- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#define sprg1 273
#define sprg2 274
#define sprg3 275
+#define scomc 276
+#define scomd 277
#define pvr 287
#define IBAT0U 528
#define dbat3l 543
#define ummcr2 928 /* Performance monitor control */
+#define upmc5 929 /* Performance monitor counter */
+#define upmc6 930 /* Performance monitor counter */
#define ubamr 935 /* Performance monitor mask */
#define ummcr0 936 /* Performance monitor control */
#define upmc1 937 /* Performance monitor counter */
#define upmc4 942 /* Performance monitor counter */
#define usda 943 /* User sampled data address */
#define mmcr2 944 /* Performance monitor control */
+#define pmc5 945 /* Performance monitor counter */
+#define pmc6 946 /* Performance monitor counter */
#define bamr 951 /* Performance monitor mask */
#define mmcr0 952
#define pmc1 953
#define pmc4 958
#define sda 959 /* Sampled data address */
#define dmiss 976 /* ea that missed */
+#define trig0 976
#define dcmp 977 /* compare value for the va that missed */
+#define trig1 977
#define hash1 978 /* pointer to first hash pteg */
+#define trig2 978
#define hash2 979 /* pointer to second hash pteg */
#define imiss 980 /* ea that missed */
#define tlbmiss 980 /* ea that missed */
#define iabr 1010 /* Instruction address breakpoint register */
#define ictrl 1011 /* Instruction Cache Control */
#define ldstdb 1012 /* Load/Store Debug */
+#define hid4 1012 /* Misc stuff */
#define dabr 1013 /* Data address breakpoint register */
#define msscr0 1014 /* Memory subsystem control */
+#define hid5 1014 /* Misc stuff */
#define msscr1 1015 /* Memory subsystem debug */
#define msssr0 1015 /* Memory Subsystem Status */
#define ldstcr 1016 /* Load/Store Status/Control */
#define thrm3 1022 /* Thermal management 3 */
#define pir 1023 /* Processor ID Register */
+/* SPR registers (64-bit, PPC970 specific) */
+#define scomc_gp 276
+#define scomd_gp 277
+#define hsprg0 304
+#define hsprg1 305
+#define hdec 310
+#define hior 311
+#define rmor 312
+#define hrmor 313
+#define hsrr0 314
+#define hsrr1 315
+#define lpcr 318
+#define lpidr 319
+#define ummcra_gp 770
+#define upmc1_gp 771
+#define upmc2_gp 772
+#define upmc3_gp 773
+#define upmc4_gp 774
+#define upmc5_gp 775
+#define upmc6_gp 776
+#define upmc7_gp 777
+#define upmc8_gp 778
+#define ummcr0_gp 779
+#define usiar_gp 780
+#define usdar_gp 781
+#define ummcr1_gp 782
+#define uimc_gp 783
+#define mmcra_gp 786
+#define pmc1_gp 787
+#define pmc2_gp 788
+#define pmc3_gp 789
+#define pmc4_gp 790
+#define pmc5_gp 791
+#define pmc6_gp 792
+#define pmc7_gp 793
+#define pmc8_gp 794
+#define mmcr0_gp 795
+#define siar_gp 796
+#define sdar_gp 797
+#define mmcr1_gp 798
+#define imc_gp 799
+#define trig0_gp 976
+#define trig1_gp 977
+#define trig2_gp 978
+#define dabrx 1015
; hid0 bits
#define emcp 0
#define emcpm 0x80000000
#define parm 0x01000000
#define sten 7
#define stenm 0x01000000
+#define dnap 7
+#define dnapm 0x01000000
#define doze 8
#define dozem 0x00800000
#define nap 9
#define ilockm 0x00002000
#define dlock 19
#define dlockm 0x00001000
+#define exttben 19
#define icfi 20
#define icfim 0x00000800
#define dcfi 21
#define dcfim 0x00000400
#define spd 22
#define spdm 0x00000200
+#define hdice 23
+#define hdicem 0x00000100
#define sge 24
#define sgem 0x00000080
#define dcfa 25
; hid1 bits
#define hid1pcem 0xF8000000
#define hid1prem 0x06000000
+#define hid1dfs0 8
+#define hid1dfs0m 0x00800000
+#define hid1dfs1 9
+#define hid1dfs1m 0x00400000
#define hid1pi0 14
#define hid1pi0m 0x00020000
+#define hid1FCPErr 14
#define hid1ps 15
+#define hid1FCD0PErr 15
#define hid1psm 0x00010000
#define hid1pc0 0x0000F800
#define hid1pr0 0x00000600
#define hid1pc1 0x000000F8
#define hid1pc0 0x0000F800
#define hid1pr1 0x00000006
+#define hid1FCD1PErr 16
+#define hid1FIERATErr 17
; hid2 bits
#define hid2vmin 18
#define apmck 15
#define apmckm 0x00010000
+#define mckIFUE 42
+#define mckLDST 43
+#define mckXCs 44
+#define mckXCe 45
+#define mckNoErr 0
+#define mckIFSLBPE 1
+#define mckIFTLBPE 2
+#define mckIFTLBUE 3
+; dsisr bits
+#define mckUEdfr 16
+#define mckUETwDfr 17
+#define mckL1DCPE 18
+#define mckL1DTPE 19
+#define mckDEPE 20
+#define mckTLBPE 21
+#define mckSLBPE 23
+; Async MCK source
+#define AsyMCKSrc 0x0226
+#define AsyMCKRSrc 0x0227
+#define AsyMCKext 0
+#define AsyMCKfir 1
+#define AsyMCKhri 2
+#define AsyMCKdbg 3
+#define AsyMCKncstp 4
+; Core FIR
+#define cFIR 0x0300
+#define cFIRrst 0x0310
+#define cFIRICachePE 0
+#define cFIRITagPE0 1
+#define cFIRITagPE1 2
+#define cFIRIEratPE 3
+#define cFIRIFUL2UE 4
+#define cFIRIFUCS 5
+#define cFIRDCachePE 6
+#define cFIRDTagPE 7
+#define cFIRDEratPE 8
+#define cFIRTLBPE 9
+#define cFIRSLBPE 10
+#define cFIRSL2UE 11
+; Core Error Inject
+#define CoreErrI 0x0350
+#define CoreIFU 0
+#define CoreLSU 1
+#define CoreRate0 2
+#define CoreRate1 3
+#define CoreOnce 0
+#define CoreSolid 2
+#define CorePulse 3
+; L2 FIR
+#define l2FIR 0x0400
+#define l2FIRrst 0x0410
+; Bus FIR
+#define busFIR 0x0A00
+#define busFIRrst 0x0A10
+; HID4
+#define hid4RMCI 23
+#define hid4FAlgn 24
+#define hid4DisPF 25
+#define hid4ResPF 26
+#define hid4EnSPTW 27
+#define hid4L1DCFI 28
+#define hid4DisDERpg 31
+#define hid4DisDCTpg 36
+#define hid4DisDCpg 41
+#define hid4DisTLBpg 48
+#define hid4DisSLBpg 54
+#define hid4MckEIEna 55
; L2 cache control
#define l2e 0
#define l2em 0x80000000
#define ictce 31
#define ictcem 0x00000001
+#define slbESID 36
+#define slbKey 52
+#define slbIndex 52
+#define slbV 36
+#define slbVm 0x08000000
+#define slbCnt 64
+ * Macros to access high and low word values of an address
+ */
+#define HIGH_CADDR(x) ha16(x)
+#define HIGH_ADDR(x) hi16(x)
+#define LOW_ADDR(x) lo16(x)
+#endif /* ASSEMBLER */
#define cr0_lt 0
#define cr0_gt 1
#define cr0_eq 2
#define cr7_so 31
#define cr7_un 31
- * Macros to access high and low word values of an address
- */
-#define HIGH_CADDR(x) ha16(x)
-#define HIGH_ADDR(x) hi16(x)
-#define LOW_ADDR(x) lo16(x)
-#endif /* ASSEMBLER */
+/* GUS Mode Register */
+#define GUSModeReg 0x0430
+#define GUSMdmapen 0x00008000
+#define GUSMstgtdis 0x00000080
+#define GUSMstgttim 0x00000038
+#define GUSMstgttoff 0x00000004
+/* PowerTune */
+#define PowerTuneControlReg 0x0AA001
+#define PowerTuneStatusReg 0x408001
+/* Code inject */
+// The following bits are always on in the MSR when injected code is executing
+#define ijemon 0x00000010
+// The following bits are always off in the MSR when injected code it executing
+#define ijemoff 0x0000C620
+#define ijemtrap ijemon|1
+// The following is the inject exit trap
+#define ijtrap 0x0FFFC9C9
+/* Misc */
+#define srr1clr 0x783F0000
/* Tags are placed before Immediately Following Code (IFC) for the debugger
* to be able to deduce where to find various registers when backtracing
#define data16 .byte 0x66
#define addr16 .byte 0x67
-#if !GPROF
#define MCOUNT
-#endif /* GPROF */
#define ELF_FUNC(x)
#define ELF_DATA(x)