- @function proc_listpidspath
- @discussion A function which will search through the current
- processes looking for open file references which match
- a specified path or volume.
- @param type types of processes to be searched (see proc_listpids)
- @param typeinfo adjunct information for type
- @param path file or volume path
- @param pathflags flags to control which files should be considered
- during the process search.
- @param buffer a C array of int-sized values to be filled with
- process identifiers that hold an open file reference
- matching the specified path or volume. Pass NULL to
- obtain the minimum buffer size needed to hold the
- currently active processes.
- @param buffersize the size (in bytes) of the provided buffer.
- @result the number of bytes of data returned in the provided buffer;
- -1 if an error was encountered;
+ * @function proc_listpidspath
+ * @discussion A function which will search through the current
+ * processes looking for open file references which match
+ * a specified path or volume.
+ * @param type types of processes to be searched (see proc_listpids)
+ * @param typeinfo adjunct information for type
+ * @param path file or volume path
+ * @param pathflags flags to control which files should be considered
+ * during the process search.
+ * @param buffer a C array of int-sized values to be filled with
+ * process identifiers that hold an open file reference
+ * matching the specified path or volume. Pass NULL to
+ * obtain the minimum buffer size needed to hold the
+ * currently active processes.
+ * @param buffersize the size (in bytes) of the provided buffer.
+ * @result the number of bytes of data returned in the provided buffer;
+ * -1 if an error was encountered;