NULL;
+ int32_t *varIndex = NULL;
+ if (kInformAC == type) {
+ varNameStr = kIOPMRootDomainBatPowerCString;
+ varIndex = &idxPMCPULimitedPower;
+ } else if (kInformLid == type) {
+ varNameStr = kIOPMRootDomainLidCloseCString;
+ varIndex = &idxPMCPUClamshell;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Set the new value!
+ // pmCPUControl will assign us a new ID if one doesn't exist yet
+ bzero(&varInfoStruct, sizeof(pmioctlVariableInfo_t));
+ varInfoStruct.varID = *varIndex;
+ varInfoStruct.varType = vBool;
+ varInfoStruct.varInitValue = value;
+ varInfoStruct.varCurValue = value;
+ strlcpy((char *)varInfoStruct.varName,
+ (const char *)varNameStr,
+ sizeof(varInfoStruct.varName));
+ // Set!
+ pmCPUret = pmCPUControl( PMIOCSETVARINFO, (void *)&varInfoStruct );
+ // pmCPU only assigns numerical id's when a new varName is specified
+ if ((0 == pmCPUret)
+ && (*varIndex == kCPUUnknownIndex)) {
+ // pmCPUControl has assigned us a new variable ID.
+ // Let's re-read the structure we just SET to learn that ID.
+ pmCPUret = pmCPUControl( PMIOCGETVARNAMEINFO, (void *)&varInfoStruct );
+ if (0 == pmCPUret) {
+ // Store it in idxPMCPUClamshell or idxPMCPULimitedPower
+ *varIndex = varInfoStruct.varID;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+#endif /* __i386__ || __x86_64__ */
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Deep Sleep Policy
+// evaluateSystemSleepPolicy
+#define kIOPlatformSystemSleepPolicyKey "IOPlatformSystemSleepPolicy"
+// Sleep flags
+enum {
+ kIOPMSleepFlagHibernate = 0x00000001,
+ kIOPMSleepFlagSleepTimerEnable = 0x00000002
+struct IOPMSystemSleepPolicyEntry {
+ uint32_t factorMask;
+ uint32_t factorBits;
+ uint32_t sleepFlags;
+ uint32_t wakeEvents;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+struct IOPMSystemSleepPolicyTable {
+ uint32_t signature;
+ uint16_t version;
+ uint16_t entryCount;
+ IOPMSystemSleepPolicyEntry entries[];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+enum {
+ kIOPMSleepAttributeHibernateSetup = 0x00000001,
+ kIOPMSleepAttributeHibernateSleep = 0x00000002
+static uint32_t
+getSleepTypeAttributes( uint32_t sleepType )
+ static const uint32_t sleepTypeAttributes[kIOPMSleepTypeLast] =
+ {
+ /* invalid */ 0,
+ /* abort */ 0,
+ /* normal */ 0,
+ /* safesleep */ kIOPMSleepAttributeHibernateSetup,
+ /* hibernate */ kIOPMSleepAttributeHibernateSetup | kIOPMSleepAttributeHibernateSleep,
+ /* standby */ kIOPMSleepAttributeHibernateSetup | kIOPMSleepAttributeHibernateSleep,
+ /* poweroff */ kIOPMSleepAttributeHibernateSetup | kIOPMSleepAttributeHibernateSleep,
+ /* deepidle */ 0
+ };
+ if (sleepType >= kIOPMSleepTypeLast) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return sleepTypeAttributes[sleepType];
+ IOPMSystemSleepParameters * params, int sleepPhase, uint32_t * hibMode )
+ const IOPMSystemSleepPolicyTable * pt;
+ OSObject * prop = NULL;
+ OSData * policyData;
+ uint64_t currentFactors = 0;
+ char currentFactorsBuf[512];
+ uint32_t standbyDelay = 0;
+ uint32_t powerOffDelay = 0;
+ uint32_t powerOffTimer = 0;
+ uint32_t standbyTimer = 0;
+ uint32_t mismatch;
+ bool standbyEnabled;
+ bool powerOffEnabled;
+ bool found = false;
+ // Get platform's sleep policy table
+ if (!gSleepPolicyHandler) {
+ prop = getServiceRoot()->copyProperty(kIOPlatformSystemSleepPolicyKey);
+ if (!prop) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ // Fetch additional settings
+ standbyEnabled = (getSleepOption(kIOPMDeepSleepDelayKey, &standbyDelay)
+ && (getProperty(kIOPMDeepSleepEnabledKey) == kOSBooleanTrue));
+ powerOffEnabled = (getSleepOption(kIOPMAutoPowerOffDelayKey, &powerOffDelay)
+ && (getProperty(kIOPMAutoPowerOffEnabledKey) == kOSBooleanTrue));
+ if (!getSleepOption(kIOPMAutoPowerOffTimerKey, &powerOffTimer)) {
+ powerOffTimer = powerOffDelay;
+ }
+ if (!getSleepOption(kIOPMDeepSleepTimerKey, &standbyTimer)) {
+ standbyTimer = standbyDelay;
+ }
+ DLOG("phase %d, standby %d delay %u timer %u, poweroff %d delay %u timer %u, hibernate 0x%x\n",
+ sleepPhase, standbyEnabled, standbyDelay, standbyTimer,
+ powerOffEnabled, powerOffDelay, powerOffTimer, *hibMode);
+ currentFactorsBuf[0] = 0;
+ // pmset level overrides
+ if ((*hibMode & kIOHibernateModeOn) == 0) {
+ if (!gSleepPolicyHandler) {
+ standbyEnabled = false;
+ powerOffEnabled = false;
+ }
+ } else if (!(*hibMode & kIOHibernateModeSleep)) {
+ // Force hibernate (i.e. mode 25)
+ // If standby is enabled, force standy.
+ // If poweroff is enabled, force poweroff.
+ if (standbyEnabled) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorStandbyForced;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "StandbyForced");
+ } else if (powerOffEnabled) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorAutoPowerOffForced;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "AutoPowerOffForced");
+ } else {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorHibernateForced;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "HibernateForced");
+ }
+ }
+ // Current factors based on environment and assertions
+ if (sleepTimerMaintenance) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorSleepTimerWake;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "SleepTimerWake");
+ }
+ if (standbyEnabled && sleepToStandby && !gSleepPolicyHandler) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorSleepTimerWake;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "SleepTimerWake");
+ }
+ if (!clamshellClosed) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorLidOpen;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "LidOpen");
+ }
+ if (acAdaptorConnected) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorACPower;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "ACPower");
+ }
+ if (lowBatteryCondition) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorBatteryLow;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "BatteryLow");
+ }
+ if (!standbyDelay || !standbyTimer) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorStandbyNoDelay;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "StandbyNoDelay");
+ }
+ if (standbyNixed || !standbyEnabled) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorStandbyDisabled;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "StandbyDisabled");
+ }
+ if (resetTimers) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorLocalUserActivity;
+ currentFactors &= ~kIOPMSleepFactorSleepTimerWake;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "LocalUserActivity, !SleepTimerWake");
+ }
+ if (getPMAssertionLevel(kIOPMDriverAssertionUSBExternalDeviceBit) !=
+ kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorUSBExternalDevice;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "USBExternalDevice");
+ }
+ if (getPMAssertionLevel(kIOPMDriverAssertionBluetoothHIDDevicePairedBit) !=
+ kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorBluetoothHIDDevice;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "BluetoothHIDDevice");
+ }
+ if (getPMAssertionLevel(kIOPMDriverAssertionExternalMediaMountedBit) !=
+ kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorExternalMediaMounted;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "ExternalMediaMounted");
+ }
+ if (getPMAssertionLevel(kIOPMDriverAssertionReservedBit5) !=
+ kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorThunderboltDevice;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "ThunderboltDevice");
+ }
+ if (_scheduledAlarms != 0) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorRTCAlarmScheduled;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "RTCAlaramScheduled");
+ }
+ if (getPMAssertionLevel(kIOPMDriverAssertionMagicPacketWakeEnabledBit) !=
+ kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorMagicPacketWakeEnabled;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "MagicPacketWakeEnabled");
+ }
+ if (getPMAssertionLevel(kIOPMDriverAssertionNetworkKeepAliveActiveBit) !=
+ kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorNetworkKeepAliveActive;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "NetworkKeepAliveActive");
+ }
+ if (!powerOffEnabled) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorAutoPowerOffDisabled;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "AutoPowerOffDisabled");
+ }
+ if (desktopMode) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorExternalDisplay;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "ExternalDisplay");
+ }
+ if (userWasActive) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorLocalUserActivity;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "LocalUserActivity");
+ }
+ if (darkWakeHibernateError && !CAP_HIGHEST(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorHibernateFailed;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "HibernateFailed");
+ }
+ if (thermalWarningState) {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorThermalWarning;
+ snprintf(currentFactorsBuf, sizeof(currentFactorsBuf), "%s, %s", currentFactorsBuf, "ThermalWarning");
+ }
+ DLOG("sleep factors 0x%llx %s\n", currentFactors, currentFactorsBuf);
+ if (gSleepPolicyHandler) {
+ uint32_t savedHibernateMode;
+ IOReturn result;
+ if (!gSleepPolicyVars) {
+ gSleepPolicyVars = IONew(IOPMSystemSleepPolicyVariables, 1);
+ if (!gSleepPolicyVars) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ bzero(gSleepPolicyVars, sizeof(*gSleepPolicyVars));
+ }
+ gSleepPolicyVars->signature = kIOPMSystemSleepPolicySignature;
+ gSleepPolicyVars->version = kIOPMSystemSleepPolicyVersion;
+ gSleepPolicyVars->currentCapability = _currentCapability;
+ gSleepPolicyVars->highestCapability = _highestCapability;
+ gSleepPolicyVars->sleepFactors = currentFactors;
+ gSleepPolicyVars->sleepReason = lastSleepReason;
+ gSleepPolicyVars->sleepPhase = sleepPhase;
+ gSleepPolicyVars->standbyDelay = standbyDelay;
+ gSleepPolicyVars->standbyTimer = standbyTimer;
+ gSleepPolicyVars->poweroffDelay = powerOffDelay;
+ gSleepPolicyVars->scheduledAlarms = _scheduledAlarms | _userScheduledAlarm;
+ gSleepPolicyVars->poweroffTimer = powerOffTimer;
+ if (kIOPMSleepPhase0 == sleepPhase) {
+ // preserve hibernateMode
+ savedHibernateMode = gSleepPolicyVars->hibernateMode;
+ gSleepPolicyVars->hibernateMode = *hibMode;
+ } else if (kIOPMSleepPhase1 == sleepPhase) {
+ // use original hibernateMode for phase2
+ gSleepPolicyVars->hibernateMode = *hibMode;
+ }
+ result = gSleepPolicyHandler(gSleepPolicyTarget, gSleepPolicyVars, params);
+ if (kIOPMSleepPhase0 == sleepPhase) {
+ // restore hibernateMode
+ gSleepPolicyVars->hibernateMode = savedHibernateMode;
+ }
+ if ((result != kIOReturnSuccess) ||
+ (kIOPMSleepTypeInvalid == params->sleepType) ||
+ (params->sleepType >= kIOPMSleepTypeLast) ||
+ (kIOPMSystemSleepParametersVersion != params->version)) {
+ MSG("sleep policy handler error\n");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if ((getSleepTypeAttributes(params->sleepType) &
+ kIOPMSleepAttributeHibernateSetup) &&
+ ((*hibMode & kIOHibernateModeOn) == 0)) {
+ *hibMode |= (kIOHibernateModeOn | kIOHibernateModeSleep);
+ }
+ DLOG("sleep params v%u, type %u, flags 0x%x, wake 0x%x, timer %u, poweroff %u\n",
+ params->version, params->sleepType, params->sleepFlags,
+ params->ecWakeEvents, params->ecWakeTimer, params->ecPoweroffTimer);
+ found = true;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ // Policy table is meaningless without standby enabled
+ if (!standbyEnabled) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ // Validate the sleep policy table
+ policyData = OSDynamicCast(OSData, prop);
+ if (!policyData || (policyData->getLength() <= sizeof(IOPMSystemSleepPolicyTable))) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ pt = (const IOPMSystemSleepPolicyTable *) policyData->getBytesNoCopy();
+ if ((pt->signature != kIOPMSystemSleepPolicySignature) ||
+ (pt->version != 1) || (0 == pt->entryCount)) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (((policyData->getLength() - sizeof(IOPMSystemSleepPolicyTable)) !=
+ (sizeof(IOPMSystemSleepPolicyEntry) * pt->entryCount))) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pt->entryCount; i++) {
+ const IOPMSystemSleepPolicyEntry * entry = &pt->entries[i];
+ mismatch = (((uint32_t)currentFactors ^ entry->factorBits) & entry->factorMask);
+ DLOG("mask 0x%08x, bits 0x%08x, flags 0x%08x, wake 0x%08x, mismatch 0x%08x\n",
+ entry->factorMask, entry->factorBits,
+ entry->sleepFlags, entry->wakeEvents, mismatch);
+ if (mismatch) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ DLOG("^ found match\n");
+ found = true;
+ params->version = kIOPMSystemSleepParametersVersion;
+ params->reserved1 = 1;
+ if (entry->sleepFlags & kIOPMSleepFlagHibernate) {
+ params->sleepType = kIOPMSleepTypeStandby;
+ } else {
+ params->sleepType = kIOPMSleepTypeNormalSleep;
+ }
+ params->ecWakeEvents = entry->wakeEvents;
+ if (entry->sleepFlags & kIOPMSleepFlagSleepTimerEnable) {
+ if (kIOPMSleepPhase2 == sleepPhase) {
+ clock_sec_t now_secs = gIOLastSleepTime.tv_sec;
+ if (!_standbyTimerResetSeconds ||
+ (now_secs <= _standbyTimerResetSeconds)) {
+ // Reset standby timer adjustment
+ _standbyTimerResetSeconds = now_secs;
+ DLOG("standby delay %u, reset %u\n",
+ standbyDelay, (uint32_t) _standbyTimerResetSeconds);
+ } else if (standbyDelay) {
+ // Shorten the standby delay timer
+ clock_sec_t elapsed = now_secs - _standbyTimerResetSeconds;
+ if (standbyDelay > elapsed) {
+ standbyDelay -= elapsed;
+ } else {
+ standbyDelay = 1; // must be > 0
+ }
+ DLOG("standby delay %u, elapsed %u\n",
+ standbyDelay, (uint32_t) elapsed);
+ }
+ }
+ params->ecWakeTimer = standbyDelay;
+ } else if (kIOPMSleepPhase2 == sleepPhase) {
+ // A sleep that does not enable the sleep timer will reset
+ // the standby delay adjustment.
+ _standbyTimerResetSeconds = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (prop) {
+ prop->release();
+ }
+ return found;
+static IOPMSystemSleepParameters gEarlySystemSleepParams;
+IOPMrootDomain::evaluateSystemSleepPolicyEarly( void )
+ // Evaluate early (priority interest phase), before drivers sleep.
+ DLOG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ removeProperty(kIOPMSystemSleepParametersKey);
+ // Full wake resets the standby timer delay adjustment
+ if (_highestCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) {
+ _standbyTimerResetSeconds = 0;
+ }
+ hibernateDisabled = false;
+ hibernateMode = 0;
+ getSleepOption(kIOHibernateModeKey, &hibernateMode);
+ // Save for late evaluation if sleep is aborted
+ bzero(&gEarlySystemSleepParams, sizeof(gEarlySystemSleepParams));
+ if (evaluateSystemSleepPolicy(&gEarlySystemSleepParams, kIOPMSleepPhase1,
+ &hibernateMode)) {
+ if (!hibernateRetry &&
+ ((getSleepTypeAttributes(gEarlySystemSleepParams.sleepType) &
+ kIOPMSleepAttributeHibernateSetup) == 0)) {
+ // skip hibernate setup
+ hibernateDisabled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Publish IOPMSystemSleepType
+ uint32_t sleepType = gEarlySystemSleepParams.sleepType;
+ if (sleepType == kIOPMSleepTypeInvalid) {
+ // no sleep policy
+ sleepType = kIOPMSleepTypeNormalSleep;
+ if (hibernateMode & kIOHibernateModeOn) {
+ sleepType = (hibernateMode & kIOHibernateModeSleep) ?
+ kIOPMSleepTypeSafeSleep : kIOPMSleepTypeHibernate;
+ }
+ } else if ((sleepType == kIOPMSleepTypeStandby) &&
+ (gEarlySystemSleepParams.ecPoweroffTimer)) {
+ // report the lowest possible sleep state
+ sleepType = kIOPMSleepTypePowerOff;
+ }
+ setProperty(kIOPMSystemSleepTypeKey, sleepType, 32);
+IOPMrootDomain::evaluateSystemSleepPolicyFinal( void )
+ IOPMSystemSleepParameters params;
+ OSData * paramsData;
+ bool wakeNow;
+ // Evaluate sleep policy after sleeping drivers but before platform sleep.
+ DLOG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ bzero(¶ms, sizeof(params));
+ wakeNow = false;
+ if (evaluateSystemSleepPolicy(¶ms, kIOPMSleepPhase2, &hibernateMode)) {
+ if ((kIOPMSleepTypeStandby == params.sleepType)
+ && gIOHibernateStandbyDisabled && gSleepPolicyVars
+ && (!((kIOPMSleepFactorStandbyForced | kIOPMSleepFactorAutoPowerOffForced | kIOPMSleepFactorHibernateForced)
+ & gSleepPolicyVars->sleepFactors))) {
+ standbyNixed = true;
+ wakeNow = true;
+ }
+ if (wakeNow
+ || ((hibernateDisabled || hibernateAborted) &&
+ (getSleepTypeAttributes(params.sleepType) &
+ kIOPMSleepAttributeHibernateSetup))) {
+ // Final evaluation picked a state requiring hibernation,
+ // but hibernate isn't going to proceed. Arm a short sleep using
+ // the early non-hibernate sleep parameters.
+ bcopy(&gEarlySystemSleepParams, ¶ms, sizeof(params));
+ params.sleepType = kIOPMSleepTypeAbortedSleep;
+ params.ecWakeTimer = 1;
+ if (standbyNixed) {
+ resetTimers = true;
+ } else {
+ // Set hibernateRetry flag to force hibernate setup on the
+ // next sleep.
+ hibernateRetry = true;
+ }
+ DLOG("wake in %u secs for hibernateDisabled %d, hibernateAborted %d, standbyNixed %d\n",
+ params.ecWakeTimer, hibernateDisabled, hibernateAborted, standbyNixed);
+ } else {
+ hibernateRetry = false;
+ }
+ if (kIOPMSleepTypeAbortedSleep != params.sleepType) {
+ resetTimers = false;
+ }
+ paramsData = OSData::withBytes(¶ms, sizeof(params));
+ if (paramsData) {
+ setProperty(kIOPMSystemSleepParametersKey, paramsData);
+ paramsData->release();
+ }
+ if (getSleepTypeAttributes(params.sleepType) &
+ kIOPMSleepAttributeHibernateSleep) {
+ // Disable sleep to force hibernation
+ gIOHibernateMode &= ~kIOHibernateModeSleep;
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t * hibernateModePtr,
+ uint32_t * hibernateFreeRatio,
+ uint32_t * hibernateFreeTime )
+ // Called by IOHibernateSystemSleep() after evaluateSystemSleepPolicyEarly()
+ // has updated the hibernateDisabled flag.
+ bool ok = getSleepOption(kIOHibernateModeKey, hibernateModePtr);
+ getSleepOption(kIOHibernateFreeRatioKey, hibernateFreeRatio);
+ getSleepOption(kIOHibernateFreeTimeKey, hibernateFreeTime);
+ if (hibernateDisabled) {
+ *hibernateModePtr = 0;
+ } else if (gSleepPolicyHandler) {
+ *hibernateModePtr = hibernateMode;
+ }
+ DLOG("hibernateMode 0x%x\n", *hibernateModePtr);
+ return ok;
+IOPMrootDomain::getSleepOption( const char * key, uint32_t * option )
+ OSObject * optionsProp;
+ OSDictionary * optionsDict;
+ OSObject * obj = NULL;
+ OSNumber * num;
+ bool ok = false;
+ optionsProp = copyProperty(kRootDomainSleepOptionsKey);
+ optionsDict = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, optionsProp);
+ if (optionsDict) {
+ obj = optionsDict->getObject(key);
+ if (obj) {
+ obj->retain();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!obj) {
+ obj = copyProperty(key);
+ }
+ if (obj) {
+ if ((num = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj))) {
+ *option = num->unsigned32BitValue();
+ ok = true;
+ } else if (OSDynamicCast(OSBoolean, obj)) {
+ *option = (obj == kOSBooleanTrue) ? 1 : 0;
+ ok = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (obj) {
+ obj->release();
+ }
+ if (optionsProp) {
+ optionsProp->release();
+ }
+ return ok;
+#endif /* HIBERNATION */
+IOPMrootDomain::getSystemSleepType( uint32_t * sleepType, uint32_t * standbyTimer )
+ IOPMSystemSleepParameters params;
+ uint32_t hibMode = 0;
+ bool ok;
+ if (gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate() == false) {
+ IOReturn ret = gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::getSystemSleepType),
+ (OSObject *) this,
+ (void *) sleepType, (void *) standbyTimer);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ getSleepOption(kIOHibernateModeKey, &hibMode);
+ bzero(¶ms, sizeof(params));
+ ok = evaluateSystemSleepPolicy(¶ms, kIOPMSleepPhase0, &hibMode);
+ if (ok) {
+ *sleepType = params.sleepType;
+ if (!getSleepOption(kIOPMDeepSleepTimerKey, standbyTimer) &&
+ !getSleepOption(kIOPMDeepSleepDelayKey, standbyTimer)) {
+ DLOG("Standby delay is not set\n");
+ *standbyTimer = 0;
+ }
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Shutdown and Restart
+// handlePlatformHaltRestart
+// Phases while performing shutdown/restart
+typedef enum {
+ kNotifyDone = 0x00,
+ kNotifyPriorityClients = 0x10,
+ kNotifyPowerPlaneDrivers = 0x20,
+ kNotifyHaltRestartAction = 0x30,
+ kQuiescePM = 0x40,
+} shutdownPhase_t;
+struct HaltRestartApplierContext {
+ IOPMrootDomain * RootDomain;
+ unsigned long PowerState;
+ IOPMPowerFlags PowerFlags;
+ UInt32 MessageType;
+ UInt32 Counter;
+ const char * LogString;
+ shutdownPhase_t phase;
+ IOServiceInterestHandler handler;
+} gHaltRestartCtx;
+const char *
+shutdownPhase2String(shutdownPhase_t phase)
+ switch (phase) {
+ case kNotifyDone:
+ return "Notifications completed";
+ case kNotifyPriorityClients:
+ return "Notifying priority clients";
+ case kNotifyPowerPlaneDrivers:
+ return "Notifying power plane drivers";
+ case kNotifyHaltRestartAction:
+ return "Notifying HaltRestart action handlers";
+ case kQuiescePM:
+ return "Quiescing PM";
+ default:
+ return "Unknown";
+ }
+static void
+platformHaltRestartApplier( OSObject * object, void * context )
+ IOPowerStateChangeNotification notify;
+ HaltRestartApplierContext * ctx;
+ AbsoluteTime startTime, elapsedTime;
+ uint32_t deltaTime;
+ ctx = (HaltRestartApplierContext *) context;
+ _IOServiceInterestNotifier * notifier;
+ notifier = OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object);
+ memset(¬ify, 0, sizeof(notify));
+ notify.powerRef = (void *)(uintptr_t)ctx->Counter;
+ notify.returnValue = 0;
+ notify.stateNumber = ctx->PowerState;
+ notify.stateFlags = ctx->PowerFlags;
+ if (notifier) {
+ ctx->handler = notifier->handler;
+ }
+ clock_get_uptime(&startTime);
+ ctx->RootDomain->messageClient( ctx->MessageType, object, (void *)¬ify );
+ deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&startTime, &elapsedTime);
+ if ((deltaTime > kPMHaltTimeoutMS) && notifier) {
+ LOG("%s handler %p took %u ms\n",
+ ctx->LogString, OBFUSCATE(notifier->handler), deltaTime);
+ halt_log_enter("PowerOff/Restart message to priority client", (const void *) notifier->handler, elapsedTime);
+ }
+ ctx->handler = NULL;
+ ctx->Counter++;
+static void
+quiescePowerTreeCallback( void * target, void * param )
+ IOLockLock(gPMHaltLock);
+ gPMQuiesced = true;
+ thread_wakeup(param);
+ IOLockUnlock(gPMHaltLock);
+IOPMrootDomain::handlePlatformHaltRestart( UInt32 pe_type )
+ AbsoluteTime startTime, elapsedTime;
+ uint32_t deltaTime;
+ memset(&gHaltRestartCtx, 0, sizeof(gHaltRestartCtx));
+ gHaltRestartCtx.RootDomain = this;
+ clock_get_uptime(&startTime);
+ switch (pe_type) {
+ case kPEHaltCPU:
+ case kPEUPSDelayHaltCPU:
+ gHaltRestartCtx.PowerState = OFF_STATE;
+ gHaltRestartCtx.MessageType = kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff;
+ gHaltRestartCtx.LogString = "PowerOff";
+ break;
+ case kPERestartCPU:
+ gHaltRestartCtx.PowerState = RESTART_STATE;
+ gHaltRestartCtx.MessageType = kIOMessageSystemWillRestart;
+ gHaltRestartCtx.LogString = "Restart";
+ break;
+ case kPEPagingOff:
+ gHaltRestartCtx.PowerState = ON_STATE;
+ gHaltRestartCtx.MessageType = kIOMessageSystemPagingOff;
+ gHaltRestartCtx.LogString = "PagingOff";
+ IOService::updateConsoleUsers(NULL, kIOMessageSystemPagingOff);
+ IOHibernateSystemRestart();
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ gHaltRestartCtx.phase = kNotifyPriorityClients;
+ // Notify legacy clients
+ applyToInterested(gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest, platformHaltRestartApplier, &gHaltRestartCtx);
+ // For normal shutdown, turn off File Server Mode.
+ if (kPEHaltCPU == pe_type) {
+ const OSSymbol * setting = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingRestartOnPowerLossKey);
+ OSNumber * num = OSNumber::withNumber((unsigned long long) 0, 32);
+ if (setting && num) {
+ setPMSetting(setting, num);
+ setting->release();
+ num->release();
+ }
+ }
+ if (kPEPagingOff != pe_type) {
+ gHaltRestartCtx.phase = kNotifyPowerPlaneDrivers;
+ // Notify in power tree order
+ notifySystemShutdown(this, gHaltRestartCtx.MessageType);
+ }
+ gHaltRestartCtx.phase = kNotifyHaltRestartAction;
+ IOCPURunPlatformHaltRestartActions(pe_type);
+ if (kPEPagingOff != pe_type) {
+ IOCPURunPlatformHaltRestartActions(pe_type);
+ }
+ // Wait for PM to quiesce
+ if ((kPEPagingOff != pe_type) && gPMHaltLock) {
+ gHaltRestartCtx.phase = kQuiescePM;
+ AbsoluteTime quiesceTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ IOLockLock(gPMHaltLock);
+ gPMQuiesced = false;
+ if (quiescePowerTree(this, &quiescePowerTreeCallback, &gPMQuiesced) ==
+ kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ while (!gPMQuiesced) {
+ IOLockSleep(gPMHaltLock, &gPMQuiesced, THREAD_UNINT);
+ }
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(gPMHaltLock);
+ deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&quiesceTime, &elapsedTime);
+ DLOG("PM quiesce took %u ms\n", deltaTime);
+ halt_log_enter("Quiesce", NULL, elapsedTime);
+ }
+ gHaltRestartCtx.phase = kNotifyDone;
+ deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&startTime, &elapsedTime);
+ LOG("%s all drivers took %u ms\n", gHaltRestartCtx.LogString, deltaTime);
+ halt_log_enter(gHaltRestartCtx.LogString, NULL, elapsedTime);
+ deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&gHaltStartTime, &elapsedTime);
+ LOG("%s total %u ms\n", gHaltRestartCtx.LogString, deltaTime);
+ if (gHaltLog && gHaltTimeMaxLog && (deltaTime >= gHaltTimeMaxLog)) {
+ printf("%s total %d ms:%s\n", gHaltRestartCtx.LogString, deltaTime, gHaltLog);
+ }
+ checkShutdownTimeout();
+ AbsoluteTime elapsedTime;
+ uint32_t deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&gHaltStartTime, &elapsedTime);
+ if (gHaltTimeMaxPanic && (deltaTime >= gHaltTimeMaxPanic)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+IOPMrootDomain::panicWithShutdownLog(uint32_t timeoutInMs)
+ if (gHaltLog) {
+ if ((gHaltRestartCtx.phase == kNotifyPriorityClients) && gHaltRestartCtx.handler) {
+ halt_log_enter("Blocked on priority client", (void *)gHaltRestartCtx.handler, mach_absolute_time() - gHaltStartTime);
+ }
+ panic("%s timed out in phase '%s'. Total %d ms:%s",
+ gHaltRestartCtx.LogString, shutdownPhase2String(gHaltRestartCtx.phase), timeoutInMs, gHaltLog);
+ } else {
+ panic("%s timed out in phase \'%s\'. Total %d ms",
+ gHaltRestartCtx.LogString, shutdownPhase2String(gHaltRestartCtx.phase), timeoutInMs);
+ }
+// shutdownSystem
+IOPMrootDomain::shutdownSystem( void )
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+// restartSystem
+IOPMrootDomain::restartSystem( void )
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: System Capability
+// tagPowerPlaneService
+// Running on PM work loop thread.
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions )
+ uint32_t flags = 0;
+ bool isDisplayWrangler;
+ memset(actions, 0, sizeof(*actions));
+ actions->target = this;
+ if (service == this) {
+ actions->actionPowerChangeStart =
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(
+ IOPMActionPowerChangeStart, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::handleOurPowerChangeStart);
+ actions->actionPowerChangeDone =
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(
+ IOPMActionPowerChangeDone, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::handleOurPowerChangeDone);
+ actions->actionPowerChangeOverride =
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(
+ IOPMActionPowerChangeOverride, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::overrideOurPowerChange);
+ return;
+ }
+ isDisplayWrangler = (NULL != service->metaCast("IODisplayWrangler"));
+ if (isDisplayWrangler) {
+ wrangler = service;
+ // found the display wrangler, check for any display assertions already created
+ if (pmAssertions->getActivatedAssertions() & kIOPMDriverAssertionPreventDisplaySleepBit) {
+ DLOG("wrangler setIgnoreIdleTimer\(1) due to pre-existing assertion\n");
+ wrangler->setIgnoreIdleTimer( true );
+ }
+ }
+ isDisplayWrangler = false;
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+ if (isDisplayWrangler) {
+ flags |= kPMActionsFlagIsDisplayWrangler;
+ }
+ if (service->getProperty("IOPMStrictTreeOrder")) {
+ flags |= kPMActionsFlagIsGraphicsDevice;
+ }
+ if (service->getProperty("IOPMUnattendedWakePowerState")) {
+ flags |= kPMActionsFlagIsAudioDevice;
+ }
+ // Find the power connection object that is a child of the PCI host
+ // bridge, and has a graphics/audio device attached below. Mark the
+ // power branch for delayed child notifications.
+ if (flags) {
+ IORegistryEntry * child = service;
+ IORegistryEntry * parent = child->getParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+ while (child != this) {
+ if (child->getProperty("IOPCITunnelled") == kOSBooleanTrue) {
+ // Skip delaying notifications and clamping power on external graphics and audio devices.
+ DLOG("Avoiding delayChildNotification on object 0x%llx. flags: 0x%x\n", service->getRegistryEntryID(), flags);
+ flags = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((parent == pciHostBridgeDriver) ||
+ (parent == this)) {
+ if (OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection, child)) {
+ IOPowerConnection * conn = (IOPowerConnection *) child;
+ conn->delayChildNotification = true;
+ DLOG("delayChildNotification for 0x%llx\n", conn->getRegistryEntryID());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ child = parent;
+ parent = child->getParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags) {
+ DLOG("%s tag flags %x\n", service->getName(), flags);
+ actions->parameter |= flags;
+ actions->actionPowerChangeOverride =
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(
+ IOPMActionPowerChangeOverride, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::overridePowerChangeForUIService);
+ if (flags & kPMActionsFlagIsDisplayWrangler) {
+ actions->actionActivityTickle =
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(
+ IOPMActionActivityTickle, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::handleActivityTickleForDisplayWrangler);
+ actions->actionUpdatePowerClient =
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(
+ IOPMActionUpdatePowerClient, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::handleUpdatePowerClientForDisplayWrangler);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Locate the first PCI host bridge for PMTrace.
+ if (!pciHostBridgeDevice && service->metaCast("IOPCIBridge")) {
+ IOService * provider = service->getProvider();
+ if (OSDynamicCast(IOPlatformDevice, provider) &&
+ provider->inPlane(gIODTPlane)) {
+ pciHostBridgeDevice = provider;
+ pciHostBridgeDriver = service;
+ DLOG("PMTrace found PCI host bridge %s->%s\n",
+ provider->getName(), service->getName());
+ }
+ }
+ // Tag top-level PCI devices. The order of PMinit() call does not
+ // change across boots and is used as the PCI bit number.
+ if (pciHostBridgeDevice && service->metaCast("IOPCIDevice")) {
+ // Would prefer to check built-in property, but tagPowerPlaneService()
+ // is called before pciDevice->registerService().
+ IORegistryEntry * parent = service->getParentEntry(gIODTPlane);
+ if ((parent == pciHostBridgeDevice) && service->getProperty("acpi-device")) {
+ int bit = pmTracer->recordTopLevelPCIDevice( service );
+ if (bit >= 0) {
+ // Save the assigned bit for fast lookup.
+ actions->parameter |= (bit & kPMActionsPCIBitNumberMask);
+ actions->actionPowerChangeStart =
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(
+ IOPMActionPowerChangeStart, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::handlePowerChangeStartForPCIDevice);
+ actions->actionPowerChangeDone =
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(
+ IOPMActionPowerChangeDone, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::handlePowerChangeDoneForPCIDevice);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// PM actions for root domain
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex * inOutPowerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags,
+ IOPMRequestTag requestTag )
+ uint32_t powerState = (uint32_t) *inOutPowerState;
+ uint32_t changeFlags = *inOutChangeFlags;
+ uint32_t currentPowerState = (uint32_t) getPowerState();
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ if ((AOT_STATE == powerState) && (ON_STATE == currentPowerState)) {
+ // Assertion may have been taken in AOT leading to changePowerStateTo(AOT)
+ *inOutChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+ return;
+ }
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ if (changeFlags & kIOPMParentInitiated) {
+ // Root parent is permanently pegged at max power,
+ // a parent initiated power change is unexpected.
+ *inOutChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (powerState < currentPowerState) {
+ if (CAP_CURRENT(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ // Root domain is dropping power state ON->SLEEP.
+ // If system is in full wake, first enter dark wake by
+ // converting the power drop to a capability change.
+ // Once in dark wake, transition to sleep state ASAP.
+ darkWakeToSleepASAP = true;
+ // Drop graphics and audio capability
+ _desiredCapability &= ~(
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics |
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityAudio);
+ // Convert to capability change (ON->ON)
+ *inOutPowerState = getRUN_STATE();
+ *inOutChangeFlags |= kIOPMSynchronize;
+ // Revert device desire from SLEEP to ON
+ changePowerStateToPriv(getRUN_STATE());
+ } else {
+ // System is in dark wake, ok to drop power state.
+ // Broadcast root powering down to entire tree.
+ *inOutChangeFlags |= kIOPMRootChangeDown;
+ }
+ } else if (powerState > currentPowerState) {
+ if ((_currentCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU) == 0) {
+ // Broadcast power up when waking from sleep, but not for the
+ // initial power change at boot by checking for cpu capability.
+ *inOutChangeFlags |= kIOPMRootChangeUp;
+ }
+ }
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags,
+ IOPMRequestTag requestTag )
+ uint32_t changeFlags = *inOutChangeFlags;
+ uint32_t currentPowerState = (uint32_t) getPowerState();
+ uint32_t sleepReason = requestTag ? requestTag : kIOPMSleepReasonIdle;
+ bool publishSleepReason = false;
+ _systemTransitionType = kSystemTransitionNone;
+ _systemMessageClientMask = 0;
+ capabilityLoss = false;
+ toldPowerdCapWillChange = false;
+ if (lowBatteryCondition) {
+ // Low battery notification may arrive after the initial sleep request
+ // has been queued. Override the sleep reason so powerd and others can
+ // treat this as an emergency sleep.
+ sleepReason = kIOPMSleepReasonLowPower;
+ }
+ // 1. Explicit capability change.
+ if (changeFlags & kIOPMSynchronize) {
+ if (powerState == ON_STATE) {
+ if (changeFlags & kIOPMSyncNoChildNotify) {
+ _systemTransitionType = kSystemTransitionNewCapClient;
+ } else {
+ _systemTransitionType = kSystemTransitionCapability;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 2. Going to sleep (cancellation still possible).
+ else if (powerState < currentPowerState) {
+ _systemTransitionType = kSystemTransitionSleep;
+ }
+ // 3. Woke from (idle or demand) sleep.
+ else if (!systemBooting &&
+ (changeFlags & kIOPMSelfInitiated) &&
+ (powerState > currentPowerState)) {
+ _systemTransitionType = kSystemTransitionWake;
+ _desiredCapability = kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU |
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityNetwork;
+ // Early exit from dark wake to full (e.g. LID open)
+ if (kFullWakeReasonNone != fullWakeReason) {
+ _desiredCapability |= (
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics |
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityAudio);
+ }
+ IOHibernateSetWakeCapabilities(_desiredCapability);
+ }
+ // Update pending wake capability at the beginning of every
+ // state transition (including synchronize). This will become
+ // the current capability at the end of the transition.
+ if (kSystemTransitionSleep == _systemTransitionType) {
+ _pendingCapability = 0;
+ capabilityLoss = true;
+ } else if (kSystemTransitionNewCapClient != _systemTransitionType) {
+ _pendingCapability = _desiredCapability |
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU |
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityNetwork;
+ if (_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) {
+ _pendingCapability |= kIOPMSystemCapabilityAudio;
+ }
+ if ((kSystemTransitionCapability == _systemTransitionType) &&
+ (_pendingCapability == _currentCapability)) {
+ // Cancel the PM state change.
+ _systemTransitionType = kSystemTransitionNone;
+ *inOutChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+ }
+ if (__builtin_popcount(_pendingCapability) <
+ __builtin_popcount(_currentCapability)) {
+ capabilityLoss = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // 1. Capability change.
+ if (kSystemTransitionCapability == _systemTransitionType) {
+ // Dark to Full transition.
+ if (CAP_GAIN(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointDarkWakeExit );
+ willEnterFullWake();
+ }
+ // Full to Dark transition.
+ if (CAP_LOSS(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ // Clear previous stats
+ IOLockLock(pmStatsLock);
+ if (pmStatsAppResponses) {
+ pmStatsAppResponses->release();
+ pmStatsAppResponses = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(pmStatsLock);
+ tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointDarkWakeEntry );
+ *inOutChangeFlags |= kIOPMSyncTellPowerDown;
+ _systemMessageClientMask = kSystemMessageClientPowerd |
+ kSystemMessageClientLegacyApp;
+ // rdar://15971327
+ // Prevent user active transitions before notifying clients
+ // that system will sleep.
+ preventTransitionToUserActive(true);
+ IOService::setAdvisoryTickleEnable( false );
+ // Publish the sleep reason for full to dark wake
+ publishSleepReason = true;
+ lastSleepReason = fullToDarkReason = sleepReason;
+ // Publish a UUID for the Sleep --> Wake cycle
+ handlePublishSleepWakeUUID(true);
+ if (sleepDelaysReport) {
+ clock_get_uptime(&ts_sleepStart);
+ DLOG("sleepDelaysReport f->9 start at 0x%llx\n", ts_sleepStart);
+ }
+ wranglerTickled = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // 2. System sleep.
+ else if (kSystemTransitionSleep == _systemTransitionType) {
+ // Beginning of a system sleep transition.
+ // Cancellation is still possible.
+ tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepStarted );
+ _systemMessageClientMask = kSystemMessageClientAll;
+ if ((_currentCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) == 0) {
+ _systemMessageClientMask &= ~kSystemMessageClientLegacyApp;
+ }
+ if ((_highestCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) == 0) {
+ // Kernel priority clients are only notified on the initial
+ // transition to full wake, so don't notify them unless system
+ // has gained graphics capability since the last system wake.
+ _systemMessageClientMask &= ~kSystemMessageClientKernel;
+ }
+ gIOHibernateState = 0;
+ // Record the reason for dark wake back to sleep
+ // System may not have ever achieved full wake
+ publishSleepReason = true;
+ lastSleepReason = sleepReason;
+ if (sleepDelaysReport) {
+ clock_get_uptime(&ts_sleepStart);
+ DLOG("sleepDelaysReport 9->0 start at 0x%llx\n", ts_sleepStart);
+ }
+ }
+ // 3. System wake.
+ else if (kSystemTransitionWake == _systemTransitionType) {
+ tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointWakeWillPowerOnClients );
+ // Clear stats about sleep
+ if (AOT_STATE == powerState) {
+ _pendingCapability = 0;
+ }
+ if (_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) {
+ willEnterFullWake();
+ } else {
+ // Message powerd only
+ _systemMessageClientMask = kSystemMessageClientPowerd;
+ tellClients(kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn);
+ }
+ }
+ // The only location where the sleep reason is published. At this point
+ // sleep can still be cancelled, but sleep reason should be published
+ // early for logging purposes.
+ if (publishSleepReason) {
+ static const char * IOPMSleepReasons[] =
+ {
+ kIOPMClamshellSleepKey,
+ kIOPMPowerButtonSleepKey,
+ kIOPMSoftwareSleepKey,
+ kIOPMOSSwitchHibernationKey,
+ kIOPMIdleSleepKey,
+ kIOPMLowPowerSleepKey,
+ kIOPMThermalEmergencySleepKey,
+ kIOPMMaintenanceSleepKey,
+ kIOPMSleepServiceExitKey,
+ kIOPMDarkWakeThermalEmergencyKey
+ };
+ // Record sleep cause in IORegistry
+ uint32_t reasonIndex = sleepReason - kIOPMSleepReasonClamshell;
+ if (reasonIndex < sizeof(IOPMSleepReasons) / sizeof(IOPMSleepReasons[0])) {
+ DLOG("sleep reason %s\n", IOPMSleepReasons[reasonIndex]);
+ setProperty(kRootDomainSleepReasonKey, IOPMSleepReasons[reasonIndex]);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((kSystemTransitionNone != _systemTransitionType) &&
+ (kSystemTransitionNewCapClient != _systemTransitionType)) {
+ _systemStateGeneration++;
+ systemDarkWake = false;
+ DLOG("=== START (%s->%s, 0x%x) type %u, gen %u, msg %x, "
+ "dcp %x:%x:%x\n",
+ getPowerStateString(currentPowerState), getPowerStateString((uint32_t) powerState), *inOutChangeFlags,
+ _systemTransitionType, _systemStateGeneration,
+ _systemMessageClientMask,
+ _desiredCapability, _currentCapability, _pendingCapability);
+ }
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ if ((AOT_STATE == powerState) && (SLEEP_STATE != currentPowerState)) {
+ panic("illegal AOT entry from %s", getPowerStateString(currentPowerState));
+ }
+ if (_aotNow && (ON_STATE == powerState)) {
+ aotShouldExit(false, true);
+ aotExit(false);
+ }
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags changeFlags,
+ IOPMRequestTag requestTag __unused )
+ if (kSystemTransitionNewCapClient == _systemTransitionType) {
+ _systemTransitionType = kSystemTransitionNone;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_systemTransitionType != kSystemTransitionNone) {
+ uint32_t currentPowerState = (uint32_t) getPowerState();
+ if (changeFlags & kIOPMNotDone) {
+ // Power down was cancelled or vetoed.
+ _pendingCapability = _currentCapability;
+ lastSleepReason = 0;
+ if (!CAP_CURRENT(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) &&
+ CAP_CURRENT(kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU)) {
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(
+ kPowerEventPolicyStimulus,
+ (void *) kStimulusDarkWakeReentry,
+ _systemStateGeneration );
+ // On embedded, there are no factors that can prolong a
+ // "darkWake" when a power down is vetoed. We need to
+ // promote to "fullWake" at least once so that factors
+ // that prevent idle sleep can assert themselves if required
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(
+ kPowerEventPolicyStimulus,
+ (void *) kStimulusDarkWakeActivityTickle);
+ }
+ // Revert device desire to max.
+ changePowerStateToPriv(getRUN_STATE());
+ } else {
+ // Send message on dark wake to full wake promotion.
+ // tellChangeUp() handles the normal SLEEP->ON case.
+ if (kSystemTransitionCapability == _systemTransitionType) {
+ if (CAP_GAIN(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ lastSleepReason = 0; // stop logging wrangler tickles
+ tellClients(kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn);
+ }
+ if (CAP_LOSS(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ // Going dark, reset full wake state
+ // userIsActive will be cleared by wrangler powering down
+ fullWakeReason = kFullWakeReasonNone;
+ if (ts_sleepStart) {
+ clock_get_uptime(&wake2DarkwakeDelay);
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&wake2DarkwakeDelay, &ts_sleepStart);
+ DLOG("sleepDelaysReport f->9 end 0x%llx\n", wake2DarkwakeDelay);
+ ts_sleepStart = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Reset state after exiting from dark wake.
+ if (CAP_GAIN(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) ||
+ CAP_LOSS(kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU)) {
+ darkWakeMaintenance = false;
+ darkWakeToSleepASAP = false;
+ pciCantSleepValid = false;
+ darkWakeSleepService = false;
+ if (CAP_LOSS(kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU)) {
+ // Remove the influence of display power assertion
+ // before next system wake.
+ if (wrangler) {
+ wrangler->changePowerStateForRootDomain(
+ kWranglerPowerStateMin );
+ }
+ removeProperty(gIOPMUserTriggeredFullWakeKey);
+ }
+ }
+ // Entered dark mode.
+ if (((_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) == 0) &&
+ (_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU)) {
+ // Queue an evaluation of whether to remain in dark wake,
+ // and for how long. This serves the purpose of draining
+ // any assertions from the queue.
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(
+ kPowerEventPolicyStimulus,
+ (void *) kStimulusDarkWakeEntry,
+ _systemStateGeneration );
+ }
+ }
+ DLOG("=== FINISH (%s->%s, 0x%x) type %u, gen %u, msg %x, "
+ "dcp %x:%x:%x, dbgtimer %u\n",
+ getPowerStateString(currentPowerState), getPowerStateString((uint32_t) powerState), changeFlags,
+ _systemTransitionType, _systemStateGeneration,
+ _systemMessageClientMask,
+ _desiredCapability, _currentCapability, _pendingCapability,
+ _lastDebugWakeSeconds);
+ if (_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) {
+ displayWakeCnt++;
+ if (clamshellExists && fullWakeThreadCall &&
+ CAP_HIGHEST(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ // Not the initial graphics full power, graphics won't
+ // send a power notification to trigger a lid state
+ // evaluation.
+ AbsoluteTime deadline;
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(45, kSecondScale, &deadline);
+ thread_call_enter_delayed(fullWakeThreadCall, deadline);
+ }
+ } else if (CAP_GAIN(kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU)) {
+ darkWakeCnt++;
+ }
+ // Update current system capability.
+ if (_currentCapability != _pendingCapability) {
+ _currentCapability = _pendingCapability;
+ }
+ // Update highest system capability.
+ _highestCapability |= _currentCapability;
+ if (darkWakePostTickle &&
+ (kSystemTransitionWake == _systemTransitionType) &&
+ (gDarkWakeFlags & kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleMask) ==
+ kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleLate) {
+ darkWakePostTickle = false;
+ reportUserInput();
+ } else if (wranglerTickled) {
+ requestFullWake( kFullWakeReasonLocalUser );
+ }
+ // Reset tracepoint at completion of capability change,
+ // completion of wake transition, and aborted sleep transition.
+ if ((_systemTransitionType == kSystemTransitionCapability) ||
+ (_systemTransitionType == kSystemTransitionWake) ||
+ ((_systemTransitionType == kSystemTransitionSleep) &&
+ (changeFlags & kIOPMNotDone))) {
+ setProperty(kIOPMSystemCapabilitiesKey, _currentCapability, 64);
+ tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSystemUp );
+ }
+ _systemTransitionType = kSystemTransitionNone;
+ _systemMessageClientMask = 0;
+ toldPowerdCapWillChange = false;
+ logGraphicsClamp = false;
+ if (lowBatteryCondition) {
+ privateSleepSystem(kIOPMSleepReasonLowPower);
+ } else if ((fullWakeReason == kFullWakeReasonDisplayOn) && (!displayPowerOnRequested)) {
+ // Request for full wake is removed while system is waking up to full wake
+ DLOG("DisplayOn fullwake request is removed\n");
+ handleDisplayPowerOn();
+ }
+ if (isRTCAlarmWake) {
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(
+ kPowerEventReceivedPowerNotification, (void *)(uintptr_t) kLocalEvalClamshellCommand );
+ }
+ }
+// PM actions for graphics and audio.
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex * inOutPowerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags )
+ uint32_t powerState = (uint32_t) *inOutPowerState;
+ uint32_t changeFlags = (uint32_t) *inOutChangeFlags;
+ if (kSystemTransitionNone == _systemTransitionType) {
+ // Not in midst of a system transition.
+ // Do not modify power limit enable state.
+ } else if ((actions->parameter & kPMActionsFlagLimitPower) == 0) {
+ // Activate power limiter.
+ if ((actions->parameter & kPMActionsFlagIsDisplayWrangler) &&
+ ((_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) == 0) &&
+ (changeFlags & kIOPMSynchronize)) {
+ actions->parameter |= kPMActionsFlagLimitPower;
+ } else if ((actions->parameter & kPMActionsFlagIsAudioDevice) &&
+ ((gDarkWakeFlags & kDarkWakeFlagAudioNotSuppressed) == 0) &&
+ ((_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityAudio) == 0) &&
+ (changeFlags & kIOPMSynchronize)) {
+ actions->parameter |= kPMActionsFlagLimitPower;
+ } else if ((actions->parameter & kPMActionsFlagIsGraphicsDevice) &&
+ (_systemTransitionType == kSystemTransitionSleep)) {
+ // For graphics devices, arm the limiter when entering
+ // system sleep. Not when dropping to dark wake.
+ actions->parameter |= kPMActionsFlagLimitPower;
+ }
+ if (actions->parameter & kPMActionsFlagLimitPower) {
+ DLOG("+ plimit %s %p\n",
+ service->getName(), OBFUSCATE(service));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Remove power limit.
+ if ((actions->parameter & (
+ kPMActionsFlagIsDisplayWrangler |
+ kPMActionsFlagIsGraphicsDevice)) &&
+ (_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ actions->parameter &= ~kPMActionsFlagLimitPower;
+ } else if ((actions->parameter & kPMActionsFlagIsAudioDevice) &&
+ (_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityAudio)) {
+ actions->parameter &= ~kPMActionsFlagLimitPower;
+ }
+ if ((actions->parameter & kPMActionsFlagLimitPower) == 0) {
+ DLOG("- plimit %s %p\n",
+ service->getName(), OBFUSCATE(service));
+ }
+ }
+ if (actions->parameter & kPMActionsFlagLimitPower) {
+ uint32_t maxPowerState = (uint32_t)(-1);
+ if (changeFlags & (kIOPMDomainDidChange | kIOPMDomainWillChange)) {
+ // Enforce limit for system power/cap transitions.
+ maxPowerState = 0;
+ if ((service->getPowerState() > maxPowerState) &&
+ (actions->parameter & kPMActionsFlagIsDisplayWrangler)) {
+ maxPowerState++;
+ // Remove lingering effects of any tickle before entering
+ // dark wake. It will take a new tickle to return to full
+ // wake, so the existing tickle state is useless.
+ if (changeFlags & kIOPMDomainDidChange) {
+ *inOutChangeFlags |= kIOPMExpireIdleTimer;
+ }
+ } else if (actions->parameter & kPMActionsFlagIsGraphicsDevice) {
+ maxPowerState++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Deny all self-initiated changes when power is limited.
+ // Wrangler tickle should never defeat the limiter.
+ maxPowerState = service->getPowerState();
+ }
+ if (powerState > maxPowerState) {
+ DLOG("> plimit %s %p (%u->%u, 0x%x)\n",
+ service->getName(), OBFUSCATE(service), powerState, maxPowerState,
+ changeFlags);
+ *inOutPowerState = maxPowerState;
+ if (darkWakePostTickle &&
+ (actions->parameter & kPMActionsFlagIsDisplayWrangler) &&
+ (changeFlags & kIOPMDomainWillChange) &&
+ ((gDarkWakeFlags & kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleMask) ==
+ kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleEarly)) {
+ darkWakePostTickle = false;
+ reportUserInput();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!graphicsSuppressed && (changeFlags & kIOPMDomainDidChange)) {
+ if (logGraphicsClamp) {
+ AbsoluteTime now;
+ uint64_t nsec;
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &gIOLastWakeAbsTime);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(now, &nsec);
+ if (kIOLogPMRootDomain & gIOKitDebug) {
+ MSG("Graphics suppressed %u ms\n",
+ ((int)((nsec) / NSEC_PER_MSEC)));
+ }
+ }
+ graphicsSuppressed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions )
+ // Warning: Not running in PM work loop context - don't modify state !!!
+ // Trap tickle directed to IODisplayWrangler while running with graphics
+ // capability suppressed.
+ assert(service == wrangler);
+ clock_get_uptime(&userActivityTime);
+ bool aborting = ((lastSleepReason == kIOPMSleepReasonIdle)
+ || (lastSleepReason == kIOPMSleepReasonMaintenance)
+ || (lastSleepReason == kIOPMSleepReasonSoftware));
+ if (aborting) {
+ userActivityCount++;
+ DLOG("display wrangler tickled1 %d lastSleepReason %d\n",
+ userActivityCount, lastSleepReason);
+ }
+ if (!wranglerTickled &&
+ ((_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) == 0)) {
+ DLOG("display wrangler tickled\n");
+ if (kIOLogPMRootDomain & gIOKitDebug) {
+ OSReportWithBacktrace("Dark wake display tickle");
+ }
+ if (pmPowerStateQueue) {
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(
+ kPowerEventPolicyStimulus,
+ (void *) kStimulusDarkWakeActivityTickle,
+ true /* set wake type */ );
+ }
+ }
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ const OSSymbol * powerClient,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex oldPowerState,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex newPowerState )
+ assert(service == wrangler);
+ // This function implements half of the user active detection
+ // by monitoring changes to the display wrangler's device desire.
+ //
+ // User becomes active when either:
+ // 1. Wrangler's DeviceDesire increases to max, but wrangler is already
+ // in max power state. This desire change in absence of a power state
+ // change is detected within. This handles the case when user becomes
+ // active while the display is already lit by setDisplayPowerOn().
+ //
+ // 2. Power state change to max, and DeviceDesire is also at max.
+ // Handled by displayWranglerNotification().
+ //
+ // User becomes inactive when DeviceDesire drops to sleep state or below.
+ DLOG("wrangler %s (ps %u, %u->%u)\n",
+ powerClient->getCStringNoCopy(),
+ (uint32_t) service->getPowerState(),
+ (uint32_t) oldPowerState, (uint32_t) newPowerState);
+ if (powerClient == gIOPMPowerClientDevice) {
+ if ((newPowerState > oldPowerState) &&
+ (newPowerState == kWranglerPowerStateMax) &&
+ (service->getPowerState() == kWranglerPowerStateMax)) {
+ evaluatePolicy( kStimulusEnterUserActiveState );
+ } else if ((newPowerState < oldPowerState) &&
+ (newPowerState <= kWranglerPowerStateSleep)) {
+ evaluatePolicy( kStimulusLeaveUserActiveState );
+ }
+ }
+ if (newPowerState <= kWranglerPowerStateSleep) {
+ evaluatePolicy( kStimulusDisplayWranglerSleep );
+ } else if (newPowerState == kWranglerPowerStateMax) {
+ evaluatePolicy( kStimulusDisplayWranglerWake );
+ }
+// User active state management
+IOPMrootDomain::preventTransitionToUserActive( bool prevent )
+ _preventUserActive = prevent;
+ if (wrangler && !_preventUserActive) {
+ // Allowing transition to user active, but the wrangler may have
+ // already powered ON in case of sleep cancel/revert. Poll the
+ // same conditions checked for in displayWranglerNotification()
+ // to bring the user active state up to date.
+ if ((wrangler->getPowerState() == kWranglerPowerStateMax) &&
+ (wrangler->getPowerStateForClient(gIOPMPowerClientDevice) ==
+ kWranglerPowerStateMax)) {
+ evaluatePolicy( kStimulusEnterUserActiveState );
+ }
+ }
+// Approve usage of delayed child notification by PM.
+ IOService * service )
+ if (((gDarkWakeFlags & kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleMask) != 0) &&
+ (kFullWakeReasonNone == fullWakeReason) &&
+ (kSystemTransitionWake == _systemTransitionType)) {
+ DLOG("%s: delay child notify\n", service->getName());
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// PM actions for PCI device.
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags )
+ pmTracer->tracePCIPowerChange(
+ PMTraceWorker::kPowerChangeStart,
+ service, *inOutChangeFlags,
+ (actions->parameter & kPMActionsPCIBitNumberMask));
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags changeFlags )
+ pmTracer->tracePCIPowerChange(
+ PMTraceWorker::kPowerChangeCompleted,
+ service, changeFlags,
+ (actions->parameter & kPMActionsPCIBitNumberMask));
+// registerInterest
+// Override IOService::registerInterest() to intercept special clients.
+class IOPMServiceInterestNotifier : public _IOServiceInterestNotifier
+ friend class IOPMrootDomain;
+ OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOPMServiceInterestNotifier);
+ uint32_t ackTimeoutCnt;
+ uint32_t msgType;// Message pending ack
+ uint64_t uuid0;
+ uint64_t uuid1;
+ const OSSymbol *identifier;
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOPMServiceInterestNotifier, _IOServiceInterestNotifier)
+IONotifier * IOPMrootDomain::registerInterest(
+ const OSSymbol * typeOfInterest,
+ IOServiceInterestHandler handler,
+ void * target, void * ref )
+ IOPMServiceInterestNotifier *notifier = NULL;
+ bool isSystemCapabilityClient;
+ bool isKernelCapabilityClient;
+ IOReturn rc = kIOReturnError;;
+ isSystemCapabilityClient =
+ typeOfInterest &&
+ typeOfInterest->isEqualTo(kIOPMSystemCapabilityInterest);
+ isKernelCapabilityClient =
+ typeOfInterest &&
+ typeOfInterest->isEqualTo(gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest);
+ if (isSystemCapabilityClient) {
+ typeOfInterest = gIOAppPowerStateInterest;
+ }
+ notifier = new IOPMServiceInterestNotifier;
+ if (!notifier) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (notifier->init()) {
+ rc = super::registerInterestForNotifier(notifier, typeOfInterest, handler, target, ref);
+ }
+ if (rc != kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ notifier->release();
+ notifier = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (pmPowerStateQueue) {
+ notifier->ackTimeoutCnt = 0;
+ if (isSystemCapabilityClient) {
+ notifier->retain();
+ if (pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(
+ kPowerEventRegisterSystemCapabilityClient, notifier) == false) {
+ notifier->release();
+ }
+ }
+ if (isKernelCapabilityClient) {
+ notifier->retain();
+ if (pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(
+ kPowerEventRegisterKernelCapabilityClient, notifier) == false) {
+ notifier->release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ OSData *data = NULL;
+ uint8_t *uuid = NULL;
+ OSKext *kext = OSKext::lookupKextWithAddress((vm_address_t)handler);
+ if (kext) {
+ data = kext->copyUUID();
+ }
+ if (data && (data->getLength() == sizeof(uuid_t))) {
+ uuid = (uint8_t *)(data->getBytesNoCopy());
+ notifier->uuid0 = ((uint64_t)(uuid[0]) << 56) | ((uint64_t)(uuid[1]) << 48) | ((uint64_t)(uuid[2]) << 40) |
+ ((uint64_t)(uuid[3]) << 32) | ((uint64_t)(uuid[4]) << 24) | ((uint64_t)(uuid[5]) << 16) |
+ ((uint64_t)(uuid[6]) << 8) | (uuid[7]);
+ notifier->uuid1 = ((uint64_t)(uuid[8]) << 56) | ((uint64_t)(uuid[9]) << 48) | ((uint64_t)(uuid[10]) << 40) |
+ ((uint64_t)(uuid[11]) << 32) | ((uint64_t)(uuid[12]) << 24) | ((uint64_t)(uuid[13]) << 16) |
+ ((uint64_t)(uuid[14]) << 8) | (uuid[15]);
+ notifier->identifier = kext->getIdentifier();
+ }
+ if (kext) {
+ kext->release();
+ }
+ if (data) {
+ data->release();
+ }
+ return notifier;
+// systemMessageFilter
+ void * object, void * arg1, void * arg2, void * arg3 )
+ const IOPMInterestContext * context = (const IOPMInterestContext *) arg1;
+ bool isCapMsg = (context->messageType == kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange);
+ bool isCapClient = false;
+ bool allow = false;
+ IOPMServiceInterestNotifier *notifier;
+ notifier = OSDynamicCast(IOPMServiceInterestNotifier, (OSObject *)object);
+ do {
+ if ((kSystemTransitionNewCapClient == _systemTransitionType) &&
+ (!isCapMsg || !_joinedCapabilityClients ||
+ !_joinedCapabilityClients->containsObject((OSObject *) object))) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Capability change message for app and kernel clients.
+ if (isCapMsg) {
+ if ((context->notifyType == kNotifyPriority) ||
+ (context->notifyType == kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority)) {
+ isCapClient = true;
+ }
+ if ((context->notifyType == kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps) &&
+ (object == (void *) systemCapabilityNotifier)) {
+ isCapClient = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isCapClient) {
+ IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeParameters * capArgs =
+ (IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeParameters *) arg2;
+ if (kSystemTransitionNewCapClient == _systemTransitionType) {
+ capArgs->fromCapabilities = 0;
+ capArgs->toCapabilities = _currentCapability;
+ capArgs->changeFlags = 0;
+ } else {
+ capArgs->fromCapabilities = _currentCapability;
+ capArgs->toCapabilities = _pendingCapability;
+ if (context->isPreChange) {
+ capArgs->changeFlags = kIOPMSystemCapabilityWillChange;
+ } else {
+ capArgs->changeFlags = kIOPMSystemCapabilityDidChange;
+ }
+ if ((object == (void *) systemCapabilityNotifier) &&
+ context->isPreChange) {
+ toldPowerdCapWillChange = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Capability change messages only go to the PM configd plugin.
+ // Wait for response post-change if capabilitiy is increasing.
+ // Wait for response pre-change if capability is decreasing.
+ if ((context->notifyType == kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps) && arg3 &&
+ ((capabilityLoss && context->isPreChange) ||
+ (!capabilityLoss && !context->isPreChange))) {
+ // app has not replied yet, wait for it
+ *((OSObject **) arg3) = kOSBooleanFalse;
+ }
+ allow = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Capability client will always see kIOMessageCanSystemSleep,
+ // even for demand sleep. It will also have a chance to veto
+ // sleep one last time after all clients have responded to
+ // kIOMessageSystemWillSleep
+ if ((kIOMessageCanSystemSleep == context->messageType) ||
+ (kIOMessageSystemWillNotSleep == context->messageType)) {
+ if (object == (OSObject *) systemCapabilityNotifier) {
+ allow = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Not idle sleep, don't ask apps.
+ if (context->changeFlags & kIOPMSkipAskPowerDown) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (kIOPMMessageLastCallBeforeSleep == context->messageType) {
+ if ((object == (OSObject *) systemCapabilityNotifier) &&
+ CAP_HIGHEST(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) &&
+ (fullToDarkReason == kIOPMSleepReasonIdle)) {
+ allow = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Reject capability change messages for legacy clients.
+ // Reject legacy system sleep messages for capability client.
+ if (isCapMsg || (object == (OSObject *) systemCapabilityNotifier)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Filter system sleep messages.
+ if ((context->notifyType == kNotifyApps) &&
+ (_systemMessageClientMask & kSystemMessageClientLegacyApp)) {
+ allow = true;
+ if (notifier) {
+ if (arg3) {
+ if (notifier->ackTimeoutCnt >= 3) {
+ *((OSObject **) arg3) = kOSBooleanFalse;
+ } else {
+ *((OSObject **) arg3) = kOSBooleanTrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ((context->notifyType == kNotifyPriority) &&
+ (_systemMessageClientMask & kSystemMessageClientKernel)) {
+ allow = true;
+ }
+ }while (false);
+ if (allow && isCapMsg && _joinedCapabilityClients) {
+ _joinedCapabilityClients->removeObject((OSObject *) object);
+ if (_joinedCapabilityClients->getCount() == 0) {
+ DLOG("destroyed capability client set %p\n",
+ OBFUSCATE(_joinedCapabilityClients));
+ _joinedCapabilityClients->release();
+ _joinedCapabilityClients = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (notifier) {
+ notifier->msgType = context->messageType;
+ }
+ return allow;
+// setMaintenanceWakeCalendar
+ const IOPMCalendarStruct * calendar )
+ OSData * data;
+ IOReturn ret = 0;
+ if (!calendar) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
+ data = OSData::withBytes((void *) calendar, sizeof(*calendar));
+ if (!data) {
+ return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+ }
+ if (kPMCalendarTypeMaintenance == calendar->selector) {
+ ret = setPMSetting(gIOPMSettingMaintenanceWakeCalendarKey, data);
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess == ret) {
+ OSBitOrAtomic(kIOPMAlarmBitMaintenanceWake, &_scheduledAlarms);
+ }
+ } else if (kPMCalendarTypeSleepService == calendar->selector) {
+ ret = setPMSetting(gIOPMSettingSleepServiceWakeCalendarKey, data);
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess == ret) {
+ OSBitOrAtomic(kIOPMAlarmBitSleepServiceWake, &_scheduledAlarms);
+ }
+ }
+ DLOG("_scheduledAlarms = 0x%x\n", (uint32_t) _scheduledAlarms);
+ data->release();
+ return ret;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Display Wrangler
+// displayWranglerNotification
+// Handle the notification when the IODisplayWrangler changes power state.
+ void * target, void * refCon,
+ UInt32 messageType, IOService * service,
+ void * messageArgument, vm_size_t argSize )
+ int displayPowerState;
+ IOPowerStateChangeNotification * params =
+ (IOPowerStateChangeNotification *) messageArgument;
+ if ((messageType != kIOMessageDeviceWillPowerOff) &&
+ (messageType != kIOMessageDeviceHasPoweredOn)) {
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+ }
+ if (!gRootDomain) {
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+ }
+ displayPowerState = params->stateNumber;
+ DLOG("wrangler %s ps %d\n",
+ getIOMessageString(messageType), displayPowerState);
+ switch (messageType) {
+ case kIOMessageDeviceWillPowerOff:
+ // Display wrangler has dropped power due to display idle
+ // or force system sleep.
+ //
+ // 4 Display ON kWranglerPowerStateMax
+ // 3 Display Dim kWranglerPowerStateDim
+ // 2 Display Sleep kWranglerPowerStateSleep
+ // 1 Not visible to user
+ // 0 Not visible to user kWranglerPowerStateMin
+ if (displayPowerState <= kWranglerPowerStateSleep) {
+ gRootDomain->evaluatePolicy( kStimulusDisplayWranglerSleep );
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOMessageDeviceHasPoweredOn:
+ // Display wrangler has powered on due to user activity
+ // or wake from sleep.
+ if (kWranglerPowerStateMax == displayPowerState) {
+ gRootDomain->evaluatePolicy( kStimulusDisplayWranglerWake );
+ // See comment in handleUpdatePowerClientForDisplayWrangler
+ if (service->getPowerStateForClient(gIOPMPowerClientDevice) ==
+ kWranglerPowerStateMax) {
+ gRootDomain->evaluatePolicy( kStimulusEnterUserActiveState );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+// displayWranglerMatchPublished
+// Receives a notification when the IODisplayWrangler is published.
+// When it's published we install a power state change handler.
+ void * target,
+ void * refCon,
+ IOService * newService,
+ IONotifier * notifier __unused)
+ // install a handler
+ if (!newService->registerInterest( gIOGeneralInterest,
+ &displayWranglerNotification, target, NULL)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// reportUserInput
+IOPMrootDomain::reportUserInput( void )
+ OSIterator * iter;
+ OSDictionary * matching;
+ if (!wrangler) {
+ matching = serviceMatching("IODisplayWrangler");
+ iter = getMatchingServices(matching);
+ if (matching) {
+ matching->release();
+ }
+ if (iter) {
+ wrangler = OSDynamicCast(IOService, iter->getNextObject());
+ iter->release();
+ }
+ }
+ if (wrangler) {
+ wrangler->activityTickle(0, 0);
+ }
+// latchDisplayWranglerTickle
+IOPMrootDomain::latchDisplayWranglerTickle( bool latch )
+ if (latch) {
+ if (!(_currentCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) &&
+ !(_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) &&
+ !checkSystemCanSustainFullWake()) {
+ // Currently in dark wake, and not transitioning to full wake.
+ // Full wake is unsustainable, so latch the tickle to prevent
+ // the display from lighting up momentarily.
+ wranglerTickleLatched = true;
+ } else {
+ wranglerTickleLatched = false;
+ }
+ } else if (wranglerTickleLatched && checkSystemCanSustainFullWake()) {
+ wranglerTickleLatched = false;
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(
+ kPowerEventPolicyStimulus,
+ (void *) kStimulusDarkWakeActivityTickle );
+ }
+ return wranglerTickleLatched;
+ return false;
+// setDisplayPowerOn
+// For root domain user client
+IOPMrootDomain::setDisplayPowerOn( uint32_t options )
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent( kPowerEventSetDisplayPowerOn,
+ (void *) NULL, options );
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Battery
+// batteryPublished
+// Notification on battery class IOPowerSource appearance
+ void * target,
+ void * root_domain,
+ IOService * resourceService,
+ IONotifier * notifier __unused )
+ // rdar://2936060&4435589
+ // All laptops have dimmable LCD displays
+ // All laptops have batteries
+ // So if this machine has a battery, publish the fact that the backlight
+ // supports dimming.
+ ((IOPMrootDomain *)root_domain)->publishFeature("DisplayDims");
+ return true;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: System PM Policy
+// checkSystemSleepAllowed
+IOPMrootDomain::checkSystemSleepAllowed( IOOptionBits options,
+ uint32_t sleepReason )
+ uint32_t err = 0;
+ // Conditions that prevent idle and demand system sleep.
+ do {
+ if (userDisabledAllSleep) {
+ err = kPMUserDisabledAllSleep; // 1. user-space sleep kill switch
+ break;
+ }
+ if (systemBooting || systemShutdown || gWillShutdown) {
+ err = kPMSystemRestartBootingInProgress; // 2. restart or shutdown in progress
+ break;
+ }
+ if (options == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Conditions above pegs the system at full wake.
+ // Conditions below prevent system sleep but does not prevent
+ // dark wake, and must be called from gated context.
+ err = kPMConfigPreventSystemSleep; // 3. config does not support sleep
+ break;
+ if (lowBatteryCondition || thermalWarningState) {
+ break; // always sleep on low battery or when in thermal warning state
+ }
+ if (sleepReason == kIOPMSleepReasonDarkWakeThermalEmergency) {
+ break; // always sleep on dark wake thermal emergencies
+ }
+ if (preventSystemSleepList->getCount() != 0) {
+ err = kPMChildPreventSystemSleep; // 4. child prevent system sleep clamp
+ break;
+ }
+ if (getPMAssertionLevel( kIOPMDriverAssertionCPUBit ) ==
+ kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn) {
+ err = kPMCPUAssertion; // 5. CPU assertion
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pciCantSleepValid) {
+ if (pciCantSleepFlag) {
+ err = kPMPCIUnsupported; // 6. PCI card does not support PM (cached)
+ }
+ break;
+ } else if (sleepSupportedPEFunction &&
+ CAP_HIGHEST(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ IOReturn ret;
+ OSBitAndAtomic(~kPCICantSleep, &platformSleepSupport);
+ ret = getPlatform()->callPlatformFunction(
+ sleepSupportedPEFunction, false,
+ pciCantSleepValid = true;
+ pciCantSleepFlag = false;
+ if ((platformSleepSupport & kPCICantSleep) ||
+ ((ret != kIOReturnSuccess) && (ret != kIOReturnUnsupported))) {
+ err = 6; // 6. PCI card does not support PM
+ pciCantSleepFlag = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }while (false);
+ if (err) {
+ DLOG("System sleep prevented by %s\n", getSystemSleepPreventerString(err));
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+IOPMrootDomain::checkSystemSleepEnabled( void )
+ return checkSystemSleepAllowed(0, 0);
+IOPMrootDomain::checkSystemCanSleep( uint32_t sleepReason )
+ return checkSystemSleepAllowed(1, sleepReason);
+// checkSystemCanSustainFullWake
+IOPMrootDomain::checkSystemCanSustainFullWake( void )
+ if (lowBatteryCondition || thermalWarningState) {
+ // Low battery wake, or received a low battery notification
+ // while system is awake. This condition will persist until
+ // the following wake.
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (clamshellExists && clamshellClosed && !clamshellSleepDisabled) {
+ // Graphics state is unknown and external display might not be probed.
+ // Do not incorporate state that requires graphics to be in max power
+ // such as desktopMode or clamshellDisabled.
+ if (!acAdaptorConnected) {
+ DLOG("full wake check: no AC\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// mustHibernate
+IOPMrootDomain::mustHibernate( void )
+ return lowBatteryCondition || thermalWarningState;
+#endif /* HIBERNATION */
+// AOT
+// Tables for accumulated days in year by month, latter used for leap years
+static const int daysbymonth[] =
+{ 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 };
+static const int lydaysbymonth[] =
+{ 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366 };
+static int __unused
+IOPMConvertSecondsToCalendar(long secs, IOPMCalendarStruct * dt)
+ const int * dbm = daysbymonth;
+ long n, x, y, z;
+ if (secs < 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Calculate seconds, minutes and hours
+ n = secs % (24 * 3600);
+ dt->second = n % 60;
+ n /= 60;
+ dt->minute = n % 60;
+ dt->hour = n / 60;
+ // Calculate day of week
+ n = secs / (24 * 3600);
+// dt->dayWeek = (n + 4) % 7;
+ // Calculate year
+ // Rebase from days since Unix epoch (1/1/1970) store in 'n',
+ // to days since 1/1/1968 to start on 4 year cycle, beginning
+ // on a leap year.
+ n += (366 + 365);
+ // Every 4 year cycle will be exactly (366 + 365 * 3) = 1461 days.
+ // Valid before 2100, since 2100 is not a leap year.
+ x = n / 1461; // number of 4 year cycles
+ y = n % 1461; // days into current 4 year cycle
+ z = 1968 + (4 * x);
+ // Add in years in the current 4 year cycle
+ if (y >= 366) {
+ y -= 366; // days after the leap year
+ n = y % 365; // days into the current year
+ z += (1 + y / 365); // years after the past 4-yr cycle
+ } else {
+ n = y;
+ dbm = lydaysbymonth;
+ }
+ if (z > 2099) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ dt->year = z;
+ // Adjust remaining days value to start at 1
+ n += 1;
+ // Calculate month
+ for (x = 1; n > dbm[x]; x++) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ dt->month = x;
+ // Calculate day of month
+ dt->day = n - dbm[x - 1];
+ return 1;
+static long
+IOPMConvertCalendarToSeconds(const IOPMCalendarStruct * dt)
+ const int * dbm = daysbymonth;
+ long y, secs, days;
+ if (dt->year < 1970) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Seconds elapsed in the current day
+ secs = dt->second + 60 * dt->minute + 3600 * dt->hour;
+ // Number of days from 1/1/70 to beginning of current year
+ // Account for extra day every 4 years starting at 1973
+ y = dt->year - 1970;
+ days = (y * 365) + ((y + 1) / 4);
+ // Change table if current year is a leap year
+ if ((dt->year % 4) == 0) {
+ dbm = lydaysbymonth;
+ }
+ // Add in days elapsed in the current year
+ days += (dt->day - 1) + dbm[dt->month - 1];
+ // Add accumulated days to accumulated seconds
+ secs += 24 * 3600 * days;
+ return secs;
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+unsigned long
+ return _aotNow ? AOT_STATE : ON_STATE;
+ return _aotNow;
+IOPMrootDomain::setWakeTime(uint64_t wakeContinuousTime)
+ clock_sec_t nowsecs, wakesecs;
+ clock_usec_t nowmicrosecs, wakemicrosecs;
+ uint64_t nowAbs, wakeAbs;
+ clock_gettimeofday_and_absolute_time(&nowsecs, &nowmicrosecs, &nowAbs);
+ wakeAbs = continuoustime_to_absolutetime(wakeContinuousTime);
+ if (wakeAbs < nowAbs) {
+ printf(LOG_PREFIX "wakeAbs %qd < nowAbs %qd\n", wakeAbs, nowAbs);
+ wakeAbs = nowAbs;
+ }
+ wakeAbs -= nowAbs;
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(wakeAbs, &wakesecs, &wakemicrosecs);
+ wakesecs += nowsecs;
+ wakemicrosecs += nowmicrosecs;
+ if (wakemicrosecs >= USEC_PER_SEC) {
+ wakesecs++;
+ wakemicrosecs -= USEC_PER_SEC;
+ }
+ if (wakemicrosecs >= (USEC_PER_SEC / 10)) {
+ wakesecs++;
+ }
+ IOPMConvertSecondsToCalendar(wakesecs, &_aotWakeTimeCalendar);
+ if (_aotWakeTimeContinuous != wakeContinuousTime) {
+ _aotWakeTimeContinuous = wakeContinuousTime;
+ IOLog(LOG_PREFIX "setWakeTime: " YMDTF "\n", YMDT(&_aotWakeTimeCalendar));
+ }
+ _aotWakeTimeCalendar.selector = kPMCalendarTypeMaintenance;
+ _aotWakeTimeUTC = wakesecs;
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+// assumes WAKEEVENT_LOCK
+IOPMrootDomain::aotShouldExit(bool checkTimeSet, bool software)
+ bool exitNow;
+ const char * reason = "";
+ if (software) {
+ _aotExit = true;
+ _aotMetrics->softwareRequestCount++;
+ reason = "software request";
+ } else if (kIOPMWakeEventAOTExitFlags & _aotPendingFlags) {
+ _aotExit = true;
+ reason = gWakeReasonString;
+ } else if (checkTimeSet && (kPMCalendarTypeInvalid == _aotWakeTimeCalendar.selector)) {
+ _aotExit = true;
+ _aotMetrics->noTimeSetCount++;
+ reason = "flipbook expired";
+ } else if ((kIOPMAOTModeRespectTimers & _aotMode) && _scheduledAlarmUTC) {
+ clock_sec_t sec;
+ clock_usec_t usec;
+ clock_get_calendar_microtime(&sec, &usec);
+ if (_scheduledAlarmUTC <= sec) {
+ _aotExit = true;
+ _aotMetrics->rtcAlarmsCount++;
+ reason = "user alarm";
+ }
+ }
+ exitNow = (_aotNow && _aotExit);
+ if (exitNow) {
+ _aotNow = false;
+ IOLog(LOG_PREFIX "AOT exit for %s, sc %d po %d, cp %d, rj %d, ex %d, nt %d, rt %d\n",
+ reason,
+ _aotMetrics->sleepCount,
+ _aotMetrics->possibleCount,
+ _aotMetrics->confirmedPossibleCount,
+ _aotMetrics->rejectedPossibleCount,
+ _aotMetrics->expiredPossibleCount,
+ _aotMetrics->noTimeSetCount,
+ _aotMetrics->rtcAlarmsCount);
+ }
+ return exitNow;
+IOPMrootDomain::aotExit(bool cps)
+ _aotTasksSuspended = false;
+ _aotReadyToFullWake = false;
+ if (_aotTimerScheduled) {
+ _aotTimerES->cancelTimeout();
+ _aotTimerScheduled = false;
+ }
+ updateTasksSuspend();
+ _aotMetrics->totalTime += mach_absolute_time() - _aotLastWakeTime;
+ _aotLastWakeTime = 0;
+ if (_aotMetrics->sleepCount && (_aotMetrics->sleepCount <= kIOPMAOTMetricsKernelWakeCountMax)) {
+ strlcpy(&_aotMetrics->kernelWakeReason[_aotMetrics->sleepCount - 1][0],
+ gWakeReasonString,
+ sizeof(_aotMetrics->kernelWakeReason[_aotMetrics->sleepCount]));
+ }
+ _aotWakeTimeCalendar.selector = kPMCalendarTypeInvalid;
+ _systemMessageClientMask = kSystemMessageClientLegacyApp;
+ tellClients(kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn);
+ if (cps) {
+ changePowerStateToPriv(getRUN_STATE());
+ }
+IOPMrootDomain::aotEvaluate(IOTimerEventSource * timer)
+ bool exitNow;
+ IOLog("aotEvaluate(%d) 0x%x\n", (timer != NULL), _aotPendingFlags);
+ exitNow = aotShouldExit(false, false);
+ if (timer != NULL) {
+ _aotTimerScheduled = false;
+ }
+ if (exitNow) {
+ aotExit(true);
+ } else {
+#if 0
+ if (_aotLingerTime) {
+ uint64_t deadline;
+ IOLog("aot linger before sleep\n");
+ clock_absolutetime_interval_to_deadline(_aotLingerTime, &deadline);
+ clock_delay_until(deadline);
+ }
+ privateSleepSystem(kIOPMSleepReasonSoftware);
+ }
+#else /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+unsigned long
+ return ON_STATE;
+IOPMrootDomain::setWakeTime(uint64_t wakeContinuousTime)
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+#endif /* (defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+// adjustPowerState
+// Conditions that affect our wake/sleep decision has changed.
+// If conditions dictate that the system must remain awake, clamp power
+// state to max with changePowerStateToPriv(ON). Otherwise if sleepASAP
+// is TRUE, then remove the power clamp and allow the power state to drop
+IOPMrootDomain::adjustPowerState( bool sleepASAP )
+ DEBUG_LOG("adjustPowerState ps %s, asap %d, idleSleepEnabled %d\n",
+ getPowerStateString((uint32_t) getPowerState()), sleepASAP, idleSleepEnabled);
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ if (_aotNow) {
+ bool exitNow;
+ if (AOT_STATE != getPowerState()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ exitNow = aotShouldExit(true, false);
+ if (!exitNow
+ && !_aotTimerScheduled
+ && (kIOPMWakeEventAOTPossibleExit == (kIOPMWakeEventAOTPossibleFlags & _aotPendingFlags))) {
+ _aotTimerScheduled = true;
+ if (_aotLingerTime) {
+ _aotTimerES->setTimeout(_aotLingerTime);
+ } else {
+ _aotTimerES->setTimeout(800, kMillisecondScale);
+ }
+ }
+ if (exitNow) {
+ aotExit(true);
+ } else {
+ _aotReadyToFullWake = true;
+ if (!_aotTimerScheduled) {
+ privateSleepSystem(kIOPMSleepReasonSoftware);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+#endif /* (defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ if ((!idleSleepEnabled) || !checkSystemSleepEnabled()) {
+ changePowerStateToPriv(getRUN_STATE());
+ } else if (sleepASAP) {
+ changePowerStateToPriv(SLEEP_STATE);
+ }
+ if (!wrangler) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (displayPowerOnRequested) {
+ if (!checkSystemCanSustainFullWake()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Force wrangler to max power state. If system is in dark wake
+ // this alone won't raise the wrangler's power state.
+ wrangler->changePowerStateForRootDomain(kWranglerPowerStateMax);
+ // System in dark wake, always requesting full wake should
+ // not have any bad side-effects, even if the request fails.
+ if (!CAP_CURRENT(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ setProperty(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeKey, kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeNotification);
+ requestFullWake( kFullWakeReasonDisplayOn );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Relenquish desire to power up display.
+ // Must first transition to state 1 since wrangler doesn't
+ // power off the displays at state 0. At state 0 the root
+ // domain is removed from the wrangler's power client list.
+ wrangler->changePowerStateForRootDomain(kWranglerPowerStateMin + 1);
+ wrangler->changePowerStateForRootDomain(kWranglerPowerStateMin);
+ }
+// dispatchPowerEvent
+// IOPMPowerStateQueue callback function. Running on PM work loop thread.
+ uint32_t event, void * arg0, uint64_t arg1 )
+ switch (event) {
+ case kPowerEventFeatureChanged:
+ DMSG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
+ messageClients(kIOPMMessageFeatureChange, this);
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventReceivedPowerNotification:
+ DMSG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
+ handlePowerNotification((UInt32)(uintptr_t) arg0 );
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventSystemBootCompleted:
+ DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
+ if (systemBooting) {
+ systemBooting = false;
+ // read noidle setting from Device Tree
+ IORegistryEntry *defaults = IORegistryEntry::fromPath("IODeviceTree:/defaults");
+ if (defaults != NULL) {
+ OSData *data = OSDynamicCast(OSData, defaults->getProperty("no-idle"));
+ if ((data != NULL) && (data->getLength() == 4)) {
+ gNoIdleFlag = *(uint32_t*)data->getBytesNoCopy();
+ DLOG("Setting gNoIdleFlag to %u from device tree\n", gNoIdleFlag);
+ }
+ defaults->release();
+ }
+ if (lowBatteryCondition) {
+ privateSleepSystem(kIOPMSleepReasonLowPower);
+ // The rest is unnecessary since the system is expected
+ // to sleep immediately. The following wake will update
+ // everything.
+ break;
+ }
+ sleepWakeDebugMemAlloc();
+ saveFailureData2File();
+ // If lid is closed, re-send lid closed notification
+ // now that booting is complete.
+ if (clamshellClosed) {
+ handlePowerNotification(kLocalEvalClamshellCommand);
+ }
+ evaluatePolicy( kStimulusAllowSystemSleepChanged );
+ }
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventSystemShutdown:
+ DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
+ if (kOSBooleanTrue == (OSBoolean *) arg0) {
+ /* We set systemShutdown = true during shutdown
+ * to prevent sleep at unexpected times while loginwindow is trying
+ * to shutdown apps and while the OS is trying to transition to
+ * complete power of.
+ *
+ * Set to true during shutdown, as soon as loginwindow shows
+ * the "shutdown countdown dialog", through individual app
+ * termination, and through black screen kernel shutdown.
+ */
+ systemShutdown = true;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * A shutdown was initiated, but then the shutdown
+ * was cancelled, clearing systemShutdown to false here.
+ */
+ systemShutdown = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventUserDisabledSleep:
+ DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
+ userDisabledAllSleep = (kOSBooleanTrue == (OSBoolean *) arg0);
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventRegisterSystemCapabilityClient:
+ DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
+ if (systemCapabilityNotifier) {
+ systemCapabilityNotifier->release();
+ systemCapabilityNotifier = NULL;
+ }
+ if (arg0) {
+ systemCapabilityNotifier = (IONotifier *) arg0;
+ systemCapabilityNotifier->retain();
+ }
+ /* intentional fall-through */
+ [[clang::fallthrough]];
+ case kPowerEventRegisterKernelCapabilityClient:
+ DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
+ if (!_joinedCapabilityClients) {
+ _joinedCapabilityClients = OSSet::withCapacity(8);
+ }
+ if (arg0) {
+ IONotifier * notify = (IONotifier *) arg0;
+ if (_joinedCapabilityClients) {
+ _joinedCapabilityClients->setObject(notify);
+ synchronizePowerTree( kIOPMSyncNoChildNotify );
+ }
+ notify->release();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventPolicyStimulus:
+ DMSG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
+ if (arg0) {
+ int stimulus = (uintptr_t) arg0;
+ evaluatePolicy( stimulus, (uint32_t) arg1 );
+ }
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventAssertionCreate:
+ DMSG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
+ if (pmAssertions) {
+ pmAssertions->handleCreateAssertion((OSData *)arg0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventAssertionRelease:
+ DMSG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
+ if (pmAssertions) {
+ pmAssertions->handleReleaseAssertion(arg1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventAssertionSetLevel:
+ DMSG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
+ if (pmAssertions) {
+ pmAssertions->handleSetAssertionLevel(arg1, (IOPMDriverAssertionLevel)(uintptr_t)arg0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventQueueSleepWakeUUID:
+ DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
+ handleQueueSleepWakeUUID((OSObject *)arg0);
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventPublishSleepWakeUUID:
+ DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
+ handlePublishSleepWakeUUID((bool)arg0);
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventSetDisplayPowerOn:
+ DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
+ if (!wrangler) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (arg1 != 0) {
+ displayPowerOnRequested = true;
+ } else {
+ displayPowerOnRequested = false;
+ }
+ handleDisplayPowerOn();
+ break;
+ }
+// systemPowerEventOccurred
+// The power controller is notifying us of a hardware-related power management
+// event that we must handle.
+// systemPowerEventOccurred covers the same functionality that
+// receivePowerNotification does; it simply provides a richer API for conveying
+// more information.
+ const OSSymbol *event,
+ uint32_t intValue)
+ IOReturn attempt = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ OSNumber *newNumber = NULL;
+ if (!event) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
+ newNumber = OSNumber::withNumber(intValue, 8 * sizeof(intValue));
+ if (!newNumber) {
+ return kIOReturnInternalError;
+ }
+ attempt = systemPowerEventOccurred(event, (OSObject *)newNumber);
+ newNumber->release();
+ return attempt;
+IOPMrootDomain::setThermalState(OSObject *value)
+ OSNumber * num;
+ if (gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate() == false) {
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this, &IOPMrootDomain::setThermalState),
+ (OSObject *)this,
+ (void *)value);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (value && (num = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, value))) {
+ thermalWarningState = ((num->unsigned32BitValue() == kIOPMThermalLevelWarning) ||
+ (num->unsigned32BitValue() == kIOPMThermalLevelTrap)) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ const OSSymbol *event,
+ OSObject *value)
+ OSDictionary *thermalsDict = NULL;
+ bool shouldUpdate = true;
+ if (!event || !value) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
+ // LOCK
+ // We reuse featuresDict Lock because it already exists and guards
+ // the very infrequently used publish/remove feature mechanism; so there's zero rsk
+ // of stepping on that lock.
+ if (featuresDictLock) {
+ IOLockLock(featuresDictLock);
+ }
+ thermalsDict = (OSDictionary *)getProperty(kIOPMRootDomainPowerStatusKey);
+ if (thermalsDict && OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, thermalsDict)) {
+ thermalsDict = OSDictionary::withDictionary(thermalsDict);
+ } else {
+ thermalsDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
+ }
+ if (!thermalsDict) {
+ shouldUpdate = false;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ thermalsDict->setObject(event, value);
+ setProperty(kIOPMRootDomainPowerStatusKey, thermalsDict);
+ thermalsDict->release();
+ if (featuresDictLock) {
+ IOLockUnlock(featuresDictLock);
+ }
+ if (shouldUpdate) {
+ if (event &&
+ event->isEqualTo(kIOPMThermalLevelWarningKey)) {
+ setThermalState(value);
+ }
+ messageClients(kIOPMMessageSystemPowerEventOccurred, (void *)NULL);
+ }
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+// receivePowerNotification
+// The power controller is notifying us of a hardware-related power management
+// event that we must handle. This may be a result of an 'environment' interrupt
+// from the power mgt micro.
+IOPMrootDomain::receivePowerNotification( UInt32 msg )
+ if (msg & kIOPMPowerButton) {
+ uint32_t currentPhase = pmTracer->getTracePhase();
+ if (currentPhase != kIOPMTracePointSystemUp && currentPhase > kIOPMTracePointSystemSleep) {
+ DEBUG_LOG("power button pressed during wake. phase = %u\n", currentPhase);
+ swd_flags |= SWD_PWR_BTN_STACKSHOT;
+ thread_call_enter(powerButtonDown);
+ } else {
+ DEBUG_LOG("power button pressed when system is up\n");
+ }
+ } else if (msg & kIOPMPowerButtonUp) {
+ if (swd_flags & SWD_PWR_BTN_STACKSHOT) {
+ swd_flags &= ~SWD_PWR_BTN_STACKSHOT;
+ thread_call_enter(powerButtonUp);
+ }
+ } else {
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(
+ kPowerEventReceivedPowerNotification, (void *)(uintptr_t) msg );
+ }
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+IOPMrootDomain::handlePowerNotification( UInt32 msg )
+ bool eval_clamshell = false;
+ bool eval_clamshell_alarm = false;
+ /*
+ * Local (IOPMrootDomain only) eval clamshell command
+ */
+ if (msg & kLocalEvalClamshellCommand) {
+ if (isRTCAlarmWake) {
+ eval_clamshell_alarm = true;
+ // reset isRTCAlarmWake. This evaluation should happen only once
+ // on RTC/Alarm wake. Any clamshell events after wake should follow
+ // the regular evaluation
+ isRTCAlarmWake = false;
+ } else {
+ eval_clamshell = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Overtemp
+ */
+ if (msg & kIOPMOverTemp) {
+ MSG("PowerManagement emergency overtemp signal. Going to sleep!");
+ privateSleepSystem(kIOPMSleepReasonThermalEmergency);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Forward DW thermal notification to client, if system is not going to sleep
+ */
+ if ((msg & kIOPMDWOverTemp) && (_systemTransitionType != kSystemTransitionSleep)) {
+ DLOG("DarkWake thermal limits message received!\n");
+ messageClients(kIOPMMessageDarkWakeThermalEmergency);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Sleep Now!
+ */
+ if (msg & kIOPMSleepNow) {
+ privateSleepSystem(kIOPMSleepReasonSoftware);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Power Emergency
+ */
+ if (msg & kIOPMPowerEmergency) {
+ lowBatteryCondition = true;
+ privateSleepSystem(kIOPMSleepReasonLowPower);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Clamshell OPEN
+ */
+ if (msg & kIOPMClamshellOpened) {
+ DLOG("Clamshell opened\n");
+ // Received clamshel open message from clamshell controlling driver
+ // Update our internal state and tell general interest clients
+ clamshellClosed = false;
+ clamshellExists = true;
+ // Don't issue a hid tickle when lid is open and polled on wake
+ if (msg & kIOPMSetValue) {
+ setProperty(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeKey, "Lid Open");
+ reportUserInput();
+ }
+ // Tell PMCPU
+ informCPUStateChange(kInformLid, 0);
+ // Tell general interest clients
+ sendClientClamshellNotification();
+ bool aborting = ((lastSleepReason == kIOPMSleepReasonClamshell)
+ || (lastSleepReason == kIOPMSleepReasonIdle)
+ || (lastSleepReason == kIOPMSleepReasonMaintenance));
+ if (aborting) {
+ userActivityCount++;
+ }
+ DLOG("clamshell tickled %d lastSleepReason %d\n", userActivityCount, lastSleepReason);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Clamshell CLOSED
+ * Send the clamshell interest notification since the lid is closing.
+ */
+ if (msg & kIOPMClamshellClosed) {
+ if (clamshellClosed && clamshellExists) {
+ DLOG("Ignoring redundant Clamshell close event\n");
+ } else {
+ DLOG("Clamshell closed\n");
+ // Received clamshel open message from clamshell controlling driver
+ // Update our internal state and tell general interest clients
+ clamshellClosed = true;
+ clamshellExists = true;
+ // Tell PMCPU
+ informCPUStateChange(kInformLid, 1);
+ // Tell general interest clients
+ sendClientClamshellNotification();
+ // And set eval_clamshell = so we can attempt
+ eval_clamshell = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Set Desktop mode (sent from graphics)
+ *
+ * -> reevaluate lid state
+ */
+ if (msg & kIOPMSetDesktopMode) {
+ DLOG("Desktop mode\n");
+ desktopMode = (0 != (msg & kIOPMSetValue));
+ msg &= ~(kIOPMSetDesktopMode | kIOPMSetValue);
+ sendClientClamshellNotification();
+ // Re-evaluate the lid state
+ eval_clamshell = true;
+ }
+ /*
+ * AC Adaptor connected
+ *
+ * -> reevaluate lid state
+ */
+ if (msg & kIOPMSetACAdaptorConnected) {
+ acAdaptorConnected = (0 != (msg & kIOPMSetValue));
+ msg &= ~(kIOPMSetACAdaptorConnected | kIOPMSetValue);
+ // Tell CPU PM
+ informCPUStateChange(kInformAC, !acAdaptorConnected);
+ // Tell BSD if AC is connected
+ // 0 == external power source; 1 == on battery
+ post_sys_powersource(acAdaptorConnected ? 0:1);
+ sendClientClamshellNotification();
+ // Re-evaluate the lid state
+ eval_clamshell = true;
+ // Lack of AC may have latched a display wrangler tickle.
+ // This mirrors the hardware's USB wake event latch, where a latched
+ // USB wake event followed by an AC attach will trigger a full wake.
+ latchDisplayWranglerTickle( false );
+ // AC presence will reset the standy timer delay adjustment.
+ _standbyTimerResetSeconds = 0;
+ if (!userIsActive) {
+ // Reset userActivityTime when power supply is changed(rdr 13789330)
+ clock_get_uptime(&userActivityTime);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Enable Clamshell (external display disappear)
+ *
+ * -> reevaluate lid state
+ */
+ if (msg & kIOPMEnableClamshell) {
+ DLOG("Clamshell enabled\n");
+ // Re-evaluate the lid state
+ // System should sleep on external display disappearance
+ // in lid closed operation.
+ if (true == clamshellDisabled) {
+ eval_clamshell = true;
+ }
+ clamshellDisabled = false;
+ sendClientClamshellNotification();
+ }
+ /*
+ * Disable Clamshell (external display appeared)
+ * We don't bother re-evaluating clamshell state. If the system is awake,
+ * the lid is probably open.
+ */
+ if (msg & kIOPMDisableClamshell) {
+ DLOG("Clamshell disabled\n");
+ clamshellDisabled = true;
+ sendClientClamshellNotification();
+ }
+ /*
+ * Evaluate clamshell and SLEEP if appropiate
+ */
+ if (eval_clamshell_alarm && clamshellClosed) {
+ if (shouldSleepOnRTCAlarmWake()) {
+ privateSleepSystem(kIOPMSleepReasonClamshell);
+ }
+ } else if (eval_clamshell && clamshellClosed) {
+ if (shouldSleepOnClamshellClosed()) {
+ privateSleepSystem(kIOPMSleepReasonClamshell);
+ } else {
+ evaluatePolicy( kStimulusDarkWakeEvaluate );
+ }
+ }
+ if (msg & kIOPMProModeEngaged) {
+ int newState = 1;
+ DLOG("ProModeEngaged\n");
+ messageClient(kIOPMMessageProModeStateChange, systemCapabilityNotifier, &newState, sizeof(newState));
+ }
+ if (msg & kIOPMProModeDisengaged) {
+ int newState = 0;
+ DLOG("ProModeDisengaged\n");
+ messageClient(kIOPMMessageProModeStateChange, systemCapabilityNotifier, &newState, sizeof(newState));
+ }
+// evaluatePolicy
+// Evaluate root-domain policy in response to external changes.
+IOPMrootDomain::evaluatePolicy( int stimulus, uint32_t arg )
+ union {
+ struct {
+ int idleSleepEnabled : 1;
+ int idleSleepDisabled : 1;
+ int displaySleep : 1;
+ int sleepDelayChanged : 1;
+ int evaluateDarkWake : 1;
+ int adjustPowerState : 1;
+ int userBecameInactive : 1;
+ } bit;
+ uint32_t u32;
+ } flags;
+ flags.u32 = 0;
+ switch (stimulus) {
+ case kStimulusDisplayWranglerSleep:
+ DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
+ if (!wranglerAsleep) {
+ // first transition to wrangler sleep or lower
+ flags.bit.displaySleep = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kStimulusDisplayWranglerWake:
+ DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
+ displayIdleForDemandSleep = false;
+ wranglerAsleep = false;
+ break;
+ case kStimulusEnterUserActiveState:
+ DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
+ if (_preventUserActive) {
+ DLOG("user active dropped\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!userIsActive) {
+ userIsActive = true;
+ userWasActive = true;
+ clock_get_uptime(&gUserActiveAbsTime);
+ // Stay awake after dropping demand for display power on
+ if (kFullWakeReasonDisplayOn == fullWakeReason) {
+ fullWakeReason = fFullWakeReasonDisplayOnAndLocalUser;
+ DLOG("User activity while in notification wake\n");
+ changePowerStateWithOverrideTo( getRUN_STATE(), 0);
+ }
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogUserActiveState, 0, 1, 0);
+ setProperty(gIOPMUserIsActiveKey, kOSBooleanTrue);
+ messageClients(kIOPMMessageUserIsActiveChanged);
+ }
+ flags.bit.idleSleepDisabled = true;
+ break;
+ case kStimulusLeaveUserActiveState:
+ DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
+ if (userIsActive) {
+ clock_get_uptime(&gUserInactiveAbsTime);
+ userIsActive = false;
+ clock_get_uptime(&userBecameInactiveTime);
+ flags.bit.userBecameInactive = true;
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogUserActiveState, 0, 0, 0);
+ setProperty(gIOPMUserIsActiveKey, kOSBooleanFalse);
+ messageClients(kIOPMMessageUserIsActiveChanged);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kStimulusAggressivenessChanged:
+ {
+ DMSG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
+ unsigned long minutesToIdleSleep = 0;
+ unsigned long minutesToDisplayDim = 0;
+ unsigned long minutesDelta = 0;
+ // Fetch latest display and system sleep slider values.
+ getAggressiveness(kPMMinutesToSleep, &minutesToIdleSleep);
+ getAggressiveness(kPMMinutesToDim, &minutesToDisplayDim);
+ DLOG("aggressiveness changed: system %u->%u, display %u\n",
+ (uint32_t) sleepSlider,
+ (uint32_t) minutesToIdleSleep,
+ (uint32_t) minutesToDisplayDim);
+ DLOG("idle time -> %ld secs (ena %d)\n",
+ idleSeconds, (minutesToIdleSleep != 0));
+ // How long to wait before sleeping the system once
+ // the displays turns off is indicated by 'extraSleepDelay'.
+ if (minutesToIdleSleep > minutesToDisplayDim) {
+ minutesDelta = minutesToIdleSleep - minutesToDisplayDim;
+ } else if (minutesToIdleSleep == minutesToDisplayDim) {
+ minutesDelta = 1;
+ }
+ if ((!idleSleepEnabled) && (minutesToIdleSleep != 0)) {
+ idleSleepEnabled = flags.bit.idleSleepEnabled = true;
+ }
+ if ((idleSleepEnabled) && (minutesToIdleSleep == 0)) {
+ flags.bit.idleSleepDisabled = true;
+ idleSleepEnabled = false;
+ }
+ if (0x7fffffff == minutesToIdleSleep) {
+ minutesToIdleSleep = idleSeconds;
+ }
+ if (((minutesDelta != extraSleepDelay) ||
+ (userActivityTime != userActivityTime_prev)) &&
+ !flags.bit.idleSleepEnabled && !flags.bit.idleSleepDisabled) {
+ flags.bit.sleepDelayChanged = true;
+ }
+ if (systemDarkWake && !darkWakeToSleepASAP &&
+ (flags.bit.idleSleepEnabled || flags.bit.idleSleepDisabled)) {
+ // Reconsider decision to remain in dark wake
+ flags.bit.evaluateDarkWake = true;
+ }
+ sleepSlider = minutesToIdleSleep;
+ extraSleepDelay = minutesDelta;
+ userActivityTime_prev = userActivityTime;
+ } break;
+ case kStimulusDemandSystemSleep:
+ DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
+ displayIdleForDemandSleep = true;
+ if (wrangler && wranglerIdleSettings) {
+ // Request wrangler idle only when demand sleep is triggered
+ // from full wake.
+ if (CAP_CURRENT(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ wrangler->setProperties(wranglerIdleSettings);
+ DLOG("Requested wrangler idle\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // arg = sleepReason
+ changePowerStateWithOverrideTo( SLEEP_STATE, arg );
+ break;
+ case kStimulusAllowSystemSleepChanged:
+ DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
+ flags.bit.adjustPowerState = true;
+ break;
+ case kStimulusDarkWakeActivityTickle:
+ DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
+ // arg == true implies real and not self generated wrangler tickle.
+ // Update wake type on PM work loop instead of the tickle thread to
+ // eliminate the possibility of an early tickle clobbering the wake
+ // type set by the platform driver.
+ if (arg == true) {
+ setProperty(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeKey, kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeHIDActivity);
+ }
+ if (false == wranglerTickled) {
+ if (latchDisplayWranglerTickle(true)) {
+ DLOG("latched tickle\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ wranglerTickled = true;
+ DLOG("Requesting full wake after dark wake activity tickle\n");
+ requestFullWake( kFullWakeReasonLocalUser );
+ }
+ break;
+ case kStimulusDarkWakeEntry:
+ case kStimulusDarkWakeReentry:
+ DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
+ // Any system transitions since the last dark wake transition
+ // will invalid the stimulus.
+ if (arg == _systemStateGeneration) {
+ DLOG("dark wake entry\n");
+ systemDarkWake = true;
+ // Keep wranglerAsleep an invariant when wrangler is absent
+ if (wrangler) {
+ wranglerAsleep = true;
+ }
+ if (kStimulusDarkWakeEntry == stimulus) {
+ clock_get_uptime(&userBecameInactiveTime);
+ flags.bit.evaluateDarkWake = true;
+ if (activitySinceSleep()) {
+ DLOG("User activity recorded while going to darkwake\n");
+ reportUserInput();
+ }
+ }
+ // Always accelerate disk spindown while in dark wake,
+ // even if system does not support/allow sleep.
+ cancelIdleSleepTimer();
+ setQuickSpinDownTimeout();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kStimulusDarkWakeEvaluate:
+ DMSG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
+ if (systemDarkWake) {
+ flags.bit.evaluateDarkWake = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kStimulusNoIdleSleepPreventers:
+ DMSG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
+ flags.bit.adjustPowerState = true;
+ break;
+ } /* switch(stimulus) */
+ if (flags.bit.evaluateDarkWake && (kFullWakeReasonNone == fullWakeReason)) {
+ if (darkWakeToSleepASAP ||
+ (clamshellClosed && !(desktopMode && acAdaptorConnected))) {
+ uint32_t newSleepReason;
+ if (CAP_HIGHEST(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ // System was previously in full wake. Sleep reason from
+ // full to dark already recorded in fullToDarkReason.
+ if (lowBatteryCondition) {
+ newSleepReason = kIOPMSleepReasonLowPower;
+ } else {
+ newSleepReason = fullToDarkReason;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // In dark wake from system sleep.
+ if (darkWakeSleepService) {
+ newSleepReason = kIOPMSleepReasonSleepServiceExit;
+ } else {
+ newSleepReason = kIOPMSleepReasonMaintenance;
+ }
+ }
+ if (checkSystemCanSleep(newSleepReason)) {
+ privateSleepSystem(newSleepReason);
+ }
+ } else { // non-maintenance (network) dark wake
+ if (checkSystemCanSleep(kIOPMSleepReasonIdle)) {
+ // Release power clamp, and wait for children idle.
+ adjustPowerState(true);
+ } else {
+ changePowerStateToPriv(getRUN_STATE());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (systemDarkWake) {
+ // The rest are irrelevant while system is in dark wake.
+ flags.u32 = 0;
+ }
+ if ((flags.bit.displaySleep) &&
+ (kFullWakeReasonDisplayOn == fullWakeReason)) {
+ // kIOPMSleepReasonMaintenance?
+ DLOG("Display sleep while in notification wake\n");
+ changePowerStateWithOverrideTo( SLEEP_STATE, kIOPMSleepReasonMaintenance );
+ }
+ if (flags.bit.userBecameInactive || flags.bit.sleepDelayChanged) {
+ bool cancelQuickSpindown = false;
+ if (flags.bit.sleepDelayChanged) {
+ // Cancel existing idle sleep timer and quick disk spindown.
+ // New settings will be applied by the idleSleepEnabled flag
+ // handler below if idle sleep is enabled.
+ DLOG("extra sleep timer changed\n");
+ cancelIdleSleepTimer();
+ cancelQuickSpindown = true;
+ } else {
+ DLOG("user inactive\n");
+ }
+ if (!userIsActive && idleSleepEnabled) {
+ startIdleSleepTimer(getTimeToIdleSleep());
+ }
+ if (cancelQuickSpindown) {
+ restoreUserSpinDownTimeout();
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags.bit.idleSleepEnabled) {
+ DLOG("idle sleep timer enabled\n");
+ if (!wrangler) {
+ changePowerStateToPriv(getRUN_STATE());
+ startIdleSleepTimer( idleSeconds );
+ } else {
+ // Start idle timer if prefs now allow system sleep
+ // and user is already inactive. Disk spindown is
+ // accelerated upon timer expiration.
+ if (!userIsActive) {
+ startIdleSleepTimer(getTimeToIdleSleep());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags.bit.idleSleepDisabled) {
+ DLOG("idle sleep timer disabled\n");
+ cancelIdleSleepTimer();
+ restoreUserSpinDownTimeout();
+ adjustPowerState();
+ }
+ if (flags.bit.adjustPowerState) {
+ bool sleepASAP = false;
+ if (!systemBooting && (0 == idleSleepPreventersCount())) {
+ if (!wrangler) {
+ changePowerStateToPriv(getRUN_STATE());
+ if (idleSleepEnabled) {
+ // stay awake for at least idleSeconds
+ startIdleSleepTimer(idleSeconds);
+ }
+ } else if (!extraSleepDelay && !idleSleepTimerPending && !systemDarkWake) {
+ sleepASAP = true;
+ }
+ }
+ adjustPowerState(sleepASAP);
+ }
+unsigned int
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ if (_aotMode) {
+ unsigned int count __block;
+ count = 0;
+ preventIdleSleepList->iterateObjects(^bool (OSObject * obj)
+ {
+ count += (NULL == obj->metaCast("AppleARMBacklight"));
+ return false;
+ });
+ return count;
+ }
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ return preventIdleSleepList->getCount();
+// requestFullWake
+// Request transition from dark wake to full wake
+IOPMrootDomain::requestFullWake( FullWakeReason reason )
+ uint32_t options = 0;
+ IOService * pciRoot = NULL;
+ bool promotion = false;
+ // System must be in dark wake and a valid reason for entering full wake
+ if ((kFullWakeReasonNone == reason) ||
+ (kFullWakeReasonNone != fullWakeReason) ||
+ (CAP_CURRENT(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Will clear reason upon exit from full wake
+ fullWakeReason = reason;
+ _desiredCapability |= (kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics |
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityAudio);
+ if ((kSystemTransitionWake == _systemTransitionType) &&
+ !(_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) &&
+ !graphicsSuppressed) {
+ // Promote to full wake while waking up to dark wake due to tickle.
+ // PM will hold off notifying the graphics subsystem about system wake
+ // as late as possible, so if a HID tickle does arrive, graphics can
+ // power up on this same wake cycle. The latency to power up graphics
+ // on the next cycle can be huge on some systems. However, once any
+ // graphics suppression has taken effect, it is too late. All other
+ // graphics devices must be similarly suppressed. But the delay till
+ // the following cycle should be short.
+ _pendingCapability |= (kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics |
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityAudio);
+ // Immediately bring up audio and graphics
+ pciRoot = pciHostBridgeDriver;
+ willEnterFullWake();
+ promotion = true;
+ }
+ // Unsafe to cancel once graphics was powered.
+ // If system woke from dark wake, the return to sleep can
+ // be cancelled. "awake -> dark -> sleep" transition
+ // can be canceled also, during the "dark --> sleep" phase
+ // *prior* to driver power down.
+ if (!CAP_HIGHEST(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) ||
+ _pendingCapability == 0) {
+ options |= kIOPMSyncCancelPowerDown;
+ }
+ synchronizePowerTree(options, pciRoot);
+ if (kFullWakeReasonLocalUser == fullWakeReason) {
+ // IOGraphics doesn't light the display even though graphics is
+ // enabled in kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange message(radar 9502104)
+ // So, do an explicit activity tickle
+ if (wrangler) {
+ wrangler->activityTickle(0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Log a timestamp for the initial full wake request.
+ // System may not always honor this full wake request.
+ if (!CAP_HIGHEST(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ AbsoluteTime now;
+ uint64_t nsec;
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &gIOLastWakeAbsTime);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(now, &nsec);
+ MSG("full wake %s (reason %u) %u ms\n",
+ promotion ? "promotion" : "request",
+ fullWakeReason, ((int)((nsec) / NSEC_PER_MSEC)));
+ }
+// willEnterFullWake
+// System will enter full wake from sleep, from dark wake, or from dark
+// wake promotion. This function aggregate things that are in common to
+// all three full wake transitions.
+// Assumptions: fullWakeReason was updated
+IOPMrootDomain::willEnterFullWake( void )
+ hibernateRetry = false;
+ sleepToStandby = false;
+ standbyNixed = false;
+ resetTimers = false;
+ sleepTimerMaintenance = false;
+ _systemMessageClientMask = kSystemMessageClientPowerd |
+ kSystemMessageClientLegacyApp;
+ if ((_highestCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) == 0) {
+ // Initial graphics full power
+ _systemMessageClientMask |= kSystemMessageClientKernel;
+ // Set kIOPMUserTriggeredFullWakeKey before full wake for IOGraphics
+ setProperty(gIOPMUserTriggeredFullWakeKey,
+ (kFullWakeReasonLocalUser == fullWakeReason) ?
+ kOSBooleanTrue : kOSBooleanFalse);
+ }
+ IOHibernateSetWakeCapabilities(_pendingCapability);
+ IOService::setAdvisoryTickleEnable( true );
+ tellClients(kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn);
+ preventTransitionToUserActive(false);
+// fullWakeDelayedWork
+// System has already entered full wake. Invoked by a delayed thread call.
+IOPMrootDomain::fullWakeDelayedWork( void )
+ // Not gated, don't modify state
+ if ((kSystemTransitionNone == _systemTransitionType) &&
+ CAP_CURRENT(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ receivePowerNotification( kLocalEvalClamshellCommand );
+ }
+// evaluateAssertions
+// Bitmask of all kernel assertions that prevent system idle sleep.
+// kIOPMDriverAssertionReservedBit7 is reserved for IOMediaBSDClient.
+ (kIOPMDriverAssertionReservedBit7 | \
+ kIOPMDriverAssertionPreventSystemIdleSleepBit)
+IOPMrootDomain::evaluateAssertions(IOPMDriverAssertionType newAssertions, IOPMDriverAssertionType oldAssertions)
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType changedBits = newAssertions ^ oldAssertions;
+ messageClients(kIOPMMessageDriverAssertionsChanged);
+ if (changedBits & kIOPMDriverAssertionPreventDisplaySleepBit) {
+ if (wrangler) {
+ bool value = (newAssertions & kIOPMDriverAssertionPreventDisplaySleepBit) ? true : false;
+ DLOG("wrangler->setIgnoreIdleTimer\(%d)\n", value);
+ wrangler->setIgnoreIdleTimer( value );
+ }
+ }
+ if (changedBits & kIOPMDriverAssertionCPUBit) {
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ if (_aotNow) {
+ IOLog("CPU assertions %d\n", (0 != (kIOPMDriverAssertionCPUBit & newAssertions)));
+ }
+ evaluatePolicy(_aotNow ? kStimulusNoIdleSleepPreventers : kStimulusDarkWakeEvaluate);
+ evaluatePolicy(kStimulusDarkWakeEvaluate);
+ if (!assertOnWakeSecs && gIOLastWakeAbsTime) {
+ AbsoluteTime now;
+ clock_usec_t microsecs;
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &gIOLastWakeAbsTime);
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(now, &assertOnWakeSecs, µsecs);
+ if (assertOnWakeReport) {
+ HISTREPORT_TALLYVALUE(assertOnWakeReport, (int64_t)assertOnWakeSecs);
+ DLOG("Updated assertOnWake %lu\n", (unsigned long)assertOnWakeSecs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (changedBits & NO_IDLE_SLEEP_ASSERTIONS_MASK) {
+ if ((newAssertions & NO_IDLE_SLEEP_ASSERTIONS_MASK) != 0) {
+ if ((oldAssertions & NO_IDLE_SLEEP_ASSERTIONS_MASK) == 0) {
+ DLOG("PreventIdleSleep driver assertion raised\n");
+ bool ok = updatePreventIdleSleepList(this, true);
+ if (ok && (changedBits & kIOPMDriverAssertionPreventSystemIdleSleepBit)) {
+ // Cancel idle sleep if there is one in progress
+ cancelIdlePowerDown(this);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ DLOG("PreventIdleSleep driver assertion dropped\n");
+ updatePreventIdleSleepList(this, false);
+ }
+ }
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Statistics
+// pmStats
+ int eventIndex,
+ AbsoluteTime timestamp)
+ bool starting = eventIndex & kIOPMStatsEventStartFlag ? true:false;
+ bool stopping = eventIndex & kIOPMStatsEventStopFlag ? true:false;
+ uint64_t delta;
+ uint64_t nsec;
+ OSData *publishPMStats = NULL;
+ eventIndex &= ~(kIOPMStatsEventStartFlag | kIOPMStatsEventStopFlag);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(timestamp, &nsec);
+ switch (eventIndex) {
+ case kIOPMStatsHibernateImageWrite:
+ if (starting) {
+ gPMStats.hibWrite.start = nsec;
+ } else if (stopping) {
+ gPMStats.hibWrite.stop = nsec;
+ }
+ if (stopping) {
+ delta = gPMStats.hibWrite.stop - gPMStats.hibWrite.start;
+ IOLog("PMStats: Hibernate write took %qd ms\n", delta / NSEC_PER_MSEC);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOPMStatsHibernateImageRead:
+ if (starting) {
+ gPMStats.hibRead.start = nsec;
+ } else if (stopping) {
+ gPMStats.hibRead.stop = nsec;
+ }
+ if (stopping) {
+ delta = gPMStats.hibRead.stop - gPMStats.hibRead.start;
+ IOLog("PMStats: Hibernate read took %qd ms\n", delta / NSEC_PER_MSEC);
+ publishPMStats = OSData::withBytes(&gPMStats, sizeof(gPMStats));
+ setProperty(kIOPMSleepStatisticsKey, publishPMStats);
+ publishPMStats->release();
+ bzero(&gPMStats, sizeof(gPMStats));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ * Appends a record of the application response to
+ * IOPMrootDomain::pmStatsAppResponses
+ */
+ const OSSymbol *response,
+ const char *name,
+ int messageType,
+ uint32_t delay_ms,
+ uint64_t id,
+ OSObject *object,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState)
+ OSDictionary *responseDescription = NULL;
+ OSNumber *delayNum = NULL;
+ OSNumber *powerCaps = NULL;
+ OSNumber *pidNum = NULL;
+ OSNumber *msgNum = NULL;
+ const OSSymbol *appname;
+ const OSSymbol *sleep = NULL, *wake = NULL;
+ IOPMServiceInterestNotifier *notify = NULL;
+ if (object && (notify = OSDynamicCast(IOPMServiceInterestNotifier, object))) {
+ if (response->isEqualTo(gIOPMStatsResponseTimedOut)) {
+ notify->ackTimeoutCnt++;
+ } else {
+ notify->ackTimeoutCnt = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (response->isEqualTo(gIOPMStatsResponsePrompt) ||
+ (_systemTransitionType == kSystemTransitionNone) || (_systemTransitionType == kSystemTransitionNewCapClient)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (response->isEqualTo(gIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow)) {
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogDrvPSChangeDelay, id, messageType, delay_ms);
+ } else if (notify) {
+ // User space app or kernel capability client
+ if (id) {
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogAppResponseDelay, id, notify->msgType, delay_ms);
+ } else {
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogDrvResponseDelay, notify->uuid0, messageType, delay_ms);
+ }
+ notify->msgType = 0;
+ }
+ responseDescription = OSDictionary::withCapacity(5);
+ if (responseDescription) {
+ if (response) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(_statsResponseTypeKey, response);
+ }
+ msgNum = OSNumber::withNumber(messageType, 32);
+ if (msgNum) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(_statsMessageTypeKey, msgNum);
+ msgNum->release();
+ }
+ if (!name && notify && notify->identifier) {
+ name = notify->identifier->getCStringNoCopy();
+ }
+ if (name && (strlen(name) > 0)) {
+ appname = OSSymbol::withCString(name);
+ if (appname) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(_statsNameKey, appname);
+ appname->release();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!id && notify) {
+ id = notify->uuid0;
+ }
+ if (id != 0) {
+ pidNum = OSNumber::withNumber(id, 64);
+ if (pidNum) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(_statsPIDKey, pidNum);
+ pidNum->release();
+ }
+ }
+ delayNum = OSNumber::withNumber(delay_ms, 32);
+ if (delayNum) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(_statsTimeMSKey, delayNum);
+ delayNum->release();
+ }
+ if (response->isEqualTo(gIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow)) {
+ powerCaps = OSNumber::withNumber(powerState, 32);
+#if !defined(__i386__) && !defined(__x86_64__) && (DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG)
+ IOLog("%s::powerStateChange type(%d) to(%lu) async took %d ms\n",
+ name, messageType,
+ powerState, delay_ms);
+ } else {
+ powerCaps = OSNumber::withNumber(_pendingCapability, 32);
+ }
+ if (powerCaps) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(_statsPowerCapsKey, powerCaps);
+ powerCaps->release();
+ }
+ sleep = OSSymbol::withCString("Sleep");
+ wake = OSSymbol::withCString("Wake");
+ if (_systemTransitionType == kSystemTransitionSleep) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(kIOPMStatsSystemTransitionKey, sleep);
+ } else if (_systemTransitionType == kSystemTransitionWake) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(kIOPMStatsSystemTransitionKey, wake);
+ } else if (_systemTransitionType == kSystemTransitionCapability) {
+ if (CAP_LOSS(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(kIOPMStatsSystemTransitionKey, sleep);
+ } else if (CAP_GAIN(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(kIOPMStatsSystemTransitionKey, wake);
+ }
+ }
+ if (sleep) {
+ sleep->release();
+ }
+ if (wake) {
+ wake->release();
+ }
+ IOLockLock(pmStatsLock);
+ if (pmStatsAppResponses && pmStatsAppResponses->getCount() < 50) {
+ pmStatsAppResponses->setObject(responseDescription);
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(pmStatsLock);
+ responseDescription->release();
+ }
+ return;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: PMTraceWorker
+// TracePoint support
+#define kIOPMRegisterNVRAMTracePointHandlerKey \
+ "IOPMRegisterNVRAMTracePointHandler"
+ const OSSymbol * functionName,
+ bool waitForFunction,
+ void * param1, void * param2,
+ void * param3, void * param4 )
+ uint32_t bootFailureCode = 0xffffffff;
+ if (pmTracer && functionName &&
+ functionName->isEqualTo(kIOPMRegisterNVRAMTracePointHandlerKey) &&
+ !pmTracer->tracePointHandler && !pmTracer->tracePointTarget) {
+ uint32_t tracePointPhases, tracePointPCI;
+ uint64_t statusCode;
+ pmTracer->tracePointHandler = (IOPMTracePointHandler) param1;
+ pmTracer->tracePointTarget = (void *) param2;
+ tracePointPCI = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) param3;
+ tracePointPhases = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) param4;
+ if ((tracePointPhases & 0xff) == kIOPMTracePointSystemSleep) {
+ IORegistryEntry *node = IORegistryEntry::fromPath( "/chosen", gIODTPlane );
+ if (node) {
+ OSData *data = OSDynamicCast( OSData, node->getProperty(kIOEFIBootRomFailureKey));
+ if (data && data->getLength() == sizeof(bootFailureCode)) {
+ memcpy(&bootFailureCode, data->getBytesNoCopy(), sizeof(bootFailureCode));
+ }
+ node->release();
+ }
+ // Failure code from EFI/BootRom is a four byte structure
+ tracePointPCI = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(bootFailureCode);
+ }
+ statusCode = (((uint64_t)tracePointPCI) << 32) | tracePointPhases;
+ if ((tracePointPhases & 0xff) != kIOPMTracePointSystemUp) {
+ MSG("Sleep failure code 0x%08x 0x%08x\n",
+ tracePointPCI, tracePointPhases);
+ }
+ setProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeFailureCodeKey, statusCode, 64);
+ pmTracer->tracePointHandler( pmTracer->tracePointTarget, 0, 0 );
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ else if (functionName &&
+ functionName->isEqualTo(kIOPMInstallSystemSleepPolicyHandlerKey)) {
+ if (gSleepPolicyHandler) {
+ return kIOReturnExclusiveAccess;
+ }
+ if (!param1) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
+ gSleepPolicyHandler = (IOPMSystemSleepPolicyHandler) param1;
+ gSleepPolicyTarget = (void *) param2;
+ setProperty("IOPMSystemSleepPolicyHandler", kOSBooleanTrue);
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ return super::callPlatformFunction(
+ functionName, waitForFunction, param1, param2, param3, param4);
+IOPMrootDomain::kdebugTrace(uint32_t event, uint64_t id,
+ uintptr_t param1, uintptr_t param2, uintptr_t param3)
+ uint32_t code = IODBG_POWER(event);
+ uint64_t regId = id;
+ if (regId == 0) {
+ regId = getRegistryEntryID();
+ }
+ IOTimeStampConstant(code, (uintptr_t) regId, param1, param2, param3);
+IOPMrootDomain::tracePoint( uint8_t point )
+ if (systemBooting) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (kIOPMTracePointWakeCapabilityClients == point) {
+ acceptSystemWakeEvents(false);
+ }
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogSleepWakeTracePoint, 0, point, 0);
+ pmTracer->tracePoint(point);
+IOPMrootDomain::traceDetail(OSObject *object, bool start)
+ IOPMServiceInterestNotifier *notifier;
+ if (systemBooting) {
+ return;
+ }
+ notifier = OSDynamicCast(IOPMServiceInterestNotifier, object);
+ if (!notifier) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (start) {
+ pmTracer->traceDetail( notifier->uuid0 >> 32 );
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogSleepWakeMessage, pmTracer->getTracePhase(), notifier->msgType, notifier->uuid0, notifier->uuid1);
+ if (notifier->identifier) {
+ DLOG("trace point 0x%02x msg 0x%x to %s\n", pmTracer->getTracePhase(), notifier->msgType,
+ notifier->identifier->getCStringNoCopy());
+ } else {
+ DLOG("trace point 0x%02x msg 0x%x\n", pmTracer->getTracePhase(), notifier->msgType);
+ }
+ notifierThread = current_thread();
+ notifierObject = notifier;
+ notifier->retain();
+ } else {
+ notifierThread = NULL;
+ notifierObject = NULL;
+ notifier->release();
+ }
+IOPMrootDomain::traceAckDelay(OSObject *object, uint32_t response, uint32_t delay_ms)
+ IOPMServiceInterestNotifier *notifier = OSDynamicCast(IOPMServiceInterestNotifier, object);
+ if (!notifier) {
+ DLOG("Unknown notifier\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!systemBooting) {
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogDrvResponseDelay, notifier->uuid0, notifier->uuid1, response, delay_ms);
+ if (notifier->identifier) {
+ DLOG("Response from %s took %d ms(response:%d)\n",
+ notifier->identifier->getCStringNoCopy(), delay_ms, response);
+ } else {
+ DLOG("Response from kext UUID %llx-%llx took %d ms(response:%d)\n",
+ notifier->uuid0, notifier->uuid1, delay_ms, response);
+ }
+ }
+IOPMrootDomain::traceDetail(uint32_t msgType, uint32_t msgIndex, uint32_t delay)
+ if (!systemBooting) {
+ uint32_t detail = ((msgType & 0xffff) << 16) | (delay & 0xffff);
+ pmTracer->traceDetail( detail );
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogSleepWakeTracePoint, pmTracer->getTracePhase(), msgType, delay);
+ DLOG("trace point 0x%02x msgType 0x%x detail 0x%08x\n", pmTracer->getTracePhase(), msgType, delay);
+ }
+IOPMrootDomain::configureReportGated(uint64_t channel_id, uint64_t action, void *result)
+ size_t reportSize;
+ void **report = NULL;
+ uint32_t bktCnt;
+ uint32_t bktSize;
+ uint32_t *clientCnt;
+ report = NULL;
+ if (channel_id == kAssertDelayChID) {
+ report = &assertOnWakeReport;
+ bktCnt = kAssertDelayBcktCnt;
+ bktSize = kAssertDelayBcktSize;
+ clientCnt = &assertOnWakeClientCnt;
+ } else if (channel_id == kSleepDelaysChID) {
+ report = &sleepDelaysReport;
+ bktCnt = kSleepDelaysBcktCnt;
+ bktSize = kSleepDelaysBcktSize;
+ clientCnt = &sleepDelaysClientCnt;
+ }
+ switch (action) {
+ case kIOReportEnable:
+ if (*report) {
+ (*clientCnt)++;
+ break;
+ }
+ reportSize = HISTREPORT_BUFSIZE(bktCnt);
+ *report = IOMalloc(reportSize);
+ if (*report == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ bzero(*report, reportSize);
+ HISTREPORT_INIT(bktCnt, bktSize, *report, reportSize,
+ getRegistryEntryID(), channel_id, kIOReportCategoryPower);
+ if (channel_id == kAssertDelayChID) {
+ assertOnWakeSecs = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOReportDisable:
+ if (*clientCnt == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*clientCnt == 1) {
+ IOFree(*report, HISTREPORT_BUFSIZE(bktCnt));
+ *report = NULL;
+ }
+ (*clientCnt)--;
+ if (channel_id == kAssertDelayChID) {
+ assertOnWakeSecs = -1; // Invalid value to prevent updates
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOReportGetDimensions:
+ if (*report) {
+ HISTREPORT_UPDATERES(*report, kIOReportGetDimensions, result);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
+IOPMrootDomain::configureReport(IOReportChannelList *channelList,
+ IOReportConfigureAction action,
+ void *result,
+ void *destination)
+ unsigned cnt;
+ uint64_t configAction = (uint64_t)action;
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < channelList->nchannels; cnt++) {
+ if ((channelList->channels[cnt].channel_id == kSleepCntChID) ||
+ (channelList->channels[cnt].channel_id == kDarkWkCntChID) ||
+ (channelList->channels[cnt].channel_id == kUserWkCntChID)) {
+ if (action != kIOReportGetDimensions) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ SIMPLEREPORT_UPDATERES(kIOReportGetDimensions, result);
+ } else if ((channelList->channels[cnt].channel_id == kAssertDelayChID) ||
+ (channelList->channels[cnt].channel_id == kSleepDelaysChID)) {
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this, &IOPMrootDomain::configureReportGated),
+ (OSObject *)this, (void *)channelList->channels[cnt].channel_id,
+ (void *)configAction, (void *)result);
+ }
+ }
+ return super::configureReport(channelList, action, result, destination);
+IOPMrootDomain::updateReportGated(uint64_t ch_id, void *result, IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *dest)
+ uint32_t size2cpy;
+ void *data2cpy;
+ void **report;
+ report = NULL;
+ if (ch_id == kAssertDelayChID) {
+ report = &assertOnWakeReport;
+ } else if (ch_id == kSleepDelaysChID) {
+ report = &sleepDelaysReport;
+ }
+ if (*report == NULL) {
+ return kIOReturnNotOpen;
+ }
+ HISTREPORT_UPDATEPREP(*report, data2cpy, size2cpy);
+ if (size2cpy > (dest->getCapacity() - dest->getLength())) {
+ return kIOReturnOverrun;
+ }
+ HISTREPORT_UPDATERES(*report, kIOReportCopyChannelData, result);
+ dest->appendBytes(data2cpy, size2cpy);
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+IOPMrootDomain::updateReport(IOReportChannelList *channelList,
+ IOReportUpdateAction action,
+ void *result,
+ void *destination)
+ uint32_t size2cpy;
+ void *data2cpy;
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *dest = OSDynamicCast(IOBufferMemoryDescriptor, (OSObject *)destination);
+ unsigned cnt;
+ uint64_t ch_id;
+ if (action != kIOReportCopyChannelData) {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < channelList->nchannels; cnt++) {
+ ch_id = channelList->channels[cnt].channel_id;
+ if ((ch_id == kAssertDelayChID) || (ch_id == kSleepDelaysChID)) {
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this, &IOPMrootDomain::updateReportGated),
+ (OSObject *)this, (void *)ch_id,
+ (void *)result, (void *)dest);
+ continue;
+ } else if ((ch_id == kSleepCntChID) ||
+ (ch_id == kDarkWkCntChID) || (ch_id == kUserWkCntChID)) {
+ SIMPLEREPORT_INIT(buf, sizeof(buf), getRegistryEntryID(), ch_id, kIOReportCategoryPower);
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (ch_id == kSleepCntChID) {
+ } else if (ch_id == kDarkWkCntChID) {
+ } else if (ch_id == kUserWkCntChID) {
+ SIMPLEREPORT_SETVALUE(buf, displayWakeCnt);
+ }
+ SIMPLEREPORT_UPDATEPREP(buf, data2cpy, size2cpy);
+ SIMPLEREPORT_UPDATERES(kIOReportCopyChannelData, result);
+ dest->appendBytes(data2cpy, size2cpy);
+ }
+ return super::updateReport(channelList, action, result, destination);
+// PMTraceWorker Class
+#undef super
+#define super OSObject
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(PMTraceWorker, OSObject)
+#define kPMBestGuessPCIDevicesCount 25
+#define kPMMaxRTCBitfieldSize 32
+PMTraceWorker * PMTraceWorker::tracer(IOPMrootDomain * owner)
+ PMTraceWorker *me;
+ me = OSTypeAlloc( PMTraceWorker );
+ if (!me || !me->init()) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DLOG("PMTraceWorker %p\n", OBFUSCATE(me));
+ // Note that we cannot instantiate the PCI device -> bit mappings here, since
+ // the IODeviceTree has not yet been created by IOPlatformExpert. We create
+ // this dictionary lazily.
+ me->owner = owner;
+ me->pciDeviceBitMappings = NULL;
+ me->pmTraceWorkerLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ me->tracePhase = kIOPMTracePointSystemUp;
+ me->traceData32 = 0;
+ me->loginWindowData = 0;
+ me->coreDisplayData = 0;
+ me->coreGraphicsData = 0;
+ return me;
+ if (tracePointHandler && tracePointTarget) {
+ uint32_t wordA;
+ IOLockLock(pmTraceWorkerLock);
+ wordA = (loginWindowData << 24) | (coreDisplayData << 16) |
+ (coreGraphicsData << 8) | tracePhase;
+ IOLockUnlock(pmTraceWorkerLock);
+ tracePointHandler( tracePointTarget, traceData32, wordA );
+ _LOG("RTC_TRACE wrote 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", traceData32, wordA);
+ }
+ if ((swd_panic_phase != 0) && (swd_panic_phase == tracePhase)) {
+ DEBUG_LOG("Causing sleep wake failure in phase 0x%08x\n", tracePhase);
+ IOLock *l = IOLockAlloc();
+ IOLockLock(l);
+ IOLockLock(l);
+ }
+PMTraceWorker::recordTopLevelPCIDevice(IOService * pciDevice)
+ const OSSymbol * deviceName;
+ int index = -1;
+ IOLockLock(pmTraceWorkerLock);
+ if (!pciDeviceBitMappings) {
+ pciDeviceBitMappings = OSArray::withCapacity(kPMBestGuessPCIDevicesCount);
+ if (!pciDeviceBitMappings) {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for bitmask overflow.
+ if (pciDeviceBitMappings->getCount() >= kPMMaxRTCBitfieldSize) {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if ((deviceName = pciDevice->copyName()) &&
+ (pciDeviceBitMappings->getNextIndexOfObject(deviceName, 0) == (unsigned int)-1) &&
+ pciDeviceBitMappings->setObject(deviceName)) {
+ index = pciDeviceBitMappings->getCount() - 1;
+ _LOG("PMTrace PCI array: set object %s => %d\n",
+ deviceName->getCStringNoCopy(), index);
+ }
+ if (deviceName) {
+ deviceName->release();
+ }
+ if (!addedToRegistry && (index >= 0)) {
+ addedToRegistry = owner->setProperty("PCITopLevel", this);
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(pmTraceWorkerLock);
+ return index;
+PMTraceWorker::serialize(OSSerialize *s) const
+ bool ok = false;
+ if (pciDeviceBitMappings) {
+ IOLockLock(pmTraceWorkerLock);
+ ok = pciDeviceBitMappings->serialize(s);
+ IOLockUnlock(pmTraceWorkerLock);
+ }
+ return ok;
+PMTraceWorker::tracePoint(uint8_t phase)
+ // clear trace detail when phase begins
+ if (tracePhase != phase) {
+ traceData32 = 0;
+ }
+ tracePhase = phase;
+ DLOG("trace point 0x%02x\n", tracePhase);
+PMTraceWorker::traceDetail(uint32_t detail)
+ if (detail == traceData32) {
+ return;
+ }
+ traceData32 = detail;
+PMTraceWorker::traceComponentWakeProgress(uint32_t component, uint32_t data)
+ switch (component) {
+ case kIOPMLoginWindowProgress:
+ loginWindowData = data & kIOPMLoginWindowProgressMask;
+ break;
+ case kIOPMCoreDisplayProgress:
+ coreDisplayData = data & kIOPMCoreDisplayProgressMask;
+ break;
+ case kIOPMCoreGraphicsProgress:
+ coreGraphicsData = data & kIOPMCoreGraphicsProgressMask;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ DLOG("component trace point 0x%02x data 0x%08x\n", component, data);
+ change_t type, IOService *service, uint32_t changeFlags, uint32_t bitNum)
+ uint32_t bitMask;
+ uint32_t expectedFlag;
+ // Ignore PCI changes outside of system sleep/wake.
+ if ((kIOPMTracePointSleepPowerPlaneDrivers != tracePhase) &&
+ (kIOPMTracePointWakePowerPlaneDrivers != tracePhase)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Only record the WillChange transition when going to sleep,
+ // and the DidChange on the way up.
+ changeFlags &= (kIOPMDomainWillChange | kIOPMDomainDidChange);
+ expectedFlag = (kIOPMTracePointSleepPowerPlaneDrivers == tracePhase) ?
+ kIOPMDomainWillChange : kIOPMDomainDidChange;
+ if (changeFlags != expectedFlag) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Mark this device off in our bitfield
+ if (bitNum < kPMMaxRTCBitfieldSize) {
+ bitMask = (1 << bitNum);
+ if (kPowerChangeStart == type) {
+ traceData32 |= bitMask;
+ _LOG("PMTrace: Device %s started - bit %2d mask 0x%08x => 0x%08x\n",
+ service->getName(), bitNum, bitMask, traceData32);
+ owner->kdebugTrace(kPMLogPCIDevChangeStart, service->getRegistryEntryID(), traceData32, 0);
+ } else {
+ traceData32 &= ~bitMask;
+ _LOG("PMTrace: Device %s finished - bit %2d mask 0x%08x => 0x%08x\n",
+ service->getName(), bitNum, bitMask, traceData32);
+ owner->kdebugTrace(kPMLogPCIDevChangeDone, service->getRegistryEntryID(), traceData32, 0);
+ }
+ DLOG("trace point 0x%02x detail 0x%08x\n", tracePhase, traceData32);
+ }
+ return ((uint64_t)traceData32 << 32) | ((uint64_t)tracePhase);
+ return tracePhase;
+ return traceData32;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: PMHaltWorker
+// PMHaltWorker Class
+PMHaltWorker *
+PMHaltWorker::worker( void )
+ PMHaltWorker * me;
+ IOThread thread;
+ do {
+ me = OSTypeAlloc( PMHaltWorker );
+ if (!me || !me->init()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ me->lock = IOLockAlloc();
+ if (!me->lock) {
+ break;
+ }
+ DLOG("PMHaltWorker %p\n", OBFUSCATE(me));
+ me->retain(); // thread holds extra retain
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernel_thread_start(&PMHaltWorker::main, (void *) me, &thread)) {
+ me->release();
+ break;
+ }
+ thread_deallocate(thread);
+ return me;
+ } while (false);
+ if (me) {
+ me->release();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+PMHaltWorker::free( void )
+ DLOG("PMHaltWorker free %p\n", OBFUSCATE(this));
+ if (lock) {
+ IOLockFree(lock);
+ lock = NULL;
+ }
+ return OSObject::free();
+PMHaltWorker::main( void * arg, wait_result_t waitResult )
+ PMHaltWorker * me = (PMHaltWorker *) arg;
+ IOLockLock( gPMHaltLock );
+ gPMHaltBusyCount++;
+ me->depth = gPMHaltDepth;
+ IOLockUnlock( gPMHaltLock );
+ while (me->depth >= 0) {
+ PMHaltWorker::work( me );
+ IOLockLock( gPMHaltLock );
+ if (++gPMHaltIdleCount >= gPMHaltBusyCount) {
+ // This is the last thread to finish work on this level,
+ // inform everyone to start working on next lower level.
+ gPMHaltDepth--;
+ me->depth = gPMHaltDepth;
+ gPMHaltIdleCount = 0;
+ thread_wakeup((event_t) &gPMHaltIdleCount);
+ } else {
+ // One or more threads are still working on this level,
+ // this thread must wait.
+ me->depth = gPMHaltDepth - 1;
+ do {
+ IOLockSleep(gPMHaltLock, &gPMHaltIdleCount, THREAD_UNINT);
+ } while (me->depth != gPMHaltDepth);
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock( gPMHaltLock );
+ }
+ // No more work to do, terminate thread
+ DLOG("All done for worker: %p (visits = %u)\n", OBFUSCATE(me), me->visits);
+ thread_wakeup( &gPMHaltDepth );
+ me->release();
+PMHaltWorker::work( PMHaltWorker * me )
+ IOService * service;
+ OSSet * inner;
+ AbsoluteTime startTime, elapsedTime;
+ UInt32 deltaTime;
+ bool timeout;
+ while (true) {
+ service = NULL;
+ timeout = false;
+ // Claim an unit of work from the shared pool
+ IOLockLock( gPMHaltLock );
+ inner = (OSSet *)gPMHaltArray->getObject(me->depth);
+ if (inner) {
+ service = OSDynamicCast(IOService, inner->getAnyObject());
+ if (service) {
+ service->retain();
+ inner->removeObject(service);
+ }
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock( gPMHaltLock );
+ if (!service) {
+ break; // no more work at this depth
+ }
+ clock_get_uptime(&startTime);
+ if (!service->isInactive() &&
+ service->setProperty(gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey, me)) {
+ IOLockLock(me->lock);
+ me->startTime = startTime;
+ me->service = service;
+ me->timeout = false;
+ IOLockUnlock(me->lock);
+ service->systemWillShutdown( gPMHaltMessageType );
+ // Wait for driver acknowledgement
+ IOLockLock(me->lock);
+ while (service->getProperty(gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey)) {
+ IOLockSleep(me->lock, me, THREAD_UNINT);
+ }
+ me->service = NULL;
+ timeout = me->timeout;
+ IOLockUnlock(me->lock);
+ }
+ deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&startTime, &elapsedTime);
+ if ((deltaTime > kPMHaltTimeoutMS) || timeout) {
+ LOG("%s driver %s (0x%llx) took %u ms\n",
+ (gPMHaltMessageType == kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff) ?
+ "PowerOff" : "Restart",
+ service->getName(), service->getRegistryEntryID(),
+ (uint32_t) deltaTime );
+ halt_log_enter("PowerOff/Restart handler completed",
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(const void *, service, &IOService::systemWillShutdown),
+ elapsedTime);
+ }
+ service->release();
+ me->visits++;
+ }
+PMHaltWorker::checkTimeout( PMHaltWorker * me, AbsoluteTime * now )
+ UInt64 nano;
+ AbsoluteTime startTime;
+ AbsoluteTime endTime;
+ endTime = *now;
+ IOLockLock(me->lock);
+ if (me->service && !me->timeout) {
+ startTime = me->startTime;
+ nano = 0;
+ if (CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&endTime, &startTime) > 0) {
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&endTime, &startTime);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(endTime, &nano);
+ }
+ if (nano > 3000000000ULL) {
+ me->timeout = true;
+ halt_log_enter("PowerOff/Restart still waiting on handler",
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(const void *, me->service, &IOService::systemWillShutdown),
+ endTime);
+ MSG("%s still waiting on %s\n",
+ (gPMHaltMessageType == kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff) ? "PowerOff" : "Restart",
+ me->service->getName());
+ }
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(me->lock);
+// acknowledgeSystemWillShutdown
+// Acknowledgement from drivers that they have prepared for shutdown/restart.
+IOPMrootDomain::acknowledgeSystemWillShutdown( IOService * from )
+ PMHaltWorker * worker;
+ OSObject * prop;
+ if (!from) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //DLOG("%s acknowledged\n", from->getName());
+ prop = from->copyProperty( gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey );
+ if (prop) {
+ worker = (PMHaltWorker *) prop;
+ IOLockLock(worker->lock);
+ from->removeProperty( gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey );
+ thread_wakeup((event_t) worker);
+ IOLockUnlock(worker->lock);
+ worker->release();
+ } else {
+ DLOG("%s acknowledged without worker property\n",
+ from->getName());
+ }
+// notifySystemShutdown
+// Notify all objects in PM tree that system will shutdown or restart
+static void
+notifySystemShutdown( IOService * root, uint32_t messageType )
+#define PLACEHOLDER ((OSSet *)gPMHaltArray)
+ IORegistryIterator * iter;
+ IORegistryEntry * entry;
+ IOService * node;
+ OSSet * inner;
+ PMHaltWorker * workers[kPMHaltMaxWorkers];
+ AbsoluteTime deadline;
+ unsigned int totalNodes = 0;
+ unsigned int depth;
+ unsigned int rootDepth;
+ unsigned int numWorkers;
+ unsigned int count;
+ int waitResult;
+ void * baseFunc;
+ bool ok;
+ DLOG("%s msgType = 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, messageType);
+ baseFunc = OSMemberFunctionCast(void *, root, &IOService::systemWillShutdown);
+ // Iterate the entire PM tree starting from root
+ rootDepth = root->getDepth( gIOPowerPlane );
+ if (!rootDepth) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ // debug - for repeated test runs
+ while (PMHaltWorker::metaClass->getInstanceCount()) {
+ IOSleep(1);
+ }
+ if (!gPMHaltArray) {
+ gPMHaltArray = OSArray::withCapacity(40);
+ if (!gPMHaltArray) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ } else { // debug
+ gPMHaltArray->flushCollection();
+ }
+ if (!gPMHaltLock) {
+ gPMHaltLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ if (!gPMHaltLock) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey) {
+ gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey =
+ OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("PMShutdown");
+ if (!gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ gPMHaltMessageType = messageType;
+ // Depth-first walk of PM plane
+ iter = IORegistryIterator::iterateOver(
+ root, gIOPowerPlane, kIORegistryIterateRecursively);
+ if (iter) {
+ while ((entry = iter->getNextObject())) {
+ node = OSDynamicCast(IOService, entry);
+ if (!node) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (baseFunc ==
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(void *, node, &IOService::systemWillShutdown)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ depth = node->getDepth( gIOPowerPlane );
+ if (depth <= rootDepth) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ok = false;
+ // adjust to zero based depth
+ depth -= (rootDepth + 1);
+ // gPMHaltArray is an array of containers, each container
+ // refers to nodes with the same depth.
+ count = gPMHaltArray->getCount();
+ while (depth >= count) {
+ // expand array and insert placeholders
+ gPMHaltArray->setObject(PLACEHOLDER);
+ count++;
+ }
+ count = gPMHaltArray->getCount();
+ if (depth < count) {
+ inner = (OSSet *)gPMHaltArray->getObject(depth);
+ if (inner == PLACEHOLDER) {
+ inner = OSSet::withCapacity(40);
+ if (inner) {
+ gPMHaltArray->replaceObject(depth, inner);
+ inner->release();
+ }
+ }
+ // PM nodes that appear more than once in the tree will have
+ // the same depth, OSSet will refuse to add the node twice.
+ if (inner) {
+ ok = inner->setObject(node);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ok) {
+ DLOG("Skipped PM node %s\n", node->getName());
+ }
+ }
+ iter->release();
+ }
+ // debug only
+ for (int i = 0; (inner = (OSSet *)gPMHaltArray->getObject(i)); i++) {
+ count = 0;
+ if (inner != PLACEHOLDER) {
+ count = inner->getCount();
+ }
+ DLOG("Nodes at depth %u = %u\n", i, count);
+ }
+ // strip placeholders (not all depths are populated)
+ numWorkers = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; (inner = (OSSet *)gPMHaltArray->getObject(i));) {
+ if (inner == PLACEHOLDER) {
+ gPMHaltArray->removeObject(i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ count = inner->getCount();
+ if (count > numWorkers) {
+ numWorkers = count;
+ }
+ totalNodes += count;
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (gPMHaltArray->getCount() == 0 || !numWorkers) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ gPMHaltBusyCount = 0;
+ gPMHaltIdleCount = 0;
+ gPMHaltDepth = gPMHaltArray->getCount() - 1;
+ // Create multiple workers (and threads)
+ if (numWorkers > kPMHaltMaxWorkers) {
+ numWorkers = kPMHaltMaxWorkers;
+ }
+ DLOG("PM nodes %u, maxDepth %u, workers %u\n",
+ totalNodes, gPMHaltArray->getCount(), numWorkers);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++) {
+ workers[i] = PMHaltWorker::worker();
+ }
+ // Wait for workers to exhaust all available work
+ IOLockLock(gPMHaltLock);
+ while (gPMHaltDepth >= 0) {
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(1000, kMillisecondScale, &deadline);
+ waitResult = IOLockSleepDeadline(
+ gPMHaltLock, &gPMHaltDepth, deadline, THREAD_UNINT);
+ if (THREAD_TIMED_OUT == waitResult) {
+ AbsoluteTime now;
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ IOLockUnlock(gPMHaltLock);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++) {
+ if (workers[i]) {
+ PMHaltWorker::checkTimeout(workers[i], &now);
+ }
+ }
+ IOLockLock(gPMHaltLock);
+ }
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(gPMHaltLock);
+ // Release all workers
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++) {
+ if (workers[i]) {
+ workers[i]->release();
+ }
+ // worker also retained by it's own thread
+ }
+ DLOG("%s done\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ return;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Kernel Assertion
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType whichAssertionBits,
+ IOPMDriverAssertionLevel assertionLevel,
+ IOService *ownerService,
+ const char *ownerDescription)
+ IOReturn ret;
+ IOPMDriverAssertionID newAssertion;
+ if (!pmAssertions) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ret = pmAssertions->createAssertion(whichAssertionBits, assertionLevel, ownerService, ownerDescription, &newAssertion);
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess == ret) {
+ return newAssertion;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+IOPMrootDomain::releasePMAssertion(IOPMDriverAssertionID releaseAssertion)
+ if (!pmAssertions) {
+ return kIOReturnInternalError;
+ }
+ return pmAssertions->releaseAssertion(releaseAssertion);
+ IOPMDriverAssertionID assertionID,
+ IOPMDriverAssertionLevel assertionLevel)
+ return pmAssertions->setAssertionLevel(assertionID, assertionLevel);
+IOPMrootDomain::getPMAssertionLevel(IOPMDriverAssertionType whichAssertion)
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType sysLevels;
+ if (!pmAssertions || whichAssertion == 0) {
+ return kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff;
+ }
+ sysLevels = pmAssertions->getActivatedAssertions();
+ // Check that every bit set in argument 'whichAssertion' is asserted
+ // in the aggregate bits.
+ if ((sysLevels & whichAssertion) == whichAssertion) {
+ return kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn;
+ } else {
+ return kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff;
+ }
+IOPMrootDomain::setPMAssertionUserLevels(IOPMDriverAssertionType inLevels)
+ if (!pmAssertions) {
+ return kIOReturnNotFound;
+ }
+ return pmAssertions->setUserAssertionLevels(inLevels);
+IOPMrootDomain::serializeProperties( OSSerialize * s ) const
+ if (pmAssertions) {
+ pmAssertions->publishProperties();
+ }
+ return IOService::serializeProperties(s);
+OSObject *
+IOPMrootDomain::copyProperty( const char * aKey) const
+ OSObject *obj = NULL;
+ obj = IOService::copyProperty(aKey);
+ if (obj) {
+ return obj;
+ }
+ if (!strncmp(aKey, kIOPMSleepWakeWdogRebootKey,
+ sizeof(kIOPMSleepWakeWdogRebootKey))) {
+ if (swd_flags & SWD_BOOT_BY_SW_WDOG) {
+ return kOSBooleanTrue;
+ } else {
+ return kOSBooleanFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!strncmp(aKey, kIOPMSleepWakeWdogLogsValidKey,
+ sizeof(kIOPMSleepWakeWdogLogsValidKey))) {
+ if (swd_flags & SWD_VALID_LOGS) {
+ return kOSBooleanTrue;
+ } else {
+ return kOSBooleanFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * XXX: We should get rid of "DesktopMode" property when 'kAppleClamshellCausesSleepKey'
+ * is set properly in darwake from sleep. For that, kIOPMEnableClamshell msg has to be
+ * issued by DisplayWrangler on darkwake.
+ */
+ if (!strcmp(aKey, "DesktopMode")) {
+ if (desktopMode) {
+ return kOSBooleanTrue;
+ } else {
+ return kOSBooleanFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(aKey, "DisplayIdleForDemandSleep")) {
+ if (displayIdleForDemandSleep) {
+ return kOSBooleanTrue;
+ } else {
+ return kOSBooleanFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(aKey, kIOPMDriverWakeEventsKey)) {
+ OSArray * array = NULL;
+ if (_systemWakeEventsArray && _systemWakeEventsArray->getCount()) {
+ OSCollection *collection = _systemWakeEventsArray->copyCollection();
+ if (collection && !(array = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, collection))) {
+ collection->release();
+ }
+ }
+ return array;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(aKey, kIOPMSleepStatisticsAppsKey)) {
+ OSArray * array = NULL;
+ IOLockLock(pmStatsLock);
+ if (pmStatsAppResponses && pmStatsAppResponses->getCount()) {
+ OSCollection *collection = pmStatsAppResponses->copyCollection();
+ if (collection && !(array = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, collection))) {
+ collection->release();
+ }
+ pmStatsAppResponses->flushCollection();
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(pmStatsLock);
+ return array;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(aKey, kIOPMIdleSleepPreventersKey)) {
+ OSArray *idleSleepList = NULL;
+ gRootDomain->copySleepPreventersList(&idleSleepList, NULL);
+ return idleSleepList;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(aKey, kIOPMSystemSleepPreventersKey)) {
+ OSArray *systemSleepList = NULL;
+ gRootDomain->copySleepPreventersList(NULL, &systemSleepList);
+ return systemSleepList;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(aKey, kIOPMIdleSleepPreventersWithIDKey)) {
+ OSArray *idleSleepList = NULL;
+ gRootDomain->copySleepPreventersListWithID(&idleSleepList, NULL);
+ return idleSleepList;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(aKey, kIOPMSystemSleepPreventersWithIDKey)) {
+ OSArray *systemSleepList = NULL;
+ gRootDomain->copySleepPreventersListWithID(NULL, &systemSleepList);
+ return systemSleepList;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Wake Event Reporting
-OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IORootParent, IOService)
+IOPMrootDomain::copyWakeReasonString( char * outBuf, size_t bufSize )
+ strlcpy(outBuf, gWakeReasonString, bufSize);
+// acceptSystemWakeEvents
+// Private control for the acceptance of driver wake event claims.
+IOPMrootDomain::acceptSystemWakeEvents( bool accept )
+ bool logWakeReason = false;
+ if (accept) {
+ if (!_systemWakeEventsArray) {
+ _systemWakeEventsArray = OSArray::withCapacity(4);
+ }
+ _acceptSystemWakeEvents = (_systemWakeEventsArray != NULL);
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ if (!(kIOPMWakeEventAOTExitFlags & _aotPendingFlags))
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ {
+ gWakeReasonString[0] = '\0';
+ if (_systemWakeEventsArray) {
+ _systemWakeEventsArray->flushCollection();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ _acceptSystemWakeEvents = false;
+ logWakeReason = gWakeReasonSysctlRegistered;
+ static int panic_allowed = -1;
+ if ((panic_allowed == -1) &&
+ (PE_parse_boot_argn("swd_wakereason_panic", &panic_allowed, sizeof(panic_allowed)) == false)) {
+ panic_allowed = 0;
+ }
+ if (panic_allowed) {
+ size_t i = 0;
+ // Panic if wake reason is null or empty
+ for (i = 0; (i < strlen(gWakeReasonString)); i++) {
+ if ((gWakeReasonString[i] != ' ') && (gWakeReasonString[i] != '\t')) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i >= strlen(gWakeReasonString)) {
+ panic("Wake reason is empty\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (logWakeReason) {
+ MSG("system wake events:%s\n", gWakeReasonString);
+ }
+// claimSystemWakeEvent
+// For a driver to claim a device is the source/conduit of a system wake event.
+ IOService * device,
+ IOOptionBits flags,
+ const char * reason,
+ OSObject * details )
+ const OSSymbol * deviceName = NULL;
+ OSNumber * deviceRegId = NULL;
+ OSNumber * claimTime = NULL;
+ OSData * flagsData = NULL;
+ OSString * reasonString = NULL;
+ OSDictionary * d = NULL;
+ uint64_t timestamp;
+ bool ok = false;
+ bool addWakeReason;
+ pmEventTimeStamp(×tamp);
+ if (!device || !reason) {
+ return;
+ }
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ IOOptionBits aotFlags = 0;
+ bool needAOTEvaluate = FALSE;
+ if (kIOPMAOTModeAddEventFlags & _aotMode) {
+ if (!strcmp("hold", reason)
+ || !strcmp("help", reason)
+ || !strcmp("menu", reason)
+ || !strcmp("stockholm", reason)
+ || !strcmp("ringer", reason)
+ || !strcmp("ringerab", reason)
+ || !strcmp("smc0", reason)
+ || !strcmp("AOP.RTPWakeupAP", reason)
+ || !strcmp("BT.OutboxNotEmpty", reason)
+ || !strcmp("WL.OutboxNotEmpty", reason)) {
+ flags |= kIOPMWakeEventAOTExit;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_aotLingerTime && !strcmp("rtc", reason)) {
+ flags |= kIOPMWakeEventAOTPossibleExit;
+ }
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ deviceName = device->copyName(gIOServicePlane);
+ deviceRegId = OSNumber::withNumber(device->getRegistryEntryID(), 64);
+ claimTime = OSNumber::withNumber(timestamp, 64);
+ flagsData = OSData::withBytes(&flags, sizeof(flags));
+ reasonString = OSString::withCString(reason);
+ d = OSDictionary::withCapacity(5 + (details ? 1 : 0));
+ if (!deviceName || !deviceRegId || !claimTime || !flagsData || !reasonString) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ d->setObject(gIONameKey, deviceName);
+ d->setObject(gIORegistryEntryIDKey, deviceRegId);
+ d->setObject(kIOPMWakeEventTimeKey, claimTime);
+ d->setObject(kIOPMWakeEventFlagsKey, flagsData);
+ d->setObject(kIOPMWakeEventReasonKey, reasonString);
+ if (details) {
+ d->setObject(kIOPMWakeEventDetailsKey, details);
+ }
+ addWakeReason = _acceptSystemWakeEvents;
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ if (_aotMode) {
+ IOLog("claimSystemWakeEvent(%s, %s, 0x%x) 0x%x %d\n", reason, deviceName->getCStringNoCopy(), (int)flags, _aotPendingFlags, _aotReadyToFullWake);
+ }
+ aotFlags = (kIOPMWakeEventAOTFlags & flags);
+ aotFlags = (aotFlags & ~_aotPendingFlags);
+ needAOTEvaluate = false;
+ if (_aotNow && aotFlags) {
+ if (kIOPMWakeEventAOTPossibleExit & flags) {
+ _aotMetrics->possibleCount++;
+ }
+ if (kIOPMWakeEventAOTConfirmedPossibleExit & flags) {
+ _aotMetrics->confirmedPossibleCount++;
+ }
+ if (kIOPMWakeEventAOTRejectedPossibleExit & flags) {
+ _aotMetrics->rejectedPossibleCount++;
+ }
+ if (kIOPMWakeEventAOTExpiredPossibleExit & flags) {
+ _aotMetrics->expiredPossibleCount++;
+ }
+ _aotPendingFlags |= aotFlags;
+ addWakeReason = _aotNow && _systemWakeEventsArray && ((kIOPMWakeEventAOTExitFlags & aotFlags));
+ needAOTEvaluate = _aotReadyToFullWake;
+ }
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ if (!gWakeReasonSysctlRegistered) {
+ // Lazy registration until the platform driver stops registering
+ // the same name.
+ gWakeReasonSysctlRegistered = true;
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_wakereason);
+ }
+ if (addWakeReason) {
+ ok = _systemWakeEventsArray->setObject(d);
+ if (gWakeReasonString[0] != '\0') {
+ strlcat(gWakeReasonString, " ", sizeof(gWakeReasonString));
+ }
+ strlcat(gWakeReasonString, reason, sizeof(gWakeReasonString));
+ }
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ if (needAOTEvaluate) {
+ aotEvaluate(NULL);
+ }
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ if (deviceName) {
+ deviceName->release();
+ }
+ if (deviceRegId) {
+ deviceRegId->release();
+ }
+ if (claimTime) {
+ claimTime->release();
+ }
+ if (flagsData) {
+ flagsData->release();
+ }
+ if (reasonString) {
+ reasonString->release();
+ }
+ if (d) {
+ d->release();
+ }
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: PMSettingHandle
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( PMSettingHandle, OSObject )
+PMSettingHandle::free( void )
+ if (pmso) {
+ pmso->clientHandleFreed();
+ pmso->release();
+ pmso = NULL;
+ }
+ OSObject::free();
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: PMSettingObject
+#undef super
+#define super OSObject
+OSDefineMetaClassAndFinalStructors( PMSettingObject, OSObject )
+ * Static constructor/initializer for PMSettingObject
+ */
+PMSettingObject *PMSettingObject::pmSettingObject(
+ IOPMrootDomain * parent_arg,
+ IOPMSettingControllerCallback handler_arg,
+ OSObject * target_arg,
+ uintptr_t refcon_arg,
+ uint32_t supportedPowerSources,
+ const OSSymbol * settings[],
+ OSObject * *handle_obj)
+ uint32_t settingCount = 0;
+ PMSettingObject *pmso = NULL;
+ PMSettingHandle *pmsh = NULL;
+ if (!parent_arg || !handler_arg || !settings || !handle_obj) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // count OSSymbol entries in NULL terminated settings array
+ while (settings[settingCount]) {
+ settingCount++;
+ }
+ if (0 == settingCount) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pmso = new PMSettingObject;
+ if (!pmso || !pmso->init()) {
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ pmsh = new PMSettingHandle;
+ if (!pmsh || !pmsh->init()) {
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ queue_init(&pmso->calloutQueue);
+ pmso->parent = parent_arg;
+ pmso->func = handler_arg;
+ pmso->target = target_arg;
+ pmso->refcon = refcon_arg;
+ pmso->settingCount = settingCount;
+ pmso->retain(); // handle holds a retain on pmso
+ pmsh->pmso = pmso;
+ pmso->pmsh = pmsh;
+ pmso->publishedFeatureID = (uint32_t *)IOMalloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * settingCount);
+ if (pmso->publishedFeatureID) {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < settingCount; i++) {
+ // Since there is now at least one listener to this setting, publish
+ // PM root domain support for it.
+ parent_arg->publishPMSetting( settings[i],
+ supportedPowerSources, &pmso->publishedFeatureID[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ *handle_obj = pmsh;
+ return pmso;
+ if (pmso) {
+ pmso->release();
+ }
+ if (pmsh) {
+ pmsh->release();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+PMSettingObject::free( void )
+ if (publishedFeatureID) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < settingCount; i++) {
+ if (publishedFeatureID[i]) {
+ parent->removePublishedFeature( publishedFeatureID[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ IOFree(publishedFeatureID, sizeof(uint32_t) * settingCount);
+ }
+ super::free();
+PMSettingObject::dispatchPMSetting( const OSSymbol * type, OSObject * object )
+ (*func)(target, type, object, refcon);
+PMSettingObject::clientHandleFreed( void )
+ parent->deregisterPMSettingObject(this);
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: PMAssertionsTracker
+// class PMAssertionsTracker Implementation
+#define kAssertUniqueIDStart 500
+PMAssertionsTracker *
+PMAssertionsTracker::pmAssertionsTracker( IOPMrootDomain *rootDomain )
+ PMAssertionsTracker *myself;
+ myself = new PMAssertionsTracker;
+ if (myself) {
+ myself->init();
+ myself->owner = rootDomain;
+ myself->issuingUniqueID = kAssertUniqueIDStart;
+ myself->assertionsArray = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
+ myself->assertionsKernel = 0;
+ myself->assertionsUser = 0;
+ myself->assertionsCombined = 0;
+ myself->assertionsArrayLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ myself->tabulateProducerCount = myself->tabulateConsumerCount = 0;
+ if (!myself->assertionsArray || !myself->assertionsArrayLock) {
+ myself = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return myself;
+/* tabulate
+ * - Update assertionsKernel to reflect the state of all
+ * assertions in the kernel.
+ * - Update assertionsCombined to reflect both kernel & user space.
+ */
+ int i;
+ int count;
+ PMAssertStruct *_a = NULL;
+ OSData *_d = NULL;
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType oldKernel = assertionsKernel;
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType oldCombined = assertionsCombined;
+ assertionsKernel = 0;
+ assertionsCombined = 0;
+ if (!assertionsArray) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((count = assertionsArray->getCount())) {
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ _d = OSDynamicCast(OSData, assertionsArray->getObject(i));
+ if (_d) {
+ _a = (PMAssertStruct *)_d->getBytesNoCopy();
+ if (_a && (kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn == _a->level)) {
+ assertionsKernel |= _a->assertionBits;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tabulateProducerCount++;
+ assertionsCombined = assertionsKernel | assertionsUser;
+ if ((assertionsKernel != oldKernel) ||
+ (assertionsCombined != oldCombined)) {
+ owner->evaluateAssertions(assertionsCombined, oldCombined);
+ }
+PMAssertionsTracker::publishProperties( void )
+ OSArray *assertionsSummary = NULL;
+ if (tabulateConsumerCount != tabulateProducerCount) {
+ IOLockLock(assertionsArrayLock);
+ tabulateConsumerCount = tabulateProducerCount;
+ /* Publish the IOPMrootDomain property "DriverPMAssertionsDetailed"
+ */
+ assertionsSummary = copyAssertionsArray();
+ if (assertionsSummary) {
+ owner->setProperty(kIOPMAssertionsDriverDetailedKey, assertionsSummary);
+ assertionsSummary->release();
+ } else {
+ owner->removeProperty(kIOPMAssertionsDriverDetailedKey);
+ }
+ /* Publish the IOPMrootDomain property "DriverPMAssertions"
+ */
+ owner->setProperty(kIOPMAssertionsDriverKey, assertionsKernel, 64);
+ IOLockUnlock(assertionsArrayLock);
+ }
+PMAssertionsTracker::PMAssertStruct *
+PMAssertionsTracker::detailsForID(IOPMDriverAssertionID _id, int *index)
+ PMAssertStruct *_a = NULL;
+ OSData *_d = NULL;
+ int found = -1;
+ int count = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ if (assertionsArray
+ && (count = assertionsArray->getCount())) {
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ _d = OSDynamicCast(OSData, assertionsArray->getObject(i));
+ if (_d) {
+ _a = (PMAssertStruct *)_d->getBytesNoCopy();
+ if (_a && (_id == _a->id)) {
+ found = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (-1 == found) {
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ if (index) {
+ *index = found;
+ }
+ return _a;
+ }
+/* PMAssertionsTracker::handleCreateAssertion
+ * Perform assertion work on the PM workloop. Do not call directly.
+ */
+PMAssertionsTracker::handleCreateAssertion(OSData *newAssertion)
+ if (newAssertion) {
+ IOLockLock(assertionsArrayLock);
+ assertionsArray->setObject(newAssertion);
+ IOLockUnlock(assertionsArrayLock);
+ newAssertion->release();
+ tabulate();
+ }
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+/* PMAssertionsTracker::createAssertion
+ * createAssertion allocates memory for a new PM assertion, and affects system behavior, if
+ * appropiate.
+ */
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType which,
+ IOPMDriverAssertionLevel level,
+ IOService *serviceID,
+ const char *whoItIs,
+ IOPMDriverAssertionID *outID)
+ OSData *dataStore = NULL;
+ PMAssertStruct track;
+ // Warning: trillions and trillions of created assertions may overflow the unique ID.
+ track.id = OSIncrementAtomic64((SInt64*) &issuingUniqueID);
+ track.level = level;
+ track.assertionBits = which;
+ track.ownerString = whoItIs ? OSSymbol::withCString(whoItIs):NULL;
+ track.ownerService = serviceID;
+ track.registryEntryID = serviceID ? serviceID->getRegistryEntryID():0;
+ track.modifiedTime = 0;
+ pmEventTimeStamp(&track.createdTime);
+ dataStore = OSData::withBytes(&track, sizeof(PMAssertStruct));
+ if (!dataStore) {
+ if (track.ownerString) {
+ track.ownerString->release();
+ }
+ return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+ }
+ *outID = track.id;
+ if (owner && owner->pmPowerStateQueue) {
+ owner->pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(kPowerEventAssertionCreate, (void *)dataStore);
+ }
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+/* PMAssertionsTracker::handleReleaseAssertion
+ * Runs in PM workloop. Do not call directly.
+ */
+ IOPMDriverAssertionID _id)
+ int index;
+ PMAssertStruct *assertStruct = detailsForID(_id, &index);
+ if (!assertStruct) {
+ return kIOReturnNotFound;
+ }
+ IOLockLock(assertionsArrayLock);
+ if (assertStruct->ownerString) {
+ assertStruct->ownerString->release();
+ }
+ assertionsArray->removeObject(index);
+ IOLockUnlock(assertionsArrayLock);
+ tabulate();
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+/* PMAssertionsTracker::releaseAssertion
+ * Releases an assertion and affects system behavior if appropiate.
+ * Actual work happens on PM workloop.
+ */
+ IOPMDriverAssertionID _id)
+ if (owner && owner->pmPowerStateQueue) {
+ owner->pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(kPowerEventAssertionRelease, NULL, _id);
+ }
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+/* PMAssertionsTracker::handleSetAssertionLevel
+ * Runs in PM workloop. Do not call directly.
+ */
+ IOPMDriverAssertionID _id,
+ IOPMDriverAssertionLevel _level)
+ PMAssertStruct *assertStruct = detailsForID(_id, NULL);
+ if (!assertStruct) {
+ return kIOReturnNotFound;
+ }
+ IOLockLock(assertionsArrayLock);
+ pmEventTimeStamp(&assertStruct->modifiedTime);
+ assertStruct->level = _level;
+ IOLockUnlock(assertionsArrayLock);
+ tabulate();
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+/* PMAssertionsTracker::setAssertionLevel
+ */
+ IOPMDriverAssertionID _id,
+ IOPMDriverAssertionLevel _level)
+ if (owner && owner->pmPowerStateQueue) {
+ owner->pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(kPowerEventAssertionSetLevel,
+ (void *)(uintptr_t)_level, _id);
+ }
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+PMAssertionsTracker::handleSetUserAssertionLevels(void * arg0)
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType new_user_levels = *(IOPMDriverAssertionType *) arg0;
+ if (new_user_levels != assertionsUser) {
+ assertionsUser = new_user_levels;
+ DLOG("assertionsUser 0x%llx\n", assertionsUser);
+ }
+ tabulate();
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType new_user_levels)
+ if (gIOPMWorkLoop) {
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(
+ IOWorkLoop::Action,
+ this,
+ &PMAssertionsTracker::handleSetUserAssertionLevels),
+ this,
+ (void *) &new_user_levels, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+OSArray *
+ int count;
+ int i;
+ OSArray *outArray = NULL;
+ if (!assertionsArray ||
+ (0 == (count = assertionsArray->getCount())) ||
+ (NULL == (outArray = OSArray::withCapacity(count)))) {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ PMAssertStruct *_a = NULL;
+ OSData *_d = NULL;
+ OSDictionary *details = NULL;
+ _d = OSDynamicCast(OSData, assertionsArray->getObject(i));
+ if (_d && (_a = (PMAssertStruct *)_d->getBytesNoCopy())) {
+ OSNumber *_n = NULL;
+ details = OSDictionary::withCapacity(7);
+ if (!details) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ outArray->setObject(details);
+ details->release();
+ _n = OSNumber::withNumber(_a->id, 64);
+ if (_n) {
+ details->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionIDKey, _n);
+ _n->release();
+ }
+ _n = OSNumber::withNumber(_a->createdTime, 64);
+ if (_n) {
+ details->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionCreatedTimeKey, _n);
+ _n->release();
+ }
+ _n = OSNumber::withNumber(_a->modifiedTime, 64);
+ if (_n) {
+ details->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionModifiedTimeKey, _n);
+ _n->release();
+ }
+ _n = OSNumber::withNumber((uintptr_t)_a->registryEntryID, 64);
+ if (_n) {
+ details->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionRegistryEntryIDKey, _n);
+ _n->release();
+ }
+ _n = OSNumber::withNumber(_a->level, 64);
+ if (_n) {
+ details->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelKey, _n);
+ _n->release();
+ }
+ _n = OSNumber::withNumber(_a->assertionBits, 64);
+ if (_n) {
+ details->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionAssertedKey, _n);
+ _n->release();
+ }
+ if (_a->ownerString) {
+ details->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionOwnerStringKey, _a->ownerString);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return outArray;
+ return assertionsCombined;
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType type)
+ if (type && ((type & assertionsKernel) == assertionsKernel)) {
+ return kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn;
+ } else {
+ return kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff;
+ }
+static void
+pmEventTimeStamp(uint64_t *recordTS)
+ clock_sec_t tsec;
+ clock_usec_t tusec;
+ if (!recordTS) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // We assume tsec fits into 32 bits; 32 bits holds enough
+ // seconds for 136 years since the epoch in 1970.
+ clock_get_calendar_microtime(&tsec, &tusec);
+ // Pack the sec & microsec calendar time into a uint64_t, for fun.
+ *recordTS = 0;
+ *recordTS |= (uint32_t)tusec;
+ *recordTS |= ((uint64_t)tsec << 32);
-// This array exactly parallels the state array for the root domain.
-// Power state changes initiated by a device can be vetoed by a client of the device, and
-// power state changes initiated by the parent of a device cannot be vetoed by a client of the device,
-// so when the root domain wants a power state change that cannot be vetoed (e.g. demand sleep), it asks
-// its parent to make the change. That is the reason for this complexity.
+ return;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: IORootParent
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+OSDefineMetaClassAndFinalStructors(IORootParent, IOService)
+// The reason that root domain needs a root parent is to facilitate demand
+// sleep, since a power change from the root parent cannot be vetoed.
+// The above statement is no longer true since root domain now performs
+// demand sleep using overrides. But root parent remains to avoid changing
+// the power tree stacking. Root parent is parked at the max power state.
+static IOPMPowerState patriarchPowerStates[2] =
+ {1, 0, ON_POWER, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
+ {1, 0, ON_POWER, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
+IORootParent::initialize( void )
+ gIOPMPSExternalConnectedKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSExternalConnectedKey);
+ gIOPMPSExternalChargeCapableKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSExternalChargeCapableKey);
+ gIOPMPSBatteryInstalledKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSBatteryInstalledKey);
+ gIOPMPSIsChargingKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSIsChargingKey);
+ gIOPMPSAtWarnLevelKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAtWarnLevelKey);
+ gIOPMPSAtCriticalLevelKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAtCriticalLevelKey);
+ gIOPMPSCurrentCapacityKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSCurrentCapacityKey);
+ gIOPMPSMaxCapacityKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSMaxCapacityKey);
+ gIOPMPSDesignCapacityKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSDesignCapacityKey);
+ gIOPMPSTimeRemainingKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSTimeRemainingKey);
+ gIOPMPSAmperageKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAmperageKey);
+ gIOPMPSVoltageKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSVoltageKey);
+ gIOPMPSCycleCountKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSCycleCountKey);
+ gIOPMPSMaxErrKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSMaxErrKey);
+ gIOPMPSAdapterInfoKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAdapterInfoKey);
+ gIOPMPSLocationKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSLocationKey);
+ gIOPMPSErrorConditionKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSErrorConditionKey);
+ gIOPMPSManufacturerKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSManufacturerKey);
+ gIOPMPSManufactureDateKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSManufactureDateKey);
+ gIOPMPSModelKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSModelKey);
+ gIOPMPSSerialKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSSerialKey);
+ gIOPMPSLegacyBatteryInfoKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSLegacyBatteryInfoKey);
+ gIOPMPSBatteryHealthKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSBatteryHealthKey);
+ gIOPMPSHealthConfidenceKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSHealthConfidenceKey);
+ gIOPMPSCapacityEstimatedKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSCapacityEstimatedKey);
+ gIOPMPSBatteryChargeStatusKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSBatteryChargeStatusKey);
+ gIOPMPSBatteryTemperatureKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSBatteryTemperatureKey);
+ gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsKey);
+ gIOPMPSChargerConfigurationKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSChargerConfigurationKey);
+ gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsIDKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsIDKey);
+ gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsWattsKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsWattsKey);
+ gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsRevisionKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsRevisionKey);
+ gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsSerialNumberKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsSerialNumberKey);
+ gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsFamilyKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsFamilyKey);
+ gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsAmperageKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsAmperageKey);
+ gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsDescriptionKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsDescriptionKey);
+ gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsPMUConfigurationKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsPMUConfigurationKey);
+ gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsSourceIDKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsSourceIDKey);
+ gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsErrorFlagsKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsErrorFlagsKey);
+ gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsSharedSourceKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsSharedSourceKey);
+ gIOPMPSAdapterDetailsCloakedKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsCloakedKey);
+ gIOPMPSInvalidWakeSecondsKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSInvalidWakeSecondsKey);
+ gIOPMPSPostChargeWaitSecondsKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSPostChargeWaitSecondsKey);
+ gIOPMPSPostDishargeWaitSecondsKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMPSPostDishargeWaitSecondsKey);
+IORootParent::start( IOService * nub )
+ IOService::start(nub);
+ attachToParent( getRegistryRoot(), gIOPowerPlane );
+ PMinit();
+ registerPowerDriver(this, patriarchPowerStates, 2);
+ makeUsable();
+ return true;
+IORootParent::shutDownSystem( void )
+IORootParent::restartSystem( void )
+IORootParent::sleepSystem( void )
+IORootParent::dozeSystem( void )
+IORootParent::sleepToDoze( void )
+IORootParent::wakeSystem( void )
+OSObject *
+IORootParent::copyProperty( const char * aKey) const
+ return IOService::copyProperty(aKey);
+ if (gSwdSleepWakeTimeout) {
+ gSwdSleepTimeout = gSwdWakeTimeout = gSwdSleepWakeTimeout;
+ }
+ if ((pmTracer->getTracePhase() < kIOPMTracePointSystemSleep) ||
+ (pmTracer->getTracePhase() == kIOPMTracePointDarkWakeEntry)) {
+ return gSwdSleepTimeout ? gSwdSleepTimeout : WATCHDOG_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;
+ } else {
+ return gSwdWakeTimeout ? gSwdWakeTimeout : WATCHDOG_WAKE_TIMEOUT;
+ }
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+ takeStackshot(true);
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugTrig(bool wdogTrigger)
+ takeStackshot(wdogTrigger);
+IOPMrootDomain::tracePhase2String(uint32_t tracePhase, const char **phaseString, const char **description)
+ switch (tracePhase) {
+ case kIOPMTracePointSleepStarted:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointSleepStarted";
+ *description = "starting sleep";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointSleepApplications:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointSleepApplications";
+ *description = "notifying applications";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointSleepPriorityClients:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointSleepPriorityClients";
+ *description = "notifying clients about upcoming system capability changes";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointSleepWillChangeInterests:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointSleepWillChangeInterests";
+ *description = "creating hibernation file or while calling rootDomain's clients about upcoming rootDomain's state changes";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointSleepPowerPlaneDrivers:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointSleepPowerPlaneDrivers";
+ *description = "calling power state change callbacks";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointSleepDidChangeInterests:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointSleepDidChangeInterests";
+ *description = "calling rootDomain's clients about rootDomain's state changes";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointSleepCapabilityClients:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointSleepCapabilityClients";
+ *description = "notifying clients about current system capabilities";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointSleepPlatformActions:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointSleepPlatformActions";
+ *description = "calling Quiesce/Sleep action callbacks";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointSleepCPUs:
+ {
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointSleepCPUs";
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+ /*
+ * We cannot use the getCPUNumber() method to get the cpu number, since
+ * that cpu number is unrelated to the cpu number we need (we need the cpu
+ * number as enumerated by the scheduler, NOT the CPU number enumerated
+ * by ACPIPlatform as the CPUs are enumerated in MADT order).
+ * Instead, pass the Mach processor pointer associated with the current
+ * shutdown target so its associated cpu_id can be used in
+ * processor_to_datastring.
+ */
+ if (currentShutdownTarget != NULL &&
+ currentShutdownTarget->getMachProcessor() != NULL) {
+ const char *sbuf = processor_to_datastring("halting all non-boot CPUs",
+ currentShutdownTarget->getMachProcessor());
+ *description = sbuf;
+ } else {
+ *description = "halting all non-boot CPUs";
+ }
+ *description = "halting all non-boot CPUs";
+ break;
+ }
+ case kIOPMTracePointSleepPlatformDriver:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointSleepPlatformDriver";
+ *description = "executing platform specific code";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointHibernate:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointHibernate";
+ *description = "writing the hibernation image";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointSystemSleep:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointSystemSleep";
+ *description = "in EFI/Bootrom after last point of entry to sleep";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointWakePlatformDriver:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointWakePlatformDriver";
+ *description = "executing platform specific code";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointWakePlatformActions:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointWakePlatformActions";
+ *description = "calling Wake action callbacks";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointWakeCPUs:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointWakeCPUs";
+ *description = "starting non-boot CPUs";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointWakeWillPowerOnClients:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointWakeWillPowerOnClients";
+ *description = "sending kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn message to kernel and userspace clients";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointWakeWillChangeInterests:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointWakeWillChangeInterests";
+ *description = "calling rootDomain's clients about upcoming rootDomain's state changes";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointWakeDidChangeInterests:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointWakeDidChangeInterests";
+ *description = "calling rootDomain's clients about completed rootDomain's state changes";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointWakePowerPlaneDrivers:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointWakePowerPlaneDrivers";
+ *description = "calling power state change callbacks";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointWakeCapabilityClients:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointWakeCapabilityClients";
+ *description = "informing clients about current system capabilities";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointWakeApplications:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointWakeApplications";
+ *description = "sending asynchronous kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn message to userspace clients";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointDarkWakeEntry:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointDarkWakeEntry";
+ *description = "entering darkwake on way to sleep";
+ break;
+ case kIOPMTracePointDarkWakeExit:
+ *phaseString = "kIOPMTracePointDarkWakeExit";
+ *description = "entering fullwake from darkwake";
+ break;
+ default:
+ *phaseString = NULL;
+ *description = NULL;
+ }
+ unsigned int len = 0;
+ char failureStr[512];
+ errno_t error;
+ char *outbuf;
+ OSNumber *statusCode;
+ uint64_t pmStatusCode = 0;
+ uint32_t phaseData = 0;
+ uint32_t phaseDetail = 0;
+ bool efiFailure = false;
+ statusCode = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, getProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeFailureCodeKey));
+ if (statusCode) {
+ pmStatusCode = statusCode->unsigned64BitValue();
+ phaseData = pmStatusCode & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ phaseDetail = (pmStatusCode >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ if ((phaseData & 0xFF) == kIOPMTracePointSystemSleep) {
+ LOG("Sleep Wake failure in EFI\n");
+ efiFailure = true;
+ failureStr[0] = 0;
+ snprintf(failureStr, sizeof(failureStr), "Sleep Wake failure in EFI\n\nFailure code:: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n\nPlease IGNORE the below stackshot\n", phaseDetail, phaseData);
+ len = strlen(failureStr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!efiFailure) {
+ if (PEReadNVRAMProperty(kIOSleepWakeFailurePanic, NULL, &len)) {
+ swd_flags |= SWD_BOOT_BY_SW_WDOG;
+ PERemoveNVRAMProperty(kIOSleepWakeFailurePanic);
+ // dump panic will handle saving nvram data
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Keeping this around for capturing data during power
+ * button press */
+ if (!PEReadNVRAMProperty(kIOSleepWakeFailureString, NULL, &len)) {
+ DLOG("No sleep wake failure string\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (len == 0) {
+ DLOG("Ignoring zero byte SleepWake failure string\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ // if PMStatus code is zero, delete stackshot and return
+ if (statusCode) {
+ if (((pmStatusCode & 0xFFFFFFFF) & 0xFF) == 0) {
+ // there was no sleep wake failure
+ // this can happen if delete stackshot was called
+ // before take stackshot completed. Let us delete any
+ // sleep wake failure data in nvram
+ DLOG("Deleting stackshot on successful wake\n");
+ deleteStackshot();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (len > sizeof(failureStr)) {
+ len = sizeof(failureStr);
+ }
+ failureStr[0] = 0;
+ PEReadNVRAMProperty(kIOSleepWakeFailureString, failureStr, &len);
+ }
+ if (failureStr[0] != 0) {
+ error = sleepWakeDebugSaveFile(kSleepWakeFailureStringFile, failureStr, len);
+ if (error) {
+ DLOG("Failed to save SleepWake failure string to file. error:%d\n", error);
+ } else {
+ DLOG("Saved SleepWake failure string to file.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gRootDomain->swd_lock)) {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (swd_buffer) {
+ unsigned int len = 0;
+ errno_t error;
+ char nvram_var_name_buffer[20];
+ unsigned int concat_len = 0;
+ swd_hdr *hdr = NULL;
+ hdr = (swd_hdr *)swd_buffer;
+ outbuf = (char *)hdr + hdr->spindump_offset;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ snprintf(nvram_var_name_buffer, 20, "%s%02d", SWD_STACKSHOT_VAR_PREFIX, i + 1);
+ if (!PEReadNVRAMProperty(nvram_var_name_buffer, NULL, &len)) {
+ LOG("No SleepWake blob to read beyond chunk %d\n", i);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (PEReadNVRAMProperty(nvram_var_name_buffer, outbuf + concat_len, &len) == FALSE) {
+ PERemoveNVRAMProperty(nvram_var_name_buffer);
+ LOG("Could not read the property :-(\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ PERemoveNVRAMProperty(nvram_var_name_buffer);
+ concat_len += len;
+ }
+ LOG("Concatenated length for the SWD blob %d\n", concat_len);
+ if (concat_len) {
+ error = sleepWakeDebugSaveFile(kSleepWakeStacksFilename, outbuf, concat_len);
+ if (error) {
+ LOG("Failed to save SleepWake zipped data to file. error:%d\n", error);
+ } else {
+ LOG("Saved SleepWake zipped data to file.\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ // There is a sleep wake failure string but no stackshot
+ // Write a placeholder stacks file so that swd runs
+ snprintf(outbuf, 20, "%s", "No stackshot data\n");
+ error = sleepWakeDebugSaveFile(kSleepWakeStacksFilename, outbuf, 20);
+ if (error) {
+ LOG("Failed to save SleepWake zipped data to file. error:%d\n", error);
+ } else {
+ LOG("Saved SleepWake zipped data to file.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ LOG("No buffer allocated to save failure stackshot\n");
+ }
+ gRootDomain->swd_lock = 0;
+ PERemoveNVRAMProperty(kIOSleepWakeFailureString);
+ return;
-static IOPMPowerState patriarchPowerStates[number_of_power_states] = {
- {1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // off
- {1,0,RESTART_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // reset
- {1,0,SLEEP_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // sleep
- {1,0,DOZE_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // doze
- {1,0,ON_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} // running
+IOPMrootDomain::getFailureData(thread_t *thread, char *failureStr, size_t strLen)
+ IORegistryIterator * iter;
+ IORegistryEntry * entry;
+ IOService * node;
+ bool nodeFound = false;
+ const void * callMethod = NULL;
+ const char * objectName = NULL;
+ uint32_t timeout = getWatchdogTimeout();
+ const char * phaseString = NULL;
+ const char * phaseDescription = NULL;
+ IOPMServiceInterestNotifier *notifier = OSDynamicCast(IOPMServiceInterestNotifier, notifierObject);
+ uint32_t tracePhase = pmTracer->getTracePhase();
+ *thread = NULL;
+ if ((tracePhase < kIOPMTracePointSystemSleep) || (tracePhase == kIOPMTracePointDarkWakeEntry)) {
+ snprintf(failureStr, strLen, "%sSleep transition timed out after %d seconds", failureStr, timeout);
+ } else {
+ snprintf(failureStr, strLen, "%sWake transition timed out after %d seconds", failureStr, timeout);
+ }
+ tracePhase2String(tracePhase, &phaseString, &phaseDescription);
+ if (notifierThread) {
+ if (notifier && (notifier->identifier)) {
+ objectName = notifier->identifier->getCStringNoCopy();
+ }
+ *thread = notifierThread;
+ } else {
+ iter = IORegistryIterator::iterateOver(
+ getPMRootDomain(), gIOPowerPlane, kIORegistryIterateRecursively);
+ if (iter) {
+ while ((entry = iter->getNextObject())) {
+ node = OSDynamicCast(IOService, entry);
+ if (!node) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection, node)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (node->getBlockingDriverCall(thread, &callMethod)) {
+ nodeFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ iter->release();
+ }
+ if (nodeFound) {
+ OSKext *kext = OSKext::lookupKextWithAddress((vm_address_t)callMethod);
+ if (kext) {
+ objectName = kext->getIdentifierCString();
+ kext->release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (phaseDescription) {
+ snprintf(failureStr, strLen, "%s while %s.", failureStr, phaseDescription);
+ }
+ if (objectName) {
+ snprintf(failureStr, strLen, "%s Suspected bundle: %s.", failureStr, objectName);
+ }
+ if (*thread) {
+ snprintf(failureStr, strLen, "%s Thread 0x%llx.", failureStr, thread_tid(*thread));
+ }
+ DLOG("%s\n", failureStr);
+struct swd_stackshot_compressed_data {
+ z_output_func zoutput;
+ size_t zipped;
+ uint64_t totalbytes;
+ uint64_t lastpercent;
+ IOReturn error;
+ unsigned outremain;
+ unsigned outlen;
+ unsigned writes;
+ Bytef * outbuf;
+struct swd_stackshot_compressed_data swd_zip_var = { };
+static void *
+swd_zs_alloc(void *__unused ref, u_int items, u_int size)
+ void *result;
+ LOG("Alloc in zipping %d items of size %d\n", items, size);
+ result = (void *)(swd_zs_zmem + swd_zs_zoffset);
+ swd_zs_zoffset += ~31L & (31 + (items * size)); // 32b align for vector crc
+ LOG("Offset %zu\n", swd_zs_zoffset);
+ return result;
-bool IORootParent::start ( IOService * nub )
+static int
+swd_zinput(z_streamp strm, Bytef *buf, unsigned size)
+ unsigned len;
+ len = strm->avail_in;
+ if (len > size) {
+ len = size;
+ }
+ if (len == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (strm->next_in != (Bytef *) strm) {
+ memcpy(buf, strm->next_in, len);
+ } else {
+ bzero(buf, len);
+ }
+ strm->adler = z_crc32(strm->adler, buf, len);
+ strm->avail_in -= len;
+ strm->next_in += len;
+ strm->total_in += len;
+ return (int)len;
+static int
+swd_zoutput(z_streamp strm, Bytef *buf, unsigned len)
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ // if outlen > max size don't add to the buffer
+ if (strm && buf) {
+ if (swd_zip_var.outlen + len > SWD_COMPRESSED_BUFSIZE) {
+ LOG("No space to GZIP... not writing to NVRAM\n");
+ return len;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ *(swd_zip_var.outbuf + swd_zip_var.outlen + i) = *(buf + i);
+ }
+ swd_zip_var.outlen += len;
+ return len;
+static void
+swd_zs_free(void * __unused ref, void * __unused ptr)
- mostRecentChange = ON_STATE;
- super::start(nub);
- PMinit();
- registerPowerDriver(this,patriarchPowerStates,number_of_power_states);
- powerOverrideOnPriv();
- return true;
+static int
+swd_compress(char *inPtr, char *outPtr, size_t numBytes)
+ int wbits = 12;
+ int memlevel = 3;
+ if (!swd_zs.zalloc) {
+ swd_zs.zalloc = swd_zs_alloc;
+ swd_zs.zfree = swd_zs_free;
+ if (deflateInit2(&swd_zs, Z_BEST_SPEED, Z_DEFLATED, wbits + 16, memlevel, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY)) {
+ // allocation failed
+ bzero(&swd_zs, sizeof(swd_zs));
+ // swd_zs_zoffset = 0;
+ } else {
+ LOG("PMRD inited the zlib allocation routines\n");
+ }
+ }
+ swd_zip_var.zipped = 0;
+ swd_zip_var.totalbytes = 0; // should this be the max that we have?
+ swd_zip_var.lastpercent = 0;
+ swd_zip_var.error = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ swd_zip_var.outremain = 0;
+ swd_zip_var.outlen = 0;
+ swd_zip_var.writes = 0;
+ swd_zip_var.outbuf = (Bytef *)outPtr;
+ swd_zip_var.totalbytes = numBytes;
+ swd_zs.avail_in = 0;
+ swd_zs.next_in = NULL;
+ swd_zs.avail_out = 0;
+ swd_zs.next_out = NULL;
+ deflateResetWithIO(&swd_zs, swd_zinput, swd_zoutput);
+ z_stream *zs;
+ int zr;
+ zs = &swd_zs;
+ zr = Z_OK;
+ while (swd_zip_var.error >= 0) {
+ if (!zs->avail_in) {
+ zs->next_in = (unsigned char *)inPtr ? (Bytef *)inPtr : (Bytef *)zs; /* zero marker? */
+ zs->avail_in = numBytes;
+ }
+ if (!zs->avail_out) {
+ zs->next_out = (Bytef *)zs;
+ zs->avail_out = UINT32_MAX;
+ }
+ zr = deflate(zs, Z_NO_FLUSH);
+ if (Z_STREAM_END == zr) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (zr != Z_OK) {
+ LOG("ZERR %d\n", zr);
+ swd_zip_var.error = zr;
+ } else {
+ if (zs->total_in == numBytes) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ zr = Z_OK;
+ //now flush the stream
+ while (swd_zip_var.error >= 0) {
+ if (!zs->avail_out) {
+ zs->next_out = (Bytef *)zs;
+ zs->avail_out = UINT32_MAX;
+ }
+ zr = deflate(zs, Z_FINISH);
+ if (Z_STREAM_END == zr) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (zr != Z_OK) {
+ LOG("ZERR %d\n", zr);
+ swd_zip_var.error = zr;
+ } else {
+ if (zs->total_in == numBytes) {
+ LOG("Total output size %d\n", swd_zip_var.outlen);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return swd_zip_var.outlen;
-void IORootParent::shutDownSystem ( void )
+ if (!OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gRootDomain->swd_lock)) {
+ // takeStackshot hasn't completed
+ return;
+ }
+ LOG("Deleting any sleepwake failure data in nvram\n");
+ PERemoveNVRAMProperty(kIOSleepWakeFailureString);
+ char nvram_var_name_buf[20];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ snprintf(nvram_var_name_buf, 20, "%s%02d", SWD_STACKSHOT_VAR_PREFIX, i + 1);
+ if (PERemoveNVRAMProperty(nvram_var_name_buf) == false) {
+ LOG("Removing %s returned false\n", nvram_var_name_buf);
+ }
+ }
+ // force NVRAM sync
+ if (PEWriteNVRAMProperty(kIONVRAMSyncNowPropertyKey, kIONVRAMSyncNowPropertyKey, strlen(kIONVRAMSyncNowPropertyKey)) == false) {
+ DLOG("Failed to force nvram sync\n");
+ }
+ gRootDomain->swd_lock = 0;
+IOPMrootDomain::takeStackshot(bool wdogTrigger)
- mostRecentChange = OFF_STATE;
- changePowerStateToPriv(OFF_STATE);
+ swd_hdr * hdr = NULL;
+ int cnt = 0;
+ int max_cnt = 2;
+ pid_t pid = 0;
+ kern_return_t kr = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ uint32_t flags;
+ char * dstAddr;
+ uint32_t size;
+ uint32_t bytesRemaining;
+ unsigned bytesWritten = 0;
+ char failureStr[512];
+ thread_t thread = NULL;
+ const char * swfPanic = "swfPanic";
+ uint32_t bufSize;
+ int success = 0;
+ if (!OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gRootDomain->swd_lock)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ failureStr[0] = 0;
+ if ((kIOSleepWakeWdogOff & gIOKitDebug) || systemBooting || systemShutdown || gWillShutdown) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (wdogTrigger) {
+ getFailureData(&thread, failureStr, sizeof(failureStr));
+ if (PEGetCoprocessorVersion() >= kCoprocessorVersion2) {
+ goto skip_stackshot;
+ }
+ } else {
+ AbsoluteTime now;
+ uint64_t nsec;
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &gIOLastWakeAbsTime);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(now, &nsec);
+ snprintf(failureStr, sizeof(failureStr), "%sPower button pressed during wake transition after %u ms.\n", failureStr, ((int)((nsec) / NSEC_PER_MSEC)));
+ }
+ if (swd_buffer == NULL) {
+ sleepWakeDebugMemAlloc();
+ if (swd_buffer == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ hdr = (swd_hdr *)swd_buffer;
+ bufSize = hdr->alloc_size;;
+ dstAddr = (char*)hdr + hdr->spindump_offset;
+ /* If not wdogTrigger only take kernel tasks stackshot
+ */
+ if (wdogTrigger) {
+ pid = -1;
+ } else {
+ pid = 0;
+ }
+ /* Attempt to take stackshot with all ACTIVE_KERNEL_THREADS
+ * If we run out of space, take stackshot with only kernel task
+ */
+ while (success == 0 && cnt < max_cnt) {
+ bytesRemaining = bufSize - hdr->spindump_offset;
+ cnt++;
+ DLOG("Taking snapshot. bytesRemaining: %d\n", bytesRemaining);
+ size = bytesRemaining;
+ kr = stack_snapshot_from_kernel(pid, dstAddr, size, flags, 0, &bytesWritten);
+ DLOG("stack_snapshot_from_kernel returned 0x%x. pid: %d bufsize:0x%x flags:0x%x bytesWritten: %d\n",
+ kr, pid, size, flags, bytesWritten);
+ if (pid == -1) {
+ pid = 0;
+ } else {
+ LOG("Insufficient buffer size for only kernel task\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ if (bytesWritten == 0) {
+ MSG("Failed to get stackshot(0x%x) bufsize:0x%x flags:0x%x\n", kr, size, flags);
+ continue;
+ }
+ bytesRemaining -= bytesWritten;
+ hdr->spindump_size = (bufSize - bytesRemaining - hdr->spindump_offset);
+ memset(hdr->reason, 0x20, sizeof(hdr->reason));
+ // Compress stackshot and save to NVRAM
+ {
+ char *outbuf = (char *)swd_compressed_buffer;
+ int outlen = 0;
+ int num_chunks = 0;
+ int max_chunks = 0;
+ int leftover = 0;
+ char nvram_var_name_buffer[20];
+ outlen = swd_compress((char*)hdr + hdr->spindump_offset, outbuf, bytesWritten);
+ if (outlen) {
+ max_chunks = outlen / (2096 - 200);
+ leftover = outlen % (2096 - 200);
+ if (max_chunks < 8) {
+ for (num_chunks = 0; num_chunks < max_chunks; num_chunks++) {
+ snprintf(nvram_var_name_buffer, 20, "%s%02d", SWD_STACKSHOT_VAR_PREFIX, num_chunks + 1);
+ if (PEWriteNVRAMPropertyWithCopy(nvram_var_name_buffer, (outbuf + (num_chunks * (2096 - 200))), (2096 - 200)) == FALSE) {
+ LOG("Failed to update NVRAM %d\n", num_chunks);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (leftover) {
+ snprintf(nvram_var_name_buffer, 20, "%s%02d", SWD_STACKSHOT_VAR_PREFIX, num_chunks + 1);
+ if (PEWriteNVRAMPropertyWithCopy(nvram_var_name_buffer, (outbuf + (num_chunks * (2096 - 200))), leftover) == FALSE) {
+ LOG("Failed to update NVRAM with leftovers\n");
+ }
+ }
+ success = 1;
+ LOG("Successfully saved stackshot to NVRAM\n");
+ } else {
+ LOG("Compressed failure stackshot is too large. size=%d bytes\n", outlen);
+ if (pid == -1) {
+ pid = 0;
+ } else {
+ LOG("Compressed failure stackshot of only kernel is too large size=%d bytes\n", outlen);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (failureStr[0]) {
+ // append sleep-wake failure code
+ snprintf(failureStr, sizeof(failureStr), "%s\nFailure code:: 0x%08x %08x\n",
+ failureStr, pmTracer->getTraceData(), pmTracer->getTracePhase());
+ if (PEWriteNVRAMProperty(kIOSleepWakeFailureString, failureStr, strlen(failureStr)) == false) {
+ DLOG("Failed to write SleepWake failure string\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // force NVRAM sync
+ if (PEWriteNVRAMProperty(kIONVRAMSyncNowPropertyKey, kIONVRAMSyncNowPropertyKey, strlen(kIONVRAMSyncNowPropertyKey)) == false) {
+ DLOG("Failed to force nvram sync\n");
+ }
+ if (wdogTrigger) {
+ if (PEGetCoprocessorVersion() < kCoprocessorVersion2) {
+ if (swd_flags & SWD_BOOT_BY_SW_WDOG) {
+ // If current boot is due to this watch dog trigger restart in previous boot,
+ // then don't trigger again until at least 1 successful sleep & wake.
+ if (!(sleepCnt && (displayWakeCnt || darkWakeCnt))) {
+ LOG("Shutting down due to repeated Sleep/Wake failures\n");
+ if (!tasksSuspended) {
+ tasksSuspended = TRUE;
+ updateTasksSuspend();
+ }
+ PEHaltRestart(kPEHaltCPU);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gSwdPanic == 0) {
+ LOG("Calling panic prevented by swd_panic boot-args. Calling restart");
+ if (!tasksSuspended) {
+ tasksSuspended = TRUE;
+ updateTasksSuspend();
+ }
+ PEHaltRestart(kPERestartCPU);
+ }
+ }
+ if (PEWriteNVRAMProperty(kIOSleepWakeFailurePanic, swfPanic, strlen(swfPanic)) == false) {
+ DLOG("Failed to write SleepWake failure panic key\n");
+ }
+ if (thread) {
+ panic_with_thread_context(0, NULL, DEBUGGER_OPTION_ATTEMPTCOREDUMPANDREBOOT, thread, "%s", failureStr);
+ } else {
+ panic_with_options(0, NULL, DEBUGGER_OPTION_ATTEMPTCOREDUMPANDREBOOT, "%s", failureStr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ gRootDomain->swd_lock = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ swd_hdr *hdr = NULL;
+ void *bufPtr = NULL;
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *memDesc = NULL;
+ if (kIOSleepWakeWdogOff & gIOKitDebug) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gRootDomain->swd_lock)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ memDesc = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(
+ kernel_task, kIODirectionIn | kIOMemoryMapperNone,
+ size);
+ if (memDesc == NULL) {
+ DLOG("Failed to allocate Memory descriptor for sleepWake debug\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ bufPtr = memDesc->getBytesNoCopy();
+ // Carve out memory for zlib routines
+ swd_zs_zmem = (vm_offset_t)bufPtr;
+ bufPtr = (char *)bufPtr + SWD_ZLIB_BUFSIZE;
-void IORootParent::restartSystem ( void )
+ // Carve out memory for compressed stackshots
+ swd_compressed_buffer = bufPtr;
+ bufPtr = (char *)bufPtr + SWD_COMPRESSED_BUFSIZE;
+ // Remaining is used for holding stackshot
+ hdr = (swd_hdr *)bufPtr;
+ memset(hdr, 0, sizeof(swd_hdr));
+ hdr->signature = SWD_HDR_SIGNATURE;
+ hdr->alloc_size = SWD_STACKSHOT_SIZE;
+ hdr->spindump_offset = sizeof(swd_hdr);
+ swd_buffer = (void *)hdr;
+ swd_memDesc = memDesc;
+ DLOG("SleepWake debug buffer size:0x%x spindump offset:0x%x\n", hdr->alloc_size, hdr->spindump_offset);
+ gRootDomain->swd_lock = 0;
- mostRecentChange = RESTART_STATE;
- changePowerStateToPriv(RESTART_STATE);
+ vm_size_t size = SWD_SPINDUMP_SIZE;
+ swd_hdr *hdr = NULL;
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *memDesc = NULL;
+ if (!OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gRootDomain->swd_lock)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ memDesc = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(
+ kernel_task, kIODirectionIn | kIOMemoryMapperNone,
+ if (memDesc == NULL) {
+ DLOG("Failed to allocate Memory descriptor for sleepWake debug spindump\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ hdr = (swd_hdr *)memDesc->getBytesNoCopy();
+ memset(hdr, 0, sizeof(swd_hdr));
+ hdr->signature = SWD_HDR_SIGNATURE;
+ hdr->alloc_size = size;
+ hdr->spindump_offset = sizeof(swd_hdr);
+ swd_spindump_buffer = (void *)hdr;
+ gRootDomain->swd_lock = 0;
-void IORootParent::sleepSystem ( void )
- mostRecentChange = SLEEP_STATE;
- changePowerStateToPriv(SLEEP_STATE);
+ return !systemBooting && !systemShutdown && !gWillShutdown;
+ swd_hdr *hdr = NULL;
+ errno_t error = EIO;
+ if (swd_spindump_buffer && gSpinDumpBufferFull) {
+ hdr = (swd_hdr *)swd_spindump_buffer;
+ error = sleepWakeDebugSaveFile("/var/tmp/SleepWakeDelayStacks.dump",
+ (char*)hdr + hdr->spindump_offset, hdr->spindump_size);
+ if (error) {
+ return;
+ }
+ sleepWakeDebugSaveFile("/var/tmp/SleepWakeDelayLog.dump",
+ (char*)hdr + offsetof(swd_hdr, UUID),
+ sizeof(swd_hdr) - offsetof(swd_hdr, UUID));
+ gSpinDumpBufferFull = false;
+ }
-void IORootParent::dozeSystem ( void )
+IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugSaveFile(const char *name, char *buf, int len)
- mostRecentChange = DOZE_STATE;
- changePowerStateToPriv(DOZE_STATE);
+ struct vnode *vp = NULL;
+ vfs_context_t ctx = vfs_context_create(vfs_context_current());
+ kauth_cred_t cred = vfs_context_ucred(ctx);
+ struct vnode_attr va;
+ errno_t error = EIO;
+ if (vnode_open(name, (O_CREAT | FWRITE | O_NOFOLLOW),
+ LOG("Failed to open the file %s\n", name);
+ swd_flags |= SWD_FILEOP_ERROR;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ VATTR_INIT(&va);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_nlink);
+ /* Don't dump to non-regular files or files with links. */
+ if (vp->v_type != VREG ||
+ vnode_getattr(vp, &va, ctx) || va.va_nlink != 1) {
+ LOG("Bailing as this is not a regular file\n");
+ swd_flags |= SWD_FILEOP_ERROR;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ VATTR_INIT(&va);
+ VATTR_SET(&va, va_data_size, 0);
+ vnode_setattr(vp, &va, ctx);
+ if (buf != NULL) {
+ error = vn_rdwr(UIO_WRITE, vp, buf, len, 0,
+ UIO_SYSSPACE, IO_NODELOCKED | IO_UNIT, cred, (int *) NULL, vfs_context_proc(ctx));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ LOG("Failed to save sleep wake log. err 0x%x\n", error);
+ swd_flags |= SWD_FILEOP_ERROR;
+ } else {
+ DLOG("Saved %d bytes to file %s\n", len, name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (vp) {
+ vnode_close(vp, FWRITE, ctx);
+ }
+ if (ctx) {
+ vfs_context_rele(ctx);
+ }
+ return error;
-// Called in demand sleep when sleep discovered to be impossible after actually attaining that state.
-// This brings the parent to doze, which allows the root to step up from sleep to doze.
-// In idle sleep, do nothing because the parent is still on and the root can freely change state.
+IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugTrig(bool restart)
+ if (restart) {
+ if (gSwdPanic == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ panic("Sleep/Wake hang detected");
+ return;
+ }
+IOPMrootDomain::takeStackshot(bool restart)
+#pragma unused(restart)
-void IORootParent::sleepToDoze ( void )
- if ( mostRecentChange == SLEEP_STATE ) {
- changePowerStateToPriv(DOZE_STATE);
- }
+ return false;
-void IORootParent::wakeSystem ( void )
+IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugSaveFile(const char *name, char *buf, int len)
- mostRecentChange = ON_STATE;
- changePowerStateToPriv(ON_STATE);
+ return 0;