- * Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
// These are C accessors to the system mapper for non-IOKit clients
ppnum_t IOMapperIOVMAlloc(unsigned pages);
void IOMapperIOVMFree(ppnum_t addr, unsigned pages);
ppnum_t IOMapperInsertPage(ppnum_t addr, unsigned offset, ppnum_t page);
-void IOMapperInsertPPNPages(ppnum_t addr, unsigned offset,
- ppnum_t *pageList, unsigned pageCount);
-void IOMapperInsertUPLPages(ppnum_t addr, unsigned offset,
- upl_page_info_t *pageList, unsigned pageCount);
-mach_vm_address_t IOMallocPhysical(mach_vm_size_t size, mach_vm_address_t mask);
-void IOFreePhysical(mach_vm_address_t address, mach_vm_size_t size);
// Give the platform expert access to setMapperRequired();
friend class IOPlatformExpert;
+ friend class IOMemoryDescriptor;
+ friend class IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor;
enum SystemMapperState {
kWaitMask = 3,
- void *fTable;
- ppnum_t fTablePhys;
- IOItemCount fTableSize;
- OSData *fTableHandle;
+ uint64_t __reservedA[6];
+ kern_allocation_name_t fAllocName;
+ uint32_t __reservedB;
+ uint32_t fPageSize;
+ uint64_t __reserved[8];
bool fIsSystem;
static void setMapperRequired(bool hasMapper);
static void waitForSystemMapper();
virtual bool initHardware(IOService *provider) = 0;
- virtual bool allocTable(IOByteCount size);
- virtual bool start(IOService *provider);
- virtual void free();
- // Static routines capable of allocating tables that are physically
- // contiguous in real memory space.
- static OSData * NewARTTable(IOByteCount size,
- void ** virtAddrP, ppnum_t *physAddrP);
- static void FreeARTTable(OSData *handle, IOByteCount size);
+ virtual bool start(IOService *provider) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void free() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
// To get access to the system mapper IOMapper::gSystem
static IOMapper *gSystem;
- virtual ppnum_t iovmAlloc(IOItemCount pages) = 0;
- virtual void iovmFree(ppnum_t addr, IOItemCount pages) = 0;
- virtual void iovmInsert(ppnum_t addr, IOItemCount offset, ppnum_t page) = 0;
- virtual void iovmInsert(ppnum_t addr, IOItemCount offset,
- ppnum_t *pageList, IOItemCount pageCount);
- virtual void iovmInsert(ppnum_t addr, IOItemCount offset,
- upl_page_info_t *pageList, IOItemCount pageCount);
static void checkForSystemMapper()
- { if ((uintptr_t) gSystem & kWaitMask) waitForSystemMapper(); };
+ { if ((uintptr_t) gSystem & kWaitMask) waitForSystemMapper(); }
static IOMapper * copyMapperForDevice(IOService * device);
static IOMapper * copyMapperForDeviceWithIndex(IOService * device, unsigned int index);
- // Function will panic if the given address is not found in a valid
- // iovm mapping.
- virtual addr64_t mapAddr(IOPhysicalAddress addr) = 0;
- // Get the address mask to or into an address to bypass this mapper
- virtual bool getBypassMask(addr64_t *maskP) const;
- virtual ppnum_t iovmAllocDMACommand(IODMACommand * command, IOItemCount pageCount);
- virtual void iovmFreeDMACommand(IODMACommand * command, ppnum_t addr, IOItemCount pageCount);
- virtual ppnum_t iovmMapMemory(
- OSObject * memory, // dma command or iomd
- ppnum_t offsetPage,
- ppnum_t pageCount,
- uint32_t options,
- upl_page_info_t * pageList,
- const IODMAMapSpecification * mapSpecification);
- OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOMapper, 0);
- OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOMapper, 1);
- OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOMapper, 2);
- OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOMapper, 3);
+ // { subclasses
+ virtual uint64_t getPageSize(void) const = 0;
+ virtual IOReturn iovmMapMemory(IOMemoryDescriptor * memory,
+ uint64_t descriptorOffset,
+ uint64_t length,
+ uint32_t mapOptions,
+ const IODMAMapSpecification * mapSpecification,
+ IODMACommand * dmaCommand,
+ const IODMAMapPageList * pageList,
+ uint64_t * mapAddress,
+ uint64_t * mapLength) = 0;
+ virtual IOReturn iovmUnmapMemory(IOMemoryDescriptor * memory,
+ IODMACommand * dmaCommand,
+ uint64_t mapAddress,
+ uint64_t mapLength) = 0;
+ virtual IOReturn iovmInsert(uint32_t options,
+ uint64_t mapAddress,
+ uint64_t offset,
+ uint64_t physicalAddress,
+ uint64_t length) = 0;
+ virtual uint64_t mapToPhysicalAddress(uint64_t mappedAddress) = 0;
+ // }
+ OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOMapper, 0);
+ OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOMapper, 1);
+ OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOMapper, 2);
+ OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOMapper, 3);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOMapper, 4);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOMapper, 5);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOMapper, 6);