* Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <libkern/c++/OSPtr.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitKeys.h>
#include <IOKit/IOService.h>
#include <IOKit/IODeviceTreeSupport.h>
#include <IOKit/nvram/IONVRAMController.h>
#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#include <uuid/uuid.h>
#define kIODTNVRAMOFPartitionName "common"
#define kIODTNVRAMXPRAMPartitionName "APL,MacOS75"
#define kIODTNVRAMPanicInfoPartitonName "APL,OSXPanic"
#define kIODTNVRAMFreePartitionName "wwwwwwwwwwww"
+#define kIODTNVRAMSystemPartitionName "secure"
#define MIN_SYNC_NOW_INTERVAL 15*60 /* Minimum 15 Minutes interval mandated */
-enum {
- kIODTNVRAMImageSize = 0x2000,
- kIODTNVRAMXPRAMSize = 0x0100,
- kIODTNVRAMNameRegistrySize = 0x0400
+enum IONVRAMVariableType {
+ kOFVariableTypeBoolean = 1,
+ kOFVariableTypeNumber,
+ kOFVariableTypeString,
+ kOFVariableTypeData
-enum {
- kOFVariableTypeBoolean = 1,
- kOFVariableTypeNumber,
- kOFVariableTypeString,
- kOFVariableTypeData
+enum IONVRAMOperation {
+ kIONVRAMOperationRead,
+ kIONVRAMOperationWrite,
+ kIONVRAMOperationDelete,
+ kIONVRAMOperationObliterate,
+ kIONVRAMOperationReset
enum {
- kOFVariablePermRootOnly = 0,
- kOFVariablePermUserRead,
- kOFVariablePermUserWrite,
- kOFVariablePermKernelOnly
+ // Deprecated but still used in AppleEFIRuntime for now
+ kOFVariablePermRootOnly = 0,
+ kOFVariablePermUserRead,
+ kOFVariablePermUserWrite,
+ kOFVariablePermKernelOnly
#ifdef __cplusplus
+class IODTNVRAMVariables;
class IODTNVRAM : public IOService
- OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IODTNVRAM);
- IONVRAMController *_nvramController;
- const OSSymbol *_registryPropertiesKey;
- UInt8 *_nvramImage;
- bool _nvramImageDirty;
- UInt32 _ofPartitionOffset;
- UInt32 _ofPartitionSize;
- UInt8 *_ofImage;
- bool _ofImageDirty;
- OSDictionary *_ofDict;
- OSDictionary *_nvramPartitionOffsets;
- OSDictionary *_nvramPartitionLengths;
- UInt32 _xpramPartitionOffset;
- UInt32 _xpramPartitionSize;
- UInt8 *_xpramImage;
- UInt32 _nrPartitionOffset;
- UInt32 _nrPartitionSize;
- UInt8 *_nrImage;
- UInt32 _piPartitionOffset;
- UInt32 _piPartitionSize;
- UInt8 *_piImage;
- bool _systemPaniced;
- SInt32 _lastDeviceSync;
- bool _freshInterval;
- bool _isProxied;
- virtual UInt8 calculatePartitionChecksum(UInt8 *partitionHeader);
- virtual IOReturn initOFVariables(void);
- virtual IOReturn syncOFVariables(void);
+ OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IODTNVRAM);
- virtual UInt32 getOFVariableType(const OSSymbol *propSymbol) const;
- virtual UInt32 getOFVariablePerm(const OSSymbol *propSymbol) const;
- virtual bool getOWVariableInfo(UInt32 variableNumber, const OSSymbol **propSymbol,
- UInt32 *propType, UInt32 *propOffset);
- virtual bool convertPropToObject(UInt8 *propName, UInt32 propNameLength,
- UInt8 *propData, UInt32 propDataLength,
- const OSSymbol **propSymbol,
- OSObject **propObject);
- virtual bool convertObjectToProp(UInt8 *buffer, UInt32 *length,
- const OSSymbol *propSymbol, OSObject *propObject);
- virtual UInt16 generateOWChecksum(UInt8 *buffer);
- virtual bool validateOWChecksum(UInt8 *buffer);
- virtual void updateOWBootArgs(const OSSymbol *key, OSObject *value);
- virtual bool searchNVRAMProperty(struct IONVRAMDescriptor *hdr,
- UInt32 *where);
- virtual IOReturn readNVRAMPropertyType0(IORegistryEntry *entry,
- const OSSymbol **name,
- OSData **value);
- virtual IOReturn writeNVRAMPropertyType0(IORegistryEntry *entry,
- const OSSymbol *name,
- OSData * value);
- virtual OSData *unescapeBytesToData(const UInt8 *bytes, UInt32 length);
- virtual OSData *escapeDataToData(OSData * value);
- virtual IOReturn readNVRAMPropertyType1(IORegistryEntry *entry,
- const OSSymbol **name,
- OSData **value);
- virtual IOReturn writeNVRAMPropertyType1(IORegistryEntry *entry,
- const OSSymbol *name,
- OSData *value);
- void initNVRAMImage(void);
- void initProxyData(void);
+ friend class IODTNVRAMVariables;
+ IONVRAMController *_nvramController;
+ OSPtr<const OSSymbol> _registryPropertiesKey;
+ UInt8 *_nvramImage;
+ IORWLock *_variableLock;
+ IOLock *_controllerLock;
+ UInt32 _commonPartitionOffset;
+ UInt32 _commonPartitionSize;
+ UInt8 *_commonImage;
+ IODTNVRAMVariables *_commonService;
+ OSPtr<OSDictionary> _commonDict;
+ UInt32 _systemPartitionOffset;
+ UInt32 _systemPartitionSize;
+ UInt8 *_systemImage;
+ IODTNVRAMVariables *_systemService;
+ OSPtr<OSDictionary> _systemDict;
+ OSPtr<OSDictionary> _nvramPartitionOffsets;
+ OSPtr<OSDictionary> _nvramPartitionLengths;
+ bool _systemPanicked;
+ SInt32 _lastDeviceSync;
+ bool _freshInterval;
+ bool _isProxied;
+ UInt32 _nvramSize;
+ virtual UInt8 calculatePartitionChecksum(UInt8 *partitionHeader);
+ virtual IOReturn initVariables(void);
+ virtual UInt32 getOFVariableType(const char *propName) const;
+ virtual UInt32 getOFVariableType(const OSSymbol *propSymbol) const;
+ virtual UInt32 getOFVariablePerm(const char *propName) const;
+ virtual UInt32 getOFVariablePerm(const OSSymbol *propSymbol) const;
+ virtual bool getOWVariableInfo(UInt32 variableNumber, const OSSymbol **propSymbol,
+ UInt32 *propType, UInt32 *propOffset);
+ virtual bool convertPropToObject(UInt8 *propName, UInt32 propNameLength,
+ UInt8 *propData, UInt32 propDataLength,
+ LIBKERN_RETURNS_RETAINED const OSSymbol **propSymbol,
+ bool convertPropToObject(UInt8 *propName, UInt32 propNameLength,
+ UInt8 *propData, UInt32 propDataLength,
+ OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol>& propSymbol,
+ OSSharedPtr<OSObject>& propObject);
+ virtual bool convertObjectToProp(UInt8 *buffer, UInt32 *length,
+ const OSSymbol *propSymbol, OSObject *propObject);
+ virtual UInt16 generateOWChecksum(UInt8 *buffer);
+ virtual bool validateOWChecksum(UInt8 *buffer);
+ virtual void updateOWBootArgs(const OSSymbol *key, OSObject *value);
+ virtual bool searchNVRAMProperty(struct IONVRAMDescriptor *hdr,
+ UInt32 *where);
+ virtual IOReturn readNVRAMPropertyType0(IORegistryEntry *entry,
+ const OSSymbol **name,
+ OSData **value);
+ virtual IOReturn writeNVRAMPropertyType0(IORegistryEntry *entry,
+ const OSSymbol *name,
+ OSData * value);
+ virtual OSPtr<OSData> unescapeBytesToData(const UInt8 *bytes, UInt32 length);
+ virtual OSPtr<OSData> escapeDataToData(OSData * value);
+ virtual IOReturn readNVRAMPropertyType1(IORegistryEntry *entry,
+ const OSSymbol **name,
+ OSData **value);
+ virtual IOReturn writeNVRAMPropertyType1(IORegistryEntry *entry,
+ const OSSymbol *name,
+ OSData *value);
+ UInt32 getNVRAMSize(void);
+ void initNVRAMImage(void);
+ void initProxyData(void);
+ IOReturn serializeVariables(void);
+ IOReturn setPropertyInternal(const OSSymbol *aKey, OSObject *anObject);
+ IOReturn removePropertyInternal(const OSSymbol *aKey);
+ IOReturn chooseDictionary(IONVRAMOperation operation, const uuid_t *varGuid,
+ const char *variableName, OSDictionary **dict) const;
+ IOReturn flushDict(const uuid_t *guid, IONVRAMOperation op);
+ bool handleSpecialVariables(const char *name, const uuid_t *guid, const OSObject *obj, IOReturn *error);
+ OSSharedPtr<OSObject> copyPropertyWithGUIDAndName(const uuid_t *guid, const char *name) const;
+ IOReturn removePropertyWithGUIDAndName(const uuid_t *guid, const char *name);
+ IOReturn setPropertyWithGUIDAndName(const uuid_t *guid, const char *name, OSObject *anObject);
- virtual bool init(IORegistryEntry *old, const IORegistryPlane *plane);
- virtual void registerNVRAMController(IONVRAMController *nvram);
- virtual void sync(void);
- virtual bool serializeProperties(OSSerialize *s) const;
- virtual OSObject *getProperty(const OSSymbol *aKey) const;
- virtual OSObject *getProperty(const char *aKey) const;
- virtual bool setProperty(const OSSymbol *aKey, OSObject *anObject);
- virtual void removeProperty(const OSSymbol *aKey);
- virtual IOReturn setProperties(OSObject *properties);
- virtual IOReturn readXPRAM(IOByteCount offset, UInt8 *buffer,
- IOByteCount length);
- virtual IOReturn writeXPRAM(IOByteCount offset, UInt8 *buffer,
- IOByteCount length);
- virtual IOReturn readNVRAMProperty(IORegistryEntry *entry,
- const OSSymbol **name,
- OSData **value);
- virtual IOReturn writeNVRAMProperty(IORegistryEntry *entry,
- const OSSymbol *name,
- OSData *value);
- virtual OSDictionary *getNVRAMPartitions(void);
- virtual IOReturn readNVRAMPartition(const OSSymbol *partitionID,
- IOByteCount offset, UInt8 *buffer,
- IOByteCount length);
- virtual IOReturn writeNVRAMPartition(const OSSymbol *partitionID,
- IOByteCount offset, UInt8 *buffer,
- IOByteCount length);
- virtual IOByteCount savePanicInfo(UInt8 *buffer, IOByteCount length);
- virtual bool safeToSync(void);
+ virtual bool init(IORegistryEntry *old, const IORegistryPlane *plane) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void registerNVRAMController(IONVRAMController *nvram);
+ virtual void sync(void);
+ virtual IOReturn syncOFVariables(void);
+ virtual bool serializeProperties(OSSerialize *s) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual OSPtr<OSObject> copyProperty(const OSSymbol *aKey) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual OSPtr<OSObject> copyProperty(const char *aKey) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual OSObject *getProperty(const OSSymbol *aKey) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual OSObject *getProperty(const char *aKey) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool setProperty(const OSSymbol *aKey, OSObject *anObject) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void removeProperty(const OSSymbol *aKey) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual IOReturn setProperties(OSObject *properties) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual IOReturn readXPRAM(IOByteCount offset, UInt8 *buffer,
+ IOByteCount length);
+ virtual IOReturn writeXPRAM(IOByteCount offset, UInt8 *buffer,
+ IOByteCount length);
+ virtual IOReturn readNVRAMProperty(IORegistryEntry *entry,
+ const OSSymbol **name,
+ OSData **value);
+ virtual IOReturn writeNVRAMProperty(IORegistryEntry *entry,
+ const OSSymbol *name,
+ OSData *value);
+ virtual OSDictionary *getNVRAMPartitions(void);
+ virtual IOReturn readNVRAMPartition(const OSSymbol *partitionID,
+ IOByteCount offset, UInt8 *buffer,
+ IOByteCount length);
+ virtual IOReturn writeNVRAMPartition(const OSSymbol *partitionID,
+ IOByteCount offset, UInt8 *buffer,
+ IOByteCount length);
+ virtual IOByteCount savePanicInfo(UInt8 *buffer, IOByteCount length);
+ virtual bool safeToSync(void);
+ void syncInternal(bool rateLimit);
#endif /* __cplusplus */