* Copyright (c) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
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* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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- *
+ *
* File: sys/aio_kern.h
* Author: Jerry Cottingham [jerryc@apple.com]
* Header file for kernel only portion of POSIX Asynchronous IO APIs
- */
+ */
#include <sys/aio.h>
#ifndef _SYS_AIO_KERN_H_
-#define _SYS_AIO_KERN_H_
+#define _SYS_AIO_KERN_H_
#ifdef KERNEL
-struct aio_workq_entry
- TAILQ_ENTRY( aio_workq_entry ) aio_workq_link; /* Protected by queue lock */
+struct aio_workq_entry {
+ TAILQ_ENTRY( aio_workq_entry ) aio_workq_link; /* Protected by queue lock */
TAILQ_ENTRY( aio_workq_entry ) aio_proc_link; /* Proteced by proc's aio lock */
/* Proc lock */
- void *group_tag; /* identifier used to group IO requests */
+ void *group_tag; /* identifier used to group IO requests */
/* Initialized and never changed, safe to access */
- struct proc *procp; /* user proc that queued this request */
- user_addr_t uaiocbp; /* pointer passed in from user land */
- struct user_aiocb aiocb; /* copy of aiocb from user land */
- vm_map_t aio_map; /* user land map we have a reference to */
- thread_t thread; /* thread that queued this request */
+ struct proc *procp; /* user proc that queued this request */
+ user_addr_t uaiocbp; /* pointer passed in from user land */
+ struct user_aiocb aiocb; /* copy of aiocb from user land */
+ vm_map_t aio_map; /* user land map we have a reference to */
+ thread_t thread; /* thread that queued this request */
/* Entry lock */
- int aio_refcount;
- user_ssize_t returnval; /* return value from read / write request */
- int errorval; /* error value from read / write request */
- int flags;
+ int aio_refcount;
+ user_ssize_t returnval; /* return value from read / write request */
+ int errorval; /* error value from read / write request */
+ int flags;
typedef struct aio_workq_entry aio_workq_entry;
* definitions for aio_workq_entry.flags
-#define AIO_READ 0x00000001 /* a read */
-#define AIO_WRITE 0x00000002 /* a write */
-#define AIO_FSYNC 0x00000004 /* aio_fsync with op = O_SYNC */
-#define AIO_DSYNC 0x00000008 /* aio_fsync with op = O_DSYNC (not supported yet) */
-#define AIO_LIO 0x00000010 /* lio_listio generated IO */
-#define AIO_DO_FREE 0x00000800 /* entry should be freed when last reference is dropped. */
- /* set by aio_return() and _aio_exit() */
-#define AIO_DISABLE 0x00002000 /* process is trying to exit or exec and we need */
- /* to not try to send a signal from do_aio_completion() */
-#define AIO_CLOSE_WAIT 0x00004000 /* process is trying to close and is */
- /* waiting for one or more active IO requests to */
- /* complete */
-#define AIO_EXIT_WAIT 0x00008000 /* process is trying to exit or exec and is */
- /* waiting for one or more active IO requests to */
- /* complete */
-#define AIO_LIO_NOTIFY 0x00010000 /* wait for list complete */
+#define AIO_READ 0x00000001 /* a read */
+#define AIO_WRITE 0x00000002 /* a write */
+#define AIO_FSYNC 0x00000004 /* aio_fsync with op = O_SYNC */
+#define AIO_DSYNC 0x00000008 /* aio_fsync with op = O_DSYNC (not supported yet) */
+#define AIO_LIO 0x00000010 /* lio_listio generated IO */
+#define AIO_DO_FREE 0x00000800 /* entry should be freed when last reference is dropped. */
+ /* set by aio_return() and _aio_exit() */
+#define AIO_DISABLE 0x00002000 /* process is trying to exit or exec and we need */
+ /* to not try to send a signal from do_aio_completion() */
+#define AIO_CLOSE_WAIT 0x00004000 /* process is trying to close and is */
+ /* waiting for one or more active IO requests to */
+ /* complete */
+#define AIO_EXIT_WAIT 0x00008000 /* process is trying to exit or exec and is */
+ /* waiting for one or more active IO requests to */
+ /* complete */
+#define AIO_LIO_NOTIFY 0x00010000 /* wait for list complete */
* Prototypes
-__private_extern__ void
+__private_extern__ void
_aio_close(struct proc *p, int fd);
-__private_extern__ void
+__private_extern__ void
_aio_exit(struct proc *p);
-__private_extern__ void
+__private_extern__ void
_aio_exec(struct proc *p);
-__private_extern__ void
+__private_extern__ void
_aio_create_worker_threads(int num);
-__private_extern__ void
+__private_extern__ void
#endif /* KERNEL */