- * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
#include <ppc/proc_reg.h>
#include <assym.s>
+#include <config_dtrace.h>
+ #define LOCKSTAT_LABEL(lab) \
+ .data __ASMNL__ \
+ .globl lab __ASMNL__ \
+ lab: __ASMNL__ \
+ .long 9f __ASMNL__ \
+ .text __ASMNL__ \
+ 9: __ASMNL__ \
+ .globl _dtrace_probe, _lockstat_probemap
+#define LOCKSTAT_RECORD(id) \
+ lis r6,hi16(_lockstat_probemap) __ASMNL__ \
+ ori r6,r6,lo16(_lockstat_probemap) __ASMNL__ \
+ lwz r5,4*id(r6) __ASMNL__ \
+ mr. r5,r5 __ASMNL__ \
+ beqlr-- __ASMNL__ \
+ mr r4,r3 __ASMNL__ \
+ mr r3,r5 __ASMNL__ \
+ li r5,0 __ASMNL__ \
+ li r6,0 __ASMNL__ \
+ li r7,0 __ASMNL__ \
+ li r8,0 __ASMNL__ \
+ PROLOG(0) __ASMNL__ \
+ bl _dtrace_probe __ASMNL__ \
#define STRING ascii
#define ILK_LOCKED 0x01
.align 5
.globl EXT(hw_atomic_or)
+ .globl EXT(hw_atomic_or_noret)
mr r6,r3 ; Save the area
ortry: lwarx r3,0,r6 ; Grab the area value
.align 5
.globl EXT(hw_atomic_and)
+ .globl EXT(hw_atomic_and_noret)
mr r6,r3 ; Save the area
andtry: lwarx r3,0,r6 ; Grab the area value
isync ; stop prefeteching
+; Need to debug making blr above a patch point and record:
cmpli cr0,r5,MUTEX_IND ; Is it a mutex indirect
lwz r2,ACT_MACT_SPF(r10) ; Get the special flags
rlwinm. r2,r2,0,OnProcbit,OnProcbit ; Is OnProcbit set?
beq mlckslow0 ; Lock owner isn't running
- lis r2,hi16(TH_OPT_DELAYIDLE) ; Get DelayedIdle Option
- ori r2,r2,lo16(TH_OPT_DELAYIDLE) ; Get DelayedIdle Option
- lwz r10,THREAD_OPTIONS(r10) ; Get the thread options
- and. r10,r10,r2 ; Is DelayedIdle set?
- bne mlckslow0 ; Lock owner is in delay idle
+ lis r2,hi16(TH_IDLE) ; Get thread idle state
+ ori r2,r2,lo16(TH_IDLE) ; Get thread idle state
+ lwz r10,THREAD_STATE(r10) ; Get the thread state
+ and. r10,r10,r2 ; Is idle set?
+ bne mlckslow0 ; Lock owner is idling
mftb r10 ; Time stamp us now
sub r10,r10,r8 ; Get the elapsed time
bne-- mluSlowX
stwcx. r5,MUTEX_DATA,r3
bne-- mluLoop
+/* lock released - LS_LCK_MTX_UNLOCK_RELEASE */
+ LOCKSTAT_LABEL(_lck_mtx_unlock_lockstat_patch_point)
+ blr
cmpli cr0,r5,MUTEX_IND ; Is it a mutex indirect
bne-- L_mutex_unlock_slow ; No, go handle contention
b epStart ; Go enable preemption...
- * void enter_funnel_section(funnel_t *)
- *
- */
- .align 5
- .globl EXT(enter_funnel_section)
- lis r10,hi16(EXT(kdebug_enable))
- ori r10,r10,lo16(EXT(kdebug_enable))
- lwz r10,0(r10)
- lis r11,hi16(EXT(split_funnel_off))
- ori r11,r11,lo16(EXT(split_funnel_off))
- lwz r11,0(r11)
- or. r10,r11,r10 ; Check kdebug_enable or split_funnel_off
- bne- L_enter_funnel_section_slow ; If set, call the slow path
- mfsprg r6,1 ; Get the current activation
- lwz r7,LOCK_FNL_MUTEX(r3)
- lwz r5,0(r7) ; Get lock quickly
- mr. r5,r5 ; Locked?
- bne-- L_enter_funnel_section_slow ; Yup...
- lwarx r5,0,r7 ; Load the mutex lock
- mr. r5,r5
- bne-- L_enter_funnel_section_slowX ; Go to the slow path
- stwcx. r6,0,r7 ; Grab the lock
- bne-- L_enter_funnel_section_loop ; Loop back if failed
- .globl EXT(entfsectPatch_isync)
- isync ; Stop prefeteching
- li r7,TH_FN_OWNED
- stw r3,THREAD_FUNNEL_LOCK(r6) ; Set the funnel lock reference
- stw r7,THREAD_FUNNEL_STATE(r6) ; Set the funnel state
- blr
- li r4,lgKillResv ; Killing field
- stwcx. r4,0,r4 ; Kill reservation
- li r4,TRUE
- b EXT(thread_funnel_set)
- * void exit_funnel_section(void)
- *
- */
- .align 5
- .globl EXT(exit_funnel_section)
- mfsprg r6,1 ; Get the current activation
- lwz r3,THREAD_FUNNEL_LOCK(r6) ; Get the funnel lock
- mr. r3,r3 ; Check on funnel held
- beq- L_exit_funnel_section_ret ;
- lis r10,hi16(EXT(kdebug_enable))
- ori r10,r10,lo16(EXT(kdebug_enable))
- lwz r10,0(r10)
- mr. r10,r10
- bne- L_exit_funnel_section_slow ; If set, call the slow path
- lwz r7,LOCK_FNL_MUTEX(r3) ; Get the funnel mutex lock
- .globl EXT(retfsectPatch_isync)
- isync
- .globl EXT(retfsectPatch_eieio)
- eieio
- lwz r5,0(r7) ; Get lock
- rlwinm. r4,r5,0,30,31 ; Quick check for bail if pending waiter or interlock set
- bne-- L_exit_funnel_section_slow ; No can get...
- lwarx r5,0,r7
- rlwinm. r4,r5,0,30,31 ; Bail if pending waiter or interlock set
- li r5,0 ; Clear the mutexlock
- bne-- L_exit_funnel_section_slowX
- stwcx. r5,0,r7 ; Release the funnel mutexlock
- bne-- L_exit_funnel_section_loop
- li r7,0
- stw r7,THREAD_FUNNEL_STATE(r6) ; Clear the funnel state
- stw r7,THREAD_FUNNEL_LOCK(r6) ; Clear the funnel lock reference
- blr ; Return
- li r4,lgKillResv ; Killing field
- stwcx. r4,0,r4 ; Kill it
- li r4,FALSE
- b EXT(thread_funnel_set)
- blr
* void lck_rw_lock_exclusive(lck_rw_t*)
.globl EXT(rwlsePatch_isync)
- li r3,0 ; Succeed, return FALSE...
+ li r3,1 ; Succeed, return TRUE...
li r4,lgKillResv ; Killing field