- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1993
#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
+#include <sys/ucred.h>
* Protocol control block for an active
* so that changes in the sockbuf may be computed to modify
* back pressure on the sender accordingly.
-typedef u_quad_t unp_gen_t;
+typedef u_quad_t unp_gen_t;
+#if defined(__LP64__)
+struct _unpcb_list_entry {
+ u_int32_t le_next;
+ u_int32_t le_prev;
+#define _UCPCB_LIST_HEAD(name, type) \
+struct name { \
+ u_int32_t lh_first; \
+#define _UNPCB_LIST_ENTRY(x) struct _unpcb_list_entry
+#define _UNPCB_PTR(x) u_int32_t
+#define _UCPCB_LIST_HEAD(name, type) LIST_HEAD(name, type)
+#define _UNPCB_PTR(x) x
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+#ifndef KERNEL
+_UCPCB_LIST_HEAD(unp_head, unpcb);
LIST_HEAD(unp_head, unpcb);
+#define sotounpcb(so) ((struct unpcb *)((so)->so_pcb))
struct unpcb {
- LIST_ENTRY(unpcb) unp_link; /* glue on list of all PCBs */
- struct socket *unp_socket; /* pointer back to socket */
- struct vnode *unp_vnode; /* if associated with file */
- ino_t unp_ino; /* fake inode number */
- struct unpcb *unp_conn; /* control block of connected socket */
- struct unp_head unp_refs; /* referencing socket linked list */
+ LIST_ENTRY(unpcb) unp_link; /* glue on list of all PCBs */
+ struct socket *unp_socket; /* pointer back to socket */
+ struct vnode *unp_vnode; /* if associated with file */
+ ino_t unp_ino; /* fake inode number */
+ struct unpcb *unp_conn; /* control block of connected socket */
+ struct unp_head unp_refs; /* referencing socket linked list */
LIST_ENTRY(unpcb) unp_reflink; /* link in unp_refs list */
- struct sockaddr_un *unp_addr; /* bound address of socket */
- int unp_cc; /* copy of rcv.sb_cc */
- int unp_mbcnt; /* copy of rcv.sb_mbcnt */
- unp_gen_t unp_gencnt; /* generation count of this instance */
+ struct sockaddr_un *unp_addr; /* bound address of socket */
+ int unp_cc; /* copy of rcv.sb_cc */
+ int unp_mbcnt; /* copy of rcv.sb_mbcnt */
+ unp_gen_t unp_gencnt; /* generation count of this instance */
+ int unp_flags; /* flags */
+ struct xucred unp_peercred; /* peer credentials, if applicable */
+ decl_lck_mtx_data( ,unp_mtx); /* per unpcb lock */
+ int rw_thrcount; /* disconnect should wait for this count to become zero */
+#endif /* KERNEL */
-#define sotounpcb(so) ((struct unpcb *)((so)->so_pcb))
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
+ * Flags in unp_flags.
+ *
+ * UNP_HAVEPC - indicates that the unp_peercred member is filled in
+ * and is really the credentials of the connected peer. This is used
+ * to determine whether the contents should be sent to the user or
+ * not.
+ *
+ * UNP_HAVEPCCACHED - indicates that the unp_peercred member is filled
+ * in, but does *not* contain the credentials of the connected peer
+ * (there may not even be a peer). This is set in unp_listen() when
+ * it fills in unp_peercred for later consumption by unp_connect().
+ */
+#define UNP_HAVEPC 0x0001
+#define UNP_HAVEPCCACHED 0x0002
+#define UNP_DONTDISCONNECT 0x0004
+#define UNP_TRACE_MDNS 0x1000
+#ifdef KERNEL
+struct unpcb_compat {
+#else /* KERNEL */
+#define unpcb_compat unpcb
+struct unpcb {
+#endif /* KERNEL */
+ _UNPCB_LIST_ENTRY(unpcb_compat) unp_link; /* glue on list of all PCBs */
+ _UNPCB_PTR(struct socket *) unp_socket; /* pointer back to socket */
+ _UNPCB_PTR(struct vnode *) unp_vnode; /* if associated with file */
+ ino_t unp_ino; /* fake inode number */
+ _UNPCB_PTR(struct unpcb_compat *) unp_conn; /* control block of connected socket */
+#if defined(KERNEL)
+ u_int32_t unp_refs;
+ struct unp_head unp_refs; /* referencing socket linked list */
+ _UNPCB_LIST_ENTRY(unpcb_compat) unp_reflink; /* link in unp_refs list */
+ _UNPCB_PTR(struct sockaddr_un *) unp_addr; /* bound address of socket */
+ int unp_cc; /* copy of rcv.sb_cc */
+ int unp_mbcnt; /* copy of rcv.sb_mbcnt */
+ unp_gen_t unp_gencnt; /* generation count of this instance */
/* Hack alert -- this structure depends on <sys/socketvar.h>. */
-struct xunpcb {
- size_t xu_len; /* length of this structure */
- struct unpcb *xu_unpp; /* to help netstat, fstat */
- struct unpcb xu_unp; /* our information */
+#pragma pack(4)
+struct xunpcb {
+ u_int32_t xu_len; /* length of this structure */
+ _UNPCB_PTR(struct unpcb_compat *) xu_unpp; /* to help netstat, fstat */
+ struct unpcb_compat xu_unp; /* our information */
union {
- struct sockaddr_un xuu_addr; /* our bound address */
- char xu_dummy1[256];
+ struct sockaddr_un xuu_addr; /* our bound address */
+ char xu_dummy1[256];
} xu_au;
-#define xu_addr xu_au.xuu_addr
+#define xu_addr xu_au.xuu_addr
union {
- struct sockaddr_un xuu_caddr; /* their bound address */
- char xu_dummy2[256];
+ struct sockaddr_un xuu_caddr; /* their bound address */
+ char xu_dummy2[256];
} xu_cau;
-#define xu_caddr xu_cau.xuu_caddr
- struct xsocket xu_socket;
- u_quad_t xu_alignment_hack;
+#define xu_caddr xu_cau.xuu_caddr
+ struct xsocket xu_socket;
+ u_quad_t xu_alignment_hack;
-struct xunpgen {
- size_t xug_len;
- u_int xug_count;
- unp_gen_t xug_gen;
- so_gen_t xug_sogen;
+struct xunpcb64_list_entry {
+ u_int64_t le_next;
+ u_int64_t le_prev;
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_UNSTABLE */
+struct xunpcb64 {
+ u_int32_t xu_len; /* length of this structure */
+ u_int64_t xu_unpp; /* to help netstat, fstat */
+ struct xunpcb64_list_entry xunp_link; /* glue on list of all PCBs */
+ u_int64_t xunp_socket; /* pointer back to socket */
+ u_int64_t xunp_vnode; /* if associated with file */
+ u_int64_t xunp_ino; /* fake inode number */
+ u_int64_t xunp_conn; /* control block of connected socket */
+ u_int64_t xunp_refs; /* referencing socket linked list */
+ struct xunpcb64_list_entry xunp_reflink; /* link in unp_refs list */
+ int xunp_cc; /* copy of rcv.sb_cc */
+ int xunp_mbcnt; /* copy of rcv.sb_mbcnt */
+ unp_gen_t xunp_gencnt; /* generation count of this instance */
+ int xunp_flags; /* flags */
+ union {
+ struct sockaddr_un xuu_addr;
+ char xu_dummy1[256];
+ } xu_au; /* our bound address */
+#define xunp_addr xu_au.xuu_addr
+ union {
+ struct sockaddr_un xuu_caddr;
+ char xu_dummy2[256];
+ } xu_cau; /* their bound address */
+#define xunp_caddr xu_cau.xuu_caddr
+ struct xsocket64 xu_socket;
+#endif /* !CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
+#pragma pack()
#endif /* _SYS_SOCKETVAR_H_ */
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
+struct xunpgen {
+ u_int32_t xug_len;
+ u_int xug_count;
+ unp_gen_t xug_gen;
+ so_gen_t xug_sogen;
#endif /* _SYS_UNPCB_H_ */