if not DoWriteMsr64(msr_address, lcpu, write_val):
print "writemsr64 FAILED"
+def GetEVFlags(debug_arg):
+ """ Return the EV Flags for the given kernel debug arg value
+ params:
+ debug_arg - value from arg member of kernel debug buffer entry
+ returns:
+ str - string representing the EV Flag for given input arg value
+ """
+ out_str = ""
+ if debug_arg & 1:
+ out_str += "EV_RE "
+ if debug_arg & 2:
+ out_str += "EV_WR "
+ if debug_arg & 4:
+ out_str += "EV_EX "
+ if debug_arg & 8:
+ out_str += "EV_RM "
+ if debug_arg & 0x00100:
+ out_str += "EV_RBYTES "
+ if debug_arg & 0x00200:
+ out_str += "EV_WBYTES "
+ if debug_arg & 0x00400:
+ out_str += "EV_RCLOSED "
+ if debug_arg & 0x00800:
+ out_str += "EV_RCONN "
+ if debug_arg & 0x01000:
+ out_str += "EV_WCLOSED "
+ if debug_arg & 0x02000:
+ out_str += "EV_WCONN "
+ if debug_arg & 0x04000:
+ out_str += "EV_OOB "
+ if debug_arg & 0x08000:
+ out_str += "EV_FIN "
+ if debug_arg & 0x10000:
+ out_str += "EV_RESET "
+ if debug_arg & 0x20000:
+ out_str += "EV_TIMEOUT "
+ return out_str
+def GetKernelDebugBufferEntry(kdbg_entry):
+ """ Extract the information from given kernel debug buffer entry and return the summary
+ params:
+ kdebug_entry - kd_buf - address of kernel debug buffer entry
+ returns:
+ str - formatted output information of kd_buf entry
+ """
+ out_str = ""
+ code_info_str = ""
+ kdebug_entry = kern.GetValueFromAddress(kdbg_entry, 'kd_buf *')
+ debugid = kdebug_entry.debugid
+ kdebug_arg1 = kdebug_entry.arg1
+ kdebug_arg2 = kdebug_entry.arg2
+ kdebug_arg3 = kdebug_entry.arg3
+ kdebug_arg4 = kdebug_entry.arg4
+ if kern.arch in ('x86_64', 'arm64'):
+ kdebug_cpu = kdebug_entry.cpuid
+ ts_hi = (kdebug_entry.timestamp >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF
+ ts_lo = kdebug_entry.timestamp & 0xFFFFFFFF
+ else:
+ kdebug_cpu = (kdebug_entry.timestamp >> 56)
+ ts_hi = (kdebug_entry.timestamp >> 32) & 0x00FFFFFF
+ ts_lo = kdebug_entry.timestamp & 0xFFFFFFFF
+ kdebug_class = (debugid >> 24) & 0x000FF
+ kdebug_subclass = (debugid >> 16) & 0x000FF
+ kdebug_code = (debugid >> 2) & 0x03FFF
+ kdebug_qual = (debugid) & 0x00003
+ if kdebug_qual == 0:
+ kdebug_qual = '-'
+ elif kdebug_qual == 1:
+ kdebug_qual = 'S'
+ elif kdebug_qual == 2:
+ kdebug_qual = 'E'
+ elif kdebug_qual == 3:
+ kdebug_qual = '?'
+ # preamble and qual
+ out_str += "{:<#20x} {:>6d} {:>#12x} ".format(kdebug_entry, kdebug_cpu, kdebug_entry.arg5)
+ out_str += " {:#010x}{:08x} {:>6s} ".format(ts_hi, ts_lo, kdebug_qual)
+ # class
+ kdbg_class = ""
+ if kdebug_class == 1:
+ kdbg_class = "MACH"
+ elif kdebug_class == 2:
+ kdbg_class = "NET "
+ elif kdebug_class == 3:
+ kdbg_class = "FS "
+ elif kdebug_class == 4:
+ kdbg_class = "BSD "
+ elif kdebug_class == 5:
+ kdbg_class = "IOK "
+ elif kdebug_class == 6:
+ kdbg_class = "DRVR"
+ elif kdebug_class == 7:
+ kdbg_class = "TRAC"
+ elif kdebug_class == 8:
+ kdbg_class = "DLIL"
+ elif kdebug_class == 9:
+ kdbg_class = "WQ "
+ elif kdebug_class == 10:
+ kdbg_class = "CS "
+ elif kdebug_class == 11:
+ kdbg_class = "CG "
+ elif kdebug_class == 20:
+ kdbg_class = "MISC"
+ elif kdebug_class == 30:
+ kdbg_class = "SEC "
+ elif kdebug_class == 31:
+ kdbg_class = "DYLD"
+ elif kdebug_class == 32:
+ kdbg_class = "QT "
+ elif kdebug_class == 33:
+ kdbg_class = "APPS"
+ elif kdebug_class == 34:
+ kdbg_class = "LAUN"
+ elif kdebug_class == 36:
+ kdbg_class = "PPT "
+ elif kdebug_class == 37:
+ kdbg_class = "PERF"
+ elif kdebug_class == 38:
+ kdbg_class = "IMP "
+ elif kdebug_class == 39:
+ kdbg_class = "PCTL"
+ elif kdebug_class == 40:
+ kdbg_class = "BANK"
+ elif kdebug_class == 41:
+ kdbg_class = "XPC "
+ elif kdebug_class == 42:
+ kdbg_class = "ATM "
+ elif kdebug_class == 128:
+ kdbg_class = "ANS "
+ elif kdebug_class == 129:
+ kdbg_class = "SIO "
+ elif kdebug_class == 130:
+ kdbg_class = "SEP "
+ elif kdebug_class == 131:
+ kdbg_class = "ISP "
+ elif kdebug_class == 132:
+ kdbg_class = "OSCA"
+ elif kdebug_class == 133:
+ kdbg_class = "EGFX"
+ elif kdebug_class == 255:
+ kdbg_class = "MIG "
+ else:
+ out_str += "{:^#10x} ".format(kdebug_class)
+ if kdbg_class:
+ out_str += "{:^10s} ".format(kdbg_class)
+ # subclass and code
+ out_str += " {:>#5x} {:>8d} ".format(kdebug_subclass, kdebug_code)
+ # space for debugid-specific processing
+ # EVPROC from bsd/kern/sys_generic.c
+ if debugid == 0x14100048:
+ code_info_str += "waitevent "
+ if kdebug_arg1 == 1:
+ code_info_str += "before sleep"
+ elif kdebug_arg1 == 2:
+ code_info_str += "after sleep"
+ else:
+ code_info_str += "????????????"
+ code_info_str += " chan={:#08x} ".format(kdebug_arg2)
+ elif debugid == 0x14100049:
+ code_info_str += "waitevent "
+ elif debugid == 0x1410004a:
+ code_info_str += "waitevent error={:d} ".format(kdebug_arg1)
+ code_info_str += "eqp={:#08x} ".format(kdebug_arg4)
+ code_info_str += GetEVFlags(kdebug_arg3)
+ code_info_str += "er_handle={:d} ".format(kdebug_arg2)
+ elif debugid == 0x14100059:
+ code_info_str += "evprocdeque proc={:#08x} ".format(kdebug_arg1)
+ if kdebug_arg2 == 0:
+ code_info_str += "remove first "
+ else:
+ code_info_str += "remove {:#08x} ".format(kdebug_arg2)
+ elif debugid == 0x1410005a:
+ code_info_str += "evprocdeque "
+ if kdebug_arg1 == 0:
+ code_info_str += "result=NULL "
+ else:
+ code_info_str += "result={:#08x} ".format(kdebug_arg1)
+ elif debugid == 0x14100041:
+ code_info_str += "postevent "
+ code_info_str += GetEVFlags(kdebug_arg1)
+ elif debugid == 0x14100040:
+ code_info_str += "postevent "
+ code_info_str += "evq={:#08x} ".format(kdebug_arg1)
+ code_info_str += "er_eventbits="
+ code_info_str += GetEVFlags(kdebug_arg2)
+ code_info_str +="mask="
+ code_info_str += GetEVFlags(kdebug_arg3)
+ elif debugid == 0x14100042:
+ code_info_str += "postevent "
+ elif debugid == 0x14100055:
+ code_info_str += "evprocenque eqp={:#08x} ".format(kdebug_arg1)
+ if kdebug_arg2 & 1:
+ code_info_str += "EV_QUEUED "
+ code_info_str += GetEVFlags(kdebug_arg3)
+ elif debugid == 0x14100050:
+ code_info_str += "evprocenque before wakeup eqp={:#08x} ".format(kdebug_arg4)
+ elif debugid == 0x14100056:
+ code_info_str += "evprocenque "
+ elif debugid == 0x1410004d:
+ code_info_str += "modwatch "
+ elif debugid == 0x1410004c:
+ code_info_str += "modwatch er_handle={:d} ".format(kdebug_arg1)
+ code_info_str += GetEVFlags(kdebug_arg2)
+ code_info_str += "evq={:#08x} ", kdebug_arg3
+ elif debugid == 0x1410004e:
+ code_info_str += "modwatch er_handle={:d} ".format(kdebug_arg1)
+ code_info_str += "ee_eventmask="
+ code_info_str += GetEVFlags(kdebug_arg2)
+ code_info_str += "sp={:#08x} ".format(kdebug_arg3)
+ code_info_str += "flag="
+ code_info_str += GetEVFlags(kdebug_arg4)
+ else:
+ code_info_str += "arg1={:#010x} ".format(kdebug_arg1)
+ code_info_str += "arg2={:#010x} ".format(kdebug_arg2)
+ code_info_str += "arg3={:#010x} ".format(kdebug_arg3)
+ code_info_str += "arg4={:#010x} ".format(kdebug_arg4)
+ # finish up
+ out_str += "{:<25s}\n".format(code_info_str)
+ return out_str
+@header("{0: ^20s} {1: >6s} {2: >12s} {3: ^20s} {4: >6s} {5: ^10s} {6: >5s} {7: >8s} {8: ^25s}".
+ format('kd_buf', 'CPU', 'Thread', 'Timestamp', 'S/E', 'Class', 'Sub', 'Code', 'Code Specific Info'))
+def ShowKernelDebugBufferCPU(cmd_args=None):
+ """ Prints the last N entries in the kernel debug buffer for specified cpu
+ Syntax: showkerneldebugbuffercpu <cpu_num> <count>
+ """
+ if cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) < 2:
+ raise ArgumentError("Invalid arguments passed.")
+ out_str = ""
+ kdbg_str = ""
+ cpu_number = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0])
+ entry_count = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[1])
+ debugentriesfound = 0
+ # Check if KDBG_BFINIT (0x80000000) is set in kdebug_flags
+ if (kern.globals.kd_ctrl_page.kdebug_flags & 0x80000000):
+ out_str += ShowKernelDebugBufferCPU.header + "\n"
+ if entry_count == 0:
+ out_str += "<count> is 0, dumping 50 entries\n"
+ entry_count = 50
+ if cpu_number >= kern.globals.kd_ctrl_page.kdebug_cpus:
+ kdbg_str += "cpu number too big\n"
+ else:
+ kdbp = addressof(kern.globals.kdbip[cpu_number])
+ kdsp = kdbp.kd_list_head
+ while ((kdsp.raw != 0 and kdsp.raw != 0x00000000ffffffff) and (entry_count > 0)):
+ kd_buffer = kern.globals.kd_bufs[kdsp.buffer_index]
+ kdsp_actual = addressof(kd_buffer.kdsb_addr[kdsp.offset])
+ if kdsp_actual.kds_readlast != kdsp_actual.kds_bufindx:
+ kds_buf = kdsp_actual.kds_records[kdsp_actual.kds_bufindx]
+ kds_bufptr = addressof(kds_buf)
+ while (entry_count > 0) and \
+ (unsigned(kds_bufptr) > unsigned(addressof(kdsp_actual.kds_records[kdsp_actual.kds_readlast]))):
+ kds_bufptr = kds_bufptr - sizeof(kds_buf)
+ entry_count = entry_count - 1
+ kdbg_str += GetKernelDebugBufferEntry(kds_bufptr)
+ kdsp = kdsp_actual.kds_next
+ else:
+ kdbg_str += "Trace buffer not enabled for CPU {:d}\n".format(cpu_number)
+ if kdbg_str:
+ out_str += kdbg_str
+ print out_str
+def ShowKernelDebugBuffer(cmd_args=None):
+ """ Prints the last N entries in the kernel debug buffer per cpu
+ Syntax: showkerneldebugbuffer <count>
+ """
+ if cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
+ raise ArgumentError("Invalid arguments passed.")
+ # Check if KDBG_BFINIT (0x80000000) is set in kdebug_flags
+ if (kern.globals.kd_ctrl_page.kdebug_flags & 0x80000000):
+ entrycount = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0])
+ if entrycount == 0:
+ print "<count> is 0, dumping 50 entries per cpu\n"
+ entrycount = 50
+ cpu_num = 0
+ while cpu_num < kern.globals.kd_ctrl_page.kdebug_cpus:
+ ShowKernelDebugBufferCPU([str(cpu_num), str(entrycount)])
+ cpu_num += 1
+ else:
+ print "Trace buffer not enabled\n"