# Standard Apple MacOS X Configurations:
# -------- ---- -------- ---------------
-# osfmk = [intel pc mach small event vol pst gdb fixpri simple_clock mkernserv uxpr kernstack ipc_compat ipc_debug mk30 mk30_i386]
-# RELEASE = [intel pc iokit mach_pe mach mach_kdp small event vol hd pst gdb fixpri simple_clock mkernserv uxpr kernstack ipc_compat ipc_debug fb mk30 mk30_i386]
-# DEBUG_KDP = [intel pc iokit mach_pe mach mach_kdp small event vol hd pst gdb fixpri simple_clock mkernserv uxpr kernstack ipc_compat ipc_debug fb mk30 mk30_i386 osf_debug debug]
-# DEBUG= [intel pc iokit mach_pe mach mach_kdp small event vol hd pst gdb fixpri simple_clock mkernserv uxpr kernstack ipc_compat ipc_debug fb mk30 mk30_i386 osf_debug debug mach_kdb]
+# RELEASE = [ medium intel pc iokit mach_pe mach mach_kdp config_serial_kdp event vol hd pst gdb fixpri simple_clock mkernserv uxpr kernstack ipc_compat ipc_debug fb mk30 mk30_i386 hibernation config_sleep crypto config_dtrace config_mca config_vmx config_mtrr config_lapic config_counters zleaks config_sched_traditional config_sched_proto config_sched_grrr config_sched_fixedpriority mach_pagemap vm_pressure_events config_sched_idle_in_place memorystatus ]
+# DEBUG= [ RELEASE osf_debug debug mach_assert task_zone_info ]
# PROFILE = [ RELEASE profile ]
+# EMBEDDED_BASE = [ bsmall intel pc iokit mach_pe mach mach_kdp config_serial_kdp event vol hd pst gdb fixpri simple_clock mkernserv uxpr kernstack ipc_compat ipc_debug fb mk30 mk30_i386 hibernation config_sleep crypto ]
+# EMBEDDED = [ EMBEDDED_BASE no_printf_str no_kprintf_str no_kdebug ]
+# DEVELOPMENT = [ EMBEDDED_BASE mach_assert config_dtrace config_counters task_zone_info ]
machine "i386" # <intel>
options IOKIT # # <iokit>
options MACH_PE # # <mach_pe>
-options DDB # Inline debugger # <debug>
-options MACH_KDB # # <mach_kdb>
options MACH_KDP # KDP # <mach_kdp>
+options CONFIG_SERIAL_KDP # KDP over serial # <config_serial_kdp>
options PAE
options X86_64
+options PAL_I386
+options CONFIG_YONAH # 32-bit Yonah support # <config_yonah>
+# Note: MAC/AUDIT options must be set in all the bsd/conf, osfmk/conf, and
+# security/conf MASTER files.
+options CONFIG_MACF # Mandatory Access Control Framework
+#options CONFIG_MACF_MACH # MACF applied to Mach services
+options CONFIG_AUDIT # Kernel auditing
+# code decryption... used on i386 for DSMOS
+# must be set in all the bsd/conf and osfmk/conf MASTER files
+options CONFIG_MCA # Machine Check Architecture # <config_mca>
+options CONFIG_VMX # Virtual Machine Extensions # <config_vmx>
+options CONFIG_MTRR # Memory Type Range Registers # <config_mtrr>
+options NO_NESTED_PMAP # <no_nested_pmap>