- * Copyright (c) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
#include <IOKit/IOCommand.h>
#include <IOKit/IOEventSource.h>
// PM command types
enum {
- /* Command Types */
- kIOPMRequestTypeInvalid = 0x00,
- kIOPMRequestTypePMStop = 0x01,
- kIOPMRequestTypeAddPowerChild1 = 0x02,
- kIOPMRequestTypeAddPowerChild2 = 0x03,
- kIOPMRequestTypeAddPowerChild3 = 0x04,
- kIOPMRequestTypeRegisterPowerDriver = 0x05,
- kIOPMRequestTypeAdjustPowerState = 0x06,
- kIOPMRequestTypePowerDomainWillChange = 0x07,
- kIOPMRequestTypePowerDomainDidChange = 0x08,
- kIOPMRequestTypePowerOverrideOnPriv = 0x09,
- kIOPMRequestTypePowerOverrideOffPriv = 0x0A,
- kIOPMRequestTypeActivityTickle = 0x0B,
- kIOPMRequestTypeRequestPowerState = 0x0C,
- kIOPMRequestTypeSynchronizePowerTree = 0x0D,
- kIOPMRequestTypeRequestPowerStateOverride = 0x0E,
- kIOPMRequestTypeSetIdleTimerPeriod = 0x0F,
- kIOPMRequestTypeIgnoreIdleTimer = 0x10,
- /* Reply Types */
- kIOPMRequestTypeReplyStart = 0x80,
- kIOPMRequestTypeAckPowerChange = 0x81,
- kIOPMRequestTypeAckSetPowerState = 0x82,
- kIOPMRequestTypeAllowPowerChange = 0x83,
- kIOPMRequestTypeCancelPowerChange = 0x84,
- kIOPMRequestTypeInterestChanged = 0x85,
- kIOPMRequestTypeIdleCancel = 0x86,
- kIOPMRequestTypeChildNotifyDelayCancel = 0x87
+ /* Command Types */
+ kIOPMRequestTypeInvalid = 0x00,
+ kIOPMRequestTypePMStop = 0x01,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeAddPowerChild1 = 0x02,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeAddPowerChild2 = 0x03,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeAddPowerChild3 = 0x04,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeRegisterPowerDriver = 0x05,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeAdjustPowerState = 0x06,
+ kIOPMRequestTypePowerDomainWillChange = 0x07,
+ kIOPMRequestTypePowerDomainDidChange = 0x08,
+ kIOPMRequestTypePowerOverrideOnPriv = 0x09,
+ kIOPMRequestTypePowerOverrideOffPriv = 0x0A,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeActivityTickle = 0x0B,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeRequestPowerState = 0x0C,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeSynchronizePowerTree = 0x0D,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeRequestPowerStateOverride = 0x0E,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeSetIdleTimerPeriod = 0x0F,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeIgnoreIdleTimer = 0x10,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeQuiescePowerTree = 0x11,
+ /* Reply Types */
+ kIOPMRequestTypeReplyStart = 0x80,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeAckPowerChange = 0x81,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeAckSetPowerState = 0x82,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeAllowPowerChange = 0x83,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeCancelPowerChange = 0x84,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeInterestChanged = 0x85,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeIdleCancel = 0x86,
+ kIOPMRequestTypeChildNotifyDelayCancel = 0x87
typedef void
- void * target,
- IOService * service,
- IOPMActions * actions,
- IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
- IOPMPowerChangeFlags * changeFlags,
- IOPMRequestTag requestTag );
+ void * target,
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ const IOPMRequest * request,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags * changeFlagsPtr );
typedef void
- void * target,
- IOService * service,
- IOPMActions * actions,
- IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
- IOPMPowerChangeFlags changeFlags,
- IOPMRequestTag requestTag );
+ void * target,
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ const IOPMRequest * request,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags changeFlags );
typedef void
- void * target,
- IOService * service,
- IOPMActions * actions,
- IOPMPowerStateIndex * powerState,
- IOPMPowerChangeFlags * changeFlags,
- IOPMRequestTag requestTag );
+ void * target,
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ const IOPMRequest * request,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex * powerStatePtr,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags * changeFlagsPtr );
typedef void
- void * target,
- IOService * service,
- IOPMActions * actions );
+ void * target,
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions );
typedef void
- void * target,
- IOService * service,
- IOPMActions * actions,
- const OSSymbol * powerClient,
- IOPMPowerStateIndex oldPowerState,
- IOPMPowerStateIndex newPowerState
+ void * target,
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ const OSSymbol * powerClient,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex oldPowerState,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex newPowerState );
struct IOPMActions {
- void * target;
- uint32_t parameter;
- IOPMActionPowerChangeStart actionPowerChangeStart;
- IOPMActionPowerChangeDone actionPowerChangeDone;
- IOPMActionPowerChangeOverride actionPowerChangeOverride;
- IOPMActionActivityTickle actionActivityTickle;
- IOPMActionUpdatePowerClient actionUpdatePowerClient;
+ void * target;
+ IOPMActionPowerChangeStart actionPowerChangeStart;
+ IOPMActionPowerChangeDone actionPowerChangeDone;
+ IOPMActionPowerChangeOverride actionPowerChangeOverride;
+ IOPMActionActivityTickle actionActivityTickle;
+ IOPMActionUpdatePowerClient actionUpdatePowerClient;
+ uint32_t darkWakePowerState;
+ uint16_t flags;
+ uint16_t state;
-// IOPMActions parameter flags
+// IOPMActions flags
enum {
- kPMActionsFlagIsDisplayWrangler = 0x00000100,
- kPMActionsFlagIsGraphicsDevice = 0x00000200,
- kPMActionsFlagIsAudioDevice = 0x00000400,
- kPMActionsFlagLimitPower = 0x00000800,
- kPMActionsPCIBitNumberMask = 0x000000ff
+ kPMActionsPCIBitNumberMask = 0x00ff,
+ kPMActionsFlagIsDisplayWrangler = 0x0100,
+ kPMActionsFlagIsGraphicsDriver = 0x0200,
+ kPMActionsFlagIsAudioDriver = 0x0400,
+ kPMActionsFlagHasDarkWakePowerState = 0x0800
+// IOPMActions state
enum {
- kIOPMEventClassSystemEvent = 0x00,
- kIOPMEventClassDriverEvent = 0x1
-class PMEventDetails : public OSObject
- OSDeclareDefaultStructors( PMEventDetails );
- friend class IOServicePM;
- friend class IOPMrootDomain;
- friend class IOPMTimeline;
- static PMEventDetails *eventDetails(uint32_t type,
- const char *ownerName,
- uintptr_t ownerUnique,
- const char *interestName,
- uint8_t oldState,
- uint8_t newState,
- uint32_t result,
- uint32_t elapsedTimeUS);
- static PMEventDetails *eventDetails(uint32_t type,
- const char *uuid,
- uint32_t reason,
- uint32_t result);
- uint8_t eventClassifier;
- uint32_t eventType;
- const char *ownerName;
- uintptr_t ownerUnique;
- const char *interestName;
- uint8_t oldState;
- uint8_t newState;
- uint32_t result;
- uint32_t elapsedTimeUS;
- const char *uuid;
- uint32_t reason;
+ kPMActionsStatePowerClamped = 0x0001
// Internal concise representation of IOPMPowerState
-struct IOPMPSEntry
- IOPMPowerFlags capabilityFlags;
- IOPMPowerFlags outputPowerFlags;
- IOPMPowerFlags inputPowerFlags;
- uint32_t staticPower;
- uint32_t settleUpTime;
- uint32_t settleDownTime;
- IOPMPowerStateIndex stateOrder;
- IOPMPowerStateIndex stateOrderToIndex;
+struct IOPMPSEntry {
+ IOPMPowerFlags capabilityFlags;
+ IOPMPowerFlags outputPowerFlags;
+ IOPMPowerFlags inputPowerFlags;
+ unsigned long staticPower;
+ uint32_t settleUpTime;
+ uint32_t settleDownTime;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex stateOrder;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex stateOrderToIndex;
class IOServicePM : public OSObject
- friend class IOService;
- friend class IOPMWorkQueue;
+ friend class IOService;
+ friend class IOPMWorkQueue;
- OSDeclareDefaultStructors( IOServicePM )
+ OSDeclareDefaultStructors( IOServicePM );
- // Link IOServicePM objects on IOPMWorkQueue.
- queue_chain_t WorkChain;
- // Queue of IOPMRequest objects.
- queue_head_t RequestHead;
+// Link IOServicePM objects on IOPMWorkQueue.
+ queue_chain_t WorkChain;
+// Queue of IOPMRequest objects.
+ queue_head_t RequestHead;
- // IOService creator and owner.
- IOService * Owner;
+// IOService creator and owner.
+ IOService * Owner;
- // List of interested drivers (protected by PMLock).
- IOPMinformeeList * InterestedDrivers;
+// List of interested drivers (protected by PMLock).
+ IOPMinformeeList * InterestedDrivers;
- // How long to wait for controlling driver to acknowledge.
- IOReturn DriverTimer;
+// How long to wait for controlling driver to acknowledge.
+ IOReturn DriverTimer;
+// Current power management machine state.
+ uint32_t MachineState;
+ thread_call_t AckTimer;
+ thread_call_t SettleTimer;
+ thread_call_t IdleTimer;
+ thread_call_t WatchdogTimer;
+ thread_call_t SpinDumpTimer;
+ IOLock * WatchdogLock;
+ OSArray * BlockedArray;
+ uint64_t PendingResponseDeadline;
+ uint64_t WatchdogDeadline;
+// Settle time after changing power state.
+ uint32_t SettleTimeUS;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex IdleTimerGeneration;
- // Current power management machine state.
- uint32_t MachineState;
+// The flags describing current change note.
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags HeadNoteChangeFlags;
- thread_call_t AckTimer;
- thread_call_t SettleTimer;
- thread_call_t IdleTimer;
- thread_call_t WatchdogTimer;
+// The new power state number being changed to.
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex HeadNotePowerState;
- // Settle time after changing power state.
- uint32_t SettleTimeUS;
+// Points to the entry in the power state array.
+ IOPMPSEntry * HeadNotePowerArrayEntry;
- // The flags describing current change note.
- IOPMPowerChangeFlags HeadNoteChangeFlags;
+// Power flags supplied by all parents (domain).
+ IOPMPowerFlags HeadNoteDomainFlags;
- // The new power state number being changed to.
- IOPMPowerStateIndex HeadNotePowerState;
+// Power flags supplied by domain accounting for parent changes.
+ IOPMPowerFlags HeadNoteDomainTargetFlags;
- // Points to the entry in the power state array.
- IOPMPSEntry * HeadNotePowerArrayEntry;
+// Connection attached to the changing parent.
+ IOPowerConnection * HeadNoteParentConnection;
- // Power flags supplied by all parents (domain).
- IOPMPowerFlags HeadNoteDomainFlags;
+// Power flags supplied by the changing parent.
+ IOPMPowerFlags HeadNoteParentFlags;
- // Power flags supplied by domain accounting for parent changes.
- IOPMPowerFlags HeadNoteDomainTargetFlags;
- // Connection attached to the changing parent.
- IOPowerConnection * HeadNoteParentConnection;
- // Power flags supplied by the changing parent.
- IOPMPowerFlags HeadNoteParentFlags;
- // Number of acks still outstanding.
- uint32_t HeadNotePendingAcks;
- // PM state lock.
- IOLock * PMLock;
- unsigned int InitialPowerChange :1;
- unsigned int InitialSetPowerState :1;
- unsigned int DeviceOverrideEnabled :1;
- unsigned int DoNotPowerDown :1;
- unsigned int ParentsKnowState :1;
- unsigned int StrictTreeOrder :1;
- unsigned int IdleTimerStopped :1;
- unsigned int AdjustPowerScheduled :1;
- unsigned int IsPreChange :1;
- unsigned int DriverCallBusy :1;
- unsigned int PCDFunctionOverride :1;
- unsigned int IdleTimerIgnored :1;
- unsigned int HasAdvisoryDesire :1;
- unsigned int AdvisoryTickleUsed :1;
- unsigned int ResetPowerStateOnWake :1;
- // Time of last device activity.
- AbsoluteTime DeviceActiveTimestamp;
- // Used to protect activity flag.
- IOLock * ActivityLock;
- // Idle timer's period in seconds.
- unsigned long IdleTimerPeriod;
- unsigned long IdleTimerMinPowerState;
- AbsoluteTime IdleTimerStartTime;
- // Power state desired by a subclassed device object.
- IOPMPowerStateIndex DeviceDesire;
- // This is the power state we desire currently.
- IOPMPowerStateIndex DesiredPowerState;
- // This is what our parent thinks our need is.
- IOPMPowerFlags PreviousRequestPowerFlags;
- // Cache result from getName(), used in logging.
- const char * Name;
- // Number of power states in the power array.
- IOPMPowerStateIndex NumberOfPowerStates;
- // Ordered highest power state in the power array.
- IOPMPowerStateIndex HighestPowerState;
- // Power state array.
- IOPMPSEntry * PowerStates;
- // The controlling driver.
- IOService * ControllingDriver;
- // Our current power state.
- IOPMPowerStateIndex CurrentPowerState;
- // Logical OR of power flags for each power domain parent.
- IOPMPowerFlags ParentsCurrentPowerFlags;
- // The highest power state we can achieve in current power domain.
- IOPMPowerStateIndex MaxPowerState;
- // Logical OR of all output power flags in the power state array.
- IOPMPowerFlags MergedOutputPowerFlags;
- // OSArray which manages responses from notified apps and clients.
- OSArray * ResponseArray;
- OSArray * NotifyClientArray;
- // Used to uniquely identify power management notification to apps and clients.
- UInt16 SerialNumber;
- // Used to communicate desired function to tellClientsWithResponse().
- // This is used because it avoids changing the signatures of the affected virtual methods.
- int OutOfBandParameter;
- AbsoluteTime DriverCallStartTime;
- IOPMPowerFlags CurrentCapabilityFlags;
- unsigned long CurrentPowerConsumption;
- IOPMPowerStateIndex TempClampPowerState;
- OSArray * NotifyChildArray;
- OSDictionary * PowerClients;
- thread_call_t DriverCallEntry;
- void * DriverCallParamPtr;
- IOItemCount DriverCallParamCount;
- IOItemCount DriverCallParamSlots;
- uint32_t DriverCallReason;
- uint32_t OutOfBandMessage;
- uint32_t TempClampCount;
- uint32_t OverrideMaxPowerState;
- uint32_t DeviceUsablePowerState;
- // Protected by ActivityLock - BEGIN
- IOPMPowerStateIndex ActivityTicklePowerState;
- IOPMPowerStateIndex AdvisoryTicklePowerState;
- uint32_t ActivityTickleCount;
- uint32_t DeviceWasActive : 1;
- uint32_t AdvisoryTickled : 1;
- // Protected by ActivityLock - END
- uint32_t WaitReason;
- uint32_t SavedMachineState;
- uint32_t RootDomainState;
- // Protected by PMLock - BEGIN
- struct {
- uint32_t PMStop : 1;
- uint32_t PMDriverCallWait : 1;
- } LockedFlags;
- queue_head_t PMDriverCallQueue;
- OSSet * InsertInterestSet;
- OSSet * RemoveInterestSet;
- // IOReporter Data
- uint32_t ReportClientCnt;
- void * ReportBuf;
- // Protected by PMLock - END
+// Number of acks still outstanding.
+ uint32_t HeadNotePendingAcks;
+// PM state lock.
+ IOLock * PMLock;
+ unsigned int InitialPowerChange :1;
+ unsigned int InitialSetPowerState :1;
+ unsigned int DeviceOverrideEnabled :1;
+ unsigned int DoNotPowerDown :1;
+ unsigned int ParentsKnowState :1;
+ unsigned int StrictTreeOrder :1;
+ unsigned int IdleTimerStopped :1;
+ unsigned int AdjustPowerScheduled :1;
+ unsigned int IsPreChange :1;
+ unsigned int DriverCallBusy :1;
+ unsigned int PCDFunctionOverride :1;
+ unsigned int IdleTimerIgnored :1;
+ unsigned int HasAdvisoryDesire :1;
+ unsigned int AdvisoryTickleUsed :1;
+ unsigned int ResetPowerStateOnWake :1;
+// Time of last device activity.
+ AbsoluteTime DeviceActiveTimestamp;
+ AbsoluteTime MaxPowerStateEntryTime;
+ AbsoluteTime MaxPowerStateExitTime;
+// Used to protect activity flag.
+ IOLock * ActivityLock;
+// Idle timer's period in seconds.
+ int IdleTimerPeriod;
+ int NextIdleTimerPeriod;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex IdleTimerMinPowerState;
+ AbsoluteTime IdleTimerStartTime;
+// Power state desired by a subclassed device object.
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex DeviceDesire;
+// This is the power state we desire currently.
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex DesiredPowerState;
+// This is what our parent thinks our need is.
+ IOPMPowerFlags PreviousRequestPowerFlags;
+// Cache result from getName(), used in logging.
+ const char * Name;
+// Number of power states in the power array.
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex NumberOfPowerStates;
+// Ordered highest power state in the power array.
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex HighestPowerState;
+// Power state array.
+ IOPMPSEntry * PowerStates;
+// The controlling driver.
+ IOService * ControllingDriver;
+// Our current power state.
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex CurrentPowerState;
+// Logical OR of power flags for each power domain parent.
+ IOPMPowerFlags ParentsCurrentPowerFlags;
+// The highest power state we can achieve in current power domain.
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex MaxPowerState;
+// Logical OR of all output power flags in the power state array.
+ IOPMPowerFlags MergedOutputPowerFlags;
+// OSArray which manages responses from notified apps and clients.
+ OSArray * ResponseArray;
+ OSArray * NotifyClientArray;
+// Used to uniquely identify power management notification to apps and clients.
+ uint16_t SerialNumber;
+// Used to communicate desired function to tellClientsWithResponse().
+// This is used because it avoids changing the signatures of the affected virtual methods.
+ int OutOfBandParameter;
+ AbsoluteTime DriverCallStartTime;
+ IOPMPowerFlags CurrentCapabilityFlags;
+ unsigned long CurrentPowerConsumption;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex TempClampPowerState;
+ OSArray * NotifyChildArray;
+ OSDictionary * PowerClients;
+ thread_call_t DriverCallEntry;
+ void * DriverCallParamPtr;
+ IOItemCount DriverCallParamCount;
+ IOItemCount DriverCallParamSlots;
+ uint32_t DriverCallReason;
+ uint32_t OutOfBandMessage;
+ uint32_t TempClampCount;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex OverrideMaxPowerState;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex DeviceUsablePowerState;
+// Protected by ActivityLock - BEGIN
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex ActivityTicklePowerState;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex AdvisoryTicklePowerState;
+ uint32_t ActivityTickleCount;
+ uint32_t DeviceWasActive : 1;
+ uint32_t AdvisoryTickled : 1;
+// Protected by ActivityLock - END
+ uint32_t WaitReason;
+ uint32_t SavedMachineState;
+// Protected by PMLock - BEGIN
+ struct {
+ uint32_t PMStop : 1;
+ uint32_t PMDriverCallWait : 1;
+ } LockedFlags;
+ queue_head_t PMDriverCallQueue;
+ OSSet * InsertInterestSet;
+ OSSet * RemoveInterestSet;
+// IOReporter Data
+ uint32_t ReportClientCnt;
+ void * ReportBuf;
+// Protected by PMLock - END
- IOPMprot * PMVars;
+ IOPMprot * PMVars;
- IOPMActions PMActions;
+ IOPMActions PMActions;
- // Serialize IOServicePM state for debug output.
- IOReturn gatedSerialize( OSSerialize * s ) const;
- virtual bool serialize( OSSerialize * s ) const;
- // PM log and trace
- void pmPrint( uint32_t event, uintptr_t param1, uintptr_t param2 ) const;
- void pmTrace( uint32_t event, uintptr_t param1, uintptr_t param2 ) const;
+// Serialize IOServicePM state for debug output.
+ IOReturn gatedSerialize( OSSerialize * s ) const;
+ virtual bool serialize( OSSerialize * s ) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+// PM log and trace
+ void pmPrint( uint32_t event, uintptr_t param1, uintptr_t param2 ) const;
+ void pmTrace( uint32_t event, uint32_t eventFunc, uintptr_t param1, uintptr_t param2 ) const;
#define fOwner pwrMgt->Owner
#define fSettleTimer pwrMgt->SettleTimer
#define fIdleTimer pwrMgt->IdleTimer
#define fWatchdogTimer pwrMgt->WatchdogTimer
+#define fWatchdogDeadline pwrMgt->WatchdogDeadline
+#define fWatchdogLock pwrMgt->WatchdogLock
+#define fBlockedArray pwrMgt->BlockedArray
+#define fPendingResponseDeadline pwrMgt->PendingResponseDeadline
#define fSettleTimeUS pwrMgt->SettleTimeUS
+#define fIdleTimerGeneration pwrMgt->IdleTimerGeneration
#define fHeadNoteChangeFlags pwrMgt->HeadNoteChangeFlags
#define fHeadNotePowerState pwrMgt->HeadNotePowerState
#define fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry pwrMgt->HeadNotePowerArrayEntry
#define fAdvisoryTickleUsed pwrMgt->AdvisoryTickleUsed
#define fResetPowerStateOnWake pwrMgt->ResetPowerStateOnWake
#define fDeviceActiveTimestamp pwrMgt->DeviceActiveTimestamp
+#define fMaxPowerStateEntryTime pwrMgt->MaxPowerStateEntryTime
+#define fMaxPowerStateExitTime pwrMgt->MaxPowerStateExitTime
#define fActivityLock pwrMgt->ActivityLock
#define fIdleTimerPeriod pwrMgt->IdleTimerPeriod
#define fIdleTimerMinPowerState pwrMgt->IdleTimerMinPowerState
+#define fNextIdleTimerPeriod pwrMgt->NextIdleTimerPeriod
#define fIdleTimerStartTime pwrMgt->IdleTimerStartTime
#define fDeviceDesire pwrMgt->DeviceDesire
#define fDesiredPowerState pwrMgt->DesiredPowerState
#define fAdvisoryTickled pwrMgt->AdvisoryTickled
#define fWaitReason pwrMgt->WaitReason
#define fSavedMachineState pwrMgt->SavedMachineState
-#define fRootDomainState pwrMgt->RootDomainState
#define fLockedFlags pwrMgt->LockedFlags
#define fPMDriverCallQueue pwrMgt->PMDriverCallQueue
#define fInsertInterestSet pwrMgt->InsertInterestSet
#define fPMVars pwrMgt->PMVars
#define fPMActions pwrMgt->PMActions
-#define StateOrder(state) (((state) < fNumberOfPowerStates) \
- ? pwrMgt->PowerStates[(state)].stateOrder \
- : (state))
-#define StateMax(a,b) (StateOrder((a)) < StateOrder((b)) ? (b) : (a))
-#define StateMin(a,b) (StateOrder((a)) < StateOrder((b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#define StateOrder(state) (((state) < fNumberOfPowerStates) \
+ ? pwrMgt->PowerStates[(state)].stateOrder \
+ : (state))
+#define StateMax(a, b) (StateOrder((a)) < StateOrder((b)) ? (b) : (a))
+#define StateMin(a, b) (StateOrder((a)) < StateOrder((b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define kPowerStateZero (0)
-When an IOService is waiting for acknowledgement to a power change
-notification from an interested driver or the controlling driver,
-the ack timer is ticking every tenth of a second.
-(100000000 nanoseconds are one tenth of a second).
+ * When an IOService is waiting for acknowledgement to a power change
+ * notification from an interested driver or the controlling driver,
+ * the ack timer is ticking every tenth of a second.
+ * (100000000 nanoseconds are one tenth of a second).
+ */
#define ACK_TIMER_PERIOD 100000000
-#define WATCHDOG_TIMER_PERIOD (300) // 300 secs
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+#define WATCHDOG_SLEEP_TIMEOUT (180) // 180 secs
+#define WATCHDOG_WAKE_TIMEOUT (180) // 180 secs
+#define WATCHDOG_SLEEP_TIMEOUT (35) // 35 secs (kMaxTimeRequested + 5s)
+#define WATCHDOG_WAKE_TIMEOUT (35) // 35 secs (kMaxTimeRequested + 5s)
// Max wait time in microseconds for kernel priority and capability clients
// with async message handlers to acknowledge.
#define kPriorityClientMaxWait (90 * 1000 * 1000)
#define kCapabilityClientMaxWait (240 * 1000 * 1000)
#define kIOPMExpireIdleTimer 0x8000 // Accelerate idle timer expiration
#define kIOPMRootBroadcastFlags (kIOPMSynchronize | \
- kIOPMRootChangeUp | kIOPMRootChangeDown)
+ kIOPMRootChangeUp | kIOPMRootChangeDown)
// Activity tickle request flags
#define kTickleTypePowerDrop 0x01
#define kTickleTypeAdvisory 0x08
enum {
- kDriverCallInformPreChange,
- kDriverCallInformPostChange,
- kDriverCallSetPowerState,
- kRootDomainInformPreChange
+ kDriverCallInformPreChange,
+ kDriverCallInformPostChange,
+ kDriverCallSetPowerState,
+ kRootDomainInformPreChange
struct DriverCallParam {
- OSObject * Target;
- IOReturn Result;
+ OSObject * Target;
+ IOReturn Result;
// values of OutOfBandParameter
enum {
- kNotifyApps,
- kNotifyPriority,
- kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps,
- kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority
+ kNotifyApps,
+ kNotifyPriority,
+ kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps,
+ kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority
typedef bool (*IOPMMessageFilter)(
- void * target, void * object, void * arg1, void * arg2, void * arg3 );
+ void * target, void * object, void * arg1, void * arg2, void * arg3 );
// used for applyToInterested
struct IOPMInterestContext {
- OSArray * responseArray;
- OSArray * notifyClients;
- uint16_t serialNumber;
- uint8_t isPreChange;
- uint8_t enableTracing;
- uint32_t maxTimeRequested;
- uint32_t messageType;
- uint32_t notifyType;
- IOService * us;
- IOPMPowerStateIndex stateNumber;
- IOPMPowerFlags stateFlags;
- IOPMPowerChangeFlags changeFlags;
- const char * errorLog;
- IOPMMessageFilter messageFilter;
+ OSArray * responseArray;
+ OSArray * notifyClients;
+ uint16_t serialNumber;
+ uint8_t isPreChange;
+ uint8_t enableTracing;
+ uint32_t maxTimeRequested;
+ uint32_t messageType;
+ uint32_t notifyType;
+ uint32_t skippedInDark;
+ uint32_t notSkippedInDark;
+ IOService * us;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex stateNumber;
+ IOPMPowerFlags stateFlags;
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags changeFlags;
+ const char * errorLog;
+ IOPMMessageFilter messageFilter;
// assertPMDriverCall() options
enum {
- kIOPMADC_NoInactiveCheck = 1
+ kIOPMDriverCallNoInactiveCheck = 1
+// assertPMDriverCall() method
+enum {
+ kIOPMDriverCallMethodUnknown = 0,
+ kIOPMDriverCallMethodSetPowerState = 1,
+ kIOPMDriverCallMethodWillChange = 2,
+ kIOPMDriverCallMethodDidChange = 3,
+ kIOPMDriverCallMethodChangeDone = 4,
+ kIOPMDriverCallMethodSetAggressive = 5
// PM Statistics & Diagnostics
-extern const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsApplicationResponseTimedOut;
-extern const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsApplicationResponseCancel;
-extern const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsApplicationResponseSlow;
+extern OSPtr<const OSSymbol> gIOPMStatsResponseTimedOut;
+extern OSPtr<const OSSymbol> gIOPMStatsResponseCancel;
+extern OSPtr<const OSSymbol> gIOPMStatsResponseSlow;
+extern OSPtr<const OSSymbol> gIOPMStatsResponsePrompt;
+extern OSPtr<const OSSymbol> gIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow;
// IOPMRequest
-typedef void (*IOPMCompletionAction)(void * target, void * param, IOReturn status);
class IOPMRequest : public IOCommand
- OSDeclareDefaultStructors( IOPMRequest )
+ OSDeclareDefaultStructors( IOPMRequest );
- IOService * fTarget; // request target
- IOPMRequest * fRequestNext; // the next request in the chain
- IOPMRequest * fRequestRoot; // the root request in the issue tree
- IOItemCount fWorkWaitCount; // execution blocked if non-zero
- IOItemCount fFreeWaitCount; // completion blocked if non-zero
- uint32_t fType; // request type
- IOPMCompletionAction fCompletionAction;
- void * fCompletionTarget;
- void * fCompletionParam;
- IOReturn fCompletionStatus;
+ IOService * fTarget; // request target
+ IOPMRequest * fRequestNext; // the next request in the chain
+ IOPMRequest * fRequestRoot; // the root request in the call tree
+ uint32_t fWorkWaitCount; // execution blocked if non-zero
+ uint32_t fFreeWaitCount; // completion blocked if non-zero
+ uint64_t fTimestamp; // MCTU
+ uint32_t fRequestType; // request type
+ bool fIsQuiesceBlocker;
+ IOPMCompletionAction fCompletionAction;
+ void * fCompletionTarget;
+ void * fCompletionParam;
- uint32_t fRequestTag;
- void * fArg0;
- void * fArg1;
- void * fArg2;
- inline bool isWorkBlocked( void ) const
- {
- return (fWorkWaitCount != 0);
- }
- inline bool isFreeBlocked( void ) const
- {
- return (fFreeWaitCount != 0);
- }
- inline IOPMRequest * getNextRequest( void ) const
- {
- return fRequestNext;
- }
- inline IOPMRequest * getRootRequest( void ) const
- {
- if (fRequestRoot) return fRequestRoot;
+ uint32_t fTag;
+ void * fArg0;
+ void * fArg1;
+ void * fArg2;
+ inline bool
+ isWorkBlocked( void ) const
+ {
+ return fWorkWaitCount != 0;
+ }
+ inline bool
+ isFreeBlocked( void ) const
+ {
+ return fFreeWaitCount != 0;
+ }
+ inline IOPMRequest *
+ getNextRequest( void ) const
+ {
+ return fRequestNext;
+ }
+ inline IOPMRequest *
+ getRootRequest( void ) const
+ {
+ if (fRequestRoot) {
+ return fRequestRoot;
+ }
- if (fCompletionAction) return (IOPMRequest *) this;
+ if (fCompletionAction) {
+ return (IOPMRequest *) this;
+ }
- return 0;
- }
- inline uint32_t getType( void ) const
- {
- return fType;
- }
- inline bool isReplyType( void ) const
- {
- return (fType > kIOPMRequestTypeReplyStart);
- }
- inline IOService * getTarget( void ) const
- {
- return fTarget;
- }
- inline bool isCompletionInstalled( void )
- {
- return (fCompletionAction != 0);
- }
- inline void installCompletionAction(
- IOPMCompletionAction action,
- void * target,
- void * param )
- {
- fCompletionAction = action;
- fCompletionTarget = target;
- fCompletionParam = param;
- }
-#endif /* NOT_READY */
- static IOPMRequest * create( void );
- bool init( IOService * owner, IOOptionBits type );
- void reset( void );
- bool attachNextRequest( IOPMRequest * next );
- bool detachNextRequest( void );
- bool attachRootRequest( IOPMRequest * root );
- bool detachRootRequest( void );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ inline uint32_t
+ getType( void ) const
+ {
+ return fRequestType;
+ }
+ inline uint32_t
+ getTag( void ) const
+ {
+ return fTag;
+ }
+ inline bool
+ isReplyType( void ) const
+ {
+ return fRequestType > kIOPMRequestTypeReplyStart;
+ }
+ inline IOService *
+ getTarget( void ) const
+ {
+ return fTarget;
+ }
+ inline bool
+ isQuiesceBlocker( void ) const
+ {
+ return fIsQuiesceBlocker;
+ }
+ inline bool
+ isQuiesceType( void ) const
+ {
+ return (kIOPMRequestTypeQuiescePowerTree == fRequestType) &&
+ (fCompletionAction != NULL) && (fCompletionTarget != NULL);
+ }
+ inline void
+ installCompletionAction(
+ void * target,
+ IOPMCompletionAction action,
+ void * param )
+ {
+ fCompletionTarget = target;
+ fCompletionAction = action;
+ fCompletionParam = param;
+ }
+ inline void
+ setTimestamp( uint64_t time )
+ {
+ fTimestamp = time;
+ }
+ inline uint64_t
+ getTimestamp( void ) const
+ {
+ return fTimestamp;
+ }
+ static IOPMRequest * create( void );
+ bool init( IOService * owner, IOOptionBits type );
+ void reset( void );
+ bool attachNextRequest( IOPMRequest * next );
+ bool detachNextRequest( void );
+ bool attachRootRequest( IOPMRequest * root );
+ bool detachRootRequest( void );
class IOPMRequestQueue : public IOEventSource
- OSDeclareDefaultStructors( IOPMRequestQueue )
+ OSDeclareDefaultStructors( IOPMRequestQueue );
- typedef bool (*Action)( IOService *, IOPMRequest *, IOPMRequestQueue * );
+ typedef bool (*Action)( IOService *, IOPMRequest *, IOPMRequestQueue * );
- queue_head_t fQueue;
- IOLock * fLock;
+ queue_head_t fQueue;
+ IOLock * fLock;
- virtual bool checkForWork( void );
- virtual void free( void );
- virtual bool init( IOService * inOwner, Action inAction );
+ enum { kMaxDequeueCount = 256 };
+ virtual bool checkForWork( void ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void free( void ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool init( IOService * inOwner, Action inAction );
- static IOPMRequestQueue * create( IOService * inOwner, Action inAction );
- void queuePMRequest( IOPMRequest * request );
- void queuePMRequestChain( IOPMRequest ** requests, IOItemCount count );
+ static IOPMRequestQueue * create( IOService * inOwner, Action inAction );
+ void queuePMRequest( LIBKERN_CONSUMED IOPMRequest * request );
+ void queuePMRequestChain( IOPMRequest ** requests, IOItemCount count );
class IOPMWorkQueue : public IOEventSource
- OSDeclareDefaultStructors( IOPMWorkQueue )
+ OSDeclareDefaultStructors( IOPMWorkQueue );
- typedef bool (*Action)( IOService *, IOPMRequest *, IOPMWorkQueue * );
+ typedef bool (*Action)( IOService *, IOPMRequest *, IOPMWorkQueue * );
- uint64_t fStatCheckForWork;
- uint64_t fStatScanEntries;
- uint64_t fStatQueueEmpty;
- uint64_t fStatNoWorkDone;
+ uint64_t fStatCheckForWork;
+ uint64_t fStatScanEntries;
+ uint64_t fStatQueueEmpty;
+ uint64_t fStatNoWorkDone;
- queue_head_t fWorkQueue;
- Action fWorkAction;
- Action fRetireAction;
- uint32_t fQueueLength;
- uint32_t fConsumerCount;
- volatile uint32_t fProducerCount;
- virtual bool checkForWork( void );
- virtual bool init( IOService * inOwner, Action work, Action retire );
- bool checkRequestQueue( queue_head_t * queue, bool * empty );
+ queue_head_t fWorkQueue;
+ Action fInvokeAction;
+ Action fRetireAction;
+ uint32_t fQueueLength;
+ uint32_t fConsumerCount;
+ volatile uint32_t fProducerCount;
+ IOPMRequest * fQuiesceRequest;
+ AbsoluteTime fQuiesceStartTime;
+ AbsoluteTime fQuiesceFinishTime;
+ virtual bool checkForWork( void ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool init( IOService * inOwner, Action invoke, Action retire );
+ bool checkRequestQueue( queue_head_t * queue, bool * empty );
- static IOPMWorkQueue * create( IOService * inOwner, Action work, Action retire );
- bool queuePMRequest( IOPMRequest * request, IOServicePM * pwrMgt );
- void signalWorkAvailable( void );
- void incrementProducerCount( void );
+ static IOPMWorkQueue * create( IOService * inOwner, Action invoke, Action retire );
+ bool queuePMRequest( IOPMRequest * request, IOServicePM * pwrMgt );
+ void signalWorkAvailable( void );
+ void incrementProducerCount( void );
+ void attachQuiesceRequest( IOPMRequest * quiesceRequest );
+ void finishQuiesceRequest( IOPMRequest * quiesceRequest );
class IOPMCompletionQueue : public IOEventSource
- OSDeclareDefaultStructors( IOPMCompletionQueue )
+ OSDeclareDefaultStructors( IOPMCompletionQueue );
- typedef bool (*Action)( IOService *, IOPMRequest *, IOPMCompletionQueue * );
+ typedef bool (*Action)( IOService *, IOPMRequest *, IOPMCompletionQueue * );
- queue_head_t fQueue;
+ queue_head_t fQueue;
- virtual bool checkForWork( void );
- virtual bool init( IOService * inOwner, Action inAction );
+ virtual bool checkForWork( void ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool init( IOService * inOwner, Action inAction );
- static IOPMCompletionQueue * create( IOService * inOwner, Action inAction );
- bool queuePMRequest( IOPMRequest * request );
+ static IOPMCompletionQueue * create( IOService * inOwner, Action inAction );
+ bool queuePMRequest( IOPMRequest * request );