- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <kern/misc_protos.h>
#include <vm/vm_map.h>
#include <vm/vm_kern.h>
+#include <ipc/port.h>
+#include <ipc/ipc_types.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_space.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_port.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_hash.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_table.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_right.h>
+#include <security/mac_mach_internal.h>
* KERN_INVALID_RIGHT Name doesn't denote receive rights.
+ __unused ipc_space_t space,
+ __unused mach_port_name_t name,
+ __unused mach_port_rights_t *srightsp)
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
ipc_space_t space,
mach_port_name_t name,
mach_port_rights_t *srightsp)
- return KERN_FAILURE;
ipc_port_t port;
kern_return_t kr;
mach_port_rights_t srights;
*srightsp = srights;
-#endif /* MACH_IPC_DEBUG */
- * Routine: host_ipc_hash_info
- * Purpose:
- * Return information about the global reverse hash table.
- * Conditions:
- * Nothing locked. Obeys CountInOut protocol.
- * Returns:
- * KERN_SUCCESS Returned information.
- * KERN_INVALID_HOST The host is null.
- * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE Couldn't allocate memory.
- */
- host_t host,
- hash_info_bucket_array_t *infop,
- mach_msg_type_number_t *countp)
- return KERN_FAILURE;
- vm_offset_t addr;
- vm_size_t size;
- hash_info_bucket_t *info;
- unsigned int potential, actual;
- kern_return_t kr;
- if (host == HOST_NULL)
- /* start with in-line data */
- info = *infop;
- potential = *countp;
- for (;;) {
- actual = ipc_hash_info(info, potential);
- if (actual <= potential)
- break;
- /* allocate more memory */
- if (info != *infop)
- kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map, addr, size);
- size = round_page(actual * sizeof *info);
- kr = kmem_alloc_pageable(ipc_kernel_map, &addr, size);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
- info = (hash_info_bucket_t *) addr;
- potential = size/sizeof *info;
- }
- if (info == *infop) {
- /* data fit in-line; nothing to deallocate */
- *countp = actual;
- } else if (actual == 0) {
- kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map, addr, size);
- *countp = 0;
- } else {
- vm_map_copy_t copy;
- vm_size_t used;
- used = round_page(actual * sizeof *info);
- if (used != size)
- kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map, addr + used, size - used);
- kr = vm_map_copyin(ipc_kernel_map, addr, used,
- TRUE, ©);
- assert(kr == KERN_SUCCESS);
- *infop = (hash_info_bucket_t *) copy;
- *countp = actual;
- }
- return KERN_SUCCESS;
#endif /* MACH_IPC_DEBUG */
* Routine: mach_port_space_info
* KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE Couldn't allocate memory.
+ __unused ipc_space_t space,
+ __unused ipc_info_space_t *infop,
+ __unused ipc_info_name_array_t *tablep,
+ __unused mach_msg_type_number_t *tableCntp,
+ __unused ipc_info_tree_name_array_t *treep,
+ __unused mach_msg_type_number_t *treeCntp)
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
ipc_space_t space,
ipc_info_space_t *infop,
ipc_info_name_array_t *tablep,
mach_msg_type_number_t *tableCntp,
- ipc_info_tree_name_array_t *treep,
- mach_msg_type_number_t *treeCntp)
+ __unused ipc_info_tree_name_array_t *treep,
+ __unused mach_msg_type_number_t *treeCntp)
- return KERN_FAILURE;
ipc_info_name_t *table_info;
- unsigned int table_potential, table_actual;
vm_offset_t table_addr;
- vm_size_t table_size;
- ipc_info_tree_name_t *tree_info;
- unsigned int tree_potential, tree_actual;
- vm_offset_t tree_addr;
- vm_size_t tree_size;
- ipc_tree_entry_t tentry;
+ vm_size_t table_size, table_size_needed;
ipc_entry_t table;
ipc_entry_num_t tsize;
mach_port_index_t index;
kern_return_t kr;
- ipc_entry_bits_t *capability;
+ vm_map_copy_t copy;
if (space == IS_NULL)
+ const boolean_t dbg_ok = (mac_task_check_expose_task(kernel_task) == 0);
+ const boolean_t dbg_ok = TRUE;
/* start with in-line memory */
- table_info = *tablep;
- table_potential = *tableCntp;
- tree_info = *treep;
- tree_potential = *treeCntp;
+ table_size = 0;
for (;;) {
- if (!space->is_active) {
+ if (!is_active(space)) {
- if (table_info != *tablep)
+ if (table_size != 0)
table_addr, table_size);
- if (tree_info != *treep)
- kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map,
- tree_addr, tree_size);
- table_actual = space->is_table_size;
- tree_actual = space->is_tree_total;
+ table_size_needed =
+ vm_map_round_page((space->is_table_size
+ * sizeof(ipc_info_name_t)),
+ VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(ipc_kernel_map));
- if ((table_actual <= table_potential) &&
- (tree_actual <= tree_potential))
+ if (table_size_needed == table_size)
- if (table_actual > table_potential) {
- if (table_info != *tablep)
- kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map,
- table_addr, table_size);
- table_size = round_page(table_actual *
- sizeof *table_info);
- kr = kmem_alloc(ipc_kernel_map,
- &table_addr, table_size);
+ if (table_size != table_size_needed) {
+ if (table_size != 0)
+ kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map, table_addr, table_size);
+ kr = kmem_alloc(ipc_kernel_map, &table_addr, table_size_needed, VM_KERN_MEMORY_IPC);
if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- if (tree_info != *treep)
- kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map,
- tree_addr, tree_size);
- table_info = (ipc_info_name_t *) table_addr;
- table_potential = table_size/sizeof *table_info;
+ table_size = table_size_needed;
- if (tree_actual > tree_potential) {
- if (tree_info != *treep)
- kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map,
- tree_addr, tree_size);
- tree_size = round_page(tree_actual *
- sizeof *tree_info);
- kr = kmem_alloc(ipc_kernel_map,
- &tree_addr, tree_size);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- if (table_info != *tablep)
- kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map,
- table_addr, table_size);
- }
- tree_info = (ipc_info_tree_name_t *) tree_addr;
- tree_potential = tree_size/sizeof *tree_info;
- }
/* space is read-locked and active; we have enough wired memory */
+ /* get the overall space info */
infop->iis_genno_mask = MACH_PORT_NGEN(MACH_PORT_DEAD);
infop->iis_table_size = space->is_table_size;
infop->iis_table_next = space->is_table_next->its_size;
- infop->iis_tree_size = space->is_tree_total;
- infop->iis_tree_small = space->is_tree_small;
- infop->iis_tree_hash = space->is_tree_hash;
+ /* walk the table for this space */
table = space->is_table;
tsize = space->is_table_size;
+ table_info = (ipc_info_name_array_t)table_addr;
for (index = 0; index < tsize; index++) {
ipc_info_name_t *iin = &table_info[index];
ipc_entry_t entry = &table[index];
bits = entry->ie_bits;
iin->iin_name = MACH_PORT_MAKE(index, IE_BITS_GEN(bits));
- iin->iin_collision = (bits & IE_BITS_COLLISION) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ iin->iin_collision = 0;
iin->iin_type = IE_BITS_TYPE(bits);
- iin->iin_urefs = IE_BITS_UREFS(bits);
- iin->iin_object = (vm_offset_t) entry->ie_object;
- iin->iin_next = entry->ie_next;
- iin->iin_hash = entry->ie_index;
- }
- for (tentry = ipc_splay_traverse_start(&space->is_tree), index = 0;
- tentry != ITE_NULL;
- tentry = ipc_splay_traverse_next(&space->is_tree, FALSE)) {
- ipc_info_tree_name_t *iitn = &tree_info[index++];
- ipc_info_name_t *iin = &iitn->iitn_name;
- ipc_entry_t entry = &tentry->ite_entry;
- ipc_entry_bits_t bits = entry->ie_bits;
- assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) != MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE);
+ if ((entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_PORT_RIGHTS) != MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE &&
+ entry->ie_request != IE_REQ_NONE) {
+ __IGNORE_WCASTALIGN(ipc_port_t port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object);
+ assert(IP_VALID(port));
+ ip_lock(port);
+ iin->iin_type |= ipc_port_request_type(port, iin->iin_name, entry->ie_request);
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ }
- iin->iin_name = tentry->ite_name;
- iin->iin_collision = (bits & IE_BITS_COLLISION) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- iin->iin_type = IE_BITS_TYPE(bits);
iin->iin_urefs = IE_BITS_UREFS(bits);
- iin->iin_object = (vm_offset_t) entry->ie_object;
+ iin->iin_object = (dbg_ok) ? (natural_t)VM_KERNEL_ADDRPERM((uintptr_t)entry->ie_object) : 0;
iin->iin_next = entry->ie_next;
iin->iin_hash = entry->ie_index;
- if (tentry->ite_lchild == ITE_NULL)
- iitn->iitn_lchild = MACH_PORT_NULL;
- else
- iitn->iitn_lchild = tentry->ite_lchild->ite_name;
- if (tentry->ite_rchild == ITE_NULL)
- iitn->iitn_rchild = MACH_PORT_NULL;
- else
- iitn->iitn_rchild = tentry->ite_rchild->ite_name;
- ipc_splay_traverse_finish(&space->is_tree);
- is_read_unlock(space);
- if (table_info == *tablep) {
- /* data fit in-line; nothing to deallocate */
- *tableCntp = table_actual;
- } else if (table_actual == 0) {
- kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map, table_addr, table_size);
- *tableCntp = 0;
- } else {
- vm_size_t size_used, rsize_used;
- vm_map_copy_t copy;
- /* kmem_alloc doesn't zero memory */
- size_used = table_actual * sizeof *table_info;
- rsize_used = round_page(size_used);
- if (rsize_used != table_size)
- kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map,
- table_addr + rsize_used,
- table_size - rsize_used);
- if (size_used != rsize_used)
- bzero((char *) (table_addr + size_used),
- rsize_used - size_used);
+ is_read_unlock(space);
- kr = vm_map_unwire(ipc_kernel_map, table_addr,
- table_addr + rsize_used, FALSE);
+ /* prepare the table out-of-line data for return */
+ if (table_size > 0) {
+ vm_size_t used_table_size;
+ used_table_size = infop->iis_table_size * sizeof(ipc_info_name_t);
+ if (table_size > used_table_size)
+ bzero((char *)&table_info[infop->iis_table_size],
+ table_size - used_table_size);
+ kr = vm_map_unwire(
+ ipc_kernel_map,
+ vm_map_trunc_page(table_addr,
+ VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(ipc_kernel_map)),
+ vm_map_round_page(table_addr + table_size,
+ VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(ipc_kernel_map)),
assert(kr == KERN_SUCCESS);
- kr = vm_map_copyin(ipc_kernel_map, table_addr, rsize_used,
- TRUE, ©);
+ kr = vm_map_copyin(ipc_kernel_map, (vm_map_address_t)table_addr,
+ (vm_map_size_t)used_table_size, TRUE, ©);
assert(kr == KERN_SUCCESS);
- *tablep = (ipc_info_name_t *) copy;
- *tableCntp = table_actual;
- }
- if (tree_info == *treep) {
- /* data fit in-line; nothing to deallocate */
- *treeCntp = tree_actual;
- } else if (tree_actual == 0) {
- kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map, tree_addr, tree_size);
- *treeCntp = 0;
+ *tablep = (ipc_info_name_t *)copy;
+ *tableCntp = infop->iis_table_size;
} else {
- vm_size_t size_used, rsize_used;
- vm_map_copy_t copy;
+ *tablep = (ipc_info_name_t *)0;
+ *tableCntp = 0;
+ }
- /* kmem_alloc doesn't zero memory */
+ /* splay tree is obsolete, no work to do... */
+ *treep = (ipc_info_tree_name_t *)0;
+ *treeCntp = 0;
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+#endif /* MACH_IPC_DEBUG */
- size_used = tree_actual * sizeof *tree_info;
- rsize_used = round_page(size_used);
+ * Routine: mach_port_space_basic_info
+ * Purpose:
+ * Returns basic information about an IPC space.
+ * Conditions:
+ * Nothing locked.
+ * Returns:
+ * KERN_SUCCESS Returned information.
+ * KERN_FAILURE The call is not supported.
+ * KERN_INVALID_TASK The space is dead.
+ */
- if (rsize_used != tree_size)
- kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map,
- tree_addr + rsize_used,
- tree_size - rsize_used);
+ __unused ipc_space_t space,
+ __unused ipc_info_space_basic_t *infop)
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ ipc_space_t space,
+ ipc_info_space_basic_t *infop)
+ if (space == IS_NULL)
- if (size_used != rsize_used)
- bzero((char *) (tree_addr + size_used),
- rsize_used - size_used);
- kr = vm_map_unwire(ipc_kernel_map, tree_addr,
- tree_addr + rsize_used, FALSE);
- assert(kr == KERN_SUCCESS);
+ is_read_lock(space);
+ if (!is_active(space)) {
+ is_read_unlock(space);
+ }
- kr = vm_map_copyin(ipc_kernel_map, tree_addr, rsize_used,
- TRUE, ©);
- assert(kr == KERN_SUCCESS);
+ /* get the basic space info */
+ infop->iisb_genno_mask = MACH_PORT_NGEN(MACH_PORT_DEAD);
+ infop->iisb_table_size = space->is_table_size;
+ infop->iisb_table_next = space->is_table_next->its_size;
+ infop->iisb_table_inuse = space->is_table_size - space->is_table_free - 1;
+ infop->iisb_reserved[0] = 0;
+ infop->iisb_reserved[1] = 0;
- *treep = (ipc_info_tree_name_t *) copy;
- *treeCntp = tree_actual;
- }
+ is_read_unlock(space);
-#endif /* MACH_IPC_DEBUG */
+#endif /* MACH_IPC_DEBUG */
* Routine: mach_port_dnrequest_info
* KERN_INVALID_RIGHT Name doesn't denote receive rights.
- ipc_space_t space,
- mach_port_name_t name,
- unsigned int *totalp,
- unsigned int *usedp)
+ __unused ipc_space_t space,
+ __unused mach_port_name_t name,
+ __unused unsigned int *totalp,
+ __unused unsigned int *usedp)
+ ipc_space_t space,
+ mach_port_name_t name,
+ unsigned int *totalp,
+ unsigned int *usedp)
unsigned int total, used;
ipc_port_t port;
kern_return_t kr;
return kr;
/* port is locked and active */
- if (port->ip_dnrequests == IPR_NULL) {
+ if (port->ip_requests == IPR_NULL) {
total = 0;
used = 0;
} else {
- ipc_port_request_t dnrequests = port->ip_dnrequests;
+ ipc_port_request_t requests = port->ip_requests;
ipc_port_request_index_t index;
- total = dnrequests->ipr_size->its_size;
+ total = requests->ipr_size->its_size;
for (index = 1, used = 0;
index < total; index++) {
- ipc_port_request_t ipr = &dnrequests[index];
+ ipc_port_request_t ipr = &requests[index];
if (ipr->ipr_name != MACH_PORT_NULL)
*totalp = total;
*usedp = used;
-#endif /* MACH_IPC_DEBUG */
+#endif /* MACH_IPC_DEBUG */
- * Routine: mach_port_kernel_object [kernel call]
+ * Routine: mach_port_kobject [kernel call]
* Purpose:
* Retrieve the type and address of the kernel object
- * represented by a send or receive right.
+ * represented by a send or receive right. Returns
+ * the kernel address in a mach_vm_address_t to
+ * mask potential differences in kernel address space
+ * size.
* Conditions:
* Nothing locked.
* Returns:
* send or receive rights.
- ipc_space_t space,
- mach_port_name_t name,
- unsigned int *typep,
- vm_offset_t *addrp)
+ __unused ipc_space_t space,
+ __unused mach_port_name_t name,
+ __unused natural_t *typep,
+ __unused mach_vm_address_t *addrp)
+ ipc_space_t space,
+ mach_port_name_t name,
+ natural_t *typep,
+ mach_vm_address_t *addrp)
ipc_entry_t entry;
ipc_port_t port;
kern_return_t kr;
+ mach_vm_address_t kaddr;
+ if (space == IS_NULL)
kr = ipc_right_lookup_read(space, name, &entry);
if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
- port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object;
+ __IGNORE_WCASTALIGN(port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object);
assert(port != IP_NULL);
*typep = (unsigned int) ip_kotype(port);
- *addrp = (vm_offset_t) port->ip_kobject;
+ kaddr = (mach_vm_address_t)port->ip_kobject;
- return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ if (0 != kaddr && is_ipc_kobject(*typep))
+ *addrp = VM_KERNEL_UNSLIDE_OR_PERM(kaddr);
+ else
+ *addrp = 0;
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
#endif /* MACH_IPC_DEBUG */
+ * Routine: mach_port_kernel_object [Legacy kernel call]
+ * Purpose:
+ * Retrieve the type and address of the kernel object
+ * represented by a send or receive right. Hard-coded
+ * to return only the low-order 32-bits of the kernel
+ * object.
+ * Conditions:
+ * Nothing locked.
+ * Returns:
+ * KERN_SUCCESS Retrieved kernel object info.
+ * KERN_INVALID_TASK The space is null.
+ * KERN_INVALID_TASK The space is dead.
+ * KERN_INVALID_NAME The name doesn't denote a right.
+ * KERN_INVALID_RIGHT Name doesn't denote
+ * send or receive rights.
+ */
+ __unused ipc_space_t space,
+ __unused mach_port_name_t name,
+ __unused unsigned int *typep,
+ __unused unsigned int *addrp)
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ ipc_space_t space,
+ mach_port_name_t name,
+ unsigned int *typep,
+ unsigned int *addrp)
+ mach_vm_address_t addr = 0;
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ kr = mach_port_kobject(space, name, typep, &addr);
+ *addrp = (unsigned int) addr;
+ return kr;
+#endif /* MACH_IPC_DEBUG */