+def DecodeTTE(cmd_args=None):
+ """ Decode the bits in the TTE/PTE value specified <tte_val> for translation level <level>
+ Syntax: (lldb) decode_tte <tte_val> <level>
+ """
+ if cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) < 2:
+ raise ArgumentError("Too few arguments to decode_tte.")
+ if kern.arch == 'arm':
+ PmapDecodeTTEARM(kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], "unsigned long"), ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[1]), vSCRIPT)
+ elif kern.arch.startswith('arm64'):
+ PmapDecodeTTEARM64(long(kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], "unsigned long")), ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[1]))
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError("decode_tte does not support {0}".format(kern.arch))
+def PVWalkARM(pa):
+ """ Walk a physical-to-virtual reverse mapping list maintained by the arm pmap
+ pa: physical address (NOT page number). Does not need to be page-aligned
+ """
+ vm_first_phys = unsigned(kern.globals.vm_first_phys)
+ vm_last_phys = unsigned(kern.globals.vm_last_phys)
+ if pa < vm_first_phys or pa >= vm_last_phys:
+ raise ArgumentError("PA {:#x} is outside range of managed physical addresses: [{:#x}, {:#x})".format(pa, vm_first_phys, vm_last_phys))
+ page_size = kern.globals.arm_hardware_page_size
+ pn = (pa - unsigned(kern.globals.vm_first_phys)) / page_size
+ pvh = unsigned(kern.globals.pv_head_table[pn])
+ pvh_type = pvh & 0x3
+ if pvh_type == 0:
+ print "PVH type: NULL"
+ return
+ elif pvh_type == 3:
+ print "PVH type: page-table descriptor ({:#x})".format(pvh & ~0x3)
+ return
+ elif pvh_type == 2:
+ ptep = pvh & ~0x3
+ print "PVH type: single PTE"
+ print "PTE {:#x}: {:#x}".format(ptep, dereference(kern.GetValueFromAddress(ptep, 'pt_entry_t *')))
+ elif pvh_type == 1:
+ pvep = pvh & ~0x3
+ print "PVH type: PTE list"
+ while pvep != 0:
+ pve = kern.GetValueFromAddress(pvep, "pv_entry_t *")
+ if unsigned(pve.pve_next) & 0x1:
+ pve_str = ' (alt acct) '
+ else:
+ pve_str = ''
+ current_pvep = pvep
+ pvep = unsigned(pve.pve_next) & ~0x1
+ ptep = unsigned(pve.pve_ptep) & ~0x3
+ print "PVE {:#x}, PTE {:#x}{:s}: {:#x}".format(current_pvep, ptep, pve_str, dereference(kern.GetValueFromAddress(ptep, 'pt_entry_t *')))
+def PVWalk(cmd_args=None):
+ """ Show mappings for <physical_address> tracked in the PV list.
+ Syntax: (lldb) pv_walk <physical_address>
+ """
+ if cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
+ raise ArgumentError("Too few arguments to pv_walk.")
+ if not kern.arch.startswith('arm'):
+ raise NotImplementedError("pv_walk does not support {0}".format(kern.arch))
+ PVWalkARM(kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'unsigned long'))
+def ShowPTEARM(pte):
+ """ Display vital information about an ARM page table entry
+ pte: kernel virtual address of the PTE. Should be L3 PTE. May also work with L2 TTEs for certain devices.
+ """
+ page_size = kern.globals.arm_hardware_page_size
+ pn = (pte - unsigned(kern.globals.gVirtBase) + unsigned(kern.globals.gPhysBase) - unsigned(kern.globals.vm_first_phys)) / page_size
+ pvh = kern.globals.pv_head_table[pn]
+ pvh_type = pvh & 0x3
+ if pvh_type != 0x3 and pvh_type != 0x0:
+ raise ValueError("PV head {:#x} does not correspond to a page-table descriptor".format(pvh))
+ ptd = kern.GetValueFromAddress(pvh & ~0x3, 'pt_desc_t *')
+ print "descriptor: {:#x}".format(ptd)
+ print "pmap: {:#x}".format(ptd.pmap)
+ pt_index = (pte % kern.globals.page_size) / page_size
+ pte_pgoff = pte % page_size
+ if kern.arch.startswith('arm64'):
+ pte_pgoff = pte_pgoff / 8
+ nttes = page_size / 8
+ else:
+ pte_pgoff = pte_pgoff / 4
+ nttes = page_size / 4
+ if ptd.pt_cnt[pt_index].refcnt == 0x4000:
+ level = 2
+ granule = nttes * page_size
+ else:
+ level = 3
+ granule = page_size
+ print "maps VA: {:#x}".format(long(unsigned(ptd.pt_map[pt_index].va)) + (pte_pgoff * granule))
+ pteval = long(unsigned(dereference(kern.GetValueFromAddress(unsigned(pte), 'pt_entry_t *'))))
+ print "value: {:#x}".format(pteval)
+ if kern.arch.startswith('arm64'):
+ print "level: {:d}".format(level)
+ PmapDecodeTTEARM64(pteval, level)
+ elif kern.arch == 'arm':
+ PmapDecodeTTEARM(pteval, 2, vSCRIPT)
+def ShowPTE(cmd_args=None):
+ """ Display vital information about the page table entry at VA <pte>
+ Syntax: (lldb) showpte <pte_va>
+ """
+ if cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
+ raise ArgumentError("Too few arguments to showpte.")
+ if not kern.arch.startswith('arm'):
+ raise NotImplementedError("showpte does not support {0}".format(kern.arch))
+ ShowPTEARM(kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'unsigned long'))
+def FindMappingAtLevelARM(pmap, tt, nttes, level, action):
+ """ Perform the specified action for all valid mappings in an ARM translation table
+ pmap: owner of the translation table
+ tt: translation table or page table
+ nttes: number of entries in tt
+ level: translation table level, 1 or 2
+ action: callback for each valid TTE
+ """
+ for i in range(nttes):
+ try:
+ tte = tt[i]
+ if level == 1:
+ if tte & 0x3 == 0x1:
+ type = 'table'
+ granule = 1024
+ paddr = tte & 0xFFFFFC00
+ elif tte & 0x3 == 0x2:
+ type = 'block'
+ if (tte & 0x40000) == 0x40000:
+ granule = 1 << 24
+ paddr = tte & 0xFF000000
+ else:
+ granule = 1 << 20
+ paddr = tte & 0xFFF00000
+ else:
+ continue
+ elif (tte & 0x3) == 0x1:
+ type = 'entry'
+ granule = 1 << 16
+ paddr = tte & 0xFFFF0000
+ elif (tte & 0x3) != 0:
+ type = 'entry'
+ granule = 1 << 12
+ paddr = tte & 0xFFFFF000
+ else:
+ continue
+ action(pmap, level, type, addressof(tt[i]), paddr, granule)
+ if level == 1 and (tte & 0x3) == 0x1:
+ tt_next = kern.GetValueFromAddress(kern.PhysToKernelVirt(paddr), 'tt_entry_t *')
+ FindMappingAtLevelARM(pmap, tt_next, granule / 4, level + 1, action)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ print "Unable to access tte {:#x}".format(unsigned(addressof(tt[i])))
+def FindMappingAtLevelARM64(pmap, tt, nttes, level, action):
+ """ Perform the specified action for all valid mappings in an ARM64 translation table
+ pmap: owner of the translation table
+ tt: translation table or page table
+ nttes: number of entries in tt
+ level: translation table level, 1 2 or 3
+ action: callback for each valid TTE
+ """
+ page_size = kern.globals.arm_hardware_page_size
+ page_offset_mask = (page_size - 1)
+ page_base_mask = ((1 << ARM64_VMADDR_BITS) - 1) & (~page_offset_mask)
+ for i in range(nttes):
+ try:
+ tte = tt[i]
+ if tte & 0x1 == 0x1:
+ if tte & 0x2 == 0x2:
+ if level < 3:
+ type = 'table'
+ else:
+ type = 'entry'
+ granule = page_size
+ paddr = tte & page_base_mask
+ elif level < 3:
+ type = 'block'
+ granule = PmapBlockOffsetMaskARM64(level) + 1
+ paddr = tte & PmapBlockBaseMaskARM64(level)
+ else:
+ continue
+ action(pmap, level, type, addressof(tt[i]), paddr, granule)
+ if level < 3 and (tte & 0x2 == 0x2):
+ tt_next = kern.GetValueFromAddress(kern.PhysToKernelVirt(paddr), 'tt_entry_t *')
+ FindMappingAtLevelARM64(pmap, tt_next, granule / ARM64_TTE_SIZE, level + 1, action)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ print "Unable to access tte {:#x}".format(unsigned(addressof(tt[i])))
+def ScanPageTables(action, targetPmap=None):
+ """ Perform the specified action for all valid mappings in all page tables,
+ optionally restricted to a single pmap.
+ pmap: pmap whose page table should be scanned. If None, all pmaps on system will be scanned.
+ """
+ print "Scanning all available translation tables. This may take a long time..."
+ def ScanPmap(pmap, action):
+ if kern.arch.startswith('arm64'):
+ granule = kern.globals.arm64_root_pgtable_num_ttes * 8
+ elif kern.arch == 'arm':
+ granule = pmap.tte_index_max * 4
+ action(pmap, 1, 'root', pmap.tte, unsigned(pmap.ttep), granule)
+ if kern.arch.startswith('arm64'):
+ FindMappingAtLevelARM64(pmap, pmap.tte, kern.globals.arm64_root_pgtable_num_ttes, kern.globals.arm64_root_pgtable_level, action)
+ elif kern.arch == 'arm':
+ FindMappingAtLevelARM(pmap, pmap.tte, pmap.tte_index_max, 1, action)
+ if targetPmap is not None:
+ ScanPmap(kern.GetValueFromAddress(targetPmap, 'pmap_t'), action)
+ else:
+ for pmap in IterateQueue(kern.globals.map_pmap_list, 'pmap_t', 'pmaps'):
+ ScanPmap(pmap, action)
+def ShowAllMappings(cmd_args=None):
+ """ Find and display all available mappings on the system for
+ <physical_address>. Optionally only searches the pmap
+ specified by [<pmap>]
+ Syntax: (lldb) showallmappings <physical_address> [<pmap>]
+ WARNING: this macro can take a long time (up to 30min.) to complete!
+ """
+ if cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
+ raise ArgumentError("Too few arguments to showallmappings.")
+ if not kern.arch.startswith('arm'):
+ raise NotImplementedError("showallmappings does not support {0}".format(kern.arch))
+ pa = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'unsigned long')
+ targetPmap = None
+ if len(cmd_args) > 1:
+ targetPmap = cmd_args[1]
+ def printMatchedMapping(pmap, level, type, tte, paddr, granule):
+ if paddr <= pa < (paddr + granule):
+ print "pmap: {:#x}: L{:d} {:s} at {:#x}: [{:#x}, {:#x})".format(pmap, level, type, unsigned(tte), paddr, paddr + granule)
+ ScanPageTables(printMatchedMapping, targetPmap)
+def checkPVList(pmap, level, type, tte, paddr, granule):
+ """ Checks an ARM physical-to-virtual mapping list for consistency error.
+ pmap: owner of the translation table
+ level: translation table level. PV lists will only be checked for L2 (arm32) or L3 (arm64) tables.
+ type: unused
+ tte: KVA of PTE to check for presence in PV list. If None, presence check will be skipped.
+ paddr: physical address whose PV list should be checked. Need not be page-aligned.
+ granule: unused
+ """
+ vm_first_phys = unsigned(kern.globals.vm_first_phys)
+ vm_last_phys = unsigned(kern.globals.vm_last_phys)
+ page_size = kern.globals.arm_hardware_page_size
+ if kern.arch.startswith('arm64'):
+ page_offset_mask = (page_size - 1)
+ page_base_mask = ((1 << ARM64_VMADDR_BITS) - 1) & (~page_offset_mask)
+ paddr = paddr & page_base_mask
+ max_level = 3
+ elif kern.arch == 'arm':
+ page_base_mask = 0xFFFFF000
+ paddr = paddr & page_base_mask
+ max_level = 2
+ if level < max_level or paddr < vm_first_phys or paddr >= vm_last_phys:
+ return
+ pn = (paddr - vm_first_phys) / page_size
+ pvh = unsigned(kern.globals.pv_head_table[pn])
+ pvh_type = pvh & 0x3
+ if pmap is not None:
+ pmap_str = "pmap: {:#x}: ".format(pmap)
+ else:
+ pmap_str = ''
+ if tte is not None:
+ tte_str = "pte {:#x} ({:#x}): ".format(unsigned(tte), paddr)
+ else:
+ tte_str = "paddr {:#x}: ".format(paddr)
+ if pvh_type == 0 or pvh_type == 3:
+ print "{:s}{:s}unexpected PVH type {:d}".format(pmap_str, tte_str, pvh_type)
+ elif pvh_type == 2:
+ ptep = pvh & ~0x3
+ if tte is not None and ptep != unsigned(tte):
+ print "{:s}{:s}PVH mismatch ({:#x})".format(pmap_str, tte_str, ptep)
+ try:
+ pte = long(unsigned(dereference(kern.GetValueFromAddress(ptep, 'pt_entry_t *')))) & page_base_mask
+ if (pte != paddr):
+ print "{:s}{:s}PVH {:#x} maps wrong page ({:#x}) ".format(pmap_str, tte_str, ptep, pte)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ print "{:s}{:s}Unable to read PVH {:#x}".format(pmap_str, tte_str, ptep)
+ elif pvh_type == 1:
+ pvep = pvh & ~0x3
+ tte_match = False
+ while pvep != 0:
+ pve = kern.GetValueFromAddress(pvep, "pv_entry_t *")
+ pvep = unsigned(pve.pve_next) & ~0x1
+ ptep = unsigned(pve.pve_ptep) & ~0x3
+ if tte is not None and ptep == unsigned(tte):
+ tte_match = True
+ try:
+ pte = long(unsigned(dereference(kern.GetValueFromAddress(ptep, 'pt_entry_t *')))) & page_base_mask
+ if (pte != paddr):
+ print "{:s}{:s}PVE {:#x} maps wrong page ({:#x}) ".format(pmap_str, tte_str, ptep, pte)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ print "{:s}{:s}Unable to read PVE {:#x}".format(pmap_str, tte_str, ptep)
+ if tte is not None and not tte_match:
+ print "{:s}{:s}not found in PV list".format(pmap_str, tte_str, paddr)
+@lldb_command('pv_check', 'P')
+def PVCheck(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
+ """ Check the physical-to-virtual mapping for a given PTE or physical address
+ Syntax: (lldb) pv_check <addr> [-p]
+ -P : Interpret <addr> as a physical address rather than a PTE
+ """
+ if cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
+ raise ArgumentError("Too few arguments to showallmappings.")
+ if kern.arch == 'arm':
+ level = 2
+ elif kern.arch.startswith('arm64'):
+ level = 3
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError("showallmappings does not support {0}".format(kern.arch))
+ if "-P" in cmd_options:
+ pte = None
+ pa = long(unsigned(kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], "unsigned long")))
+ else:
+ pte = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'pt_entry_t *')
+ pa = long(unsigned(dereference(pte)))
+ checkPVList(None, level, None, pte, pa, None)
+def CheckPmapIntegrity(cmd_args=None):
+ """ Performs a system-wide integrity check of all PTEs and associated PV lists.
+ Optionally only checks the pmap specified by [<pmap>]
+ Syntax: (lldb) check_pmaps [<pmap>]
+ WARNING: this macro can take a HUGE amount of time (several hours) if you do not
+ specify [pmap] to limit it to a single pmap. It will also give false positives
+ for kernel_pmap, as we do not create PV entries for static kernel mappings on ARM.
+ Use of this macro without the [<pmap>] argument is heavily discouraged.
+ """
+ if not kern.arch.startswith('arm'):
+ raise NotImplementedError("showallmappings does not support {0}".format(kern.arch))
+ targetPmap = None
+ if len(cmd_args) > 0:
+ targetPmap = cmd_args[0]
+ ScanPageTables(checkPVList, targetPmap)
+def PmapsForLedger(cmd_args=None):
+ """ Find and display all pmaps currently using <ledger>.
+ Syntax: (lldb) pmapsforledger <ledger>
+ """
+ if cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
+ raise ArgumentError("Too few arguments to pmapsforledger.")
+ if not kern.arch.startswith('arm'):
+ raise NotImplementedError("pmapsforledger does not support {0}".format(kern.arch))
+ ledger = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ledger_t')
+ for pmap in IterateQueue(kern.globals.map_pmap_list, 'pmap_t', 'pmaps'):
+ if pmap.ledger == ledger:
+ print "pmap: {:#x}".format(pmap)