- * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
#define kIORegPlaneChildSuffix "ChildLinks"
#define kIORegPlaneNameSuffix "Name"
#define kIORegPlaneLocationSuffix "Location"
#define kIORegPlaneParentSuffixLen (sizeof(kIORegPlaneParentSuffix) - 1)
+#define kIORegPlaneChildSuffixLen (sizeof(kIORegPlaneChildSuffix) - 1)
+#define kIORegPlaneNameSuffixLen (sizeof(kIORegPlaneNameSuffix) - 1)
+#define kIORegPlaneLocationSuffixLen (sizeof(kIORegPlaneLocationSuffix) - 1)
static IORegistryEntry * gRegistryRoot;
static OSDictionary * gIORegistryPlanes;
const OSSymbol * gIONameKey;
const OSSymbol * gIOLocationKey;
+const OSSymbol * gIORegistryEntryIDKey;
enum {
kParentSetIndex = 0,
kIOMaxPlaneName = 32
+enum { kIORegistryIDReserved = (1ULL << 32) + 255 };
+static uint64_t gIORegistryLastID = kIORegistryIDReserved;
class IORegistryPlane : public OSObject {
friend class IORegistryEntry;
&& gIORegistryPlanes );
ok = gRegistryRoot->init();
+ if (ok)
+ gRegistryRoot->reserved->fRegistryEntryID = ++gIORegistryLastID;
gIONameKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "IOName" );
gIOLocationKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "IOLocation" );
+ gIORegistryEntryIDKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIORegistryEntryIDKey );
assert( ok && gIONameKey && gIOLocationKey );
char key[ kIOMaxPlaneName + 16 ];
char * end;
- strncpy( key, name, kIOMaxPlaneName );
- key[ kIOMaxPlaneName ] = 0;
- end = key + strlen( name );
+ strlcpy( key, name, kIOMaxPlaneName + 1 );
+ end = key + strlen( key );
nameKey = OSSymbol::withCString( key);
- strcpy( end, kIORegPlaneParentSuffix );
+ strlcpy( end, kIORegPlaneParentSuffix, kIORegPlaneParentSuffixLen + 1 );
parentKey = OSSymbol::withCString( key);
- strcpy( end, kIORegPlaneChildSuffix );
+ strlcpy( end, kIORegPlaneChildSuffix, kIORegPlaneChildSuffixLen + 1 );
childKey = OSSymbol::withCString( key);
- strcpy( end, kIORegPlaneNameSuffix );
+ strlcpy( end, kIORegPlaneNameSuffix, kIORegPlaneNameSuffixLen + 1 );
pathNameKey = OSSymbol::withCString( key);
- strcpy( end, kIORegPlaneLocationSuffix );
+ strlcpy( end, kIORegPlaneLocationSuffix, kIORegPlaneLocationSuffixLen + 1 );
pathLocationKey = OSSymbol::withCString( key);
plane = new IORegistryPlane;
if( !super::init())
return( false);
+ if (!reserved)
+ {
+ reserved = IONew(ExpansionData, 1);
+ if (!reserved)
+ return (false);
+ bzero(reserved, sizeof(ExpansionData));
+ }
if( dict) {
- dict->retain();
+ if (OSCollection::kImmutable & dict->setOptions(0, 0)) {
+ dict = (OSDictionary *) dict->copyCollection();
+ if (!dict)
+ return (false);
+ } else
+ dict->retain();
if( fPropertyTable)
fPropertyTable = dict;
+ reserved = old->reserved;
+ old->reserved = NULL;
fPropertyTable = old->getPropertyTable();
fRegistryTable = old->fRegistryTable;
- old->fRegistryTable = OSDictionary::withDictionary( fRegistryTable );
+ old->fRegistryTable = (OSDictionary *) fRegistryTable->copyCollection();
old->registryTable()->removeObject( plane->keys[ kParentSetIndex ] );
void IORegistryEntry::free( void )
-#define msg ": attached at free()"
- char buf[ strlen(msg) + 40 ];
if( registryTable() && gIOServicePlane) {
if( getParentSetReference( gIOServicePlane )
|| getChildSetReference( gIOServicePlane )) {
- strncpy( buf, getName(), 32);
- buf[32] = 0;
- strcat( buf, msg );
- IOPanic( buf );
+ panic("%s: attached at free()", getName());
+ if (reserved)
+ IODelete(reserved, ExpansionData, 1);
+extern "C" {
+bool ScanForAddrInObject(OSObject * theObject,
+ int indent);
+}; /* extern "C" */
IORegistryEntry::setProperty( const OSSymbol * aKey, OSObject * anObject)
ret = getPropertyTable()->setObject( aKey, anObject );
+ if ( anObject && strcmp(kIOKitDiagnosticsKey, aKey->getCStringNoCopy()) != 0 ) {
+ if (ScanForAddrInObject(anObject, 0)) {
+ IOLog("%s: IORegistryEntry name %s with key \"%s\" \n",
+ getName(0),
+ aKey->getCStringNoCopy() );
+ }
+ }
return ret;
OSArray * stack;
IORegistryEntry * root;
const IORegistryEntry * entry;
- IORegistryEntry * parent;
+ const IORegistryEntry * parent;
const OSSymbol * alias;
int index;
- int len, maxLength, compLen;
+ int len, maxLength, compLen, aliasLen;
char * nextComp;
bool ok;
len = plane->nameKey->getLength();
if( len >= maxLength)
return( false);
- strcpy( nextComp, plane->nameKey->getCStringNoCopy());
+ strlcpy( nextComp, plane->nameKey->getCStringNoCopy(), len + 1);
nextComp[ len++ ] = ':';
nextComp += len;
if( (alias = hasAlias( plane ))) {
- len += alias->getLength();
+ aliasLen = alias->getLength();
+ len += aliasLen;
ok = (maxLength > len);
*length = len;
if( ok)
- strcpy( nextComp, alias->getCStringNoCopy());
+ strlcpy( nextComp, alias->getCStringNoCopy(), aliasLen + 1);
return( ok );
- entry = this;
- parent = entry->getParentEntry( plane );
- if( !parent)
- // Error if not attached in plane
- return( false);
stack = OSArray::withCapacity( getDepth( plane ));
- if( !stack)
- return( false);
+ if (!stack) return( false);
+ parent = entry = this;
root = gRegistryRoot->getChildEntry( plane );
- while( parent && (entry != root)) {
+ while (parent && (parent != root))
+ {
// stop below root
- stack->setObject( (OSObject *) entry );
entry = parent;
parent = entry->getParentEntry( plane );
+ stack->setObject( (OSObject *) entry );
- index = stack->getCount();
- ok = true;
- if( 0 == index) {
- *nextComp++ = '/';
- *nextComp = 0;
- len++;
- } else while( ok && ((--index) >= 0)) {
- entry = (IORegistryEntry *) stack->getObject((unsigned int) index );
- assert( entry );
- if( (alias = entry->hasAlias( plane ))) {
- len = plane->nameKey->getLength() + 1;
- nextComp = path + len;
- compLen = alias->getLength();
- ok = (maxLength > len + compLen);
- if( ok)
- strcpy( nextComp, alias->getCStringNoCopy());
- } else {
- compLen = maxLength - len;
- ok = entry->getPathComponent( nextComp + 1, &compLen, plane );
- if( ok && compLen) {
- compLen++;
- *nextComp = '/';
+ ok = (0 != parent);
+ if (ok)
+ {
+ index = stack->getCount();
+ if( 0 == index) {
+ *nextComp++ = '/';
+ *nextComp = 0;
+ len++;
+ } else while( ok && ((--index) >= 0)) {
+ entry = (IORegistryEntry *) stack->getObject((unsigned int) index );
+ assert( entry );
+ if( (alias = entry->hasAlias( plane ))) {
+ len = plane->nameKey->getLength() + 1;
+ nextComp = path + len;
+ compLen = alias->getLength();
+ ok = (maxLength > (len + compLen));
+ if( ok)
+ strlcpy( nextComp, alias->getCStringNoCopy(), compLen + 1);
+ } else {
+ compLen = maxLength - len;
+ ok = entry->getPathComponent( nextComp + 1, &compLen, plane );
+ if( ok && compLen) {
+ compLen++;
+ *nextComp = '/';
+ }
- }
- if( ok) {
- len += compLen;
- nextComp += compLen;
+ if( ok) {
+ len += compLen;
+ nextComp += compLen;
+ }
+ *length = len;
- *length = len;
return( ok );
locLen = 0;
- ok = ((len + locLen) < maxLength);
+ ok = ((len + locLen + 1) < maxLength);
if( ok) {
- strcpy( path, compName );
+ strlcpy( path, compName, len + 1 );
if( loc) {
path += len;
len += locLen;
*path++ = '@';
- strcpy( path, loc );
+ strlcpy( path, loc, locLen );
*length = len;
if( (end - path) < kIOMaxPlaneName) {
- strncpy( temp, path, end - path );
- temp[ end - path ] = 0;
+ strlcpy( temp, path, end - path + 1 );
entry = IORegistryEntry::fromPath( "/aliases", plane );
// get plane name
end = strchr( path, ':' );
if( end && ((end - path) < kIOMaxPlaneName)) {
- strncpy( temp, path, end - path );
- temp[ end - path ] = 0;
+ strlcpy( temp, path, end - path + 1 );
plane = getPlane( temp );
path = end + 1;
if( opath && length) {
// copy out residual path
- len2 = len + strlen( path );
- if( len2 < *length)
- strcpy( opath + len, path );
- *length = len2;
+ len2 = strlen( path );
+ if( (len + len2) < *length)
+ strlcpy( opath + len, path, len2 + 1 );
+ *length = (len + len2);
} else if( path[0])
// no residual path => must be no tail for success
const OSSymbol *key;
while( (key = (OSSymbol *) iter->getNextObject()) ) {
- const char *keysuffix;
+ size_t keysuffix;
// Get a pointer to this keys suffix
- keysuffix = key->getCStringNoCopy()
- + key->getLength() - kIORegPlaneParentSuffixLen;
- if( !strcmp(keysuffix, kIORegPlaneParentSuffix) ) {
+ keysuffix = key->getLength();
+ if (keysuffix <= kIORegPlaneParentSuffixLen)
+ continue;
+ keysuffix -= kIORegPlaneParentSuffixLen;
+ if( !strncmp(key->getCStringNoCopy() + keysuffix,
+ kIORegPlaneParentSuffix,
+ kIORegPlaneParentSuffixLen + 1) ) {
ret = true;
+ if (!reserved->fRegistryEntryID)
+ reserved->fRegistryEntryID = ++gIORegistryLastID;
ret = makeLink( parent, kParentSetIndex, plane );
if( (links = parent->getChildSetReference( plane )))
return( ret );
+uint64_t IORegistryEntry::getRegistryEntryID( void )
+ if (reserved)
+ return (reserved->fRegistryEntryID);
+ else
+ return (0);
bool IORegistryEntry::attachToChild( IORegistryEntry * child,
const IORegistryPlane * plane )
IORegistryEntry * parent;
- while( (parent = getParentEntry( plane )))
+ while( (parent = copyParentEntry( plane )))
+ {
detachFromParent( parent, plane );
+ parent->release();
+ }
IORegCursor * prev;
prev = where;
- where = (IORegCursor *) IOMalloc( sizeof( IORegCursor));
+ where = (IORegCursor *) IOMalloc( sizeof(IORegCursor));
assert( where);
if( where) {
if( where != &start) {
gone = where;
where = gone->next;
- IOFree( gone, sizeof( IORegCursor));
+ IOFree( gone, sizeof(IORegCursor));
return( true);
} else
return( done);
+#if __LP64__
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IORegistryEntry, 0);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IORegistryEntry, 1);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IORegistryEntry, 2);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IORegistryEntry, 3);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IORegistryEntry, 4);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IORegistryEntry, 5);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IORegistryEntry, 0);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IORegistryEntry, 1);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IORegistryEntry, 2);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IORegistryEntry, 3);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IORegistryEntry, 4);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IORegistryEntry, 5);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IORegistryEntry, 6);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IORegistryEntry, 7);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IORegistryEntry, 8);