- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
/* Copyright 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. */
#if defined(__MWERKS__) && (__MWERKS__ > 0x2400)
/* newer Metrowerks compilers support __attribute__() */
-#elif !defined(__GNUC__) || __GNUC__ < 2 || \
- (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 5)
+#elif __GNUC__ > 2 || __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5
+#define __dead2 __attribute__((__noreturn__))
+#define __pure2 __attribute__((__const__))
+#if __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 7
+#define __unused /* no attribute */
+#define __unused __attribute__((__unused__))
#define __attribute__(x) /* delete __attribute__ if non-gcc or gcc1 */
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
+/* __dead and __pure are depreciated. Use __dead2 and __pure2 instead */
#define __dead __volatile
#define __pure __const
#define __dead
#define __pure
+#ifndef __dead2
+#define __dead2
+#define __pure2
+#define __unused
-#define __IDSTRING(name,string) \
- static const char name[] __attribute__((__unused__)) = string
+ * GCC 2.95 provides `__restrict' as an extension to C90 to support the
+ * C99-specific `restrict' type qualifier. We happen to use `__restrict' as
+ * a way to define the `restrict' type qualifier without disturbing older
+ * software that is unaware of C99 keywords.
+ */
+#if !(__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 95)
+#if __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901
+#define __restrict
+#define __restrict restrict
+ * Compiler-dependent macros to declare that functions take printf-like
+ * or scanf-like arguments. They are null except for versions of gcc
+ * that are known to support the features properly. Functions declared
+ * with these attributes will cause compilation warnings if there is a
+ * mismatch between the format string and subsequent function parameter
+ * types.
+ */
+#if __GNUC__ > 2 || __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7
+#define __printflike(fmtarg, firstvararg) \
+ __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, fmtarg, firstvararg)))
+#define __scanflike(fmtarg, firstvararg) \
+ __attribute__((__format__ (__scanf__, fmtarg, firstvararg)))
+#define __printflike(fmtarg, firstvararg)
+#define __scanflike(fmtarg, firstvararg)
+#define __IDSTRING(name,string) static const char name[] __unused = string
#ifndef __COPYRIGHT
#define __COPYRIGHT(s) __IDSTRING(copyright,s)
#define __PROJECT_VERSION(s) __IDSTRING(project_version,s)
+ *
+ * DEFAULT By default newly complied code will get POSIX APIs plus
+ * Apple API extensions in scope.
+ *
+ * Most users will use this compilation environment to avoid
+ * behavioural differences between 32 and 64 bit code.
+ *
+ * LEGACY Defining _NONSTD_SOURCE will get pre-POSIX APIs plus Apple
+ * API extensions in scope.
+ *
+ * This is generally equivalent to the Tiger release compilation
+ * environment, except that it cannot be applied to 64 bit code;
+ * its use is discouraged.
+ *
+ * We expect this environment to be deprecated in the future.
+ *
+ * STRICT Defining _POSIX_C_SOURCE or _XOPEN_SOURCE restricts the
+ * available APIs to exactly the set of APIs defined by the
+ * corresponding standard, based on the value defined.
+ *
+ * A correct, portable definition for _POSIX_C_SOURCE is 200112L.
+ * A correct, portable definition for _XOPEN_SOURCE is 600L.
+ *
+ * Apple API extensions are not visible in this environment,
+ * which can cause Apple specific code to fail to compile,
+ * or behave incorrectly if prototypes are not in scope or
+ * warnings about missing prototypes are not enabled or ignored.
+ *
+ * In any compilation environment, for correct symbol resolution to occur,
+ * function prototypes must be in scope. It is recommended that all Apple
+ * tools users add etiher the "-Wall" or "-Wimplicit-function-declaration"
+ * compiler flags to their projects to be warned when a function is being
+ * used without a prototype in scope.
+ */
+/* These settings are particular to each product. */
+#ifdef KERNEL
+#define __DARWIN_ONLY_64_BIT_INO_T 0
+#define __DARWIN_ONLY_VERS_1050 0
+#else /* !KERNEL */
+#ifdef PRODUCT_AppleTV
+/* Product: AppleTV */
+#define __DARWIN_ONLY_64_BIT_INO_T 1
+#define __DARWIN_ONLY_VERS_1050 1
+#endif /* PRODUCT_AppleTV */
+#ifdef PRODUCT_iPhone
+/* Product: iPhone */
+#define __DARWIN_ONLY_64_BIT_INO_T 1
+#define __DARWIN_ONLY_VERS_1050 1
+#endif /* PRODUCT_iPhone */
+#ifdef PRODUCT_MacOSX
+/* Product: MacOSX */
+#define __DARWIN_ONLY_64_BIT_INO_T 0
+/* #undef __DARWIN_ONLY_UNIX_CONFORMANCE (automatically set for 64-bit) */
+#define __DARWIN_ONLY_VERS_1050 0
+#endif /* PRODUCT_MacOSX */
+#endif /* KERNEL */
+ * The __DARWIN_ALIAS macros are used to do symbol renaming; they allow
+ * legacy code to use the old symbol, thus maintiang binary compatability
+ * while new code can use a standards compliant version of the same function.
+ *
+ * __DARWIN_ALIAS is used by itself if the function signature has not
+ * changed, it is used along with a #ifdef check for __DARWIN_UNIX03
+ * if the signature has changed. Because the __LP64__ enviroment
+ * only supports UNIX03 sementics it causes __DARWIN_UNIX03 to be
+ * defined, but causes __DARWIN_ALIAS to do no symbol mangling.
+ *
+ * As a special case, when XCode is used to target a specific version of the
+ * OS, the manifest constant __ENVIRONMENT_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED__
+ * will be defined by the compiler, with the digits representing major version
+ * time 100 + minor version times 10 (e.g. 10.5 := 1050). If we are targetting
+ * pre-10.5, and it is the default compilation environment, revert the
+ * compilation environment to pre-__DARWIN_UNIX03.
+ */
+# if defined(__LP64__)
+# else /* !__LP64__ */
+# endif /* __LP64__ */
+#if !defined(__DARWIN_UNIX03)
+# if defined(KERNEL)
+# define __DARWIN_UNIX03 0
+# if defined(_NONSTD_SOURCE)
+# error "Can't define _NONSTD_SOURCE when only UNIX conformance is available."
+# endif /* _NONSTD_SOURCE */
+# define __DARWIN_UNIX03 1
+# elif defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE) || defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE)
+# if defined(_NONSTD_SOURCE)
+# error "Can't define both _NONSTD_SOURCE and any of _DARWIN_C_SOURCE, _XOPEN_SOURCE or _POSIX_C_SOURCE."
+# endif /* _NONSTD_SOURCE */
+# define __DARWIN_UNIX03 1
+# elif defined(_NONSTD_SOURCE)
+# define __DARWIN_UNIX03 0
+# else /* default */
+# define __DARWIN_UNIX03 0
+# define __DARWIN_UNIX03 1
+# endif /* _DARWIN_C_SOURCE || _XOPEN_SOURCE || _POSIX_C_SOURCE || __LP64__ */
+#endif /* !__DARWIN_UNIX03 */
+#if !defined(__DARWIN_64_BIT_INO_T)
+# if defined(KERNEL)
+# define __DARWIN_64_BIT_INO_T 0
+# elif defined(_DARWIN_USE_64_BIT_INODE)
+# if defined(_DARWIN_NO_64_BIT_INODE)
+# error "Can't define both _DARWIN_USE_64_BIT_INODE and _DARWIN_NO_64_BIT_INODE."
+# endif /* _DARWIN_NO_64_BIT_INODE */
+# define __DARWIN_64_BIT_INO_T 1
+# elif defined(_DARWIN_NO_64_BIT_INODE)
+# error "Can't define _DARWIN_NO_64_BIT_INODE when only 64-bit inodes are available."
+# endif /* __DARWIN_ONLY_64_BIT_INO_T */
+# define __DARWIN_64_BIT_INO_T 0
+# else /* default */
+# define __DARWIN_64_BIT_INO_T 1
+# else /* !__DARWIN_ONLY_64_BIT_INO_T */
+# define __DARWIN_64_BIT_INO_T 0
+# endif /* __DARWIN_ONLY_64_BIT_INO_T */
+# endif
+#endif /* !__DARWIN_64_BIT_INO_T */
+#if !defined(__DARWIN_VERS_1050)
+# if defined(KERNEL)
+# define __DARWIN_VERS_1050 0
+# elif __DARWIN_ONLY_VERS_1050
+# define __DARWIN_VERS_1050 1
+# define __DARWIN_VERS_1050 1
+# else /* default */
+# define __DARWIN_VERS_1050 0
+# endif
+#endif /* !__DARWIN_VERS_1050 */
+#if !defined(__DARWIN_NON_CANCELABLE)
+# if defined(KERNEL)
+# else /* default */
+# endif
+#endif /* !__DARWIN_NON_CANCELABLE */
+ * symbol suffixes used for symbol versioning
+ */
+#if __DARWIN_UNIX03
+# define __DARWIN_SUF_UNIX03 /* nothing */
+# define __DARWIN_SUF_UNIX03 "$UNIX2003"
+# if __DARWIN_64_BIT_INO_T
+# define __DARWIN_SUF_64_BIT_INO_T /* nothing */
+# else /* !__DARWIN_ONLY_64_BIT_INO_T */
+# define __DARWIN_SUF_64_BIT_INO_T "$INODE64"
+# endif /* __DARWIN_ONLY_64_BIT_INO_T */
+# else /* !__DARWIN_64_BIT_INO_T */
+# define __DARWIN_SUF_64_BIT_INO_T /* nothing */
+# endif /* __DARWIN_64_BIT_INO_T */
+# if __DARWIN_VERS_1050
+# if __DARWIN_ONLY_VERS_1050
+# define __DARWIN_SUF_1050 /* nothing */
+# else /* !__DARWIN_ONLY_VERS_1050 */
+# define __DARWIN_SUF_1050 "$1050"
+# endif /* __DARWIN_ONLY_VERS_1050 */
+# else /* !__DARWIN_VERS_1050 */
+# define __DARWIN_SUF_1050 /* nothing */
+# endif /* __DARWIN_VERS_1050 */
+# else /* !__DARWIN_NON_CANCELABLE */
+# define __DARWIN_SUF_NON_CANCELABLE /* nothing */
+# endif /* __DARWIN_NON_CANCELABLE */
+#else /* !__DARWIN_UNIX03 */
+# define __DARWIN_SUF_UNIX03 /* nothing */
+# define __DARWIN_SUF_64_BIT_INO_T /* nothing */
+# define __DARWIN_SUF_NON_CANCELABLE /* nothing */
+# define __DARWIN_SUF_1050 /* nothing */
+#endif /* __DARWIN_UNIX03 */
+ * symbol versioning macros
+ */
+#define __DARWIN_ALIAS(sym) __asm("_" __STRING(sym) __DARWIN_SUF_UNIX03)
+#define __DARWIN_ALIAS_I(sym) __asm("_" __STRING(sym) __DARWIN_SUF_64_BIT_INO_T __DARWIN_SUF_UNIX03)
+#define __DARWIN_INODE64(sym) __asm("_" __STRING(sym) __DARWIN_SUF_64_BIT_INO_T)
+#define __DARWIN_1050(sym) __asm("_" __STRING(sym) __DARWIN_SUF_1050)
+#define __DARWIN_1050ALIAS(sym) __asm("_" __STRING(sym) __DARWIN_SUF_1050 __DARWIN_SUF_UNIX03)
+#define __DARWIN_1050ALIAS_C(sym) __asm("_" __STRING(sym) __DARWIN_SUF_1050 __DARWIN_SUF_NON_CANCELABLE __DARWIN_SUF_UNIX03)
+#define __DARWIN_1050ALIAS_I(sym) __asm("_" __STRING(sym) __DARWIN_SUF_1050 __DARWIN_SUF_64_BIT_INO_T __DARWIN_SUF_UNIX03)
+#define __DARWIN_1050INODE64(sym) __asm("_" __STRING(sym) __DARWIN_SUF_1050 __DARWIN_SUF_64_BIT_INO_T)
+#define __DARWIN_EXTSN(sym) __asm("_" __STRING(sym) __DARWIN_SUF_EXTSN)
+ * POSIX.1 requires that the macros we test be defined before any standard
+ * header file is included. This permits us to convert values for feature
+ * testing, as necessary, using only _POSIX_C_SOURCE.
+ *
+ * Here's a quick run-down of the versions:
+ * defined(_POSIX_SOURCE) 1003.1-1988
+ * _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 1L 1003.1-1990
+ * _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 2L 1003.2-1992 C Language Binding Option
+ * _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 199309L 1003.1b-1993
+ * _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 199506L 1003.1c-1995, 1003.1i-1995,
+ * and the omnibus ISO/IEC 9945-1: 1996
+ * _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 200112L 1003.1-2001
+ *
+ * In addition, the X/Open Portability Guide, which is now the Single UNIX
+ * Specification, defines a feature-test macro which indicates the version of
+ * that specification, and which subsumes _POSIX_C_SOURCE.
+ */
+/* Deal with IEEE Std. 1003.1-1990, in which _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 1L. */
+#if defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) && _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 1L
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199009L
+/* Deal with IEEE Std. 1003.2-1992, in which _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 2L. */
+#if defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) && _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 2L
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199209L
+/* Deal with various X/Open Portability Guides and Single UNIX Spec. */
+#if _XOPEN_SOURCE - 0L >= 600L
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L
+#elif _XOPEN_SOURCE - 0L >= 500L
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199506L
+ * Deal with all versions of POSIX. The ordering relative to the tests above is
+ * important.
+ */
+#if defined(_POSIX_SOURCE) && !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE)
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 198808L
+ * long long is not supported in c89 (__STRICT_ANSI__), but g++ -ansi and
+ * c99 still want long longs. While not perfect, we allow long longs for
+ * g++.
+ */
+#define __DARWIN_NO_LONG_LONG (defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) \
+ && (__STDC_VERSION__-0 < 199901L) \
+ && !defined(__GNUG__))
+ * Long double compatibility macro allow selecting variant symbols based
+ * on the old (compatible) 64-bit long doubles, or the new 128-bit
+ * long doubles. This applies only to ppc; i386 already has long double
+ * support, while ppc64 doesn't have any backwards history.
+ */
+#if defined(__ppc__)
+# if defined(__LDBL_MANT_DIG__) && defined(__DBL_MANT_DIG__) && \
+# define __DARWIN_LDBL_COMPAT(x) __asm("_" __STRING(x) "$LDBLStub")
+# else
+# define __DARWIN_LDBL_COMPAT(x) __asm("_" __STRING(x) "$LDBL128")
+# endif
+# define __DARWIN_LDBL_COMPAT2(x) __asm("_" __STRING(x) "$LDBL128")
+# else
+# define __DARWIN_LDBL_COMPAT(x) /* nothing */
+# define __DARWIN_LDBL_COMPAT2(x) /* nothing */
+# endif
+#elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__ppc64__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+# define __DARWIN_LDBL_COMPAT(x) /* nothing */
+# define __DARWIN_LDBL_COMPAT2(x) /* nothing */
+# error Unknown architecture
+ * Deprecation macro
+ */
+#if __GNUC__ >= 3
+#define __deprecated __attribute__((deprecated))
+#define __deprecated /* nothing */
+ * Public darwin-specific feature macros
+ *****************************************/
+ * _DARWIN_FEATURE_64_BIT_INODE indicates that the ino_t type is 64-bit, and
+ * structures modified for 64-bit inodes (like struct stat) will be used.
+ */
+#if __DARWIN_64_BIT_INO_T
+ * _DARWIN_FEATURE_LONG_DOUBLE_IS_DOUBLE indicates when the long double type
+ * is the same as the double type (ppc and arm only)
+ */
+ * _DARWIN_FEATURE_64_ONLY_BIT_INODE indicates that the ino_t type may only
+ * be 64-bit; there is no support for 32-bit ino_t when this macro is defined
+ * (and non-zero). There is no struct stat64 either, as the regular
+ * struct stat will already be the 64-bit version.
+ */
+ * _DARWIN_FEATURE_ONLY_VERS_1050 indicates that only those APIs updated
+ * in 10.5 exists; no pre-10.5 variants are available.
+ */
+#if __DARWIN_ONLY_VERS_1050
+ * are available (the legacy BSD APIs are not available)
+ */
+ * _DARWIN_FEATURE_UNIX_CONFORMANCE indicates whether UNIX conformance is on,
+ * and specifies the conformance level (3 is SUSv3)
+ */
+#if __DARWIN_UNIX03
#endif /* !_CDEFS_H_ */